international communication by shinta...

Post on 24-Jun-2018






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by Shinta Prastyanti

Aturan perkuliahan 1. Absensi

2. Kuliah dimulai 07.30.wib

3. Keterlambatan max 15’

4. Pakaian rapi, sopan

5. Tidak ada kuis susulan

6. Ujian susulan max 7 hari stlh UTS/UAS

7.Wajib membaca & membawa fc materi pada setiap perkuliahan


I.Kuis 3x :

II. Aktif :


1.Kontrak pembelajaran

2. Introduction of international communication

a. Definition

b. Function

c. Media

d. Perspective

3. The politics of global comm (Cees J. Hamelink)

a. The three substantive domains

b. The new multilateral institutions

4. Communication and Culture (Christine

L. Ogan)

a. Basic concept

b. Culture transmission

c. Culture protection

5. The Americanization of Global Film

(David J. Atkin)

6. Globalization, media imperialism, and dependency as

communications framework (Joseph D. Straubaar)

7. International advertising & global

consumer culture (Katherine T. Frith)

a. Standardization of values

b. Homogenization of values

C. Cases: Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia

8. UTS

9. Influencing Factor a. Bureaucratic Influencers

b. Partisan Influencer

c. Interest Influencer

d. Mass Influencer

10. Policy Influencer Image a. Partisan Image

b. Mass Image

11. Bidang Isu Internasional

a. National Security

b. Economic Interest

c. Ideologist and Historic

12. International Setting

a. Communication Setting

b. Bargaining Setting

13. Bargaining Technique

a. Komunikasi

b. Janji

c. Ancaman

d. Dukungan / Kebaikan

e. Kekerasan

14 & 15 Practice

16. UAS


Anokwa, Kwadwo, dkk, 2003. International Communication,

concept and cases, Belmont California: Wasdworth

Assante, Molefi & Wiiliam Gudykunst, 1989. Handbook of

International Communication and Intercultural

Communication, California: Sage

Chakravartty, Paula & Yuehi, 2008. Global Communication

Toward a Transcultural Political Economy. Plymouth:

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc

Cohen, Raymond. 2002. Negotiating Across Cultures:

International Communication in an Interdependent World.

Washington: USA Institute of Peace

Davison, W Philips, 1965. International Political

Communication, New York: Frederick A. Praeger

Gudykunst, B. Williams & Bella Mody. 2002. Hand Book of

International and Intercultural Communication. London: Sage

Publications, Inc.

Kamalipour, Yahya R, 2002. Global Communication, Belmont

California: Wadsworth

Malik, Dedy Djamaluddin & dkk, 1993. Komunikasi Internasional,

bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya

Martin, John B.L & Ray Eldon Hiebert. 1990, Current Issues in

International Communication, Longman, New York

McPhail, Thomas L. 2010. Global communication. Theories,

Stakeholders, and Trends. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell

Mohammadi, Ali. 1999. International Communication And Globalis

Globaltion. London: Sage Publishing, Inc

Reich, Robert B, 1997. Kerjasama Bangsa-Bangsa, Persiapan Menghadapi Abad 21

Samovar, Larry A,etc., 2007. Communication Between Cultures.

Boston: Wadsworth

Schirato, Tony & Susan Yell, 2004. Communication and Culture. An

Introduction. London: Sage

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