interesting findings about lilacs

Post on 08-Sep-2014



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Lilacs: living with chemists?

By one ordinary researcher (observer :o))


There are lots of various types of lilacs in the world…

And there are lots of various types of lilacs in the garden of our chemical institution as well. Since I’m not sure if they are hand-made or natural, I don’t care what are their real names :o) I just can differ them by other attributes, which often are pretty distinct.

Stages of Lilac Life

and then they wither silently :o(

They bloom, they decorate parks and houses with nice colors and scents,

Lilacs differ by color

From white to pink, from purple to actually lilac :o)


Flowers which aren’t opened yet are darker than the opened ones, and with time the opened ones become of a lighter color.

Various shapes

Petals can be thin, large, stick out or grown together.

Various size

Flowers can be in a big range of sizes, from pretty small to large ones

Various number of petals

Usually there are 4 petals.

5 petals

There is a belief in certain nations, that finding (and eating :o)) a 5 petal flower brings luck. Well, if you want to be lucky I invite you to my institution (but don’teat them too many :o))

6 petals

Well, I’m not sure if six petal flowers bring luck, but you can have it a lot at my institution too :o)

Bon appetite :o)

7 petals

It’s getting more interesting :o) and luckier? :o)

Well, yeah, since it’s not a white one :o) Some believe white ones are for sad events only.

3 petals

This was more difficult to find than the ones with more than 4 petals.

8 petals

Well, I am not sure if this one brings luck, but it looks really nice and special :o)

More 8 petals

I’m not sure if it’s natural to have 8 petal flowers of

lilac. I wonder if our lilacs are in special environment

created by our chemists :o)


To bring more facts; we have lots of various typesof mutants, from Siam twins to underdevelopedpetals :o)

ConclusionWell, I can’t say I liked lilacs much, although they are

very popular in my country Armenia, but after I saw an 8

petal one, and then noticed the differences in colors and

shapes, I kept looking for an “interesting species” all

day long, I couldn’t stop observing them adorably :o) I

was running from one tree to another, I was carefully

analyzing one flower after another. Oh well, I might be

charmed by their beauty, or I was just stupefied

(intoxicated? :o) by their strong scent (odor? :o))

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