interesting facts about pokémon go

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The gaming world never ceases to amaze game-lovers and

the latest obsession in its kitty is Pokémon Go. Being the

latest addition in the franchise, Pokémon Go is developed

by Niantic labs that previously created (not much

popular) Ingress. However, with Pokémon Go, the team

has hit the bull’s-eye in the world of gaming and has

taken augmented reality on another level.

The first in our list of Weird Pokémon go facts is related

to its history. Gamers might know that Pokémon is an

International sensation that began around 20 years ago,

in the year 1995. A lot of comic books, movies and

cartoon series are developed on this video game. Even if

you have not tried your hands on this game yet, you may

identify its weird monsters or maybe recall some familiar

names like Pikachu.

Specifically developed for smartphones, Pokémon Go

takes inspiration from Nintendo’s classic games. A latest

update in our list of Top 10 Facts about Pokémon Go is

that the game is available for both Android and iOS

formats and is on a verge to become a worldwide craze.

Our list of Interesting facts about Pokémon go continues

with the fact that it uses your phone’s camera to

showcase adoring monsters. The gamer has to collect all

the monsters in order to earn points. The player can also

train these Pokémon and make them combat in the


The next in our list of Weird Pokémon go facts is

certainly interesting. Surprisingly, now you can even hire

a cab to travel from one Pokestop to another. With the

unprecedented success of Pokémon Go now even other

businesses have started making profits. As per the buzz,

players can now canvass cities such as New York or

Portland with 25$ per hour.

One of the fact you must know about Pokémon go is its extreme

success in the world of online gaming. As per the data, Pokémon

Go is getting more popularity than Tinder.

One of the most Interesting facts about Pokémon go is that the

game maps the real world while using the virtual world. The

character in the game actually becomes you and moves in the

same motion whenever you do anything. What makes the game

interesting is its high-speed and extraordinary graphics that

marks your dual presence-both in the real and virtual world.

Some features in the Pokémon Go require your physical labour.

For example, like hatching Pokémon eggs. This feature makes

you walk a certain amount of distance to accomplish the task of

picking up a rare egg. Well, get ready to shed some pounds to get

your Pokémon!

Shockingly, reports from all over the world have been surfacing

about people experiencing some strange and weird while finding

their Pokémon. The game leads players to strange alleyways

looking for Pokémon- comprising of a woman who found a

mysterious dead body!

Well, actually Pokémon is an acronym for Pocket

monsters. The original idea behind the old games was to

make kids active by making them go out and collect

things. The new Pokémon transforms this idea into a

technologically-sound reality.

The list of top 10 things you must know about Pokémon go ends

with a revelation. The moment you start the game you encounter

Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle as your first catch.

However, according to BBC, you can get your very own Pikachu

instantly if you just avoid them and get away!!! Isn’t that a

treasure secret?



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