interactionbetweensleepandmetabolismin drosophila ... · drosophila melanogaster uses many of the...

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Interaction between Sleep and Metabolism in Drosophilawith Altered Octopamine Signaling*

Received for publication, March 9, 2012, and in revised form, July 23, 2012 Published, JBC Papers in Press, July 24, 2012, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M112.360875

Renske Erion‡1, Justin R. DiAngelo‡§1, Amanda Crocker‡1,2, and Amita Sehgal‡¶3

From the ‡Department of Neuroscience, ¶Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19104 and the §Department of Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 11549

Background:Octopamine acts through the insulin-producing cells in the Drosophila brain to promote wake.Results: Insulin-like peptides do not mediate effects of octopamine on wake, but contribute to an effect of octopamine ontriglyceride levels.Conclusion: Although sleep and metabolic circuitry overlap, octopamine regulates sleep and metabolism independently.Significance: These findings provide insight into the connection between sleep and metabolism.

Sleep length and metabolic dysfunction are correlated, butthe causal relationship between these processes is unclear.Octopamine promotes wakefulness in the fly by acting throughthe insulin-producing cells (IPCs) in the fly brain. To determineif insulin signaling mediates the effects of octopamine on sleep:wake behavior, we assayed flies in which insulin signaling activ-ity was genetically altered.We found that increasing insulin sig-naling does not promote wake, nor does insulin appear tomediate the wake-promoting effects of octopamine. Octo-pamine also affects metabolism in invertebrate species, includ-ing, as we show here, Drosophila melanogaster. Triglyceridesare decreased inmutantswith compromised octopamine signal-ing and elevated in flies with increased activity of octopaminer-gic neurons. Interestingly, this effect is mediated at least par-tially by insulin, suggesting that effects of octopamine onmetabolism are independent of its effects on sleep. We furtherinvestigated the relative contribution of metabolic and sleepphenotypes to the starvation response of flies with altered octo-pamine signaling.Hyperactivity (indicative of foraging) inducedby starvation was elevated in octopamine receptor mutants,despite their highpropensity for sleep, indicating that theirmet-abolic state dictates their behavioral response under these con-ditions. Moreover, flies with increased octopamine signaling donot suppress sleep in response to starvation, even though theyare normally hyper-aroused, most likely because of their hightriglyceride levels. Together, these data suggest that observedcorrelations between sleep andmetabolic phenotypes can resultfromsharedmolecular pathways rather than causality, and envi-ronmental conditions can lead to the dominance of one pheno-type over the other.

While trying to address why we sleep, we must also considerthe question of what keeps us awake. Many neurotransmittersand neuropeptides are necessary formaintaining normal wake-fulness in humans; these include but are not limited to dop-amine, histamine, norepinephrine and orexin (1). Since main-taining a waking state involves all the major neurotransmittersand many neuropeptides, it is likely that there is overlapbetween sleep and other biological functions. Understandingthis overlap will provide insight into the consequences of sleepdeprivation, which is a common feature of modern society.Drosophila melanogaster uses many of the same sleep-regu-

lating neurotransmitters as mammals and has emerged as anexcellent model for understanding the molecular control ofsleep (2). We recently identified octopamine, the invertebratehomolog of norepinephrine, as a wake-promoting moleculenecessary to maintain normal arousal (3, 4). Arousal inresponse to octopamine is mediated largely by neurons in thePars Intercerebralis (PI),4 specifically by the neurosecretorycells that produce insulin-like peptides (ILPs), the fly homologsof human insulin (5). Since octopamine acts on the Drosophilainsulin-producing cells to promote wake, and insulin is a majormetabolic hormone in both mammals and insects (6, 7), it ispossible that octopamine functions to control both sleep andmetabolism by interacting with the insulin pathway. Indeed,there is considerable evidence indicating a link between sleepandmetabolic activity, most notably with respect to sleep timesand obesity (8–10). In addition, octopamine signaling modu-lates metabolic function in other insects (11). The fortuitousfinding that octopamine signals throughmetabolic cells inDro-sophila provided us with a model we could use to study therelationship between these processes.In this study, we set out to assay effects of octopamine on

metabolism inDrosophila and to determine ifmetabolic signalsmediate effects on sleep:wake. We show that altering the activ-ity of the insulin signaling pathway has little effect on total flysleep and moreover, flies lacking insulin-like peptides 2 and 3(ilp2-3mutants), show normal increases in wake in response tooctopamine. These data suggest that ILPs do not mediate the

* This work was supported, in whole or in part by National Institutes of HealthGrant P01 AG17628 and a Predoctoral Training Grant in Genetics (T32GM008216, to R. E.).

1 These authors contributed equally to this work.2 Present address: Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton,

NJ 08544.3 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of Neurosci-

ence, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,10-135 Translational Research Center, 3400 Civic Center Boulevard Build-ing 421, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Tel.: 215-573-2985; E-mail:

4 The abbreviations used are: PI, Pars Intercerebralis; ILP, insulin-like peptides;IPC, insulin-producing cell; DN, dorsal neuron; LD, light dark.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 39, pp. 32406 –32414, September 21, 2012© 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A.


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wake-promoting effects of octopamine. Nevertheless, octo-pamine does play a role in metabolism because decreasingoctopamine signaling reduces triglycerides while activatingoctopaminergic cells increases triglycerides. An ilp2-3 mutantbackground largely abrogates the metabolic effects of octo-pamine, which indicates that octopamine interacts with theinsulin signaling pathway to alter metabolism in the fly. Thismetabolic phenotype is specific for octopamine; other shortsleeping flies do not show consistent changes in their triglycer-ide levels, implying that loss of sleep per se does not lead toincreased triglycerides. We also examined the activity of octo-pamine mutants in response to starvation, since this responsetypically depends upon metabolic status and involves changesin sleep (12). Surprisingly, animals with decreased octo-pamine signaling that sleep more under normal conditionsare hyperactive while starved, suggesting that metabolicneeds outweigh the need for sleep. The behavioral responseof flies with increased octopamine signaling also supportsthe idea that the metabolic phenotype dominates under star-vation conditions. These findings suggest a role for octo-pamine signaling in the control of sleep and metabolism andin the coordination of these processes to achieve overallhomeostasis.


Fly Genetics—The following fly strains were used in thisstudy: UAS-dInRA1325D (Bloomington #8263), UAS-myrAKT(13), UAS-AktRNAi (VDRC #2902), UAS-ilp2 (also known asUAS-dilp2) (14), yolk-Gal4 (15), oamb286 (16), sssp1 (17); Fumin(18, 19), ilp2-3 (Bloomington #30888) and Iso31 (isogenicw1118 stock; Bloomington #5905). The following lines wereoutcrossed into Iso31: Tdc2-Gal4 (Bloomington #9313), Ilp2-Gal4 (also known as Dilp2-Gal4) (5), UAS-B16b (NaChBacchannel) (Bloomington #9466), UAS-dTrpA1 (20), Elav-Gal4,Elav-GeneSwitch, MB-GeneSwitch, and UAS-mc* (constitu-tively active PKA) (the last four were reported previously in Ref.21). Flies were grown on standard cornmeal-molasses mediumas described previously, and maintained at 25 °C unless other-wise noted.Triglyceride and Protein Assays—Triglyceride and protein

measurements were performed as described (6). Briefly, indi-vidual 4–7-day-old mated female flies, entrained in a 12h:12hlight:dark (LD) cycle at 25 °C for at least 3 days, were collectedon ice and homogenized in lysis buffer containing 140 mM

NaCl, 50mMTris-HCl, pH 7.4, 0.1% Triton X, and 1� proteaseinhibitor mixture (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).For TrpA1 triglyceride experiments, flies were raised at18–21 °C, shifted to 28 °C when they were 0–3 days old, andthen tested after 4 days at 28 °C to activate the TrpA1 channel(20). For experiments utilizing theGeneSwitch system, animalswere placed on 500�MRU486 in 1% EtOH in standardmediumfor 4 days to activate GeneSwitch activity as previouslydescribed (21). Triglyceride and protein measurements weremade using the Triglyceride LiquiColor kit (Stanbio Labora-tory, Boerne, TX) and bicinchoninic acid protein assay kit(Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA), respectively, according tomanufacturer’s instructions. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)

assays were performed as described in (22) with the slightmod-ification that 5 female flies were used instead of 10 male flies.RNA Isolation, cDNA Synthesis, and Quantitative PCR—To-

tal RNA was isolated from abdomens of 3–8-day-old femaleflies using Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY)according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA was reversetranscribed using the High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcrip-tion kit (Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY) and random hexamers.Quantitative PCR was performed on an ABI Prism 7000 usingSybr Green (ABI, Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY). Primersequences used for QPCR were: dFAS (sense 5�-CTGGCTGA-GCAAGATTGTGTG-3� and antisense 5�-TCGCACAACCA-GAGCGTAGTA-3�), dACC (sense 5�-AGATGCAGAACGA-TGTCCGC-3�, and antisense 5�-CTCTTTGTGAAG-CAGCTCCG-3�), dATPCL (sense 5�-CACGACAGATTGGT-CCAAGCTC-3�, and antisense 5�-CTTGCTCTTCACGTCG-GCTAAC-3�), bmm (sense 5�-ACGTGATCATCTCGGAGT-TTG-3�, and antisense 5�-ATGGTGTTCTCGTCCAGAATG-3�), whd/dCPTI (sense 5�-GCCAATGTGATTTCCCTGC-TTC-3� and antisense 5�-CTTTGCCCTTCAGGATTTCCTC-3�), and rp49 (sense 5�-GACGCTTCAAGGGACAGTATCTG-3�and antisense 5�-AAACGCGGTTCTGCATGAG-3�). Geneswere normalized to rp49 for analysis.Behavior and Starvation Experiments—All flies were kept on

a 12:12 LD cycle at 25 °C except for flies associated with TrpA1sleep experiments, which were measured for baseline sleep at21 °C and shifted to 28 °C at lights on to activate the TrpA1channel. For these experiments nighttime sleep was plottedinstead of total sleep because the increase in temperatureaffected daytime sleep in control and experimental animals.The wild type flies used in this experiment (Fig. 1B) containedan ilp2-mcherry construct in their background (to be discussedelsewhere). For starvation experiments, 1–7 day old female flieswere placed in 65 � 5 mm tubes containing 5% sucrose and 2%agar and maintained in LD cycles for �3 days prior to the ini-tiation of starvation and/or high temperature treatment. Loco-motor activity was monitored using the Trikinetics DAM sys-tem (Trikinetics, Waltham, MA) for one baseline day followedby the entire duration of the starvation protocol. Flies werestarved by placing them in tubes containing 2%agar only.Activ-ity levels under starvation were defined as the total number ofbeam crossings over a specified period of time (1, 3, 6, 12,24 h) following the start of food deprivation (2% agar tubes).Baseline activity was defined as the total number of beamcrossings over a period of time the day prior to starvationand corresponds to the same time of day as assessed understarvation. Statistical tests were done as described in figurelegends.


Wake-promoting Effects of Octopamine Are Not Mediated byInsulin—Since octopamine acts through the insulin-producingneurons of the fly brain to regulate sleep, we asked whetheralterations in insulin signaling lead to the changes in sleep seenwith octopamine modulation. In Drosophila, there are 7 insu-lin-like peptides (ilps) but only 3 (ilps 2, 3, and 5) are expressedin the octopamine-sensitive PI neurons in the adult fly brain(14, 23, 24). However, all ILPs signal through a single insulin

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receptor (dInR) (25, 26). Whether this receptor is expressed inthe adult brain is controversial, but it is known to be highlyexpressed in the fat body, the fly equivalent of liver and adiposetissue (27, 28). The main action of ILPs in flies is to regulategrowth throughout development, although the pathway hasalso been shown to regulate aging, reproduction and metabo-lism in adults (6, 29, 30). However, the contribution of thispathway to the control of sleep is unclear.To determine whether the wake-promoting effects of

increased octopamine are due to increased insulin signaling, wefirst overexpressed ilp2 in the PI neurons. ilp2was chosen sinceit has the highest homology to human insulin and its expressioncan rescue the growth phenotype observed by partially ablatingPI neurons (5). Overexpression of ilp2 in the PI neurons hadvery little effect on total sleep (Fig. 1A). In addition, flies with

increased octopamine signaling in either a heterozygous orhomozygous ilp2-3 mutant background showed decreases innighttime sleep comparable to those seen in a wild type back-ground (Fig. 1B). Consistent with these findings, activating theinsulin signaling pathway by expressing a constitutively activeform of dInR (dInRA1325D) or a myristylated form of the kinasedAkt (myrAKT) in either the adult fly fat body or in the brain ledto only minor effects on total sleep (Fig. 1, C andD). Moreover,any effects observed were in the opposite direction from thoseseenwith increased octopamine signaling; in otherwords, therewas an increase in sleep rather than wake. However, the smallincrease in sleep may not be physiological as it occurred evenwhen insulin signaling was decreased through expression ofAkt RNAi in the fat body (Fig. 1C). Together, these datasuggest that the insulin signaling pathway is not directly

FIGURE 1. The insulin pathway does not mediate wake-promoting effects of octopamine. A, total sleep over a 24-hour period in female flies overexpress-ing ILP2 in ilp2-producing neurons (ilp2-Gal4�UAS-ilp2), compared with control flies that contain the ilp2-Gal4 or UAS-ilp2 transgene only. Total sleep is shownas mean � S.E. n � 18 for each genotype. B, nighttime sleep in flies with increased octopamine signaling in the presence or absence of ilps 2 and 3 is shown asmean � S.E. n�12 for each genotype. *, p � 0.01 as compared with 21 °C baseline using Student’s t test. C and D, total sleep in flies with altered insulin signaling.Either a fat body driver (yolk-Gal4) (C), or a pan-neuronal driver (Elav-Gal4 or an RU486 inducible ElavGS-Gal4) (D), was used to express UAS-dAkt RNAi,UAS-myrAKT or UAS-dInRA1325D (constitutively active). ElavGS-Gal4 was activated by RU486 in 1% ethanol (EtOH) for 4 days and sleep in these flies wascompared with that in flies given 1% EtOH without RU486. For other manipulations, flies containing both the Gal4 and UAS transgenes (Gal4�UAS) arecompared with their Gal4 and UAS transgene alone controls. Total sleep is shown as mean � S.E. n � 32 for each genotype. *, p � 0.01 as compared with eachcontrol line (Gal4 and UAS alone) using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-HSD post hoc test. ElavGS � Elav Gene Switch; myrAKT � myristylated AKT; dInR �Drosophila Insulin Receptor.

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responsible for the sleep effects observed when octopaminesignaling is altered.Octopamine Signaling Regulates Fat Levels Independent of Its

Effects on Sleep—Since octopamine has actions on metabolismin other invertebrates and its wake-promoting actions aremediated through the insulin-producing neurons of the Dro-sophila brain (4, 11), we hypothesized that octopamine regu-lates metabolic function in Drosophila. To test this hypothesis,we first measured ilp2 levels in animals with increased ordecreased octopamine signaling. Unfortunately, the ilp2mRNA and protein measurements, by qPCR and immunohis-tochemistry respectively, were very variable (data not shown).Similarly, the phosphorylation status of dAKT, a downstreammediator of insulin signaling, varied in the fat bodies of animalswith altered octopamine signaling (data not shown). Whilephosphorylated dAKT levels were consistently low in flies car-rying a null mutation in the oamb receptor, they were highlyvariable when octopamine signaling was increased. Since insu-lin signaling regulates triglyceride levels (6), we measured trig-lycerides in the fat bodies of flies with increased or decreasedoctopamine signaling.We found that activation of octopamine-producing neurons, through the use of a bacterial Na� channel(NaChBac) driven by Tdc2-Gal4 (Gal4 expressed in octo-pamine and tyramine-producing neurons), increased triglycer-ides (Fig. 2). To address whether the effect on triglycerides wasdevelopmental, we also activated these neurons in adult flies byinducing expression of a heat-sensitiveTrpA1 channel. As withNaChBac, triglyceride levels increased with TrpA1 activation(Fig. 2B). Most of our triglyceride measurements used a color-imetric assay (6, 31), but we also verified effects of altered octo-pamine levels on lipids through thin layer chromatographyassays (Fig. 2, C–E) (22). While the oamb mutants had robusteffects on triglycerides regardless of nutrient conditions, wefound that the metabolic phenotype of flies with increasedoctopamine, particularly the ones that had increased octo-pamine throughout development (NaChBac), was more evi-dent under low nutrient conditions (Fig. 2E).Effects of increased octopamine on triglycerides were not

due to increased feeding as feeding assays indicated that theseanimals actually eat less (data not shown). As octopaminergicneurons also produce tyramine, we considered the possibilitythat the effect on triglycerides wasmediated by tyramine. How-ever, decreased triglycerides in flies mutant for the octopaminereceptor, oamb (Fig. 2B), support a role for octopamine inincreasing triglyceride levels.To determine if insulin signaling mediates the metabolic

effects of octopamine, we increased octopamine signaling in anilp2-3mutant background and found that the effect on triglyc-erides was reduced (Fig. 2B). These data suggest that octo-pamine acts, at least in part, through the insulin signaling path-way to alter triglyceride levels.Changes in overall triglyceride storage can occur by modifi-

cations in fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis, breakdown or acombination of both. To further understand the mechanismwhereby octopamine promotes fat storage, we measured theexpression of the Drosophila homologs of enzymes importantfor the synthesis of fatty acids (fatty acid synthase (dFAS),

acetyl-CoA carboxylase (dACC), and ATP citrate lyase (dAT-PCL), as well as the lipase brummer (bmm), and the enzymeresponsible for mitochondrial transport and subsequent oxida-tion of fatty acids, carnitine palmitoyltransferase (dCPTI) (32,33). oamb mutants displayed decreased dFAS mRNA levels,suggesting a decrease in the synthesis of fatty acids in thesemutants (Fig. 3). Conversely, bmm and dCPTI mRNA levelswere augmented in the oambmutants, indicating an increase infat breakdown also (Fig. 3). Surprisingly, dATPCL expressionwas also increased in oambmutants (Fig. 3), which is perhapsa compensatory response to the decreased dFAS levels.Together, these data suggest that octopamine controls trig-lyceride homeostasis by promoting fatty acid synthesis andinhibiting lipid breakdown; alterations in the expression ofenzymes important for these processes may account for thetriglyceride phenotypes observed in flies with altered octo-pamine signaling.Given that sleep deprivation is implicated in obesity (8), and

flies with increased neuronal octopamine signaling sleep signif-icantly less, it is possible that the sleep loss itself contributes tothe increased triglycerides. To address this issue, we measuredtriglycerides in other short-sleeping flies. We examined threedifferent genotypes previously shown to have decreased sleep:sleepless (sss) and fumin (fmn) mutant flies, and flies expressinga constitutively active protein kinase A (PKA) transgene in themushroom body (17, 18, 21). In contrast to flies with increasedoctopamine signaling, the fumin mutants show no differencesin triglyceride levels comparedwith controls (Fig. 4).Moreover,the sssmutants and the flies that express constitutively activePKA in the mushroom body have decreased triglycerides(Fig. 4). Together, these data suggest that the triglyceridephenotypes observed in animals with altered octopaminesignaling are due to specific effects of the octopamine path-way and are not secondary to the changes in sleep observedin these animals.Coordination of Sleep and Metabolic Needs during Starva-

tion—States of long-term sleep deprivation stimulate hungerand promote feedingwhile starvation suppresses sleep inmam-mals as well as flies (12, 34, 35). Since the response to starvationalso depends uponmetabolic status, it provides a good exampleof a situation where metabolic and sleep needs must be bal-anced (12, 36). Because octopamine affects both of these phys-iological processes, we asked how flies with altered octopaminerespond to starvation. Thus, we subjected flies with increased(Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac) and decreased (oamb mutants)octopamine activity to starvation medium (2% agar) andassayed their survival on this medium as well as their activityduring this time. Consistent with their higher triglyceride lev-els, flies with increased octopamine signaling live longer onstarvation medium than controls (Fig. 5A). Conversely, flieswith decreased octopamine signaling aremore sensitive to star-vation, which is consistent with their lower triglyceride levels(Fig. 5A).Starvation was previously shown to induce hyperactivity and

also suppress sleep in Drosophila (12, 37). Both of these effectsprobably reflect the activation of a foraging or food-seekingresponse. We hypothesized that under starvation conditionsflieswith increased sleep pressure due to decreased octopamine

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signaling (oamb mutants) would be less active relative to con-trols. We found, however, that although both oamb mutantsand background controls suppress sleep by a similar amountrelative to their baseline levels, oamb mutants become hyper-active prior to controls (Fig. 5B). This response probably resultsfrom the decreased triglycerides in these flies. Investigation offlies with increased octopamine signaling (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-

NaChBac) revealed a similar dominance of the metabolic phe-notype.We found that while these flies increase their activity inresponse to starvation, the increase reflects enhanced activityspecifically during wake. In fact, these flies fail to suppress sleepunder starvation conditions (Fig. 5C). These data indicate thatsleep and activity during starvation are based on an animal’smetabolic demands, rather than its sleep drive, supporting the

FIGURE 2. Triglyceride levels are changed in flies with altered octopamine signaling. A, image shows a control fly (UAS-NaChBac/�) on the left and a flywith increased octopamine signaling, through activation of octopaminergic neurons (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac), on the right. Note the enlarged abdomen ofthe Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac flies. B, octopamine signaling was increased either throughout development (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac) or conditionally duringadulthood (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-TrpA1) and triglyceride/total protein ratios were compared with those in control flies possessing only the Gal4 or UAS transgene.The effect of octopamine on triglycerides was reduced in an ilp2-3 mutant background. Octopamine signaling was decreased using an octopamine receptormutant, oamb286, and triglyceride levels were compared with those of their background control (w1118). Each experiment was performed three times, andvalues represent mean � S.E. of the pooled data. n � 12 for each genotype. *, p � 0.05 relative to the control lines carrying Gal4 and UAS transgenes alone, asdetermined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-HSD post hoc test. �, p � 0.01 by Student’s t test. Triglycerides were also analyzed using Thin LayerChromatography in (C) oamb286 mutants, (D) flies with increased octopaminergic signaling (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-TrpA1) on standard food and (E) flies withincreased octopaminergic signaling (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac) on low nutrient food (2% agar, 5% sucrose). Arrows point to the butter standard. Each dupli-cate spot (indicated by a line below the two spots) on the plate represents a technical replicate for that genotype. Each experiment was replicated two or moretimes and a representative image is shown.

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idea that the need for nutrients is dominant over an animal’sneed for sleep.


In this study, we addressed the role of the biogenic amineoctopamine in controlling both sleep and metabolism and therelationship between these processes in the context of octo-pamine signaling. While the PI neurons are activated by octo-pamine to promote wakefulness (4), the effect is not mediatedby the insulin-like peptide, ILP2, secreted by these neurons, asoverexpressing ILP2 in the PI neurons andmanipulating down-stream insulin signaling in the brain or the fat body does notincreasewake (Fig. 1). Furthermore, increasing octopamine sig-naling in an ilp2-3 mutant background does not prevent areduction in nighttime sleep (Fig. 1B). This leaves open thequestion of what in these insulin-producing neurons is the

wake-promoting signal. Although we show here that it is notilp2 or ilp3, we cannot rule out ilp5, which is also expressed inthese neurons. We believe, however, that this peptide is also anunlikely signal as it would act through the same downstreaminsulin signaling pathway, which we show is dispensable forproper sleep regulation with respect to octopamine (Fig. 1, Cand D). It is possible that other unidentified peptides are pro-duced in the PI neurons and are released in response to octo-pamine stimulation to control sleep. Alternatively, octopaminemay stimulate synaptic transmission from the PI neurons toincrease wakefulness. Regardless, amore in depth characteriza-tion of these neurons will be needed to determine the mecha-nism whereby octopamine promotes wake.We also present data that octopamine increases fat levels and

it does so by regulating the expression of enzymes important forfat synthesis and breakdown (Figs. 2 and 3). Effects on lipidsappear to be independent of changes in sleep as other shortsleeping flies do not show the same increases in triglycerides(Fig. 4). In addition, unlike the sleep phenotype, effects of octo-pamine on metabolism are mediated by ILPs, which is consist-ent with known effects of insulin signaling on lipid accumula-tion in flies and mammals (6, 7). Although analysis of ILP2expression in PI neurons and phospho-dAKT levels in the fatbodies of animals with altered octopamine signaling yieldedvariable results, we found that increases in triglycerides in flieswith increased octopamine signaling were partially suppressedin an ilp2-3mutant background (Fig. 2B). The lack of completesuppression may be due to compensation by ilp5, which isknown to be increased in ilp2-3 mutants and may be furtherincreased upon octopamine stimulation (38). Changes in thetranscript levels of metabolic enzymes involved in lipid synthe-sis and breakdown correspondwith decreased triglyceride stor-age in oambmutants (Fig. 3). In mammals, some of these met-abolic enzymes, particularly fatty acid synthase, have beenshown to be transcriptionally regulated by insulin (39–41).These data suggest that the insulin signaling pathway contrib-utes to the metabolic effects of octopamine.An interesting condition where sleep and metabolism inter-

act is during times of starvation. Periods of starvation suppresssleep in flies and humans, most likely due to the need for theanimal to search for food (12, 34). We show here that despitetheir large drive to sleep, oamb mutants increase their activityin response to starvation even before controls do (Fig. 5B).Thus, these animals rapidly initiate their foraging response,which is consistent with their decreased triglycerides sensitiz-ing them tometabolic stress, and indicates that metabolic needis dominant over the drive to sleep. This is supported by theresponse of flies that have increased octopamine signalingthrough activation of octopaminergic neurons. These flies failto suppress sleep when starved. Thus, while they show anincrease in activity, the activity is restricted to times when theyare normally awake. Given their heightened arousal, the inabil-ity of these animals to curtail sleep again indicates that themetabolic status, which in this case is that of high triglycerides,dictates the response. One question that still needs to beaddressed is how the sleep system of the animal senses changesin nutrient conditions and alters its activity accordingly. Keeneet al. (12) showed that the suppression of sleep during starva-

FIGURE 3. Expression of enzymes controlling the synthesis and break-down of lipids is altered in oamb mutants. Analysis of transcript levels ofenzymes involved in either lipid synthesis (dFAS, dACC, dATPCL) or lipid break-down (bmm, dCPTI) in the fat bodies of oamb mutants and their backgroundcontrol (w1118). The experiment was performed twice with the data pooledto include six biological replicates for each genotype. Values representmean � S.E. *, p �0.05 by Student’s t test.

FIGURE 4. Reduced sleep does not cause increased triglycerides. Triglyc-eride/total protein ratios of short sleeping mutants sleepless (sss) and fumin(fmn) were compared with their respective background controls. Triglycer-ides were also measured in flies where sleep was reduced in a wild typegenetic background by expressing a constitutively active form of PKA (mc*) inthe mushroom body using an RU486 inducible driver (MBGS). Controls weregiven 1% ethanol (EtOH) without RU486. Plotted values equal the average ofdata pooled from at least three experiments � S.E. n � 13 for each genotype*, p � 0.01 by Student’s t test compared with each appropriate control.

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tion is indeed due to a caloric deficit, raising the possibility thatthe activity of neurons that control sleep depends uponnutrientflux through metabolic pathways (12, 34).It was shown previously that two circadian mutants with

short-sleeping phenotypes, ClkJrk and cyc01, have enhancedsleep suppression under starvation conditions. Nevertheless,this is not a general characteristic of short-sleeping flies. Theshort-sleeping mutants fmn and shakerminisleep reduce sleepsimilar to controls (12), and we report here that the short sleep-ers produced by increased octopamine signaling do not sup-

press sleep at all. The relevant Clk-expressing neurons werelocalized by Keene et al. to circadian clock neurons, specificallyto a subpopulation of the dorsal neurons (DN1s) and the dor-sally located lateral neurons (LNds). The authors showed thatdriving TrpA1 in these neurons abolished sleep suppressionduring starvation. It was previously suggested that oscillatorysignals received by the DNs from central clock neurons aresubsequently propagated to the PI (42, 43).We found that stim-ulation of octopaminergic neurons, whose projections includethe ILP-producing PI neurons, results in an abnormal response

FIGURE 5. The response to starvation is dictated by metabolic need, rather than sleep pressure. A, lifespan of flies with increased (Tdc2-Gal4�UAS-NaChBac) or decreased (oamb286) octopamine signaling on starvation medium. Survival time reflects lifespan following the start of food deprivation. Thenumber of dead flies was determined every 3 h. The graph summarizes the results of at least two experiments. B, oamb286 mutants have exaggerated activityin response to starvation although they reduce sleep similar to controls. Total sleep over a 24-hour period was determined for the first day flies were starvedon 2% agar (starvation) and the day before starvation in which flies were given sucrose food (baseline). C, flies with increased octopamine signaling do notsuppress sleep in response to starvation. Flies expressing NaChBac in octopaminergic cells also display increased activity in response to starvation; however,they do not display similar reductions in sleep. Activity is plotted as the average of data pooled from three independent experiments. The activity value equalsthe average number of beam crossings over a period of time (1, 3, 6, 12, 24 h) following starvation. Error bars reflect � S.E. Statistical significance wasdetermined using pooled data. �, p � 0.01 and *, p � 0.05 correspond to comparisons of activity and sleep following starvation to the baseline values for eachgenotype by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-HSD posthoc test and Student’s t test, respectively.

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to starvation in that while they increase their activity they donot suppress their sleep (Fig. 5C). We propose that sleep sup-pression during starvation ultimately depends on the activity ofcells within the PI. Thus, stimulating these neurons by activat-ing inputs to them from either clock neurons or octopaminer-gic neurons prevents sleep suppression. Further studies areneeded to address this hypothesis.Recently much attention has been paid to interactions

between sleep and metabolism in organisms from the fly tohumans (10, 12, 44). While the mechanisms underlying theseinteractions are still being elucidated, the data presented in thisstudy favor a model where the octopamine signaling pathwaycontrols both sleep and metabolism independently and so oneis not affected as a consequence of the other. This is similar tothe effects of norepinephrine, themammalian homolog of octo-pamine, on biological processes that use overlapping circuitry.In mammals, the norepinephrine-producing neurons in the LCincrease their firing in response to heightened arousal (45). TheLC is also known to activate the stress pathway and coordinatethe brain’s response to stress (46). Thus, it is likely that inhuman sleep deprivation studies norepinephrine affects notonly arousal, but also the stress pathway, which in turn canaffect metabolism (47). The parallels between these regulatoryprocesses in mammals and flies indicate that Drosophila is apowerful model to understand the mechanisms underlying thecoordination between sleep and metabolism.

Acknowledgments—We thankDrs. Kyung-AnHan, Eric Rulifson, andSamZheng for providing reagents used in this study.We thank AdamWatson and Alexis Gerber for help with preliminary studies. We alsothank Kiet Luu for assisting with animal maintenance and othermembers of the laboratory for general discussion.

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Independent Regulation of Sleep and Metabolism by Octopamine


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Renske Erion, Justin R. DiAngelo, Amanda Crocker and Amita SehgalSignaling

with Altered OctopamineDrosophilaInteraction between Sleep and Metabolism in

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.360875 originally published online July 24, 20122012, 287:32406-32414.J. Biol. Chem. 

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