intensive level wraparound day 3

Post on 20-Apr-2022






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Day 3

Today’s Agenda:

• Checking in on the systems planning • Engaging Key Players • Practice with Wraparound Tools • Getting to Real Needs (Big Needs)

BEST Expectations Be present

Engage with others

Support each other

Team solutions

(Tiny) Community of Practice

Wraparound Principles in


Working Smarter /

Not Harder

Low-Tech Resources

High-Tech Resources

Systems Planning

• How’s it going? • BAT? • VTPBiS Action Plan? • Other action plans? • Universal Screening Steps to Readiness? •

Individualized Teams at the Intensive Level

• Are unique to an individual child & family • Task facilitator with engaging family and bringing team together • Blend the family’s supports with the school representatives who know the child best • Designed to improve quality of life as defined by the youth/family (i.e., “BIG Needs”) • Meet frequently •  Identify, develop & review interventions

Who Benefits from Intensive Supports?

• Youth with needs across home, school, & community

•  Youth with needs in multiple life domains

•  The adults in youth’s life who are not effectively engaged in comprehensive planning


Wraparound is: An ongoing planning process used by:

•  A team of people

•  Who come together

•  Around family strengths/needs

•  To create a unique plan of interventions & supports

•  Based upon a process of unconditional care – no blame, no shame

Wraparound is Not: •  A set of services

•  A one or two time meeting

•  A special education evaluation

•  An individual counselor who links with the family or student

•  Only for families and students we judge as “workable”

•  The presence of flexible funds

QUICK Reflection: Similarities/Differences with your

past experiences/knowledge of wraparound?

Four Phases of Wraparound 1. Engagement & Team Preparation •  Orient family, stabilize crises, assess strengths & needs,

form vision, identify team members

2. Planning •  Hold initial meeting(s), orient team, create plan focusing

on “Big Needs”, identify services & supports

3. Implementation •  Hold regular meeting, implement plan, review progress,

revise plan

4. Transition •  Define when vision / goals have been met, “unwrap”

celebration, follow up with familiy

Wraparound Principles

Voice & choice

Natural supports Collaboration Community-


Culturally Competent Team-based Individualized Strengths-


Unconditional Outcomes-based






Cultural Emotional




Life Domains

Voice to Engagement

• WE have to ask the youth/family how they will know if thing are getting better…

• Family has to define ‘success’ for the team

•  If they define progress/success, as well as strengths and needs, then they are likely to be engaged in the interventions.




Big Needs




Experiences of success

Access, Engagement, & commitment to


REDUCTIONS IN: • Disciplinary problems • Need for restrictive placements

IMPROVED: • Needs met; team-identified outcomes • Emotional & behavioral functioning • Academic performance • Stable living situation • Supportive relationships

Social supports, Self-efficacy, Coping &


Services are a better fit

Better coordination

OUTCOMES Short-Term Mid-Term Long-Term WRAPAROUND

ACTIVITY # 8 How is wraparound similar and different from typical service delivery in your school / district? Use worksheet to answer questions

Tier 3 Student Action Plan Illinois PBIS Network

Tier 3/ Student Action Plan & Progress Update

Illinois PBIS Network, 2009 Revised December 2009 1

Purpose: This document is a working record of the team structure and plan of support for each individual student receiving tier-3 support. This document should be shared and updated at every individual student team meeting to ensure that: a) changes and progress are recorded, b) interventions are agreed upon by all team members and c) teams are accountable for ongoing progress monitoring. If information is stated clearly, the plan can also be shared with others who may be supporting this student in the future. Team facilitators are encouraged to document all components clearly. Clarity of actions and decisions (rather than length) makes the written plan useful to the student and his/her team currently as well as in the future. Student: ________________________ School: __________________________ School Contact: _______________________ Grade: _______________________ Age: _________ SIMEO ID#: ___________________________

Student Intervention History

Check interventions that the student has received. Include start date and end date; if not applicable indicate N/A OR data not available-only if intervention has just begun:

Simple Secondary Interventions (CICO)


Instructional Groups

Simple Secondary Interventions with

Individual Features(CnC)

Brief Function-Based Behavior Plan

Complex/Multiple-Life -Domain FBA/BIP Wraparound Support

Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Start Date End Date

Pre Data Post Data Pre Data Post Data Pre Data Post data Pre Data Post Data Pre Data Post Data Pre Data Pre Data

ACTIVITY #9 Review Activity #9 Worksheet Student Intervention History

Team Members Illinois PBIS Network Tier 3/ Student Action Plan & Progress Update

Illinois PBIS Network, 2009 Revised December 2009 3

SECTION 1: Team Development/Sign-In Sheet

Youth/Student: ______________ Parent Guardian: _______________ Facilitators: ______________

Date of 1st Meeting: ________2nd___________3rd______________4th_____________5th_____________

6th____________7th____________8th_____________9th____________ 10th____________ ***set meeting date before ending current meeting***

CONFIDENTIALITY AND ATTENDANCE: I agree to honor the rights and privacy of any persons discussed in this meeting. I agree not to divulge any information regarding any family, person, or agency, which may be referred to in the course of this meeting.

Team members present today: Relationship/Role Team members not present today:

Check here if release of Information have been signed. Yes No

AGENDA for Wraparound Meeting:

Introductions by role First meeting develop mission statement, big need (review) Review strengths, add other strengths Update progress Priorities for today’s meeting Action plan: who, what, by when? Next meeting date

ACTIVITY #10 Review Activity #10 Worksheet Assessing Team Composition

Activity #10 Continued • Was the activity hard/easy? • Did you know their roles and goals? • Did any roles not seem to match job titles? • Any overlap among roles? Multiple roles? Unclear roles? • Did you identify natural supports that should be on the team?

Activity #10 Continued

What questions would you ask the student and family to ensure their team is based on the values of wraparound?

Phase I: Engagement & Team Development

Wraparound Facilitator: • Meets with family & stakeholders • Gathers perspectives on strengths & needs • Assesses for safety & risk •  Provides or arranges stabilization response if safety is

compromised •  Explains the wraparound process •  Identifies, invites & orients Child & Family Team members • Completes strengths summaries & inventories • Arranges initial wraparound planning meeting

Phase I: Engagement & Team Development

• Prepare for wraparound meetings through individual conversations with core team members. This is a critical first step.

• The first contact/s with the family should feel different than being invited to a meeting.

• Gather information for a rich strength profile (this will be a valuable tool for action planning).

ACTIVITY #11 1.  Find a partner 2.  Decide who will be parent and who will be the

wraparound facilitator 3.  Facilitator: introduce wraparound, answer

questions, listen for their story, and strengths 4.  Switch roles

Points to Remember About Engaging Families • Apply RtI to Family Engagement: don’t keep doing what hasn’t worked so far •  If engagement didn’t happen, how would you change your approach to effectively engage? • Professionals don’t get to choose or judge how families raise their kids. • Always start with a conversation (not a meeting or a form) with the family, getting their trust and permission before talking with others.

Establish Family Voice & Ownership

Communicate differently… • No blaming, no shaming • Start with strengths • Family’s needs are priority • Listen to their story before the meeting • Validate their perspective • Reframe into strengths • Normalizing experiences & responses

Opening Questions to Assist in Initial Conversations “Please tell me about your child…”

“What will it look like when life is better?”

“What is your hope, dream, vision of success

with your/this child/family?”

Checking for Family Voice & Ownership •  Family chooses team members

•  Team meets when & where family is comfortable

•  Family (including the youth) feels like it is their meeting and their plan instead of feeling like they are attending a meeting the school or agency is having about them.

Team Time – Day 3

• Complete Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) • VTPBiS Action Plan for Intensive Level • What are your goals and action steps for… •  School-wide Family Engagement? •  Identifying wraparound facilitators? •  Identifying families appropriate for wraparound? •  Identifying natural supports and other team members? •  Introducing wraparound? • Using data for engagement?

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