
Post on 24-Jan-2017






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Teaching and Learning

Topic :-Meaning and concept of Intelligence


What is that causes one individuals to be more effective in his responds to a particular situation that another No doubt ,interest ,attitude ,desired, knowledge and skill etc.Count towards this achievement .but still there is something that contributes significantly towards these varying differences .In Psychology it is termed “Intelligence” In ancient India our great rishis named it “Viveka”

Meaning and Definitions of Intelligence As discussed earlier in a day to day

conversion an individual is said to be intelligent in portions as he is successful in meeting general life situation .below are some important definition of intelligence.

Woodworth and Marquis“Intelligence means intellect put to use .it is the use of intellectual arteries of an handling a situation or accomplishing any task”(1948)

Stern “Intelligence is a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new problem and conditions of life (1914)

Terman “An individual is intelligent in proportion as he is able to carry on abstract thinking (1912)

Wagron “ Intelligence is the capacity to learn and

adjust to relatively new and changing conditions.” (1937)

David Wechsler “ Intelligence is the aggregate or global

capacity of an individual to act purposefully to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.” (1946)

With the help of these definition we can be able to understand how intelligence operates what type of behavior of an individual makes him intelligent person but it does not explain what is the structure of intelligence or in other words what are different components or elements of intelligence.

1. It is an endowment to the individual child, which has been given to him by nature.

2. It helps the child in the learning process & to achieve the goal of maximum learning in minimum period of time.

3. It enables the child to proceed from concrete to abstract. It is in abstract terms that ideas remain in our mental makeup.

4. It helps the child to acquire the capacity to profit from his previous experience & others.

Characteristics of Intelligence.

5. Intelligence gives an insight to the child to evaluate the future and according to the requirements of the situation.

6. It enables him to distinguish between the right & wrong truth & falsehood social & anti social activities.

7. The developmental period of intelligence is from birth to adolescence.

8. There is a minor difference in the development of intelligence between boys and girls.

9. There are individual differences with regard to the intelligence between boys & girls.

10. Intelligence is mostly determined by heredity but suitable environment necessary to improve it.

Educational implications Individual intelligence tests are used in school and other

educational settings to provide information about children’s and adolescents’ ability to express themselves, reason and problem solve, and perform on variety of tasks. This information can be used to design programs for children's with special needs or gifts in academic areas. Despite their shortcomings, intelligence tests are considered useful for indentifying children for advanced programs for gifted learners ( Pyryt, 1996). These tests also play an especially important role in special education. They can be used for identifying an expected level of academic performance and also in helping school professionals design individual educational programs (IEP) for student with special needs (Scattler, 2001). However, kim (2005) found in a meta – analysis of 21 studies that IQ tests are not effective for use in identifying students with special talents.

S.K. Mangal - Educational Psychology, Advanced Educational Psychology, W.N.

Dandekar and Sanyoglata MakhijaPsychological Foundations of Education , Mac



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