integrative yoga therapeutics teacher training asana

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integrative yoga therapeutics teacher training

Asana Manual

IYT Teacher Training Course

Updated September, 2012

Bo Forbes, Psy.D., E-RYT500 (personal site) (educational site)


Asana and Alignment Manual


Warmup Poses

Standing Bhekasana and Corkscrew 1

Lunge Pose 2

Variation: hamstring insertion at knee (isometric behind upper calf) 2

Variation: hamstring insertion, moving 2

Variation: hamstring origin at sitting bones (isometric1 behind hamstring) 2

Variation: hip joint flush with isometric at outer front knee 2

Standing Poses

Adho Mukha Svanasana 3

Adho Muhka Variation: Downward Facing Egyptian Dog (QL Prelude) 3

Uttanasana 4

Virabhadrasana I 5

Virabhadrasana I, Waterski 5

Parsvakonasana 6

Parivritta Parsvakonasana 7

Virabhadrasana II 8

Trikonasana 9

Parivritta Trikonasana 10

Utkatasana 11

Variation: Parivritta Utkatasana (Twisting) 11

Padottanasana 12

Padottanasana Variation: Parsva Padottanasana (QL Prelude) 12

Parsvottanasana 13

Variation: Funky Parsvottanasana (Outer Hamstring) 13

Standing Balancing Poses

Vrksasana 14

Ardha Chandrasana 15

Ardha Ekapadasana 16

Standing Figure Four 17

Garudasana 18

Nata Rajasana 19

1 Please note: Isometrics refer to the use of equal and opposite pressure; in our system, isometrics are

typically practiced at a joint, such as the knee joint in lunges (which acts not on the knee but the hip

joint). They are also targeted toward lymphatic release.


Arm Balancing Poses

Bakasana 20

Parsva Bakasana 21

Koundinyasana 22

Mayurasana 23

Contents, continued~

Core Body Poses

Dandasana 24

Variation: Moving Dandasana 24

Variation: Dandasana with Block, or Moving Dandasana with Block 24

Hanging Plank 25

Vasisthasana 26

Dolphin Plank 27

Frankinsteinasana 28

Navasana 29

Dandasana Vinyasa 30

Purvottanasana 31

Forward Bends

Paschimottanasana 32

Kneeling Hamstring Stretch 33

Virasana Hamstring Stretch 34

Krounchasana 35

Hip Openers

Kneeling Lunge I, II, and III 36

Wide-Legged Lunge 37

Variation: Wide-Legged Lunge, back knee down, flexion and extension isometrics 37

Baddha Konasana 38

Agni Stambhasana 39

Raja Kapotasana 40

Fallen Warrior 41

Upavista Konasana 42

Twisting Poses

Bharadvajasana 43

Pasasana 44

Janu Sirsasana 45

Marichyasana 46



Setu Bandhasana 47

Ustrasana 48

Dhanurasana 49

Urdhva Dhanurasana 50

Contents, continued~

Supine Poses

Supta Padangusthasana 51

Variation: Supta Padangusthasana II 51

Variation: Parivritta Supta Padangusthasana (Supta P III) 51

Variation: Supta Padangusthasana on block 51

Supine Figure Four 52

Half/Full Baby 53

Heart Openers

Matsyasana on Block 54

Dolphin 55

Funky Child 56

Arms in a T 57

Variation: Frog Arms 57

Supported Bridge 58


Sarvangasana 59

Tripod 60

Sirsasana 61

Therapeutics Poses

IT Band on the Block 62

Core Body on the Block 63

Pecasana (Lymph on the Block) 64

Hamstring & Achilles Releasing 65

Quads on the Block Pose 66

Paryankasana on the Block 67

Scapula Hang 68


Standing Bhekasana and Corkscrew2

Themes: Warmup, Stability and strength, Use of the core body for refined movements (core body


Ground 1: Feet

Feet mat-width apart & parallel, toes active & grounded, check for stress at front of foot

Knees Open

Check for heels and toes being in line; many people will turn toes out

Ground 2: Hip/pelvis/spine

Extend through spine

Engage Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas

Look for uneven mobility through spine- either upper thoracic, mid-back, or lower back- an

even expression of mobility throughout spine is best

In corkscrew, hips move in opposite direction from upper body—core body creates “corkscrew”


Ground 3: Shoulders/arms/upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades moving down the back, shoulders rolled out & biceps rolled out

Hands in prayer position on upper heart, and not extended away from body

Farmer’s armpit area lifted (this is the area just under the anterior (front) armpit where we

often place our thumbs to release tight fascia and enhance lymphatic flow)

Ground 4: Cervical spine

Neck relaxed, head between shoulders, neck and head aligned with spine

Throat bandha activated

Chin directly over hands

Actions within the Pose:

Pada Bandha

Pubic Bone Lifting

Slight Hip Flexion

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement


Can do core body vinyasa in Ardha (Half) Bhekasana, with hands on abdomen and low back

Can also do QL-lengthening variation in Ardha (Half) Bhekasana

2 Standing Frog and Corkscrew


Lunge Variations

Themes: Warmup, Hip Opening, Use of isometrics to increase fascial release and expansion

Ground 1: Feet

Feet hips’-width apart* (most people have feet too narrow, which compresses the pelvis)

Pada Bandha active on front foot, and on back foot although heel is lifted

Front knee should be directly over the ankle

Ground 2: Hip/pelvis/spine

Extend through spine

Engage Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas (especially on back hip to elevate it)

Hips should be slightly above or even with front knee, not below (as in hypermobility)

Ground 3: Shoulders/arms/upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades moving down the back, shoulders rolled out & biceps rolled out

Upper thoracic spine long

Ground 4: Cervical spine

Neck relaxed, head between shoulders, neck and head aligned with spine

Throat bandha activated

Actions within the Pose:

Pada Bandha

Flexion of front hip/leg

Extension of back hip/leg

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement


Knee Insertion Hamstring Isometric (hand at back of front knee, pressing front calf forward)

Knee Insertion Hamstring Isometric w/ movement (as above, moving 1” forward and back)

Hip Joint Isometric (hand to outside of front knee, hips level) to flush hip joint (this is always

used as a preparation for Parivritta Parsvakonasana)

Hamstring Origin Isometric (come halfway up to Virabhadrasana, interlace fingers in front of

hamstring of front leg; inhale and lift hamstring up toward ceiling, exhale and hold the lift;

then descend down the hamstring, and end with isometric at the hamstring insertion (at knee)


Adho Mukha Svanasana3

Themes: Stability and ease, Lengthening throughout front and back bodies

Ground 1: Feet/knees/hands

Feet hip-width apart & parallel (or heels slightly wider than toes), toes active & grounded,

check for stress at front of foot

Most of the time, in order to lengthen lumbar and sacral spine and hamstrings, the heels will

not be down

Thighs internally rotated

Hands extend forward, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, fingers spread, hands grounded

& firm, middle fingers facing forward

Check for stance being long enough; most common issue is that stance tends to be too short

Ground 2: Hip/pelvis/spine

Extend through spine, lift & widen sitting bones

Engage mula bandha & uddiyana bandha

Look for uneven mobility through spine- either upper thoracic, midback, or lower back- even

expression of mobility throughout spine is best

Ground 3: Shoulders/arms/upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades moving down the back, shoulders rolled out & biceps rolled out

Turn “elbow pits” in towards each other

If hypermobility exists, roll shoulders and biceps externally, and forearms internally

Ground 4: Cervical spine

Neck relaxed, head between shoulders, neck and head aligned with spine

Throat bandha activated

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Flexion

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement


Egyptian Dog (heels halfway or all the way to the mat on one side, then the other so that the

pose is heel-toe-heel-toe)- good as a QL prep (QL is lengthening)

3 Downward Facing Dog



Themes: Standing Pose, Forward Bends, Back Body Opening

Ground 1: Feet

Feet parallel or heels slightly wider than toes

Feet hip width apart

Weight even across foot (or put another way, hips aligned over ankles)

Access pada bandha (lift arches)

Check for hyperextension of knees; if present, draw weight forward and can micro-bend the


Ground 2: Pelvis

Move toward anterior tilt of pelvis, as in most forward bends

Sitting bones lifting

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Arms straight

Heart looking forward

Shoulder blades grounding into back body

Spine long; bend knees if necessary to lengthen spine or use blocks under hands

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Extension through occiput

Throat bandha activated

Actions within the Pose:

Deep flexion of hips

Spinal extension (not rounding)

Lengthening of hamstrings


Bend knees

Parsva Uttanasana: reach around to sides and keep hips level to lengthen QL

4 Intense Stretch Posture or Standing Forward Bend


Virabhadrasana I5

Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (Internal Rotation), Hip Flexion and Extension

Ground 1: Feet

Stance long enough so front thigh slightly above front knee

Feet line up with hips (ASIS, or anterior superior iliac spine, the part of the hip bone that juts

upward if you’re lying on your back)

Back foot angled forward to protect back knee

Front knee over front ankle

Hips square to front wall

Access pada bandha (lift arches) of front foot and back, if possible

Dynamic energy in back leg (outer back foot and heel grounding down)

Ground 2: Pelvis

Posterior tilt of pelvis (tuck tailbone)

Lift pubic bone

Hips squared to open psoas of back leg

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Lower ribs drawing back toward spine

Arms lifted; biceps in external rotation, thumb side of hand wider

Spine long and heart looking forward

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Extension through occiput

Throat bandha activated

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and external rotation of front hip (though it will not appear to be internally rotated)

Extension and internal rotation of back hip (though it will not appear to be internally rotated)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement



Stronger hip flexor opener than “regular” Vira I

5 Warrior I Pose



Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (External Rotation)

Ground 1: Feet

Stance long: front knee over front ankle, butt nearly level with front knee

Heels lined up (or heel of front foot bisects arch of back foot)

Back foot angled slightly inward (toward front wall) and grounding on outer back heel

Pada bandha active

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone (posterior tilt), especially on side of front leg

Extend spine, lengthen both left and right side bodies

Bottom waist twists toward top waist

Even extension of side body; long enough stance to stretch legs

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Lower ribs drawing toward spine

Heart lifting without disturbing lower ribs

Extending through upper thoracic spine

Bottom arm/tricep draws front knee away from midline, whether arm is inside or outside front


Upper arm extends either straight up, or lengthens over top ear; arm rotates externally and

shoulder blade grounds into spine

If possible, head can rotate to look at raised arm, otherwise head stays neutral with spine

looking to side of room

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Head is aligned with spine

Lengthen through occiput

Practice throat bandha

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and external rotation of front hip

Extension and external rotation of back hip (although this must be balanced by internal

rotation of lower leg)

Spinal Extension

Side Bend (side body extension on one side, moving toward extension on the other side)

Core Body Engagement

6 Extended Side Angle Pose


Parivritta Parsvakonasana7

Themes: Standing Pose, Twists, Inner Seam of Legs

Ground 1: Feet

Feet aligned with hips and parallel with the sides of the mat

Maintain arch in the front foot (pada bandha active)

Front knee directly over the heel

Activation of the rear straight leg

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips level with the front knee or slightly higher

Hips level with respect to mat

Level the hips and engagement of the bandhas and psoas of back leg so the twist originates

from the center of the body rather than the upper torso

Engage Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha and psoas of back leg, so twist comes from core of

body and not just upper thoracic spine

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Align crown of head with tip of coccyx

Spine and torso elongated - lengthen before twisting, maintain length on

both sides in the twist

When torso twists to one side, twist hips back to opposite side as in “corkscrew”

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine and head in line with rest of spine

Throat bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and of front hip/leg

Extension and slight internal rotation of back hip/leg

Torso Twist

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement, particularly psoas

7 Revolved Extended Side Angle Pose


Virabhadrasana II8

Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (External Rotation)

Ground 1: Feet/legs

Stance long enough so front thigh slightly above front knee

Heels lined up (or heel of front foot bisects arch of back foot)

Back foot angled inward (toward front wall)

Front knee over front ankle; knee opening away from midline

Hips square to side wall

Access pada bandha (lift arches)

Dynamic energy in back leg (outer back foot and heel grounding down); outer heel should not

come up from mat

Even extension of side body; long stance, as in parsvakonasana

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone (posterior tilt), especially on side of front leg

Lift pubic bone

Extend spine, lengthen both left and right side bodies

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Lower ribs drawing toward spine

Heart lifting without disturbing lower ribs

Extending through upper thoracic spine

Arms level (slightly more energy in back arm to make this happen)

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Extension through occiput

Throat Bandha activated

From occipital length, turn head to look over front arm

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and external rotation of front hip

Extension and external rotation of back hip (although this must be balanced by internal

rotation of lower leg)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

8 Warrior II Pose



Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (External Rotation)

Ground 1: Feet

Heels in line; back foot angled slightly inward

Stance long, as in parsvakonasana

Pada bandha engaged (lift arches)

External rotation of both legs

Both hip bones, if possible, parallel to the side walls

Check for hyperextension of knees; if present, can micro-bend the knees

Ground 2: Pelvis

Posterior tilt of pelvis (tailbone tucked toward side wall)

Front hipbone should try to lift so front hip does not drop too much

Space between hip bones widens

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Arms extended out from shoulders; both arms in line with shoulders

Even extension through both sides of the torso so abdomen can stretch open

Shoulders stacked, and heart opening toward side wall but lengthening toward front wall

Use block under front hand (on outside of front shin) to lengthen side of body closest to the


Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Extension through occiput

Throat bandha activated

Can look at side wall or, if cervical spine is flexible, gaze toward ceiling

Actions within the Pose:

Extension and external rotation of front hip/leg

Extension and external rotation of back hip (although this must be balanced by internal

rotation of lower leg)

Spinal Extension

Side Bend (side body extension on one side, moving toward extension on the other side)

Core Body Engagement

9 Triangle Pose


Parivritta Trikonasana10

Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (Internal Rotation), Twists, Outer Seam of Legs

Ground 1: Feet

Feet hips’ width apart or slightly less if flexible

Back foot angled sharply toward front wall

Front leg straight; watch tracking of front knee in relation to ankle

Activation of the rear straight leg

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips level with mat

Hips level with front wall

Pelvis moving toward anterior (backbending) tilt

Leveling of the hips and engagement of the bandhas so the twist originates from the center of

the body rather than the upper torso

As torso twists, counter that with twisting of the hips the opposite way

Engage bandhas to assist in creating stability and lightness in the pose, and to enhance the


Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Align crown of head with tip of coccyx

Spine and torso elongated - lengthen before twisting, maintain length on

both sides in the twist

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine and head in line with rest of spine

Throat bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Extension and of front hip/leg

Extension and slight internal rotation of back hip/leg

Hamstrings lengthening (through upward tilt of sitting bones)

Torso Twist

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement, particularly psoas of back leg

10 Revolved Triangle Pose



Themes: Standing Pose, Core Body Strength

Ground 1: Feet

Feet together (if pregnant, hips’ width apart)

Pada Bandha active

Knees bent

Weight rests more into heels to protect knee cartilege

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front wall

Pubic bone lifting

Tailbone tucking

Engage bandhas to assist in creating stability and lightness in the pose, and to support the


Spinal Extension rather than lower lumbar flexion

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Shoulders draw a little in front of hips

Spine and torso elongated - lengthen rather than overarch upper spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine and head in line with rest of spine

Throat bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Light flexion of both hips/legs

Spinal extension

Core Body Engagement


Parivritta Utkatasana12: coming halfway down and taking one elbow to the opposite knee

Strong Core Body Engagement

Spinal Twist

Deeper Hip Flexion

11 Chair Pose 12 Revolved Chair Pose



Themes: Standing Pose, Forward Bends

Ground 1: Feet/legs

Feet wide (approximately 4 ft.) apart, toes and heels in line (or heels a little wider than toes)

Weight even between front and back of the foot

Ground down through the base of the toes, expanding tips of the toes

Access pada bandha

Break legs out against one another

Ground 2: Pelvis

Look sideways to make sure hips are aligned over the center of the foot

Left and right hip square to mat, parallel to front wall (hips even)

Lumbar spine not too curved; strong use of uddiyana bandha here

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Spine should be long, including upper thoracic spine

Have blocks, or use arms in such a way that spine is not rounding (i.e. do not sacrifice length

of spine just to get head on the floor)

Keep length throughout the spine, rather than rounding the upper back to go lower down;

avoid anterior (arching) tilt of the lumbar spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Lengthen through occiput

Access throat bandha

Actions within the Pose:

Light flexion of both hips/legs when coming halfway down; deeper flexion when all the way


Spinal Extension

Hamstring Lengthening (sitting bones tilted upward)

Core Body Engagement


Parsva Padottanasana: Twisting—taking hands over to one foot, keeping hips level and

opposite hip drawing back to wall behind you (QL lengthener)

13 Expanded Leg Intense Stretch Posture or Wide-Legged Forward Bend



Themes: Standing Pose, Forward Bends

Ground 1: Feet

Feet in line with hips (ASIS) as in Virabhadrasana (Warrior) I

Back foot angled sharply forward

Pada bandha active

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front wall

Hips level (or parallel to floor)

Lumbar spine is working toward (attempting) anterior tilt (since this is a forward bend)

Uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Keep length throughout the spine, rather than rounding the upper back to go lower down;

avoid posterior (rounding) tilt of lower back; hips level

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long

Arms long

Hands on fingertips or blocks

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Deep flexion of front hip; some flexion of back hip, though the action also involves passive


Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Hamstring Lengthening


Funky Parsvottanasana: back foot just crosses over the midline, as does front foot (scissor


Hips move to square and sitting bones lift, to access outer hamstring

14 Extended Intense Stretch Posture or Extended Standing Forward Bend



Themes: Balancing Pose, External Rotation, Hip Opener

Ground 1: Feet

Standing foot aligned forward (neither turned in nor out)

Arches lifting

Pada bandha active

Lifted foot is flexed, and pressing into groin or inside of standing leg (but NOT at knee)

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front wall

Tailbone tucked and pubic bone lifting

Uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling

Upper thoracic spine long- lengthening through crown of head

Watch for lordosis or kyphosis

If arms are lifted, externally rotate arms/biceps

If arms are in prayer position, ground shoulder blades into spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and external rotation of lifted leg

Flexion of lifted knee (deep)

Leg Balancing Pose

Spinal Extension

Pubic bone lift; Core Body Engagement

Assisting Instruction Reminder: Remember that in this and most balancing poses, we assist the pose

from behind, and give a “reverse assist” (i.e. “move away from my hand”).

15 Tree Pose


Ardha Chandrasana16

Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (External Rotation), Balancing

Ground 1: Feet

Standing foot aligned forward (not turned in, but can turn out a tiny bit)

Front thigh and front foot aligned

Pada bandha active

Back leg engaged, with back foot flexed; knee pointing toward side wall

Back foot in line with coccyx

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to side wall

Hips stacked

Tailbone tucked

Uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long- lengthening through crown of head

Arms long

“Standing” hand can rest on a block if desired

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External rotation of both hips

Leg Balancing Pose

Core Body Engagement

Adductors opening (somewhat passive)


Ardha Dhanurasana (Standing Half Bow): hold back ankle, keep top knee level, open into half

dhanurasana to lengthen psoas

16 Half Moon Pose


Urdhva Ardha Ekapadasana17

Themes: Standing Pose, Hip Opener (Flexion and Extension)

Ground 1: Feet

Standing foot aligned forward (not turned in, but can turn out a tiny bit)

Pada Bandha active (standing foot especially, but both feet possible)

Back leg engaged, with back foot extended; knee pointing toward floor

Back foot in line with ASIS

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front wall and mat

Lifting pelvis up and over standing femur bone- prelude to hip flexion and extension class***

Extending sitting bones back and up toward ceiling to access standing hamstring

Uddiyana Bandha active

Self-adjustment: heel of hand draws outer hip flexors toward back wall and down to mat

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long- lengthening through crown of head

Arms long

“Standing” hand can rest on a block if desired

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of front leg

Extension of back leg

Leg Balancing Pose

Core Body Engagement

Front hamstring opening


Can lengthen spine down toward mat (but without rounding upper thoracic spine)

Standing Half Bow: opposite hand grabs ankle of lifted leg; spine moves toward lumbar flexion

17 Standing Half Split Pose


Standing Figure Four

Themes: Standing Pose, Balancing, Hip Opener (External Rotation)

Ground 1: Feet

Standing foot aligned forward (not turned in, but can turn out a tiny bit)

Pada bandha active

Front leg bending, ankle rests just above standing leg’s knee

Lifted foot is in flexion

Ground 2: Pelvis

Lengthening of spine through crown of head; lifted hip opening, and moving toward back arch

to keep spine long; balance

Hips square to front

Tailbone moves back (toward back arch)

Uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long- lengthening through crown of head

Spine can lengthen down toward floor, but without rounding

Forearms can rest on standing lower thigh, if desired

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of standing hip

Flexion and External rotation of lifted hip

Leg Balancing Pose

Core Body Engagement

Hip Opening (good for Hip Flexion and Extension Class)


Can bring fingertips to the mat, as long as spine is long

Can move into Eka Pada Galavasana (arm balancing)



Themes: Standing Pose, Balance, Internal Rotation (Outer Seam of Legs)

Ground 1: Feet

Standing foot aligned forward (neither turned in nor out)

Arches lifting

Pada bandha active

Lifted foot is extended, wrapped around standing calf

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front wall

Tailbone tucked and pubic bone lifting

Uddiyana bandha active

Internal rotation of hips

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling

Upper thoracic spine long- lengthening through crown of head

If arms are wrapped, draw shoulder blades down spine

If arms are in prayer position, ground shoulder blades down spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and internal rotation of lifted leg

Flexion of standing leg

Leg Balancing Pose

Spinal Extension

Pubic bone lift; Core Body Engagement

18 Eagle Pose


Nata Rajasana19

Themes: Standing Pose, Balancing, Backbends, Heart Opening

Ground 1: Feet

Activate pada bandha on standing foot

Standing foot is neither turned out nor turned in

Quadriceps of standing leg engage to lift kneecap and stabilize leg

Reach back and hold the outside of the lifted foot ankle

To come into the pose, break out the lifted leg against the hand to create isometric

Ground 2: Pelvis

Square hips to front wall and narrow knees

Reach back and hold outsides of ankles or shins (not feet, if possible)

Tuck tailbone, lift pubic bone, and draw navel toward the spine

Mula bandha and uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Hips, ribs, shoulder stay square to the front wall, with hips level

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back

Lift upper thoracic spine, keeping shoulders square to front wall

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; chin parallel to mat

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Passive Flexion of standing leg

Extension of back (lifted) leg

Leg Balancing Pose

Spinal Extension

Pubic bone lift; Core Body Engagement

Much of the action goes toward upper thoracic spine opening (although technically it is in

flexion) and upper chest opening (which is in extension)

Weight does not come down toward floor, but rather forward and up

19 Lord of the Dance Pose (Dancer’s Pose)



Themes: Arm Balancing; Core Body Strength

Ground 1: Hands

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

To come into the pose, place knees on back of triceps; lift feet off ground

Ground 2: Pelvis

Flex hips deeply (do standing half frog isometric before Bakasana)

Internal rotation of both hips to create slight isometric between arms and legs

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha and Uddiyana Bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling

Chest rises up toward thoracic spine

Lift and round upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Deep Flexion of both legs

Arm Balancing Pose

Rounding of Upper Thoracic Spine

Strong Core Body Engagement

Weight does not come down toward floor, but rather forward and up

20 Crane or Crow Pose


Parsva Bakasana21

Themes: Arm Balancing; Core Body; Twisting, Deep Hip Flexion

Ground 1: Hands

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

To come into the pose, place knees on back of triceps; lift feet off ground

Ground 2: Pelvis

Flex hips deeply (do standing half frog isometric before Bakasana) and do Utkatasana Twist

and Pasasana before Parsva Bakasana

Internal rotation and twist

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha and Uddiyana Bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart opening toward side wall

Twist toward opposite knee

Lift and round upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Deep Flexion of both legs

Arm Balancing


Rounding of Upper Thoracic Spine

Strong Core Body Engagement

Weight does not come down toward floor, but rather forward and up

21 Revolved Crane or Crow Pose


Koundinyasana II22

Themes: Arm Balancing; Core Body Strength, External Rotation (Inner Seam of Leg)

Ground 1: Hands

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

To come into the pose, begin with wide-legged lunge; draw front arm underneath front leg and

fit leg over shoulder, then lift feet off ground

Ground 2: Pelvis

Flex front hip deeply (do wide-legged lunge first)

External rotation of both hips and scissor legs away from one another

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha and Uddiyana Bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat Bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External Rotation of both legs

Adductors expand actively (so need to engage somewhat)

Hamstrings and Glutes engage

Arm Balancing Pose

Rounding (but moving toward length) of Upper Thoracic Spine

Strong Core Body Engagement

Body moves away from the floor


Moving into Asta Vakrasana23 or Pinwheel

22 Sage Pose 23 Turkey Pose



Themes: Arm Balancing; Core Body Strength

Ground 1: Hands and Feet

Externally rotate the hands as much as possible, until fingers point away from front of mat;

draw wrists slightly apart

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Bend arms; set elbows together, as low down toward navel as possible

Momentarily rest head on mat

Extend and engage legs

To come into the pose, engage glutes to lift legs off mat; lift chin as well

Ground 2: Pelvis

In prep, tailbone tucks; later, it begins to move the opposite way

Moving toward extension in both hips

Mula bandha and Uddiyana Bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Shoulders round naturally, but should strongly move down back (retract) to get lift-off

Heart lifting toward ceiling

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Extension of both Hips

Hamstrings engage (and somewhat contract)

Glutes engage

Arm Balancing Pose

Rounding (but moving toward length) of Upper Thoracic Spine

Strong Core Body Engagement

Body moves away from the floor


Can bend knees and lift them, or come into Baddha Konasana

24 Sage Pose



Themes: Core Body Strength, Leg Strength (for Grounding)

Ground 1: Hands and Feet

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Activate Pada Bandha on both feet to avoid strain

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

Engage legs strongly

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall

Shoulder blades draw down back

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Extension of both hips/legs

Core Body Engagement

Slight engagement (shortening) of hamstring

Hand- and foot-balancing: essential to all arm-balancing classes

Lengthening Upper Thoracic Spine


Moving Dandasana (inhale and use toes to move one inch forward; exhale, and return; repeat)

Dandasana with Block (Dandasana, block between upper thighs)- Inseam of the Legs

Moving Dandasana with Block (“ “ “)

25 Plank (Staff) Pose


Hanging Dandasana26

Themes: Core Body Strength, Leg Strength (for Grounding), Hip Flexion and Extension

Ground 1: Hands and One Foot

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Activate Pada Bandha on both feet to avoid strain

From Downward Dog, draw one knee to chest; inhale, and draw shoulders over wrists on the


Front Knee moves away from midline to line up with ASIS

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

Engage legs strongly

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall

Shoulder blades draw down back

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Deep Flexion in front hip/leg

Extension in back hips/leg

Core Body Engagement

Slight engagement (shortening) of back leg hamstring; slight release of front hamsrtring

Hand- and one foot-balancing: essential to all arm-balancing classes

Lengthening Upper Thoracic Spine


Moving Hanging Dandasana (inhale and move one inch forward; exhale, and return; repeat)

Hanging Frog Dandasana (frog front leg out to side): Inseam of Legs

26 Hanging Plank (Staff) Pose



Themes: Core Body Strength, Leg Strength (for Grounding), Outer Seam of Legs

Ground 1: One Hand and Outer Edge of One Foot

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on bottom hand

Bottom hand should be just beyond shoulder, not directly underneath it

Activate Pada Bandha on both feet to avoid strain

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

Lift from under “standing” armpit

Engage legs strongly

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Keep pelvis in line with rest of body

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthens toward crown of head

Shoulder blades draw down back

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Legs in Tadasana28

Core Body Engagement

IT band engaging

Hand- and foot-balancing: essential to all arm-balancing classes

Lengthening Upper Thoracic Spine


Place top foot on mat for grounding

Lift top leg up to hip level; draw top arm over ear

Vasisthasana in half bow

27 Sage (Vasistha) Pose 28 Mountain Pose


Dolphin Plank29

Themes: Core Body Strength, Leg Strength (for Grounding)

Ground 1: Forearms and Feet

Activate forearms by pressing them down into floor and lifting away from floor

Engage legs strongly

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall

Shoulder blades draw down back

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Extension of both hips/legs

Core Body Engagement

Slight engagement (shortening) of hamstring

Forearm-balancing: essential to all arm-balancing classes

Good 3rd part of Dolphin Series (after Dolphin and Funky Balasana30)

Lengthening Upper Thoracic Spine


Cross one leg over the other

29 Sage Pose 30 Child’s Pose



Themes: Preparatory Pose for Ustrasana,31 Core Body Strength, Quad Strength,

Ground 1: Knees

Kneel on ground with hands at heart

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Inhale, and draw body back like a plank on the exhale; hold for several breaths

Inhale again, and exhale back up to center

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthens as in Tadasana32

Shoulder blades draw down back

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged (this makes the core work more difficult)

Actions within the Pose:

Neutral position of both hips/legs (as in Tadasana)

Core Body Engagement

Slight engagement (shortening) of hamstring at origin, but not too much

Good preparation for Ustrasana, so as not to twist spine and jeopardize sacro-iliac joint while

coming into, breathing in, or coming out of Ustrasana

31 Camel Pose 32 Mountain Pose



Themes: Core Body Strength, Quad Strength, Psoas Strength

Ground 1: Buttocks

Sit on ground with legs bent

Extend legs up to ceiling and balance on buttocks

Ground 2: Pelvis

Move sitting bones down and toward back wall (opposite of tailbone tuck)

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Legs extended and engaged

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthens as in Tadasana34

Shoulder blades draw down back

Arms extend; keep shoulders in external rotation

Try to extend upper thoracic spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged (this makes the core work more difficult)

Actions within the Pose:

Neutral position of both hips/legs (as in Tadasana)

Core Body Engagement (including Psoas)

Leg Engagement


Can bend knees

Can hold toes in Ubhaya Padangusthasana35

33 Boat Pose 34 Mountain Pose 35 Both Big Toe Pose


Dandasana Vinyasa36

Themes: Core Body Strength

Ground 1: Buttocks

Sit in Dandasana with legs extended (can sit on low end of block)

Place one hand over the other on the abdomen, with little fingers down by pubic bone and

thumbs up by lower ribs

Ground 2: Pelvis

On an inhale, use Uddiyana Bandha to close ribs (draw them toward spine) with length

On an exhale, use Mula Bandha to draw up and over the sitting bones

Legs extended and engaged

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthens despite drawing back of lower ribs

Shoulders stay open

Shoulder blades draw down the spine

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Throat bandha engaged (this makes the core work more difficult)

Actions within the Pose:

Core Body Engagement (it’s really a Bandha Vinyasa)

Good preparation for Ustrasana, so as not to twist spine and jeopardize sacro-iliac joint while

coming into, breathing in, or coming out of Ustrasana

Slight engagement (shortening) of hamstring at origin, but not too much


Can place blanket under sitting bones

Can bend knees if desired

36 Seated Staff Vinyasa



Themes: Core Body Strength, Leg Strength, Pectoral Expansion (Heart-Opening)

Ground 1: Hands and Feet

Activate Hasta (hand) Bandha on both hands to alleviate strain on wrists

Draw hands behind, about 6 inches away from sacrum

Draw energy up from wrists to shoulders

Point toes and engage legs strongly; draw toes to mat in full pose

Ground 2: Pelvis

Tuck tailbone and lift pubic bone

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward ceiling strongly

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput closes slightly so head can tilt back

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Extension of both hips/legs

Core Body Engagement

Expansion of Pectorals and upper chest

Shoulder Extension

Slight engagement (shortening) of hamstring

Hand- and foot-balancing

Lengthening Upper Thoracic Spine (Heart-Opening)


Can do tabletop by bending knees and lifting hips

37 Intense East Stretch, Reverse Plank (Staff) Pose



Themes: Forward Bends, Hamstrings

Ground 1: Pelvis and Legs

Begin in Dandasana- lengthen spine forward, taking care not to round

Using strap or hands on feet; feet are not in flexion, but gentle extension

Sitting bones move toward back wall (trying for anterior tilt of pelvis, though technically


Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall strongly

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit (see Page 1 for more information)

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput lengthens

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion both hips/legs

Core Body Engagement

Lengthening of hamstrings: in our therapeutic vinyasa version, we aim to lengthen the

hamstrings at their orientation at the Ischia (sitting bones)

Neutral in Pectorals and upper chest


Can place folded blanket just above knees and add isometric with leg and blanket

38 Intense West Stretch, Sitting Forward Bend Pose


Kneeling Hamstring Stretch I and II

Themes: Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Outer Hamstrings

Ground 1: Shin and Extended Foot

From Downward Dog, transition into a lunge; bring back knee down

Take mat out from under extended foot; move foot into flexion

Check that back shin is aligned with outside edge of mat

Ground 2: Pelvis

Move hips just forward of the back knee

Begin to lengthen forward; place hands on mat or, if hamstrings require it, blocks

Sitting bones move toward back wall (trying for anterior tilt of pelvis, though technically


Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Extended foot is in light flexion

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall strongly

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput lengthens

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of back leg and knee

Light flexion in back hip; deeper flexion in front hip

Extended Leg Hamstring lengthening (at origin)

Core Body Engagement

Neutral in Pectorals and upper chest


Kneeling Hamstring II: For outer hamstring lengthening, turn flexed, extended foot out at 90-

degree angle; hold heel and create isometric with hand and heel; lean onto sitting bone of

extended leg, and draw sitting bone back

Note: This pose is a great companion to Kneeling Lunge I, II, and III


Virasana39 Hamstring Stretch

Themes: Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Outer Hamstrings

Ground 1: Pelvis (on block) and Heels

Begin in Half Virasana on block

Extended foot is in line with ASIS

Create back arch

Begin to lengthen forward; place hands on the mat

Sitting bones move toward back wall (trying for anterior tilt of pelvis, though technically


Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

Extended foot is in light flexion

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall strongly

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput lengthens

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of virasana leg and knee

Light flexion in both hips

Extended Hamstring lengthening (at origin)

Core Body Engagement

Neutral in Pectorals and upper chest


Can draw bent arm under extended leg—just above knee—and add isometric to access

hamstring insertion (at back of knee) For outer hamstring lengthening, turn flexed, extended foot out at 90-degree angle; hold heel

and create isometric with hand and heel; lean onto sitting bone of extended leg, and draw

sitting bone back

39 Hero/Heroine Pose with Hamstring Stretch



Themes: Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Outer Hamstrings

Ground 1: Pelvis (on block)

Begin in Half Virasana on block

Extended leg is lifted and in line with ASIS

Use strap or hand to hold extended foot just under ball of the foot

Sitting bones drop toward block move toward back wall (trying for anterior tilt of pelvis, though

technically impossible)

Mula bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas active

For outer hamstring lengthening, turn flexed, extended foot out at 90-degree angle; hold heel

and create isometric with hand and heel; lean onto sitting bone of extended leg, draw sitting

bone back

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward front wall strongly

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput lengthens

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of virasana leg and knee

Light flexion in virasana leg, deep flexion in extended leg

Extended Hamstring lengthening (at origin)

Core Body Engagement

Neutral in Pectorals and upper chest


Can turn extended leg out at 45-degree angle for outer hamstring stretch (add isometric) Can take opposite hand to outer edge of extended foot and add a twist Can leave leg up without holding it for psoas and quadriceps engagement

40 Heron Pose


Kneeling Lunge I, II, and III

Themes: Hip Openers (Flexion and Extension), Outer Hip Flexors, Psoas Lengthening

Ground 1: Back Shin and Front (extended) Foot

From Downward Dog, transition into a lunge; bring back knee down

Come up to Kneeling

Check that back shin is aligned with outside edge of mat

Ground 2: Pelvis

Move out of lunge to begin

Lift pubic bone strongly upward and tuck tailbone; use Mula and Uddiyana Bandhas to help the

lift (this lift moves in the opposite direction of the isometric that follows)

Start isometric by pressing back shin down into ground

Inhale, press the back shin down and lift pubic bone upward; exhale and bring pelvis forward

(still in the upright position)

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart draws toward ceiling

Shoulder blades draw down back

Lift from Farmer’s Armpit

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput lengthens

Throat bandha engaged

Keep chin lifted to access and deepen the breath

Actions within the Pose:

Extension of Back Leg

Flexion in front hip

Core Body Engagement

Pectorals and chest opening somewhat


Kneeling Lunge II: For outer hip flexor lengthening, take back shin 4-5” toward edge of mat,

so that it’s wider than knee; repeat instructions for pose (can also add side bend if desired)

Kneeling Lunge III: For inner hip flexor, bring back shin in line once again. Walk front foot

forward and out to the side so stance is wider than hips’ width. Turn front foot out at 45-

degree angle. Let knee turn as well, so it’s over the ankle. Repeat instructions for Kneeling

Lunge I.


Wide-Legged Lunge

Themes: Hip Openers (Flexion and Extension), Hip Openers (External or Internal Rotation), Psoas

Lengthening, Use of isometrics to increase fascial release and expansion

Ground 1: Feet and Hands

From Downward Dog, transition into a lunge; keep back knee up

Pada Bandha active on both feet

Front knee should be directly over ankle

Draw feet wider than hips’ width apart

Can place block under hands, use hands only, draw forearms down to a block, or forearms to


Ground 2: Hip/pelvis/spine

Extend through spine

Engage Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Psoas (especially on back hip to elevate it)

Hips can move slightly below front knee, different than the simple Warmup Lunge

Pelvis Moving toward anterior tilt

Ground 3: Shoulders/arms/upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades moving down the back, shoulders rolled out & biceps rolled out

Upper thoracic spine long

Ground 4: Cervical spine

Neck relaxed, head between shoulders, neck and head aligned with spine

Throat bandha activated

Actions within the Pose:

Pada Bandha

Flexion of front hip/leg

Extension of back hip/leg

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Necessary prelude to Koundinyasana II


Flexion Isometric: Back Knee down as in Kneeling Lunge—press back shin toward back wall

Extension Isometric: Keeping breath dynamic, change the isometric so that back shin “drags”

toward front wall—drop pelvis toward mat and steer torso in direction of front foot to enhance



Baddha Konasana41

Themes: Hip Openers (External Rotation), Hip Openers (Flexion), Inseam of Legs, Adductor


Ground 1: Pelvis

Place blanket under sitting bones for elevation

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Place soles of the feet together; knees wide

Check sacral spine to see if it is able to lengthen; if not, add height under the sitting bones (a

folded blanket will usually do).

Lumbar spine is working toward (attempting) anterior tilt (since this is a forward bend)

Uddiyana bandha active

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long

Hands underneath ankles

If drawing forward of the feet, lengthen spine as much as possible

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External Rotation of both hips

Flexion of Knees (this can sometimes cause pain behind the knee if hips are tight)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Good (thought not necessary) prelude to Janu Sirsasana


Isometric: Place hands under outer knees; lift knees up 1-2” and then begin isometric. After 5-

8 breaths, release isometric first and then allow knees to lower down to mat

41 Bound Angle Pose


Agni Stambhasana42

Themes: Hip Openers (External Rotation), Hip Openers (Flexion), Inseam of Legs, Adductor


Ground 1: Pelvis

Sitting bones grounding down; sit on blanket if lower spine is rounding

Bottom shin parallel with front of mat; top shin placed directly over bottom

Narrow the knees

Pada bandha active

Uddiyana bandha active

Place support under both top and bottom knee if there is a history of knee issues or pain in this


Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long

Take hands underneath top ankle

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External Rotation of both hips

Flexion of Knees (this can sometimes cause pain behind the knee if hips are tight)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Most of the time, a Crescendo (difficult) pose unless hips are very open


Isometric: Place hands under outer knees; lift knees up 1-2” and then begin isometric. After 5-

8 breaths, release isometric first and then allow knees to lower down to mat (same as in

Baddha Konasana)

Isometric: Place same-sided hand just behind top calf at back of knee; press calf gently toward

front wall and lengthen away from sitting bones; can do the same with bottom calf, as well

42 Firelog Pose


Raja Kapotasana43

Themes: Hip Openers (flexion, extension, external rotation), Outer Seam of Legs, Back Body Opener

(glutes, piriformis, outer hamstring)

Ground 1: Pelvis/Legs

The hips become the fulcrum of the pose

Bend front leg, and place the front knee wider than the front hip

Square hips to the mat, and to the front wall

Roll the back leg internally

Support under the sitting bone (ischium) of front leg

Rest weight evenly between both hips/sitting bones

If low back pain, engage the bandhas and come down onto forearms immediately

Note: if pelvis is riding forward over the bent knee, and/or there is any pain in the front knee,

use an isometric by grounding forearms down and pressing body weight toward the back wall

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long

Use a block under the forehead to calm the brain and preserve alignment of upper thoracic and

cervical spines

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External Rotation of front hip

Extension and slight internal rotation of back hip/leg

Flexion of front knee (this can sometimes cause pain behind the knee if hips are tight)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Good prelude to IT Band on the Block


Isometric: Place hands on mat and press mat/floor forward to bring action of pose more deeply

in front hip

43 (King) Pigeon Pose


Fallen Warrior

Themes: Hip Openers (internal rotation), Twists, Outer Seam of Legs, Obliques

Ground 1: Buttocks/Legs

The hips become the fulcrum of the pose

From Downward Dog, draw knee into chest and, coming forward, thread leg underneath you

You’ll be on the outer seam of the front leg, with the legs at a 90-degree angle

Using hands, lift up and set hips one inch to the right, so you’re close to the greater trochanter

Draw hands close to front hip, and lengthen torso up to ceiling

Move in a twist, away from the top (front) leg

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward ceiling

Upper thoracic spine long

Use a block under hands to extend spine further, if desired

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and Internal Rotation of front hip

Extension and slight internal rotation of back hip/leg

Oblique lengthening (inner and outer)

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement

Good prelude to IT Band on the Block (can come both before and after Raja Kapotasana44)


Variation I: Resting hands in dolphin position alongside block, using outer seam of front leg

and inner seam of back leg, lift up into Fallen Warrior Plank

Variation II: Open out into Side Fallen Warrior Plank and lift top hand up and/or wrap it behind


44 Pigeon Pose


Upavista Konasana45

Themes: Hip Openers (External Rotation), Inner Seam of legs, Forward Bends, Hamstrings

Ground 1: Pelvis

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Open the legs out to 90 degrees or a tiny bit wider

Knees and toes point straight up to the ceiling

Engage quadriceps to stabilize the knees

Check sacral spine to see if it is able to lengthen; if not, add height under the sitting bones (a

folded blanket will usually do)

If height is added under the sitting bones, do not attempt to draw forward, as this can injure

the hamstrings

Lumbar spine is working toward (attempting) anterior tilt (since this is a forward bend) while

still lengthening forward

Uddiyana and mula bandha active

Navel draws forward, while sitting bones extend toward back wall

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front wall

Upper thoracic spine long

Hands can reach forward, lengthening arms, or hold ankles, or catch the big toe

Shoulder blades ground down into back body

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in line with shoulders

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

External Rotation of both hips

Adductors Lengthening

Hamstring Lengthening

Spinal Extension

Core Body Engagement


Variation I: Hold Ankles, if possible, and push ankles away to create ‘distraction’ in hip joint

45 Seated Angle Pose (Wide-Legged Seated Forward Bend)



Themes: Twists, Hip Openers (flexion and internal rotation), Outer Seam of Legs, IT Band

Ground 1: Pelvis

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Add a folded blanket under sitting bones if sacral spine is rounding, or if torso is “falling”

toward back wall

Either bend the left leg with knee on floor, stepping right foot to the outside of left knee (right

knee lifting up to ceiling), or

Fold the legs, one on top of the other, to the left, or

For knee issues, keep left leg extended, knee and toes pointing straight up

Engage quadriceps of leg if extended, to stabilize the knee

Inhaling, lengthen through the spine and crown of the head; exhaling, twist from the lower

side waist/abdomen

Repeat on other side

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward side wall and lifting

Upper thoracic spine long

Back hand can reach behind the ground into floor and help lengthen the upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades ground down into back body

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head turns along with torso

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and External Rotation of grounded hip

Flexion and Internal Rotation of lifted leg

Twisting of Torso

Spinal Extension

Deep Core Body Engagement


Variation I: Can bind arms, if desired, but this can cause medial rotation of shoulder and

possible rotator cuff issues

46 Bharadvaja (Name of a Sage) Pose



Themes: Twists, Hip Openers (flexion and internal rotation), Outer Seam of Legs, IT Band

Ground 1: Pelvis

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Rest sitting bones on lowest or second lowest end of block

Draw sitting bones toward floor, and lengthen spine, to deepen hip flexion

Most of the time, heels will be lifted

Add a folded blanket under heels as an alternative

Twist torso to side and either use shoulder to deepen the twist, or bind arms (though watch for

medial rotation of shoulder)

Inhaling, lengthen through the spine and crown of the head; exhaling, twist from the lower

side waist/abdomen

Repeat on other side

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward side wall and lifting

Upper thoracic spine long

Back hand can rest on sacrum or reach behind the ground into floor and help lengthen the

upper thoracic spine

Shoulder blades ground down into back body

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head turns along with torso

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and Internal Rotation of both hips

Twisting of Torso

Deep Core Body Engagement

Spinal Extension


Variation I: Can bind arms, but this can cause medial rotation of shoulder and rotator cuff


47 Noose Pose


Janu Sirsasana48

Themes: Twists, Side Body Expansion, QL Lengthening, Hamstrings

Ground 1: Pelvis

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Add a folded blanket under sitting bones if sacral spine rounds or if torso “falls” toward back


Add support (blanket or block) under bent knee if knee is lifting off the mat

Bend left leg, and set left foot at root of right groin (or left)

Take left fingers in front, right fingers in back (to use as leverage to lengthen through the


Inhaling, lengthen through spine; exhaling, twist lower left waist to the right

Either take a strap under the ball of the right foot, or hold outside of right foot with left hand

Right arm can come out to the side for support

Extended leg (right leg) has knees and toes pointing straight upwards; and quadriceps


Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward front and side walls, and lifting

Shoulders parallel to mat

Aim torso to the outside of the right leg

Upper thoracic spine long

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head turns along with torso

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and External Rotation of Bent Leg

Extension and Hamstring Lengthening of other leg

Twisting of Torso or Side Bending (depending on variation)

Deep Core Body Engagement

Spinal Extension


Variation I: Add isometric by pressing groin of bent leg away from extended foot Variation II: Parivritta Janu Sirsasana—Side Bend- lengthening side body out toward extended

foot and twisting open

48 Head to Knee Pose



Themes: Hip Openers (Flexion) Forward Bends, Hamstrings, QL Lengthening

Ground 1: Pelvis

In our therapeutic vinyasa system, typically takes place on block

Use sitting bones as the fulcrum of the pose

Can add a folded blanket under sitting bones if sacral spine is rounding, or if torso is “falling”

toward back wall, or if hip flexors are tight if not using a block

Bend left leg, and set left foot at root of left sitting bone

Extend right leg

Hold just under left knee with hands; use leg as leverage to lengthen through spine

Inhaling, lengthen through spine and lift right arm up to ceiling; exhaling, twist lower right

waist to the left

Bring either the right elbow or shoulder to the outside of the left knee; use the isometric

between the shoulder and the knee to enhance the twist

Extended leg (right leg) has knees and toes pointing straight upwards; and quadriceps


Repeat on other side

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart drawing toward left wall, and lifting

Shoulder blades grounding into spine

Upper thoracic spine long

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head turns along with torso

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion and Internal Rotation of both hips

Twisting of Torso

Deep Core Body Engagement

Spinal Extension


Variation I: Can open twist as in Janu Sirsasana II Variation II: Can bind arms, but this can cause medial rotation of shoulder and rotator cuff


49 Marichi (Name of a Sage) Pose


Setu Bandhasana50

Themes: Backbends, Heart Openers, Hip Openers (though must use prep; extension)

Ground 1: Feet/Shoulders

Feet on mat, in line with hips or a little narrower

Feet in line with (underneath) knees

Legs internally rotated; can use a block between thighs (block toward knees)

Start with hands on floor, and lift spine; tuck tailbone immediately and draw pubic bone

toward face; use Uddiyana Bandha and psoas to draw the front body into the back body

Tuck shoulders underneath body

If lower back pain is present, lower height and resume tucking of tailbone, etc.

If lower back pain persists, rest on a block (lowest or second lowest height) in supported setu


Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to ceiling

Pubic bone lifted

Tailbone tucked

Mula bandha and uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back bend

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged, as well as QL

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Make sure not to tuck chin into chest in Jalandhara Bandha

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Opening (extension) of both hips

Core Body Engagement

Quad Lengthening

Chest (pectoral) opening


Variation I: One-legged Bridge (with or without minute leg raises) Variation II: Supine Figure Four Bridge (one leg is in Figure Four)

50 Bridge Pose



Themes: Backbends, Heart Openers, Core Body (though less often)

Ground 1: Shins/Knees

Knees on mat, in line with hips or a little narrower

Feet in line with knees, toes and feet lengthening behind

Legs internally rotated

Hands can stay on sacrum, or descend to heels

If lower back pain is present, curl toes under, or place a block under where hands will go to

shorten the distance of the backbend

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to front

Pubic bone lifted strongly

Tailbone tucked

Mula bandha and uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged and drawing strongly toward front body

Hands at heart to begin; grounding of shoulder blades into back helps support lifting of heart

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; chin lifting up to ceiling

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Opening (extension) of both hips

Strong Core Body Engagement

Quad Lengthening

Chest (pectoral) opening

Upper Thoracic Spine opening


Variation I: Curl toes under Variation II: Take hands to lower back for support; do not go back all the way

51 Camel Pose



Themes: Backbends, Heart Openers

Ground 1: Pelvis

Lie on mat, with forehead on floor

Reach back and hold outsides of ankles or shins (not feet, if possible)

Tuck tailbone and lift navel off the mat

Start first with the legs, breaking them out against the hands and lifting the knees off the mat

Then lift head, chin, and chest keeping tailbone tucked and navel lifting

If lower back pain is present, lower the height of the pose

Hips square to mat and front wall

Weight toward ilium bones (hip bones)

Pubic bone lifted

Tailbone tucked

Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha active

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; chin slightly lifting up to ceiling

Throat bandha engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Opening (extension) of both hips

Core Body Engagement

Quad Lengthening

Chest (pectoral) opening

Shoulders in Flexion


Variation I: Ardha (Half) Dhanurasana (with one leg) Variation II: Ardha (Half) Dhanurasana (with one leg, but opposite hand holding opposite leg) Variation III: Padangusthasana Dhanurasana (Extremely advanced; funky action of shoulder


52 Bow Pose


Urdhva Dhanurasana53

Themes: Backbends, Heart Openers

Ground I: Feet and Hands

Begin as in Setu Bandhasana, above

Knees holding a block, or drawing toward one another

Internal rotation of thighs important; squeeze block between thighs to help with this

Hands wide on the mat, by shoulders

Draw elbows in toward one another and ground shoulder blades down spine

Inhale, and on the exhale come onto crown of head

Inhale, and on the exhale press up into wheel

Ground 2: Pelvis

Pubic bone lifted and Tailbone tucked

Cultivate Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha

If lower back pain is present, lower the height of the pose

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged

Breathe into back ribs as well as front ribs

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long; head in a neutral position

Throat bandha lightly engaged

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Opening (extension) of both hips

Core Body Engagement

Quad Lengthening

Chest (pectoral) opening

Shoulder opening


Variation I: Viparita Dandasana (bring forearms down to mat) Variation II: One-legged Wheel

53 Upward Facing Bow Pose (Wheel Pose)


Supta Padangusthasana54

Themes: Forward Bends, Hamstrings, Counterbalancing

Ground 1: Spine and Buttocks

Lying on back, one leg extended and one leg lifted

Feet in line with outer ASIS

Strap under ball of extended foot

Feet parallel or heels slightly wider than toes

Feet hip width apart

Access pada bandha (lift arches)

Legs strong; isometric with top foot pressing lightly up into strap

Check for hyperextension of knees; if present, can micro-bend the knees

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Arms straight and holding strap with lateral rotation of shoulders

Heart lengthening

Shoulder blades grounding into back body

Spine long; bend knees if necessary to lengthen spine or use blocks under hands

Actions within the Pose:

Deep flexion of lifted leg hip

Neutral position/extension of lowered leg hip

Spinal extension (not rounding)

Lengthening of hamstrings


Variation I: Supta Padangusthasana II (lifted leg moves out to side to access adductors) Variation II: Parivritta Supta Padangusthasana or SP III (lifted leg moves across body to

access IT Band) Variation III: Supta Padangusthasana on Block (block goes vertically down the body,

underneath pelvis; pelvis is level to mat) to access extended leg hip flexor as well as lifted leg


54 Supine Hand to Big Toe Pose


Supine Figure Four

Themes: Hip Openers (Flexion and External Rotation), Counterbalancing for Internal Rotation

Ground 1: Spine and Buttocks

On back, with knees bent, one leg coming into Figure Four

Reach inside triangle between legs, and hold underneath Figure Four leg

Draw leg toward chest slowly

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthening

Shoulder blades grounding into back body

Spine lengthening

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

If head has to come up off mat, place block beneath it

Occiput Lengthening

Actions within the Pose:

Flexion of lifted leg hip

External Rotation of lifted leg hip

Slight flexion (or, if desired, extension- by lengthening leg out on mat)

Spinal extension (not rounding)

Lengthening of hamstrings


Variation I: Add isometric between ankle and “standing” leg Variation II: Draw arms under top knee (right at back of knee) and ankle; flex foot, add

isometric—the other leg can be bent or extended Variation III: Hug arms around top shin (knee and ankle in crook of both elbows); flex foot,

add isometric—the other leg can be bent or extended, as above


Supine Baby and Half Baby

Themes: Hip Openers (Flexion and Extension), Hamstrings, Counterbalancing

Ground 1: Spine and Buttocks

On back, with knees bent, legs coming into baby

To prevent external rotation, hold on outside of feet

To prevent internal rotation, hold on inside of feet

Draw knees into armpits, keeping sitting bones moving down toward floor

Pelvis moves toward anterior tilt

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lengthening

Shoulder blades grounding into back body

Spine lengthening

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

If head has to come up off mat, place block beneath it

Occiput Lengthening

Actions within the Pose:

Hip Flexion

Hamstring Lengthening

Slight Internal Rotation of Hips

External Rotation of lifted leg hip

Spinal extension (not rounding)


Variation I: Can do half baby Variation II: Can add isometric in Half Baby by pressing free hand into back of bent leg knee

and squeezing hamstring



Themes: Heart Opening, Counterbalancing (for forward bends, side bends, etc.)

Ground 1: Buttocks and Legs

On back, with lowest end of block placed horizontally under upper shoulders and neck (only


Lift upper heart and chest and draw head back onto block

Legs rotate slightly internally

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart opening

Shoulder blades grounding into back body

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should lengthen before backbending

Occiput closes slightly

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Pectorals Opening

Subscaps engaging to draw shoulder blades down back

Slight backbend of cervical spine, so should always be followed by supine neutral pose

Slight Hamstring Lengthening

Slight Internal Rotation of Hips

Core Body Engagement

55 Lord of the Fishes Pose


Dolphin Pose

Themes: Heart Opening, Lymph Drainage, Counterbalancing (for forward bends, side bends, etc.)

Ground 1: Forearms and Feet

Blocks in an “L” shape as wide as natural width of shoulders

Bring hands to sides of block so that wrists and fingers are supported by block

Karate chop block to create neutral position of shoulders

Round upper thoracic spine to protect shoulders when coming into pose

Lift knees and come into Dolphin

Add Isometric with forearms grounding down into mat and sitting bones lifting up and away

from mat

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart opening

Shoulders in extension

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should remain in line with shoulders

Throat Bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Pectorals Opening (armpit chest)

Subscaps engaging to draw shoulder blades down back

Shoulders in Flexion

Core Body Engagement


Variation I: One-legged Dolphin (lift one leg up to ceiling)

Variation II: Turn palms up to ceiling (this assists lateral rotation of shoulders, and is


Variation III: Turn palms down to mat; thumb catches front edge of block, fingers catch sides

of block (this causes more medial rotation of shoulders, so is less desirable)


Funky Child Pose

Themes: Heart Opening, Upper Thoracic Spine Expanding, Lymph Drainage, Counterbalancing (for

forward bends, side bends, etc.)

Ground 1: Forearms and Knees

Blocks in an “L” shape as wide as natural width of shoulders, as in Dolphin

Bring hands to sides of block so that wrists and fingers are supported by block

Karate chop block to create neutral position of shoulders

Round upper thoracic spine to protect shoulders when coming into pose

Lift knees and come into Dolphin

Add Isometric with forearms grounding down into mat and sitting bones lifting up and away

from mat

Continuing isometric, lower knees to mat

Walk knees back nine inches and keep them hips’ width apart

Round upper thoracic spine to come in; take head toward knees as far as it will go

Land forehead on mat

Let Upper Thoracic Spine descend gently down toward mat

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart opening

Shoulders in full extension

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should remain in line with shoulders

Throat Bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Upper Thoracic Spine

Pectorals Opening (armpit chest)

Shoulders in Flexion

Core Body Engagement


Variation I: Turn head to side and gently lower shoulder on opposite side of turn, to mat

Variation II: Turn palms up to ceiling


Arms in a T Pose

Themes: Heart Opening, Upper Thoracic Spine Strengthening, Subscap Strengthening, Rhomboid

Strengthening, Necessary for all heart opening

Ground 1: Forearms and Knees

Lying prone on mat, bring arms out to a “T”

Create “circle of energy and action” by lifting Farmer’s Armpit up and over shoulders

Continue by taking subscaps and drawing them down back

Rhomboids slightly engage

Tailbone tucks

On front body, pubic bone moves toward heart (and closes circle of Farmer’s Armpit)

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart opening

Pectorals opening

Shoulders in neutral position

Always keep elbows in line with shoulders

Can be done in prone or lifted position

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should remain in line with shoulders

Throat Bandha active

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Upper Thoracic Spine Strengthening

Subscaps Strengthening

Rhomboids Strengthening

Pectorals Opening (armpit chest)

Shoulders in Neutral Position

Core Body Engagement


Variation I: Lift arms and hands and chest off mat

Variation II: Turn arms into Frog Arms (arms at right angle)


Supported Setu Bandhasana56

Themes: Backbends, Heart Openers, Hip Openers (flexion)

Ground 1: Feet/Shoulders

Knees on mat, in line with hips or a little narrower

Feet in line with knees

Legs internally rotated; can use a block between thighs (block toward knees)

Start with hands on floor, and lift spine; tuck tailbone immediately and draw pubic bone

toward the face; use Uddiyana Bandha and Psoas to strongly draw front body into back body

Tuck shoulders underneath body

Rest sacrum on block

Ground 2: Pelvis

Hips square to ceiling

Pubic bone lifted slightly

Tailbone tucked slightly

Mula bandha and uddiyana bandha active

Ground 3: Upper Thoracic Spine

Heart lifting toward ceiling so it’s an upper back bend, not lower back bend

Paraspinal muscles along upper thoracic spine engaged, as well as QL

Ground 4: Cervical Spine

Make sure not to tuck chin into chest in Jalandhara Bandha

Actions within the Pose:

Good Step-Down for Backbends

Good Alternative to Sarvangasana

Slight Hip Opening (extension) of both hips

Slight Core Body Engagement

Slight Quad Lengthening

Slight Chest (pectoral) opening


Variation I: block can be on second highest end Variation II: block can be on highest end

56 Bridge Pose



Themes: Finishing Pose; Inversions; Spinal Lengthening, Lymph Drainage

Ground 1: Shoulders

Use one blanket or two

Bind arms, especially if shoulders are tight

Rounded edge of blanket must be under shoulders; no blanket under head or neck

Line up shoulders with rounded edge of the blanket

Support the spine when coming up

Internally rotate the thighs

Activate the bandhas

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Walk hands higher up the spine, toward shoulders, in order to enhance dialogue between the

hands and the spine

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Occiput long

Chin lifted away from chest to facilitate normal cervical curve

Actions within the Pose:

Spinal lengthening

Neutral Position (Tadasana) of both hips

Core Body Engagement

Pubic bone lifting

Shoulders in slight extension

Slight Chest (pectoral) opening


Variation I: can pike legs halfway to lessen spinal extension Variation II: can bend knees and bring them to forehead Variation III: can come into Halasana58 and Halasana variations

57 Shoulderstand Pose 58 Plough Pose



Themes: Arm Balancing, Inversions, Core Body Strengthening

Ground 1: Head and Hands

Use one blanket

Place crown of head on blanket

Place hands under blanket so that elbows are just a bit past wrists, as this will change when

inversion occurs

Place one knee on each tricep

Activate the bandhas to support lift

Press down strongly through hands to take pressure off head

Ground 2: Pelvis and Legs

Core body engaged

Engage legs and internally rotate thighs

Extend up through balls of feet

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Actions within the Pose:

Spinal lengthening

Hips in Flexion

In full Tripod Headstand, Hips in Neutral Position (Tadasana) of both hips

Strong Core Body Engagement

Pubic bone lifting

Shoulders in slight extension

Slight Chest (pectoral) opening




Variation I: can leave feet on mat Variation II: can lift knees a few inches up, then bring them down, to strengthen core (works

well in Core Body class) Variation III: Tripod Headstand



Themes: Inversions, Core Body Strength

Ground 1: Head and Forearms

Use one blanket

Place crown of head on blanket

Place forearms on blanket and interlace fingers together behind the head; base should form a


Make sure that the wrists are stacked, one on top of the other, so that hands neither collapse

inward nor outward

Use core body to come up, either with bent or straight legs

Use a wall if the body is not stable during headstand

Activate the bandhas to support lift

Press down strongly through forearms (at least 70% of weight should be on forearms) to take

pressure off head

Draw shoulders toward wall that you are facing to give height to the pose and open shoulders

Ground 2: Pelvis and Legs

Tailbone tucking

Core body engaged

Engage legs and internally rotate thighs

Extend up through balls of feet

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Actions within the Pose:

Spinal lengthening

Hips in Neutral Position (Tadasana) of both hips

Strong Core Body Engagement

Pubic bone lifting

Shoulders in slight extension

Slight Chest (pectoral) opening




Variation I: can come into Pike Headstand (Half Headstand) for core body strength

59 Headstand Pose


IT Band on the Block

Themes: IT Band (Releasing), Outer Seam of Legs, Hip Openers, Twists, Therapeutics, Lymph


Ground 1: Pelvis and Legs

Tailbone tucking

Core body engaged

Engage legs lightly and stack them as in Vasisthasana60

Start with the “hello” version of the pose, in which the block is on the outside of the hip;

corner of the block should intersect with the center of the gluteal muscles when rolling back

towards the buttocks

Roll gently backwards and then back to center; repeat several times while breathing

Ground 2: Head and Forearms

Use one blanket

Place bottom forearm on blanket

If this is difficult for the shoulder that is supporting, then slide arm down on the mat (although

this makes the pose more difficult)

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Head should be in line with shoulders whenever possible

Actions within the Pose:

IT Band Release from just below trochanter to just above knee

Outer seams of legs lengthening

Core Body Engagement


Variation I: when at Position III (final position), can bend and straighten legs slowly with

breath; this variation is a necessary pose to Eka Pada Koundinyasana I Variation II: can move into “hello” position to get piriformis

60 Side Forearm Plank Pose on the Block


Core Body on the Block

Themes: Core Body Strength, Learning how to engage the Bandhas and Psoas; Lymph Drainage

Ground 1: Pelvis and Legs

Tailbone tucking

Lie over block so that the block is just above the pubic bone, and just below the lower ribs

First engage mula bandha and feel it reverberating against the block

Then engage uddiyana bandha and feel it reverberating against the block

Experiment with engaging both bandhas together

Roll toward the left side of the body, so that the edge of the block is just inside the hipbone

Engage the left iliopsoas and feel it reverberating against the block

Do the same on the right side

Roll forward on the block to feel the echo of the core work against the origin of the psoas

(thoracic ribs) at the back body (front of the spine)

Roll gently back so that the stimulation at the lower uddiyana level is stronger

Breathe deeply (ujjayi breath) throughout the exercise

Ground 2: Head and Forearms

Use one blanket

Place forearms on blanket for added support

Ground 3: Cervical Spine

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Head should be in line with shoulders whenever possible

Actions within the Pose:

Core Body Engagement

Release of Internal Organs


Variation I: Can place blanket over blocks

Note Contraindications: Do not do when pregnant; add support when on menstrual cycle


Pecasana61 (Pecs on the Block)

Themes: Heart Opening, Lymph Drainage; Pectoral Opening, Inseam of Legs

Ground 1: Upper Thoracic Spine

Begin prone, on the abdomen

Beginning on the right side, extend the inner right shoulder over the block, arm parallel with

the block, so that the inner corner of the block is just intersecting with the pectorals. Make

sure this intersection is a bit “uncomfortable” to begin, as this will dissipate when rolling away

Roll onto right shoulder, so that entire body is facing away from the extended arm. There

should be a strong stretch in the inseam of the arm

Keep rolling away, eventually approaching being on the back (supine position)

Breathe deeply (ujjayi breath) throughout the exercise

Ground 2: Pelvis and Legs

Pelvis and legs are in alignment with one another

Ground 3: Head and Cervical Spine

Take free arm and wrap it around the head

Catch the right ear, and lift head up toward left shoulder

This relieves the pressure from the head and neck

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Actions within the Pose:

Pectorals Opening

SCM expanding (increases space at Sternocleidomastoids)

Core Body Engagement

61 Lymph Node Purifying Pose


Hamstring & Achilles Releasing Pose

Themes: Hamstrings, Forward Bends, Releasing back body, Lymph Drainage

Ground 1: Pelvis and legs

Roll up a mat as tightly as possible; if using a mat too intense, a rolled blanket should suffice

Begin by kneeling on the floor (mat is optional)

Supporting the upper body using the hands, draw the weight forward as much as possible so

as to form an angle greater than 90 degrees between the legs and upper body

With one hand, fit the rolled up mat tightly into the backs of the knees

There should be no space between the rolled up mat and the backs of the knees

Sit back on the mat roll

Holding either side of the mat roll with the hands, rock gently from side to side

Breathe deeply

For Round Two, allow the rolled up mat to move lower down on the calves (and thus, a little

higher on the hamstrings)

Repeat rocking and breathing

For Round Three, allow the rolled up mat to move down to the lowest part of the Achilles, just

above the ankle (and thus, the higher part of the hamstrings)

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Upper Thoracic Spine should be vertical, with the chest remaining open

Ground 3: Head and Cervical Spine

Maintain alignment of head and neck (throat bandha)

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Actions within the Pose:

Hamstring Release at Insertion into Knee

Upper Calf Release

Achilles Release



Variation I: rolled mat right behind Knees Variation II: rolled mat on Calves Variation III: rolled mat on Achilles


Quads on the Block

Themes: Releasing tension stored in the front body, in particular the quadriceps

Ground 1: Pelvis and legs

Begin by lying on the floor

Place a block under the upper right quadriceps (block should be at the “meatiest” part of the


Tuck the tailbone, and maintain this tuck- and the bandhas- throughout the duration of the


Either move the leg in use into bhekasana, or dhanurasana, or extend the leg (especially in the

case of lower back issues)

Roll the body gently from right to left

If desired, move the block a little further up (or down) the thigh\

Repeat on the other side

Breathe deeply (ujjayi breath) throughout the exercise

Ground 2: Upper Thoracic Spine

Upper Thoracic Spine should be in line with the rest of the body, with the chest remaining open

Shoulders and ribs should be parallel to the mat

Ground 3: Head and Cervical Spine

Maintain alignment of head and neck (throat bandha)

Cervical spine should retain its normal curve

Actions within the Pose:

Quad Release

Front Body Opening


Variation I: bend leg and hold ankle (as in Nata Rajasana); add isometric between leg and

hand and roll on quad Variation II: leg in virasana, repeat above Variation III: legs bent, “body surf” on the block


Paryankasana62 on the Block

Themes: Heart Opening, Backbends, Upper Thoracic Spine Opening, Shoulder Opening, Lymph


Ground 1: Upper Thoracic Spine

Begin by sitting on the floor with legs extended forward

Place a block on its highest end, with the narrowest part of the highest end under the

beginning of the upper thoracic spine (i.e. should be much higher than the waist)

Arching the upper thoracic spine, lay back over the block

The block should be at the beginning of the upper thoracic spine

With hands interlaced under head (see below), rest back over block, breathing deeply

For Round Two, move block higher up the spine

For Round Three, move block still

Breathe deeply (ujjayi breath) throughout the exercise

Ground 2: Head and Cervical Spine

Hands should be interlaced at the back of the head

It is extremely important to keep elbows moving in toward ears: ideally, in line with shoulders

Do not allow over-extension of the cervical spine

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Upper Thoracic Spine Opening

Shoulder Opening

Lymph Drainage

Front Body Opening


Variation I: Use Blanket instead of Block (widthwise across body)

62 Gate Pose


Scapula Hang

Themes: Heart Opening, Backbends, Upper Thoracic Spine Opening, Shoulder Opening, Lymph


Ground 1: Upper Thoracic Spine

Begin by sitting on the floor with legs extended forward

Place a block on its lowest end, widthwise across the body

Arching the upper thoracic spine, lay back over the block so that scapulae just hand over block

Draw arms overhead with lateral rotation of shoulders

Arms should be parallel and shoulders’ width apart

Breathe deeply (ujjayi breath) throughout the exercise

Ground 2: Head and Cervical Spine

It is extremely important to keep shoulders rotating laterally and palms parallel

Do not allow over-extension of the cervical spine

Actions within the Pose:

Heart Opening

Upper Thoracic Spine Opening

Shoulder Opening

Lymph Drainage

Front Body Opening


Variation I: Use Blanket instead of Block (widthwise across body)

top related