integral solutions to heun’s di erential equation via some ......integral solutions to heun’s di...

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Integral Solutions To Heun’s Di Erential EquationVia Some Rational Transformation

A. Anjorin

Abstract-The present work determines the integral form of solutions obtained from the transformation of Heun’s equation tohypergeometric equation by rational substitution. All relevant solutions are provided. AMS Subject Classification: 33CXX Key Words : Hypergeometric functions, Heun’s functions.




t− 1+ εt− d



αβt− qt(t− 1)(t− d)

u = 0, (1.1)

where {α, β, γ, δ, ε, d, q} (d 6 = 0, 1) are parameters, generally complex and arbitrary, linked by the Fuschian constraint α + β + 1 = γ + δ + ε . This equation has four regular singular points at {0, 1,a,∞}, with the exponents of these singularities being respectively, {0, 1 − γ}, {0, 1 − δ}, {0, 1 − ε}, and {α, β}. The equation (1.1) is called Heun’s equation[3]The hypergeometric equation[3]

z(1− z) d2ydz2 + [c− (a+ b+ 1)z]

dydz− aby = 0, (1.2)

The hypergeometric equation has three regular singular points. Heun’s equation has four singular points. The prob-lem of conversion from Heun’s equation to hypergeometric equation has been teated in the works of K. Kuiken [1]. The purpose of this work is to derive some integrated forms of solutions to the Heun’s equation via some rational transformation as stated in [1]. The steps taken shall be the conversion of Heun’s functions to the hypergeometricfunctions then taken the integration, and through a push and pull back process we arrive back to a new Heun’s functions di erent from the original Heun’s function.Every homogenous linear second order di erential equation with four regular singularities can be transformed into[3]

d2u dt2

+ (

has three regular singular points. In the works of [1], it has been shown that these two equations above can be trans

formed to one another via six rational polynomials z = R(t), where R(t) = t2, 1 − t2, (t − 1)2, 2t − t2, (2t − 1)2, 4t(1

− t). The following parameter relations were deduced[1].For the polynomial R(t) = t2

• α + β = 2(a + b), αβ = 4ab, γ = −1 + 2c, δ = 1 + a + b − c, ε = δ , q = 0 and d = −1 .

For the polynomial R(t) = 1− t2

• α + β = 2(a + b), αβ = 4ab, γ = 1 − 2c + 2a + 2b, δ = c, ε = δ = c, q = 0 and

d = −1.

Department of Mathematics, Lagos State University(LASU) PMB 1087 Apapa Lagos Nigeria.Email and Phone number:, +2348033809538 and +2348025818386

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Vol.10 Issue7(Ver1.0),November 2010 P a g e | 47


The hypergeometric equation has three regular singular points. Heun’s equation has four singular points. The problem of conversion from Heun’s equation to hypergeometric equation has been teated in the works of K. Kuiken [1]. The purpose of this work is to derive some integrated forms of solutions to the Heun’s equation via some rational transformation as stated in [1]. The steps takenshall be the conversion of Heun’s functions to the hypergeometric functions then taken the integ-ration, and through a push and pull back process we arrive back to a new Heun’s functions dierent from the original Heun’s function.Every homogenous linear second order di erential equationwith four regular singularities can be transformed into[3

GJSFR Classification - F (FOR) 230107p

For the polynomial R(t) = 2t− t2

• α+ β = 2(a+ b), αβ = 4ab, γ = c, δ = 1− 2c+ 2a+ 2b, ε = δ = c, q = 4ab andd = 2.

For the polynomial R(t) = (2t− 1)2

• α+ β = 2(a+ b), αβ = 4ab, γ = −1 + a+ b− c, δ = γ, ε = δ = −1 + 2c, q = 2aband d = 1/2.

For the polynomial R(t) = 4t(1− t)

• α + β = 2(a + b), αβ = 4ab, γ = c, δ = γ, ε = 1 − 2c + 2a + 2b, q = 2ab andd = 1/2.

Assuming H(d, q;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t) and 2F1(a, b; c; z = R(t)) are representative forms of thesolutions of (1.1) and (1.2) respectively, toghether with the parametres above relationscan de extablished between these two forms via the polynomials data given above. Weprovide an answer to this in this paper. In deed, we provide that the integral of thesolution of GHE can be expressed in terms of another GHE solution.

Main Results

2 Integral solutions

In this section we shall apply the relations above in deriving the integral form of solu-tions via these polynomial transformations. Let I =

∫C be a integral operator defined

over a compact interval C. Since (a)n−1 = (a−1)na−1 , we have I2F1(a, b; c; z = R(t)) =

R∗(t)(c−1)(a−1)(b−1) 2F1(a− 1, b− 1; c− 1; z = R(t)), where R∗(t) is a polynomial factor derivedfrom the integrand and through a push and pull-back processes we have the followingpossible solutions;

1. For polynomial R(t) = t2

(a) Using c = (γ + 1)/2, we obtain

IH(−1, 0;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t) =2(γ − 1)t3

3(α− 2)(β − 2)2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;γ − 1

2;R(t) = t2)|C

=2(γ − 1)t3

3(α− 2)(β − 2)H(−1, 0;α− 2, β − 2, γ − 2,

α+ β − γ − 12

,α+ β − γ − 1

2; t))|C .


(b) Using c = 1− δ + a+ b, we get

IH(−1, 0;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

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=4(α+ β − 2δ)t3

3(α− 2)(β − 2)2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;α+ β − 2δ;R(t) = t2)|C

=4(α+ β − 2δ)t3

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(−1, 0;α− 2, β − 2, 2(α+ β − 2δ)− 1,4δ − (α+ β)− 2

2,4δ − (α+ β)− 2

2; t))|C .


2. For polynomial R(t) = 1− t2

(a) Using c = δ, we have

IH(−1, 0;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=4(δ − 1)(3t− t3)3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(

β − 22

,α− 2

2; δ − 1;R(t) = 1− t2)|C

=4(δ − 1)(3t− t3)3(α− 2)(β − 2)

H(−1, 0;α− 2, β − 2, α+ β − 2δ − 1, δ − 1, δ − 1; t))|C .


(b) Using c = ε, we have

IH(−1, 0;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=4(ε− 1)(3t− t3)3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(

β − 22

,α− 2

2; ε− 1;R(t) = 1− t2)|C

=4(ε− 1)(3t− t3)3(α− 2)(β − 2)

H(−1, 0;α− 2, β − 2, α+ β − 2ε− 1, ε− 1, ε− 1; t))|C .


(c) Using c = (1− γ + 2a+ 2b)/2, we arrive at

IH(−1, 0;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(α+ β − γ − 1)(3t− t3)

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;α+ β − γ − 1

2;R(t) = 1− t2)|C

=2(α+ β − γ − 1)(3t− t3)

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(−1, 0;α− 2, β − 2, γ − 2,α+ β − γ − 1

2,α+ β − γ − 1

2; t)|C .


3. For polynomial R(t) = 2t− t2

(a) Using c = (δ + 1)/2, we obtain

IH(2, αβ; α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(δ − 1)t2(3− t2)3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(

β − 22

,α− 2

2;δ − 1

2;R(t) = 2t− t2)|C

=2(δ − 1)t2(3− t2)3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(2, (α− 2)(β − 2);α− 2, β − 2,α+ β − δ − 1

2, δ − 2,

α+ β − δ − 12

; t)|C .(2.6)

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(b) Using c = 1 + a+ b− γ, we get

IH(2, αβ; β , α, γ, δ, ε; t)=2(α+ β − 2γ)t2(3− t2)

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2; γ + 1;R(t) = 2t− t2)|C

=2(α+ β − 2γ)t2(3− t2)

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(2, (α− 2)(β − 2);α− 2, β − 2,γ − 2

2, α+ β − γ − 1,

γ − 22

; t))|C .(2.7)

4. For polynomial R(t) = (t− 1)2

(a) Using c = (1− δ + 2a+ 2b)/2, we get

IH(2, αβ, α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(α+ β − δ − 1)(t− 1)3

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;α+ β − δ − 1

2;R(t) = (t− 1)2)|C

=2(α+ β − δ − 1)(t− 1)3

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(2, (α− 2)(β − 2);α− 2, β − 2,α+ β − δ − 1

2,α+ β − δ − 1

2,α+ β − δ − 1

2; t))|C .


(b) Using c = γ , we have

IH(2, αβ;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(γ − 1)(t− 1)3

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2; γ − 1;R(t) = (t− 1)2)|C

=2(γ − 1)

(α− 2)(β − 2)×H(2, (α− 2)(β − 2);α− 2, β − 2, γ − 1, α+ β − 2γ − 1, α+ β − 2γ − 1; t))|C .


(c) By changing γ to ε in (2.9), similar relation can be obtained.

5. For polynomial R(t) = (2t− 1)2

(a) Using c = (ε+ 1)/2 = (δ + 1)/2

IH(1/2, αβ/2;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(ε− 1)(2t− 1)3

6(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;ε− 1

2;R(t) = (2t− 1)2)|C

=2(ε− 1)(2t− 1)3

6(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(1/2,(α− 2)(β − 2)

2;α− 2, β − 2,

α+ β − ε− 52

,α+ β − ε− 5

2, ε− 2; t)|C .


By changing ε to δ a similar expression can be obtained.

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(b) Using c = −1 + a+ b− γ, we obtain

IH(1/2, αβ/2;α, β, γ, δ, ε; t)

=2(α+ β − 2(γ + 2))(2t− 1)3

6(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;α+ β − 2γ − 4

2;R(t) = (2t− 1)2)|C

=2(α+ β − 2(γ + 2))(2t− 1)3

6(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(1/2,(α+ 2)(β + 2)

2;α− 2, β − 2, γ − 1, γ − 1, α+ β − 2γ − 5; t)|C .


6. For polynomial R(t) = 4t(1− t)

(a) Using c = γ, we have

IH(1/2, αβ/2;β, α, γ, δ, ε, ; t)

=4(γ − 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2; γ − 1;R(t) = 4t(1− t))|C

=4(γ − 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(1/2,(α− 2)(β − 2)

2;α− 2, β − 2, γ − 1, γ − 1, α+ β − 2γ − 1; t)|C .



IH(1/2, αβ/2;β, α, γ, δ, ε, ; t)

=4(δ − 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2; δ − 1;R(t) = 4t(1− t))|C

=4(δ − 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(1/2,(α− 2)(β − 2)

2;α− 2, β − 2, δ − 1, δ − 1, α+ β − 2δ − 1; t)|C .


(c) Using c = (1− ε+ 2a+ 2b)/2

IH(1/2, αβ/2;α, β, γ, δ, ε, ; t)

=2(α+ β − ε− 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2) 2F1(β − 2

2,α− 2

2;α+ β − ε− 1

2;R(t) = 4t(1− t))|C

=2(α+ β − ε− 1)2t2(3− 2t)

3(α− 2)(β − 2)

×H(1/2,(β − 2)(α− 2)

2;α− 2, β − 2,

α+ β − ε− 12

,α+ β − ε− 1

2, ε− 2; t)|C .


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In this paper, we have shown that the parameterrelations obtained in the works of K. Kuiken[1] leadsto some integral forms of solutions to the generalHeun’s equation. The multiple choise of close formsolutions arises from the papameter relations. Forexample, consider the quadratic equation arising fromthe relations + = 2(a+b) and = 4ab leads to theparameter choise a = /2 and b = /2 or a = /2 and b =/2. The first leads to all the relations above while thelater repeates all the relations described above bychanging to . This method has being extended in theworks of [2] to the work of Robert Maier [11] pp 15.


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