int - simplyscripts · web viewbatman was running along the roof in a new modified costume, the...

Post on 05-Oct-2020






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The camera zooms in through a spinning fan to reveal a woman being held prisoner- and in the center of the room were two thugs smoking and playing cards-

THUG1Hey- go check on her will you?

Thug2 walks up to the woman and checks, she was still alive-

WOMANBatman will save me!!!!

THUG2Batman will save you? Batman?



Batman was running along the roof in a new modified costume, the Batman Beyond costume-


The woman looks towards the guards frantically and then she see’s Batman staring down towards her from the roof above- and he tells her to be quiet- the Thug2 looks towards her-

THUG2What is it?

The thug2 walks towards her and then he looks up as Batman punches through the glass- and he lands

BATMANYour worst nightmare-

THUG2It’s the bats!!!!!!

Batman stays there staring forward- breathing hard

THUG2No problem- it’s just an old man

Thug2 punches Batman in his gut, and Batman falls to the ground shaking, he was having a heart attack- Thug2 takes out his gun and prepares to shoot-

THUG2Well, if you are Batman- I’ll be doing this city a favor wouldn’t I?


See police cars zooming down the streets- and then you see the warehouse in the distance.


Thug1 was now observing the old man-

THUG1I say- we see who’s behind that mask-

Thug1 rips the mask off of Batman, to reveal an old man- Bruce Wayne.

THUG2Look who it is- the millionaire.

THUG1Money can’t buy everything Bruce-

THUG2What do we do?

THUG1Tie him up- the people of Gotham might not care about her- but, Bruce Wayne will start a city panic-



The police cars arrive- and an older Police Commisioner Gordan steps out- and puts him the communication horn-

GORDANCome out and put your hands up-


THUG2What do we do?

THUG1What do you think we do? We have Bruce Wayne don’t we?

(slyly motions over towards Bruce)They won’t do anything stupid.

(slyly smiles out of arrogance)They’ll never be able to kill us- not now.


GORDAN I repeat- come out with your hands in the air-

THUG1 (OC)We don’t think so- you see we have one of your best friends in here- Bruce do you want to say hi to Gotham City?


THUG 2Talk damn it!!!!

Thug2 punches the tied up Bruce Wayne in the gut- and he screams out in pain.


Gordan was off of the communication horn and looking over towards the police men-

GORDANOk- I want you to use tactics- the plan is simple, sneak your way into the warehouse- and put down the threat- understood?

POLICE1What’s our method of entry?

GORDANI would say the roof is one of our best bets- okay men, go in and take all necessary precautions- make sure the hostages do not get hurt-


Thug1 is staring towards Bruce Wayne, smiling and nodding in great glory-

THUG1We’re going to be rich my morning- real rich, come on-

THUG2What is it?

THUG1What do you think? Old man Bruce, came through the roof- the police are going to do the same thing- and there is where we’ll hit them-

THUG2I thought you said that they wouldn’t try to kill us!!!

THUG1 No- I never said that, what I said was- they’ll never kill us- we have Bruce in range- don’t we? They fire, we fire- easy game of the hostage and the terrorist- a game of cat and mouse. One that the police always fail-

THUG2Unless Batman shows up-

Bruce looks towards them, he knew they thought he wasn’t Batman- even he himself, was wishing Batman would show up- but, it was no use- Batman has gotten old.


The Police look through the opening and they see that they weren’t there- the main cop motions 1 other to follow him in- and then he jumps down- and one other cop does to-


THUG1Looke here- six makes a party

POLICE1Put your hands in the air-

THUG1You happen to forget at who I’m aiming at- you make any sudden moves and he dies-

THUG2Come on give up- please.

THUG1Shut up!!!!

Thug2 trembles as he aims the gun towards Thug1

THUG2Do as they say!!!!

THUG1I’m not going to give all of my dreams away- just for you!!!!

Thug 1 shoots Thug2

THUG1So where were we?

Thug1 had his gun towards Bruce’s head- Police2 fires towards Thug1- and Thug1 attempts to fire, but it had no more ammo- Thug1 drops to the ground-

POLICE1Mr.Wayne- everything will be okay.

The police untie both of the hostages-

We open up to the beginning main credits sequence – which plays to the Phantasm theme song.


There inside of Wayne-Powers industries, Derek Powers the new manager was standing in the front looking towards a Russian general

DEREKThat is why today- I am pleased to say that Wayne- Powers industries is upping it’s quality, bringing our company into the next milenia- recently we have been working on a new type of DNA mutagen- that can kill off anything it comes in contact with, and it is very fast acting- I plan to have these mutagens multiplying by the thousands for sale. So what do you say? We already have tested on plants and cattle- the results were quite satisfying.

See the screen in the back showing what happened with plants and cattle- black spots starting to appear.


Wonderful news Darek- wonderful news, but I only have one question for you-

DEREKAsk away- I have all the time in the world.

GENERALHave there been any human testing?

DEREKNow you see- that my friend is where we run into difficulty-


DEREKDifficulty- now if I were to tell you that the United States reviews our human test subjects quite wistfully- I would be lying to you, you see down here in America human test subjects are run a little differently, than shall we say Russia-


DEREKWell, if there are any problems or malfunctions, there are always US military officials here to scratch at our backs- until we bleed to death- but, here’s the part that is quite risky, we have all the potential of getting a qualified human test subject, only it won’t be considered to be a human subject-

GENERALWhat are you talking about?

DEREKI’m talking about murder- I’m talking about paying for this country out of our own god damn pockets. Murder- is what this game is all about, it always has been.

GENERALAnd how exactly would you be able to do that?

DEREKMaybe- a little accident in the laboratory

GENERALYou would never get away with it-

DEREKNow you see- that is where you are wrong, these kind of things happen in the office all the time- only thing is, you never hear about it-

(laughs)It’s the perfect murder- they can’t hold you responsible.

GENERALAnd what if the word gets out? What then?

DEREKThen that person, better keep to himself- or he’ll wind up… dead

GENERALWhat your talking about is illegal.

DEREKHow so?…………My view on life is that if they don’t see you- you’re not the one responsible.


Dana Tan and Terry were walking down the hallways at school.

TERRYDana- how many times do I have to keep telling you, Batman doesn’t exist-

DANAAnd how would you know?

TERRYTrust me- I would know alright?

DANACome on Terry, you heard the stories that our parents used to tell us about- about a-

TERRYFlying bat that used to keep this city in order?


TERRYThere’s one flaw to your theory though-

Terry stops at his locker to change his books.

DANAOh yeah? What’s that?

TERRYI mean look around you Dana. Does this city look like it’s in order? Or ever has been?

DANAOk- look at the Jokerz

TERRYLet’s look at the Jokerz- shall we? Let me see here- they are insane, diabolical- do you have any more synonyms by any chance that I could use?

DANAI’m serious Terry- what about their origins?

TERRYYou mean of the original Joker? The mafia dude- I’m betting he never existed-

DANA(asks trivialy)

So it was all made up?

TERRYI mean, come on- doesn’t it sound a little bit fake to you? Gotham has always been known for crime, it always has been- and no flying rodent is ever going to change that.

DANAWell, do you want to know one thing that I do know about Batman?

TERRYWhat’s that?

DANAThat they say- he used to get all the girls..

TERRYAll the girls? Come on Dana- give me a break.

DANAIt’s true- there’s just something about-

(plays with Terry’s jacket)Black rubber-

TERRYNow you’re just playing with my emotions-

DANACome on Terry, how can you be a skeptic? I mean it’s right in front of your face-

TERRYOk- I have one question for you-

DANAI’m listening-

TERRYIf there was a Batman, why isn’t he still fighting crime? I mean- Superman is what? Fifty? But, I don’t see him hanging up the capes-

DANAWell, maybe he settled down-


DANAI beat you at your own game Terry McGinnis- ha, I win.

TERRYWin what?



Dana and Terry kiss-

TERRYThat’s the best prize I won today-

DANAI have proof that Batman exists-




TERRYOk- shoot, what is this genius proof?

DANAA news story by a Miss Vicki Vale a while ago-


Wasn’t she supposedly his girl friend or something?

DANACorrect, but- Terry in the article there’s a photograph of Batman.

TERRYYou still have the article?

DANAYeah- my mom held onto it.

TERRYNow that’s a surprise-

DANAWhat is that supposed to mean?

TERRYYou are both obsessed with a man that never existed-

DANABatman did exist-

TERRYMagic words Dana- did. As long as I’m concerned, if there ever was a Batman I don’t care about his story and who he is- if he was a crime fighter, my question is why would he leave Gotham City to rot. To me, it seemed as though one day he just hung up his costume and said- well, it’s time to call it quits.

DANANo- I think something happened.

TERRYWhat could have happened to him, I mean- the guy was a hero, the classic type of hero- of what legends were made out of-

DANAI don’t know- but, you at least have to admit that he could have existed-

TERRYOk, ok- I admit it, maybe once there could have been a Batman- but, he’s not here anymore- so in my eyes he doesn’t exist. And that’s really all there is to it- I’m sorry Dana, but I’m really keeping to my mind on this one-

DANAAnd about the party this week-


DANAYou can still make it- right?


DANACome on Terry- don’t bail out on me now.

TERRYI’m sorry Dane- but, my dad grounded me-

DANAWhat did you do this time?

TERRYBeats me- listen I’ll talk to you later okay?

DANAYeah- ok.


Derek was in a meeting room with Harry, a man in his mid forties.

HARRYYou wanted to speak to me?

DEREKYes- come on in Harry

Harry comes closer in-

DEREK (CONT’D)I have been reviewing your work recently- and I have stumbled upon a minor flaw in your pay-

HARRYWhat is it sir?

DEREKSeems like last month, one week you worked double over time- am I correct?

HARRYYes sir, I did-

DEREKWell, there is a new opening for a better job here at Wayne-Powers, and since you have been loyal to the company for quite some years now- I have decided to give the job to you.

HARRYThank you- it’s an honor

DEREKNo, need I should be thanking you for releasing such a heavy burden off of me- you see you will be working with one of the most important fields here at Wayne-Powers industries, our new and improved DNA mutagens- there seems to be a problem that I want you to try to clean up for me-

HARRYNo problem Derek- I’ll have the glitch worked out in no time-

DEREKI’m sure you will Harry- that’s why I picked you of so many others. You are dismissed-

HARRYOnce again, thank you sir-

DEREKNo thank you needed Harry- trust me.

Harry leaves the room, and then a body guard type built man walks towards Derek, he was a Czechoslovakian, his name was Mr.Fixx

DEREKWelcome- take a seat, we have loads of business to get down to-


Willie Watt was out strolling the hallways when all of a sudden he sees Chelsea right in front of him- and then a muscular jock walks towards him, wearing his sports jacket- his name was Nelson Nash- Gotham High’s bully.

NELSONWhat are you doing looking at my girl freak?

Nelson pushes Will up against the wall-

NELSON (CONT’D)I’m talking to you freak- what are you doing looking at my girl!!!

TERRYLeave him alone Nelson-

NELSONWhy, if it isn’t McGinnis-

TERRYI’m telling you Nelson- leave him alone.

NELSONAm I supposed to be frightened by you McGinnis?

TERRYI don’t know- should you be?

NELSONYou’re lucky McGinnis-

(he readjusts his sun glasses)That I don’t have a problem with you-

(grabs Will by his shirt collar)But, you freak-

(he pulls Will in)Leave my girl alone-

(he throws Will back and against the wall)

TERRYHey- are you okay?

WILLYeah, I’ll do ok-

TERRYWhy do you let him pick on you like that?

WILLI have no other choice-

TERRYHey- Terry McGinnis-

WILLWillie Wat-

TERRYWell, if he ever bothers you again- just let me know okay.

WILLWill do- and Terry



TERRYHey- don’t worry about it-


Harry was in the laboratory and he typed out some keys for the sequence-

SCIENTIST1What are the readings?


I’m reading an activation count of about 200 beats per second.

The camera goes around them, they were testing on cattle-

SCIENTIST1200 beats per second-

HARRYNo wait- but, it can’t be- it’s remarkable- it’s beating at 500 beats per second-

See the black dots forming on the cattle-

HARRYIt’s going into phase 1 of the process-

The cattle is getting weaker by the second-

SCIENTIST2What’s the time?

SCIENTIST3Since catalyzation it has been 45 seconds.

See the cattle die-

HARRYProcess completed- what do you read?

SCIENTIST3Fifty seconds-

HARRYGreat news, I’ll go alert Derek of our progress


GENERALAnd for this American guinea pig- when do you suspect to have a trial run?

DEREKPatience- all good things come to thou who wait- Harry is just beginning to work for us, but soon- he will, well let’s say experience changes-

GENERALI am running out of time Derek-

All of a sudden they hear the door creak open-

DEREKMr.Fixx- go check on the problem

Mr.Fixx goes out of the room- and walks back in, to whisper in Derek’s ear


GENERALWhat seems to be the problem Derek?

DEREKIt seems our guinea pig has ratted us out- Mr.Fixx, when he enters the laboratory- make sure he can’t escape. Congratulations General- you have won your first demonstration.

Mr.Fixx walks off.


Harry runs in and accesses the computer- he presses a button and a disk ejects. And then all of a sudden gas begins to leak- Harry begins to cough and then he runs out- and then he starts resting against the wall, he hears guards storming the building in search- he continues to run and then he reaches the elevator- and he looks behind him, Mr.Fixx was there- he punches on the elevator panel- ding. It opens- he presses the first floor- and then the door closes- it’s quiet for a second and then Pow!!! The elevator door is slammed open- but, he couldn’t get through- ding he was on the first floor- he runs out through the exit and out into the parking lot, he sees his car and drives off.


Mr.Fixx equips his walkie-talkie.

FIXXHe got away-

DEREK (OC)We will find him, report back here at once-


Mr.Fixx walks off


Harry is in his car driving, and he begins to breath hard- and he equips his cell phone


Terry’s father was busy typing away on the computer

FATHERTerry- can you get that?

The phone continues to ring and he finally picks up the phone.


HARRYHi- it’s Harry, I need you help- it’s urgent-

FATHERWhat is it Harry?

HARRYAgh- I can’t talk now Warren, meet me at Town Hall-


Harry already hung up-


Terry was on the tram, and in front of them was the news-

NEWSCASTORRecently- Wayne-Powers industries has been in top secret meetings with a Russian General- when we asked Derek what had ton reply- he simply replied no comment, we’ll keep you up dated with further news on this story- you are watching Gotham 7 news.

The tram opens and a Joker walks on- and he walks up to the T.V. screen and he spray paints onto it- and then he bows.

JOKERZ 1Thank you-

(bows)Thank you- I’m here till News day-

Jokerz1 looks over towards a woman that was laughing- and he walks over to her and slides himself down-

JOKERZ 1I saw you laugh- I saw you smile- I saw you laugh-

WOMANLeave me alone!!!!!

JOKERZ 1Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?

(smiles)I like to say that to all my victims-

WOMANPlease leave me alone!!!!!


I don’t think that’s such a nice idea- it wouldn’t be very funny now would it? Come on give me a laugh!!!!

(begins to laugh)

Terry taps on Jokerz 1 shoulder

TERRYHey- did you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?

(punches the Jokerz 1)

Jokerz 1 goes flying against the news screen

JOKERZ 1That really cracks me up-

TERRYI didn’t know Clowns knew how to fight-

JOKERZ 1Who do you think you’re messin’ with?

(laughs)I’m a Joker-

TERRYI know-

(punches the Jokerz 1 back)

Jokerz 1 is knocked off balance-

JOKERZ 1Be back later- chow


Jokerz 1 exits out of the tram-


TERRYDon’t worry about it-

Terry sits back down.


See Warren walking towards Harry

HARRYThank god you’re here-

FATHERHarry- what’s going on?


Listen Warren, I’m in danger- I need you to do me a favor-

FATHERYeah- sure what is it?


Harry hands Warren the disk

FATHERWhat’s this Harry?

HARRYWayne-Powers is working on something new, a new type of DNA mutagen, in which he hopes to hold as a nuclear weapon that he could unlease unto the world-

FATHERHarry- what’s wrong?

HARRYSomeone’s following me- Please, just check the disk-

FATHERHarry- what’s going on?

Warren studies the disk

HARRYPlease- just, do what I say Warren

FATHERWhat’s exactly on this disk Harry?

HARRYThe blueprints to the whole project all of it- 100%

FATHERMy god Harry-

HARRYWarren they’re after me- I have to go

Harry runs off


He was too late, Harry already ran off.


Nelson walks towards Terry-


What do we have here McGinnis?

TERRYGo screw yourself Nash-

Nelson pushes Terry- and Terry goes sliding onto the ground of the gym floor-

COACHNash- McGinnis you’re up first-

Terry and Nash walk into the center and begin to wrestle-

NELSONI’m going to enjoy this McGinnis-

TERRYYou won’t win-

NELSONYou think you’re stronger than me McGinnis?

TERRYThink? I know-

NELSONLet’s see about that McGinnis-

TERRYFunny you reminded me of a Joker I fought this morning-

NELSONOh really?

TERRYOnly thing is- he wasn’t as pathetic-

Nelson spits in Terry’s eyes-

NELSONYou’re going down McGinnis-

Terry punches Nelson- and Nelson punches Terry back- the coach starts to use the whistle- but the fight continues- getting cheered on by the other students.

STUDENTS (ADD’LIB)You got him!!!! … Knock him to the ground!! (etc.)

Nash runs towards Terry, but Terry rolls out of the way-

TERRYHey- you missed your target!!


You’re going down McGinnis!!!

TERRYIs that so?

Terry punches Nash, but his fist is caught- and he gets thrown to the other side.


Coach continues to blow on the whistle- Terry runs towards Nelson and kicks out- Nelson goes flying back-

NELSONYou’re going to pay McGinnis!!

Nelson and Terry walk towards each other and then they are held back-

NELSONLet go of me!!!!!

Nelson blasts through the students that were holding him back-

COACHThat’s enough Nash- McGinnis- I’m gonna call your father today and let him all about today’s fight - the rest of you are dismissed.


COACHYou threw the first punch McGinnis-

NELSONYou heard the coach McGinnis-

(he laughs and walks away)

TERRYCome on coach-

COACHI read up on you McGinnis- you ran into trouble in your old school- don’t let it happen again-

Terry stares towards the coach angry

TERRYYes sir-


Warren was busy typing on the computer, reading the file


Harry- what were you working on?


Terry was the last person in- he walks over towards the shower and turns it on to cold water-


Terry was behind bars with another teenager his age, Greg Wallace

GREGYou see- the way I figure it Terr. We are here for life- that’s the way it reads.


GREGYeah- look around you Terr. You see we’re locked behind bars- the last time I saw someone behind em’ bars was when I was at that zoo a while back- I can’t stand the sight of the sky without fresh land-

TERRYI know what you mean-

GREGWhy do you keep starin’ out those gates? We’re in here for life man, it’s life that’s all we got- life an’ each other-

TERRYOne day Greg- one day I’m going to change all that-

GREGHow so? You think you’re gonna change da world or sometin’ McGinnis? It never gonna happen- dis is who we are- learn to deal with it- I have.

TERRYThere had to be some other way-

GREGYou killed a man McGinnis- murder does not go easy- especially in Gotham.

TERRYIt wasn’t my choice- and you know that-

GREGAll I know- is what I heard- they say you were out on the streets- an’ a war began- a gang war-

TERRYNo- it just wasn’t that- the guy was a Joker-

GREGThem all Jokerz Terry- and they all have no sense of humor-

TERRYI was doing my right as a citizen-

GREGYou killed a man, a Joker is just the same-

TERRYHe was-

GREGYeah- but down here- it ain’t make no difference who it is- it could have been Housaine- and dey would have still thrown you in here-

TERRYI’m not afraid of them-

GREGEverybody’s afraid of em’ even you Terr.

TERRYWell I’m not- and I could have done something!!!!

GREGWe can do nothin’- what are you going to do if that day comes and you’re released-

TERRYI don’t know- probably go to high school- find myself a life-

GREGWhat would you do if someone ever ruined that dream life?

TERRYI -I don’t know-

GREGYou do know- you would go an’ fight again- dat’s what you’d do- you’d throw it away.

TERRYAnd what about you huh?

GREGMe? I’d stick right where I am- I’d be back here in no time- guys like you an’ I- we never change, we never will- in the views of this city we’re both criminals- they don’t care what your record reads- they don’t care. One thing that I learned is – Gotham is land of crime and chaos- it always has been-

TERRYAlways will be-


TERRYI know-

(looks towards Greg intently)And I’ll change that-

GREGYou won’t change anythin’ Terr. We’re criminals you an’ I- criminals for life- tell me how did it feel? That knife in your hand Terr. Seeking vengance against those who threatened your family?

TERRYIt was-



GREGAnd do you still remember the image of that shiny blade?

TERRYI can’t forget it- if that’s what you’re asking-

GREGAn’ you never will-

TERRYWhy can’t I-

GREGBecause, that’s just who we are-

A guard walks by-

GUARDTime for a break-

Terry walks out and towards the showers- and when he turns it on you can see that the water was freezing cold-


Terry was still there- in the same place, shivering from the coldness- and then the lights go off- the water creating a sort of fog effect- a hint of what was to become the Tomorrow Knight.


Fixx was standing with Derek there-

DEREKWhat do you mean stolen? Where is it!!!!

FIXXNo where sir- he has the disk-

DEREKWell, find him damn it!!!!! Since we already ordered a full sweep- there were no signs?

FIXXNo signs of him during the search- we’re searching as hard as we-

DEREKYou can be searching the God Damn globe!!!! I don’t give a damn just find that fuckin’ disk!!!!!!!

FIXXYes sir-

DEREKNo man can hide forever- find where he is- then we’ll get the disk- make sure no further information gets out- the last thing we want is this story on the evening news- eliminate- no not just eliminate.. get rid of everyone that he has come into contact with- we can take no risks-

FIXXUnderstood- sir.


PROFFESSORClass- you may now access your computers. The test has begun- continue.

Terry arrives late-

TERRYSorry sir- I was..


TERRYYeah- I’m sorry, it will never happen again-

PROFESSORIt best not McGinnis- find the closest seat- the test has begun-



PROFESSORSit down Mr. McGinnis-


The General and Derek were in the room

DEREKWe have ran into some- complications


DEREKYes- you see, the set-up went wrong-

GENERALWent wrong how?

DEREKThe specimen has escaped-


DEREKI’m afraid so- and it gets worse-

GENERALWorse? How so?

DEREKHe stole the informational files- it was in a disk, and so far- we haven’t been able to find it-

GENERALThis is bad Derek-

DEREKDon’t worry- no one will ever know, I promise-


Terry had fallen asleep next to the computer- Briiing- Terry wakes up-

PROFESSORFinally you are up McGinnis- how far did you get until you fell asleep?



Three questions McGinnis- and two of them are wrong- what would that be? The test was worth 200 points, and you got 1 correct- 100 for the multiple choice, 100 for the essay- so that comes out to a 1 out of 200 or- .5% that’s a new time high McGinnis- what are you trying to do break the school record?

TERRYI’m sorry- but

PROFESSORYou are lucky that today I will let you get by- here’s a disk- for you mother to sign just to see- how smart you really are McGinnis- I expect to see you back here tomorrow- and ready to be more serious about one of your exams Mr.McGinnis-

TERRYYes sir-

Professor hands Terry the disk-

PROFESSOR Have that back here- by tomorrow morning Mr.McGinnis- or I won’t be so lenient-

TERRYI understand sir- thank you.

Terry walks out of the class room


DANAWhat was that about?

TERRYWho knows-

DANAI mean about the test-

TERRYOh- he’s letting me take it again tomorrow

DANAIsn’t that considered cheating?

TERRYI don’t think it would be- if you fell asleep right after the third question.

DANAWhy were you late?


What? Oh- I blacked out



DANAI don’t get it- what happens?

TERRYI -I get these flashbacks sometimes-

DANWhat sets it off?

TERRYI don’t know- sometimes it could be something as small as cold water

DANADo you black out on purpose?



TERRYIt’s nice to be reminded of where I come from once in a while- it helps me keep my life on tract- you could say it prevents me from making any mistakes.

DANAIs dating me a mistake?

TERRYNo- it’s the best choice I ever made-

Dana and Terry kiss.


Terry walks in through the front entrance

TERRYDad- I’m home…

Terry walks towards the computer room



Terry- I got a call from your gym teacher today, says you got into a fight with that Nelson Nash kid-

TERRYDad hear-

FATHERI’m not going to hear you out on this one Terry- maybe a couple of years ago I was willing to let you go- but, you have to learn to control your anger-

TERRYI have learned!!!!!!

FATHERThen why did you get into that fight at school?

TERRYI didn’t start the fight-

FATHERThen who did Terry? You threw the first punch- that’s it your grounded, for two weeks-


(bangs his fist against the door)Mom would hear me out-

FATHERI want you to have a good life Terry, I want you to be successful in what ever you do-

TERRYYeah- I’ll be a big success- just like you! I’m bailing-

Terry runs out of the house



Derek was there looking towards Mr.Fixx, Harry in his hands-

DEREKWelcome back Harry-

HARRYI’m not going to let you get away with this Derek!

DEREKI’m afraid you don’t have a chance- now tell me what I need to know-

HARRYYou’ll never find the disk-


Mr.Fixx presses a knife to Harry’s throat

DEREK (CONT’D)So- now do you want to reconsider you position?

HARRYWhat- do you need to know?

DEREKWhere’s the disk-

HARRYPlease no-

DEREKWhere’s the disk!!!!

HARRYWarren McGinnis has it-

DEREKThanks Harry-

HARRYI thought you’d let me live!!!!

DEREKWhen did I ever say that?

Mr. Fixx stabs Harry- and he falls down dead-

DEREK (CONT’D)Find Mr.McGinnis- and when you do- kill him!!!!


Dana and Chelsea were waiting at the entrance

CHELSEASo- where is he?

DANAI don’t know- he said he might not be able to come tonight-



He didn’t know-




DANAI thought you were grounded-

TERRYI gave myself time off for good behavior-


Mr.Fixx was waiting in the car


Terry and Dana stood there, and then Nash comes into view in his sports car and he steps out- and he walks forward.



They stare towards each other as though they were going to begin to fight and then all of a sudden Jokerz 1 drives in on a motorcycle with three big Jokerz and two girl Jokerz.

JOKERZ 1What do we have here? A comedy club?

The Jokerz begin to attack the people outside of the nightclub

TERRYGo clown-

JOKERZ 2Little man wants to play-

Three Jokerz rush towards him- one of the girl Jokerz attempts to swing him with a spiked bat, but he backflip and attaches himself to a street lamp

TERRYSo you want to fight? You came to the right place-

Terry swings down from the lamp kicking his feet out in circles as he whirls around- the girl Jokerz goes flying back- and then he sees a big muscular Jokerz driving his motorcycle towards Terry-

Terry takes the spiked club and slashes at the wheels- the motorcycle spins out of control-

JOKERZ 1Thank you- thank you people of Gotham city-

Jokerz 1 yanks Dana towards him-

JOKERZ 1I saw you laugh-

DANATerry- help!!!!!!!!

Terry kicks the last Jokerz off of the motorcycle and then he runs towards Jokerz 1-

TERRYLet her go!!!!!

JOKERZ 1What is this a joke duet?

TERRYLet her go!!!!!

JOKERZ 1Try to make me-


Terry runs towards Jokerz 1 and kicks out- Jokerz 1 flies back and off of the motorcycle and to the ground- he picks Dana up and helps her to her feet-

TERRYI hate Jokerz-

All of a sudden more Jokerz drive in-

DANATerry go!!!!!!!

Terry gets onto the motorcycle and starts the engine up- and he drives off- Jokerz 1 jumps onto another bike.

JOKERZ 1After him!!!!!!!

The Jokerz race towards Terry in the road- Terry enters onto a throughway- he accelerates his speed as he goes sliding back and forth from side to side avoiding cars coming towards him and behind him- the Jokerz always one step behind him- Terry sees a clearing below- he stops and he looks back- he rears the front tires up as he drives forward and down onto the third high way lane- and then the Jokerz follow behind him- few Jokerz falling from their bikes- Terry looks back seeing the Jokerz still behind him-

TERRYYou gotta be kidding me!!!!!!

Terry races off through the forest and then he zooms past Arkham asylum- it starts to begin to rain. He continues to race through the forest until he sees an old man in front of him-

TERRYMove out of the way!!!!!!

The old man doesn’t listen, he just stands there-

TERRYThis has got to be my day-

Terry goes sliding his bike out of the way of the old man- the Jokerz are right behind him they stop-

JOKERZ 1Oh- did Mr. Party killer have to stop?

(he laughs)

OLD MANGet off of my property!!!!

JOKERZ 1Who do you think you’re messing with?

(laughs)We’re the Jokerz-

OLD MANI’m sure you are-

The old man walks towards them- Jokerz 1 gets off of his bike and walks towards the old man, only to be quickly sent to the ground by a walking stick-

OLD MANNow get out!!!!!

JOKERZ 2Let’s go-

Jokerz 1 hurries onto his motorcycle and drives off-

TERRYHey thanks-

OLD MANThat includes you-

TERRYHow did you do that back there? I mean the guy went down in one second-

OLD MANI know-

TERRYI’m Terry McGinnis- and you are?

OLD MANI said off of my property-

TERRYYou saved me- and I’m thankful but, please- just let me call my dad- tell him where I am-

OLD MANOne phone call-

TERRYThanks- I appreciate it-

OLD MANBy the Way- my name’s Bruce-

The audience understands now- but, Terry still doesn’t- it’s one man, the same- Bruce Wayne, former Batman.


Bruce starts to get another panic attack-

TERRYDo you need help?

BRUCEYeah- I need my pills

TERRYWhere are they?

BRUCEIn there-

(points to Wayne Manor)


BRUCEI have to get up there-

TERRYHey- let me help you…

BRUCENo- it’s alright- I can-

TERRYNo- let me help you, come on-

Terry supports Bruce’s weight as they slowly ascend towards Wayne Manor. < POP OUT > Ace barks in anger towards Bruce and Terry.

BRUCEIt’s okay Ace-

Ace backs down

TERRYGood dog-

Thunders rains onto Wayne Manor


Terry walks over and he picks up the phone- the line was dead.

TERRYMaybe I should go-

Terry approaches the door, and then < POP OUT > Ace barks towards him

TERRYOn second thought- maybe not.

Terry looks towards Bruce drinking down his pills

TERRYDo you mind if I stay the night?

BRUCESure- I’ll be upstairs.

Bruce walks away, and then Terry walks into the room and looks around in amazement- and then he stumbles upon an old grandfather clock- and then < POP OUT > a bat flies into view, from inside of the clock-

TERRYHow did you get in there?

Terry opens the clock-but the bat was behind it.

TERRY (CONT’D)Wait- I’ll get you out.

Terry rings the clock’s bells hoping for a magical lever- he was right. The clock slides open to reveal a cave- and the bat flies off.

TERRYWhat the?

Terry looks around the room and then he walks in- lights switch on all of a sudden and then you see the interior of the Bat Cave, there was a big screen TV still in the front, in all it’s glory it had been in- and then you see the batcar still there- in it’s black exterior design. And then you see the redbird motorcycle- a splendid awe inspiring view fled to the side where the costumes of Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Batman Beyond stood waiting as though they were ancient but still held high esteem in the eyes of many- it was real, all of it- the rouges gallery of villains hang to the left in model clay dummies, it was the mythological batcave-


Terry walks down the spiriling steps and towards the costumes- and he stops in front of the costume of Batman- placing his hand on the glass in amazement- that all of his child hood dreams were coming true, Batman wasn’t a Santa Clause, he was real- once, and he was there-

TERRYDana was right-

Terry looks around for another look, blinking his eyes as though he expected to wake up in his bed- but, there was no bed- this was real- all of it was. That thought filled him with awe, but horror as well- and then all of a sudden Bruce Wayne is in front of him-

BRUCEGet out!!!!!

TERRYI’m sorry- I stumbled down here- I didn’t mean to-

BRUCEGet out!!!!!!!!

TERRYI’m sorry, but it’s true- isn’t it?

(narrows his eyes wanting an answer)Isn’t it?


TERRYYou’re Batman-

BRUCEI said get out!!!!! Now-

Terry looks into his eyes, and then he runs towards the end of the batcave and out- Bruce watching him leave.


Terry arrives home, and his heart begins to speed up more- and tears begin to run down his face as he sees the police walking in and out of his house- he runs towards the house and the music escalates as he sees the words: HA HA HA HA, spray painted onto the wall- Terry runs up the stairs.


Terry reaches the top floor- and he looks towards his Mom and he sees the tears in her eyes-


Terry runs into his mom’s arms and begins to cry-

MOTHERTerry- I’m so sorry…

TERRYWhere is he? Where’s dad?

Terry looks into her eyes- full of pain of sorrow


Terry holds her away from him- and he looks towards the police next to a door- and he looks back towards his mom


Terry runs towards the door


The police attempt to block his way- and then he runs in and he enters the room, we never see Terry enter-


The mother puts her hand over her mouth, trying to prevent her crying- but, it was no use-


Terry McGinnis, was somehow changed- he had remembered last night- he remembered the batcave- the cave of future, of a new life- and he also remembered the house of pain- the house that he had entered- the house in which he saw his father- laying there dead- and to make matters worse, he believed that he- Terry McGinnis- was the one responsible. He reads the obituaries- and it reads

Warren McGinnis. Terry throws it to the ground- the paper goes flying away.. A knock comes at the door-

MOTHERMay I come in?

His mother’s name was Marry, she enters

MOTHER (CONT’D)Terry- you didn’t say a word all day-

Terry looks towards his mom, revealing the striking pain in his eyes that hurt more than knives-

TERRYWhy would he open the door Mom? They were Jokerz he would have known better….. we could have fought them Mom, I’m not afraid- I’m not afraid of them … we could have fought them off Mom-

Marry walks over towards his son-

TERRYHe tried to ground me, and I wouldn’t listen-

Marry holds her crying son in her arms

TERRYThe things I said … I was such a jerk-

MARRYIt’s not your fault-

TERRYI could have stopped them- if only I was there he would still be alive- I stayed back and I let him die-


(wipes tears away from Terry’s face)It wasn’t your fault-

TERRYI can’t just help for-

MARRYHe loved you, and you loved him- he never doubted the man you would turn into, when you were born he always knew that you were meant for great things- he always said, that tomorrow his son will be like a knight in shining armor- that would come to his rescue.

TERRYI miss him so much-


I know, and I do to- but, we will get by- that’s what he would have wanted- he would say Terry- don’t worry, go do what you were meant to do-

TERRYYou think so?

MARRYI know so-

Tears continue to drip down his face- as the scene fades.


Terry was walking the streets underneath the Tram- and then all of sudden a flying car comes by and stops in front of him- and the door opens, Derek Powers stepping out-


Terry- nice seeing you around, I’m sorry about your father Terry I really am-

(wishing to get on with it)I need something from you Terry, when you’re father was working with me he stumbled upon a disk- do you know where I could find it?

TERRYWhat disk?

DEREKSo- you haven’t found it? Well- when you do please tell me, right away- it’s of pressing business matters- if you know what I mean…

TERRYI will be sure to do that-

DEREKThat’s a good guy Terry-

The sky car drives off, and Terry looks at it fly away as though there was something weird going on- what was this disk? All he knew was that he had to find it- and fast.


Matt McGinnis walks in holding boxes, he was 14 years old-

MATTHow much stuff do you have in here?

Terry walks in behind him carrying two boxes


MATTSo what’s going on? Are you going to move in here for a little bit?

TERRYWhat do you think? Mom’s just going to toss me out and onto the streets?

MATTYou never know- up until last night I never knew I had a brother-

Terry laughs.

TERRYThat’s true-

MATTSo you’re going to stay here?

TERRYSure, why not?

Matt smiles

MATTHey, what’s this?

Matt reaches into one of the boxes and takes a photo out-

TERRYMy middle school graduation- Dad was so proud of me that day-

Matt flips the picture around-

MATTNo- this

(takes out a disk in the back)

Terry takes it-

TERRYI don’t know

(turns the disk around in a semi-circle)


Bruce rotates around and puts it in- the camera zooms out to the school to show the same clip show, showing the effects of the mutagen.

BRUCEPowers is using my company to make nerve gas-

TERRYSo – you’re going to do something right?

BRUCENo, send this to the police, ask for a –

TERRYYou have to do something!!! You’re Batman!!

BRUCEWas- Batman

TERRYThe police won’t do anything- you have to!!!

BRUCEI don’t have to do anything-

TERRYIt’s who you are!!!!! You are Batman!!!!

BRUCEBatman died a long time ago-

TERRYI can’t believe this- he’s using your company to make nerve gas- and you’re just going to let him get away with it!!

BRUCEHere’s the disk

(hands the disk back to Terry)Take it to a Barbara Gordon-

TERRYSo- you’re just going to give up?

BRUCEI already have-

TERRYSomething happened to you- and it’s not just that you got old- you’re no Batman!!!! Batman would have fought- he would have stood up against the bad guys!! You had honor once- and you traded it for pity.

BRUCEYes- pity, but that’s all this life gives you- it’s a choice I made, I and I alone-

TERRYYou took in kids once- kids like me

(looks over towards the Robin and Batgirl costume)

What happened?


I realized that this life is not meant for others- and I won’t let you make the same mistake!

TERRYYou had honor- and you threw it away!

(Terry runs off)


In the grave yard was the funeral for Terry’s father- Terry looks towards the casket and a tear falls down.

PRIESTWarren, McGinnis was a man of his word, he had two sons and a wife- now Terry do you want to say a word?

Terry steps forward, and then he looks over and he notices Bruce was there too- kneeling beside the graves of his parents.

TERRYMy father was a good man- he always knew what he had to do for the betterment of his family- I remember when I was young, he always used to call me the Tomorrow Knight.

Bruce looks up towards the funeral-

TERRYWhen he died- I realized how lucky I was for having such a good and caring father- but, also I realized that I was meant for great things- and I promise by my father’s grave-

(looks over towards Derek)That the killer will be found-

Bruce looks over towards Derek.

TERRY (CONT’D)Thank you-

Terry steps down, Derek walks up to him- and places an arm on his shoulder.

DEREKI will find the man who killed your father Terry- I promise.

TERRYI already found him- and he better not make a wrong move- I already know who killed my father.

Terry walks off and towards the exit which was to the left- where Bruce was by the grave of his parents- Derek frowns. Dana was there waiting.

DANA I heard-

Terry looks away, afraid to show his feelings- Dana puts her soft hands to his face- and he looks into Dana’s eyes.

DANAI’m sorry for what happened-

TERRYI don’t think I can go on-

Terry looks into her eyes.

TERRYI feel as though I’m in a dark hole- and all I see is darkness- I’m sorry Dana- I have to go.

Terry walks away- Bruce watching him, shaking his head “no,” he had promised himself it wouldn’t happen again- and it has. Dana stays there in the back, part of his old life- Terry looks back- and then he continues, he didn’t know where his life would lead him- not now. For now, he had to clear his mind.


Barbara Gordon was in her police office on the phone, when Terry walks in-

TERRYSorry to interrupt-

BARBARANo- come in take a seat-

(to the phone)I’ll have to call you back

(she hangs the phone up)Terry McGinnis? I was expecting you’d show up-

TERRYYou did?

BARBARABruce called me, said that you were heading over with some disk, that you would like us to look at-

TERRYYeah- here

(hands over the disk)

BARBARAI promise you- Bruce and I will find out what to do with this-

TERRYWell, I better go-


Hey Terry-


(he looks back towards her)

BARBARATrust me, do as he says- it’s not worth it.

TERRYThat’s what they all say-

(Terry walks out)


Terry walks in


Terry looks around

TERRYYou’re door was open, and-

Bruce walks towards him

BRUCEWhat are you doing here?

TERRYI need your help-

BRUCEYou don’t need my help-

TERRYBruce, let me fight for you-

BRUCEI will not watch another teenager make the same mistake that haunted my past-

TERRYThen, don’t- but, I need your help- let me fight for you- with you, for you- help me Bruce, please-

BRUCEI won’t let you make the same mistake-

TERRYI read up on you Bruce- we’re the same.

BRUCEYes, we are-

TERRYThen let me fight with you- the only thing I can think of is revenge- he killed my father Bruce.

BRUCEAnd what are you going to do when the time comes? When you finally fight him- what are you going to do? You don’t understand- it just doesn’t end with him, it goes on- and on, until your whole life revolves around one thing- revenge… I won’t let you make the same mistake I made- this is no life, not for anyone-

TERRYThis city needs a hero- a champion over the dark.

BRUCEWhat are you going to do with the time that is given to you? You’re going to fight- you’re going to destroy your life, when you try to stop, it still tries to break you- shatter you under it’s willing force-

TERRYI don’t care- but, this city needs a hero!!!! A Tomorrow Knight!

BRUCEYou are not going to start this again!!!!!! Batman is dead- let him stay buried!

TERRYI’m going to find him Bruce, and I’m going to fight- whether you like it or you don’t, this is my life- and I choose what is best.

BRUCESo did I-

TERRYI’m going to join you Bruce- whether you like it or not- this is the only thing I have left!

Terry runs out of the room.


Terry was on the internet- and then he calls Dana up


DANA (OC)Terry?

TERRYYeah- it’s me. Can you do something tonight?


Bruce was sitting in his chair looking towards the big screen TV, the screen showing images of the Joker- and then the phone rings


BARBARA (OC)Bruce- It’s Barbara Terry came over today with the disk-


BARBARA (OC)Your suspicions are correct-

BRUCESo what can you do?

BARBARA (OC)The question is what are you going to do?

BRUCEHe’s not going to join me-

BARBARA (OC)I’m afraid you don’t have a choice Bruce, it’s his life- he can choose to do with it what he wishes-

BRUCEI don’t want it to happen again-

BARBARA (OC)That reminds me of what you used to say about Drake and I- but, things happen for a reason Bruce-

BRUCEBatman is dead-

BARBARA (OC)But, what about Terry? You can’t change what his heart tells him- if he wants to fight, he’ll fight- you can’t change that-

BRUCEI just don’t want to see it happen again-

BARBARA (OC)I’ll see what I can do.

BRUCEThank you-


Terry and Dana were on a building rooftop- and he was holding her eyes shut-

DANAWhen can I look?

Terry leads her over to the wall closest to the building and wipes away cobwebs- it was the Bat signal.

TERRYOk- open them.

Terry takes away his hands- and Dana looks in amazement towards the Bat signal

DANAIs this for real?

TERRYBatman did exist-

Dana looks towards him

DANASo- how are you getting over it?

TERRYI’m getting by-

DANAWhat are you going to do?

TERRYI don’t know yet, I really don’t know-

DANAIf batman still was around- he would be able to clean this city up. He would have been able to help you-

TERRYMaybe, he still can-

(looks over towards the Bat signal)

DANATerry- what is it?

TERRYSay you knew how to find Batman- and bring him back what would you do?

DANAAnything- why?


I was just wondering-

DANASo- here it is-

TERRYHere what is?

The bat signal blinks on

DANABlack rubber-

(she plays around with his jacket)

The camera flies back- showing the shadow of the white Batman signal shining in the sky- as Terry and Dana lean in and kiss- the bat signal encircling them- signs of a new life. And then the camera zooms towards Terry’s face and fades to-


The Camera fades to the face of the Batman Beyond costume.


See Jokerz around a fire in the middle of an alleyway- and then they all look up, and there was Batman Beyond, who will now be just referred to as Batman looking down towards them.

BATMANI just thought I would drop by-

Batman jumps down and looks towards them.

BATMANDo you mind?

JOKERZ 1It’s the bats!!!! What are you waitin’ for!! Tear his stinkin’ wings off!!!!

BATMANI must say, thank you for your hospitality-

A big muscular Joker runs towards Terry, with his arms open, he picks Batman up with his arms still around his chest- when Batman is above the Jokerz head he kicks his feet out and the Jokerz gets knocked back.

BATMANYou’ve all brought me in with arms wide open-

JOKERZ 1Do I have to do everything myself!!!!

Jokerz 1 runs towards Batman, and Bats kicks his foot out- and the Joker goes flying against a wall..

BATMANPlease- do I look like a piñata to you?

The girl Jokerz run towards him from behind and in front- and their about to swing the club at the same time, when Batman jumps above them- and the two girl Jokerz bash together- and they fall to the ground.

BATMANOhhh- that’s gotta hurt.

Jokerz 1 runs off and Batman attempts to follow him, but then all of a sudden three motorcycles rush towards him.

BATMANWhat is this? The Gotham car show?

Two motorcycles rush towards Batman from his right and left to the back and front- Batman jumps up into the air and air-kicks the Jokerz in front of him- szzzz. The motorcycle crashes into the other motorcycle and the other joker takes off flying into the air- and bashes into the other motorcycle driver.

BATMANI never knew you Jokerz enjoyed bowling, I can’t believe it- one hit and all the pins go down!!!! This game is so much fun-

But, there were more jokerz there and they all run towards Batman, there were five in total- Batman begins to run off- and then he notices that his costume was humming.

BATMANWhat’s this?

Batman takes off into the air and then he goes flying against the Jokerz- two knocked back into each other.

BATMANThis seems like a game I know- do any of you know the name?

Batman lands and kicks out towards another joker-

BATMANNo? Wait- I remember.

There were now two more remaining- a joker runs towards him, and Batman just stands to the side.


The last joker takes out a gun and fires towards Batman, but Batman walks through the bullets, it was as though he was a man without fear- a legend that couldn’t die. Batman kicks the gun out of the joker’s hand and then he punches the Joker to the ground.

BATMANThat was fun- can we do that again? No?

Batman stops and then he looks around- Jokerz 1 was ontop of the building. And he begins to run off- Batman shoots off and into the sky, landing on the roof, he walks towards the joker- his cape floating in the air.


Batman takes out an item from his utility belt, and shoots forwards the bat bang-a-rang, the bang-a-rang loops around the joker and the joker falls to the ground.

BATMANWe all seem to get tied up into other people’s business now a’ days don’t we?

The joker begins to inch around in fear..

JOKERZ 1Please don’t hurt me Mr.Bats- Please.

BATMANNow you’re afraid?

JOKERZ 1Please I beg of you!!!! Please-

BATMANMy fight is not with you-

(pulls Jokerz 1 in)Tell me what I want to know-

JOKERZ 1Okay- okay I’ll tell yah’ Mr. Bats- please don’t kill me!!!

BATMANI’m not going to- now tell me what I want to know-

JOKERZ 1Ok- ok, I’ll tell you anything- everything.

BATMANWhat do you know of Warren McGinnis-

JOKERZ 1Warren, we were hired to kill him-


Who hired you?

JOKERZ 1Please-

BATMANWho hired you!!!!!!

JOKERZ 1Derek Powers-

BATMANI was right-

JOKERZ 1Now please, man let me go-

BATMANYou will be set free- but, tell all your friends.

(pulls the Jokerz 1 in)That Batman is back- tell all your friends.

JOKERZ 1Yeah- ok, ok-

And with that Batman jumps down off of the roof- and then he flies off into the night sky. His shadow being cast over by the moon.


Batman walks through the entrance, and then he sees Bruce Wayne there in the chair waiting. Terry takes off the mask-

BRUCEI gave you a distinct order-

TERRYWhat you gave me was a place to hide-

BRUCESometimes- that’s for the best.

TERRYMost of the times- it isn’t.

BRUCEI gave you an exact order-

TERRYNo- you never said that I couldn’t be Batman- all you said was you wouldn’t let me be Batman-

(stares into Bruce’s eyes)And I don’t need you help-

BRUCEI won’t let you throw your life away!!

TERRYI’m not- you don’t get it do you? With out brining Derek Powers to justice- I’m no one, I can’t go on as Terry McGinnis- I have to make him pay for what he did.

BRUCEThat’s what it always is- but, it doesn’t stop with him, you become Batman- you become Batman for life-

TERRYI know- but, I have to do this Bruce- if I don’t I’m afraid that my whole life will be taken away- this is who I am!!!!

BRUCEI won’t let you put your life in danger-

TERRYI will- whether you like it, or not- so I’m asking you Bruce- will you help me?


(looks into Terry’s eyes)will, but only if you promise me- that after this it’s over.

TERRYI can’t- I won’t let this city get destroyed again by crime- Batman’s back for good this time-


TERRYSo, I’m asking you now- will you help me? Will you fight with me? Will- you teach me? Because- this is now my life, whether you agree with it or not- it’s the only thing I have.

BRUCEI’ll help you, but- I can be quite a difficult task master.

TERRYI know-

BRUCEWelcome to my world Terry McGinnis-

Bruce shakes Terry’s hand.

Terry looks towards Bruce Wayne and smiles-MUSIC MONOLOGUE BEGINSEXT. ALLEYWAY

See Jokerz running around with knives- and then they punch open a store window- Batman flys down upon them and looks towards them

BATMANGoing somewhere?

Batman punches the Jokerz out, the scene fades to later the police cars arrive and Batman was gone- and the police cars come out puzzled looking at the Jokerz


BRUCEAn old life is ending-


Bank robbers run into the bank and then they load their guns and point them towards the citizens of Gotham.

ROBBERGet down!!!!!!

Robber points to a bank manager with his rifle-

ROBBERYou- are you the manager?

The man comes out and shakes his head “yes” still afraid of the surroundings that were facing him.

ROBBEROpen the safe-

The man shakes his head yes and then all of a sudden there is a tap from the glass roof above- it was a black glove-


Batman shows his full image and waves and then he punches through and jumps down and looks around and then towards the robber-

BATMANGoing somewhere?

TERRY {VO)And a new life is beginning-


See two motorcycle gang thugs driving through the streets- laughing, all of a sudden Batman drops down onto them and his black cape engulfs the screen, where the thugs screaming-


It’s not good to play with the law is it?


See three men dueling with swords and then you see their faces smile-


Two cards men, the same men from before are riding through the streets on giant cards. All of a sudden Batman flys in from no where-

BATMANCards- I love cards, can I play?

The card man hits him with a black-marble cane, but Batman swoops out of the way avoiding it-

BATMANI’m going to have to ask you to stop your… cards-

The cards accelerate in speed-

BATMANDon’t say I didn’t ask you nicely.

Batman flies towards them and then he jumps onto one of the cards- the man hits a club towards him, Batman blocks the club and then he hits the guy in the gut with the cane- and he gets knocked out and begins to fall- the other man looks towards him smiling- Batman whips the cane towards him, it goes swinging and then towards his gut- bang he gets knocked off- Batman drops down from the cards and he flies down he spots the farthest falling man and he reaches him and then he picks him up with one hand-

BATMANYou’re very heavy-

Batman continues down holding onto the man and catches the other man in his hand, he lands- and the police arrive- Batman hands them over.

TERRY (VO)That goes far beyond the norm


Dana is at her locker getting her books. And then she begins to walk away- Terry McGinnis is standing there watching as she leaves-

TERRYWait- Dana, don’t go-

Terry is left standing there and he sighs and leans against the locker- the one battle he has lost.


Terry is in his room when his brother knocks on the door-

TERRYCome in-

Matt slightly opens the door


TERRYYeah- I’m here, what do you want?

MATTI need advice-

TERRYWhat kind of advice?

MATTAbout girls-

TERRYI’m probably not a good person to ask about that right now-


TERRYI think I may have lost… Dana-

MATTOh, well maybe I’ll come back some other time-

Terry just grunts as his brother closes the door-


Bruce looks towards Terry

BRUCEI will train you- until you never fail.


Terry is walking in the streets of Gotham city and then a man brushes past him- the camera follows the man- the man was Greg!


Terry is training, punching against the stuffed mannequins- they seem to be falling down, faster and faster with no end- Terry just

keeps on punching, and you can see the sweat dropping down his face- he looks towards Bruce- Terry has lost.

BRUCEHarder!!!!! Again!!!!!


This was an elegant building in which a party was going on, Bruce Wayne was the man of honor being thanked for helping the city- Terry looks around for any strange occurrence and then it happens- he sees a man with a wide smile on his face laughing, he sort of didn’t fit in, in an eerie sense- Terry looks towards Bruce and nods, he runs off. Boom!!!! The whole back side of the roof falls- man and women slip and they reach the ledge and pull themselves up, one woman goes tumbling- Batman swings down and rescues her.


Terry continues to punch and kick his way through the mannequins- Terry once again had lost.

BRUCEFaster- Again!!!!!


Terry walks into his mother’s house and then Matt walks towards him-


TERRYNot now Matt… I’m busy-

Terry walks into his room and closes the door.


Terry punches through the manikins- and then he gets angry and stops. The sweat pouring down like a river-

BRUCEWhy are you stopping?

TERRYI can’t do it!!!!!

(panting heavily)

BRUCEYes you can- again…


Come on- I need a break.

BRUCEYou get a break once you succeed- again!

TERRYI’ve had enough of these mind games Bruce-

BRUCEI was taught by a very wise man- patience is the key. Forget your surroundings, forget who you are- fight, but do not think-

TERRYFight but do not think?



Terry is walking and then he looks up towards the sky- and he sees the bat signal light up the night skies.


Terry continues fighting his way through, gaining speed as though he was moving as fast as the speed of light- kicking and whirling around like a knight of the dark and then nothing else comes- Bruce stops his stop-watch



BRUCEFifteen seconds on the clock-


BRUCEYou’re ready to become the Bat-


See Batman flying through the sky


Batman is on a rooftop looking down over the city and then he looks up as the Batsignal flickers back on again.


Terry walks in and looks around- and then his mother, Marry McGinnis walks out and looks towards Terry.

MARRYTerry where have you been?


MARRYDo you understand what time it is?

TERRYI know mom-

MARRYDo you know how much I worried about you?

TERRYI know mom- but,

MARRYBut, what?

TERRYMr.Wayne needed my help

MARRYIt’s 1:00 in the morning-

TERRYWho knows? Maybe he’s a workaholic

MARRYTerry- where were you!!!

TERRYI already told you mom!!!

MARRYAnd you expect me to believe you?

Matt walks out and looks towards both of them.

MATTTerry- I have a question for-

(looks towards his mom)But, yeah- it can wait- it can wait. No problem-

TERRYYou let him stay up?

MARRYTerry- this is about you, you know your curfew-

TERRYMom- it’s Saturday night ok- no big problem.

MARRY It is a big problem to me-

TERRYFine- what do you want me to do?

MARRYBe back before 10:00-

TERRY10:00!!!!! Why Ten o’ clock!!!!

MARRYDon’t second guess me Terry- I made up my mind and what I say goes.

TERRYI know mom- but, Mr. Wayne really needs my help-

MARRYI don’t care Terry- it gets dangerous after dark, you know that-

TERRYI know Mom-

MARRYPromise me that you’ll be in by 10:00 from now on-

TERRYMom- I can’t


Terry was there complaining to Bruce-

TERRYTell her, she’ll freak out-

BRUCEHandling insane people I can handle- handling moms, well that’s another story.

TERRYYou can’t do anything write a note? Phone a friend? Use a life line- anything?

Bruce eyes him not understanding the Win a Million Dollars routine.

TERRYI have to go-

BRUCEGo? We have work to do-

TERRYI know-

(breaths out)I know, but I have to play by her rules now-

BRUCEHow long is this going to last?

TERRYWho knows? From experience I learned that my mom just un-grounds you whenever she feels like it- isn’t there anything you can do?

BRUCEI’m afraid, for the first time- I don’t know what to do-

Bruce and Terry laugh


Terry was standing at Dana’s locker watching her pack up her books.

TERRYI can’t wait any longer Dana-

DANAWhat are you talking about Terry?

TERRYI’m talking about you and I- night out on the town- nothing stopping us.



DANANot even Mr.Wayne?

TERRYNot even Mr.Wayne- so what do you say?

DANAI don’t know what to say Terry-

TERRYSay yes – come on Dane.

DANATerry- I don’t know

TERRYCome on- my first night off work, I need to relax-

Dana looks into his eyes

DANAWhat exactly were you thinking?


Terry was at the night club with Dana, and they enter- the night club was full of extraordinary designs! There was even a gigantic lava lamp in the center- the night club was two floors high, and it was outlined in an aquatic and outer space looking blue with sparkles that at a distance looked like shooting stars shingling brightly all around the parameter. Terry and Dana find a seat-

DANAThis is a rare pleasure-

TERRYWhat do you mean? I thought you wanted to come here-

DANANo- I did

TERRYThen, what is it?

DANAIt just seems that lately you’ve been working over time for Bruce Wayne-

TERRYWhat should I say? He needs me-


(pulls Terry in)But, I need you too-

TERRYI’m sorry Dane- but


TERRYI’m sorry it’s agh… it’s highly confidential-

DANAHighly confidential?

TERRYYeah- top secret stuff.

(he laughs)You wouldn’t believe me if I told you-

DANATry me-

TERRYI’m sorry Dane, but I really can’t-

Chelsea walks over and she finds Dana and Terry-

CHELSEATerry McGinnis- good to see you finally showed up somewhere again-

TERRYWell, what am I to say Chelsea? This city needs me-

CHELSEAWell, hopefully you can save yourself on this one boy wonder-

TERRYWatch me-


Chelsea walks off, Terry looks over towards and Dana and he laughs smiling- and he sees that she’s not in fact she is quite angry-

TERRYWhat’s wrong?


TERRYNo, really- what’s wrong- what is it?

DANANo, Terry- it’s ok- it’s nothing that important obviously-

TERRYWell, okay- if you say so- may I have this dance?

Terry and Dana get up and move towards the dance center area-


The Jokerz are wheeling in on their motorcycles-

JOKERZ1What are you waiting for? Let’s give them some

(He laughs-)


Dana and Terry were dancing, and then all of a sudden Terry slows down, as though he senses something to be wrong

DANATerry- are you okay? What is it?

Terry looks up towards the glass window above- seeing what was going to happen

TERRYDana!!!! Dunk!!!!!

Terry grabs her and then he throws himself backwards- avoiding the crash that came-

The crash booms through the glass above- a Jokerz motorcycle jumps through the glass and towards the lava lamp and liquid goes spraying everywhere in a massive tidal wave.

A new song comes on over the night club, a fighting song-

Terry glances towards Dana

TERRYDana- go, go get help…

Terry looks around seeing the Jokerz causing mayhem, all of the people afraid-

TERRYDana- please.

DANAWhat about you?

TERRYI’ll handle them-


TERRYTrust me- everything will be ok-

Dana sneaks off, as a Joker walks to the podium

JOKERZ1People of Gotham city- I welcome you all to tonight’s laugh fest- let the festivities begin!!!!!

Terry sneaks up behind the Joker-

TERRYHey I have a joke for you-


Terry looks around-

TERRYBatman- what where?

JOKERZ1You’re not Batman-

(snort laughs)

TERRYNo- I’m not-

Terry kicks his foot out and the Joker goes flying back and down to the second floor with a thump-

TERRYI’m you’re worst nightmare.

Terry jumps down and to the floor below, two motorcycles drive towards him- he jumps into the air and holds onto a broken pipe, he begins to swing back and forth- Pow! Pow! The Jokerz get hit back, Terry jumps down and rolls out of the way. The motorcycles crash together.

TERRYThat was a close one-

A joker jumps down from above and looks towards Terry fighting another Joker-

TERRYCome on is that the best you got!!!

The Joker attempts to punch Terry- but, Terry blocks the punch and in turn punches the Joker in the gut and flings him towards a table.

TERRYWhy don’t you consider trying out for Knights of the round table?

Terry is standing there- slow motion the camera flies backwards, to reveal the Joker’s gun loading for fire- bang!!!! A bullet flies out towards Terry, back to fast animation Terry rolls out of the way- the bullet hits the wall and pops out into a “Ha! Ha! Ha!” flag

BULLETHa! Ha! Ha! Ha!

The bullet explodes into red, green and white paint. Terry looks towards the Joker who had fired it. Terry jumps into the air and holds onto a swinging pipe- he swings back and then forward and jumps off and lands on the Joker with a punch-


Stop- clowning around!!

Terry looks above and hear more people’s screaming- and they come running down the stairs-

TERRYHow many are there?

Terry runs towards the stairs and fights his way up past the crowd.

TERRYExcuse me- coming through- excuse me.

A man who was trying to escape punches Terry hard in the face-

MANStop making it difficult for everybody-

This man, might be a good cameo, maybe Danny Devito or Tommy Lee Jones- in other words anyone that ever played a Batman villain in a movie. Terry looks towards him-

TERRYSome people just don’t know how to thank the person who is rescuing them anymore.

At the top of the stairs were two muscular Jokerz and two girl Jokerz on motorcycles. The first muscular joker walks towards Batman- Terry looks around and then he realizes a plan- he whistles and the girl joker looks towards him. Terry checks and the big joker was approaching from behind- The girl on the motorcycle drives forward- and then Terry jumps into the air.

GIRLJOKEROh nooooooo!!!!!

Bang the motorcycle hits the big Joker and they both fly off and towards the first floor with a heavy THUD!!!!! Terry looks towards another muscular joker who was inching his way towards Terry, Terry jumps into the air and hangs onto the chandelier- all of a sudden he feels a hard strangling hand around his neck as he is pulled down.

TERRYEasy there-

MUSCULAR JOKERTeenager is only little weakling-

Terry tries to get free- but he can’t!!!

MUSCULAR JOKERPuny little man-

Terry continues to try to attack-

GIRL JOKERTime for the grand finale!!!!

The girl joker on the motorcycle drives towards them, her spiked bat pointing towards Terry- the motorcycle drives closer-


Terry kicks his foot into the muscular joker’s restricted punching zone- all of a sudden he falls to the ground on his knees yelling in pain- Terry rolls out of the way as the spiked bat hits the muscular joker in his head- and the motorcycle crashes to the ground- the girl joker flying off and onto a chandelier on the ceiling- the cord beginning to twitch and then snap- it falls to the ground and shatters.

TERRYYou better be careful or some people might confuse you for nuts.

All of a sudden police cars arrive- and police officers run in towards the destroyed night club, Jokerz laying all over the place, then Barbara Gordon walks in and looks towards a cop-

BARBARAWhat happened here?

COPSeems like a joke that go personal-

Barbara looks up and towards the door that was swaying in the wind-

BARBARAOk- who ever was here just got out- find them.

COPYes mam-

(motions towards the other cops) Move out-

Cops leave the area


Terry is out on an old style ladder- he sees a roof in front of him, then he sees police patrolling the area (remember this is the future- cars fly.)


Terry jumps to the roof’s ledge in front of him, he grabs on and pulls himself up- he looks around, then he runs towards the roof in front and he hangs on, pulls himself up- but, this time he

wasn’t on a roof- he was leaning against a wall- Terry scales the wall and sees police cars behind him, he looks down towards traffic and then back towards the police. He looks around – it was a 20 foot drop below.

TERRYJust don’t look down-

Terry steps off and he goes falling down, he hangs onto a traffic car, and then he holds on as it speeds forward.

TERRYHey buddy- you mind slowing down?

The car turns a hard left and he slips- he goes falling and then he sees Dana’s car- he grabs on.

DANAHold on!!!!!

Dana’s car flies off and then a while afterwards it lands in a park.


Terry was obviously furious at something that couldn’t be pinpointed

TERRYThanks for the lift-

(walks around and gets into the passenger seat)

DANANo problem-

TERRYI need you to take me somewhere-


TERRYWayne Manor-

DANAWayne manor- why?

TERRYThere’s someone there that can help me-


Terry walks in and looks towards Bruce-

TERRYI’m ready-

BRUCEAre you sure?

TERRYYeah- tonight he tried to kill Dana, he killed my father in the past- tonight it’s more personal than it ever was-

BRUCEOk- suit up… part of being Batman is being an excellent detective- maybe we can use high school- to it’s greatest advantage yet.


Terry was walking along the halls of Wayne-Powers looking around.

TERRYThank you Mr.Powers- it’s really an honor sir.

DEREKI know, as well- it should be Terry

TERRYWayne-Powers, wo- this place is amazing.

DEREKIf you’d follow me Terry-

Terry follows Derek into his office-

DEREKSo what did you want to know Terry?

TERRYI came here to talk business sir-

DEREKWhat do you have to offer?

TERRYAn offer that no business can refuse-

DEREKWait Terry, listen- unfortunately at this time I have a lot of paper work to get done, but- in the mean time would you like a tour around our facilities here at Wayne-Powers industries?

TERRYIt would be an honor sir-

DEREKVery well- Lawrence come in, there’s a Terry McGinnis here that would like a tour of Wayne-Powers.

A man, around his thirty’s walks in. His name was David Lawrence-


DEREKTerry- wants a tour of Wayne-Power Industries could you show him around?

DAVIDYes sir- follow me Terry..

DEREKBy the time you come back I should be done here-

TERRYYes sir- and so should I.

So far, so good- David and Terry walk out of the room.

DAVIDSo what school do you go to?

TERRYEast Gotham High-

DAVIDI was a West- myself. What year are you?


DAVIDWell, if you would follow me-

David and Terry walk off and into the next set of hallways- and they walk into the security room. There were two guards-

DAVIDCome back in ten-

GUARD1Yes sir-

The two guards walk out-

TERRYI really have to thank you-

DAVIDFor what?


Terry punches David and he is knocked out- and then Terry reaches into his pocket and pulls out the Batman mask and puts it on-

ripping his shirt to reveal the costume itself- Batman looks down towards David’s body.


Batman flips the switches on the control panel-

BATMANTo turn the cameras off, or turn the electricity off that is the question-

Batman walks towards the exit and he leans against the door looking out- he saw a guard stop, look his way and then continue walking away. Batman looks towards an elevator and he enters.


Derek was there and he looks towards Mr.Fixx

FIXXDoes the kid know who killed his father?

DEREKNo- he has no idea, he even thought of coming in to work for Wayne- Powers, ironic isn’t it? The same person he’s working for- is the same person he’s trying to kill-

FIXXThings are working out as planned?

DEREKBetter than planned-


Batman enters the lab where Harry was working earlier and he looks around-


Batman walks over to the computer and then he presses buttons on the main console, the computer goes haywire-

COMPUTERAll files being copied-

BATMANNow to just wait-


The two guards come back and find the unconscious of David on the floor-


FIXXWhat do you want me to do?

DEREKNo need- not anymore.

All of a sudden the alarms go off-

FIXXThere’s an intruder sir-

DEREKFind him!!!!!!!!!!


Batman looks around towards the blaring alarms

BATMANThis is not good-

All of a sudden bullets come towards him- he sees guards aiming their guns towards him-

BATMANHey- who are you shooting at? I’m the good guy!!!!!

GUARD2Shoot down the intruder-

BATMANHey look, I’m the good guy- I save and protect you, then why are you shooting at me!!!!!!!!

More bullets shoot towards him, and he goes rolling out of the way and behind glass canisters which get shot out-

BATMANJeez- you try to help people and this is what you get.

The firing stops and he looks up and over the desk where the canisters is- bang! Bang! Bang!!!!!

BATMANI have to get a better agent-

Batman looks up and towards the door- it seemed to be hooked by a metal spring above- he shoots the batarang towards it and pulls it towards him- the door flies down.

BATMANHe shoots he scores!!!!!

Batman stands up and sees the guards spreading out- he looks to his left, there was another exit- he takes it, for now he was free-


DEREKWhat do you mean?

GUARD1It’s Batman sir-


GUARD1I’m afraid so-

DEREKBatman disappeared more than ten years ago-

GUARD1Well sir- he came back-


Batman looks around the corner.

BATMANBruce, you there?

BRUCE (OC)I’m here-

BATMANTell me what you see-


Bruce types on the control pad and various pictures read out- and then you see three thermal imaged guards.

BRUCEIt’s bad-

BATMAN (OC)How bad?

BRUCEYou have three guards ahead of you-

BATMAN (OC)Three? That should be like a walk in the park right?

BRUCENot so fast-

Bruce types up more controls- then you see the TV screen fly in towards an alarm.

BRUCEThis place is loaded with alarms-

BATMAN (OC)How many?

BRUCETwo- but, here’s the catch- you take out one, maybe two if you’re good- and I mean very good, you will still have that other guard to keep you company

BATMAN (OC)What are you saying?

BRUCEIt would be near impossible charging through the front entrance-

BATMAN (OC)I have pretty much no more choice do I?


BATMAN (OC)What is it Bruce?

BRUCEThere’s an alternative- but, it could be risky; it’s something that I had custom built into it- I didn’t ever test it, but-

BATMAN (OC)But, what?

BRUCEIt’s your only choice-

Bruce types more and then you see a 3D representation of the Batman Beyond costume on the screen- he types more and then you see invisibility cloak.

BRUCEI have installed a cloaking device- one that will render you invisible- to what extent, I don’t know-

BATMAN (OC)Ok, how do I activate it?


Batman was glancing around looking towards the guards.


What do I say?

BRUCE (OC)Activate cloak-

BATMANActivate cloak?

All of a sudden Batman becomes invisible.

BRUCE (OC)Good, now it’s built in-

Batman looks around- and then he faces a mirror, no reflection-

BATMANWo- I never knew what it would feel like to look towards your empty reflection- it’s like looking through the looking glass.

BRUCE (OC)You have a mission, remember?

BATMANOh yeah, right-

Invisibat walks forward and then a camera reads him- and then the camera shines a light towards him.

BATMANShit!!! I thought you said this thing worked-

BRUCE (OC)No, I said-

BATMANCan you hold a minute?

A guard looks around startled-

GUARDWhere are you?

Batman appears-

BATMANLooking for me-

The guard lunges forward, but Batman becomes invisible and sidesteps- the guard hits the wall. The second guard comes and looks towards the fallen guard.

GUARD2Quit playing around-

You can see the clothes on Guard2, the shoulder specifically pressing in and out.

GUARD2Where are you?

BATMANOver here- no over here – I’m behind you-

Guard 2 looks behind him and then he is hit from behind over his head-


Guard3 looks towards him-

BATMANSorry, but I’m not caught up right now-

Batman shoots out a batarang and it spirals around the guards body, he goes tumbling to the ground.

GUARD3You’re not going anywhere-

BATMANI’m not? And just one question… uh- who’s stopping me?

All of a sudden the alarm rings out- Guard3 smiles


All of a sudden guards with machine guns come running towards him, and Terry summersaults backwards through their spray of bullets-

BATMANCan’t we all just be friends?

And then Batman whirls around and into an empty storage room-

BATMANHome sweet home-

The camera fades back and focuses on the guards who run out, machine guns loaded- Batman was no where in sight.

GUARD4Where is he? Okay move out-

The guards scatter, there were five in total- Batman drops down from the ceiling onto one of them and they get knocked out- and then another guard runs towards him- he spins on his head and then he jumps back towards the guard kicking his feet back- a guard runs towards him and then Batman flips back and attaches to a place on the ceiling again- the guard looks around aiming his gun-

he drops down onto the crates behind him a taps the guard on his shoulder.

BATMANLooking for me?

Batman punches the guard out-

BATMANFive down- two remaining

The camera goes back as another guard is walking around looking and then he looks up to see Batman there hanging down from the pipes on the ceiling hanging upside down.

BATMANHi- I just though I would lay around-

The guard shoots towards Batman

BATMANNo reason to try to kill me-

The guard continues to shoot his gun-

BATMANWell, if you want to look at it that way- you leave me to no other choice.

Batman drops down and he roundhouse kicks the guard, the guard goes flying back and towards the wooden crates- the crates toppling down over him!!!!

BATMANOhhh- that’s gotta hurt.

A guard comes back and then he gets pulled in by the batarang against his neck-

BATMANMissed me?

GUARD5Please- what do you want Mr.Bat?


I want you to tell me some answers- yah’ see an’ I want em answers now- yeah, the answers now yeah see-

GUARD5What do you want?

BATMANWhere are they loading the cargo?


What cargo?

BATMANYou know what I mean- the mutagen-

GUARD5Please- if I tell you, he’ll kill me-

BATMANWell, that’s not my problem is it?

GUARD5Fine- there’s a door right there-

(points to a door)

BATMANWhat’s the code?

GUARD5590 screw you

BATMANWhat is it!!!!

GUARD5Fine- I’ll tell you. 67893


(imitation)Hare’s lookin’ at you kid-

Batman walks towards the door-

GUARD5Hey- aren’t you going to let me go?



Batman reaches the door and kicks it open, and then he steps a foot in- you can see that the room contained large fans.

BATMANWhat the heck is this place?

BRUCE (OC)The compound- no person can get in or out-

Batman looks back the door slams shut and then locks with metal-

BATMANWell- that warning came at the right time-


There’s more-

BATMANDon’t tell me the ceiling falls down with metal spikes-

BRUCE (OC)It’s possible to get across

BATMANWell, that’s easy for you to say- I can’t even move.

BRUCE (OC)No, but Batman can- attach the cord to the door and equip your glider- you can fly out of there-

BATMANLet me get this straight- I have to fly out of here?

BRUCE (OC)You’ve got your orders- follow them.

Batman struggles as he takes out a black bungee-cord and attaches it to the wall-

BATMANActivate glider-


Guard5 is struggling and then more guards walk in-

GUARD5He’s in there-


Batman begins to fly off- while the bungee cord is attached to the door.

BRUCE (OC)There’s five guards coming your way now-

Hear banging on the metal door

BATMANYou think?

BRUCE (OC)I’ll try to lock the door down in the mean time-

Batman reaches the ventilation shaft and shoots through it-

BATMANAlready done-

Batman flies off and into the sky above.


Derek overlooks a high tech space-craft, that had the slight build of a train. Guards were running all over the place- the engine heats up and Derek is forced to yell over it and towards the pilot

DEREKLoad em’ up- I want these mutagens in the air in less than five minutes!!!!!

GREG/PILOTYes sir- take off in 5

DEREKGet this thing loaded-

Derek looks all around-

DEREKAny sign of the intruder?

FIXXNo sir- no sign as of yet, he seems to be all over the place-

Batman was on the roof of the plane looking down towards them-

BATMANLooking for me?

DEREKSo it is true-

BATMANNot just a figment of imagination am I Powers?

DEREKI’m curious, have you ever played chess?

Batman looks at him curiously

DEREKI’m just curious- the game is a simple game of war, you’ve got your knights- as well as kings- so you should know already. The knight always makes the wrong moves-

BATMANWell, I guess I don’t have to worry about anything do I? That this is not chess-

DEREKKill him!!!!!

Gun shots shoot out towards Batman, who rolls quickly out of the way-

BATMANWell, that was a close one-

Guards walk towards Batman’s last location and then all of a sudden bang- a huge explosion occurs- and they go flying off and into the air.

BATMANEverything just blows up in your face now a’ days- doesn’t it?

DEREKI want him dead- and I want him dead now!!!!!!!!!!

More guards run towards Batman, and then Batman shoots out his batarang and it loops around the guards- and they fall to the floor.

DEREKGet this plane in the air!!!!!!!!!!

The cargo plane flies off and into the air-

BATMANSorry- but, I have to catch my flight-

Batman flies off and into the air and towards the cargo plane at rapid speeds. Batman lands into the storage room of the plane and then all of a sudden the air craft bursts up and into the air- and then he gets rocketed back. The back door slides open-


Batman hangs onto the craft as it flies off-


DEREKWhat are you waiting for!!!! Shoot him down!!!!

All of a sudden they open fire


Batman hangs on for dear life- and then all of a sudden bullets get shot towards him.

BATMANCome on!!!! You gotta be kidding me!!!!!!

The air craft dives down-

BATMANYou just made the wrong move!!!!

Batman kicks out and lands into the air craft and then he lands into the air craft as it re-angles up right.

BATMANActivate glider-

Batman’s wings expand as he stays floating in the air- on his back and then he swings back down. And the wings fold back down.

BATMANTime to take out the trash-

Batman kicks the door to the driver’s bay open- and then he looks towards the pilot.

BATMANLand this plane now!!!!!

The driver looks back and into his eyes-


Greg smiles as he takes out his gun and fires it towards Batman-

GREGDie Bats!!!!!!

Batman dodges the gun shots and then he shoots a batarang forward- and the gun is knocked out of his hands-

BATMANYou were saying?

Greg gets up and he runs towards Batman, but he gets kicked backwards- he equips a knife.

GREGI want to see what color blood you bleed Bats-

Greg slices at Batman’s leg and part of the costume comes off- Batman screams in agony and he falls to his knees-

GREGNot so tuff anymore are you Bats?

Greg stands over Batman and laughs-

GREGLet’s see whose beneath that mask of yours-

Greg takes the mask off of Batman, and he steps backward- Terry was Batman.


No- this can’t be. You can’t be- none of this is real.

TERRYIt is real-

GREGThis has gotta be some bat trick-

TERRYGreg- it’s real. Give up-

GREGI’ll never give up Terry- I thought you would know better.

TERRYPlease- just give yourself in.

GREGNever- we were born criminals- we’re like brothers Terry.

TERRYWere like brothers-

GREGAnd then you got the lucky bail- I was lucky that I made an outside contact- Derek Powers, he told me that if I would work with him that I would be free- that I would be safe. And I am- I’m completely 100% free. After all this time- even you should know Gotham was always a city of crime- and it always will be.

TERRYI’ll change that-

GREGSo this is what it comes down to friend? You, I and a knife-

TERRYSeems like that- doesn’t it.

GREGPrepare to die-

(holds the knife over his head about to stab down)

Terry kicks his feet out and Greg falls to the floor and the knife goes flying back. Greg stands next to the pilots controls and he turns the wheel- so that it will crash!

GREGWhat are you waiting for?

Greg runs towards Terry and he kicks him in his face- Terry goes flying back- his face bleeding. Greg picks up the knife-

GREGAs I was going to say…. Prepare to die-

Terry looks up into his eyes- and then he switches the plane- and then it bursts into the air.


DEREKWhat the hell is going on up there!!!!!


Greg flies back and then he hits the exit in the back- and it swings open- Terry falls and he holds onto a plane’s railing for support and then he drops down- and kneels next to Greg and extends his hand-

TERRYGive me your hand-

Greg looks below- and then he looks up towards Terry-


DEREKShoot it down-

WORKER1But sir-



Terry has grasp of Greg’s hand and then all of a sudden- Pow!!!! The plane goes in to crash onto the docking bay!!! And then he looses Greg’s hand- and then he jumps out and he begins to fall at rocket speeds.

BATMANActivate glider!!!!!!!

Batman goes flying down towards Greg’s rapid flying body- and then he is too late, Greg hits the bottom and he lays there unconsciencous- shots come flying towards Batman- Batman looks towards the crashing plane

BATMANIf you’ll excuse me-

The wings come back- and then he drops down, the bullets firing towards him- the plane crashes and then blows up into a cloud of smoke- the workers took off running by, Derek was there coughing- left in the debris, which looked to contain a greenish glow- his eyes fills up with green radiation and then you begin to see his skin peel. The camera refocuses towards batman flying off and into Gotham city.




[Fade to black]

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