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Post on 13-Mar-2020






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, . •

·, . ~

INSURE /; YOUR ~OPERJY . [ Central J • • •

~·----~~-=~===-~-=-~~~~==--=~========-~_,.._==--=-=-------------+--====-"==~~==~-====="=-==-=--~~-=-=--~ VOLUME LXVIII.

At MISS -JffY'.S A nice assortment of New Hats--­

large head &izes.

.. 1 White f' elt Hats. ·

- Infant's Dresses. Bonnets and Caps.

OperatlnS Regular Steamers to Mediterranean~-! Brazil, llallfax and Montreal.

. . Marine~ Agencres, Ltd.

Steamship Operators Forwarding and Transhipp\ng Agents

Water St. East, St. John's, N.f.

we forward, Transhlp. Buy or Sell for You.




As pr ... Y·d 4 for iu Section 5 Wild Fruit Act 1?28 : Tbe da•e• oa which berrirs may be picked ia each Dis· trict 1hall be H folio•• :-

Diatrict SL Joha'• East St. Jobm.'• Wnt Placentia aad

St. Mar1'1 Ferryla11d Pcrt·d' 0 Gra ve Har·dc·Vude FO,lfO , St. 8;.rle Bonc,·ista Buri a C.uboaear St. George'• Hartor Maia Uarbor Grace Trinity

Bakeapplea Blneberriea 30th July lllb Aug. 30th July J3lb Aug.

h t Aur. l<itb Aug. :!9th July 12tb Aug. 2nd Aug. 17th Aug-. h t Aug. 20th Aug. lat Aug. 18th Aug. 2nd Aug. :lOth Aug. lat Aue. 16th Aug.

· lst Aug. ]7th Aug. 1st Aug. 13th Aug.

2nd Aug. 17th Aug. lit Aug. 17th Aug. lit Aug. 15th Aug,

2nd Aug. 16th Aug. lat Aug. 20th Aug.

Partridge Berrlea

3rd Sept. 3rd Sept.

101h Sept. 7th Stpt. ?1b Srpt. 6th Stpt. 6.b Sept.



' I


notiJ making up our ring and Summer

"CARIBOU" Shirts ~ "VfJERAN'' OVtrals. Send in for S(l"*1les and Prices. · • • t- -


Newfoundland's Leading Overall Hous~ . [•] . . [:



NOTICE 1 HEREBY Gl\'E~ thnt nn I no~ BUOY, upon '"hich thcrt' is n WillTI~ F LASHING t\CETYLENE LA~P gh·ing:

40 Flashes per Minute. I n.. btcn moored :it AGL\TB t; ~A

Lat. 450 4G' 00" ~. Long. 58° 40' 00" W.

BEARING 3~ miles . E 1~ S. from Blnck Duck Brook inside lior­bor light.

ALo BEARl~G \\', }"l N. from Fox Ialnnd, dUit. nee 5~ miles. Depth of water : 5 fathoms.

W. C. WINSOR, ~lini ter of Marine & Fi!heries

Dept. of lfarino & Fi. hcrie;i, Light-house Department,

St John'111 Nfld., July 5th, Hl28.

J. A. WHITMAN & SON, I Tailors and Clothiers. I Our Stock of S uitings, Q.,cr·


Dept of Mnrinc & Fisheries, Light-house Dcparlruonl,

~t. J ohn"11, Nllil., Juoe 23rd, 1928.

Graduate of Plill:idclphia Dental College &nd Boa· plt:al of Ora.I Surgcn.

Teeth cxtr1.cted abaotutcly w1fb out Jl=Un by uac of vitnllscd Llr or p:rfcct ai::acathelk.

Dcutal Office : Victoria St , ncx1 door to the ST.1.NOARD Oflicc

Fire and Lite


Fortune Bay Tw11llairate Bu1gco & LaPolle

2nd Aug. 16th Aug. 3rd Aug. 18th Aug.

JOtb Srpt. J01b Sept.

81h Srpt. 5th Sept. 8th Sept. 8th Sept . 6th Stpt. 9th Sept. 9th Srpt. 9t'b Sept. Stb Sept,

I coatin~s and Trousenugs of all kinds 1s the largest and best we ever imported-:imongat tbcm the

, acwest aad most fasbionahle 1badcs.

BRWEN NoT WRtcu:o B\· ~ou­\"ENIR Un;Tr.Rs - The German lr:ioe Atlantic monopl:inc Bremen \ '31 aol el ripped by aouYenlr bunt· ue 01• prcv1oualy rtported, bul h:ia been unmoleeted aud nolbluir I• miuiag. according to ii. report to· day frem Dr. [.,oafa J. ~ulainler. of Quebec:, who arrived at Greenly l•· land to prepare the famoua ph1ne back to Germany.

Sub1cribcd Capit:U •.• ['Z.000,0CO 1\ g Total Invcatcd Jo"uod11

npw:irda of ...... .. 2. 750,000 at{: Annual Income up-(Sgd.) W. J. WALSH,

Mlnister of Agriculture and Mines.

July 16th, 1928.

, ..........•.... ,., ... 11•••······················· MICOOilCOCll~IOOOC JOO(l!I F-0r Sale.

I.. CARD. ~ One 6 h.p. Two Cylinder ___., § Lockwood-Aah, (Mar-

C. D. SLEATER, ~ I ine Motor), a in aood condition. ~ Cill4DU!Tf OPTICl!N. ....PRICE A BARGAIN.

, ~· 437 w ATER STREET, I Apply at this OFF~E. :i ~ s·r. JOHN'S. Notice.

P 0 B 251 Dr. John T. Ro1h,emioent Ortho· I Telephone 916. J • ---..:....---~--· ~ pedic Surgeon, Profeaor of Ortho IVUU'_.__. __ ......_ podic Surgery ai J tfrrrson MediClil



School, Philadelj11lia, Pcnneylnni11 will be at St. Aclhony Uoepital dur­ing July and Augu•t 1928 to exa· mine and treAt ortho(ledic conili­tionP, Dcctou 'in Newfoundl3nd~ who ha.Yo 1ucb c:ue.s ond who wiah them treated, can ttud their pa· tientt\o St Anthony eatly in July." Inttmational Gr&lfell AllOei&Uon,

Saint AnthOny, Newbiodlaod.

Custom work of all kinda cxc· cuted at 1.owcst orices aad with despatch,

Meaaure Carda .no palte.ras supplied oa applir.- t!'lf\.

..-Fit, Style, aua \"': .:rlrmaushlp &"Uaran teed . ._


has stood the test and

proved the BEST._ ---~=----

GEO. NE.A.L Ltd., St. John's


wak'da or •••• - • • • • . • 350.000 atg T he Goun1.1.N being a 6tat·clau

Eugliah lnaur.uice Company, offcra all .thoa~ advantagea moat desirable lo 1n1urera. Tis., uodoubl~d atabili­ty, favorable tcrma and prompt act­ttement oa clalma for loaa.

The uaderaigued having been :ip­poiated Agc11t1 for Newfoundlud prepared to iuue Polidc.e apiut 1011 bJ Fire.

• T . ~At. WtNTH, St. Ioha'1 ~. E. ST&VZNSON, Br . .Jr.ace. Ao&Tflt M•ooocr:, Rab-agent.



i General freight forwarder • Broker and Commission

Agent 63 Waler St. E., St. John"s

I Distributing Ageut for J. J . LANGLEY, LTD,

Liverpool, England. 4 llavo your 1bipmeota addrcsa-1 ed to my care aod avoid C~Uonl tlrruollt Ulo World. ..........................


Every Homo Needs Minard'• Linimen.-




Announcing 4 'peclal Holiday Tour, to Labrador an '·'·


Kyle" Date• of SaWng from St. .John's.

JULY 14th. AUG. 2nd. AUG. 20th. SEPT. 8th

Cruises arran ed particul:irly to scn•e the pleasure of visiti ourists anJ local vacation· s.

For detailed information write '

Rothwell & Bowring, Ltd., 120, 122 Water Street, St. John's.

Flour, Fire,

Feeds, Plate Gla11,


Provisions. Insurance.

C. a. BUTT, Broker, P. 0. Box 12 Ilarbor Grace



C. CHESLEY BUTT, A·gent, P.O.BOX 12 Harbor Grace. PHONE 52

r- -Big Reduction:_ -- -- -·-----------


ladies' Hats, Misses' and \ Ladies' Dress~

including Ginghams, Pound Goods

and Cottons, of Jl de.criptione. Aho,

Ladies' and Men's Boots and Shoes.

In Stock for Holiday Season . .... Boiled Ham, H a in, Corned Meat,

and Bologne-by the po\md- aliced by Machine.


W. H. Parriliter.

\ ../

~ )

• I


.. •

. .



$1.0() a year in advance ; otherwise, $1.50

• WAS v·ERY DELICATE. Trading With Newfoundland ___ ,_.;;_ ___ ,_.,

"" C<Sosideriog the:ua:ber of trade I N~RVE EXHAUSTION New Ileai1h Carne Thrnu ~h Usiog treaties which Csaada has made. l Rt:llt:vcd b.T

Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. the arrafl~eineul receot11 catered Asaya-Nau· rall -- iato with Ne w(ouodJ3od was slow I

f\lrs. Cuplr Milla, L1urues, ia m:ilerialis iog, Bolb couutriea N. S., nys til:il twic.! i n.lier liCc · arc to be congratulated, however, Prcq><>rt, N.S. Pcb., lOth, lll2S. t im ! she il'\:i r cnson tn be th:ink· says the T oronto Globe, tb:il ao D.1.vrs & l.A"''llltlfCll Co. Moat.real. ful fo r whut Dr Williams' Pink ;igreemcu~ b u fi nally beeo CUO· Dur Sir1:-I have 1ufl'ercd fr0m acr-Pi lis uiJ fo r her. Sile uys :- s ummatta Wheliler or oo.l there \"OUS11cadmcl1cs forfourycarundcould • • I w:is a \'H<" dc.icatc J? irl gC1i11g i• ao .. maleri' al 1· a crease i :1 busi· gel no relief. I became IO run down I

J I fi .. " could not do my work, a.nd lbe !cut i n to womaol100 I, when H Sl ocu . to aJvao uges to be gained xdtcwcnt would ca111e a aick bead· fou i d beadil Crom D:. Wiil iams' by the :ic~oowlcdgmeo t l b at a ache. Arter taking a sample bottle or Pio:: P ills I wa~ a suffurr wilh perferea liaJ'lt,.rangemcol was de· your"Asaya-Neunill" I wu couvinc:·

· th ad cJ il ,..._ tbe right mcdldue"for me. c r:i:np!t ;ind pains~vcry moo a sirab!c should bring clo!er lo· Since 1 hue t.akcu two lnrgc boltlet, l was ha rdly able tn wove a round al g et her t he D Jmlclon aod h t r a u now do nry work. < I have rccom· al l. 0 1c J 1y. wlitn 1 was very neigilbour the oldest Briti1h col· men1lcd it 10 olhl:nl who, like myacll, !\ick 3 fri ,•nd C;ttne i n to sec me, oov. ' tblak it :a rrcaL"Dervc tonic. AA l aJD

h • Wb the fir1t one lo take your mcdldae" la aad s ' c s 1id ~ .' f!lY ~o~ . er, . ~ Under the now agreewei; l· this place, Ilhoaght it no more lh.t.n u ot try D· . \\. ii hams I 1111' Pi lls. I ad.i will give Newfoundland the right td lcl you lulow what I lblak of know l hcy wtll <lJ her a _v.orld or I beocfils of lhe Orilish prefereoce IL RespcctluUy, l{ood." The result \\":iS my ia tariff mailers aod Newfound· (Signed) Mn. G. A. Tuvuu. w ot her got ~ix hoxcs and I bcgao land will ~ive' to Caoada its F'R EE SAMPLE ~ their u -c. :icJ I ~ooo fouad_lleue· "co,,s l favoured n:itio;:i'' terms. coutalnlag one wcclt'• lteatment, Kiit fit from them. Dv t ile tuue I Since tbc mosl important imports to aay adult patoa, oa miaeat. had t:i b.en tberu all I felt a:i nl· from N ewfouodlaod, sucb as fish OA\'IS&L•wu11ctco .. • SHIL'811111tll. t ogelhcr ddTtrrat girl aod 00 and iro.n ore now eater tile D.>· liOlltlUL, O"-

d t ' " longer sulT.!red from cra1Dps an mioioo duty free, C.ioada would paias. . be gelling uearly all the bcoefil

'fbeu a. re.v.rca r:J ago I was at· of the bn.rgaia , i f i l were ool for tacked with 100uecza , a?d. was another provisioo, under which ~ for s~x week:1 .. . Ag~tn . I tbi9 coun t ry agrres lo restore lbe Rl~rted t a k11:~. Dr. W1lltam\ Pink steamship ~u!>sidy for services be· P ills, aurl ag:un lhcy \ir .>ug ht me l wctoCaaz d ao and l\ewf u idlaod fCOOd ilealtb. I am the mother of 3 porh. a subsidy which will amouol family aoJ do all IDY ow~ work, to ~35,000 per n.noum. so r ou see I h ave to kee p 1a g ood Tbi:i will giv.$ additional en· health, aod d r pead u poo l be~e couragetoeo t to tile up.,rt or p ills tJ keep me 1>0. N~"! ~ al, Caoadiao goods to a market where w~ys r.ccomu1ead Dr. .Vtll!ams t ltey have not beeo g oing in as Pink Pills lo ~cy of my friends la ri:e a vol ume . as migh t have wbo may be r.1ckly '.' beeo expected from tile proximity

J C yuu arc sufT.:n r.g from 30J of the two c?uatries. h will also coodi t iJ a due t\>_ poor, .watery enable N ewfcuodlaod to scad her ~lood, or ~·e~l.t o~n·~!, bc? 10 tak· product:s lo tliis country lo belier tag Dr. \t; lihaos P1 01' P ills now, advantage than could be achieved and uo te .110.w rcur st rength aad wi thou t t be•snbsldy. health Will Improve. ~ la view of lbe limited popula·

S old by all dealers~µ mcd ici~_r, tioo of :?C.3,000, Newfouodl'aiid is or will be seul by w atl, post paid. a lready a gond cu:; lomer of the at ~Sc. per box, bv addrc55iog T. D.>miniqa . Duriog the twelve McMurdo & Co. , St. Joho's, or W. monlh!lcndiog March 31 ber im· Il. Thompson & Co. , Ur. Gract. ports from Caoada amounted to

--- -- $11 .66 1,218. Outside of the Uoil· $he ( deruure ly)-''0.'l ycu coo· eJ Kiagdom, thi s was surpa,std

sider my legs long? '' lle-"Mad· ooly by Australia witb io tbe Em· ac, I nssurc you I ocvcrt\'CO ll)ok.'' pi re. Her lo tnl import!!, how·

ever, reacb aboul S28,000,000 and o r this sum 5?.000,000 is spent io the Uoited Slates and approxi· malcly SG,000,000 io Great Bri· tiao. Caoadiao uporle rs b ;;ve complained that the U oilcd States

' ' I wa::i t n nke-a mt:lal oce . Tha t wocden one you sold me !:is l year was oo good. It bad pyor· r b OC.:l.!''

"lhd p,rorrbcea I" "Yep! All the teeth fell c ull" was gettiog mucb business wbicil

" D'you hear Brown advertised for a wife?"· ••Ne!" wha t hap· pened ?'' "Got ten replies from mcu say ing Ile could have thei rs."

ForSoreJolnt.. Pllee, Stln9e Seit Rheum

lnfl•m•d Sida . :"-:::-~ -•i:-OO.~

would come to Canada if a trade :igree mea l couJd be a rranged. This trade coo~lst chie8y or flour, tex tiles, coals, hardware a11u pro· visions. ·

T port o f the Ot p:irtmeat of Commerce fo r the las t fi scal yea r shc. ws tha t Newfoundland bought froru the ...Dominico coal worth Sl,417,000. wheal flour val· utd al $2,6 l 2,000, rubber boots aod shoes to t he value of $260,· 000, beef worth $229,0CO, woolen clolbio,ll'. uaderwear and fabrics

Ma. J . \V. McGRATH, St. J ohn':t, worth 1180,000, and dairy. pro· A2'eol fo r Newfoundland duels valued ll t 8300,000. The

list" coataias nearly every com mo· OF dity from farm and factory, in­

cluding uen sugar, 1ilks aDd col· toas, gaaolioe, aod a few automo· bile1.

TKST WKATDltll JS STUDY Cor.1.s -Tbe c :>mmoo colJ i! DOW bciag

nl111clrl!d i1 aa entirc.,!y new an• novel m.lancr. Al Joh as Hopkins U :i i"er!lity a roow bas been cou· atructed in wbicb all kiadt of weatbu can be rc:prcduced from fogs lo zPro temperaturt'. Tbe room 1, iiuulated by double doors, triple wiadew1 aad· cork padded walls. Tbe effect of weather coo· ditioas oa cold& is the ohjt cl of tbe atudy1

Tho Great Female Medicine. 'tho r11n.,tlllnal lrre;:a1ari11u peculiar

to the wok~r Hlf, aro tm·arlably cnr· rocll-d wlthoot 111ln or looOnYealenro hy lho uao or Ur. Morse'• Jndlaa Root l'lllr Th•J are •he aatu t and -urut medlcln• tor all tho dl1euea Incident· al to female• of all a~e-i aod the more tallf!clally "° '" thl• c !mate. Ladlu whn wl~b I<> eujl>J health, 1boold al· wa.ra hu11 tho10 pllla. No oao who bavo <1\'tr "'•" t hem oneo .. 111 all<>w henoH to bo wl•h nt them Or. Mone'• Jndlao Jtoot 1'1111 are aold by all m9dlclao deal· en.

-" fl e'd the most ulraordioary

man I eYt'r met." ··How·s lba t ?11

·•ue pa1s tvf'rJ ce nt ll:a l bt owes."

A cois trC$S or a boudiog house hired a 1ouog l rhb girl who b d j us t arr1v .. d in this cou at rJ. She was somewhu dubious o f the gi rl' a ability lo w•it oo t he tab'c. S ; she e:iiJ, ' •Norah, do you lhiolc you can wait ou the table i I bave teo boarders, you know ?''

Norah : "Sure. aod 1b:it' s all • ri1rbt, ma'am. WbJ ia lrelaad I

u1ed to feed f6 rly pigs every day.'

Canada's imports lrem New· foundlaad io the same year were ul11~:1 a t less tbao ~2, 100,000, cilieOy or fish, and iacludiar lroo ore and forest products. 'rbc other INdiag products of the is· land • .pulp aad paper, fiad their market ia the United Statu.

Why Folks Paint Up.

A frieod said to ue recently tbal be bad lo take bis bat ofl to tbe paiot maoufacturus for the way in which lbat have "put over" the pain t h abit ea the people. Ai, refcreact, of course was to the "save the surface" campaign, which be regarded as a great ad· ver1i1iog triumph. We have oo wish to minimize the value of tbi1 campaign, but we lbiok it ls cor· reel to ray lb1l it was ool the .oa ly factor ia briogiag about the iocreued demand for paiot.

1'be o ther factors as well must ~ bare the credi t . Ooe, the in· cruse io aeatilct ic interest which was already spreading: amoag the people wbea tbc campaign was inaugurated, so that the aced fell oa prepared. la od, but perhap1 e~a more 1mporlaot that tb la, tbc da ily iacreuiog c.lmpetitioo betweea iudivid1,11la and between commuoitin to make their imme­diate eovlroomeot more attractivc for business reasons.

Ia the mercban11isiag world competition wu never more keen tbao it is to day. Te iacrs111 bis trade eVtrJ merc baadiscr It DOW compelled to thlak of tbla1a that did not teem accusar1 tea or fif.­lceo yurt .ago. The •bopping· opporl uollles of lbe average per soo bue beea wldeatd by tbe fa· vent o 1 of the mot< r cu, wltlcb bu also widened lbe area of the uer· "fC atore's cuatomer protPecta. As a resplt, mcrcbaala have fouad lbt J mq1l do more than they for· mf'tly did to make their atorea at­tractive aad tbll iac'"9lta11y baa led to a crcater 1IH of palat.

, ,J

Agent for New(oundland, MR. J. W. McGRATH

ST . .!OBN'S. -

Aod to-day, there ls compctitioi;i between places. Towne are vic­ing- with one aaotber in an e fTorl to-utakc tbcmu lvcs attractive to tbe C)•e. Io the old days it dio not matter mucb, from a loca' bu1iness standpoint, wbetber a towo lookrd well or oot , for 001 coly wal tlic:rc little civic pride ir this respect, but the straagen who visited a place were few ic a umber. T he order of things ba~ completely chaorcd io this re· spcct. 'fherc arc a hundred or more visitors to eve1y town oowa· days for every one tha t the placr bad io lbc days before lbc molC1r car, and it is tbc coasciousocss o r lili s f\cl, very largel1 tha t io duces the average citizea to grow Dowers, to encournge civic im· provemeot nod to ha,•e his prtm· i!Cs painted.

T he ' 'save the surface" cam· paigo.J... o f cou rsr, s tressed the val· uc o r..,,aiot from a prolcclion s tandpoint and oo doubt tilis ef· fort left Ms ma rk, but the feeling we expressed to our f riend was lhal the chief reason why paint sales were iocreasiog was ao aesthe t ic one :ind that th is was \>ascd on a groVfq a,pprccialioo of the delig ht tha t is fou nd io beauty aod tbe dollar and ecol~ valu t: of bcaut l. as a help lo mak· icg sales.-1 he Mc1ri1ime Mer· chant.

After a Shave . A her a shave, lotioo your face with Minn.rd·s. Soothing aod cool. Excelleo£ for cuts.

A Valuable Book. .,_._ A wealthy German j'!wt ler died

while bis olece, ao American g irl, was visiting the fami ly. Amoog bis effects giveo lo bis cicce was a Jillie book cootainiog tbe names aod addresses of buail reds of Am· ericaos who bad bought i wcls from ~er uncle; alao the price or eac:b article aod the date of ~ur· cbast'. Customs officials got bold of lbe lillle book. They found moat or the jewtlry had been smuggled into the Uoited Statu, for wbicb there is a heavy fioe, 25 per ecol. of which goes to tbe informer. To da te the girl bas received ~200,000.

Sou£ . ~ ·nU ·t

Pou1 tors BY~~c Bill~

Dr. lun1'1 lndlan Root PWt

"fr THEY 111 tb1 RllllldJ that the I bouat10111 bUll of n1tur1 lfii

prorldld for •II dlu.,,, 1r/1lnl (roll II/PURE BLOOD. ~

•e••• lopse's .... __ ,..9111

==:r-~ P'lls c:e•PUDT .......... lllA. EJe.. .... I ,,. uu., AU IU~

Iha W. ff. aom,l11:k Ce. ltd. BrocJmlh, Oh •orriaton, N :y

What to Live For.

Dear little people I love !O well, Wherever your place may bt',

There's a 'buuuful tecrtl 1 lorg • to tell, _

So coa:e a i:d-listeo lo mC'.

Wheu I was a child io a lillle town-

Oh, c vr r so ft r atiray-A beautiful aplrit- came floitiog

down , And ~bif percd lo

" There•s a sccut " spirit aa·

"T-b.1t l VCn a d may kat w, And they wbo koow it are gbdly

led • Wbr1 evo;r I heir feet may gr,

• So stireel and •imple':'tbe seen. t Is,

Yfl people a:e slow to learn, An~ away from the p1tbway that

luds to bliss Their lingeriar faca turn.

"So lhe little children must 1bow them bow

Tbe barpier way to cbo1e, For the hearts tbal are leader

aad lovi11r aow Will never the Jcasoa loit',

.. Aad tbi' is the wonder Cul ae· crel 1 L~e

For. nothing but love each day .... Not for love to keep, but for love

to give, AltslVeBI

Forever to gh•e away.

"There is ao life upoa earth so poor

But lovl? it may give full well, the j?J of giving is deep aod

sure • Aod richu thao tongue can tell.

"1'o s9"eeten life as we meet aed

If you make sure you use Purlty Condemed Pi'..ilk in a.ll . cookini: tmt calls for milk and ~upr, for Purity is the richest coW1try milk combined with the Jllube::t grade ougar prcP<U"ecl in a convenie.:it form-so that you


part · We aced bu t rcmtmber this :

-.may keep an always availnb!e supply OD band.

To carry al ways a leader beart · For the tio1est th iog lbal is.

" T be wider ' the circle of love we make

Tbe hap pie r life we live, And lhe tmore we g ire for_ aa·

olbh's sake • Tbc more we Ehall bav~ to give. f '""

"So let us widen it day by day By lov ing a ijttfe more

Till oo tbiog liviog be shut away From a ihar~ io tbe H eavenly


"'Tis love ~i\odnus alooe cao fill •

Ou\~earls lhj~e jok. of liv· 1og,

And ages wait;but to do the will Of the lo,•ing aud the giviag."


- ~

Bismarck's Ruse to Spt ed Guests bia maosioo wbelber he did not Turned Joke on Him. fiad it very irksome lo have lo

n ceive 110 many uoofllcia l visitors Berl io.-Uow Dis mark's . cl t ver dally. BiamarckJ:eplied that oa

ruse for ridding himself of t ire· the whole b e fouod something of some visitors was turoe~ agaiasl interest in ever.Y callrr-ualcas he himself is recouoled in lbe.rcceot· ovcrs tnyed bis timl'. Bul fo r such 1Y publisbtd collcctiooof Bis· "atickers," Bismarck remarkerl, marck anecdotes, o~pilcd by b e h ad an infall ible bousch old re· Scbmidt·Heooigke medo. He explained that his . Oae day L ord Ruuell, .the Bri~ 1 wife, who from experieacc bad

hsb Ambassador to Bcrha, askrd I acqui red ao ioluitive seo! e for the the German Iron CbatrCellor at . proper duration of a visitor's alay,



could always be '6Couoled upo if ed these words. T be ocxt mo• oee4ful to open the door and o meat, however, both men roared some pretext or otb: r call h ·m with laughter as lbe l:umor of away. this aJr,_ange con6rmatioo of tbe

Barely had the Chaacetro " i~al?ible remedy" s truck them. finished when Princess Bismarck I called through the balf·opeo door· Sick lleadache, Biliousoess, la· w~r : . , . . diges tion , Cooslipation cao all be

Otto uo t 1l about hmc for a voided by lakiog Davis Llnr Y?U to co~e and take your mc:di· Pills a l night if tbe bowels haven't ctoe ? I J USl tir anted lo rem1od moved during tbe day. 40 pill• you.I' l 25c. Davis & Lawrt'nce Co.:

Ao embarrusiog aileace fofiow· Moot rea l.

Many people oltet) boast of owning (heir own homes and yet do not in reality. What if a fire took place, and the aavings and accumulations of a lifetime were destroy· ed ? No insurance to offset the loss. ·What a blow it would be. ·Fire is everybody's foe and make• no distinc·

It may be YOUR fire and YOUR distress any tions. time.

An insurance policy covers your property, and adj• to your life, as it removes much of your~worr~. · · Therefore insure, fe~l aaler and be happier. .

For rates, ~tc., '!pply

EDWARD L. OKE, Local Agent.

Reliable Companie•. lowe1t ·Rates.







HA.RBOR --GRA.O:El STAND.ltRD~ _..Buy Advertised Goods.

·We guarantee t..he contents of aJl sealed cans of




But we do~ and canno!; guarantee contents if can has been opened. There is too much danger of some inferior, harmful material being substituted for, qr mixed with, the orig inal contents of the can.

The ·label i a your guarantee when rcacliinc you unbroken


Insis t o n Cans with Unbroken labels

When buying Magic Baking Powder, insist on a can which has not been opened-the label of which haS'ilOt been broken. · We pack this f arnous produ'ct in sealed cans varying from 4 ounces to 5 lbs., the-contents of'which are guaranteed by us to contain only . th~ ingtedients specified on the back of each label.


Care and .Repair of Eltctric Cords.

All of the port:iblc electric ap­pliancts in household use to-day depend for their aatisfactoryoper&• l ion upon the electric cord. When the iron or warming pad rdusea to he:it, or the electric swtepcr ruos irregularly or oot at all, tba probability Is that the fault is not in the appliance, but in the cord through wbicb its electricity co mu .

E arly portabl11 dnlcc1 auch aa electric..irona,· curling lron1 aad 1weerus, wear out cord• (aattr than do utility motor1, waabl•r macbinca and faa1. The electric cord is not intended to with1taad mechanical 1t rc11es, aa will be understood after a word uplaln· io1r its con1tructioa.

CoNsTaucTION OP Coan T he cord, which looks like one

wire conred 1'ilb woven fabric is reallv · wi res witbia one outer covering, wbicb is usually 1illr. Eacil ioaer wice coo1i1t1 of many tiny t.traads of copper twi1ted to· gethcr iato a liglllt cable,tbc cable beiog covered with a ru-.ber coat· Oubide of tbc rubber are several layers of woven cotton. Tbc two cables, each complete ia itself, arc t wisted toKetber iato a ualt aad covered with ailk.

At oae cad of tbc cord la a plug for attachment to a wall aockct or other receptacle aad at the other a aocket to receive aa lacaadesceot bulb or elae a special plug to at,

PROTECTS BRUISES Co'n!I' bumpt. bn>llel and otbl.Y broken akin with "Vuellne'! JeU1. Qulddy llOOthee and Mai.. Tdile away the burt. • ,_,, ,_ , .. ,.,....11 •• ............

,, .. _ ,,,.cMf ....

Cheeebroa~ Mft.-0,., Coae'cl

VisCnlle TlllAllll ...... •


tacb to tbe' termia:ils of the iroa. touter, etc. The cads of the cords arc 'attached within the plugs b; brass screws or •• biadiag posts"

Sbup beads aad kiaks tend to ruin the cord by breakfog the fiae copper wires inside it. Mechani­cal stresses such as those result· i:rg wbca aa iron is a llowed to slide off the ironing board, or whea a toaster is discoaaected by a yaak on the c.>rd instead of on the plug, injure it by brcakiaK' off the little wires at the point where the cad1 arc held under the biad· lag' post screw bead1. Setting a bot iroa dowa oa the cord c!a· marea the iaaulatloa and may cauac futur"-.trouble. Gcttiag a cord wet eacourages abort circuit· lag, particularly if tbero already be a weak 1pot ia the iaaulatloa.

Nost frequentl1 breaks la the cordi come a t eith er ead , aiacc mcSs t of the wear from beading occur• a ear the plugs It is very eaay to repair trouble of this kind ncry user of appliancca should kaow 1omcthh1g about lt, siace aucb knowledge may save not only a repairman's charges, but hours of valuable time. The oaly tool1 needed are a small screwdrivcr­oac from tbe aewing-macbiac tools le suitable-and a small kitchen knife, although a pair of cutting pliers is very convenien t.

First, be aurc tbat the cord is not connected with aay eource of electricity.

TAll:. a Tea Pt.uo APAltT.

Take the plug apart. laspec· tion will usually tell the wa1 to accomplis~ ~bis ; wi th plugs tha t attach to irons it usu1lly meaaa remoYiag two' screw1, ttut with lamp sockets all tha t is needed is to tquuze the brua shell oa the lower portion acar Uae key until It disengages from the emallcr top acct loa. Let tbe reader usumc the work concerns a aockct. After Jaaviag aeparated the two aectioas of the bcu1 shell (a acrewdriYer will help) 1llde the top oae, aad tb' fibre abicld that Ilea inside lt, beck oa the j:Ord out of tllc way. Slip off the lower portion of the 1hcll and lay it aside. LoosClJ, but de aet remove, the two brau 1cnw1 that held the bare crsd1 ef the cord. The cbaacea· arc tllat whea the amateur ' baa goae till• far, be bu dl1covered the break. Pull the wirea out from aader the 1crew hU41L

Rewt befor• •llt•rblar the kaot w1alch ll tied ia the wlr11 ia1lde the aec:lret. take aote of their le•rth below tht lraot. Tbla la· for•atioa will be aeeded later. Uatie th• bet a•d 1tralarbte11 out the .... eftlliewlnl. Wltb lralfe

I ~

I • (

pliers or a pai r f shears-cu t off three to ! ix inc cs of the cord •:: as to get :i new · <nmated cod.

AT T 111s Po1wr. A t this point it is well to make

~ure t hat tbc upper p:irt of the brass shell, and •he fibre shell that belongs inside, are already i t rung ooto the cord as described .1bove. ( A1k aay electrician bow maoy times be bu forgotten to do this) With the point of the koate cut l1gbtly tbaougb the outer silk coveriar far coougb b:ick to give two separ ate wir cs which cao b tied aod bue t be cods of the pro· per lc11gtb. Now take each of the t wo inside wires separately and with the liaife peel o!I :ill lb iasula tioo for ab~t onc·balf inch back from the Mid. When the bare copper is exposrd scrape the strands gently till they uc clean aad bright. They hue n teadeocy to apread out like a wisk broom ; twist them u p l>etween thumb and fiag-cr until there a rc ao loose ends sticking out to cause a blowa fuse. Kool the wires above the socket as they were before ; if the t.eginocr can' t duplicate tb.c knot, let ham ti e aa ordinary square one. Iascrt t ho t wis ted ends of t he wires under the beads of U:eir respect ive biodiog· post screws, wrap them once arouad tbeabaak of the screw in a clockwist direc· tioa, aod tigh ten dowa the screws firmly. If the peeled section of the wire was too loog and tbe end sticks out after tbc screw bas been tightened, loosen It up and cut o!I the end until it will s tay under the bead of the screw.

Now 1lip the lower part of the brass shell, aa d Its iaacr fibre lining, over the socket, and alldc the upper parts back down the cord into posi1lo;J. Bring the two sections together wi th firm prn· sure and a litt le judicious jockey· Ing, until the two lock together with a click.

The firat tbiog tha t is likely to atrlke you la a modern ci ty Is a motor car.

Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop .... Summer Ailments of Babies.

Hot weather is always trying for very young cbildrco, uprcial· ly infants. Frequently the child's diet causes much of the trouble uperieaccd.- Tbc fa:nily pby· aicl:ia should be coosulted a t the 6rst sign of trouble, but difficul · tits may be averted by mak ing surt of a auit :ible feeding schcd'u)e for tho ipfrot duriog summer weather. The Borden Coa>p:iay, Limited, Montrul, who put up Ragle Aracd Condensed Milk, have prt.!pared a feeding ch:ir l which cont ains a \'alu:ible list of appropriate !luggestio:is. Thi~ chart ma; be obtain cl without cost by writiog to the cnmiaor and mcotioniog this p;iper. 11

I duircd, the company ~ill oilso scad mothers at the 9:1me tim,., a cfopy of the E1gle Or and Wei Care Book aad the Eagle Bund Bitiy Record Book both of which will much appreciated for thtir u5eful· acas.


Eo1Ta I ... R1uo. All mothers h ave the secret

bopc that their cbildrea will :i J. ways be ·happy ard that their lives wUI be free frow hcartoicbe Thia Is cf course a n atural Ion~· lag bora of love. Ye t !ometi'a:es motbera do not use tbc 1urcst m11n1 for bringing it to pus.

George wa1 pullialZ' bis little wagon about the yard aoac too geatly when be bumped it :igaia!\t a trte aad knocked a wheel off He beg2n to cry loudlj and stood gazing h elplessly a t. bis broken toy. His mother, hearing bis \Uils, ran quick!; from the house noticrd what the trouble was, ;ind immediately gitbcred him in ber :irm1. •

" That's too b:id, dea r, " she coasoled1 at which sympathetic tone .G~orgc t o;i·boocd louder thao eyer His molber cont inued, " Don' t cry a oy more, aod ~c'll take the wagon down to the cor· ner shop aocl have the man put the wheel on again." S J George stopped bis so!J8, th w:igou w::s repaired within a short thoc, and be wu, ns bis mother fell sure, entirely happy once more.

19a8 JULY· · 1928 I S I M I 'l' I w I ·1· I l'' I s I I 11 2 I 3 I " I s-l - 6 1- 7 i J s I I H> I 11 I 12 1- 13 ! 14 I I 15 ~ !. 1; I 1 s I 19 I 20 I ff I I 2? I 24 I 2s I zr, I 2; I 231 .1 21 I 30 I t I I I I I

F or wo decades t h.! runawny girl bas bceu a particula r study of tbe Girls' Service I,"a~uc of America, which rte.oily cdc· bratcd ii!' twent ieth ncniv .. rsar; in New York

" Since our b .i:inr ing io 19:'8 '' says M1's S tcla A. 1-liacr, dmc· tor, " wt ha\•~ bclp:d 4 I G02 "iris and I bc!>ita tc to uy how r:;;:n5 thousand of tb~au wLre girl~ who auddenl1 abaaclonrd lbcir b :iwcs and cilme to N ew-York to fi!id 1be r-iabow's end. Wb:it eapcci:illy alarms ul is not M> mucb a rccnt ~ad and p~rbaps only temparary 1ac~cue JG the rumbu of rua· aways as a decrease in their av:r· •r• agl'. We arc aow 1retUag a lot of 1rirls ouly fourteen or fif. teen. S l metimes twelve·ycar·erlds come. The former average_ age, 1.cuoteeo, has dropped by a Jo;&r or mcrr.

A!>k<d to out1iuc the u iual ri:a· way girl's adv~aturc, Miu t.liocr said:

" Iler firat thought is for monq to fi r.:incc the trip. She tell a neigh bor that iooe member of the family is ill aad borrow $5 or $10, or"bc may take money that ber tnotbcr bas put aside for rc:it or sue may ruu a way wilb her week's w:igea.

" Beforc~tarliog on her j~ur· aey tbc girl usuillly writes :i note to be left behind uplai~og ber clcpi.rture, usually readiag: ·Don't worry, I'm goiag away to earn • moo y :ind scad i t bowe,' ' D.:>n't worry, I'm going a.:ay to marry e rich m:in'; or, as happened la te· ly, 'D.:>u't ~vorr7, I' m goingaw:i; to mar ry Lt ad berg-.'

" Are you \?ODdniag bo\v ruo· away girls get identified cad scot home? L i.t a run:iw:iy talk to you for ten or 1H1cca mioulcs tflling fib after fib, nad prc~cotly s l:c will get her fi bs tanglc:d up 1'he parents who were dead of tbc 'Ou at fi\·e minutes before 11 will be quoted a~ living at 11.10 or the home away out ia Ni braskn will bnve m~\•ed back lo New J ersry.


.DVo' fly:

can live • in your iome.

, 'I

I .. 1

NO CROSS~S NO CROWNS. Had we ao heavy croH to bear oa earth below

With weary b~"w nad :ichiog, sighing heart; Did ao sh arp thorns nmonK our roses srow,

Piercing our struggling souls with 11orrow'1 dart. -

Did 'll>C drink deep of enrtbly jays, Of life's rare gifts nc:d wilcbicg smiles,

Vain fia1tcr; '1 clioirms and all the liollow ~ Which sen•e to lure us with deceitful w'

From IIcaveo our weakened souls would turo, To tbc folsc sweets of this brief life we'd cliDff ;

No locgt r with strong faith in fulure glory burn And to our God cold, empty bands would bring.

But when iosle:icl of even bliss and roses fai r, Tb~nll spring arcuad our feel and fortune frowns,

lf we our heavy burdcos take nod bravely bear, AbO\'C lbe Crosses we sliall sec bright, gle:iming Crown.

Tbi:t is one example o f bow to give a cbilJ bappioca•. But 11ucb a courca fa;la lQ provide fo r ha P· paaess la \lie future \'fbcn Mother or aome "'her per!cn equally io· du!t:<a~ is aol pres1 at t > s;mpo.t· tbize :ind to rdicvc the t rouble.

To contrast to this let u, notice the boy 11ut d:>or to G~orgc, in cooacctioa with a similar oicci· cleat. Clarence was running :> 11nnll mccbanical automobill! wbicb operated by winding a s print . Ue was having-great fuu with it when it ra n in to the wall c f t be ~orcb aa d l ent one of the froa t feaJeu 10 that the car wculd aot run straigb ry as he would Cl:ircace could cot make i1 follow the right coursr,

" Mainly ii is paren:s who arc to blame fo r a girl's running away. Tbc5 may be too severe and an adolttccnt girl reseats be· i~c:- sp1ckccl fo r s moking a c1garc11c. T hey may be to;, am•ii · 1i~us and ~x~cct too mu~ of a girl ; then 1f slle ~els rcpnmand·

Perry Davis'-. Pai_!!killer is c.f I Georgie-•· Moa, these lo~er beit vnlue as n,ltaf.lllca t 'for .sore taxi fares will make a seriou 1 th roat, r llearuat1sUJ, \,ruases,


" I bent OJY au to," be C•lled to hia mother, but with ao thought of cr7iag or complainiag.

His mother asked casually. " What can ycu do about it Soo l''

' I ' ' ' doa I know yet , but 1'11 do something," replied Clarence stoutly, and there was no wore said about the accident for some time. But Mother bcarJ Clarence in the basement rattling toolsaod wire, aod at leogtb he came bur· rliag towarcls he r, cxclaimiag ' Sec whit I inven ted I"

cd a t school or collcgc,or be a fraid of, fa.ilure io ~ppron~hiog -C!X1· m1oat1oos sbc will be 1nclioed to ru~."

If You Learn How-

T o liolJ you r temper, yoµ liave .i better cbaacc to bold your j?b.

T o lauc-b a t trouble, you will ban~ less trouble to worry about.

To speak courteously, JOU will get more friendly aoswcra.

To sn.bscribc fo r the STA..'> DA RD, you will show your intelligence.

To use company maaccrs on the liighwny, you will miss lots of trouble.

To work accurately, you will not need to work so Cast.

To coll'plimcat the people you meet, you will hare a lo t of boost· Cf!I.

To advert i1e in tbe STANDARD, /OU will show your enterprise acd aucrease your busiocss.

To master your body fo r the g ood of your soul, you will a l ways be free.

" The iovc:ition was oot per· feet, to be sure, but it comprised a fron t bumper to tbc auto. It was made of a stout piece of wire that lbc small bov bad with the pliers and t wfsted ioto place across the front of the car. He bad also s t ra igh tened the beut fender. " Now if my car bits tbc porch ra il the fender won't bead, for wy bumper will protecl i i," Aa Irishman got out of his car· he said, aod his eyes shone with riagc a t a railway stat ion for re· the true joy of accomplisbmcot. fteshmeats but the tra in bad left Ile bad mtt a difficulty aod con· quered it, thus employ log tlis own before be bad finis bed bis repast,. na tural power of visioa and intel· •· Hould oa I" cried Pat, IS be ligencc, He WIS ~ot helpless as raced aloag. " hould on, you George bad beeo, 10 the face of . . . what to a child was nothing less I m:utbreo ould s tame 1ng1n-ye ve than dlauter. Clarence bad g:iiited . r 1t a passCD&'Cr on board tha t·, bapplacae in winning a victory left behind." ever adverse cooditioa s. s~ it is io all pbues or child

life. We caa either band out temporary bippiaess because it Is within our superior power to do 10, or we can direct cbiMrcn to· ward1 acbiuing b appioeas by prepnrlag t~m toaolvc their own problcm1 witbout the au pervisioa of adulta. The t eaching of re· aourcefulneas h the wisest and aurut meaea of lasurlag con· tloucd bappiaeu with regard to all the "tblnga which 1ucb re· sourccfulaus caa rucb.

It 'ion are rua dowa from La Grippe or Broacbtti1 take • 'Tbc I>. & L." E:aulsion. It will eooa builJ up your wclrht aad strcogtb, 60c and ll.00 bottlea. Davia & I.;awreacc CO, Montreat.

sprains and 'f?bilbla.ias. 2~ and decfercnce tac us. We'll ao' b.i SOc b~ltlcs. :iblc to s:ie much by w:ilkin'."



=&== ---~ I )

Do You Want


TRY The Standard Office


Lette r I leads

Dill Heads,

Note I leads,






Envelopes, Illank Forms, .

Agreements, Church Lists,

Officc- Forms, Circular Le tters,

Church Envelopes, Gummed ~els,

--AND OTUl?ll-- '







The Standprd 01/ice, Victoria. Street.



-- ----~ \ './

I > •


. .;

1 I





~Buy Advertised Goods. Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop.-..

CON~EPflnM BAT !DYBBflSSa. Is printoJ Rn•I publillhe-1 evorv Fri•l.~y uNnin.:. RL the iTASD\110 Ufllce, \ IC· ~ m :i .;lroct, ll:u bor Urace, by ~luno <'< Okc, proprhiwrs. •

ubscription R:itll'I : - To 1ubc<cribo19 (ol1l und now) l'.\YISO 1s •onsc•:, $1.00 per year; 00 C\!nta pt'r half yt.'nr:; lo tho U11i1.e<I Kini.'\ll'lm ur Umtoo St;'tc.3, GO ccni.s n lditi1Jn&I for poSl..'ll,'\'. !S ol pre· pnid, $1.60.

............................. - ......................... --........ - .......................... - ... . FIHDAY, JULY ;20, 192 .


Durin~ the ln!L fortnigh t or EO tho n o1tl C1,mmis~ion hos trea trd ~omc f cc1io11s of 1ho H igh Roads orou ncl Con<.'epti•m 011y lo a coating or ralcium ch lo ri1l1>1 in nn cfTorl to nllay the u re.1<1£111 d.n~t nui~nce that ia c:msin;; Ruch 111cOn\·cmcnce to motori ts nn1I pril~strians.

Opin icin Fceins to d il?er !lome wh.1l n~ tn t he merit~ of t l1 0 trentment, the ~Pill ral puulic bl!inf:. \·cry muc~ in i.i\'<H1r of its us<', wlulc tho tu:-tt · me 11 clnim thal il i• eomewh:1t · in· j•iri();.t'<"to their c.1r:i.

Fr, 111 difft•rcnt i;ourct's \\'O learn 1hnt the tr e:1tme nl of the roads nith c aki n n ch loriil<', hn,; turned out to 1 ... n ,::Tl' l l ~IH'l't' 'l', n" with itd llSC

th' du.•t p l'•t ~ccms to lnl\'e been en· tirt>h· 1 hmi111h!1l.



lai c the Cn:nmis.•ion i:1 lo lie rvmnwntll'•I on the ~uccc:::s tha t 11:1• a ltcmlc1I t lll! Lre.11 111cn t of th'! 11 i·•h H11u1ls in the ecctions \\hero h l~is l·~cn u,L'<I. our cit izens woul1l like to kuow 1f it ii1 tho intcntion of lhc Coa1mi~ .. ion to extend tho snmo 1·ridl.-gc to the Hnrbor Grace ELct hm t hi, s~a,,oa.

Ai it i.; nt prcernt,~ {hose \\ ho.c home~ nr.i ~itu.1l1..'ll nn)·whe rc ncnr t he High Hon,I. n~u Ci:>llotnntly 11t1hjo:ctt!d 111 n 1Jam1ge of du~t. dur· ing tho ~nmmcr ~cn~on that 1:; tn no wny plco~nnt, n11J if. n:, we nm in· fornh'<I, tho co:n ini; of C'l lchim chlor· iJu unt'a nwny \\ilh tLc cloutl:! or duH t hnl nri:;e cn~ry timo n motor cnr JU~Fe~. \\ll think it i!I u p to the H i.;h Hoarls Coram ia.Sion to conside r t hei r cl.l im, untl to gh·c our to1n1s · p, oplt! n ~h.\Jc in tho l>encfi~ of tlu~tlcss rol tld. •

\\' liilo o~ tbi11 r.nntlcr of rouds \l' \l

nmy rm.:r.t the (Jct thnt St\·cml of our I romincnt businc&1 people nro co1) ·idHing the nd \·kability of cir­culut ing :.\ p< Ii lion nnu ha\'ing il p resented to tho Government, lo han• \\'t1t(lr lreet induded in the juri~dictiou of tht! HiAb Ronda' Com­mi~;>iun, nn1l mBny lhi nk i~ " ·oulJ Ill) :\ move in lb~ r~ht direction, as t hey nre nwnre or thu lnrge ninount of mnrey 1l1.1t hait been prnctic.illy \Vll:<t.:tl in jtl\rS p'iat, through tba l'pkm or ro d·rep:iiring in USE! in tl.b cour.try.


Onr Annual Derby, August 8th.

,\ mcetii•g of t11e Rrgolla Commit· tee was htltl on Tuc.t1drly C\•ening at t he Fir .. HAii, and it W:tll d ecided that thi" ye:1r'11 programme will con· 11ist of eight racu, made up as fol­lowr. :--

,\m11trt111'. Factory,

" }"irem<'11. Int•·rmadi:ile.

Inlcrtown. Fi~hcrmen-! a borcr.

Club Rnco All-Comers.

Three bonts will enter for the racr•. nnmclj'1 Wc:is"l, Minnie Clyde

Don't Serve ORDINARY Tea to Your Visitors ' . . -

YOUR reputation for hospitality may be mnde, maintained, or marred over the Tea Cup.

'-THE tea accom'Paniment to sandwiches or cakes must be beyond criticism.

Don' t serve oz:dinary tea t

MAlNT AIN your tea .. table pre.stige with

. R ·:ivr: A D I A Ceylon's Choicest Product



Churth of England. ST. PAUl.'8.

11 a rn . atatins. 6.30 p m .. Ev.:11s.>ng.

CllRIST CUU RCJI . t< .)O a .m, Uoly Communion. b 30 p m . 10:..,~ nsou~.

ST. i't:TP.R·s. 3 p.m. U:\·eusong.

United Church. Oi;ine St!rvicc al 11 :i.. 111.

aud al 6 30 pm

Repairs to R. C Cathedral. -·-The work o f r t' pairing t he R . C .

Cathcdr:il. wh ich was bt'gun last )"tH by Me1sr~. Saunders. Bowell & Co . of Carbonca r, undcr the 1uper . \•i11iou of )fC) Jabf? Reynolds. and continued t 111 t hc co ld weal her, :ind ....i1icb w:i~ rt ·commenced t hia spr111 g. i11 now ne:iria~ completiou. Th.: towe rs.which are 136 fee t h igh. h:ive bct' n lit1ed wit b concrete and otherwiae s treng thened. T he cas t· ern Lower haa bee n p:iint ed and the s c;1ffolding remo'l'cd. The wor kmen arc no w e ngaged in the ec:iffolding th.: wes tern t ower preparato ry to painting. It h:ia been fouod that the wcs1cra tower. although e rected the same l ime oi1 t he e:ietcrn one ia i11 much wOrfi c condllion. and lhc workmen are al a Ion lo know the re3aon why. The bnttreaaca ha•e a ll been re mo•cd and uew concre te onea erected inatead of the alone oaca which wa1 Cormcrly

air. Reyoold1 expect• tha t an· ether fou r week• will ace lbc rcpaira to the Catb~dral completed, wheq the ncred edifice will be :n l bor · ougb repair. -----CONFEDERATION LIFE.-mcb~, t f

· On Sunday last. 15th. July. A. L . Barre ll, ed itor of t he We•te ru Siar aarl l\fra. Barre tt celebrated their ailnr vrcddio" a ani vcraary.and were the rccipien11 of congratulatio111 Crom many fr ie nd• Mr. Barrett, who bad b: ca attending a coon~ tion of tbe Weckl7 Newapapcr A110· ciation a t 1-~dmoutoo. Cao., r eturn· ed h ome by that day'• upre11, t hoa enabling all the [a mily l o be prcacal at dianer tha t cveniog.

The STANDARD takes t bi1 oppor· tunity of uteadiog it1 congratula tioo1 to fdr. and Mre. Darrelt.

, BORN. Ou Jul1 12 h, a eon to Mr. and

Mrs P.itrick Carroll, o f thia town.

DIED. At Naahua, New Ham(>abire, on

July '4lll, M11. Nathaniel {Jenie) Snow, daui:b ter of )f r. and Mr1. William Bor wood, of t llia t own.


Commencing Monday, July

I 6th, and til l further notice,

~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r~

Orthophonic Special

Just Arrived, some of t~e latest records-

Came In and hear them.

Lindbergh was COOL, but our Drinks are COOLER.

Jack Stapleton (Water St. Eaet.)


MiH Wi'n aicO' Kec[c acc:>mpaoied by Mr. and A{r&. Thomu Cody and Gaugbtcr. ia 'Ii prcscn l in town.

Sir Richa rd A Squire• waa amonll vi1itc u to l <>w during the week · :

Mr1. Peno ( e Miu Quintin) a nd li ll le 100, Arthur who have been vialtinl! Min Qu lio for 1cvt'ral weeks put, l e:ivc b eon Saturday to rct their ho c Mi Wntlaag. ll. c. . .

Mr. Fmnk eane7. 1011 of l\lr . and Mr• . 0 . Meaney. ia 1pending bia Yacatiou with friend• ~t Corner Brook .

Mr 0 . I.l'. Mca~ey wah'l pasacn J!Cr t u St. Jobo 'a by Wfdncaday af· tcrnoof\'1 train,: ·

Uia Lordabip Bi1bop March. ac compaoicd b7 the Rev. ·r. D o·~cil. ldt b7 Tbaraday·a c.xpreH to con· acct with tbe ~ •. 1. Sagona, oa an cpi1copal Yialt" to the 1cttlemcnt1 a long tbe S trait• and the Labrador coaat .

Rn. Fr. Fina, P. P. of Grand Fallr, wu a •i•itor 10 town daring the week.

Rn. F'r. Pampbrey. P. P. of St. BreDd"a'• baa • al10 been •i1ilinr tnwa darlDf tbe week.

Mr. R. J , CoDanlly, MID of ur. aa' Mra. JobD Coaaolly of Briatol'• Bppe arri.ed ID towa during the week from Bo1toa where he 1peat aueral wceka •l•ltlac friend• aad relatlna Ur. CoDaolly, up till a year ago. waa tbe Yery aucceaaful Principal of the R. C. Academy at Grand Falla. and •~nee that time baa beea 1tud1· lqg at Notre Dune Ualnrl,ity. He le now apeading the remainder of hi1 ncatloo "ith hie 111olber at Bri1tol '• Hope.

Mr. and Mrf . D. Fraacr o[ the Stall Bouie Bell laland and Ser(l. Sheppard of Bell lllaad, \vho bad been campia,11' at Colinel for a week or 10, 1pcat Monday io town.

MiH Florence Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Ronald Marlin, former rcaidcnla of tbi1 town, ia now vlliil· ing Dr. and Mr1. Goodwin and lamll1,

Miu Flo Goodwi n, da ughter elf Dr. and Mr1. W. S. Goodwin. who bad been on· an extended visit t o Canada and the U nited State•, ia now a t bomc again.

Dr. Blackall, Super inte ndent oC C. of E. Scbool1 with hla wire and daughler, vrcre vi,itora lo town 011 Tuesday .

Mf, Cba1 Buller of St. Jobn'1, who bad been,1pcadiag h ia· vacation at the Gra"t:ia~ Bou&e. returned lo t he Ci t y on Satu~ay laat.

hlr. Edward\O'Bricn of l hc at:itr of the Weatel\Jl Union Telegraph Company, at N\:?w Yorlc ia in to wn vi1it1ni:- bi1 lmotber a nd other

Crieud1. ~ Mr. L Pilcc. 11on o[ Mr. a ncl.Mra. Jamca P ike of arvey S t reet, ar· r ived in t own o Monday laat oo a ..1,i t t o lbc ol home. Mr. Pike came !coin £•i:t tl. Mau .. whe re be hold a a· good position with t he Re· vcre Rubber Company . Uc will be retu r ning t o tbe Stalea in a couple of wee!iJ.

M$ra F. C. Archibald and L. Sheppard left bf ycater4;y>'111 exprcn fo r Oot wood. where t hey ill al· l end lbe annual &euiou of the L. O. A. Grand Lodge.

Mra. Jnmcs Preach of Boston. ie a l present in town on a vi1it to her p:ircn ta, Mr. and Mra. Josiah No1c ~Qrtby. ol Devon11bi re Road. Thia is l\.l ra. l•'rcacb 'a 6rat viait l o t he old home 10 aii tcen ycar1 and her friend• are •cry pleabcd to eec her.

:\tin Minnie Sheppard, wh:> for sqmc mo nths past baa been at home nu rsing bcr mother, Mn. L . Shep· pard, b as rcanmed her duties at lhc Genera l Bo1pilal. ~Ire. Sheppard is now much improved in healtb.

Mra. A. D. Parsons, and aon, ar. r ived here on Monday from Everett. Mau., on a 'l'i1il lo M u . Par'aou'a mother, l\tra. Edwin Puj?b.

Menr1. S tcntafo rd (from Carbo­boncar and Wilcox (front l:leut ·a Content) were viaitora to town yea· tc rday.

Mra. Mary MacNa mara and Mr. L. °"inc motored to town ycatcr­day.

und Firo Fly. During tho pa6t few dnya tho col- IN MEMORIAM.

Jccto111 haN bcon nround town solici- Tennis Tournament. llhnl's S1Nc1,ns.

Mi11e1 Margare t Nor rie and Marie Moriarty o[ St. Jo bu'•· arc now viailing Mr. and Mr1. John Staple ton. ting sub£criptions tci the fund, :lnd Jo lo•ing inemory of my d ea r J ohn Goodison. \\'ajtcr H nycs .

hnve met with a fairly good response lather, Matthe w l•'rench, who fell The return to11rnn111eM behrcen Scotc-2- 6, 7- 4, 6- 1. ~(re. W m. Thomaa. with her daughter, at r1, E rnc1t Shute and famH1 arrived from Boston yestcr· day on a abort, visit t o t he old home town.

from Otlr lO\\n11people. asleep la Ju u1, Jul1 18th, 1926. tho Aero Te nnis Club or t bis town Won by SL. J ohn'@, The Com ·nillC!O hfte r;ccurod the no bMI" no ono 11 luL farewell, nnd team1 from tho Old Collegian~, LADIItS' DoUDLHS.

son ·ici-11 o r1he B11y ~eolul Dnnd of Uo Hid i;ood·bye to none; of St. J ohn's, was plnycd nl tho ten- Ph ii·~ n d II Tho bu.-enly gatu wero openMI wide, . t h ... w-·· d f y r. .... ,aa a . l\Jay Ch:tfo.

Carbone11r tor the event, which 'viii A 10,•log "otce nld ~come". nra cour s ere Ou '-"nl's ay n ter- Alico Sparkes. Doris Hcaib. gretitl ' · ndrl to the <lny' 11 enJ·Qyment , "'- ... d b b ' I · noon lll!L nod rt'flultccl in nnolher • Seo

, l!.Ter r emem .. trc y 11 ov1ng . f t h Ol l Coll . T · ro- 11 - 9, 1-6, G-3. :i<t llie :1hs1 nee o! n uaod Inst yenr daugbter aad son in· law, Gertrude win o r e t eg1nne. ho


\l'ftR very noti~nbl~. and cli'arlie. visiting tea m 11ccompnnied by a M 1xRD DooBLES, JosEPn MANNING. Perm1, ion has l>ecn ·gr.intcd tho goodly number of supporlns arrived Beryl Mooro, ·Sadie Hiyt11. The aad acwa reaches{ town yea·

Co:n miltco l» oper11le n Wheel of lo loving memory of our dear bua. by motor8 from the city and 11fter Oord.m Miller. H. D. Archibald. te rday by a t elegram to Rev. Fr. J<•o rlnne on Rega tta D01y, t ho pro· band a nd father. Matthew French, partaking of dinner 11t the Cochrane Score-G- 2, 3-6, 8-6. O'Neil, of tbc dcntb by drowaiog in ceetls f1om whiol.i \fill bo used lo who fell aelecp in J cau1, Jul1 l Stb, Hotel, a ll repaired to the Aero Won by St J ohn's . Buebao '• Rhcr of Mr. Joaepb &.ran· h elp de!r.1y ~xpcnee11 1926. Tennis Cou rt. Tho weather ,.,., MuN's Oooa1,us. ning;. Up to l be prc,eat time bia

Al night a. (;rood Onnce will be Orlen we "'&oder to the g raveyard, bcnulifully fine, if anything per- Edgar Miller, Q, R. famwy baa received no partlcolara . I 1"lowcra to J'l&DL wllh louder car~. h l'ttl t r b I E B • CJl:CCpt tbat M r. Manaiair Ioat bl• h eld by the Commiltee in t JO Aca· on 1be "rave or our dear ra1her, apll a 1 e oo '"lUlll o r t e P ay· 1 ric 11ggs. flollf:rl Cron, 1.1 b ' I b thl W d d " Sb ti f oJ k 1 e w 1 c a ng on c nc. iy d emy H nll, ns n finish to our an· Darknt:H nod• 01 weeping there. ere. or Y :t dter 2 o' oc the Score-G-3, 6- 5. evening laat.

nu1l Derby, the music for 19hich E•cr remembered by bl11 wife and games commence , noJ, with the ex· Won by St John's, Mr. waa a oath: of will bu eupplieJ by tho loivn Or· da ugh ter, Ada. ceplioo of tbe Lndies' Singles, which Odcr ia and came a [cw 1 cara rb6'1lln w1111 won by Mra, W. L, Ross for 1 ago wbea be wu married to lti11

Pnrtit e. r""nirin"' eila .. !or tents In aad and loTirtl{ rncmory of ou r Jh!l .Aoro. Cl4~, lb~ viAilore lfere Motor V•bioles in-N-ewfoundlttod Annie R1an, da:ugbtcr of Mra. and nniJfn)ilkl> ;pj,H&itiifo"ti> (be Seero: "di:ar .father. Ma ll hew Fr~och, who ' \iictoriO\ie· in·every event:foi°lbe dny. · · ·· · ':... · · · · ' · {he f:it'e ·:Ea-Ward ·Ryi°n','·Of ' lan'd· tary, Mr f,.,. Sheppnrd. A f<'Q of pautd away. July !8 th. 19.6. Following tho tournnmtnt, lea According" to the " Motor Car Re· S t reel and wu very well liked by ~II one d ol11tr will be chugcd nod no

1 Loving ancl kind in all his ware was aerved in tho Aco.demy !foll and gl1tcr," recently pubjlabcd in St. who bad lbc pita.a~ of biucqaaio·

per!On "ill uc allo-ved lo e rect &.tent Uprlghl 11nd Jutt .to lho eJ1d or his daya, later in the evening a dance wu h eld John'•. the aa.mber of motor vehicle• ta nee. Of a qu iet and plcuaot · · I Hin~ and troo m heart. anti mind h ' h t d d b ell r~aletered fo r t he p~eaeol a • · d i1po1ilfon Mr. ManolJJf made many without fi rst po ,-mg tbe eo ll-uti' ful memorl- be le!• '··bin·' . w 10 was at en e y 11' over one ~.. • ye r 11 10

• "" .. •"" " ho d ed opl M • cacc11 or that of 19?7. Lut 1ear, friend• here wbo Qocerely regret h ie - lnaertcd by hi• 1001 Graham r!t rb ~~t' e. F 0s~IC W8lld !Up. la June. 1:222 Cati were rcglatcred; tr:ig-lc pa11lar.

Senaaliona l atorles regarding the audden drat\.I o[ a woman who p a11ed a wily at Aroold 'a Cove re ceotlJ. hL'f.: lead to an invuliQalion by t he J cnlice Depirtment Ac

• cording to t he 1tor7 gouii:r~be ronnd . II e woman, wbo"e buaban J "'' '\way &•bin~. waa rouJ:h b uid led bJ "Y• unK m1n of tic pl-c'. and died auddealy 11 a rcaull It la uader1tood lh:al a plliC.! cun11lat..le hu beco acol frC1m her: t o make an iuutilattoa - 'l'tleKr.iw.

and Charlie. P 1 Y eeere. · icppar aoci tfii• year, the number 11 1,453, a n Ldl to mouta bla pa11iog are M. Peddle. Refreebmco te were lacreue of 231. Truch Jut fC&r bl• widow and t wo yoaar children , again aerved the vl1ilru, who after· numbered 155 ; title yea~ 197, aa of thi1 Iowa, and bl• mother and wards Mt by car for their homes. iacreuc of .Cl, while motor e1c1e. Calber, tbrc:c 1i1ler1 and t wo broth·

Io 11d but loyia'l' incmor7 o[ our beloved father, Maltbc" French "ho paa1ed away oa July 18th, 1926 Our ll11rli1111 fat her h1C·1COno to nllt JI ia scnUo lourh, hi• tftiilia& face, l'iC1no. c:1n e\'er tako hip pl&CO Du~ In hcaun "0 hope t.o mtt' And 1IL 11~b hirn . , Jetlll' feet.

Sadly mi19'Cd by h ie daughter Alil!e, aoo la-!aw aud araodaoo.

~ -I ~


The following ia a lisL of the hue incrcued from '43 to GS. The Oderlo. Mra. Tbomaa Fitz evente with playera and !cores. total number of motor vcblclce, 10• gtrald of lbl1 t own 11a1l1h1r of l her

eluding dt1noa 1tr11 lion ca~•· regi11· dcecaaed. LADtP.s' SrnCUIS. tucd for 1928, ther~fore. 11 l ,725, of l The body ia being fo rwuded h • rc

S t. J ohn's Hnrbor Orne., wbicl.J by far the Iarrer proport loo by tbe nfreaa tomorrow aacl lbc Madeline S ... rkt._ Mrs w ft " t l• found in St. 1o6n'•· funeral wll t oke place from bit late,

@d)re-•-f> 6 4 i.a · ou. ' realdeace Garland StreetoDSaaday ' • • The 8TA• uteed1 l •

Wun by Harbor Ora~. ~oblbald'a Shon an Good Shoes palh1 to the berea.e4lami11.

'e1e1e 1e1e, e1e1e1e1e1eC1e1e1e.1e1 e1e I e1e1•1• I elll 1e1•1

. Child's Rompers .. , Regular $1.10 value for 98c. . Regular

$1.80 value for $1.67. Speci~ Cut on Children's Pan ti Shirt., Boye' Wash Sui ta and Linen Hats for SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY. · = ...-- - ===~;,:,,..,.....--~=-====:::::

===See Window=== For Special Bargains in Ladies' and Chil­dren'• Hose, Men'• Sox, Ladies' V eats, Lace and Silk Panela. Fancy Silk Rayon• and Crepea. Children's Hats and Bonnets, Chil­dren'• Canvas and Leather Shoes, etc., etc. ;.....;...._ - .. . ·= - - --·=--

====See Handbilk,==== f . thl8 week'• Special Cut


_..Look out for another Bis Sale on Wednesday next..._

Strictly epot cash.

M. T .. JONES Another Atlantic Flight.

Pari1, July 12 -(A. P )-Le Ma r· t in uid t o da y t bat Dicdcnnc Co a tea w4o recently completed a O:gbt lo South America. iutc nd& to attempt a },)aria to New York flight between July 22 and 25, 1f t he weather is favorable.

Coate& wi ll start :i l 4 30 :l. m , t hus getting 16 houra or dayligb t. Be calculat ed t bal he would need 2 1 houra to cover l he di1tanee wjlich will be probablv by way of the Atore1. B ia machine will carry enough j?aaoline fo r 52,1( houri a t a 1p:cd of ?5 mile• an boura; tbi1 will J?ive the pla ne a r ani:-c of nearly 5.000 milce. If the we:ithcr 11 CX· ccptionally 6ne Co1tc1 mav make a a traight dash for Newfoun-al:ind in. &lead of following the Azore• route, i t 11 aaid. Be ha! no t decided whc· tl.Jer be will ny a lone r,r t:i~c a me· chanic.


Wir.cox-YEnt~N. The marriage of Mr R oy C. Ye t·

rn n.n. son of Mr. ank° Mre. Jo3i;ih Yctman . .,pf thl1 town. to Miu l:Iclga M. \rilcox. daughter of Mr. and afre. George Wikox. of Millertowu, was 1olemoiied at Millert own. on J une 30 th. la&t, by the Re;. S. G. Ma:h in. l\Jler t he cerernoay Mr. and Mn. Yetman held a reception a t t he T own Hall. Millc rtown, wbicl.J \Us :l ltcaded by o;cr s ixty friends of the popular youarr couple. who were the recipients o[ many nluablc pre· 1cnt1. Mr. Yetman waa formerly employed :is a clerk :it t he P oat Of· 6cc here, where be has many friends. He uow l.Jolda the position o[ P ost· muter :i l M illertown.

The STANnARD j?in1 with the ma ny triend1 of Mr . and Mra. '\"ct. man, in wiah iog t hem many happy ycara o! wedded bliH.


Archibald's Shoes are Good Shoes

The badly decomposed body of ~fr. J oh11 Burler. of St. Jobo ·,, who d ie· appeared from bi& borne t here on Juac 11th. waa rliscovered by l\vo men in a- motor boat in the waters o[ S t. John's harbor on Wednesday morning la11t .

The s. e. Earl of De von w!lb a quanti ty of timber for the rebuilt l'1tblic Wbacf a l the foo t of Victoria Slteet, arrived in port ye1terday morning, and left again, after di&· charging her cargo. about l p. m.



Mr. Robert Frcncb baa a o[ men employed t he laat couple <1f daya cleaniol{ and r.covcring Vic· lorla and LcMarchant Strcela with a coating of g r avel.

The monoplane umbia, " W31i wrtckcd at Cur ti l•'i Id, New \'o r!c, on Tucada1 laat. harlee T. Levine made h i1 th ird a empt t o b ad . Levine and hie pan o er were unhurt.

Mcasra. E . D. Frecinao, L . A. O ' Brieu. aod E. O'Brien, who bad been 6sbiog on the New Barbor Barrcn11 fo r a few day• during the early p:irt of ti.Jc week. returord lo t own on Tueaday eveni ng having much enj oyed l hc outing. They found 6~11 rather ec:ircc-dlda ' t even lo1c a · • b ig one. "

'T'hc caae of t he Crown "crau1 a man. who fo r 11omc yeara pail baa reaidcd in Barbor Orace. for DI· baulting a boy of H or 15 years of

l?'e. \vaa !Icard before John Casey, 1q S . M .. yestcrdily morning. The

ccuaed wa1 6oed $20.00 o r 30 d:iya. (The 6ne ')'a ll paid.

-· I ~ -A'\. 6nc: 111 re bclonginl!' to Mr . Cbar~ l~e ~"dy o[ Bear '• Co9C, w:l i.o found o 1 Carbonear Road on Saturday la1 in auch a condition th:il the police had to be called upon lo e:ioot i t. lla lc[t 1.Jind lt'j!' waa bMkcn. and there were mark• on one 'o[ the a nimal'e abouldcra which leada to the belief tbat i t waa bit by a motor car. The 1011 to Mr. Keo· ncdy ia a heavy one.

The owners of t he F reoch bar­gant ine •· L:i Fnlcuae" which laat wt'ek collided with t he a . a. Nc ri11a, re, ultiog in the Frenchman being abandoned and act on 6re. have taken :ictioJ a ~:iint t t he owner. o[ the Neriu a fo r the sum of $10<..000. The case b~gan in the Admiralty Court a t S t. J ohn ·e on Tuesday la at, before Bia L ord1bip t he Chief J ua· l ice. Mr· L. E. Emcraou i1 ,rcprc. aen liog the owner& o[ t he F rench ahip. and Mr. B . A. W inter, t bc owners of l bc" Ncriua."

Mias habcl Bcarn of Bry:int ·a Cove, waa :i paucnger on t he "· s. Nerlua which 11ailcd for New York on July 14th. For lbrec yeart paat MiSB Bearn waa teacher o[ t he R. C. School al Br1ant '1 Cove. whe re she did uccllcnt work and it is re. grctted t hat • 1ibC baa g iven u p tbe teach in I!' prof cu ion . She waa ac· compan ied lo St. John'• by her mother Mra . S eara, who returned aher t he Neriua aailed. Mill Bcaru's many frienda join wilb her pupils in wi1hiag he r bou ndleaa 1ucce111 In ti.Jc land of 'Uncle~am.-Com. ,,.... - ..-

Mra 'Sarah Lynch, an old resident of tbia t own, paned away on Friday laat, Mra. L1a cb waa about eiirbty yeara of age. a od allbougb in fnil in~ Tho auxiliary eohoonorJ "Plttrick heellb [or ycar1 pu t, up t ill a few day• before berdcatb wauroa nd nnd Michnel" , arrived in l. J ohn's Ylaitlng friends aa uaual. Left t on Tuesday last, on her way to mourn la one daughter. M~. Patrick Norlhl'm Labrador. The 11chooner Grac;:e , o[ Fcrryland. is of 200 Ions and ia in charge of

-- Captain Alexander. he hns on •.• ~h.e c.~Qe! ln. B,arbqr,.Grace .:t:nd , .honrd a.:-porty.- of 1i9010 , twenty. ex­"1c1a 1Cy wh1ch w! rc very backward perience<l prosritetol't!, iu cbargll of daring the 6rat part of the acaaon. Colonel J . E. Leclde of Vancouver acem t o be comrog on much better of B C d · I ed' I l ' late, and tbc farmer• a rc expcctlqg · • an 1" .cqu P.P ~ ti A very at lent a u viag crop. Some of obr powerfol ~dto '!htch will ~eep them people report.. buiag to 1ow turnip• in touch with dtelaot 11tatioo1 COO· a second time, wblle pola toca. are tiououaly. Tbe object ot tbe ex· not at 'all what they aboulcl be a t pedilion is to scieoti6calf y erplore tbiA •caaoo of the year . the north country for mineral, and

the ptospeotors will be trao1ported A new achoo! building. 60 feet b7 from placo to place, and kcpL sup·

100 Jee\ , two 1torcp bl~" · and bav· .1 plied by flve aeropl1ni:s. ll is tho log :iccomtnodalloo for 500 cb1ldrcn. intention of the party, ~buuld any la now well un~er. way a t Grand import&~ mineral i trikes be m l\de Falla. The b1uld1ng nuder cou. d

1 '

atrucl ion will re'ptace t be R. c . ~o carry oit. evo opment work d ur-Academ7 burnt laat aprlng and will mg the comtng l\'inter. be ap to date la uery. reapect and -! aoine $40,()()(' whea I com· MiDard'a Liniment for Ioaect Bit~

\ /





top related