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Post on 23-Mar-2020






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.Is PLULISHSi) aVEKV-.AFTEENOOH Js,■ '* T c m u »2 ” '

$6,00)por apnum In advance. Single Copies 5 centsN o w Y o r k W e e k ly R e fo rm e r

Published every Thursday, at 81.60 per year In id Vance.

:OIHOXJ1ATION l D a ily ," 9 0 0 ; . . . . W e e k ly , 5 ,3 0 0 -

Retea or AdvertUtnr :Kates ln each paper the eame for one week or

Mote. AQvaniBi-menta in both 'will b© token loi 10 pur cent, leea than tbo bojdioI tbe rate».

INGAl< 18 St PlGJBMm !‘ ravuiKxxs.

lOJ-in^BNooi iyii mekeft Square,

Oae bquahi.,,..... _jtonafo. -flPbtee Hooares.... Qssarter Colmnm. Half Column.,... One Column......

ilia;Y |a dayp 3daye75) 1 00 9 00 9 60

4 00 4 608 00 7 00

10 00 15 00

1 50 8 5G S 00 8 Iti

1 w’k *w*k*900 400 600

10 0015 001’ 90 00

S ft 5 0t 8 00

15 00ao oo

il 1 mo|9 mop|3 mo*ift mooli yeoiOne dqaare.........Three oauare*.... Quarter Cofucxn...Half Column.......One Column.......

4 od 8 00 10 00

90 00

« PO19 00 15 0020 00

49 091 60 00

7 00 14 00 29 00 80 00 60 00

ilOOO 20 00

189 00 WOO

116 00

so or40 0< 70 00

190 (X 200 «

EDITORIAL and LOCAL NOTICES )0 centa pei pm;. SPECIAL* 20 pur cent, added to rtemlar rate*

i ,4io adTcntoeiDtmtB rnnuine over one month wiT fcljie Jbtcrtod*ift Daily oftent? ioan every pther day.

’ 3&.Spo- ial Contracts, apply at the office. No. 8Ai- fc&TwATBBTO WN. N. Y.

Business Garde,|dr*B. W. Ballard, Undeutakeb.—

Residence, Jackman House, Room No. 7, 1st floor. Residence of Son, No. 14 Qoodole Itreet. OQt.20.dtf^ f S B I O A K B O T B !.,

w a ie k t w n , if, y,

A . M . H A R R I S , .P r o p r ie t o r .Jn y 1. 1860. dU________________________

^ O Q B R I i r r BOV8K.W ATXHTOWH. N.T. •

.hroaghlydttad ap and will ba kept Strictly aa a JSrat Clisslloaac.July 6, dlj. BUCK A 8ANQXR. frop.

J ackm an H o u se ,WATER! OWN. N. *

E D . W . P E T E R S O H ,BncCMHi to Geo. W. Jones, late ropiAkk/X |W Es. P tm so i. will always o-> at borne to

greet bla old Mends, nnd with a cordial wolsomsto tba new.

. 1 T H E Yi TlleyW — Ait! well, suppose they do ? tt J ttttali ttayjtejrve tlje'vtory trne ?

Suspicion msy arise from naught But malice, envy, want of thought;Why count yourself among the “they”Who whisper what they dare not say ?

They Say— bnt why the tale rehearse,And help to make the’ matter worse?Mo good can possibly acorue From telling what may be untrue;And is it not a nobler plan To speak o f all the best you can?

Hfey say— well i f it should be so,Why need you tell the tale of woe ?Will it the hitter wrong redress,Or make one pang of sorrow less ?Will it the erring one restore,Henceforth to “g o and sin no more" ?

They say— Oh! pause and look within !See how thy heart inclines to sin!Watch, lest in dark temptations hour, Thou, too, should sink beneath ita power 1 Pity the frail, weep o’er their fall,But speak o f good—or not at a ll!

. " I C A N ’T . ”FOB TBB BOTB.

u I cant do it. eo what’s the use o f trying r and the boy with impatient, fretrul air and tearful eyes puihes bis slate and book aside and bowa his head in his hand. Re had been given a sim ple problem from the day’s lesson, which hia kind teacher felt rate w ss quite within b is powers, but a t the first glimpse oi its terms his countenance fell, his heart failed him, and witbont the slight­est show of effort h e murmured, “ I can’t do It, I knots I can’t,"

Now, the fault w ith him did not Ue m bis inability t o do th e task assigned, not st a ll; for he waa up to the average of school-

in h ia want o f resolution andb o j s v b a t l s y ____ .(Uninwi Bp hadn't' that pluok whioh faces real d iffl«uU «’Wltk‘aa earnest determine

Ao i<8 Imqv.PPqQ fofiltered from tho

Stages leavo this hotel for all point*. Porter• tt All LraliUL AafMTv


Aiomatdo Jbili , Rhubarb,ii i in 11 iii i ii i ii i ii ..... ij.Jk_ consUntiy on WhDleula azio

B*tU hyN.lL SMITE, O*#**! Ai^nL (Alao for utlo hv aU Qrogyljt*. mAvMXy

Dfloe bouts tram 8 to 15 *. eel, from 9 to Op. su and (rom 7 lo-M In the «ftming. Bomldonce No. 47 wtsk ISUttoovstteoL Wetertovru, N. Y.

pT* AU huts dno when tho_ _ - . ho p*uOfflco prottrlpUaaft mnsi bo paid

uaiciiv. ___,Ucat it (Ucmtisod ‘or on dQUrtry.

£ ? . ' L B M X ' B B , D .

GEADUATB From Yrrneh ocouoi of Modi*ClQtftBd fcurscry,

V ic to r ia U n iv e r s ity , M o n trea l,

ItefilCO CbLrur$tC4lfc>0Clcl.j of Uontrtmi. CEJflCE—First dQCT, dfl6br Art*d*- ReeidoDC*.

Cent tr Bowk end CcffittjUStfeet*, YFvtenowB, N.Y. ______ teh IS d 9-i

HTTBBAED&W RIGHTA t i o r u o r a s a d O o a n u D o M a l L a w ,

Offlea ow No. S Washington Strata, Wetertowa, ITaw York.v . w . u r n n A i t D . w u i o u r

merning. nothlttg had beta done. There was no fire, and tha litter of yeatirday still cumbered the floor, while Tommy stood in the midst, looking, helpless and tearful. '

“How is this Tommy i" he stid, “ why have yon n o t done u I requested!"

“Oh, I can’t, a ir ; I can’t."“Well, don’t cry about it," I u id Ur.

Shaw,, “I told your mother, you know, that what you couldn't do, I’d doi for you.” And Mr. Shaw w ent to wotk, aufl in a jiffy had a bright fire crackling in -the grate, and things cleaned o p so that tbe office looked 1 cheerful and stpractiva- • Tommy conclud- 2d e><3 that he bad found A splendid fltuation.

At night, When they wtre ieajvlng Mr. Shaw add. Now m y boy, let m e i see what you can do to-morrow morning toward cleaning up and fixing things.”

The next dsy however the ssm s program­me was repeated, the clerk doing nothing more than looking ou while the muter put the office in eider for butiness. 1 Then at night Mr. Shaw sa id ; ‘‘Tommy, you must have learned by this time h ow 1 to make the fire dust snd swesp out- To morrow morning I intend to take s horsebsck-ride after breakfast, and w ill not be down as early ss usuaL O an you promisd to bare everything in order when I com e!"

“I gesa so,” answered Tommy. But the next n o t i n g Mr. Shew made hif apptu* ance, riding whip in hind, ont sc stie sc irm­ly different from th a t o f the two previous niomtnga.

“Here, Tommy, take this,” paid," Mr. Shaw in a pleasant tone, extending the whip to him, “and give yourself a good trouncing." ,

“Oh, I can’t, air ; I can’t,’’whined Tommy “Well don’t cry, my boy, I told your

mother, a i you remember, that what you couldn't do. r d do for you."

So Mr. Shaw d id for Tommy what Tom­my couldn't do few himself, and {donbtleu did it well, for Tommy nevtr aaid‘ut can’t" to him' again, and found himself quits equal to the task of making a goed '•fira and ■weeping the office in th e morning before Mr Snaw naL

t l b h a t a c l e a i n

.vhtthlaoaay, [aUjtagthaned bis weak- ' - ' t s f ’thoes difficulties

•Whad to him “ ao

nvW.MO\D it BI.YSL0VFA tta r a e n and C onacelara at L aw .

OffleaovtrNo. 10 w.shioetoo Street Watertown 8 El HAMMOND. HLAbLlY WNISLOW


I f . h j .

C I T Y M A B J 5 S 7 ,NO. lOUEItflKUAL ST.

WHOLSALE AND BETA ILEealor* In all kinda oI;Vhesp Satr MxatSj Bab £ BhCo*. BouLoo*A siACB-Aatfia fb*m»4 Salt w*t«u Fmu,

m tux*Otvtxm £ Gajkb


C rdors p r o m p tly ld>| f * Market QoDf* dnrtng t»*rm scaiOD, from 6

a. m. to IfclSW . atd from a to 10 p. m Saturday*, from 5 cl m. loll p m —all dar.iJccrmrMw .J l YOCnTtlFK IN?*'R*cni

Tbe Empire Slate Lifertnsurance.Co.OFFERS KANT BUI’iEIOB ADVANTAGES



W A T B B T O W N N . V .

GEO. B. PHELPS, Preatdeot. L. PADDOCK, lrt Vloo Praa’t. EZRA CORNELL, 2d “

JOHN SHELDON, Secretary.J. K. BATE8. Medlai Examiner.J. K BTARBUCK Conofnl. _______laneasatt


Old H artfo rd ,________taeti ................................ 3 ,8 4 4 ,3 1 4

Pboanlx. Hartford........................1 ,6 5 8 ,0 0 0City irira,Hartforr].............................. 573,487 leaf,Hartford ..........................7O»;037

“ ord.......................880,000.........................3 ,0 1 7 ,8 6 0

‘ ‘ . - M S S j r

_ — p-naTnonJPataam, Hertford O onneetfeat, Ha■eenrnv New Tork..............ln ta m a tlo o o l. New York...- — S 1 T R D S T A T E S ,

O R T H B R IT IS H ,o n Cold) 14 ,100 ,'Rev* E naland, Life,Boston..........8,866,1O a a rd ltn , LlfeNew York............. 1,866.1N a t i o n a l “ 1 . 0 6 0 ,

TUeae are Old, Strong Coaapanla* B w e llln c a a n d Gontenta lnsnred from one to live jrearg, it iho lowest rata

UTe. Inaarance in reUablo Companies.Call on me belore insuring or renewing your nol.

lclas,'at Hsgar A Beetiee’a Awelrv 8 tore.I lh n tO I B B E B B B , Agent.Watertown Atumat» . imn md

J ^ B , J - ® B A ItK H , o f l e w Ifork ,

Dai compounded an article called

H A S I R I N E ,for tbe cure of Baldness tnd Gpuf Hair.

This article le a vegetable Pomade, highly perfn- sntdi snd will turn graj hair to Us original colot in alt days, wbennsed. according to the directions— contains no sulphur, sugar of lcsd, or polaodons in-crSdlent r It does not discolor any enbnauoa. la ■old m pots st$ l. lt Is a betuuful article for old or ynug. ln dreesing the hair, and keeping it from turning gray.

W Bold by Caitr A MAsirr, and Kxuooe * Cox u an, DfSfgista, Water town, N.Y. Jsttldw

t a r .A new supply of Harris’ Beamlea»iBK;;»vaa ast rscvlvtd, tu Black and Outers.


’ entered i t — Phrenologial Jour-

h*«3F».y»« o i tahHbol'whloh they sho aid bkWhkfVfolly avoided, How many ol oaryouth am weakened mud permanently icn paired for tho rigora o f mature life by in ­considerate parents, who thftk thoy irwo fceir children much trouble, anxiety, etc , by doing for tbem w hat they should bo left or encouraged, to do for themselves 1

N o boy or man would know bww much he w u able to accomplish I f he d id not gp boldly to work at things whioh in tbe out­set appeared very difficult; and it la won derlul, too, h o w many obstacles, seemingly insurmountable, m elt away before tho per­severing I It ia wort, tny young friend, ham- eat, earnest tc<rri which accomplishes the greatest and best results in the various spheres ofhatnsn Industry.

Genius eortanily can do much, bat it is diligent work jrhlah ta thswnm t element a l success.

Tbo spirit of ‘‘I ca n ’t" never movod tbo wheels of progreis so d oivilizstion ons inch forward, because it abrinlta back from ren- turina into tho unknown or attempting Ibe untried. Where, think you, would bo tbe great d scovcries snd inventions which thia age valnes so highly —such for inatanco sa tho steam engine, iho spinning jenny, the locomotive, the electric ttlegrapb, the ssw - ing machine, th e photograpn - i f that sants- ment in tho greaLminds that brought them W light had been that of "I can’t ?"

Thoro is do encouragement, no hope, no cheerful energy, no iorce, no struggle, In "I can’t” only a sodden, downcost, gloomy, petulant disposition, whiclj demoraiitea and disheartens. They who aro a dr«g on tho world, a s they are tn annoyance tod a weight to their friends snd associates, are thoy who havo soflered the “I can’t" spirit to get the upper hand In their characters, and so Influence for th o worst their minds snd bodies.

A while ago I m d a good Story sotnr - where, which well illustrate* the point 1 would enforce in the tew sentences above given, and which I w ill rtlats ss I remem- D»r it.

Tommy w u a Mow Euglsnd boy, tho el­dest sou of a widow living in humble cir cumattnces near Boston. Naturally bright snd active, he w as much beloved and In­dulged st home by hia mother and sisters. In fact, tboy bad got into the habit d) doing nearly ovorything for him, until he thought that ho could n ot bring s pail of water from the cistern to th e house, or b ’ack hia boots, himself One evening an uncle, wbo wss usually appealed to by Tommy's mother whenever she needed some advice in the conduct o f ber affairs, came to tho house, and in the cocrie of conversation said i “By they way, sister, it is timothatboy o f yours wss doing somethi g for himself. He must be fifteen years o ld now, snd that ia about -tbo right age for t lad te get a good clerk­ship.’"

Tea, I know it, William,” faltered the lady, “but I ’m afraid he’s hardly strong enough to take and keep an errand-boy's plsca Tdffknow bis constitution has al­ways been delicate- besides, wo can’t think of parting with him yet."

“Tut, tut, the boy's as strong and hearty as nine-tenths of thoso ol his ago now in stores earning stood wages. lie ’s been home too much, and nocas some of the outer world's discipline to develop and


Jefferson O o. A g i i c o l t a n l 8 o o ie ty ,Beptembar 7tb, 8th fit 9th, 1870.

CLASS 2—DEYON8. | -y e a r s o l d o r o v e r , ........................ $ '20v O O

’ ’ 15 OO15 OO 11) OO 10 OO 5 OO

15 OO 10 OO 10 OO 8 OO

10 OO 8 OO

10 OO 8 OO 5 OO

Beat Bi2d do " do doBest do 2 years old, ......2d do do Jr........Best do 1 year old,.......................2d do do ......................Best Cow, 4 yearsold, or over,.......2d do do do ..........Best Heifer, 8 years old,...,..........2d do ,do ...;........,..Best do $jR #»bld,...............2d do 'doS- ..........

do lyearold , do ................

Best Heifer Calf,...........................

A. P. SiQocBSiT, Watertown,) L iman Pabxss, Pamelia, D wioht Hart, Adams. )



CLASS 8 ATBESHIBIS.Best Bull. 3 years old or over,.............. 20 002d do ' do do doBest do 2 years old,.........2d do do .............Best do 1 year old,...........Jd. do do .............Beat Bull Calf,.....................2d- do

15 00 15 00 10 OO 10 OO 5 OO

10 OO 5 OO

Best Cow, 4 years old,.......................... 16 OO2d do doBest Heifer, 8 years old,...........2d do do .................Best do 2 years old,..,.......2d do doBest do lyearo ld , ,....2d do do ...................Best Heifer Calf,........................2d do .........................

10 OO 10 OO %0O

10 OO 8 00

10 00 8 00 8 OO 5 OO

*1828 . M . W e l l s , F a ir f ie ld , C o n n .N a t h a n Ol a b x , D e n m a r k ,

Lewis Co.Boamt G ib s o n , Now York Malls.

OLASS 4— OAADZS AND tU I I tD .Best Bull 8 yrs old or over,................ ..2d do do do a................Best do 2 years old,........................2d do do ........................Best do 1 year old,.........................2d do do ..........................Beet 5 dairy cows owned by oxhibitor,2d do do do ............Best cow { years old or ovsr, giving

milk,..................................'................ 10 OO


15 OO 10 00 10 005 OO

10 OO6 00

SO OO 20 00



Beat Dairy Factory Chewo,.................*25 002d do do

2d do doBeet Heitor 8 yia old, Riving miik......2d do do ao do ......Best do 2 yra old, do do ......2d do do do do ......Best Heifer 1 yoar old ...............Sd do do ..........................Boat four Calves aoooiding to ago and


scroLi r ask a s x n .Boat Dairy Cheesa,.......................2d do do .......................

CHXDDXa OTTEWXSBoat Dairy Gheddor Cfhocao, .2d do. do do ___

15 001 2d do doBed Bull Gall,.....2d do .....Beet Heitor Calf,.. 2d do

do do


.. 15 00

.. IO 00


... 15 00]

... 10 00 |


5 00 10 OO 5 00 8 00

l5 OO 8 OO 5 00

10 00 5 00 8 00 « 00 8-00 8 OO

Isaac BnnriNALL, Watertown, Boob Hxuwna,* Adams,Jo h n L ow* , P o r c h R i v e r ,

•D sc a u e d .

BUTTXB.Beat Dairy of Bettor........................... 20 002d do do 15 00


Best Nursery,........................................ 20 OO2d do ........................................ 15 00

|35rajtoikd asGBAsna.

Best cultivated Orchard of any ago, notloos than 60 Fruit Trees,.................. 25 001

2d do do 15 00

*303 .

j « <1The action of tho Judges mast ba gowned

by tha following rule*! *■* “ "Exhibitors of 5 DaforjDowauxnst prefect a

statement showing thshmonnt o f miff1 In tm light tho five oowa giro dozing the last >ek of each of tho fallowing~montha, vis:

May, Jams, July and August;—how fed— i f grained, what with aud how ranch; what kind ot pasturage, now or old, upland or low, cdover or timothy. Bald statement most havo exhibitor’s affidavit attached, and must be (11-

| ed by tho Secretary and noted on entry card. Somo rule applicablo to best and 2d beat ono cow four yean old or over, observing tbo rog-1 alar rime of milking before and alter oae week's trial.

Best 1 yoar old Gelding or Stud, 10 002d do do do ........ 8 OOBest 2 year old Mare Colt,.................... 10 OO2d do do do ..................... fi OOBest 1 year old Mare Colt,..................... 8002d . do do 'do ..................... 0 Oo

$64Db. J ason T. Millabd, Pamelia,)Nelson Bookeb, Belleville, - Judges.GeoiIob Yost, Theresa. )

CLASS 10—PAXBS Or TABM QELDLNOa f t WAKIB.Bfeet pair Farm Geldings...................... 10 OO2d do do ...................... 5 OOBest pair Farm Mares.........................- . 10 Of)2d do do ................. 5 OO

Best do 1 yr o ld ,...................2d do do ..................Best 2 Ewe Lambs,.......................

*80 .

Judges.Geo. B. Hohxxkax, Plessis, Wm. P. Baboocx, Champion, Sets Stbxoklaxd, Philadelphia,


8 OO 4 OO 8 OO 4 00

B est s y e a r old G e ld in g in h a rn e ss , 2d ' do do d o d o B est 8 y e a r o ld M are in H a rn e ss ^ . ... .. .2d do do d o ..........

Oh a b l x b R i d e s , S a n f o i d s C o m e c B ,) J a m e s P e t x e o il l , H e n d e r s o n , ' > S a m u e l W. S t b o u q h , Theresa, )




B^st span matched 8 year old Geldings 8 00 2d do do l o do 5 00 Best spaD matohed8 yr old Mares, 10 002d do do do ... 6 00

Dexxeb W. O lives G ill, D a n iil W. W-

*30Haven, Watertown,]

Henderson, ) Judges. a r Henderson, ]


Best 4 year old Gelding in htmesq IO 00 2d do do do do £ 00Best roadster Gelding, in hern roe, 14) 002d do do do ...... £ 00Best 4 yr old Mare, in hameaa,..... .. .. . 1G 002d do do do ........... £ 00Bast roadster Mare, in harness,■■—-... IO 00 2d do do do ..... £ 00

• 6 0J. IL Lamb, Black Biver, ) *Wm. IL Oobuex, Oarthage, > Judge*. Gaow 0 . Passes, Rodman. )


15 00 8 00

IS 00 8 0 0

Beet span matched 4 year odd Geldings 2d do do do d o Beet span matched 4 year old Marts,2d do do do X

a H. TU*?,Hrvmi At.h w

* isaft, Watertown. ] BoaswELL, Batland, V Jmdfies. W xE */P > .M an9r ,j

CLASS 15—intOLS OXLDDlOa OYS1 15) BAWDS.Best single Gelding 5 wean o ld , . ., . .•1 0 003d do do do ...... 5 (X)Beet single Gelding, 6 yearn old, 15]

10 00 5 00

IO 00 5 00

8S5DWASr oncHAJtue.

Best calibrated, 26 or more Fruit Treed, 8 00 2d do do do do 4 00


Beta cultivated 16 or more trees inbearing,.................................................. 10 00

2d do do do .............. 8 00


Best cu ltiv a ted K itc h e n G a rd e n , 15 002d do do d o d o ........... 10 00

CLASS 5—WOHXINO OXEN AND STIKHS.Rest 5 yoke Oxen, from any 1 town, ...*10 00 2d do do dtv do ... 8 001 Best yoke of Oxen far work, owned by

inhibitor,.............................................. 0 002 d do do .................................. 4 00Best yoke 3 year old steero, ............... 4 002d do do ‘ 3 00Best yoke 2 year old 8teers, ................ S 002 d do do 3 00Best pair 1 year old Stoem, ................ 2 002d do do 3 00Best yoke tat Oxen, 6 002 d do do 4 00Best fat Cow,.................. 4 00

hands or under......2d do doBest Gelding roskter.-8 ymold,3d do do do

S amvel Rhnolds, P. P. Manor, J. B. GaAioTrs, Cape Vinoent, D b. J. 8 . NaaMAJiDxa, Carthago,


Beta span H arm ln walking,.......... ....*20 062d do do 6 60Best walking H o n e , ...... 10 00



2(1 d o do

6 CM) 4 OO (1 OO 4 OO

)*65 00

J u d g es .G iouoe (Jooteii, Adams,J . X. V an AsLBxn, W aterto w n ,L E. G ra ss , W aterto w n . )

- y ~ 'tCLASS 24—LONG WOOL.

Best B ook, 2 years o ld or o v e r , ................$ 1 0 CMt'2d d o ' d o 5 OO

t do 1 year o l d , ............................ 6 04)2d do do .................................. 4 OOBest B uok L a m b .................................... 4 OO2d do d o .......................................... 2 OOBest fcwo E w e s 2 y e a rs o ld .................... 0 OO2d do d o .............................. 4 Ot)Best do 1 y e a r old . 4 OO2d do do ...................................... 2 OOBest 3 Ewe I a m b s ...................................... 4 (Mi2d do do ....... '................................. 2 OO

Best Harrow vj. .Best Horse Bake, revolving .... ...Beet SeedPbm'6’Best Hay TedderBesi ........................# #BestSBjttefTubs 8 0 »Boat Gram Cradle ................. 2 00

r~"*- SISa a a c * f o - s sBest Gang Plows............ .— ,* OOBest Steel PIowb.............. 4 0 0Best Don Plows 4 OOBeta 6 Axe Helves. i.....«i.v4f!.„.f..-

C has. .O, H a e d i, B u f l |a 4 ] f io b d O Maktoi P . WaiTjJfiodiiiaffi j 1

Judges same as in Class 23. ] *53 OORuz-e —Th e fleece taken thorn the buok thia

season, on two-year old, mUBt b e on exhibi­tion with the book, to entitle the owner to a premium. Judges must ascertain and consid­er tho time-of shoarmg; and, in regard to ewes, most tueoertain -whether they have snokl- ed limbs this season, or not.

CLASS 25 B0UTBD0WN8.Best Buok 2 years afcd or over.............. 10’OO2d do do do ............... 5 OOBest Buok 1 year old ................ 0 OO2d do doBest Buok Lamb...................................2d do d o ...................................Best 3 Ewes, 2 years old....................2d do do ....................Best 2 Ewes 1 year old .............. .2d do do r..................... .Beat 2 Ewe Lam bs..;.,.......................2d do do ..............................

4 OO 4 OO 20 0 0 OO 4,00 4 00 3 00 4 0 0 80Q

Thumam Ahqel, W ta«tawn,>J»d*8i-

*53 00Sune role main Glasses 22, 28 and 24.

T eona* It. G a its , Adsms Centro) - -J . P. SnctiXE, Three Mile Bay, > Judges. T. B. XdrasoND, Watertown, )

CLASS 20 OBADK AND KAXIYI aH nr. 'Best Buok 2 years b id or over............... 8 002d do d o do ............... 6 00Best Rook 1 year old.............................. 4 OQ2d d o d o ................................ 2 00Best Bxaok Lamb............................. 2 00Best 2 Ewos 2 yean o ld .... - ............ . 6 003d d o do ............................ 4 00Best 2 £wcs L you o ld ................. ......... 4 00.2d d o d o ............................ 3 00Beet Ewe Lamb ........... 4,003d d o d o ................................... 2 00

class 81-Beta Mower sn d ,2d do do ‘ ' doBeta Self Rake, attached td Reeper.2d do do • do)Best Mower2d do .v..,.,*..*.-Beta H one Power........ w, ,2d do doBest Thresher end Gleaner . „. .2d do . ,i ^Ap^taatimforJM touftofor’gl^ fefe) 10 OO

B e stS tu n p le D m in ia ,^ 'Best MiUfor hulbng Clover.Ssefl,..,Best Seouon Fence for farm nae..:..Best Farm Gate . . . ’ . .Best Cook Btovo using wood,.....!..,2d do - do dy Best parlor do do , do ...» ,^ ’r fr a 'a r * -» y ,’n ■ at.CtocJtBlove wing qm!.., .......» » ;

mO .QO . OOi/v-, M0.q*«saei 4**e*a« .■# .Q*w "* 0 0

ja-si?*rv ** ! S -4 'fiPtoplll B|U|0l«is.sMUit]*e«)li«m»i 8 * 2 0 ^ 8 ^ 1

10 &

I S i stooJO G 400 800 4 00

t o o. 3*0

800 „ too r 8 0 0

8 00 . . . 8 00 k

. 800

98 SixHaJ'Forks,.

Samuel l in o s , ICabtut Wood, Id. Jay Howamd,

t, Piorropont Manor, 1 *44 Q0' Woodrillo. [-judges.

kd, Stame folks, | "

SWINE. coAjn 27—XiiidB asriD.

Best Baar 1 year Old ar over 152d dk do* do ............. 101,Best Boat leea than I year (fid 10'!2d do do do Uirt**»4He4 5 00 Best Scrw do do .... ..J..', 10,00s a a o do do j po;Best Baea snd Pigs.,.— - .................10,002d d o do S 00Best 5 a z moro Pigs 4 tsos. old or over 10 00 33 'dta’ do -do- --dot' -4FOO

J kumia-H Pakxis, Watsrtown, John P. Allex, Pam alls, Hamhkxn BAOcat1IjeRay,(Pa.40r»).

I S ? * * * J ll L ,., Jl, *8

Best S ix Hoes., . J . . . . . . 1<Beta Jftnfe BitelrFfltkU -J;-.. A....* 8 OOBest Half-Tb ussnd bond wdi'fHUagle* H Bert .Thro Flails...

J. A. D Snell, Adams Ooodrt,)8 . F. ~ “A -F .i

t t Snell, Adams Ooodrt,) .. Rooee^ WotortowK."- ’ v y J M cw - . SnrnocfaL, SnfoilfiO^ ) T

cujM M -flxw w o , aw> mnrtn fo “ vnowLs-AEt)!Jbooks, ■rnhrnro

W h fe lio t feiwEiqg WOW. .lo . . . .» * W >

» . * e’-M 6**' ' 'J

: ss f -’ s

e » , »

2d do do . 8 00

Btjbt Rice, SL Iawrenoe,T. O. P aekxs, Watertown, Nathan Olxan, 'Watertown,i




Best-Single Mate S via old or over ..* 1 6 OO 2d do do do ... 6 00Bestfsingle Mara’ S yr* old or over, to 002d do do ...... 6 00Best Roadster 5 y n old or over, £0 OO2d do

2<3 do 4 00do do 6 00

CLASH 2ft—OWITiTl EEXXD. ) *Bent Eoac 1 jem i old o r over...."....... 15 Q02d d o do do ................... 10 00Bert B o w 1 « than 1 year old. l o w2d d o do db «t«tiss*aktv C 00B est Sow do do.................... 10 t)Q,23 d o do do 5 00Hoftt Sow lOl) i d 00'2d d o d o 5 00B est 6 or- more Pigs 4 mot. o ld or over 10 2d d o do do

"Winsow Aifjposr, Rodman, . JiwirxAS Wait, Paxnelia,1 R o h e t Raxdy, RntUnd,

dq « do- Bsrt ChaiuW yornitare.......3d-''-do)"‘'-",-',d(»:-'

“ HoExsa WntoLow,O. f l j f lu n j a >

| Mt»»,C.;B. PEfeTOW, Waferyffl^

cuLfeSt—«AicrMrt»6Tri»S One hundreddoUuavrlB'

;<Uacretionof Uw Butter of 8TTCI0 hi pookxges tf.<uok-im:4

, . hot over *10 t s OBjfHrta (hie himdrsd doQasa 7HH1

, ffiseratM of th# M le s te ‘




HOP XASDS.Best cnltivatod Hop Ysrfi,,,—..............2d do do do ....................

15 GO 10 00

INSURANCE AGENCY.M Y R O N B E E B E E ] A t , 6 Q t. »,m»n of h im ;r and in m y opinion, it1 H artford,—Hartford 60 years succcssmlbiu- something is not done soon, he’ll be spoiled,

825Rule. —Members o f tho Society, or those

who wish to become snch and compete for any of the foregoing premiums, most make application to somo member of the Viewing Committee, or to the Treasurer at Watertown, ou or before the 16th day of August, and fur­nish “ Statement ” ss required below. View­ing Committee will make no examinations for the Society unless ita rules ore strictly ob­served.

Competitors for premiums on dairies of cheese and butter will be required to deliver to-Bome member of tha Viewing Committee, ot to the Treasurer, o n or before the 15th day of August, a written statement containing a full description o f their treatment of the mult, time kept, where and in what process of man-

tity of salt used and of^wkat^dnd; if butter, how packed and where kept; ii cheese, where kept and how cured) quantity made per cow thu season thus for, And suoh other fnlorma- tion aa the competitor may deem of practical value to tho Society.

Daniel Smith, Rodman, )Tha HinsdaLe, OxB ow, - Judges | Madison Gouldino, Pamelia)


Best Stallion for Allpurpose*,...............*50 002<3 do do do ............. 3 0 0 0Stallion showing best 5 specimens of hia

stock, of iny age,.............................. 50 002d do do do .......... 20 00Beet roadster in harness,....................... 25 002d do do ...................... 20 00Best Stud 4 years old,.......................... 15 002d do do ........................ 10 00Best Stud Colt 3 years o ld ,.................. 15 002d do do .................. 10 00Best do 3 years o ld ,................. 10 002d do do 8 00

P. O. Lodawick, Watertown, ) CHATOCEX.Buiiirr, Henderson - Judges. B a n ? J. g ra sses, LafAxgerrillay

OLASS 18—WATCHXD XIAEEH, 1 5 ) HANDS OX VtCD.Beet span matched Mares,................ -..(10 00- - - ■ £ O0

B est show ot Shanghai Fbuls, (ildt and 8 has

2d do do

(L5 OOMato B. Huwrwb, Watertown,)James D icrxx, Belleviifo, r- Judges.Gxo. P m m , Evans Mills, )

CLASS 19—MATCHED a u r * 15) HANDS.Best span matched Hares,................—.(L6 OO2d do do .................—. IO 00

and amount to nothing.“Well, brother,” sa id the widow with a

half ebb, “you|know b est about theso things but do try to got Tommy a good easy place I wouldn't have him knocked about for the world.”

The prudent ancle found a place for his nephew in the office o f a friend, Mr. Shaw o f Boston, and th e anxious mother, after fitting Tomiry o a t in th e beat of style h*r narrow circumstances adforded, accompani­ed him to tha cityr sad called on tbe gentle­man. After introducing herself and Tommy the sa id : “I hope sir, th a t the work my ton will have to do here m ay not prove too much forhii strength.” "Do not trouble yourself on that scoount, dear madam." said Mr. Shaw who at once appreciated the ooad’- tion o f things: “m y requirements will not be severe, and besides, I will promise you that whatever h e can’t do. I ’ll do it foi him.”

After aotne farther ta lk the widow de­parted, welt satisfied w ith her son’s employ­er. A t the close o f the day, when it wsi time to leave the office, Mt.Tommy, “I jfart yog t o hi hi morning, to f ai»d sw eepont, tuadhara a b y the time I ih o w myfelf,

T mWfcmMr. S h air shewed hifiiatff the M il

vuBWwo o o v i u n u HENRY W. EDDY,................... Evans M illsW. M. JOHN80N,...................................An Aim i _ _ — . .

..............?I0NE Mil m H o*

8263B ule of sotion for Judges.—Hone o f the1

above premiums are to ba awarded unless the I Judges consider the snimala suoh as will con-1 tribute to improve the stock of horses in this i County. Unsoundness not to be a ber unless arising from defective form or structure," or J injuring tho horse for breeding purposes, or likely to be transmitted to hi* g e t Horses eon oompete for only one premium, snd must be specially entered in the particular division the owner selects, and not afterwards trans-1 ferrod.

(25 00Jacob 8txabs, Ja , Watertown,)Fulton Bsown, Watertown, r Jui3gfei. John B ecieb , Throe Mile Bay,)

CLASS 20—MATCHED OELDHVOB 16) AAXDS.Bast span Matched Geldings. ..... (1-5 OO2d do do IO 00

"D. H. LiNOENrELrxa, Stone Mills,) Stephen Kloce, Watertown, >Henkx Jenks, Worth,

(263 00





Best span matched Geldings, .* 1 5 002d do do 1G OO

SOLOMON KELLOGG,...........W o b th u llsH. P. STAGY,..............................R usal H i l lHENRY T. HOPRIN8,.... .-...........RutlandHIRAM KEENS,............................ AntwebpELLIOTT MAKEPEAC

| John B. H ubbabd, Clayton,| Stxvzsteb K ellooo, So. Rutland,


ACE, P amelia

iW'oaid toto-morrow

e fin, gahimng



Beet Bull, 8 years old or over,...... 820 OO2d do do do do .. 15 00Best do 2 years old,— ..... .2d do do .......................Best do 1 year old,.......................2d do do .......................Bert Bull OaH,...............................2d do ...............................Bert Cow, 4 years olfi or over.........2d do do do .........Beet do 8 years old, .................2d do do do m .................BertHeuer, 2year* old,.... ..............2d do do do ............ .Bert do l yOxr old,— ..... ...........2d do do .......... .....BestHeiferCalf, - ..................2d do do .............................

15 00 10 GO 10 00 5 00

10 OO 5 00

15 00 10 Q0 10' 0 0 8 OO,

10 00 8 OO

10U08 do 8 00. 5 OO.

CLASS 7—BT ALLIONS TOE SPEED.Special Premium of gold medal val­

ued at one hundred dollars will be en for the beta Roadster Stallion, in

ess. Trial to be made on tho ground best 8 in 5. President and Su­perintendent of Horae Department to select the Judges on the day of the trial,............................... ............... .......... 8100 001

CLASS 8—MAMS WITH COM BT SIDEMare with 4 best specimens of her stock

o f any age,......................................... 50 0024 do do ..... 20 00Beat Brood More, with Fool at foot, 20 002 4 , do do' - do do fO 00Beat duckling colt,................ 20 00Sd d » d o .............................10 00

Geo. W. Whkhns, Watertown, J. M. ‘Waxebeuet, 8. Harbor, Alfbed Fox, Depraville,


Beet Back, 2 y n old or over,.........2d do do ..........Beta do ly zo M ,.........................2d do do .................B est Buck Iam b............................ .2d do • do .....................—......B est 2 Ewes, 2 yrs old,..


825 OO


2dB est2dBest!2d

dodo do. doI Ewe Iambs,, do do

fyr*ld , «•#•»***

I M l M X I l t l l i a *

than 1 cookaxxdffhana cf purebroed2d do de do do ! Beta ahow Bramah Fowla, (as abov«)i.. 2d do A) doBata ahoosr Bpandah Black 2d do doBeta lot 2?olan4 Fowls,2d 'do do''Best lot of Dorkins 2d. do -do..Beta lot o f Cocliio Chlnaa....—...2d do do 'Beta Baxxtam-diinM,,2d do do ...... .Beta lot Spangled Hamburg ...... ..2d do do ’ .Beta lot Jctxey Hines ............. . ..2d . do doBeta lot Creoles or Bad tons........... i.<24 do do do ............. ......Beta lot Common,3d do do ,Best lot Turkeys.,2d doBest lot Cuoka— ,2d do ....... .....Best show Legjxoms............ —..2d do do ........ .....Best show Silver Pheasants 2d do doBest show Buff Cochins............... ■2d do do .... .1.Beta «how Houdsn*...— ........ ...2d do do .................. ......i.Beta show Orove Oceuzs. — ..... .2d do do ..... ;.Best show UFleche...— ........2d dtx do ............. ...;.Beta shew Sultans....... ......2d do do J..Beta show Qoldcm Polands ........2d do - d o ,y .

(how Silver Polands ......4..2d do do *• >..............L.Beta show Rouen Ducks.....;.........24 do d o 'Beta show Aylesbnrg Docks2d d(> ^0 '■ *»$M«aaa«aaa)as

Tooloffw— -dO < • ■ •'yi a n a * t * *

show laitlftft Cfefia6.,4„t,«« »y>-a'.»»y»»-2d dO dO „)4tit*aa4M>|4«|*Beta show of Fowls of not less tbia |Q

i e , M < a t 4 i a x * « a •

• ttaa«t«an*aiait

' . a...j..

2 00 1 00

. 2:00 1 00 3 00

•1 00 1*00 1 * od

3 00 1 00 3 00 t p 6 3 oo; 1 oo■3 oo1 oo

• 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00x od3 001 oo2 001 oo3 00

2 0* L

, CUeaaof i*10foasy^atw« tasfogfcChM fe

. 8 T R ^ - A p p ) io a a t . . sotoplea of Butter assrt atei pU svritha w iittanatetem aat, . dated, o f th« time whoa M * i , oowa made from, qa*at% t t aoM yw yqw * used and what kind, hew ■■ii>iifcrta»i> , t a * edocothenriae,hew wudi i d sm* ,p *Ma* te eutitla th a n to <

«rfipedelpr-r— — - - ,

•a i s g &

onB utteroadi fioeretory, aadsaQedon f entitle theexhttekar to i

T . Z noasxA *,A. W . IaoxuHAEq A H .M . BaMAjEetorteam,

Bert axhibitioii o< B fe i t o Mfa«*<to «»>’ , feteneato Mm « i u rtsa t^ tofea edhire and eaaitatkst of I J

3 d . da. do - i o _ - -to » * * , B erteampteofHoaaajfat eoeil i i— * | i3 d d o

•eeaewwwsa tni*«i • ••••*)•••« see »i«.awa >l»datlia8l(«t(|lie *


H tiaabir

Auoa GoulMno, T. T . Maxon, Ad

ra V.-1


. Oer

«T Bt7L*.—Specimen* moat be sound mtitb then to a pneuwa. Celt to be Pi*<rfquality of ^ ^ i w i t h Orttjiy ade.'

Jakx* Boodh, B tm l ^ Isaac Mxtobcxll, Btoae M. Inman, Rodman.

*65 9 0

Kl t t J J % e *

1 0 00 A 0 0

CLAa*BetaBtwk, Syeanoldworviir,.,.,,.34 do do. do . - ' 4aa«l( w » ga( do lyearold,» £ -a I -)?? ......3d (toB eta>B w aa,3yts«td ,(

i a o o5 0 0s o o• wA 00*29* 0 0* 0 *


j »Bert Show of : AppleiA'qurfiy/rtiMNW

l w r f i' " m i

ra doi r . ’S " ’Beta show]

XjQO.2 001 OO2 00 1 00 3 001 oo 3 0 0 ']

2 0 0 1 ® ] ^ xoo

100l2d"J3 .0 0 1 Bert'to'Yaiiietiaairt' % 0 0 1 ly JgnPFZi,

A Ht Hall, Wi H.P.firAox^RnriJ': THnxorRohmai^

.Oafii.i 0 ^ i S r t i r

j r a p ______

m m m

3k* OO . i •»a»«*»*•»»|*axU)t)>>«»Beta Oi* C«lm M MBes* I14 .5 ?BMkPHtaeN*« J * 4

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