instructions for authors - elsevier is a world-leading

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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Required File Content for New Submissions • Basic Formatting • Cover Letter • Title Page • Manuscript • References • Acknowledgment • Tables • Figure Legend • Figures • E-Supplement • Explanations of Required File Content

General Information Editorial Policies for Authors

• Authorship • Authorship Requirements • Acknowledgment • Role of the Corresponding Author • Changes to Authorship • Copyright • Open Access • Subscription • Duplicate/Previous Publication • Ethical Approval of Studies and Informed Consent

Editorial Review and Publication

• Editorial Notification • Editorial and Peer Review • Revised Manuscripts • Editing • Proofs • Funding Body Agreements • NIH Public Access Policy • Reprints

Open Article Types

• Original Articles


• Letters• Correspondence

Invited Article Types • Review Articles• Perspectives• MOC-CME Review Articles

o CME Learning Objectives, Questions, & Rationale• Mechanisms of Disease for the Clinician• Guest Editorials• CME Review Articles• Clinical Perspectives• Clinical Pearls• Challenging Clinical Cases• Book Reviews


Manuscripts should be submitted online via the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology online manuscript submission and peer review system. Only manuscripts submitted through the above link will be considered for review. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following requirements will be returned to the corresponding author before peer review is initiated. Any exception granted by the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO submission must be documented in the Author Comments section of the submission process and in the Cover Letter file. Basic Formatting Each manuscript submission item must be formatted as follows:

1) Be in Times New Roman or Courier font, size 12.

2) Be attached as a separate submission item. No information from one file may appear in another. For example, the list of references from the reference file may NOT appear in the manuscript text file.

3) Be double-spaced and have a one-inch margin on all sides.

REQUIRED FILE CONTENT FOR SUBMISSION 1. Cover Letter 2. Title Page 3. Manuscript 4. References 5. Acknowledgment (optional) 6. Tables (optional) 7. Figure Legend (optional) 8. Figures (optional) 9. E-Supplement (optional) 10. Explanations of Required Content


4) Display page numbers in the upper right corner of each page. Do not carry numbering from one file to another. Each file must begin with the first page numbered “1.”

5) The following files must be in DOC format and may not be in any other format:

• Title Page • Manuscript • Acknowledgments • References • Figure Legend • Table(s)

6) File names may NOT contain brackets [ ].

1. Cover Letter Unless otherwise specified in the Article Type/Organization section of this document, all manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes the following statements to the editor:

1) The manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors.

2) The requirements for authorship have been met.

3) The authors certify that they have (collectively) personally written at least 90 percent of the manuscript.

4) The manuscript has not been published previously in print/ electronic format (except in

the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture) or in another language and that the manuscript is not under consideration by another publication or electronic media.

5) Complete contact information for the corresponding author, including a mailing address,

telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. 2. Title Page All submissions require a title page, unless otherwise specified in the Article Type/Organization section of this document. The title page should be concise, easy to read, and must include all of the following:

1) Title. A concise title (no more than 15 words). Your article's title should reflect its content. Omit phrases such as "a study of", "investigations into", "observations on", and


avoid using abbreviations and jargon. Remember that abstracting and indexing services depend on accurate titles; keywords are extracted for cross-referencing.

2) Authors. Each author who meets authorship criteria should be listed, including the

author's full name, abbreviated-highest academic degree, and institutional affiliation. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted, unless the article type is Review Article, MOC-CME, or CME. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors.

3) Corresponding Author Information. List the name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence.

4) Conflict of Interest. All authors are required to disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. If there are no conflicts of interest, please indicate "Conflicts of interest: none".

5) Funding Source. List any source of any financial support. If no support was provided,

please indicate "Funding Source: none".

6) Clinical Trial Registration. List the Registry URL and assigned database number for clinical trial registrations, if applicable.

7) Keywords. List the most salient keywords to capture your research effectively.

Remember, that abstracting and indexing services use keywords so choosing the right ones can increase the chances of your article being found by other researchers.

8) Abbreviations/Acronyms. List any abbreviations/acronyms and their definitions. If no

abbreviations/acronyms were used, please indicate "Abbreviations: none".

9) Word Count. List the word count for the manuscript (excluding abstract, acknowledgments, e-Supplement material, figure legends, references, and tables).

10) Figures. List the number of figures accompanying the manuscript. If no figures

accompany the manuscript, please indicate "Figures: none".


11) Tables. List the number of tables accompanying the manuscript. If no tables accompany

the manuscript, please indicate "Tables: none". 3. Manuscript Text File All submissions require a manuscript text file. Specific requirements for different article types may be found in Article Types. The following requirements apply to all submissions:

1) Line Numbering. The manuscript text file must be consecutively numbered beginning with the number “1” on the first line. Line numbers must appear in the left-hand margin of the file and may not overlap the manuscript text, must be continuous throughout the file, and may not restart on each page. Line numbering may be added by clicking the Layout tab next to the Home tab. After clicking Layout, click the Line Numbers icon, and then click Continuous.

2) Page Numbering. The text file must display page numbers in the upper right corner of

each page. The first page of the manuscript text file must be denoted with the number “1.” Do NOT restart numbering on each page. Page numbering may be added by clicking the Document Elements tab next to the Layout tab. Click the icon titled Page # and ensure that Position is set to “Top of page (Header)” and Alignment is set to “Right.”

3) Double-Spaced. The manuscript must be double-spaced. Spacing may be adjusted by

clicking Format à Paragraph à Line spacing à Double.

4) Reference Formatting. References in the manuscript text file must be identified with superscript Arabic numerals. Do not include brackets or parentheses around reference numbers.

5) Clear Use of Language. Academic-level English must be used in all submitted files to

ensure that both reviewers and readers understand the information. Elsevier provides an English language editing service, which may be found here:

The following information may NOT appear in the manuscript text file:


1) Any information that could identify any or all authors, including names, initials, and institutional affiliations. This includes any names or initials in the manuscript text file name.

2) An abstract.

3) List of references.

4) Footnotes.

5) Endnotes.

6) Acknowledgment.

7) Tables.

8) Figures.

9) E-Supplement.

4. References All submissions require a reference file, unless otherwise specified in Article Types. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and format. NOTE: Refer to Article Types for the specific maximum numbers of references for each category. The following is required for all reference files:

1) Be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text.

2) Be recorded during the electronic submission process.

3) Reflect the current state of knowledge being cited. As a rule, the Annals expects citations to be within the last 5 years unless the reference a) represents a seminal article that most would agree has persistent value, b) there is no more recent article that adequately represents the cited statement and/or, c) the article represents the initial description of the finding/event being cited. In all instances, the reference list will be subject to review and editing as determined by the peer review process.

4) Journal names should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus.

5) All authors up to 6 should be listed. If there are more than 6 authors, list only the first 3

authors’ names followed by "et al."


Example: 1. Macy E, Bernstein JA, Castells MC, et al. Aspirin challenge and desensitization for aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: a practice paper. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2007;98:172-174. 2. Li J, Lockey RF, Bernstein IL, Portnoy JM, Nicklas RA. Allergen immunotherapy: a practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003;90(suppl 1):1- 40. 3. Lieberman P, Kemp SF, Oppenheimer J, Lang DM, Bernstein IL, Nicklas RA. The diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis: an updated practice parameter. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005;115(suppl 2):S483-S523. 5. Acknowledgment (optional) The acknowledgment file is reserved for the names of people who have made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript (e.g., data collection, analysis, or writing or editing assistance) but who do not fulfill authorship criteria. Each person’s name and specific contribution should be stated in the acknowledgment file. Any other information aside from a contributing person’s name and specific contribution should be omitted. 6. Tables (optional) Tables must be prepared using Microsoft Word. All tables must be submitted as a single DOC file. Multiple table files are not permitted. Any file format other than DOC is not permitted. Tables should:

1) Be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.

2) Be recorded on the title page and during the electronic submission process.

3) Have a concise heading (no more than 30 words).

4) Abbreviations should be defined in alphabetical order at the bottom of the table (e.g., Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; OR, odds ratio).

7. Figure Legend (optional)


If one or more figures are submitted, a figure legend file must also be submitted. The figure legend must be a single DOC file uploaded under the file type “Figure Legend.” The figure legend must:

1) Have a concise legend/caption (no more than 30 words) for each figure.

2) Be uploaded as a single document. 8. Figure (optional) Figures should be uploaded as a single DOC or PDF file with each numbered figure appearing on a separate page. However, other formats such as TIFF, EPS, and JPEG are acceptable ONLY if each figure is submitted as an individual file. For more information on submitting graphics, please visit If a figure is reproduced, see the Reproduced Materials sections for guidelines concerning required permission. Figures (graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations) should:

1) Be numbered in the order in which they are first cited in the text.

2) Be recorded on the title page and during the electronic submission process.

3) Be uploaded as a single file. 9. E-Supplement (optional) Authors may submit supporting material to accompany their article for online-only publication when there is insufficient space to include the material in the print article. This material, restricted to Original Articles, should be important to the understanding and interpretation of the report, and the amount of material may not exceed 3 pages. Authors who believe they have compelling reasons to exceed this guideline may appeal to the Editor-in-Chief for a variance PRIOR TO submission. Any excessive e-Supplement material will require prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief. E-Supplement material will undergo editorial and peer review with the main manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication and if the editors approve the material for publication, it will be posted online at the time of publication of the article as online extra material provided by the authors.


E-Supplement material must:

1) Be submitted as a single DOC file.

2) Be no longer than 3 pages maximum.

3) Have pages numbered consecutively.

4) Be uploaded under the e-Supplement submission type.

5) Have each element included in the material be cited in the text of the main manuscript (e.g., eTable 1) and numbered in order of citation in the text (i.e., eTable 1, eTable 2, eFigure 1, eFigure 2, and eMethods). E-Tables and e-Figures must be numbered, even if there is only one submitted.

10. Explanations of Required Content Conflict of Interest All authors are required to disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. If there are no conflicts of interest, please indicate "Conflicts of interest: none" on the title page. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author's institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships that could potentially influence (or bias) the author's decisions, work, or manuscript. Potential conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, speaker's bureau membership, consultancies, research support, and/or stock interest by an author and/or his/her first-degree relatives. Further information on Conflict of Interest can be found at Funding Source/Financial Support All financial support for the research and the work should be clearly and completely identified on the title page. If no support was provided, please indicate "Funding Source: none" on the title page.


Clinical Trial Registration All manuscripts that present therapeutic data involving a pharmaceutical agent (commercial or non-commercial) must be registered with an approved Registry that meets the minimum registration data set as described by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME). The Registry URL and assigned database number should be clearly identified on the title page and will be published at the end of the abstract. A clinical trial is defined by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, as any research project that prospectively assigns human participants to an intervention to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome. Health-related interventions are those used to modify a biomedical or health-related outcome. Examples include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, educational programs, and quality improvement interventions. Health outcomes are any biomedical or health-related measures obtained in participants, including pharmacokinetic measures and adverse events. Authorship Forms The editorial office requests authorship forms from authors only after a manuscript has been accepted for publication. Authorship forms may not be uploaded by authors. Any authorship form found online or previously saved versions of an authorship form are all out-of-date. If an authorship form is uploaded at any point in the submission process, it will be removed on the author’s behalf. It will then be the author’s responsibility to fill out current authorship forms and return them to the editorial office.. Keywords Keywords are often an unappreciated tool by which authors can self identify the most salient categories and subcategories to capture their research effectively. Keywords are used by abstracting and indexing services. Therefore, choosing the right ones can increase the chances of your article being found by other researchers. In addition, keywords words help the editors select reviewers. Keywords, up to a maximum of 12, should be listed on the title page and indicated during the submission process. Language Editing In today's competitive environment, it is essential that the English language used in your paper is of a high quality. Your research may be critical, but poor English, grammatical, spelling, and


other common errors are common causes for delays and initial rejections. If you need English-language support, learn more about Elsevier's English Language editing service by visiting Reproduced Materials When previously published figures or tables are used, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) to reproduce the material in print and online. An appropriate credit line should be included in the figure legend or table file, and full publication information should be cited in the reference list. Acceptance of the manuscript is conditional upon receipt of permission. Letters of permission must accompany the manuscript at the time of submission. Further information on Permissions can be found


GENERAL INFORMATION The Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is the official journal of the American College of

Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. The Annals acceptance rate is approximately 32%. Median

turnaround time from submission to first decision is 22 days, from submission to acceptance is

78 days, and acceptance to publication is 86 days.

Editor-in-Chief: Gailen D. Marshall, MD, PhD

Deputy Editors: Anne K. Ellis, MD, MDc, FRCPC, FACAAI

Anna Nowak-Wegryn, MD, FACAAI

Managing Editor: Elizabeth Marshall, RN

Inquiries regarding the editorial management of the Annals should be sent to:

Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Editorial Office

2500 North State Street, Suite N416

Jackson, MS 39216

Telephone: (601) 815-4871

Fax: (601) 815-4770


Authors are responsible for all statements, opinions, methods, and conclusions of presenting their data in articles submitted to the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology for possible publication. The views of authors as presented in their articles do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology editorial staff or the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. The purpose of these instructions is to provide authors with clear and concise guidelines for preparing a manuscript in acceptable Annals style. In general, exceptions to the published guidelines are not made. Authors who believe they have compelling reasons to alter and/or exceed the published guidelines may appeal to the editorial office for a variance PRIOR TO submission. Appeals may be sent to Otherwise, manuscripts that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the corresponding author for correction prior to any further consideration for peer review.


A corrected manuscript may not be submitted as a new manuscript. If corrections are submitted as a new manuscript, the newest manuscript will be removed from the system and the original Technical Check Failed e-mail will be resent to the author. Every correction listed in the Technical Check Failed e-mail must be addressed. If a manuscript is returned only partially corrected, the manuscript will again be returned to the author. If an author repeatedly returns a manuscript without corrections being made, the manuscript will be removed from the system and flagged.



Authorship It is assumed that a submitted manuscript is the work of the listed authors and represents the effort to generate the manuscript. While outside editorial assistance may be utilized, "ghost written" articles are not accepted for review by the Annals. By submitting a manuscript the authors certify that they have (collectively) personally written at least 90 percent of the manuscript. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted for all article types except Original Article. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. A writer who contributed to the manuscript but who does not meet all 4 authorship criteria listed in the section below (Authorship Requirements) should be listed in the Acknowledgment file. Authorship Requirements In order to be included in the list of authors, an individual must meet all the following requirements approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): (1) made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafted the article or reviewed it critically for important intellectual content; (3) given final approval of the version to be published; and (4) agrees to be accountable for all aspects of the work related to its accuracy or integrity. Acknowledgement All other persons who have made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript (e.g., data collection, analysis, or writing or editing assistance) but who do not fulfill authorship criteria may be named with their specific contributions in an Acknowledgment file. Role of the Corresponding Author The corresponding author will serve on behalf of all coauthors as the primary correspondent with the editorial office during the submission and review process. If the manuscript is accepted, the


corresponding author will receive electronic page proofs from Elsevier, agrees to make only necessary changes and return the corrected page proofs to Elsevier within 48 hours of electronic receipt, even if they have no corrections. In addition, the corresponding author will be listed as the author to contact regarding the manuscript after its publication. Changes to Authorship Any change in authors and/or contributors after initial submission must be discussed and approved in writing by all authors. This applies to additions, deletions, or changes of order to the authors. The Corresponding Author must submit the request to the Annals editorial office at and include written permission from each author authorizing the change. Include the manuscript title and manuscript number (if already assigned) in the e-mail request. Copyright The corresponding author will sign on behalf of all co-authors of the manuscript. After Elsevier receives the accepted manuscript, they will send an e-mail to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript and provide a "Journal Publishing Agreement" link to transfer, assign, or otherwise convey all copyright ownership (print and all forms of digital formats) to the Annals. Open Access In addition to publishing subscription content, Annals publishes Open Access Articles which are free to access and reuse by both subscribers and the general public. During submission, authors can choose to publish Open Access. In this case a fee is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. For more information on Open Access, please visit: Subscription In the case of subscription content, articles are made available to subscribers as well as developing countries and patient groups through Elsevier's access programs. For more information on accessing content, please visit: Regardless of how you choose to publish your article, the Annals will apply the same peer review criteria and acceptance standards.


Duplicate/Previous Publication Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously in print or electronic format (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture) that the manuscript is not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium, and that its publication is approved by all authors. This also applies to manuscripts published in another language. Manuscripts previously published in another language may not be submitted. Ethical Approval of Studies and Informed Consent For all research studies involving animal or human subjects or research material derived from humans, appropriate institutional review board (IRB) review and approval is required and the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the study participants (i.e., oral or written) should be stated in the Methods section of the manuscript. In the event an author wishes to include personal information or images of patients, written consent is required and must be retained by author and provided to the Annals upon request. Studies exempted from IRB approval by their respective boards should be so indicated in the Methods section. If no formal ethics committee is available, authors should indicate in the Methods section that procedures followed were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013 When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. Such review and approval or waiver should also be described in the Methods sections of the manuscript. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the manuscript being returned without review.



Editorial Notification Corresponding authors are sent notifications of the receipt of manuscripts and editorial decisions by e-mail. Authors can check the status of their submitted manuscript via the online manuscript submission and peer review system. Editorial and Peer Review Manuscripts are initially reviewed by the Annals Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication are declined and returned to the authors. Other manuscripts are assigned to an Associate Editor and sent to expert consultants for double-blinded peer review. Revised Manuscripts Manuscripts may be returned to authors with request for revision. As with new submissions, revisions must be electronically submitted through the online manuscript submission and peer review system. Revised manuscripts must:

1) Be received within one month of the date of the decision letter.

2) Include a point-by-point response to all reviewer comments, preceded by "Response:" and indicate where changes were made in the manuscript.

Do not include any author’s name or institutional affiliations in this section, in order to ensure a double-blind review.

3) Text added to the revised manuscript must be in red font, while strikethrough formatting

must be applied to text that is being deleted. This same formatting principle applies to any revised table, figure, or reference revisions.

Do not upload “clean” versions of any file. NOTE: This does not apply to manuscripts that have been returned with a “Revise as a Letter” decision. In this case, submit only clean versions of the manuscript text file and reference file.

The limits (word count, references, tables/figures, and e-Supplement) are still in effect for each article type. For instance, an Original Article being converted to a Letter must conform to all Letter requirements. If a revision exceeds these limits, it will be returned to the author and will


be the authors' responsibility to fully explain why the revision cannot be edited to comply with the limits. Note: A revised manuscript not returned within one month of the date of the decision letter may automatically be rejected. Any further action will require an entire new submission process. Extensions to this deadline will be provided in extenuating circumstances and requires the prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Editing Accepted manuscripts are edited in accordance with the AMA Manual of Style, 10th ed. and returned to the corresponding author for approval. Proofs Corresponding authors will receive electronic versions of the page proofs for their articles from Elsevier. Authors should make only necessary changes and return the corrected page proofs to Elsevier within 48 hours, even if you have no corrections. If return of page proofs are delayed, the manuscript may (at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief) be accepted for publication as is. Accurate proofreading and clear marking of corrections are essential for the production of a quality article. NOTE: Careful proofreading is solely your responsibility. We strongly advise you use the "spell-check" and "grammar-check" functions of your word processor. Errata are generally not published for this oversight unless the error is significant. Funding Body Agreements Elsevier works with institutions and funding bodies to allow authors to comply with their funder's open access policies. Some funding bodies or institutions have a policy on public access to research. Elsevier offers a wide range of publication options for your research to comply with funding policy or institutional mandates. For details about these agreements and arrangements please visit NIH Public Access Policy As a service to our authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript,


which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier's production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the authors’ manuscript public access posting within 12 months of final publication. Reprints For authors, the Reprint Order Form is sent with the electronic manuscript acknowledgment letter. Please complete the form and send the order form and purchase order or prepayment either by mail or fax to ANAI, Elsevier Philadelphia, Journals Production. For the public, e-prints and reprints are available through Elsevier Reprints.


OPEN ARTICLE TYPES The Annals publishes many different types of articles pertaining to topics that relate to the practice of allergy-immunology. The following 3 article types are the only article types open for submission without an invitation:

• Original Article • Letter • Correspondence

Original Articles Original articles must have a structured abstract of 255 words or less with the following headings: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Each heading must be a separate section so that there are 5 separate headings/sections total. Do not make “Objective” or “Conclusion” plural. The abstract must be submitted in the section titled “Submit Abstract.” The abstract may NOT be included in the manuscript text file nor may it be uploaded as a separate file. A maximum of 12 keywords, 60 references, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures are allowed. Text may not exceed 4,000 words and must be organized into the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Any other desired headings must be sub-headings. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Figures, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable


8) Tables, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if applicable

Letters Letters are the primary means for an author to communicate brief clinical or scientific observations to our readership. Letters must be brief and not exceed 1,000 words, have a concise title of no more than 15 words, may NOT contain a salutation, may have 1 figure OR 1 table, and a maximum of 10 references. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. NOTE: Sub-figures and sub-tables are considered separate entities. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Figure, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Table, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief


Correspondences Correspondences are brief opinions about recently published articles in the Annals and other current topics of general interest to our readership. The previously published article must be cited in the current text. Correspondence submissions are reviewed in the Editorial Office and do not undergo outside peer review. Correspondences may or may not have a response. If a response is requested from the referenced article, the Correspondence and reply will be published in the same issue. Correspondences should begin with the salutation "To the Editor" and are limited to 500 words and 10 references. Figures and tables are not allowed for this category. Correspondences discussing a recently published Annals article will generally be considered only if it is received within 2 months of the article's publication date. Exceptions to this policy must have the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Correspondences can be submitted directly to the Annals editorial office at "Correspondence to the Annals" should be included in the subject line of your e-mail. A Word document comprised of the following must be attached to your e-mail:

1) Title of your correspondence.

2) Text to include citation of the previously published article, if applicable.

3) Applicable references.

4) Your full name, abbreviated-highest academic degree, institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.


INVITED ARTICLE TYPES The following article types require approval from the Editor-in-Chief before invitation. Authors who have an idea for one of these manuscript types are encouraged to submit a brief description to the Editor-in-Chief via e-mail ( Only those proposals that are approved by the Editor-in-Chief can be submitted and considered for publication. Exceptions to the guidelines for these features (e.g. word count, references, etc.) must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission and be noted in the Author Comments section during the submission process. Invited articles must be submitted through the invitation link that is sent to the author in an e-mail from the Annals office. After logging in, click the link Main Menu. There will be 4 major sections on this page. Click the link My Accept Invitations under the first section titled Invited Submissions. Hover the cursor over Action Links on the left-hand side of the screen and a list of links will appear. Click the link Submit Invited Manuscript and upload files to their corresponding file types. If an invited article is submitted outside of the invitation link as an open article (Original Article, Letter, or Correspondence), the manuscript will be returned to the author with the above instructions explaining how to correctly submit an invited article. Review Articles Review Articles address a specific question or issue that is relevant for clinical practice and provide an evidence-based, balanced, patient-oriented review on a focused topic, either clinical or basic science. Because of space limitations, the review is not intended to be exhaustive: it should be directed. These articles should focus on current advancements in the field and should be based on the latest "cutting-edge" clinical, translational, or basic science. Review Articles should have a structured abstract of 255 words or less with the following headings: Objective, Data Sources, Study Selections, Results, and Conclusion. Each heading must be a separate section so that there are 5 separate headings/sections total. The abstract must be submitted in the section titled “Submit Abstract.” The abstract may NOT be included in the manuscript text file nor may it be uploaded as a separate file. Review Articles must also include Key Messages that list, in 4-6 bullet points, the most salient lessons of the article. These must be submitted as a single DOC file under the file type “Key Messages.”


A maximum of 12 keywords, 60 references are allowed, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. Any additional author(s) over 5 must state each additional author’s contribution to the generation of the manuscript. Each author must meet all 4 criteria set forth by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. To receive authorship credit, an author must have:

1. made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.

2. drafted the article or reviewed it critically for important intellectual content.3. given final approval of the version to be published.4. agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work related to its accuracy or integrity.

People who have contributed to the manuscript but who do not meet authorship criteria may be recognized in an Acknowledgment file. Text may not exceed 4,000 words and must be organized into the following sections: Introduction, applicable headings for the body of the manuscript, and Conclusion. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Figures, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Tables, if applicable

9) Key Messages

10) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief



On occasion, important topics of general interest to the readership are identified that warrant commentary and discussion by a specific expert. The Editor-in-Chief will invite such an expert to offer his/her perspective on a specific topic.

A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file.

Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors.

Perspectives are limited to 1,000 words and 5 references. These articles do not have an abstract.

Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief

Disease in a Nutshell

Disease in a Nutshell articles are intended to provide the practicing clinician with background information on diagnosis, management, and when indicated, specific therapy for complaints by patients in the office which do not fall within the typical conditions for which allergists most often care. The intent is to provide a succinct evidence-based and up-to-date description that can be readily accessed by the provider in a busy clinical setting.


A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. The Diseases in a Nutshell submission is limited to 2,000 words, 20 references, and 2 tables and/or 2 figures. These articles do not have an abstract. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief MOC-CME Review MOC-CME Review articles offer physicians a process to keep skills and knowledge current in a changing field, where vigilance is key to practicing state-of-the-art specialty medical care. These articles are designed to help fulfill the requirements for CME credit required for the maintenance of certification (MOC) program by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. Any additional author(s) over 5 must state each additional author’s contribution to the generation of the manuscript. Each author must meet all 4 criteria set forth by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. To receive authorship credit, an author must have:


1. made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysisand interpretation of data.

2. drafted the article or reviewed it critically for important intellectual content.3. given final approval of the version to be published.4. agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work related to its accuracy or integrity.

People who have contributed to the manuscript but who do not meet authorship criteria may be recognized in an Acknowledgment file.

Text may not exceed 2,000 words and must be organized into the following sections: • Clinical Vignette (case presentation, up to 750 words)• Introduction (a brief description of the pathophysiology fundamentals to the case, a

clinical context of the case in terms of its uniqueness for the literature)• Conclusion (relevance to the practicing clinician including the principles of the case that

would impact provider practice behavior).

A maximum of 12 keywords, 20 references are allowed, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures.

MOC-CME Review articles must also include Key Messages that list, in 4-6 bullet points, the most salient lessons of the article. These must be submitted as a single DOC file under the file type “Key Messages.”

Article must include 2 "behaviorally" written learning objectives, a minimum of 5 multiple-part questions (with 5 answers each) related to the material must be included along with a rationale, and a maximum of 3 references for each question.

This document must be formatted exactly as follows and uploaded as a separate submission under the file type “CME Learning Objectives, Questions & Rationale.” This file must be in DOC format and may not be submitted in any other file format.

Example of CME Learning Objectives, Questions & Rationale: See example at

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:

• Describe the presentation of paradoxical vocal fold motion (PVFM).• Discuss the diagnostic tests that are best used to evaluate a patient with suspected

paradoxical vocal fold motion (PVFM).

Q1. Which of the following is true about paradoxical vocal fold motion (PVFM)?

A. Response to rescue bronchodilator use

B. Continuous symptoms


C. Obstructive ventilatory impairment on spirometry during acute episodes

D. Can be triggered by specific irritants

E. Hypoxia with acute episodes

Q1 ANS: D. Can be triggered by specific irritants

Rationale: Paradoxical vocal fold motion (PVFM) presents with symptoms that are often indistinguishable from asthma. Patients with PVFM without asthma typically have symptoms which occur on an intermittent basis, do not report response to asthma therapy including bronchodilator use, have spirometry evaluation without obstructive ventilatory impairment and are without hypoxia. Intrinsic irritants such as laryngopharyngeal reflux, postnasal drip or extrinsic irritants such as chemical exposure can trigger PVFM symptoms.

References: 1. Morris MJ, Christopher KL. Diagnostic criteria for the classification of vocal cord dysfunction. Chest. 2010;138:1213–1223. 2. Forrest LA, Husein T, Husein O. Paradoxical vocal cord motion: classification and treatment. Laryngoscope. 2012;122:844–853.

Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) Key Messages

10) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief

11) CME Learning Objectives, Questions, Rationale, and References


Mechanisms of Disease for the Clinician Mechanisms of Disease for the Clinician articles are intended to update the readers with specific mechanism-based knowledge that is the basis for understanding the pathophysiology of a specific immune-based disease and/or a basis for understanding the effectiveness of a specific therapy. These manuscripts should provide a brief overview of the current state of clinical knowledge, and then follow with a more in-depth discussion of the current understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that are thought to contribute to the disease and/or the basis for a specific therapy. Mechanisms of Disease for the Clinician articles must have a structured abstract of 255 words or less with the following headings: Objective, Data Sources, Study Selections, Results, and Conclusion. The abstract must be submitted in the section titled “Submit Abstract.” The abstract may NOT be included in the manuscript text file nor may it be uploaded as a separate file. Articles are limited to 3,000 words, 60 references, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable


7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief Editorials Editorials are typically solicited to accompany certain Special Articles, CME Review Articles, and Original Articles that are published in the Annals. Figures and tables are not permitted for this category. Guest Editorials are reviewed in the Editorial Office and do not undergo outside peer review. Text may not exceed 1,000 words, and a total of 10 references may be submitted. Guest Editorials should reference the previously published article in the Annals. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. CME Review Articles CME Review articles are offered as part of a Continuing Medical Education endeavor and are intended to be directed rather than exhaustive reviews of a specific clinical topic. The intent is to synthesize an overview of that topic with reference to the most current literature to allow the reader to better understand the ultimate goal of changing practice behavior. Text may not exceed 4,000 words and must be organized into the following sections: Introduction and Conclusion. A maximum of 12 keywords, 60 references, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures are allowed. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. Any additional author(s) over 5 must state each additional author’s contribution to the generation of the manuscript. Each author must meet all 4 criteria set forth by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. To receive authorship credit, an author must have:


1. made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.

2. drafted the article or reviewed it critically for important intellectual content.3. given final approval of the version to be published.4. agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work related to its accuracy or integrity.

People who have contributed to the manuscript but who do not meet authorship criteria may be recognized in an Acknowledgment file. CME Review articles must also include Key Messages that list, in 4-6 bullet points, the most salient lessons of the article. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) Key Messages

10) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief

11) CME Learning Objectives, Questions, Rationale, and References Clinical Pearls Clinical Pearls focus on an unusual or unique physical finding, a diagnostic dilemma, or an unexpected clinical outcome. These are NOT classic case reports, but rather a specific, point-by-point communication that should provoke further clinical thought by the reader.


Clinical Pearls are limited to a maximum of 1,000 words, 10 references, and 2 tables and/or figures. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Text must be organized into the following sections: Clinical Presentation (maximum 300 words), supporting data sub-headings, and Clinical Outcome. Supporting Data and Clinical Outcome subheadings may not exceed 700 words combined. These articles do not have an abstract and are not permitted one. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief Challenging Clinical Cases Challenging Clinical Cases consider the step-by-step process of clinical decision-making. Cases are presented in stages (in boldface type) to simulate the typical way such information emerges


in clinical practice. The author responds (in regular type) as new information is presented, sharing his/her reasoning with the reader. Challenging Clinical Cases are limited to 2,500 words, 20 references, and 2 tables and/or figures. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Each submission must be comprised of the following items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief Book Reviews Short reviews of recently published books of central interest to our readers are published only by invitation from the Editor-in-Chief. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file.


Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Two complimentary copies should be sent to the Annals Editorial Office located at University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 North State Street, N416, Jackson, MS 39216. One book is maintained in the editorial office library, while the other is mailed to the Reviewer. Text may not exceed 250 words and must include the title of the book, the author, publisher and address, edition and year of publication, availability in hard or soft copy, the number of pages, the price, and ISBN #. Book Reviews can be submitted directly to the Annals editorial office at "Book Review for Annals" must be included in the subject line of your e-mail. A Word document comprised of the following should be attached to your e-mail:

1) Text of your review, which includes the title of the book, the author, publisher and address, edition and year of publication, availability in hard or soft copy, the number of pages, the price and ISBN #.

2) Your full name, abbreviated-highest academic degree, institutional affiliation, mailing

address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. Basic Science for the Clinician Basic Science for the Clinician reviews focus on a novel basic science research finding or technique. These reviews should be concentrated on providing practicing clinicians an appropriate background on the science involved, followed by an explanation of the findings/techniques, and how these findings/techniques may ultimately lead to changes in the clinic. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Basic Science for the Clinician reviews must have a structured abstract of no more than 255 words with the following headings: Objective, Data Sources, Study Selections, Results, and Conclusion.


Basic Science for the Clinician reviews are limited to 3,000 words, 60 references, and a combined total of 8 tables and/or figures. Each submission must be comprised of the following submission items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page

3) Manuscript

4) Acknowledgments, if applicable

5) References

6) Tables, if applicable

7) Figure legend, if applicable

8) Figures, if applicable

9) e-Supplement, if prior approval is received from the Editor-in-Chief Commentary A commentary is a brief response to a correspondence written about an author’s recently published article. Commentaries are limited to 400 words and a maximum of 8 references. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors. Neither tables nor figures are permitted. Each submission must be comprised of the following submission items:

1) Cover letter

2) Title page


3) Manuscript

4) References

Special Articles The specific requirements for an invited Special Article will be outlined in the invitation e-mail sent to the author by the editorial office. Please refer to this email for specifics regarding text count limit, reference limit, any potential manuscript headings, and table/figure count. If you have any further questions concerning the format or limitations of the Special Article you have been invited to submit, please contact the editorial office at for further clarification. A maximum of 5 authors is permitted. If more than 5 authors are listed, express permission MUST be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. State this permission is the Author Comments section and the Cover Letter file. Any manuscript with more than 5 authors will be returned to the corresponding author, and it will be the corresponding author’s duty to reduce the number of authors.

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