institute of social sciences - institute of social sciences is a critical...

Post on 03-Jun-2020






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The Institute of Social Sciences is a critical component of postgraduate education atMimar Sinan Fine Arts University. It was established in 1982 with a primary goal ofassisting postgraduate and research programmes to attain the highest internationalstandards in social sciences.

The Institute includes all the departments of Faculty of Fine Arts and StateConservatory as well as the departments of Faculty of Sciences and Letters otherthan Science. At present, it facilitates and coordinates postgraduate education andresearch activities in 28 postgraduate programmes administered by 16 departments.

One of the key roles of the Institute is to collaborate with other national andinternational universities. The Institute responds to the needs of qualified academicpersonnel of other Turkish universities by reserving spaces for their staff in itspostgraduate programmes. The Institute also supports and encourages the studentand staff exchange between its postgraduate programs and those of Europeanuniversities through the Erasmus programme.

This catalogue will introduce the Institute’s departments, postgraduate programmesand their academic staff. By taking this opportunity we wish to thank Assoc. Prof.Leyla Ersin Ekmekçiler for her contribution to the preparation of the catalogue.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet TAfiA⁄ILMSGSÜ Director of Institute of Social Sciences

Director of Institute:Prof. Dr. Ahmet TAfiA⁄IL

Assistant Director:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih

OFLUO⁄LUAssistant Director:

Assoc. Prof. Leyla ERS‹NEKMEKC‹LER

Executive Secretary: fiahsineGÜNDEM

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 - 246Faks : (0212) 244 03 97

Address:Meclis-i Mebusan Cad.34427 F›nd›kl›-‹stanbul

Institute of Social Scences at MimarSinan Fine Arts University wasestablished in 1982. The Instituteincludes all the departments ofFaculty of Fine Arts and StateConservatory as well as thedepartments of Faculty of Sciencesand Letters other than Science. Atpresent, the Institue facilitates andcoordinates postgraduate educationand research activities in 32postgraduate programmes conductedby 17 departments.




































































Division Head:Prof. Dr. Zeynep ‹NANKUR

Phone : (0212) 236 69 36 / 124,125, 126, 139, 143, 175

Department of Art History has twograduate programs: “Turkish andIslamic Arts” and “Western andContemporary Art”. In the Master ofArts and Doctor of Philosophyprogram of “Turkish and IslamicArts” division topics such asarchitecture, decorative arts, minorarts, iconography are exploredcovering periods from pre-IslamicTurkish Art to the end of the OttomanEra. In the M.A and Ph.D program of“Western and Contemporary Art”division the main topics are, westernart, contemporary art and Turkish artfrom the late Ottoman Period to thepresent day.



Programme Head:Prof. Dr. Banu MAH‹R

Prof. Dr. Gönül CANTAYBA: Istanbul University 1967 ; Ph.D.:Istanbul University 1975.

Prof. Dr. Zeki SÖNMEZBA: Istanbul University 1971 ; Ph.D.:Istanbul University 1980.

Prof. Dr. Banu MAH‹RBA: Istanbul University 1980; Ph.D.:Istanbul University 1984.

Prof. Dr. Yaflar ÇORUHLUBA: Istanbul University 1985, Master



Degree: Mimar Sinan University 1988;Ph.D.: Mimar Sinan University, 1992.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuri SEÇG‹NBA: Mimar Sinan University 1990;Master Degree: Mimar SinanUniversity 1993; Ph.D.: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1998.

Asst. Prof. Dr. fiükrü SÖNMEZERBA: Mimar Sinan University 1993;Master Degree: Istanbul TechnicalUniversity1996; Ph.D.: ‹stanbul TechnicalUniversity 2003.



Programme Head:Prof. Dr. Zeynep ‹NANKUR

Prof. Dr. Semra GERMANERBA: Istanbul State Academy of FineArts, 1967; Master Degree:Universite’de Paris I Sorbonne, Institutd’Art et d’Archéologie, 1973; Ph.D:‹stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 1979.

Prof. Dr. Zeynep ‹NANKUR BA: Istanbul University, 1974; Ph.D:Istanbul University, 1983.

Doç. Dr. Gülgün KÖRO⁄LUBA : Istanbul University, 1986; MasterDegree: Mimar Sinan University,1989; Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University,1995.

Doç. Dr. Aykut GÜRÇA⁄LARBA : Istanbul University, 1987; MasterDegree : Istanbul Technical University,1991; Ph.D : Istanbul TechnicalUniversity, 1996.

Doç. Dr. Nilüfer ÖND‹NBA: Mimar Sinan University, 1997;Master Degree: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1999; Ph.D.: Mimar SinanUniversity, 2002.

Doç. Dr. Funda BERKSOYLisans: ‹stanbul Üniversitesi, 1985;Yüksek Lisans: Bo¤aziçiÜniversitesi,1988; Doktora: MimarSinan Üniversitesi 1993.

Yard. Doç. Dr. Sinan GÜLERBA: Mimar Sinan University, 1984,Master Degree: Bo¤aziçi University,1987; Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University,1994.




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5101.0 Seminar 5 Elective Courses 25


2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5201.0 Seminar 5 Elective Courses 25


3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30


4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Submission 30

TOTAL 30General Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Course for Seminar; 120 ECTS


1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5120.0 Turkish Decorative Arts & Their Compositions 4 1002.1.5122.0 Styles & Techniques in Turkish Islamic Minor Arts 4 10 02.1.5123.0 Stylistic Researchs on Anatolian Seldjuk Architecture 4 1002.1.5124.0 Anatolian Turkish Urbanisation 4 502.1.5125.0 The City & Architecture Culture in Istanbul 4 1002.1.5126.0 Kurgans in Pre-Islamic Turkish Art 4 1002.1.5127.0 Turkish Residential Architecture 4 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5220.0 Restoration & Conservation Problems of Turkish Decorative Arts 4 1002.1.5221.0 Symbols in Turkish Art 4 1002.1.5222.0 Styles & Techniques in Turkish Islamic Minor Arts 4 1002.1.5223.0 Historical Development of Ottoman Architecture 4 1002.1.5224.0 Anatolian Turkish Urbanisation 4 502.1.5225.0 The City & Architecture Culture in ‹stanbul 4 1002.1.5226.0 The Architecture of Ottoman Palaces 4 5





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Elective Courses 30


2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Elective Courses 30


3. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 304. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30


6. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30 7. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.6120.0 Conservation and Restoration in Art History 4 1002.1.6121.0 Iconography In Turkish Art 4 1002.01.6122.0 Styles and Technics in Turkish Art of Books 4 1002.1.6123.0 The Organization of Building Activities ofAnatolian Seldjuk Architecture 4 1002.1.6124.0 Turkish-Italian Relationships in Politics,Art and Architecture During the Medieval Ages 4 10

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.6220.0 Conservation & Restoration in Art History 4 1002.01.6222.0 Styles & Technics in the Turkish Art of the Book 4 1002.01. 6223.0 The Organisation of Building Activities ofOttoman Architecture 4 1002.01.6224.0 Turkish Painting in Central and Inner Asia 4 1002.1.6225.0 Turkish-Italian Relationships in Politics, Art & Architecture During the Medieval Ages 4 10



02.01.5101.0 SEMINAR2hrs/week, T 2, 0 CreditObjective / Contents: Researchmethods are examinedAssesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:MÜLAY‹M, Selçuk, Sanat TarihindeMetod, Anadolu Sanat Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul 1983Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. NuriSEÇG‹N

02.01. 5120.0 TURKISH DECORATIVEARTS and THEIR COMPOSITIONS4hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Turkishdecorative arts, their compositions,materials and their stylisticdevelopment are examined.Assesment Methods: EssayAssesment+ExaminationRecommended Readings:CANTAY, Gönül, Osmanl›Külliyelerinin Kuruluflu, Ankara 2002 CANTAY, Gönül, Anadolu Selçuklu veOsmanl› Darüflflifas›, Ankara 1992Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GönülCANTAY

02.01. 5122.0 STYLES ANDTECHN›QUES IN TURKISH ISLAMICMINOR ARTS 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Styles andtechniques in Turkish Islamic MinorArts (Metals, Ceramics, Tiles,Weavings and Textiles, Glass,Woodwork, etc.) are the main topics.

Assesment Methods: EssayAssesment/ ExaminationRecommended Readings:‹NANCIK, Halil - RENDA, Günsel(eds.), Osmanl› Uygarl›¤›, Kültür veTurizm Bakanl›¤›, Ankara, 2005.PEKER, A, U.- OCAK, A.Y.- B‹L‹C‹,K., Anadolu Selçuklular› ve BeyliklerDönemi Uygarl›¤›, 1, Ankara, 2006.DEM‹R‹Z, Y›ld›z, Osmanl› KitapSanat›nda Naturalist Üslupta Çiçekler,‹stanbul, 1986.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. BanuMAH‹R

02.01. 5123.0 STYLISTIC RESEARCHSON ANATOLIAN SELDJUKARCHITECTURE 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Types and planschemes of buildings and decorativefeatures of Anatolian Seldjukarchitecture are discussed. Assesment Methods: EssayAssesment/ExaminationRecommended Readings:SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Bafllang›c›ndan16.Yüzy›la Kadar Anadolu Türk ‹slamMimarisinde Sanatç›lar, Ankara 1989.ASLANAPA, Oktay, Anadoluda ‹lkTürk Mimarisi, Ankara 199.ÖGEL, Semra, Anadolu’nun SelçukluÇehresi, ‹stanbul 1994.ASLANAPA, Oktay, Türk Sanat›,‹stanbul 2003.KUBAN, Do¤an, Selçuklu Ça¤›ndaAnadolu Sanat›, ‹stanbul 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.01. 5124.0 ANATOLIAN TURKISHURBANISATION 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5



Objective / Contents: A survey ofTurkish cities in Anatolia and theTurkish influence on Anatolianurbanization. Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:CAN, Y›lmaz, ‹slam fiehirlerinin FizikiYap›s›, Ankara 1995SERJEAN,R.B.,‹slam fiehri,(çev.ElifTopçugil), ‹stanbul,1992CEZAR, Mustafa, Anadolu ÖncesiTürklerde fiehir ve Mimarl›k,‹stanbul,1977KUBAN, Do¤an, “Anadolu Türk fiehriTarihi Geliflmesi, Sosyal ve FizikiÖzelikleri Baz› Geliflmeler”, Vak›flarDergisi,”VII,”Ankara,1968.BARKAN,Ömer, Lütfi, fiehirlerinTeflekkül ve ‹nkiflaf TarihiBak›m›ndan Osmanl›‹mparatorlu¤unda ‹maret SitelerininKuruluflu ve ‹flleyifl Tarz›na AitAraflt›rmalar, ‹ktisat FakültesiMecmuas›,XXIII/1-2,‹stanbul,1962-1963Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr.NuriSEÇG‹N

02.01. 5125.0 THE CITY ANDARCHITECTURE CULTURE INISTANBUL4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits 4, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The Structure ofIstanbul from pre-Byzantine period towesternization period and thereflection of styles of historical eras toarchitecture are the topics of the firstpart of this course. In addition to theexploration of the routes, publicsquares, harbours of Istanbul,earthquakes and big fires in the city’shistory and the alteration of Istanbul’s

architecture are the subjects of thesecond part of this course.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, Oktay, Osmanl› DevriMimarisi, ‹stanbul, 1986.AYVERD‹, E.Hakk›, ‹stanbulMahalleleri, fiehrin ‹skân› ve Nüfusu,Ankara, 1958.EY‹CE, Semavi, Son Devir BizansMimarisi, ‹stanbul, 1963.KUBAN, Do¤an, ‹stanbul Bir KentTarihi, ‹stanbul, 2000.MULLER – WIENER, W., ‹stanbulTarihi Topografyas›, ‹stanbul, 2000.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr.ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.01.5126.0 KURGANS IN PRE-ISLAMIC TURKISH ART 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents:Geographical areas where the Turkslived; researches and publicationsrelated to the subject; The death-cultsand funeral traditions among theTurks;The meaning of the word“Kurgan”; plan schemes andarchitectural pecularities of Kurgans;Kurgans of the Proto-Turks, Huns,Kokturks and several Turkish States;the Contribution of the KurganArchitecture to the Turkish FuneralMonuments are discussed.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ÇORUHLU, Yaflar, Erken Devir TürkSanat›, Kabalc› Yay., ‹stanbul, 2007.HUDYAKOV, Yu. S. , DrevniyeTuyurki Na Yenisee, Novosibirsk,2004.DOS‹MBAYEVA, A., Merke Jetisu



Türkilerinin Kiyeli Jeri (MerkeSakralnaya Zemliya Tyurkov Jetisu-Merke Sacred Space of the ZhetisuTurks), Taraz, 2002.JETTMAR, K., Art of the Steppes,London, 1967.RUDENKO, S. I., Frozen Tombs ofSiberia, The Pazyryk Burials of IronAge Horsemen (trans. M. W.Thompson), London, 1970.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. YaflarÇORUHLU

02.01.5127.0 TURKISH RESIDENTIALARCHITECTURE 24hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The evolution ofTurkish Housing (Residence)Architecture will be the subject of thiscourse. Beginning from the definitonof “house” or “residence”, thehistorical development of thetraditional Turkish house from tentsto buildings will be discussed. Themost important examples of Turkishhouses in Anatolia and in otherregions will be treated according toseveral periods. Their spaceorganizations, facades and plans(schemes) as well as their functionalarchitectural elements like windows,walls and doors will also be taken inconsideration. Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ARÛ, A. Kemal; Türk Kenti, YEMYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 1998.CANSEVER, Turgut; ‹slâm’da fiehirve Mimari, Timafl Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul2006.ÇEL‹K, Zeynep; De¤iflen ‹stanbul,Tarih Vakf› Yurt Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul1996.GEN‹M, M. Sinan; “Sinan’›n Sivil

Yap›lar›”, Mimarbafl› Koca SinanYaflad›¤› Ça¤ ve Eserleri, T.C.Baflbakanl›k Vak›flar GenelMüdürlü¤ü, ‹stanbul 1986.GÜNAY, Reha; Türk Ev gelene¤i veSafranbolu Evleri, YEM Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul 1998.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. fiükrüSÖNMEZER


02.01.5201.0 SEMINAR2hrs/week, T 2, 0 CreditObjective / Contents: Researchmethods are examinedAssesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:MÜLAY‹M, Selçuk, Sanat TarihindeMetod, Anadolu Sanat Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul 1983Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. NuriSEÇG‹N

02.01. 5220.0 RESTORATION ANDCONSERVATIONS OF TURKISHDECORATIVE ARTS 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The restorationand conservation problems of Turkishdecorative arts are discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings: CANTAY, Gönül, Koruma Kurullar›Müze ‹liflkisi I, 4. Müzecilik Semineri,(16-18 Eylül 1998, ‹stanbul)CANTAY, Gönül, Müzecili¤imiz veE¤itimi, 1. Müzecilik SempozyumuBildirileri, ‹stanbul 1994Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GönülCANTAY



02.01. 5221.0 SYMBOLS IN TURKISHART 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The religiousand secular symbols in Turkish artbetween the pre-Islamic period andthe end of Ottoman period will beexamined.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ÇORUHLU, Yaflar, Türk Sanat›ndaHayvan Sembolizmi, Seyran Kit,‹stanbul, 1995.COOPER, J.C., An IllustratedEncylopedia of Traditional Symbols,London, 1992.DANESHWARI, A., AnimalSymbolism in Warqa va Gulshah,Oxford, 1986.KILIÇ, S., Kur’an Sembolizmi(Renklerin ve fiekillerin Dünyas›,Ankara, 1991.WHITTICK, A., Symbols Signs andTheir Meaning, London, 1960.ÖGEL, S., Anadolu Selçuklu Sanat›Üzerine Görüfller, ‹stanbul, 1986.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.YaflarÇORUHLU

02.01. 5222.0 STYLES ANDTECHN›QUES IN TURKISH ISLAMICMINOR ARTS 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Styles andtechniques in Turkish Islamic MinorArts (Metals, Ceramics, Tiles,Weavings and Textiles, Glass,Woodwork, etc.) are discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ERG‹NSOY, Ülker, ‹slam Maden

Sanat›n›n Geliflmesi, ‹stanbul, 1978.ATASOY, N.- RABY, J., ‹znikSeramikleri, Londra, 1989.ASLANAPA, Oktay, Türk Sanat›,‹stanbul, 1984.ÖNEY, Gönül, Türk Çini Sanat›,‹stanbul, 1976.ARIK, Rüçhan, Kubad Abad, ‹stanbul,2000. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. BanuMAH‹R

02.01. 5223.0 HISTORICALDEVELOPMENT OF OTTOMANARCHITECTURE4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Beginning fromthe 14th century until the end of 16thcentury the types of buildings and theplan schemes of Ottoman architectureare examined.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay Assesment Recommended Readings:SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Bafllang›c›ndan16.Yüzy›la Kadar Anadolu Türk ‹slamMimarisinde Sanatç›lar, Ankara,1989.ASLANAPA, Oktay, Anadoluda ‹lkTürk Mimarisi, Ankara, 1999.ÖGEL, Semra, Anadolu’nun SelçukluÇehresi, ‹stanbul, 1994.ASLANAPA, Oktay, Türk Sanat›,‹stanbul, 2003.KUBAN, Do¤an, Selçuklu Ça¤›ndaAnadolu Sanat›, ‹stanbul, 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.01. 5224.0 ANATOLIAN TURKISHURBANISATION 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: A survey of



Turkish cities in Anatolia and theTurkish influence on the Anatolianurbanization. Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:CAN, Y›lmaz, ‹slam fiehirlerinin FizikiYap›s›, Ankara, 1995.SERJEAN,R.B.,‹slam fiehri,(çev.ElifTopçugil), ‹stanbul,1992CEZAR, Mustafa, Anadolu ÖncesiTürklerde fiehir ve Mimarl›k,‹stanbul,1977.KUBAN, Do¤an, Anadolu Türk fiehriTarihi Geliflmesi, Sosyal ve FizikiÖzelikleri Baz› Geliflmeler, Vak›flarDergisi,VII,Ankara,1968BARKAN,Ömer, Lütfi, fiehirlerinTeflekkül ve ‹nkiflaf TarihiBak›m›ndan Osmanl›‹mparatorlu¤unda ‹maret SitelerininKuruluflu ve ‹flleyifl Tarz›na AitAraflt›rmalar, ‹ktisat FakültesiMecmuas›,XXIII/1-2, ‹stanbul,1962-1963.Teaching Staff:Asst. Prof. Dr. NuriSEÇG‹N

02.01. 5225.0 THE CITY ANDARCHITECTURE CULTURE INISTANBUL4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The structure ofIstanbul from pre-Byzantine preiod towesternization period and thereflection of styles of historical eras toarchitecture are subjects of the firstpart of this course. In addition toexamine the routes, public squares,harbours of Istanbul, earthquakes andbig fires in city history and thealteration of Istanbul’s architecture arethe subjects of the second part ofcourse.

Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, Oktay, Osmanl› DevriMimarisi, ‹stanbul, 1975.AREL, Ayda, Onsekizinci Yüzy›l‹stanbul Mimarisinde Bat›laflma,‹stanbul, 1975.MULLER- WIENER, W.,‹stanbul’unTarihi Topografyas›, ‹stanbul, 2000. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.1.5226.0 THE ARCHITECTURE OFOTTOMAN PALACES 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This coursedeals with the architecturaldevelopment of the Ottoman Palacesdating to 15th to 19th centuries.Chronologically the styles of theirarchitecture and plan schemes willalso be discussed.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:AREL, Ayda, Onsekizinci Yüzy›l‹stanbul Mimarisinde Bat›l›laflmaSüreci, ‹.T.Ü. Mimarl›k FakültesiBask› Atölyesi, ‹stanbul, 1975.ARSEVEN, Celâl Esad, Eski ‹stanbul(Abidât ve Mebânisi), Çelik GülersoyVakf› ‹stanbul Kütüphanesi Yay›nlar›,fiefik Matbaa, ‹stanbul 1989.B‹NGÖL, Yüksel, ‹shak Pafla Saray›,Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› Kültür Yay›nlar›,Sanat Dizisi: 61, Ajans Türk Bas›n veBas›m, ‹stanbul, 1998. ÇA⁄MAN,Filiz, Tezcan, Hülya v.d.; Topkap›Saray›, Akbank Kültür ve SanatKitaplar›: 68, ‹stanbul, 2000.KUBAN, Do¤an, Bir Kent Tarihi‹stanbul, Tarih Vakf› Yay›nlar›,



‹stanbul, 1996. ORTAYLI, ‹lber,Osmanl›’y› Yeniden Keflfetmek, TimaflYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 2006.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. fiükrüSönmezer



02.01. 6120.0 CONSERVATION ANDRESTORATION IN ART HISTORY 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Stressing thesignificance of conservation andrestoration in art history, their rules,decisions and practical examples arediscussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:CANTAY, Gönül, Koruma Kurullar›Müze ‹liflkisi I, 4. Müzecilik Semineri,(16-18 Eylül 1998, ‹stanbul)CANTAY, Gönül, Müzecili¤imiz veE¤itimi, 1. Müzecilik SempozyumuBildirileri, ‹stanbul 1994Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr.GönülCANTAY

02.01. 6121.0 ICONOGRAPHY INTURKISH ART 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The iconographyin Turkish Arts and crafts(architecture, ornaments, the figuresof human or animals, the signs andsymbols etc. ) are discussed andexamined.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay Assesment

Recommended Readings:Sanat Tarihinde ‹konografikAraflt›rmalar Güner Anal’a Arma¤an,Ankara, 1993.PANOFSKY, Erwin, ‹konografi ve‹konoloji, Rönesans Sanat›n›n‹ncelenmesine Girifl, (Çev.EnginAkyürek), Afa Yay., ‹stanbul, 1995.ES‹N, Emel, Orta Asya’dan Osmanl›yaTürk Sanat›nda ‹konografik Motifler,Kabalc› Yay., ‹stanbul 2004.HARTNER, W., “ThePseudoplanetary Nodes of the Moon’sarbit in Hinch and IslamicIconographies”, Ars Islam›ca, C.V.,Michigan, 1938.MÜLAY‹M, S., De¤iflim Tan›klar›-Ortaça¤ Türk Sanat›nda Süsleme ve‹konografi, ‹stanbul, 1999.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr.YaflarÇORUHLU

02.01. 6122.0 STYLES ANDTECHNIQUES IN THE TURKISH ARTSOF THE BOOK4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Styles andtechniques in the Turkish Arts of theBook (calligraphy, illumination,miniature painting, binding) aretaught and discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:TANINDI, Zeren, “Osmanl› Sanat›ndaCilt”, Osmanl›,11, Yeni TürkiyeYay›nlar›, Ankara, 1999.TANINDI, Zeren, “Türk Cilt Sanat›”,Bafllang›c›ndan Bugüne Türk Sanat›,Ankara, 1993.DERMAN, M. U¤ur, Türk Sanat›ndaEbrû, ‹stanbul, 1977.



MAH‹R, Banu, Osmanl› MinyatürSanat›, ‹stanbul, 2005.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. BanuMAH‹R

02.01. 6123.0 THE ORGANIZATIONOF BUILDING ACTIVITIES OFANATOLIAN SELDJUKARCHITECTURE 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Evaluating thehistorical documents as inscriptions,endownments and monograms of stonecarvers, the Anatolian Seldjukid Styleof 13th century is discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, Oktay, Osmanl› DevriMimarisi, ‹stanbul, 1986.ALTINAY, A.Refik, Türk Mimarlar›(ed. by Z.Sönmez), ‹stanbul, 1977.AYVANSARAY‹, Hüseyin Od,Hadikat’ül-Cevami (ed.byN.Galitekin), ‹stanbul, 2001.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Mimar Sinan ‹le ‹lgiliTarihi Yazmalar Belgeler, ‹stanbul,1988.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Bafllang›c›ndanXVI.Yüzy›la Kadar AnadoluTürk-‹slam Mimarisinde Sanatç›lar, Ankara,1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.01.6124.0 TURKISH-ITALIANRELATIONSHIPS IN POLITICS, ARTAND ARCHITECTURE DURING THEMEDIEVAL AGES 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: Italians whowere unrivalled in the international

naval trade from the Byzantine periodonwards, also engaged in commercewith Anatolian Seldjuks. This coursedeals with the formation of art inAnatolia during the Medieval Ages,beginning with the trade agreementmade in 1206 between the Seldjuksand Venetians.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, Oktay, Türk Hal›Sanat›n›n Bin Y›l›, ‹stanbul, 1987.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Türk-‹talyan Siyasetve Sanat ‹liflkileri, ‹stanbul, 2006. SÖNMEZ, Zeki, “Türk Sanat›nda‹talyan Ressamlar ve Etkileri”,Aslanapa Arma¤an›, ‹stanbul 1996,pp. 239-252.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, “Son Dönem Osmanl›Mimarl›¤›nda Yabanc› Sanatç› Sorunuve ‹talyan As›ll› Sanatç›lar”, CelalEsad Arseven An›s›na Sanat TarihiSemineri, ‹stanbul 2000, p. 309Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ


02.01. 6220.0 CONSERVATION ANDRESTORATION IN ART HISTORY4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Stressing thesignificance of conservation andrestoration in art history, their rules,decisions and practical examples arediscussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/

Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:CANTAY, Gönül, Koruma Kurullar›Müze ‹liflkisi I, 4. Müzecilik Semineri,(16-18 Eylül 1998, ‹stanbul)



CANTAY, Gönül, Müzecili¤imiz veE¤itimi, 1. Müzecilik SempozyumuBildirileri, ‹stanbul 1994Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr.GönülCANTAY

02.01. 6222.0 STYLES ANDTECHNIQUES IN THE TURKISH ARTSOF THE BOOK 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Styles andTechniques in the Turkish Arts of theBook (calligraphy, illumination,miniature painting, binding) aretaught and discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:TANINDI, Zeren, “Osmanl› Sanat›ndaTezhip”, Osmanl›, Cilt 11, YeniTürkiye Yay›nlar›, Ankara, 1999TANINDI, Zeren, “Türk TezhipSanat›” Bafllang›c›ndan Bugüne TürkSanat›, Ankara, 1993.ALPARSLAN, Ali, Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul, 1999.MAH‹R, Banu, Osmanl› MinyatürSanat›, ‹stanbul, 2005.BA⁄CI, Serpil (ed. by), Osmanl›Resim Sanat›, ‹stanbul, 2006.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. BanuMAH‹R

02.01. 6223.0 THE ORGANIZATIONOF BUILDING ACTIVITIES OFOTTOMAN ARCHITECTURE4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Evaluating thehistorical documents as inscriptions,endownments and monograms of stonecarvers, the Ottoman architecture isdiscussed.

Assesment Methods : Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, Oktay, Osmanl› DevriMimarisi, ‹stanbu, 1986.ALTINAY, A.Refik, Türk Mimarlar›( Z.Sönmez), ‹stanbul, 1977.AYVANSARAY‹, Hüseyin ,Hadikat’ül-Cevami (ed. byN.Galitekin), ‹stanbul, 2001.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Mimar Sinan ‹le ‹lgiliTarihi Yazmalar Belgeler, ‹stanbul,1988.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Bafllang›c›ndanXVI.Yüzy›la Kadar AnadoluTürk-‹slam Mimarisinde Sanatç›lar, Ankara,1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ

02.01.6224.0 TURKISH PAINTING INCENTRAL AND INNER ASIA 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents:The geographical areas where theTurkish painting (petroglifs; wallpaintings and miniatures) occursduring the Proto-Turk, Hun, Kokturkand U›gur periods are discussed.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ANONYMOUS, Along The AncientSilk Routes Central Asian Art from theWest Berlin State Museums, NewYork, 1982.BUSSAGLI, M., Central AsianPainting from Afghanistan toSinkiang, Geneva, 1979.ES‹N, E., “Türk Budist ResimSanat›n›n Tarihçesi”, I. Milletleraras›Türkoloji Kongresi, (‹stanbul 15-20Ekim 1973) Tebli¤ler 3, Türk Sanat›



Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1979, pp. 696-758.ES‹N, E., “Burkan ve Mani DinleriÇevresinde Türk Sanat› ( Do¤uTürkistan ve Kansu’ da )”, TürkKültürü El Kitab›, ‹slamiyetten ÖncekiTürk Sanat› Hakk›nda Araflt›rmalar,C. II, K›s. 1 a, ‹stanbul 1972, pp. 311-416.ÇORUHLU, Yaflar, Erken Devir TürkSanat›, Kabalc› Yay., ‹stanbul, 2007.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. YaflarÇORUHLU

02.01.6225.0 TURKISH-ITALIANRELATIONSHIPS IN POLITICS, ARTAND ARCHITECTURE DURING THEOTTOMAN AND TURKISH REPUBLICERAS 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: Italians who hada strong diplomatic tradition andcommercial talent, continued toengaged trade also during theOttoman period. This course dealswith the Ottoman – Italianrelationships in art and politics,beginning from Mehmed theConqueror period until the end of the18th century. Further the painters andarchitects who played an importantrole in the formation of art during theTurkish Republic Era will also betreated with their Works andidentities. Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:GERMANER, Semra-Zeynep‹NANKUR, Oryantalistlerin ‹stanbulu,‹stanbul, 2002.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, Türk-‹talyan Siyasetve Sanat ‹liflkileri, ‹stanbul, 2006.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, “Türk Sanat›nda

‹talyan Ressamlar ve Etkileri”,Aslanapa Arma¤an›, ‹stanbul 1996,pp. 239-252.SÖNMEZ, Zeki, “Son Dönem Osmanl›Mimarl›¤›nda Yabanc› Sanatç› Sorunuve ‹talyan As›ll› Sanatç›lar”, CelalEsad Arseven An›s›na Sanat TarihiSemineri, ‹stanbul 2000, p. 309.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. ZekiSÖNMEZ







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5101.0 Seminar 5 Elective Courses 25

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5201.0 Seminar 5 Elective Courses 25

Total 10 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Dersi; 120 ECTS


1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5120.0 Orientalism 4 1002.1.5122.0 Byzantine Civil Architecture 2 5 02.1.5123.0 Historical & Natural Environment Studies 2 502.1.5124.0 Landscape in 17th-19th Century Western Art 2 502.1.5127.0 Modern Art 4 1002.1.5128.0 Art in Theory 3 602.1.5129.0 20th Century Sculpture 3 6

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.1.5220.0 Orientalism 4 1002.1.5222.0 Byzantine Civil Architecture 2 502.1.5223.0 Historical & Natural Environment Studies 2 502.1.5224.0 Landscape in 17th-19th Century Western Art 2 502.1.5225.0 Art Since 1945 Until Today 4 10




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.2.6120.0 History of Styles in Western Painting 4 1002.2.6121.0 Turkish Painting 4 10

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS02.2.6220.0 History of Styles in Western Painting 4 1002.2.6221.0 Turkish Painting 4 10


1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 30

TOTAL 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 30

TOTAL 10 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 304. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30


6. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30 7. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis Report 30







02.02. 5101.0 SEMINAR2hrs/week, T 2, 0 CreditObjective / Contents: Researchmethods are examinedAssesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:MÜLAY‹M,SELÇUK,Sanat TarihindeMetod, Anadolu Sanat Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul 1983Teaching Staff:Asst. Prof. Dr. NuriSeçgin

02.02. 5121.0 ORIENTALISM 4hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10 This course aims at exploring therelations between the East and theWest and the ways in which Europeperceived and interpreted the Orient.Although the term Orientalism isassociated with 19th century art, theinterest in the exotic Orient goes backto the 15th century. In the first termof this course, art works influencedby the Orient prior to the 19thcentury will be examined and in thesecond term 19th century Orientalismwill be discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:SAID, Edward, fiarkiyatç›l›k, MetisYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul.THORNTON, Lynne, The Orientalists,ACR Edition, Paris, 1983.GERMANER, S.- ‹NANKUR, Z.,Oryantalizm ve Türkiye, TKHV,‹stanbul, 1989.GERMANER, S.- ‹NANKUR, Z.,

Oryantalistlerin ‹stanbulu, ‹stanbul2002.PELTRE, Christine, Les Orientalistes,Hazan, Paris, 1997Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Zeynep‹NANKUR

02.02.5127.0 MODERN ART 4hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: After anintroduction explaining the meaning ofmodernism and it’s beginnings, avant-garde movements such asconstructivism and Dada, andmovements as post-impressionism,fovism, expressionism, futurism,surrealism, surrealism and abstract artare examined.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ARNASON, H. H., - WHEELER,Daniel, History of Modern Art:Painting, Sculpture , Architecture,Photography, 3. ed.N.Y.,1986.BATUR, Enis, Modernizmin Serüveni,Bir “Temel Metinler" Seçkisi 1840-1990, Yap› Kredi Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul,1997.GREENBERG, Clement, Art andCulture, Beacon Press Boston, 1961.HARRISON, Charles - WOOD , Paul(ed. by) , Art in Theory 1900-1990,An Anthology of Changing Ideas,Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, U.K.,1992. U.S.A. 1993.LYNTON , Norbert , Modern Sanat›nÖyküsü , Remzi Kitabevi,‹stanbul,1982.LUCIE -SMITH , Edward, 20.Yüzy›lda Görsel Sanatlar,Akbank,‹stanbul, 2004.M. JOAHIMIDES , Christos -ROSENTHAL, Norman, (ed. by), The



Age of Modernism-Art in the 20thCentury , Verlag Gerd Hatje, Berlin,1997. STANGOS, Nikos, (ed.), Concepts ofModern Art , From Fauvism to Post-Modernism, Thames and Hudson,London,1994.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SemraGERMANER

02.02. 5123.0 BYZANTINE CIVILARCHITECTURE2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Byzantinepalaces (Great Palace, Blakherna)and the private (Hebdamon, Rhegion,Hieria, Bryas etc.) residences of theemperors are discussed regarding theirarchitecture and decorativeprogrammes as well as ceremoniesheld in these buildings.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:KÖRO⁄LU, Gülgün, ‹stanbul’dakiBizans Saraylar›, Cumhuriyet’in 80.Fetih’in 550. Y›l›nda ‹stanbul’aArma¤an, YEKÜV ‹stanbul, 2004. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Gülgün KÖRO⁄LU

02.02. 5123.0 BYZANTINE CIVILARCHITECTURE2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The concept ofthe city, its’ historical and naturaltexture, movable and immovablecultural presences will be examined.Related national and internationallaws, concepts, theories andapplications are the subjects of thiscourse.Assesment Methods: Examination

Recommended Readings:AHUNBAY, Zeynep,Tarihi Çevre veRestorasyonTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. A.Sinan GÜLER

02.02. 5125.0 LANDSCAPE IN 17TH-19TH CENTURY WESTERN ART 2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Sources oflandscape painting, landscape paintingas a new genre of painting, theemergence of landscape painting inthe North, The role of the socialstructure as a forming element of thelandscapes in the Baroque Age.Landscape painting in the 18thcentury, the Age of Enlightement andthe bourgeois which gains strengthagainst the aristocracy, Rococo Style,Landscape painting in the 19thcentury. Landscape in 17th-19thCentury Western Art. Assesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:‹Pfi‹RO⁄LU, EYÜPO⁄LU, S.,Avrupa Resminde Gerçek Duygusu,‹stanbul Üniversitesi EdebiyatFakültesi Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 1972. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Aykut GÜRÇA⁄LAR

02.02.5128.0 ART IN THEORY 3 hrs/week, T3, 3 Credits, ECTS 6Objective / Contents:To bring forwarda theoretical framework for art in the20th century and to give an overviewof the breakaway from the traditionalcategories of painting and sculpture.Assesment Methods: Presentation andTurn PaperRecommended Readings:BENJAMIN, Walter, Pasajlar,



‹stanbul, 2002.BÜRGER, Peter, Avangard Kuram›,‹stanbul, 2003.ECO, Umberto, Aç›k Yap›t, ‹stanbul,1992.FOUCAULT, Michel, Özne ve ‹ktidar,‹stanbul, 1994.HARRISON, C.- WOOD, P., (ed.) Artin Theory, USA, 1996.LENOIR, Béatrice, Sanat Yap›t›,‹stanbul, 2003.LUKACS, Georg, Ça¤dafl Gerçekçili¤inAnlam›, ‹stanbul,1986.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nilüfer ÖND‹N

02.02. 5129.0 20th CENTURYSCULPTURE3hrs/week, T 3, 3 Credits, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to examine the history ofWestern sculpture from the end of the19th century until the end of the 20thcentury. The achievement of theprominent artists like Rodin, Maillol,Picasso, Brancusi and Giacometti whohad contributed to important artistictrends and their sculptures areevaluated. In subsequence,information is given on importantTurkish sculptors and their works.They are examined in regard of theartistic trends in Western sculpture,the education and impressions theyhad in Europe.Assesment Methods: Paper andExaminationRecommened Readings:BERKSOY, Funda, Rudolf Belling andHis Contribution to Turkish Sculpture,Turcica, Vol.35, 2003, pp.165-212.FEIST, Peter H., Figur und Objekt,Plastik im 20. Jahrhundert, E. A.

Seeman, Leipzig,1996.GEZER, Hüseyin, CumhuriyetDönemi Heykeli, Türkiye ‹fl Bankas›Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul,1984.‹LER‹, Cem (ed.), Bellek ve ÖlçekModern Türk Heykelinin On BeflSanatç›s›, ‹stanbul Modern SanatMüzesi, ‹stanbul, 2006.LE NORMAND ROMAIN, Antoinette,Sculpture, The Adventure of ModernSculpture in the Nineteenth andTwentieth Centuries, Taschen, Köln,1996.READ, Herbert, ModernSculpture,Thames and Hudson,Singapure,1998.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Funda BERKSOY

02.02. 5101.0 SEMINAR2hrs/week, T 2, 0 CreditObjective / Contents: Researchmethods are examinedAssesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:MÜLAY‹M, SELÇUK, SanatTarihinde Metod, Anadolu SanatYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 1983.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. NuriSeçgin


02.02. 5221.0 ORIENTALISM 4hrs / week,T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: This course aimsat exploring the relations between theEast and the West and the ways inwhich Europe perceived andinterpreted the Orient. Although theterm Orientalism is associated with19th century art, the interest in theexotic Orient goes back to the 15thcentury. In the first term of this



course, principal art works influencedby the Orient prior to the 19thcentury will be examined and in thesecond term 19th century Orientalismwill be discussed.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:SAID, Edward, fiarkiyatç›l›k, MetisYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul.THORNTON, Lynne, The Orientalists,ACR Edition, Paris, 1983.GERMANER, S.- ‹NANKUR, Z.,Orientalism and Turkey, TKHV,‹stanbul, 1989.GERMANER, S.- ‹NANKUR, Z.,Orientalism and Constantinople,‹stanbul 2002.PELTRE, Christine, Les Orientalistes,Hazan, Paris, 1997Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Zeynep‹NANKUR

02.02.5225.0 ART SINCE 1945 UNTILTODAY 4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: In this course,artistic ares of Europe and USA at thesecond half of the 20th century inparallel with new exppression ways,European painting and sculpturebetween 1945 -1960, and abstractexpressionism at USA (New YorkSchool) will be handled. Also post-modernart movements after 1960 onPop Art, Nouveau Realism,Abstraction Post Pictural, Optic Art,Kinetic Art, Conceptive Art,Performance, Minimalism, Land Art,Hyperrealism, New Expressionism(Neo-Expressionnisme) will behandled.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:

GERMANER, Semra, 1960 Sonras›Sanat, Ak›mlar, E¤ilimler, Gruplar,Sanatç›lar, Kabalc› Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul,1997. HARRISON, Charles - Wood , Paul(ed. by), Art in Theory 1900-1990 ,An Anthology of Changing Ideas ,Blackwell Publishers, Oxford,U.K.1992, U.S.A., 1993.LUCIE -SMITH , Edward, Art Today,Phaidon, London,1995.LUCIE -SMITH , Edward, 20.Yüzy›lda Görsel Sanatlar, Akbank,‹stanbul, 2004.The 20th-Century Art Book, Phaidon,London, 1996.WHEELER, Daniel, Art Since Mid-Century, 1945 to the Present, TheVendome Press New York, 1991.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SemraGERMANER

02.02. 5223.0 BYZANTINE CIVILARCHITECTURE2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Byzantinepalaces (Great Palace, Blakherna) andprivate (Hebdamon, Rhegion, Hieria,Bryas etc.) residences of the emperorsare discussed regarding theirarchitecture and decorativeprogrammes as well as ceremoniesheld in these buildings.Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:KÖRO⁄LU, Gülgün, ‹stanbul’dakiBizans Saraylar›, Cumhuriyet’in 80.Feth’in 550. Y›l›nda ‹stanbul’aArma¤an, YEKÜV ‹stanbul, 2004. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Gülgün KÖRO⁄LU

02.02. 5224.0 HISTORICAL AND



NATURAL ENVIRONMENT STUDIES 2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The concept ofthe city, its’ historical and naturaltexture, movable and immovablecultural presences will be examined inart historical logic. Related nationaland international laws, concepts,theories and applications are thesubjects of this course.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:AHUNBAY, Zeynep,Tarihi Çevre veRestorasyonTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. A.Sinan GÜLER

02.02. 5225.0 LANDSCAPE IN 17TH-19TH CENTURY WESTERN ART 2hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Sources oflandscape painting, Landscapepainting as a new genre of painting,The Emerging of landscape paintingin the North, The role of socialstructure as a forming element of thelandscapes in the Baroque Age andspecialist painters, Landscape paintingin the 18th century The Age ofEnlightement and the Bourgeois whichgains strength against the Aristocracy,Rococo Style, Landscape painting inthe 19th century. Landscape in 17th-19th CenturyWestern Art. Assesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:‹Pfi‹RO⁄LU, M.- EYÜBO⁄LU, S.,Avrupa Resminde Gerçek Duygusu,‹stanbul Üniversitesi EdebiyatFakültesi Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 1972. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Aykut GÜRÇA⁄LAR



02.02. 6121.0 HISTORY OF STYLES INWESTERN PAINTING 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: A study of stylesin European painting through acomparison of the various ways inwhich similar themes have beentreated from the Middle Ages to thepresent Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ZUCKER, Paul, Styles in Painting,Dover Publications, N.Y.SCHNEIDER, Norbert, The Art of theStill Life, Taschen, 1990.SCHNEIDER, Norbert, The Art of thePortrait, Taschen, 1990.CLARK, Kenneth, Landscape into Art,London, John Murcy, 1979.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Zeynep‹NANKUR

02.02 6111.0 TURKISH PAINTING4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The Ottomanpainting of the westernization period,beginning from early 19th centuryuntil the Republic will be discussed.The cultural policy from thefoundation years of the TurkishRepublic onwards, the groups and theartists will be discussed.Assesment Methods:Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:ARSEVEN , Celal Esad , Türk Sanat›Tarihi, Menfleinden Bugüne KadarHeykel,Oyma ve Resim, ‹stanbul,Milli



E¤itim Bas›mevi, (III. Cilt. I.-II.-III.fasiküller)BERK, Nurullah- Turani , Adnan ,Bafllang›c›ndan Bugüne Ça¤dafl TürkResim Sanat› Tarihi II Tiglat Yay.,‹stanbul,1981.CEZAR, Mustafa, Sanatta Bat›yaAç›l›fl ve Osman Hamdi, Erol KerimAksoy Kültür, E¤itim, Spor ve Sa¤l›kVakf› Yay›n› ,no.1, Paris , 1995.THALASSO, Adolphe, L'Art Ottomanles Peintres de Turquie, Arkeoloji veSanat Yay›nlar› ,‹stanbul ,1988.(T›pk› Bas›mlar Dizisi :5)Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SemraGERMANER


02.02. 6221.0 HISTORY OF STYLES INWESTERN PAINTING 4hrs/week,T 4, 4 Credits , ECTS 10Objective / Contents: A study of stylesin European painting through acomparison of the various ways inwhich similar themes have beentreated from the Middle Ages to thepresent Assesment Methods: Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings:ZUCKER, Paul, Styles in Painting,Dover Publications, N.Y.SCHNEIDER, Norbert, The Art of theStill Life, Taschen, 1990.SCHNEIDER, Norbert, The Art of thePortrait, Taschen, 1990.CLARK, Kenneth, Landscape into Art,London, John Murcy, 1979.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Zeynep‹NANKUR

02.02 6211.0 TURKISH PAINTING4hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The Ottomanpainting of the westernization period,beginning from early 19th centuryuntil the Republic will be discussed.The cultural policy from thefoundation years of the TurkishRepublic onwards, the groups andartists will be discussed.Assesment Methods:Examination/Essay AssesmentRecommened Readings:GERMANER, S., "CumhuriyetDöneminde Resim Sanat›",Cumhuriyetin Renkleri Biçimleri,Bilanço 98, Tarih Vakf› Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1999, pp. 8-25.ÖND‹N, Nilüfer , Cumhuriyet’inKültür Politikas› ve Sanat (1923-1950), ‹nsanc›l Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul,2003. ÖZSEZG‹N, Kaya, Ça¤dafl TürkResim Sanat› Tarihi, Tiglat yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1982YASA YAMAN, Zeynep, “CumhuriyetDönemi Türk Resmi (1923-1938)Üzerine Düflünceler”, Arredamento,Ekim 1998, pp. 68-74.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SemraGERMANER


Division Head:Prof. Dr. Ali Akay

Phone : (0212) 236 69 36Fax : (0212) 261 11 12

The Bachelor programme at theDepartment of Sociology, founded in1984-1985, is a four-year academicprogramme. Since the academic staffin the department have differentacademic formations, the lecturesreflect an interdisciplinary perspectiveand have various scientific approachessuch as political science, culturalstudies, gender, economy, law, andarts. The Division of Sociology has also aMasters and a Phd programme underthe Social Science Institute (GeneralSociology and Methodology) Parallelto the Bachelor education, theseprogrammes have an interdisciplinaryeducational structure. The Division isconstituted by the following majorscience programs:

Major of Sociology of Institutions Major of General Sociology Major of Applied Sociology Major of Sociometrics



Programme Head:Prof. Dr. Ali AKAY

Prof. Dr. Ali AKAYBachelor: Paris 8 Vincennes 1979,Master : Paris 8 Vincennes 1980, PhD:Paris 8, 1986.




Prof. Dr. Esin KÜNTAY Bachelor: 1964 Istanbul University,Master: 1965 Swansea University,Great Britain, PhD: 1976 IstanbulUniversity,

Prof. Dr. Deniz BAYRAKTARSEVGENBachelor: 1981 Anadolu UniversityMaster: 1986 Institut für JournalistikPhD: 1989 Anadolu University

Prof. Dr. Erol TÜMERTEK‹NBachelor: Istanbul University ; PhD:Istanbul University, 1952,

Prof. Dr. Güliz ERG‹NSOYBachelor: Bo¤aziçi University 1979,PhD: Istanbul University 1984

Prof. Dr. Müzeyyen GÜLERHead of Major of Applied Sociology Bachelor: Ankara University 1966,Master: Ankara University 1983, PhD:Hacettepe University 1990

Assoc. Prof. Ayfle MUfiLUBachelor: Eskiflehir ‹ktisadi ve Ticari‹limler Akademisi 1966, PhD:Eskiflehir ‹ktisadi ve Ticari ‹limlerAkademisi 1973

Assoc. Prof. Meral ÖZBEKBOSTANCIO⁄LUBachelor: ODTÜ 1976, Master:Ankara University 1982, PhD: AnkaraUniversity, 1989

Assoc. Prof. ‹. Emre IfiIKBachelor; ODTÜ 1991, Master: MimarSinan University 1994, Ph.D: MimarSinan University 1998

Assoc. Prof. Besim DELLALO⁄LUBachelor: 1991 Bo¤aziçi University;Master: 1994 Mimar Sinan University;Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University

Asst. Prof. Ça¤layan KOVANLIKAYAERG‹NBachelor: Istanbul University 1990,Master: Mimar Sinan University 1993,Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University

Asst. Prof. Ayl›n D‹KMEN ÖZASLANBachelor: Istanbul University 1991,Master: Mimar Sinan University 1993,Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University 1998

Asst. Prof. Y›ld›r›m fiENTÜRKBachelor: ODTÜ 1996, Master:University of Chicago 1999, Ph.D:University of Illinois 2004

Asst. Prof. Derya FIRATBachelor : Mimar Sinan University1995, Master: Université de Paris IXDauphine 1999, Master: Ecole desHautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales1999, Ph.D : Ecole des Hautes Etudesen Sciences Sociales 2005

Asst. Prof. Sibel YARDIMCIBachelor: ODTÜ 1998, Master:Bo¤aziçi University 2000, Ph.D:Lancaster University 2004.

Asst. Prof. Cengiz ÇA⁄LABachelor: Y›ld›z Technical University,Political Science: Ph.D: Bo¤aziçiUniversity, 2002





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.5101.0 Research Methods in Social Sciences 4 6 Total Elective Courses 6 24

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.5201.0 Research Methods in Social Sciences 2 3 03.1.5202.0 Seminar 0 3 Total Elective Courses 9 24

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

General Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Course for Seminar 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.5120.0 Sociology of Urbanization and Industrialization 3 8 03.1.5121.0 Sociology of Change 3 803.1.5122.0 Sociology of Art 3 803.1.5123.0 Social Psychology 3 803.1.5124.0 Culture and Health 3 8 03.1.5125.0 Theory of State and Society 3 8 03.1.5126.0 Cultural Studies 3 803.1.5127.0 Gender and Education 3 8 03.1.5128.0 Social History and Collective Memory 3 8 03.1.5129.0 Critical Theory 3 8

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.5220.0 Human Resources in Industry 3 8 03.1.5221.0 Sociological Debates 3 803.1.5222.0 Transnational Social Studies 3 803.1.5223.0 Geographical Space-Social Relations 3 8 03.1.5225.0 Sociology of Art 3 803.1.5226.0 Cultural Studies 3 803.1.5227.0 Human Rights; Children Rignts 3 803.1.5228.0 Human Rights; Women Rights 3 8




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 11 30

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 10 30

Total 10 30

3. Semester: Thesis Report 305. Semester: Thesis Report 307. Semester: Thesis Report 30


4. Semester: Thesis Report 30 4. Semester: Thesis Report 308. Semester: Thesis Presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.6122.0 Social and Postmodern Perspectives 3 1003.1.6123.0 Theory of Communication 2 1003.1.6124.0 Sociology of Migration 3 10 03.1.6125.0 Readings in Contemporary Sociology 3 1003.1.6127.0 Social Production of Space and the City 3 10 03.1.6128.0 Space and Society 3 10

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS03.1.6221.0 Toplumsal De¤iflme Sorunlar› 3 1003.1.6222.0 Kalk›nma Sosyolojisi 3 1003.1.6223.0 Media Research and Content Analysis 3 1003.1.6224.0 Contemporary Debates in Sociology 4 10 03.1.6225.0 Late Ottoman History 3 1003.1.6227.0 Politics of Cultural Diversity 3 10





5101 RESEARCH METHODS INSOCIAL SCIENCEST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: In this course,whether the goal of the participant isto become an informed individual, anexpert in the social sciences, or asocially active trailblazer, thoseplanning a professional career orfurther graduate study in sociology, awide range of useful and interestingtopics are studied aiming tostrengthening the analytical andmethodological backbone of thesubject matter chosen by theparticipants. Those interested in socialresearch will benefit from the coursethat teaches skills of methodologicalthinking and analysis. During thecourse, the participants areencouraged to study issues from avariety of perspectives. Visualmaterials, such as documentary andfeature films are also introducedaccording to the disposition of theparticipants.Assessment Methods: Termpaper/ExaminationRecommended Readings:HOMPSON, Paul, Geçmiflin Sesi,‹stanbul: Tarih Vakf› Yurt Yay›nlar›,1999.SENCER, Muzaffer, Sosyal BilimlerdeAraflt›rma Metodlar›, Ankara,TODA‹E, 1979.Tarih Vakf› Yurt Yay›nlar›ndan SeçmeOkumalarTeaching Staff: Prof. F. GülizERG‹NSOY

5120 SOCIOLOGY OFURBANISATION ANDINDUSTRIALISATIONT3, 3 hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This course isprimarily designed for master’sstudents. Three hours of lecture anddiscussion per week. The courseexplores the impact of industrialisationand globalisation on rapidly growingurban centers. Attention will befocused on factors and conditionsinfluencing transformation of sociallife, social structure and basicinstitutions. The course looks at majorproblem faced by urban dwellers suchas; poverty, alienation and violence.The students are required to submit aterm paper. Assessment Methods: HomeworkRecommended Readings:KEYDER, Ça¤lar, ‹stanbul: Küresel veYerel Aras›nda, ‹stanbul: MetisYay›nlar›, 2000.ULAGAY, Osman, Quo Vadis,Ankara: Vadi Yay›nlar›, 1999.MAN‹SALI, Erol, Türkiye veKüreselleflme, ‹stanbul: DerinYay›nlar›, 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Esin KÜNTAY

5121 SOCIOLOGY OF CHANGET3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8 Objective / Contents: Change, theoriesof social change, structural change,socio-economic structural change inTurkey. Assessment Methods: Term paper Recommended Readings:MUfiLU, Ayfle, Lecture Notes.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. AyfleMUfiLU



5122 SOCIOLOGY OF ARTT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8 Objective / Contents: The coursediscusses contemporary art withrespect to postmodernism, social andcultural theories. Its basic subjects areconceptualization forms of product,aesthetic, cultural identity,representation, the feminist critique ofrepresentation, cultural struggle andart, theory in post-colonialism,critique of western epistemology,nationalism, sex and gender,differentiation, and culturalconstruction of subject. During thecourse comparative examples fromoriginal production from Turkey,would bu given.Globalisation and its culturalinfluences, hybridization, third spacetheories and new colonialism would bediscussed. How could cultural formsbe distructed, transformed, imposed,owned, discovered, interrestrial,national and local levels? Assessment Methods: Termpaper/ExaminatonRecommended Readings: ZygmuntBaumanMika HannulaAijaz AhmetGilles DeleuzeEdward SaidTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. EmreZEYT‹NO⁄LU

5123 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGYT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents:Definition and Conception, SocialPerception and Knowing Others.Social Cognition and the integration of

social informationAttitude and Attitude Change AttitudeFormation and MeasurementPrejudice and DiscriminationSocial ExchangingIndividual behaviour in groupsAssessment Methods: Termpaper/ExaminationRecommended Readings:KA⁄ITÇIBAfiI, Çi¤dem, KültürelPsikoloji Kültür Ba¤lam›nda ‹nsan veAile, ‹stanbul: Evrim Yay›nevi, 2000. GIDDENS, Anthony, Sosyoloji,Ankara: Ayraç Yay›nlar›, 2000.KA⁄ITÇIBAfiI, Çi¤dem, ‹nsan-Aile-Kültür, ‹stanbul: Evrim Yay›nevi,2000. Teaching Staff: Prof. MüzeyyenGÜLER

5124 CULTURE AND HEALTHT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents:The concern of Sociology of Health;Development of Sociology of Health;Definition of culture and Health;The relation between culture andhealthThe cultural and socio-economicfactors effecting health;Inequality in health.Assessment Methods: Term paper. Recommended Readings:KASAPO⁄LU, Aytül, Sa¤l›kSosyolojisi, Ankara: Sosyoloji Derne¤iYay›nlar›, 1999. BELEK, ‹lker, S›n›f, Sa¤l›k, Eflitsizlik,‹stanbul: Sorun Yay›nlar›, 1998.Toplum Bilim Journal, No:13,Sociology of Health (Special Issue),2001. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ayl›nD‹KMEN ÖZASLAN



5125 THEORY OF STATE ANDSOCIETYT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to consider the nature ofstate and to study on the theories ofautocratic, constitutional, ethical,class-based and pluralistic state. Thesesubjects will be examined in ahistorical and social perspective with acomparative and analytical approach. Assessment Methods: Term paper.Recommended Readings:INCENT, Andrew, The Theories ofState, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1987. AKAL, Cemal Bali (der.), DevletKuram›, Ankara: Dost Yay›nlar›,1998. TUNÇAY, Mete (der.), Bat›da SiyasalDüflünceler Tarihi, Cilt 1-2-3,‹stanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay›nlar›. RIDS, Stephan & Raynaud, Philippe,Siyaset Felsefesi Sözlü¤ü, ‹stanbul:‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 2002. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CengizÇA⁄LA

5126 CULTURAL STUDIES T3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: The aim is tomake an introduction to therepresentative thereotical and researchwork in the area of Cultural Studiesby mapping its development from itsemergence at the Centre forContemporary Cultural Studies atBirmingham to its later spread toother social milieus. The perspectiveassumed at the bears on the legacy ofthe project of Cultural Studies at itsemergence.Assessment Methods: The students

are evaluated by the quality of theirparticipation to the reading, discussionand presentation process, a summary-dossier for the main articles and aterm paper developed as a specificresearch project proposal on Turkey.Recommended Readings:Lawrence Grossberg vd. (ed.),Cultural Studies, London, Routledge,1992.C.Nelson vd. (der.), Marxism and theInterpretation of Culture, London,McMillan, 1988.Elizabeth Long, From Sociology toCultural Studies, Oxford, Blackwell,1997.E.P. Thompson, ‹ngiliz ‹flçi S›n›f›n›nOluflumu, ‹stanbul, Birikim Yay›nlar›,2004.Meral Özbek (der.), Kamusal Alan,Hil Yay›nlar›, 2004.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. MeralÖZBEK

5127 GENDER AND EDUCATION3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 8 Objective / Contents: In this coursewill be focus on relation betweengender and educational systems in thesocial context in the world history.Education is the main tool of states’governence. The aim is to socializeyoung generations on how to act in thesociety.In addition, it will be analyzed howeducation and the school text bookshave been created the role model ofwomen and man in our history. Twoperiods of the Turkish EducationPolitics will be discussed in thecontrasts the books exhibit. Theprimary school and secondary schooltext books will be analyzed withrespect to social gender roles



Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Learning to Lose, Sexizm andEducation, ed. Dale Spender-ElizabethSarah, The Women Press, London,1980.Teaching Staff: Yard. Doç.Dr. FirdevsGÜMÜfiO⁄LU

5128 SOCIAL HISTORY ANDCOLLECTIVE MEMORYT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This coursefocuses on the basic themes whichoffer us the means to analyse“memory” in contemporary societies.While concentrating on the concept of“collective memory” which wasinvented and developed by MauriceHalbwachs, the course will examinehow social memory is constructed. Therelation between history and memorywill be investigated within thisperspective. Assessment Methods: Term paper.Recommended Readings:CONNERTON, Paul. Toplumlar Nas›lAn›msar?, Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. DeryaFIRAT

5129 CRITICAL THEORYT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This coursefocuses on the thinkers of criticaltheory (Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse,Benjamin, Habermas) andpoststructuralism (Foucault, Derrida,Deleuze, Guattari, Lyotard)Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:DILTHEY, Wilhelm, Hermeneutik veTin Bilimleri, ‹stanbul: ParadigmaYay›nlar›, 1990.

ÖZCAN, Zeki, Teolojik Hermeneutik,‹stanbul: Alfa Yay›nlar›, 2000. ARSLAN, Hüsamettin (der.),Hermeneutik ve HümaniterDisiplinler, ‹stanbul: ParadigmaYay›nlar›, 1990.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. BesimDELLALO⁄LU


5201 RESEARCH METHODS OFSOCIAL SCIENCEST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: In this course,whether the goal of the participant isto become an informed individual, anexpert in the social sciences, or asocially active trailblazer, thoseplanning a professional career orfurther graduate study in sociology, awide range of useful and interestingtopics are studied aiming tostrengthening the analytical andmethodological backbone of thesubject matter chosen by theparticipants. Those interested in socialresearch will benefit from the coursethat teaches skills of methodologicalthinking and analysis. During thecourse, the participants areencouraged to study issues from avariety of perspectives. Visualmaterials, such as documentary andfeature films are also introducedaccording to the disposition of theparticipants.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Selected articles from the periodicalssuch as Toplumbilim and Tarih veToplum Teaching Staff: Prof. F. GülizERG‹NSOY



5202 SEMINAR T3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 0, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to enable students to developtheir skills in thinking, writing,research and presentation. During thecourse, the participants will presenttheir research about the contemporarysociological discussions. After eachpresentation, a general discussion andreview session will be held. Assessment Methods: Term paper. Recommended Readings:CRANE, Diane. Moda ve Gündemleri,Çev. Özge Çelik, Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 2003. ROBINS, Kevin. ‹maj, Çev. NurçayTürko¤lu, Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul,1999.KAND‹YOT‹, Deniz ve AyfleSAKTANBER, Kültür Fragmanlar›,Metis Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 2004. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ayl›nD‹KMEN ÖZASLAN

5220 HUMAN RESOURCES ININDUSTRY T3, 3 hrs/week, Credits, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This course willfocus on the education and job-orientation of individuals in industryand in occupational area, themotivation and the increase infertility, development of the quality ofwork life, job accidents and stress incompanies and the mental health andsecurity of the workers. Assessment Methods: Term paper.Recommended Readings:OSMAY, Nüvit, ‹nsan Mühendisli¤i,‹stanbul: Alfa Yay›nlar›, 2002. ÖZGÜVEN, Ethem, Endüstri

Psikolojisi, ‹stanbul: Pdrem Yay›nlar›,2003. SABUNCUO⁄LU, Zeyyat, Çal›flmaPsikolojisi, Bursa: Uluda¤ ÜniversitesiYay›nlar›, 2002. Teaching Staff: Prof. MüzeyyenGÜLER

5221 SOCIOLOGICAL DISCUSSIONST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This coursefocuses on the modern sociologicaldebates and theories of Deleuze,Foucault, Bourdieu and etc.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:WEBER, Max, Toplumsal veEkonomik Örgütlenme, ‹stanbul: ‹mgeKitabevi, 1995. MARX, Karl, Kapital, Ankara: SolYay›nlar›, 1985. BOURDIEU, Pierre, Pratik Nedenler,‹stanbul: Kesit Yay›nlar›, 1995. Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali AKAY

5222 TRANSNATIONAL SOCIALSTUDIEST3, 3 Hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8 Objective / Contents:This course will first focus on different(both favourable and unfavourable)perspectives on globalisation. Then,recent studies on transnationalisationwill be discussed. The criticalperspective of these studies onglobalisation will form the main axe ofthese discussions, at the same time,opening up an opportunity to questionthe orthodox way of ‘doing socialresearch’.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Nisbet, R. A. (1969) Social Change



and History: Aspect of the WesternTheory of Devolopment. OxfordBrohman, J. (1996) PopularDevolopment: Rethinking the theoryand Practice of Development,Blacwell.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Y›ld›r›mfiENTÜRK

5223 GEOGRAPHICAL SPACE-SOCIAL RELATIONST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: This course willanalyze space as a physical andhuman element in the context of therelation of modern geography andsociology. Assessment Methods: Term paper.Recommended Readings: -TÜMERTEK‹N, Erol, ‹stanbul, ‹nsanve Mekan, ‹stanbul: Tarih Vakf› YurtYay›nlar›, 1997. TÜMERTEK‹N, Erol & ÖZGÜÇ,Nazmiye, Befleri Co¤rafya, ‹nsan-Kültür-Mekan, ‹stanbul: ÇantayKitabevi, 2002. TÜMERTEK‹N, Erol & ÖZGÜÇ,Nazmiye, Ekonomik Co¤rafya,Küreselleflme ve Kalk›nma, ‹stanbul:Çantay Kitabevi, 1999.Teaching Staff: Prof. ErolTÜMERTEK‹N

5225 THE SOCIOLOGY OF ART T3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: The coursediscusses contemporary art withrespect to postmodernism, social andcultural theories. Its basic subjects areconceptualization forms of product,aesthetic, cultural identity,representation, the feminist critique ofrepresentation, cultural struggle and

art, theory in post-colonialism,critique of western epistemology,nationalism, sex and gender,differentiation, and culturalconstruction of subject. During thecourse comparative examples fromoriginal production from Turkey,would bu given.Globalisation and its culturalinfluences, hybridization, third spacetheories and new colonialism would bediscussed. How could cultural formsbe distructed, transformed, imposed,owned, discovered, interrestrial,national and local levels? Assessment Methods: Termpaper/ExaminatonRecommended Readings: ZygmuntBaumanMika HannulaAijaz AhmetGilles DeleuzeEdward SaidArthur DantoTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. EmreZEYT‹NO⁄LU

5226 CULTURAL STUDIES T3, 3 hrs/week, Credits, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: The aim of thecourse is to trace the main discoursesand debates in Turkey concerningpopular culture by reading anddiscussing the main texts. The coursefirst introduces the students with themain concepts and prevailingapproaches on culture andpopular/mass culture in the world.The students are required to write anessay evaluating the relevant literaturein Turkey comparatively, and do apopular cultural (small-scale) researchin an area of their interest.Assessment Methods: Term paper



Recommended Readings:WILLIAMS, Raymond, Kültür,‹stanbul: ‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 1997.ELIAS, Norbert, Uygarl›k Süreci 1-2,‹stanbul: ‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 1999.MODLESK‹, Tania, E¤lence‹ncelemeleri, ‹stanbul: Metis Yay›nlar›,1999.ÖZBEK, Meral, Popüler Kültür veOrhan Gencebay Arabeski, ‹stanbul:‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 1993. KÜÇÜK, Mehmet (der.), Medya,‹ktidar, ‹deoloji, ‹stanbul: ArkYay›nlar›, 1996. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. MeralÖZBEK

5227 HUMAN RIGHTS: CHILDRENRIGHTST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: In this course,life, development, protection andparticipation rights of children will bediscussed in details around theframework of the Convention on theRights of the Child (1989). Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:KÜNTAY, Esin (der.), 21. Yüzy›lKarfl›s›nda Çocuk ve Genç, ‹stanbul:MSÜ Yay›nlar›, 2000.Çocuk Haklar› Sözleflmesi.Articles about human rights written byProf. Küntay. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. EsinKÜNTAY

5228 HUMAN RIGHTS: WOMANRIGHTST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 8 Objective / Contents: This coursefocuses on some concepts such ashuman rights, human rights in theDeclaration of Human Rights and

woman rights. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:DONOVAN, Josephine, FeministTeori, ‹stanbul: ‹letiflim Yay›nlar›,1997.CONNELL, R.W., Toplumsal Cinsiyetve ‹ktidar, ‹stanbul: Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›,1998.BERSADON, Ney, Kad›n Haklar›:Bafllang›c›ndan Günümüze, ‹stanbul:‹letiflim Cep Üniversitesi, 1994. Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. Ça¤layanKOVANLIKAYA ERG‹N





6122 SOCIAL AND POSTMODERNPERSPECTIVEST3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In this course,the theoretical works of Lyotard,Derrida, Baudrillard, etc. andpostmodernist discussions will beproblematized. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:LYOTARD, Jean-Francois.,Postmodern Durum, Ankara: VadiYay›nlar›, 2000.AKAY, Ali, Postmodern Görüntü,‹stanbul: Ba¤lam Yay›nlar›, 1997. KÜÇÜK, Mehmet, Modernite versusPostmodernite, Ankara: VadiYay›nlar›, 1994. Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali AKAY

6123 THEORY OF COMMUNICATIONT2, 2 hrs/week, Credits 2, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Communicationis a sociological, not a technicalprocess and it is a major factoraffecting people’s socialization. In thiscourse, different dimensions of theseeffects and the different theoreticalexplanations of the communicationprocess will be handled. Besides, thesocial and ideological influences oftechnological products which havepower to transform the order of sociallife will be analyzed during the course. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:WEBSTER, Frank, Theories of theInformation Society, London&New

York: Routledge, 1995. JONES, Steven G., Cybersociety 20, JONES, Steven G., Virtual Culture,London: Thousand Oak: SagePublications, 1997.GARNHAM, Nicholas, Emancipation,The Media and Modernity, WINDAHL, Sven& MCQUAIL, Denis,‹letiflim Modelleri, Ankara: VadiYay›nlar›, 1993. Teaching Staff: Prof. DenizBAYRAKTAR SEVGEN

6124 SOCIOLOGY OF MIGRATIONT3, 3 hrs/week, Credits 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In this course,the relation between migration andtourism will be analyzed and theeconomic value of tourism and thesector’s employment capacity will beexamined. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:MUfiLU, Ayfle. Ders Notlar›. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. AyfleMUfiLU

6125 READINGS IN CONTEMPORARYSOCIOLOGY 3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: The course on"Cities and Urbanity" will be offeredduring winter term of 2004 and willfocus on the transformations thesebasic concepts of sociology have gonethrough in the history of sociologicalthinking and will situate them withincontemporary sociology. On the basesof writings of M. Weber, R.J. Holtin,R. Sennet, G. Simmel, H. Pirenne, thiscourse aims to explore theconceptualisation of the urban andurbanity in a comparative and critical



way. This course will put a specificemphasis on the studies done on citiesand the urbanization processes inTurkey. In their assignments (writtenand oral) the students are expected todiscuss their topic from within atheoretical and historical perspectiveand incorporate empirical material asmuch as possible. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Holton, Robert J., Kentler, Kapitalizmve Uygarl›k (Cities, Capitalism andCivilization. 1986). Ankara: ‹mgeKitabevi, 1999.Sennett, Richard, Gözün Vicdan›.‹stanbul: Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, 1999.Sennett, Richard, Ten ve Tafl: Bat›Uygarl›¤›nda Beden ve fiehir (Fleshand Stone: Body and the City inWestern Civilization. Norton. NY,1996). ‹stanbul: Metis Yay›nlar›,2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali AKAY

6127 THE SOCIAL PRODUCTION OFSPACE AND THE CITY3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: During thecourse, first, theories on the socialproduction of space and the city willbe reviewed; and following this,selected 4-5 cases will be studied indetail during the seminars. The aim ofthe course is to encourage students tothink about how they can develop andtransform these theoretical approachesinto research projects. In other words,the main question that this course asksis ‘how can we make the city and thespace the subject of a sociologicalresearch?’Assessment Methods: Term paper

Recommended Readings:Pieterse, J. N. (2001) “Futures ofDevolopment”, Development Theory:Deconstructions/Reconstructions. SageBrohman, J. (1996) PopularDevelopment: Rethinking the theoryand Practice of Development,Blacwell.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Y›ld›r›mfiENTÜRK

6128 SPACE AND SOCIETY3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: The concept of‘space’ and various discussions about‘space’ have, in the past few decades,become important parts of debates onmodernity and post-modernity. Theconcept of ‘space’ has always existedwithin the western philosophicaltradition but as Michel Foucaultpointed out (as opposed to thequalities of ‘time’) it was alwaystreated as ‘the dead, the fixed, theundialectical, the immobile’. Thistreatment of ‘space’ was also commonin the classical sociological traditionwith very few exceptions, such asGeorge Simmel’s writings onmetropolis and everyday life inmodernity. The aim of this course is tocreate a critical understanding of theconcept of ‘space’ and theories ofspace in contemporary social theory.While contemporary discussions ofspace are transdisciplinary (fromphilosophy to geography) and rangeover a broad area, we will necessarilylimit ourselves to some of the keycritiques of ‘space’ such as those of G.Simmel, H. Lefebvre, M. Foucault, E.W. Soja and some others.Assessment Methods: Term paper



Recommended Readings:Soja, W. E. Postmodern Geographies,Verso, 1989 (p.10-42)Benko, G. ‘Modernity, Postmodernityand Social Sciences’, in Benko, G., U. Strohmayer (ed.) Space and SocialTheory, Blackwell, 1997 (p.1-44)Lash, S., Urry, J. Economies of Signsand Space, Sage 1994 Frisby, D., Cityscapes of Modernity,Polity 2001 (p.21-51/100-158)Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. ‹. EmreIfiIK


6221 PROBLEMS OF SOCIALCHANGE3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Object/Contents: This course isprimarily designed for Ph.D. students.Three hours of lecture and discussionper week. The course examines majorsocial changes and their sources.Special emphasis is placed uponchange in contemporary city life inTurkey. Focuses on the processes thatpromote social change in the recentdecades. The course prepares thestudents to use and develop analyticalapproaches to critical social problemsassociated with change. Covers ofcampus field studies.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:KEYDER, Ça¤lar, ‹stanbul: Küresel veYerel Aras›nda, ‹stanbul: MetisYay›nlar›, 2000.ULAGAY, Osman, Quo Vadis,Ankara: Vadi Yay›nlar›, 1999.MAN‹SALI, Erol, Türkiye ve

Küreselleflme, ‹stanbul: DerinYay›nlar›, 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Esin KÜNTAY

6222 SOCIOLOGY OFDEVELOPMENT3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Object/Contents: Büyüme vekalk›nma, sosyal ve ekonomikkalk›nma, yap›sal de¤iflim teorileri,yap›sal de¤iflim ve kalk›nma,kalk›nmakta olan ülkeler veTürkiye’de yap›sal de¤iflim.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:MUfiLU, Ayfle. Ders Notlar›. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. AyfleMUfiLU

6223 MEDIA RESEARCH ANDCONTENT ANALYSIS 3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: This courseexamines the structure of mediaorganisations in its processes ofcommunication on macro level andthen makes its analysis in the fictionaldiscourse of media, semiology,linguistic and psychoanalyticalmethods on micro level. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:MODLESK‹, Tania, E¤lence‹ncelemeleri, ‹stanbul: Metis Yay›nlar›,1999.KÜÇÜK, Mehmet (der.), Medya,‹ktidar, ‹deoloji, ‹stanbul: ArkYay›nlar›, 1996. Teaching Staff: Prof. Deniz BayraktarSEVGEN



6224 CONTEMPORARY DEBATES INSOCIOLOGY 4Hrs/week, T4, Credits 4, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: This course willfocus on contemporary world andTurkey while analyzing the differentperspectives which examine the socialtransformations and developments inthe main stream of sociology. Thesubjects that will be discussed areglobalization, nation-state, politics,post-fordism, new social networks,culture and psychoanalysis, urbantransformation and polarization andetc. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Gulbenkian Komisyonu, SosyalBilimleri Aç›n, ‹stanbul: MetisYay›nlar›, 1998. WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel,Bildi¤imiz Dünyan›n Sonu, ‹stanbul:Metis Yay›nlar›, 2002. HABERMAS, Jürgen, Küreselleflme veMilli Devletlerin Ak›beti, Ankara:Bak›fl Yay›nlar›, 2002NEGRI, Antony & HARDT, Michael,‹mparatorluk, ‹stanbul: Ayr›nt›Yay›nlar›, 2000. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. SibelYARDIMCI

6225 LATE OTTOMAN HISTORY 3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: In this coursewill be focus on Ottoman and Turksocial constructions and analyzedsome writers who worked about XIX.century such as Niyazi Berkes,Bernard Lewis, Robert Mantran,Stanford Shaw ve Serif Mardin’s. Also

will be study Korkut Boratav’s andfievket Pamuk’s research about historyof economics in Turkey.Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:SHAW Stanford, Osmanl›‹mparatorlu¤u ve Modern Türkiye, EYay›nlar›, 1994, ‹stanbul.SHAW, Stanford J.& Ezel KuralSHAW (1988), History of theOttoman Empire and Modern Turkey:Reform, Revolution, and Republic:The Rise of Modern Turkey,Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress. FORTNA, Benjamin J. (2002),Imperial Classroom: Islam, the State,and Education in the Late OttomanEmpire, Oxford, Oxford UniversityPress. Teaching Staff: Prof. Filiz ÖZER

6227 POLITICS OF CULTURALDIVERSITY 3 Hrs/week, T3, Credits 3, ECTS 10 Objective / Contents: This course willexamine the question of how political,cultural, economic and socialstrategies which may provide themeans for different ethnic, religiousand cultural groups to live togethercan be constructed. Especially we willfocus on the experiences of Turkey,European Union, North America andRussia. During the course, the texts ofJürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor,Will Kymlicka, Emmanuel Levinas,John Russon, Michel Foucault, GillesDeleuze, Felix Guattari, Bryan S.Turner, T. H. Marshall, MarthaNussbaum, Alain Touraine, Iris



Marion Young and Patrick R. Irelandwill be handled. Assessment Methods: Term paperRecommended Readings:Önerilen Kaynaklar: HALL, Stuart. “The Question ofCultural Identity,” Der. S. Hall et al.,Modernity and its Futures, Cambridge:Polity Press: 274-325, 1993. BERMAN, Marshall. All That Is SolidMelts into Air. London: Verso, 1983RENAN, E. “What is a nation?” Der.H. Bhabha, Nation and Narration,London: Routledge, 1990.MARX, Karl and Friedrich ENGELS.The Communist Manifesto, London:Penguin Books, 1985.KAYA, Ayhan. Sicher in Kreuzberg:Belin’deki Küçük ‹stanbul,Diyasporada Kimli¤in Oluflumu,Istanbul: Büke Yay›nlar›, 2000. Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali AKAY



Division Head:Prof. Dr. Gülçin ÇANDARLIO⁄LU

Phone : (0212) 243 57 60Fax : (0212) 243 57 62

The aim of the division, is to educatestudents with methodology of historyin order to equip with ability ofresearching objectively using firsthand sources and of teaching history.The department founded in 1986begins to accept students for bachelordegree and master programme in1989 after it completed its academicstaff.

The division has five branches ofhistory such as Ancient Times,Medieval Times, Modern Times, NearPast and History of Turkish Republic.Academicians in all branches givelectures and research on their subjects.The department from which firststudents graduated in 1993 teachesvarious historical subjects from worldhistory including Turkish history.Giving special attention to visualeducation academicians of thedepartment show slides to studentsrelated in their subjects. Students havepossibilities to take elective lessonsfrom other departments in differentdisciplines.

Students graduated from ourdepartment can participate in masterand Ph. D. programmes and work atuniversities as an academician. Havingmaster programme without thesis atfaculties of education students alsocan work at schools of the EducationMinistry as a branch teacher.




Prof. Dr. Gülçin Çandarl›o¤luBachelor: Istanbul University, 1964,Ph.D: Istanbul University, 1967

Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir ÖzcanBachelor: Istanbul University, 1972Ph.D: Istanbul University, 1980

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Tafla¤›l Bachelor: Istanbul University, 1985Ph.D: Istanbul University, 1991

Assoc. Prof. Hayrunnisa ALANBachelor: Istanbul University, 1987Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1992Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University, 1997

Assoc. Prof. Süleyman K›z›ltoprakBachelor: Bosphorus University, 1995Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1997Ph.D: Marmara University, 2001

Assoc. Prof. Abdulvahap KaraBachelor: Istanbul University, 1986Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1997Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University, 2002

Asst. Prof. Emine UyumazBachelor: Istanbul University, 1987Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1992Ph.D: Mimar Sinan University, 1997

Asst. Prof. Osman YorulmazBachelor: Mimar Sinan University,1994Master: Ahmet Yesevi University,1998Ph.D : Mimar Sinan University, 2002

Asst. Prof. Ömer ‹flbilir

Bachelor: Istanbul University, 1986Master: Istanbul University, 1989Ph.D: Istanbul University, 1997

Asst. Prof. Filiz KaracaBachelor: Istanbul University, 1986Master: Istanbul University, 1989Ph.D. Istanbul University, 1997

Assoc. Prof. Fatma ÜrekliBachelor: ‹stanbul University, 1987Master: Mimar Sinan University 1990 PhD: Istanbul Üniversitesi, 1997





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.1.5101.0 Methods of Historical Research 4 8Elective Courses 6 22

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 11 30

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.1.5106.0 Historiographyof the Seljuk›ds 2 404.1.5120.0 S›gns of Rulership 2 404.1.5122.0 Khalmuks and relations between Turkestan khaganates 3 6 04.1.5102.0 Historians of the Medieval Age 4 8 04.1.5104.0 Cultural History of the Turkish World 4 804.1.5105.0 Seminar 0 3

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.0.5222.0 Sources of Central Asian T›rkish History 2 404.0.5223.0 Palace Organisation of Seljukids 2 404.0.5224.0 Town Planning in the Middle Age 2 404.0.5225.0 Türkistan’da Ba¤›ms›zl›k Hareketleri 3 604.1.5221.0 H›storical Philosophy 4 604.1.5222.0 Medieval Geographers 4 604.1.5223.0 Sources of Central Asian Turkish History 4 6





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 10 30

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses 11 30

Total 11 30

3. Semester: Thesis Report 305. Semester: Thesis Report 307. Semester: Thesis Report 30


4. Semester: Thesis Report 30 4. Semester: Thesis Report 308. Semester: Thesis Presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.1.6120.0 Military Organisation at the Medieval Age 3 604.1.6121.0 Political Science Text in the Middle Age 3 604.1.6122.0 Turkish-‹slamic Civilization 3 604.1.6123.0 Ataturk and the Turkish World 3 604.1.6124.0 History of the Turkis Tribes 4 6

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.1.6220.0 Science History in the ‹slamic World 2 604.1.6221.0 Political History of the Soviet Republics 3 604.1.6222.0 History of Seljukids Civilization 4 8 04.1.6224.0 Relations Between Turkey and Commonwealth of ‹ndependent States 3 504.1.6223.0 Survey on Sources of Ancient Turkish History 4 5





04.01. 5101.0 METHODS OFHISTORICAL RESEARCH T 4, 4 hrs / week,Credit 4, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: The definitionand subject of the history, kinds ofhistoriographies, criticism of sources,interpretation of historical events,collecting and making a card index ofsources, other scientific researchtechnics for students to study adissertation.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:TOGAN, Z.V., Tarihte Usul, ‹stanbul:‹.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay›nlar›,1950.ÇANDARLIO⁄LU, Gülçin, TarihMetodu, ‹stanbul: Türk Dünyas›Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, 2003.KÜTÜKO⁄LU, M., TarihAraflt›rmalar›nda Usul, ‹stanbul :Kubbealt› Neflriyat, 1991.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GülçinÇANDARLIO⁄LU

04.01. 5102.0 HISTORIANS OF THEMEDIEVAL AGET 4, 4 hrs/week,Credit 4, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: Historians inTurkish and Islamic world andByzantine, important historians andtheir works in manuscripts, theirpublications and translations, studies,articles and encyclopaedic states onmedieavel historians, duties forstudents related in these topics.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:

TOGAN, Z.Velidi, Tarihte Usul,‹stanbul: ‹.Ü. Edebiyat FakültesiYay›nlar›, 1950.GÜNALTAY, fiemsettin, ‹slamTarihinin Kaynaklar›: Tarih veMüverrihler, ‹stanbul : EndülüsYay›nlar›, 1991.ROSENTHAL, Fr., A History ofMuslim Historiograhy, Leiden : E. J.Brill, 1968.fiEfiEN, Ramazan, MüslümanlardaTarih-Co¤rafya Yaz›c›l›¤›, ‹stanbul:‹slam Tarih Sanat ve KültürünüAraflt›rma Vakf›, 1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. RamazanfiEfiEN

04.01. 5104.0 CULTURAL HISTORY OFTHE TURKISH WORLDT 4, 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: Histories andcultural aspects of Turkic Republicssuch as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan andUsbekistan and various Turkishcommunities such as Tatars,Bashkurts, Altay Turks, slidesconcerning with them.Assesment Methods:Homewok/ExaminationRecommended Readings:KAFESO⁄LU, ‹., Türk Milli Kültürü,‹stanbul: Bo¤aziçi Yay›nlar›, 1983. ÖGEL, B., ‹slamiyetten Önce TürkKültür Tarihine Girifl, Ankara: TürkTarih Kurumu, 1987.ÖGEL, B., Türk Kültür Tarihine Girifl,Ankara: Kültür Bakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›,1981.ÖGEL, B., Türk Mitolojisi, Ankara :Selçuklu Tarih ve MedeniyetiEnstitüsü, 1971.S‹NOR, D., Erken ‹ç Asya Tarihi,‹stanbul: ‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 2002.



Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL

04.01.5105.0 SEM‹NART 3, 3 hrs/week, 0 Credit, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Giving an essayto the students on whichever subjectby the aim of rendering them capacityof searching and writing with thescientific methods before the MasterThesis.Assesment Methods: Essay AssesmentRecommended Readings: Thestudents themselves choose the sourceswhich connected with the subject ofthe essay.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. EmineUYUMAZ

04.01.5106.0 H‹STORIOGRAPHY OFTHE SELJUKIDST 2, 2 hrs/week, 2 Credit, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: In this course wewill dwell upon historiography, writersof this period, information which wasgiven in this works about Seljuksdynasty and evaluating of its.Assessment Methods: ExamTeaching Staff: Ass. Prof. Dr. EmineUyumaz

04.01.5120.0 SIGNS OF RULERSHIP2 hrs/week, theory 2, 2 Credits, ECTS4Objective contents: Seljukids’ signs ofrulership like “sultan, throne, crown,coin and hutba” are studied inconnection with Ottomans.Assessment Methods: A written exam Recommended Readings:Alptekin, Coflkun, “Selçuklu Paralar›”,SAD, IV, Ankara 1992.Köymen, Altay, Alp Arslan VeZaman›, III, Ankara 1992.Merçil, Erdo¤an, Kirman Selçuklular›,

TTK Ankara 1989.Nizamü’l-Mülk, Siyaset-Nâme, haz.M.A.Köymen, TTT Ankara 1999.Özayd›n, Abdülkerim, SultanBerkyaruk Devri Selçuklu Tarihi(485-498/1092-1104), ‹stanbul 2001.Turan, Osman, SelçuklularZaman›nda Türkiye, ‹stanbul 1971. Uzunçarfl›l›, ‹smail, Hakk›, Osmanl›Devlet Teflkilât›na Medhal, Ankara1970.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Erdo¤anMerçil

04.01.5122.0 KHALMUKS ANDRELAT›ONS BETWEEN TURKESTANKHAGANATES T 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective/Contens: It will have beendwelt upon history of CungarKhaganate and Itil-Khalmuks,relations between these khaganatesand Khaganates of Turkestan.Assesment Methods: ExzaminationRecommended Readings:Biçurin (Yakinf), N. Ya., ‹storiçeskoyeObozreniye Oyratov, Kalm›kov, s XVStoletiya do Nastayeflçego Vremeni, 2.bask›, Elista, 1991.Çerniflev, A. ‹., O Perekoçevke VoljkihKalm›kov v Cungariyu v 1771 g.(Obflçestvo i Gasudarstvo v Kitaye):Tezis› Dokladov, Moskva, 1984.Moiseyev, V. A., Djungarskoye Hansvoi Kazahi (XVII.-XVIII. vv.), Alma-Ata,1991.Zladkin, ‹. Ya., ‹storiya DjungarskogoHanstva (1635-1758), 1983,Moskova.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. OsmanYORULMAZ




04.01. 5201.0 HISTORICALPHILOSOPHY T 4, 4 hrs / week,Credit 4, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Emergence ofthe historcial philosophy as adiscipline, concept of history inancient and medieaval ages, relationsof philosophy and history, varioushistorcial philosophies, importantphilosophers and their opinions.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:TOGAN, Z.V., Tarihte Usul, ‹stanbul:‹.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay›nlar›,1950.ÇANDARLIO⁄LU, Gülçin, TarihMetodu, ‹stanbul: Türk Dünyas›Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, 2003.UÇAR, fiahin, Tarih FelsefesiMeseleleri, ‹stanbul: Nehir Yay›nlar›,1997.ÖZLEM, Do¤an, Tarih Felsefesi,‹stanbul : Anahtar Kitaplar Yay›nlar›,1994.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. RamazanfiEfiEN

04.01. 5202.0 MEDIEVALGEOGRAPHERST 4, 4 hrs / week,Credit 4, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: Emergence andfeatures of the medieavel geography,important geographers and travelersand their works, publications andtranslations of geographical andtopographical works in manuscript,studies, encyclopaedical states andarticles on these topics, homework forstudents.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:

BLACHERE, R., Esctraits des Princi-paux Geographes Arabes du MoyenAge, Paris 1932Dictionary Scientific Biography, New-York 1981.Encylopedie de l’Islam, nouvel edition,Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1960-2004.‹slam Ansiklopedisi, I-XIII, ‹stanbul:Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›, 1986.fiEfiEN, R., Müslümanlarda TarihCo¤rafya Yaz›c›l›¤›, ‹stanbul: ‹slamTarih Sanat ve Kültürünü Araflt›rmaVakf›, 1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. RamazanfiEfiEN

04.01. 5222.0 SOURCES OF CENTRALASIAN TURKISH HISTORYT 4, 4 hrs/week,Credit 2, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: Introduction ofsources in Arabic, Persian andMongolian languages on Central AsianTurkish history from Genghis Khan tothe Soviet period and evaluation ofthem.Assesment Methods:Homewok/ExaminationRecommended Readings:ORKUN, H.N., Eski Türk Yaz›tlar›,Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1988.TAfiA⁄IL, Ahmet, Gök-Türkler I,Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1995.TOGAN, Z.V., Tarihte Usul, ‹stanbul:‹.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay›nlar›,1950.fiEfiEN, Ramazan, MüslümalardaTarih Co¤rafya Yaz›c›l›¤›, ‹stanbul:‹slam Tarih Sanat ve KültürünüAraflt›rma Vakf›, 1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL



04.1.5223.0 PALACE ORGANISATIONOF SELJUKIDS2 hrs/week, theory, 2 Credits, ECTS 4Objective/Content : Rulers’ palace andhow function of palace organisation inthe period of Seljukids, one ofmedieval Turkish states, are studied inthe example of the Ottoman Palace.Pre-requisite: -Assessment Methods: A written exam Recommended Readings:Cahen, C., Osmanl›lar’dan ÖnceAnadolu, çev. Erol Üyepazarc›, TarihVakf› Yurt Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.Gordlevski, V., Anadolu SelçukluDevleti, çev. Azer Yaran, Ankara1988.Köymen, Altay, Alp Arslan VeZaman›, III, Ankara 1992.Merçil, Erdo¤an, Kirman Selçuklular›,TTK Ankara 1989.Sevim, Ali-Merçil, Erdo¤an, SelçukluDevletleri Tarihi, Ankara 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Erdo¤anMerçil

04.01.5224.0 TOWN PLANNING INTHE MIDDLE AGE2 hrs/week, theory, 2 Credits, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: In this course wedwell upon about permanent life,town planning mind and centre ofcities in the Middle AgePre – requisite:Assessment Methods: ExamTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. EmineUYUMAZ

04.01.5225.0 INDEPENDENCEMOVEMENTS IN TURKESTANT 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective/Contens: It will have beentaken up riots for independence

against the Russian emperorship withAldar ‹sekeyev, Kusum Kulukeyev,Karasakal, Bat›rsa Molla, Kenasar›Kas›mul›, Mohambet Otemisov andthe other leaders.Assesment Methods: ExzaminationRecommended Readings:Viyatkin, M., Oçerki ‹storii KazahskoySSR (s Drevneyflih Vremyon po 1870g.), I, Leningrad, 1941.Viyatkin, M., Bat›r S›r›m, M.-L.,1947.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. OsmanYORULMAZ





04.01. 6122.0 TURKISH-ISLAMICCIVILIZATIONT 3, 3hrs/week,Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Birth anddevelopment processes of the islamiccivilization, the developments and theworks about education, science,technology, medical sciences,astronomy, maths, phylosphy,literature and art islamic architecture,the appearance of the islamicphilosophy and the interpretationsabout it, the affects of the Islamiccivilization on the other civilizationsand its importance from point of theTurkish history.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Barthold, V.-Köprülü, F., ‹slamMedeniyeti Tarihi, ‹stanbul : KanaatKitabevi, 1940.ANDRE, Miquel, ‹slam ve Medeniyeti:Do¤ufltan Günümüze, (trc. AhmetFidan), Ankara : Birleflik Da¤›t›mKitabevi, 1991.fiEfiEN, R., Salahaddin Eyyubi veDevri, ‹stanbul : ‹slam Tarih Sanat veKültürünü Araflt›rma Vakf›, 2000. ZEYDAN, Corci, ‹slam MedeniyetiTarihi, (trc. Zeki Megamez), ‹stanbul :Do¤an Günefl Yay›nlar›, 1971.‹slam Ansiklopedisi, I-XIII, ‹stanbul :Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›, 1986.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. RamazanfiEfiEN

04.01. 6123 ATATURK AND THETURKISH WORLDT 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: A general review

for the Ottoman state’s relations withTurkic communities in Russia, jadidistand panturkist movements amongTurks of Russia, the liberation war ofTurkey and Turks of Russia, Turkey’sSoviet policy in the Ataturk’s era.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:KARAKOÇ, Ercan, Atatürkün D›flTürkler Politikas›, ‹stanbul: IQ KültürSanat Yay›nc›l›k, 2002.ÇANDARLIO⁄LU, Gülçin, DersNotlar›.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr.GülçinÇANDARLIO⁄LU

04.01. 6124 HISTORY OF THETURKISH TRIBEST 4, 4 hrs / week ,Credit 4, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: History, socialand political features of Turkish tribesplayed important role in the Turkishhistory from pre-islamic period untilXVI. Century.Assesment Methods: Examination

Recommended Readings:SÜMER, F., O¤uzlar, Istanbul: TürkDünyas› Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, 1992.KURAT, A. N., IV.-XVIII. Yüzy›llardaKaradeniz Kuzeyindeki TürkKavimleri ve Devletleri, Ankara :Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve TarihCo¤rafya Fakültesi, 1972.RASONY, L., Tarihte Türklük,Ankara : Türk Kültürünü Araflt›rmaEnstitüsü, 1993.GOLDEN, Peter B., Türk Halklar›Tarihine Girifl (Çev. Osman Karatay),Ankara: Karam Yay›nlar›, 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL



04.01. 6120 MILITARYORGANISATION AT THE MEDIEVALAGET 3, 3 hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Emergence ofthe permanent army in the Turkish-Islamic history, classes of the army,arms, personnel, salaries andeducation of soldiers, army structuresin the states of four chaliphs,Umayyids, Abbasids, Seljukids,Eyyubids and Mamluks, sources,studies, articles and encyclopaedicstates on these subjects.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:HITT‹, Ph., ‹slam Tarihi: Siyasi veKültürel, (trc. Salih Tu¤), ‹stanbul :Bo¤aziçi Yay›nlar›, 1980.ANDRE, Miquel, ‹slam ve Medeniyeti:Do¤ufltan Günümüze, (trc. AhmetFidan), Ankara : Birleflik Da¤›t›mKitabevi, 1991.fiEfiEN, Ramazan, Salahaddin Eyyubive Devri, ‹stanbul : ‹slam Tarih Sanatve Kültürünü Araflt›rma Vakf›, 2000. ‹slam Ansiklopedisi, I-XIII, ‹stanbul :Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›, 1986.UZUNÇARfiILI, ‹. H., Osmanl› DevletTeflkilat›nda Medhal, Ankara : TürkTarih Kurumu, 1988.Teaching Staff: Prof.Dr.RamazanfiEfiEN

04.1.6121 POLITICAL SCIENCE TEXT INTHE MIDDLE AGET 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective/Contens: The Governmentof state is very interesting subject forphilosopher and administrator fromAncient Age to Modern time. Anumber of texts were written abouth

this subject in the Middle Age whichmentioned under the names ofSiyasatnama, pandnama andnasihatü’l-muluk. This kind of workswere classified as moral books in theclasification of science. Our aim in thiscourse are reading this kind of textsand try to compare of their content. Assesment Methods: ExzaminationRecommended Readings:MAVERD‹, Siyaset Sanat›, Nasihatü’l-Mülük, (Çev. M. Sar›b›y›k), ‹stanbul2000.MERÇ‹L, Erdo¤an, Sebüktegin’inPendnamesi (Tan›t›m, Farsça Metin,Türkçe Tercüme), - ‹slam TedkikleriDergisi 6/ 1-2, ‹stanbul 1976.N‹ZAMÜ’L-MÜLK, Siyasetname, YUSUF HAS HAC‹B, Kutadgu-Bilig,(R. R. Arat) Ankara 2003.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. HayrunnisaAlan


04.01.6224 RELATIONS BETWEENTURKEY AND COMMONWEALTH OFINDEPENDENT STATEST 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The collapsingof the Soviet Union, formation ofCommonwealth of Independent States,Turkey’s political, economical andcultural relations with member statesof it, especially the Russian Federationand Turkic Republics.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:DEVLET, Nadir, Ça¤dafl TürkDünyas›, ‹stanbul: MarmaraÜniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi,1989.



ÇANDARLIO⁄LU, Gülçin, DersNotlar›Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GülçinÇANDARLIO⁄LU

04.01. 6223 SURVEYS ON SOURCESOF ANCIENT TURKISH HISTORY T 4, 4 hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Introduction andevaluation of sources for the ancientTurkish history espacially in Chineseand Latin languages, using methods ofthem, modern studies on this subject. Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ORKUN, H.N., Eski Türk Yaz›tlar›,Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 1987.fiEfiEN, R., ‹slam Co¤rafyac›lar›naGöre Türkler ve Türk Ülkeleri,Ankara: Türk Kültürünü Araflt›rmaEnstitüsü, 1998.TOGAN, Z.V., Umumi Türk TarihineGirifl, ‹stanbul : ‹smail AkgünMatbaas›, 1946.BARTHOLD, W., Mo¤ol ‹stilas›naKadar Türkistan, (haz. Hakk› DursunY›ld›z), Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu,1990.Teaching Staff: Prof.Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL

04.01. 6220 SCIENCE HISTORY INTHE ISLAMIC WORLDT 2,2hrs/week, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Classification ofscience in the Islamic world, beginningof translation activities, emergence ofvarious sciences and scientific worksin Turkish, Arabic, Persian languages,development of various sciences aftercenturies, important scholars and theircontribution to the world science,

publications, works, articles andencyclopaedic states on these topics.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Dictionary Scientific Biographie, New-York, 1981.BROCKELMANN, C., Geschichte delArabischen Litteratur, Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1937-1949.SEZG‹N, F., Geschichte desarabischen Schrifftuns, Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1967-2004.SARTON, G., Introduction of theHistory of Sciences, New York :Robert E. Krieger Publishing, 1975.HITT‹, Ph., ‹slam Tarihi: Siyasi veKültürel, (trc. Salih Tu¤), ‹stanbul :Bo¤aziçi Yay›nlar›, 1980.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. RamazanfiEfiEN

04.1. 6221 POLITICAL HISTORY OFTHE SOVIET REPUBLICST 3, 3hrs/week, Credit 3, ECTS 6Objective/Contens: Five of 15 republicmade up the Soviet Union Turkicstates. They are Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan, Usbekistanand Turkmenistan Soviet SocialistRepublics. The Soviet period havedeep impact on the history of the theserepuclics which all of them are nowindependent national states. In thislecture we examine the formation ofthe Soviet Turkic Republics, theirpoliticians, political structure andMoskow policy towards these states.Assesment MethodsRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. AbdulvahapKara



04.1.6222.0 HISTORY OF SELJUKIDSCIVILIZATIONT 4, 4hrs/week, Credit 4, ECTS 8Objective/Contens: Govermentalstinstuc of state, sociel structure ofcommunity, economical and ofSeljukids association of profession.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. EmineUyumaz





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.2.5106.0 Ottaman Historiography 3 604.2.5107.0 Metododology 3 6Elective Courses 4 18

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.2.5206 Surveys on Otoman Manuscripts 3 604.2.5207 Ottoman-Iran Relations 3 604.2.5208 Sem›nar 0 3Elective Courses 5 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.2.5123.0 Methods of Edition Crituque 2 604.2.5124.0 Ottoman Warfare Organization 2 604.2.5125.0 History of ‹dil-Ural at XVI-XIX Centuries 2 6 04.2.5126.0 Archival Materials 2 604.2.5127.0 Ottamans Social Structure 2 604.2.5128.0 The Using of Ottoman Sources in History Researches 2 604.2.5130.0 Arabs Under Ottoman Administration 2 6

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS04.2.5223.0 Texts in English 3 504.2.5224.0 Sources of Central Asian History at the New Age 2 504.2.5226.0 Ottoman Diplomacy 2 504.2.5227.0 History of the Turlkistan Turks at XVI-XIX. Centuries 2 604.2.5228.0 Everyday Life ‹n the Capital City of the Ottoman Empire 2 6 04.2.5229 Educational and Cultural History of Ottomans 2 6





04.2.5106 OTTOMANHISTORIOGRAPHY3 Hours/week, T 3, 3 Credit, 6 AKTSObjective / Contents: Ottomanunofficial historiographers, “non-vak’anuvis” and their works,important Ottoman sources forfoundation, rising and reform epochsof the Ottoman state, biographic,bibliographic and monographic worksin Ottoman Turkish, duties forstudents in these topics. Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:BAB‹NGER, Franz, Osmanl› TarihYazarlar› ve Eserleri, Ankara: KültürBakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, 1992.Karsl›-zâde Cemaleddin Efendi,Ayine-i Zurefa, ‹stanbul : Kitabhane-i‹kdam, 1896.KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Bekir, “Vekayinüvis”,‹slam Ansiklopedisi, ‹stanbul : MilliE¤itim Bakanl›¤›, 1986, XIII, 271-287.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdülkadirÖZCAN

04.2.5107 METDODOLOGY3 Hours/week, T 3, 3 Credit, 6 AKTS Objective / Contents: Getting thestudents skilled with the method ofhistorical researches.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:BLOCH, Marc, Tarihin Savunusu Yada Tarihçilik Mesle¤i, (Çev. M.A.K›l›çbay), Ankara 1985.‹GGERS, George, Yirminci Yüzy›ldatarih Yaz›m›, (Çev.G.C. Güven) Tarih

Vakf› Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000. fiUfiUL, Kas›m, Kafiyecide TarihUsulü, ‹stanbul 2003.THOMSON, David, Tarihin Amac›,(Çev. Salih Özbaran) ‹zmir 1983.TOGAN, Z.V. ,Tarihte Usul, ‹stanbul1981. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hayrunnisa Alan

04.2.5123 METHODS OF EDITIONCRITUQUE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6AKTS, ElectiveObjective/Contens: Methods of thecomparative publishing of thehistorical manuscripts and somamodel work about this subject.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommen readings:TOGAN, Zeki Velidi, Tarihte UsulTURAN, fierafettin, Tevarih-i Al-iOsman, VII. Defter, Ankara 1991.ÖZCAN, Abdülkadir, Zübde-iVekayiât, Ankara 1995.KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Bekir, Katib ÇelebiFezlekesinin Kaynaklar›, ‹stanbul1990.KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Bekir, ÇeflmizâdeTarihi, ‹stanbul 1993.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdülkadirÖzcan

04.2.5124 OTTOMAN WARFAREORGANIZATION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6AKTS, ElectiveObjective/Contens: Procuring of allneeds of the army at the campaigns,finanching of extraordinary expenses,methods of stage, organization of thebelligerent and auxiliary forces.Assesment Methods: Examination



Recommend Readings:MURPHEY, Roads, The Functioningof the Ottoman Army Under MuradIV, Illinois 1979 (doktora tezi)FINKEL, Caroline, TheAdministration of Warfare: TheOttoman Military Campaings inHungary, Wien 1988.‹fiB‹L‹R, Ömer, XVI. Yüzy›lBafllar›nda fiark Seferlerinin ‹afle,‹kmal ve Lojistik Meseleleri, ‹stanbul1997.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ömer‹flbilir

04.2.5125 HISTORY OF ‹D‹L-URAL ATXVI-XIX CENTURIES2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective/Contens: ‹t will have takenup Baskurd, Tatar, Khalmuk andRussian Cossacks history which livedin ˘til-Yayik region from the decline ofGolden Horde State to 19th. Century.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:AKMANOV, ‹. G., BaflkirskiyeVosstaniya, Ufa, 1993.VITEVSKIY, V. N., ‹. ‹. Neplyuyev iOrenburgskiy Kray v Prejnem YegoSostav do 1758 g., 5 cilt, Kazan,1889-1897.Material› po ‹storii Baflkirskoy ASSR,I, Moskva-Leningard, 1936. RIÇKOV, P. ‹., ‹storiyaOrenburgskaya (1730-1750),Orenburg. 1896.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. OsmanYORULMAZ

04.2.5126 ARCHIVAL MATERIALS2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6AKTS, Elective

Objective/Contens: Methods ofworking at the archives ofBaflbakanl›k Osmanl›, Topkapi Saray›Müzesi, Tapu ve Kadastro, Val›flarGenel Müdürlü¤ü and fier‘iyyeSicilleri.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:Baflbakanl›k Osmanl› Arflivi Rehberi.-Ankara 1992.-XXVI, 634 s. - (T.C.Baflbakanl›k Devlet Arflivleri GenelMüdürlü¤ü Osmanl› Arflivi DaireBaflkanl›¤›; yay›n nu. 5)B‹NARK, ‹smet. Arfliv ve arflivcilikbilgileri. - Ankara: Baflbakanl›kBas›mevi 1980. - XXIV, 245 s. - (T.C.Baflbakanl›k Cumhuriyet ArfliviDairesi Baflkanl›¤›; yay›n no. 3.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdülkadirÖzcan

04.2.5127 OTTOMANS’ SOCIALSTRUCTURE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: The Born andDevelopment of Amendments of“Tanzimat”Targets set-forth with theamendments.Effects and/or results of“amendments’ implementation” onOttomans’ societal transformation.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Ahmet Cevdet Pafla, Ma’rûzat (Ed.Yusuf Halaço¤lu), ‹stanbul 1980.Ed. Engelhardt, Tanzimat (Tr. A.Düz), ‹stanbul 1976.KORAY, Enver, Türkiye’ninÇa¤dafllaflma Sürecinde Tanzimat,‹stanbul 1991.SHAW, Stanford, Osmanl›



‹mparatorlu¤u ve Modern Türkiye, I-II( Çev: M. Harmanc›), ‹stanbul 1982,1983.Tanzimat I, Yüzüncü Y›ldönümüMünasebetiyle, ‹stanbul 1940.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. FatmaÜrekli

04.2.5128 THE USING OF OTTOMANSOURCES IN HISTORICALRESEARCHES.2 Hours/Week, T2, 2Credit, 6 AKTS ,ElectiveObjective / Contents: The problemsbeing faced during studying onarchival materials and manuscripts;the methods and ways to solve theproblems and the process ofcompleting the findings are the mainsubjects of this course.Assesment Methods: Examination.Recommended Readings:KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Mübahat S., Osmanl›Belgelerinin Dili, Kubbealt› yay.REYCHMAN, Jan –ZAJACZKOWSKI,Ananiasz (Çev. Mehmet Fethi Atay),Osmanl›-Türk Diplomatikas› ElKitab›, ‹stanbul 1993.GÖKB‹LG‹N, Tayyib, Osmanl›Paleografya ve Diplomatik ‹lmi,istanbul 1979.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. FilizKaraca

04.2.5130 ARABS UNDER OTTOMANADMNINISTRATION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: Ottomanexpansion to the Arab world, Ottomanadministration in the Arab provinces,general situation of the Arab world inthe late period of Ottoman State, the

effects of European expansion to theArab world, Industrial Revolution,French Revolution and the Arabworld, Western thought,modernisation and independencemovements in the Arab countries.Assesment Methods: Examination.Recommended Readings:ABOUSEIF- BEHRENS, DORIS,Egypt’s Adjustment to Ottoman Rule,Leiden-New York-Köln, 1994.DAWN, C. ERNEST, Osmanl›c›l›ktanArapç›l›¤a, (Çeviri; Bahattin Ayd›n-Taflk›n Temiz) ‹stanbul; YöneliflYay›nlar›, 1998.HOURANI, ALBERT HAB‹B, ArabicThought in the Liberal Age 1789-1939, Londra; 1962.HOURANI, ALBERT - HEYD,URIEL- DAV‹SON, R. H., ‹slamDünyas› ve Bat›l›laflma, De¤iflim veSorunlar, ‹stanbul, 1997.‹NAYET, HAM‹T, Arap SiyasiDüflüncesinin Seyri, (Çeviren: HicabiK›rlang›ç), ‹stanbul, 1991.


04.2.5206 SURVEYS ON OTTOMANMANUSCRIPTS3 Hours/Week, T 3, 3 Credit, 6 AKTSObjective / Contents: Reading andunderstanding efforts on OttomanTurkish manuscripts from easy one todifficult in order to use OttomanTurkish as a source language for theOttoman history.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:YAZIR, Mahmut, Eski Yaz›lar› OkumaAnahtar›, Ankara: Vak›flar GenelMüdürlü¤ü Yay›nlar›, 1978.EM‹NO⁄LU, Mehmet, Osmanl›



Vesikalar›n› Okumaya Girifl, Konya:Gözyafl› Yay›nc›l›k, 1991.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdülkadirÖzcan

04.2.5207 OTTOMAN-IRANRELATIONS3 Hours/Week, T 3, 3 Credit, 6 AKTSObjective/Contens: Foundation ofSafavi State in Iran and relationsbetween the states of Ottoman andSafevi from the begining of XV.century to the middle of XVIII.century.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:MURPHEY, Roads, The Functioningof the Ottoman Army Under MuradIV, Illinois 1979 (doktora tezi)FINKEL, Caroline, TheAdministration of Warfare: TheOttoman Military Campaings inHungary, Wien 1988.‹fiB‹L‹R, Ömer, XVI. Yüzy›lBafllar›nda fiark Seferlerinin ‹afle,‹kmal ve Lojistik Meseleleri, ‹stanbul1997.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ömer‹flbilir

04.2.5208 SEMINAR3 Hours/Week, U 3, 0 Credit, 0 AKTSObjective/Contens: Ranks of aacademical work (article, thesis orbook) from the choosing of subject tocreating of text.Assesment Methods: HomeworkRecommended Readings:KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Mübahat, TarihAraflt›rmalar›nda Usul, ‹stanbul, 2001.Bailey, E. P, Writting ResearchPapers, Chicago, 1982.

Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hayrunnisa Alan

04.2.5223 TEXTS IN ENGLISH3 Hours/Week, T 3, 3 Kredi, 5 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: A specialreadings course on selected articlesand texts in English for the historystudents.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Süleyman K›z›ltoprak

04.2.5224 SOURCES OF CENTRALASIAN HISTORY AT THE NEW AGE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Kredi, 5 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: Works on thesources belonging to Central AsianHistory.Recommend Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hayrunnisa Alan

04.2.5226 OTTOMAN DIPLOMACY2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: Types ofcalligraphy and documents (“ferman”,“berat”, “hüküm”, “arzuhal”,“kaime”, “telhis”) an reading works.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:KÜTÜKO⁄LU, Mübahat, Osmanl›Belgelerinin Dili (Diplomatik),‹stanbul 1998.Various documents of archives.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ömer‹flbilir



04.2.5227 HISTORY OF THETURKISTAN TURKS AT XVI-XIX.CENTURIES2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective/Contens: ‹t will have beendwelt upon Khazakh, Khiva, Khokandand Bukhara khaganates whichappeared on the history scene after thedecline of Golden Horde and TimuridState.Assesment Methods: ExsaminationRecommended Readings:TOGAN, A. Z. V., Bugünkü TürkiliTürkistan ve Yak›n Tarihi, 2. bask›,‹stanbul 1981.HAYIT, B., Türkistan Devletleri’ninMilli Mücadeleleri, Çev. AbdülkadirSadak, Ankara, 1995.YORULMAZ, O., Küçük CüzKazaklar› ile Çarl›k Rusya Aras›ndakiSiyasi ‹liflkiler, MSGSÜ, SosyalBilimler Enst. Bas›lmam›fl Doktoratezi, ‹stanbul, 2002. BASIN, V. Ya., Rossiya i KazahskiyeHansvo v XVI.-XVIII. vv., Alma-Ata,1971.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. OsmanYORULMAZ

04.2.5228 EVERYDAY LIFE IN THECAPITAL CITY OF THE OTTOMANEMPIRE 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: Daily officiallife; the relationship andcommunication between The ImperialPalace and The Sublime Port;ordinary and extra-ordinary meetings,ceremonies and protocol rules are thesubjects of this course. Assesment Methods: Examination. Recommended Readings:‹.Hakk› Uzunçarfl›l›, Osmanl›

Devletinin Merkez ve BahriyeTeflkilat›, TTK yay. UZUNÇARfiILI, ‹.Hakk›, Osmanl›Devletinin Saray Teflkilat›, TTK yay. FIDLEY, Carter V., Osmanl›Devletinde Bürokratik Reform Bab›ali,1789-1922 (Çev. L. Boyac› – ‹.Akyol), Ali Aky›ld›z, Tanzimat DönemiOsmanl› Merkez Teflkilat›nda Reform(1836-1856). ‹stanbul 1994MUMCU, Ahmed, Divan-› Hümayun,Ankara 1976. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. FilizKaraca

04.2.5229 EDUCATIONAL ANDCULTURAL HISTORY OF OTTOMANS2Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 6 AKTS, ElectiveObjective / Contents: Foundations andOperations of Educational Institutions,which were formed based upon thenew Reforms of the Ottomans .Effectsof those educational Institutions on theCultural Life of Ottomans.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Akyüz, Yahya, Türk E¤itim Tarihi (Bafllang›çtan 1999’a), ‹stanbul 1974.Bilim, C. Yalç›n, Tanzimat DevrindeTürk E¤itiminde Ça¤dafllaflma (1839-1876), Eskiflehir 1984.CEZAR, Mustafa, Sanatta Bat›’yaAç›l›fl ve Osman Hamdi Bey, ‹stanbul1977.ERG‹N, Osman, Türk Maarif Tarihi,I-II, III-IV, ‹stanbul 1977.KOÇER, H. Ali, Türkiye’de ModernE¤itimin Do¤uflu ve Geliflimi (1773-1923), ‹stanbul 1974.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. FatmaÜrekli


Division Head:Prof. Dr. Abdullah UÇMAN

Phone: (0212) 243 57 60/125, 147Fax: (0212) 243 57 62 e-mail:

The Division of Turkish Language andLiterature has been active ineducation since 1984 with itsbachelor, master and doctorate levels.The bachelor study in the departmentlast for 4 years.

The division has the programmes of“Modern Turkish Language”,“Ancient Turkish Language”,“Modern Turkish Literature” and“Ancient Turkish Literature”. All thelessons lasts for one term long. In theelective courses, external knowledge tosupport the subjects of Turkishlanguage and literature is presented.

The students who concludes the fouryeared bachelor programme withsuccess, can start working as teacherin the state and private schools aftercompleting the master programmewithout thesis. The graduate can alsowork in the museums and in thearchieves foundations with the“expert” title, also can be in charge inthe media organizations and press, asthe Ottoman Turkish is in the standartprogram of education.

The graduates of the TurkishLanguage and Literature Departmentcan attend the master and doctorateprogramme of the Institute of SocialSciences of Mimar Sinan Fine ArtsUniversity and of the otheruniversities. To attend theseprogrammes a success in both foreignlanguage and also scienceexaminations is required.





Prof. Dr. Abdullah UÇMANBachelor/Master: Istanbul University,1972, Ph.D.: Istanbul University,1982.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahim TARIMBachelor: Istanbul University, 1984;Master: Marmara University, 1986;Ph.D.: Marmara University, 1992.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Handan ‹NC‹ ELÇ‹Bachelor: Istanbul University; Master:Istanbul University, 1988; Ph.D.:Istanbul University, 1992.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanju ORALSEYHANBachelor: Istanbul University, 1983;Master: Marmara University, 1986:Ph.D.: Marmara University, 1991.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhsine HEL‹MO⁄LUYAVUZBachelor: Ankara University, 1972;Master: Dicle Üniversitesi, 1988;Ph.D.: Ankara University, 1996.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hanife KONCUBachelor: Mimar Sinan University,1992; Master: Marmara University,1994; Ph.D. Marmara University,1998.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Müjgan ÇAKIRBachelor: Marmara University, 1992;Master: Marmara University, 1994;Ph.D.: Marmara University, 1998.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Muharrem KAYABachelor: Mimar Sinan University,1991; Master: Marmara University,1994; Ph.D.: Marmara University,1999.




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 10 26Total credits for seminar courses 0 4Total credits for Elective Cources 0 0

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 11 30 Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 0 0

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Dersi; 120 ECTS


1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.04. 5101.0 History Of New Turkish Literature By Texts 3 8 05.04.5102.0 Original Resources Of Turkish Literature 2 505.04. 5103.0 Contemporary Turkish Novel I 3 8 05.04.5104.0 The Effects OfAncient Turkish Literature On New Turkish Literature 2 5 05.04.5105.0 Text Analysis 0 4

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.04.5201.0 Debates In Turkish Literature From The Tanzimat Until 3 1005.04.5202.0 The Literature AndThougt Movements After The 2 Constitutional Monarchty 4 10 05.04.5203. 0. Magazines In The Contemporary Turkish Literature 2 505.04. 5204.0 Contemporary Turkish Novel Ii 2 5





05.04. 5101.0 HISTORY OF NEWTURKISH LITERATURE BY TEXTS3 hrs/week T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: In this coursethe below-mentioned texts are studiedin the context of political and socialproblems of the period in whizh theyhave been written. fiinasi “Münâcât”and qasidas written for Mustafa ReflidPafla. Nam›k Kemal “HürriyetKasidesi”, “Vâveyla” and his article“Lisân-› Osmanî’nin Edebiyat›Hakk›nda Baz› Mülahâzât› fiâmildir”.Ziya Pafla, “Terci-i Bend”, this articleof “fiiir ve ‹nfla” and some parts of theintroduction of Harâbât. Âkif Pafla“Adem Kasidesi”, Sadullah Pafla“Ondokuzuncu As›r”, AbdülhakHâmid, The Introduction of“Makber”, “Külbe-i ‹fltiyak” and “Birfiairin Hezeyan›.”Assessmended Methods: Examination. Recommend Readings:TANPINAR, Ahmet Hamdi, 19. As›rTürk Edebiyat› Tarihi.KAPLAN, Mehmet, fiiir Tahlilleri I.KAPLAN, Mehmet, Türk Edebiyat›Üzerine Araflt›rmalar.KAPLAN, Mehmet, Tip Tahlilleri.AKÜN, Ömer Faruk, “fiinasi, Nam›kKemal ve fiemseddin Sami” maddeleri,MEB, ‹slâm Ansiklopedisi.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdullahUçman

05.04.5102.0 ORIGINAL RESOURCESOF TURKISH LITERATURE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The introduction

and analyzing of development phasesof the the sory and novel of theContemporary Turkish literature thatincludes the period from the TurkishWar of Independence to today is themain aim of the this course.Assessmended Methods: Exam andhomework.Recommend Readings:LEVEND, Agah S›rr›, Türk Edebiyat›Tarihi I, Ankara, Türk Dili ve Edebiyat› Ansiklopedisi,cilt: I-VIII, ‹stanbul, 1977-1998.BANARLI, Nihat Sami, Resimli TürkEdebiyat› Tarihi, ‹stanbul, 1971-1979.Yeni Türk Edebiyat› Antolojisi, cilt: I-V, ‹stanbul, 1972-1996.KÖPRÜLÜ, Fuat, EdebiyatAraflt›rmalar› I, Ankara, 1973.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdullahUçman

05.04. 5103.0 CONTEMPORARYTURKISH NOVEL I 3 hrs/week T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: Selectedcontemporary Turkish novels, whichhave been published after the ’80ies,will be reviewed and studied in eachsemester.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:AYTAÇ, Gürsel, Ça¤dafl TürkRomanlar› Üzerine ‹ncelemeler,Gündo¤an Yay›nlar›, Ankara 1990.ECEV‹T, Y›ld›z, Türk Roman›ndaPostmodernist Aç›l›mlar, ‹letiflim,‹stanbul 2001.GÜRB‹LEK, Nurdan, Ev Ödevi, MetisYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul1999.MORAN, Berna, Yeni TürkEdebiyat›na Elefltirel Bir Bak›fl 3


(Sevgi Soysal’dan Bilge Karasu’ya) ,‹letiflim, ‹stanbul 19904.OKTAY, Ahmet, fieytan, Melek,Soytar›, O¤lak Yay›nlar›, 1998.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Handan‹NC‹

05.04.5104.0 THE EFFECTS OFANCIENT TURKISH LITERATURE ONNEW TURKISH LITERATURE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The effects ofthe old Turkish literature on the newTurkish literature in terms of mannerand content will be scrutinized.“Encimen-i fiuarâ”, which is a literarygroup saying poems in the way of OldTurkish L‹terary begun to beconstituted in the second half of the19th century and its members will alsobe in our concern.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:ENG‹NÜN, ‹nci, “Yeni TürkEdebiyat›nda Fuzûlî”, Bir, say›: 3,‹stanbul.ÇET‹N, Nurullah, “Behçet Necatigil’inDüflünce ve fiirlerinde Divan”, Journalof Studies Hasibe Maz›o¤lu Arma¤an›,Harward, volume: 21, s. 102-117.AYVAZO⁄LU, Beflir, “Yaflayan fieyhGalib”, fieyh Galib Kitab›, ‹stanbul.ERBAY, Erdo¤an, Eskiler ve Yeniler,Erzurum,1997.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. Dr.Hanife Koncu

05.04.5105.0 TEXT ANALYS‹S 2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse, to teach ways of analysis onreflection of the Ottoman reformationin the Turkish literature with theselected texts of this period.

Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:LEWIS, Bernard; Modern Türkiye’ninDo¤uflu BERKES, Niyazi; Türkiye’deÇa¤dafllaflma ÜLKEN, H. Ziya; Türkiye’de Ça¤daflDüflünce Tarihi MARDIN, fierif; Türk Modernleflmesi ÜLKEN, H. Ziya; Uyan›fl DevrindeTercümenin Rolü Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. RahimTar›m


05.04.5201.0 DEBATES IN TURKISHLITERATURE FROM THE TANZ‹MATUNTIL3 hrs\week, T 3, Kredi 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The prominentliterary debates, from the firstdiscussion on language flaws betweenfiinasi and Said Pafla in 1862 tocontemporary debates, shall beexamined in chronological order.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:Türk Dili (Elefltiri Özel Say›s›), say›:142, Temmuz 1963.Hece (Elefltiri Özel Say›s›), say› 77/79,May›s-Temmuz 2003.ERBAY, Erdo¤an, Eskiler ve Yeniler,Akademik Araflt›rmalar, Erzurum1997.BEfi‹R FUAD, fiiir ve Hakikat, YKY,‹stanbul 1999.ERC‹LASUN, Bilge, Servet-i Fünun’daEdebi Tenkit, M.E.B. Yay›nlar›,Ankara 1994.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Handan‹nci




05.04.5202.0 THE LITERATURE ANDTHOUGT MOVEMENTS AFTER THE 2CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHTY4 hrs\week, T 4, Kredi 4 ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In this lessonsome main literature and thouhtmovements have became to appear inthe cultural life of the period after 2Constitutional Monarchy deceleratedin 24 July 1908. Among themovements of the period, especiallythe movements such as Turkism,Westernization, Union of ‹slam(‹ttihad-› islam) in the political andculturel contex and “NationalLiterature” that had begun to appearwith the Localization Movement(Mahallîleflme Cereyan›) andpublishing of Poems in Turkish(Türkçe fiiirler) by Mehmed Emin in1898 and had became to develop bythe effect of “Genç kalemler” andbesides these movements “Fecr-i Ati”,“Nev-yunanîlik” and Modern Mysticmovements under the effect ofBergsonism in the literature arescrutinized.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings :BERKES, Niyazi, Türkiye’deÇa¤dafllaflma.MARD‹N, fierif, Türk Modernleflmesi.SAFA, Peyami, Türk ‹nk›lab›naBak›fllar.ÜLKEN, Himi Ziya, Türkiye’deÇa¤dafl Düflünce Tarihi, 2 Cilt.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdullahUçman

05.04.5203. 0. MAGAZINES IN THECONTEMPORARY TURKISHLITERATURE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Literary groupsin the Contemporary TurkishLiterature are generally centeredaround a magazine. There have beenmany magazines starting from Servet-iFünun, which was formed by theServet-i Fünun group, until thecontemporary Turkish Literaturemagazines like Malûmat, GençKalemler, Dergâh, Hayat, TürkYurdu, Yeni Mecmua, Kadro, Varl›k,Büyük Do?u, Dirili?, Yeni Dergi,Papirüs. In this course, magazineswith literary and intellectual content,which have made contributions to theTurkish Literature.Assesment Methods: Exam.Recommend ReadingsTürk Dili ve Edebiyat› Ansiklopedisi,cilt: I-VIII, ‹stanbul 1976-1999.‹slam Ansiklopedisi (D‹A), cilt: I-XXX, ‹stanbul, 1989-2006.ÇEL‹K, Hüseyin, Genç KalemlerMecmuas›n›n ‹ncelenmesi, Van 1997.TUNCER, Hüseyin, Türk YurduÜzerine Bir ‹nceleme, Ankara, 1990.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. RahimTar›m

05.04. 5204.0 CONTEMPORARYTURKISH NOVEL II2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Selectedcontemporary Turkish novels, whichhave been published after the ’80ies,will be reviewed and studied in eachsemester.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommend Readings:


AYTAÇ, Gürsel, Ça¤dafl TürkRomanlar› Üzerine ‹ncelemeler,Gündo¤an Yay›nlar›, Ankara 1990.ECEV‹T, Y›ld›z, Orhan Pamuk’uOkumak, Gerçek Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul1996.GÜMÜfi, Semih, Adalet A¤ao¤lu’nunRomanc›l›¤›, Adam Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul2000.GÜMÜfi, Semih, Vüs’at O. Bener:Kara Anlat› Yazar›, Adam Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul 2000.MORAN, Berna, Yeni TürkEdebiyat›na Elefltirel Bir Bak›fl 3(Sevgi Soysal’dan Bilge Karasu’ya) ,‹letiflim, ‹stanbul 19904.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Handan‹NC‹





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 8 24Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 2 6

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 9 26 Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 2 4

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


4. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


5. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


6. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


7. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


8. SEMESTERThesis Presentation 30





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.04. 6101.0 Comparative Literature I 2 605.04. 6102.0 Literary Critique In Contemprary Turkish Literature 2 6 05.04. 6103.0 Methods Of Poetry Analysis 2 605.04. 6104.0 Literary Theories 2 6 05.04.6105.0 Studies Of Culture I 2 6

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.04. 6201.0 Comparative Literature II 2 6 05.04.6202.0 Essay, Letter, Memoirs, Reportage 2 605.04.6203.0 Novel Resolution Methods 3 805.04.6204.0. Esthetics 2 605.004.6205.0 Studies Of Culture II 2 4





05.04. 6101.0 COMPARATIVELITERATURE I2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Comparativeliterature, which has becomewidespread all over the world withvarious readings and methods sincethe 19th century, is a discipline, whichstudies the influences of variouscultures and literatures on each others.So it is possible for nations to get toknow each other and to create idealrelations with each other through thecommon studies in literary works. Inthis course, Comparative Literaturewill be studied.Assessmended Methods: Exam.Recommend Readings:TIEGHEM, Van, Mukayeseli Edebiyat(çev. Yusuf K›l›çel), ‹stanbul, 1935.ÜLKEN, Hilmi Ziya, Uyan›flDevirlerinde Tercümenin Rolü,‹stanbul, 1935.PER‹N, Cevdet, TanzimatEdebiyat›nda Frans›z Tesiri, ‹stanbul,1946.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Emel Kefeli

05.04. 6102.0 LITERARY CRITIQUE INCONTEMPRARY TURKISHLITERATURE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: The literarycritique and essay genres which beganafter the Tanzimat era, developedduring the Servet-i Fünun era anddeveloped in a larger scale with theadaptation of new methods after theRepublic. In this course, new methods

of critique in the Turkish Literaturestarting from Nam›k Kemal untilNurullah Ataç, Hüseyin Cöntürk andNurdan Gürbilek will be studied.Assessmended Methods: Exam.Recommend Readings:TANPINAR, Ahmet Hamdi, 19. As›rTürk Edebiyat› Tarihi, Ça¤layanKitanevi, ‹stanbul, 1967.Türk Dili Elefltiri Özel Say›s› I-II ,say›:142, say›: 234, Temmuz 1963-Mart1971.Türk Dili Deneme Özel Say›s›, say›:118, Temmuz 1961.ÖZÇELEB‹, Betül-ÖZÇELEB‹,Hüseyin, Cumhuriyet DönemindeEdebî Elefltiri I-II, Kültür Bakanl›¤›Yay., Ankara, 1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdullahUçman

05.04. 6103.0 METHODS OF POETRYANALYSIS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents:This course aimsto show the importance of poem, as aliterary work, with its mains elementssuch as ontological stratum,vocabulary, word order and traditionof the poem by using semiologicalanalysis methods.Assessmended Methods: Exam andhomework.Recommend Readings:WELLEK Rene-WARREN Austin,Edebiyat Teorisi (çev. Ömer FarukHuyugüzel), ‹zmir, 1993.WORTON, M. –STILL, J,Intertextually, Mancester, 1990.CULLER, Jonathan, The Pursuit ofSigns, London, 1981.ECO, Umberto, Yorum ve Afl›r› Yorum(2. bask›), Can Yay., 1997.


MAREN, Manon-Grisebach, EdebiyatBiliminin Yöntemleri, Ankara, 1995Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. RahimTar›m

05.04. 6104.0 LITERARY THEORIES 2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6

Objective / Contents: After anoverview of prominent literary theoriesthat dominated 20th centuryi (RussianFormalism, New Criticism, Structalismand Post-structalism, RederRespond...), an in-depth look shall beprovided on one of these theories.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:TODOROV, Tzvetan, Yaz›nKuram›/Rus Biçimcilerinin Metinleri,(Çev.: M. Rifat-S. Rifat), YKY,‹stanbul 2005.EAGLETON, Terry, Edebiyat Kuram›,Ayr›nt›, ‹stanbul 1990.R‹FAT, Mehmet, XX. Yüzy›ldaDilbilim ve Göstergebilim Kuramlar›,YKY, ‹stanbul 1998.YÜCEL, Tahsin, Yap›salc›l›k, AdaYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 1982.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Handan‹nci

05.04.6106.0 STUDIES OF CULTURE I2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: The aim of thecourse is to trace the main discoursesand debates in Turkey literature,culture by reading and discussing themain texts. The course first introducesthe students with the main conceptsand prevailing approaches on cultureevaluating the revelant literature ›nTurkey comparat›vely, and do apopular cultural (small-scale) researchin an area of their interest.

Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:GROSSBERG, Lawrence (ed. vd),Cultural Studies, London, 1992.LONG, Elizabeth, From Sociology toCultural Studies, Oxford, 1997.MARD‹N, fierif, Türk Modernleflmesi,‹stanbul, 2005.ORTAYLI, ‹lber, ‹mparatorlu¤un EnUzun Yüzy›l›, ‹stanbul, 2005.PARLA, Jale, Babalar ve O¤ullar,‹letiflim Yay., ‹stanbul, Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. MeralÖZBEK


05.04. 6201.0 COMPARATIVELITERATURE II2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: ComparativeLiterature is essentially based ontranslation, effect, image researchesand typological analysis. The basicstarting points of ComparativeLiterature are the writers’ relationshipwith various cultures and literatures,and studying foreign sources’ link withlocal cultures. Also comparativeliterature studies are extremelysensitive and it is a quagmire thatprevents researchers from preciseadjudging. Since what these kind ofresearches contribute to literaryhistory cannot be denied, in thiscourse the comparison of texts will befocused. Assessmended Methods: Exam.Recommend Readings:ENG‹NÜN, ‹nci, Mukayeseli Edebiyat,‹stanbul, 1992.KEFEL‹, Emel, Karfl›laflt›rmal›Edebiyat ‹ncelemeleri, ‹stanbul, 2000.




WELLEK, Rene, WARREN, Austin,Edebiyat Biliminin Temelleri (Çev.Ahmet Edip Uysal), Ankara, 1983.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Emel Kefeli

05.04.6202.0 ESSAY, LETTER,MEMOIRS, REPORTAGE2 Hours/Week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Someremarkable examples of the genreslike letter, memoir and reportage,which have made a progress after theTanzimat. There are many examplesof these genres starting from Nam›kKemal’s letters, Abdülhak Hamid’smemoir until the present writers likeTanp›nar’s, Mehmet Kaplan’s, OrhanOkay’s letters and memoirs, theliterary reportages collected in RuflenEflref’s “Diyorlar ki”. In this course,the most well known examples of thesegenres will be studied.Assessmended Methods: Exam.Recommend Readings:Türk Dili, Mektup Özel Say›s›, say›:274, Temmuz 1974.Türk Dili, An› Özel Say›s›, say›: 246,Mart 1972.Tercüme Dergisi, Mektup Özel Say›s›.Posta Kutusu Dergisi, 4 say›, ‹stanbul2003-20004.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AbdullahUçman

05.04.6203.0 NOVEL RESOLUTIONMETHODS3 Hours/Week T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 8Objective / Contents: In this class,various criticism methods(Imperessionist, Structalist,Receptionist...) shall be applied onselected samples of Turkish novel andtexts shall be subjected to multilateral

interpretations with various readingstyles.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:BAKHT‹N, Mikhail, KarnavaldanRomana, Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul2001. BARTHES, Roland, Yaz› veYorum, Metis Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul1990. GÖKTÜRK, Akflit, OkumaU¤rafl›, YKY, ‹stanbul 1997.ECO, Umberto, Yorum ve Afl›r›Yorum, Can Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 1996.ECEV‹T, Y›ld›z, Orhan Pamuk’uOkumak, Gerçek Yay›nevi, 1996.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Handan‹nci

05.04.6204.0.ESTHETICS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse, to introduce the periods ofaesthetic from the ancientphilosophers who thought on 'fine andbeauty' to aesthetes who accepted thisfield as a science, and to teach somecriterion of aesthetic which differencesfrom the other fields"Assessmended Methods: Exam andhomework.Recommend Readings:SENA, Cemil, Estetik, Remzi Kitabevi,‹st.-1972.YETK‹N, Suut Kemal, EstetikDoktrinler, Bilgi Yay›nevi, Ankara1972. TUNALI, ‹smail, Estetik, RemziKitabevi, ‹st.-2001. CROCE, Benedetto, Estetik, RemziKitabevi, ‹st.-1983.TURGUT, ‹hsan, Sanat Felsefesi,‹zmir 1991. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. RahimTar›m


05.004.6205.0 STUDIES OF CULTURE II2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: The aim of thecourse is to trace the main discoursesand debates in Turkey literature,culture by reading and discussing themain texts. The course first introducesthe students with the main conceptsand prevailing approaches on cultureevaluating the revelant literature ›nTurkey comparat›vely, and do apopular cultural (small-scale) researchin an area of their interest.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:GROSSBERG, Lawrence (ed. vd),Cultural Studies, London, 1992.LONG, Elizabeth, From Sociology toCultural Studies, Oxford, 1997.BOURDIEU, Pierre, Sanat›n Kurallar›,‹stanbul, 2005.G‹RARD, Rene, Romantik Yalan veRomansal Hakikat, ‹stanbul, 2003.MORETTI, Franco, Modern Epik,‹stanbul, 2005.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. MeralÖZBEK






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 11 30Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 0 0

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 10 25 Total credits for seminar courses 0 5Total credits for Elective Cources 0 0

Total 10 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Study Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Dersi; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.03.5101.0 Spelling And Language Features Of Manuscripts 3 10 05.03.5102.0 Mazmuns In The Divan Poems 2 505.03.5103.0 Comparisons Of Mesnevis 2 505.03.5104.0 Formulation Of Verse And Themes In The Divan Poems 2 5Elective Courses05.03.5105.0 Literature Knowledge And Theories 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.03.5201.0 Critical Publication Of Manuscript Texts 2 5 05.03.5202.0 Criticize In The Divan Literature 2 505.03.5203.0 Types Of Divan Prose 2 505.03.5204.0 Explation And Commentation Of Divan Poems 4 1005.03.5205.0 Text Analysis 0 5





05.03.5104.0 FORMULATION OFVERSE AND THEMES IN THE DIVANPOEMS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Naz›m formsestablishing with couplets (kaside,gazel, mesnevi) or stanzas (flark›,murabba, terkib-i bent vs.) andthemes (tevhid, mersiye, fahriye vs.)educated during the undergraduateperiod in the name of “ Introductionto Old Turkish Literature” course iseducated in an advanced level inwhich sample texts are stutied.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:D‹LÇ‹N, Cem, Örneklerle Türk fiiiriBilgisi, Ankara, 1997.PEKOLCAY, Necla, Erayd›n, Selçuk;Tahral› Mustafa, ‹slÇmi TürkEdebiyat›nda fiekil ve Nevilere Girifl,‹stanbul, 2000.AKAR, Metin, Türk Edebiyat›ndaManzum Mirac-nÇmeler, Ankara,1987.ERDO⁄AN, Mustafa, TürkEdebiyat›nda Muhammes, Ankara,2002.ÇELEB‹O⁄LU, Amil, TürkEdebiyat›nda Mesnevi, ‹stanbul, 1999.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MüjganÇak›r

05.03.5103.0 COMPARISONS OFMESNEVIS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: ComparativeWorks of way and content of the

mesnevis like Leyla vü Mecnun, Yusufu Züleyha and Hüsrev ü fiirin arestudied in this course.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:FUZUL‹, Leyla vü Mecn! n, Haz.Muhammed Nur Do¤an, ‹stanbul,1996.ÜNVER, ‹smail, “Mesnevi”, Türk Dili-Divan fiiiri Özel Say›s›, Ankara, 1986.ÇELEB‹O⁄LU, Amil, TürkEdebiyat›nda Mesnevi, ‹stanbul, 1999.KÜLEKÇ‹, Numan, Mesnevi Edebiyat›Antolojisi,2 C., Erzurum, 1999.fiENTÜRK, Ahmet Atilla, XVI. AsraKadar Anadolu Sahas›Mesnevilerindeki Edebi Tasvirler,‹stanbul, 2002. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. HanifeKoncu

05.03.5102.0 MAZMUNS IN THEDIVAN POEMS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This course isconcerned on the notion of“mazmun”, repeting often in DivanPoems, giving knowledge aboutvariety of mazmuns, finding mazmunsin the sample texts and descriptiveand studying examinative works arestudied. Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:ONAY, Ahmet Talat, Eski TürkEdebiyat›nda Mazmunlar, 1992.PALA, ‹skender, Ansiklopedik Divanfiiiri Sözlü¤ü, Ankara.OLGUN, Tahir, Edebi Mektuplar,Haz. Cemal Kurnaz, Ankara, 1999.ZAVATÇU, Gencay, Divan Edebiyat›Kifliler-Kiflilikler Sözlü¤ü, Ankara,2006


Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. HanifeKoncu

05.03.5101.0 SPELLING ANDLANGUAGE FEATURES OFMANUSCRIPTS3 hrs/week T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: All Old TurkishLiterature texts have a feature ofcalligraphy (hand-writing) which havebeen written with nesih, ta’lik, orother calligraphy. First of all in thiscourse, we are going to concern ondifferent features of spelling andletters writing style in these sorts ofmanuscripts according to periods, evento persons. In addition, this type ofmanuscripts are translated withtranscription to scientific language ofLatin letters, its subjects like languagefeatures and descriptions are the mainthemes in this course. Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:Lokmani Dede (Haz. Prof. Dr. HalilErsoylu), MenÇk›b-› MevlÇnÇ, TDK,Ankara, 2001.T‹MURTAfi, Faruk Kadri, EskiTürkiye Türkçesi, ‹stanbul, 1994Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MüjganÇak›r


05.03.5201.0 CRITICALPUBLICATION OF MANUSCRIPTTEXTS2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Methods oftranslating Old Turkish Literaturetexts to scientific language of Latinletters xith the help of “ Spelling and

Language Features of Manuscripts”course is educated in this course. Inaddition, methods of criticalpublication (edition-criticalpublicaiton) with the help of samplesis educated again in this course. Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:Lokmani Dede (Haz. Prof. Dr. Halil

Ersoylu), Menak›b-› Mevlana, TDK,Ankara, 2001.K›z Destan›, (Haz. Prof. Dr. HalilErsoylu), TDK, Ankara, 1996.Mesud Bin Ahmed (Haz. Cem Dilçin),Süheyl ü Nev-Bahar, Ankara, 1991.Dede Korkut Kitab› I, (Haz.Muharrem Ergin), TDK, Ankara,1997.Seydi Ali Reis, (Haz. MehmetKiremit), Mir’atü’l-Memalik, TDK,Ankara, 1999.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Sebahat Deniz

05.03.5202.0 CRITICIZE IN THEDIVAN LITERATURE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Literaturecriticismis in the contemporarybiographic type of works like tezkiresof Sehi, Latifi, Afl›k Çelebi is thiscoursei ›n addition lampoon type iseducated. Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:Hece-Elefltiri Özel Say›s›TOLASA, Harun, Sehî, Latifî, Âfl›kÇelebi Tezkirelerine Göre 16. yy.’daEdebiyat Araflt›rma ve Elefltirisi I,‹zmir, 1983.fieyhi’nin Harnamesi, Haz. FarukKadri Timurtafl, ‹stanbul, 1971.Nef’i ve Siham-› Kaza, Haz. MetinAkkufl, Ankara, 1998.




Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. HanifeKoncu

05.03.5203.0 TYPES OF DIVANPROSE2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Pure, mediumand rich types of Divan prose with avariety of sample texts are concernedin this course.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:‹Z, Fahir, Eski Türk Edebiyat›ndaNesir, Ankara, 1996.ÜZGÖR, Tahir, Türkçe DivÇnDibaceleri, Ankara, 1990.COfiKUN, Menderes, Nabi, Tuhfetü’l-Haremeyn, Ankara, 2002.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. HanifeKoncu

05.03.5204.0 EXPLANATION ANDCOMMENTATION OF DIVAN POEMS4 hrs/week T 2, Credit 4, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Explanation andcommentation of texts in the DivanLiterature are studied in this course, avariety poets piece of poems areexamined, especially the made-subjectexaminations of them. Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:ONAY, Ahmet Talat, Eski TürkEdebiyat›nda Mazmunlar, Ankara,1992.PALA, ‹skender, Ansiklopedik Divanfiiiri Sözlü¤ü, Ankara,.KURNAZ, Cemal, Hayali BeyDivan›’n›n Tahlili, ‹stanbul, 1996.TARLAN, Ali Nihad, fieyhi Divan›’n›Tektik, ‹stanbul, 1964.TOLASA, Harun, Ahmet Pafla’n›n fiiirDünyas›, Ankara, 1973.

Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MüjganÇak›r

05.03.5205.0 TEXT ANALYS‹S2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The class willemphasize the intertextual relationsbetween the old Turkish literature andfolk literature. It will primarily explainterms of intertextuality, citation,plagizrize, allusion, parody, burlesque,pastiche. At a later phase, in abroadhistorical backgraund of old Turkishliterature common objects for Folkliterature forms beeing used in the OldTurkish literature, similarities anddifferences will be commented onbasing on the texts.Assessmended Methods: Term paperRecommend Readings:AKTULUM, Kubilay, Metinleraras›‹liflkiler, Öteki Yay›nevi, Ankara,1999, 294 s.ALPTEK‹N, Ali Berat, HalkHikâyelerinin Motif Yap›s›, Akça¤Yay›nlar›, Ankara, 1997, 417 s.ELÇ‹N, fiükrü, Gevherî Divan›,Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Baflkanl›¤›Yay., Ankara 1998, 763 s.Fuzûlî, Leylâ vü Mecnûn, Haz.Muhammed Nur Do¤an, ÇantayKitabevi, ‹stanbul 1996, 536 s.KARADA⁄, Metin, Erzurumlu Emrah,Ayy›ld›z Yay., Ankara 1996, 470 s. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MuharremKaya



05.03.5105.0 LITERATUREKNOWLEDGE AND THEORIES2 hrs/week T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: especially, inthis course which conserns belagatsection in the content of the DivanLiterature, the arts of word andmeaning are studied. In additionthemes like muamma, lugaz, lebde¤mez, muvaflflah and tarih düflürme(to date) included in belagat areeducated.Assessmended Methods: Term paper.Recommend Readings:WELLEK, Rene, WARREN, Austin,Edebiyat Biliminin Temelleri (Çev.Ahmet Edip Uysal), Ankara, 1983.KAYA, Bilgegil, Edebiyat Bilgi veTeorileri, ‹stanbul, 1989.SARAÇ, M. A. Yekta, KlÇsik EdebiyatBilgisi-Belagat, ‹stanbul, 2000.KÜLEKÇ‹, Numan, Edebî Sanatlar,Ankara, 1999.KOCAKAPLAN, ‹sa, Edebî Sanatlar,‹stanbul, 1998.Teaching Staff: Assoc NihatÖztoprak.






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 0 0Total credits for seminar courses 0 6Total credits for Elective Cources 10 24

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 0 0 Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 11 30

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Study Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Dersi; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.01.5101.0 Historical & Comparative Turkish Grammar I (Phonetics) 2 605.01.5102.0 Old Turkic Language I (Texts Written With Kokturk Scripts) 2 6 05.01.5103.0 Middle Turkic Language I(Islamic Turkish Environment Karahanli Field Works) 2 6 05.01.5104.0 Historical Kipchak Turkish I 2 6 05.015105.0 Cultural Atlas Of Turkic World 2 405.01.5106.0 Turkish Dialects I (Azerbaijanian Turkish) 2 305.01.5107.0 Text Analysis 0 6

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.01.5201.0 Historical And Comparative Turkish Grammar II (Structure) 2 6 05.01.5202.0 Old Turkic Language II(Maniheist & Buddhist Environment Turkish Texts) 2 605.01.5203.0 Middle Turkic Language II(Islamic Turkish Environment Kharezm-Altin Orda Field Works) 2 6 05.01.5204.0 Eastern Turkish Written Language (Classical Period Works) 2 605.01.5205.0 Historical Kipchak Turkish II(Altin Orda – Memluk Era Kipchak Works) 2 605.01.5206.0 Historical And Modern Turkish Geography & Sources 2 4 05.01.5207.0 Turkish Dialects II (Uzbek Turkish) 2 3





05.01.5101.0 HISTORICAL &COMPARATIVE TURKISH GRAMMARI (PHONETICS)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,

ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onphonetic and structural semanticaspects of Turkish Languagecomparatively with using diachronicand synchronic methods. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:fiÇERBAK, A.M., (1970).Sravnitel’naya fonetika tyurkskixyaz›kov , Leningrad: Nauka.TENIfiEV E.R., (Ed.), (1984).Sravnitel'naya-istoriçeskaya tyurkskixyaz›kov. Fonetika, Moskva.DOERFER,G., (1975-6). “Proto-Turkic: reconstruction problems”,Türk Dili Araflt›rmalar› Y›ll›¤› Belleten, 1-50.POPPE, N., (1960). VergleichendeGrammatik der Altaischen Sprachen,1, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.FOX, A. (1995), LinguisticReconstruction, An Introuction toTheory and Method, Oxford UniversityPress, New York.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.5102.0 OLD TURKICLANGUAGE I (TEXTS WRITTEN WITHKOKTURK SCRIPTS) 2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,

ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Characteristicsof the Kokturk alphabet, quoting ofthe runic texts into the Latin scriptswith using transcription andtransliteration systems; studying ongrammar issues especially forphonetics, structure and sense aspectson the texts in accordance with thecomparative, historical and linguisticsmethods. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ERDAL, Marcel (1991), Old TurkicWord Formation: A FunctionalApproach to the Lexicon, 2 Cilt,Wiesbaden.ORKUN, H.N., Eski Türk Yaz›tlar›,Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1988.ERG‹N, Prof. Dr. Muharrem(1996),Orhun Abideleri, 20. Bask›, Bo¤aziçiYay., ‹stanbul.GABAIN, A. Von (Çev.: MehmetAkal›n) (1988), Eski TürkçeninGrameri, TDK, Yay., Ankara.TEK‹N, Talat (2000), Orhon TürkçesiGrameri, Türk Dilleri Araflt›rmalar›Dizisi:9, Ankara.Teaching Staff:: Yard. Doç. Dr. C.Eralp ALIfiIK

05.01.5103.0 MIDDLE TURKICLANGUAGE I (ISLAMIC TURKISHENVIRONMENT KARAHANLI FIELDWORKS) 2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying on thelanguage characteristics of theKarahanl› era, which is the initialperiod of the Eastern TurkicLanguage based on related texts,


which are including Kutadgu Bilig,Divanü Lugati’t-Türk, QuranTranslations etc., and languageexaminations on comparative withhistorical and contemporary dialects ofthe Turkish Language and generalstudying on bibliographic surveys.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ATA, Prof.Dr. Aysu (2004), Türkçe‹lk Kur'an Tercümesi- Karahanl›Türkçesi (Girifl-Metin-Notlar-Dizin),Ankara:Türk Dil Kurumu Yay›n›.ERC‹LASUN, Doç. Dr. Ahmet B.,Kutadgu Bilig Grameri –Fiil-, GaziÜniversitesi, Ankara 1984.TEK‹N, Prof. Dr. Talât, XI. Yüzy›lTürk fiiiri, TDK Yay., Ankara 1989.YUSUF HAS HAC‹B (Haz.: ReflitRahmeti Arat), Kutadgu Bilig I Metin,2. Bask›, TDK Yay., Ankara 1979.YUSUF HAS HAC‹B (Çev. ReflitRahmeti Arat), Kutadgu Bilig II, 3.Bask›, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.,Ankara 1985.Teaching Staff:: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.5104.0 HISTORICAL KIPCHAKTURKISH I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Comparativestudies on Kipchak dialect materialbetween Divanü Lugati’t-Türk andCodex Cumanicus based on historicallinguistics method for phonetics,structure and sense aspects.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:KUUN, G.- Louis Ligeti, Codex

Cumanicus, Budapest 1981.MOLLAVA, M. Sofia (1988), “LePersan des Comans et la Valeur deCertaines Lettres dans le CodexCumanicus”, WZKM 78, Wien.SEYF-‹ SARÂYÎ (Haz.: Doç. Dr. AliFehmi Karamanl›o¤lu) (1989),Gülistan Tercümesi, TDK Yay.,Ankara.TOPARLI, Doç. Dr. Recep(Haz.(1992)), ‹rflâdü’l-mülûk ve’s-selâtîn,TDK Yay., Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.5105.0 CULTURAL ATLAS OFTURKIC WORLD2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 4Objective / Contents: IntroducingTurkish Republics (Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzia, Turkmenistanand Uzbekistan) and other variousTurkic groups such as Tatars,Bashkirds, Altaic people with theirhistorical and cultural characteristicsincluding visual presentations. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:KAFESO⁄LU, ‹., Türk Milli Kültürü,‹stanbul: Bo¤aziçi Yay›nlar›, 1983. ÖGEL, B., ‹slamiyetten Önce TürkKültür Tarihine Girifl, Ankara: TürkTarih Kurumu, 1987.ÖGEL, B., Türk Kültür Tarihine Girifl,Ankara: Kültür Bakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›,1981.ÖGEL, B., Türk Mitolojisi, Ankara :Selçuklu Tarih ve MedeniyetiEnstitüsü, 1971.SINOR, D., Erken ‹ç Asya Tarihi,‹stanbul: ‹letiflim Yay›nlar›, 2002.




Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL

05.01.5106.0 TURKISH DIALECTS I(AZERBAIJANIAN TURKISH)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Studying onAzerbaijanian Turkish Dialect basedon Arabic and Cyrillic texts with usingdiachronic and synchronic linguisticsmethods.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:AÇIKGÖZ, Halil- Günay Karaa¤aç(1988), Azerbaycan Bayat›lar›, TDKYay., Ankara.AHUNDOV, Ehliman (Haz.: SemihTezcan) (1978), Azerbaycan HalkYaz›n› Örnekleri, TDK Yay., Ankara.ERG‹N, Muharrem (1981) AzeriTürkçesi, ‹Ü. Edebiyat Fak. Yay.,‹stanbul.HACIYEV, T. ‹.- K. N. Veliyev(1983), Azerbaycan Dili Tarihi, Bak›.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.5107.0 TEXT ANALYSIS2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 0 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Researches onsources with using informationreceiving techniques on the relatedera, classification and evaluation ofthe materials, analysis methods andapplication of those methods onsources, every student is given aseparate subject in order to applyanalysis methods on the specifiedtexts.Assessment Methods: Examination,

homework.Recommended Readings:YUSUF HAS HAC‹B (Haz.: ReflitRahmeti Arat)(1979), Kutadgu Bilig IMetin, 2. Bask›, TDK Yay., Ankara .YUSUF HAS HAC‹B (Çev. ReflitRahmeti Arat)(1985), Kutadgu BiligII, 3. Bask›, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yay.,Ankara.MAHMUD AL-KAfiGARI (Haz.:RobertDankof)(1982), Compendium of TheTurkic Dialects, 3 C., HarvardÜniversitesi.TÜRKDO⁄AN, O. (1995), BilimselDe¤erlendirme ve Araflt›rmaMetodolojisi, Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›Yay., ‹stanbul.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN


05.01.5201.0 HISTORICAL ANDCOMPARATIVE TURKISH GRAMMARII (STRUCTURE)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onphonetic and structural semanticaspects of Turkish Languagecomparatively with using diachronicand synchronic methods on the relatedtexts. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ERDAL, Marcel (1991), Old TurkicWord Formation: A FunctionalApproach to the Lexicon, 2 Cilt,Wisbaden.GABAIN, A. Von (Çev.: MehmetAkal›n) (1988), Eski TürkçeninGrameri, TDK, Yay., Ankara.


TEK‹N, Talat (1968), A Grammar ofOrkhon Turkic, Indiana University,Bloomington.ECKMANN, Jánosh (Haz.: GünayKaraa¤aç, 1988), Ça¤atayca El Kitab›,‹Ü. Edb. Fak. Yay., ‹stanbul.FOX, A. (1995), LinguisticReconstruction, An Introuction toTheory and Method, Oxford UniversityPress, New York.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.5202.0 OLD TURKICLANGUAGE II (MANIHEIST &BUDDHIST ENVIRONMENT TURKISHTEXTS)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying on oldUighur manuscripts including initialTurkish documents written in law,literature and religion subjects such asKuanshi im Pusar, KalyanamkaraPapamkara, Turfan Texts etc., withinthe formation of phonology, structuraland formal semantics of the TurkishLanguage.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ARAT, Reflit Rahmeti(1986), EskiTürk fiiiri,TTK. Yay, Ankara.ERDAL, Marcel (1991), Old TurkicWord Formation: A FunctionalApproach to the Lexicon, 2 Cilt,Wisbaden.HAMILTON, James Russell (Çev.: EceKorkut-‹smet Birkan,1998), Budac›‹yi ve Kötü Kalpli Prens Masal›n›nUygurcas›, Simurg Yay., Ankara.ÖZÖNDER BARUTÇU, F. Sema(1998), Üç ‹tigsizler, TDK Yay.,

Ankara.RÖHRBORN, Klaus (1977-1994),Uigurischen Wörterbuch:Sprachmaterial der VorislamischenTürkischen Texte aus Zentralasien, 1-5, Wiesbaden.Teaching Staff: Yard. Doç. Dr. C.Eralp ALIfiIK

05.01.5203.0 MIDDLE TURKICLANGUAGE II (ISLAMIC TURKISHENVIRONMENT KHAREZM-ALTINORDA FIELD WORKS)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying on thelanguage characteristics of theKharezm-Alt›n Orda era, which is thesecond period of the North-EasternTurkic Language based on relatedtexts, which are including, QuranTranslations, Nehcü’l-Feradis, Hüsrevü fiirin, Alt›n Orda formal letters anddocuments, ‹rflâdü’l-Mülûk etc., andlanguage examinations on comparativewith historical and contemporarydialects of the Turkish Language andgeneral studying on bibliographicsurveys. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ATA, Aysu (2002), Harezm-Alt›norduTürkçesi, Türk Dilleri Araflt›rmalar›Dizisi: 36, ‹stanbul.ATA, Aysu (1998) Nehcü’l-FerÇdis-Dizin, TDK Yay., Ankara.ATA, Aysu (1997a) Nas›rü’d-din binBurhanü’d-din Rabguzi - K›sasü’l-Enbiya, I. Cilt, Ankara:Türk DilKurumu Yay›n›. Ez-Zemahflari el-HvÇrizmí (Haz.:Nuri Yüce) (1988), Mukaddimetü’l-




Edeb, Ankara. HACIEM‹NO⁄LU,Prof. Dr. Necmettin, Harezm Türkçesive Grameri, ‹st. Ünv. Edb. Fak. Yay.,Ankara 1997. HACIEM‹NO⁄LU,Necmettin (1968), Kutb’un Hüsrev üfiirini ve Dil Hususiyetleri, ‹stanbul.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.5204.0 EASTERN TURKISHWRITTEN LANGUAGE (CLASSICALPERIOD WORKS)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Introducing ofbasic characters and their worksincluding Ali fiir Nevayi, Babür fiahetc., as representative of the classicalperiod of the Eastern TurkishLanguage and comparative languagestudies with historical and modernTurkish dialects and general studyingon bibliographic surveys.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:BABUR, Zahir al-din Muhammed(Haz.: Eiji Mano 1995), NakanishiPrinting co., ltd., Kyoto Japan. BABURA, Zahir Ed-din Muhammad(Haz.‹.V Steblevai, 1972), Traktat obAruze: faksimile rukopisi, Moskva.BARUTÇU- ÖZÖNDER, Sema (1996),‘Ali fiir Nevayi: Muhakemetü’l-Lugateyn, TDK Yay., Ankara.ECKMANN, Janos (Çev.: GünayKaraa¤aç, 1988 ), Ça¤atayca ElKitab›, ‹stanbul.ERASLAN, Kemal (1999), MevlânaSekkâkî Divan›, TDK Yay., Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.5205.0 HISTORICAL KIPCHAKTURKISH II (MEMLUK ERA KIPCHAKWORKS)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onAlt›n Orda and Memluk period works,which accepted as the second period ofthe North-Western Turkish includinglanguage characteristics and relatedtexts, introducing source works of theperiod, comparative language studieswith historical and modern dialects ofthe Turkish Language andbibliographical surveys within thisframe. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:BODROGLIGETI, Andras (1971),“AGrammar of Mameluke- K›pchak”,Studia Turcica, Budapest: 89-102.ECKMANN, János (1986), “Memlûk-K›pçak Edebiyat›”, TDAY Belleten1982-1983, Ankara: 85-99.ECKMANN, (1965), “MemlukK›pçakças›n›n O¤uzcalaflmas›na Dair”,TDAY Belleten 1964, Ankara: 35-41.KARAMANLIO⁄LU, Ali Fehmi(1994), K›pçak Türkçesi Grameri,TDK Yay., Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.5206.0 HISTORICAL ANDMODERN TURKISH GEOGRAPHY &SOURCES2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Introducing andevaluation of the Turkish, Arabic,Persian and Mongolian sourcesbetween the Cinghiz Khan and Soviet


periods on the Central Asia TurkishHistory, various aspects of the TurkicGeography in the Central Asia. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ORKUN, H.N. (1988), Eski TürkYaz›tlar›, Ankara: Türk TarihKurumu,.TAfiA⁄IL, Ahmet (1995), Gök-Türkler I, Ankara: Türk TarihKurumu,.TOGAN, Z.V (1950), Tarihte Usul,‹stanbul: ‹.Ü. Edebiyat FakültesiYay›nlar›. fiEfiEN, Ramazan (1998),Müslümalarda Tarih Co¤rafyaYaz›c›l›¤›, ‹stanbul: ‹slam Tarih Sanatve Kültürünü Araflt›rma Vakf›.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL

05.01.5207.0 TURKISH DIALECTS II(UZBEK TURKISH)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Studying onUzbek Turkish Dialect based onArabic and Cyrillic texts with usingdiachronic and synchronic linguisticsmethods.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:COfiKUN, Yard. Doç. Dr. Volkan(2000), Özbek Türkçesi Grameri,TDK Yay., Ankara.GABAIN, A.von (1945), ÖzbekischeGrammatik, Leipzig-Wien.KILIÇEV, E. (1992), Özbek TilininAmeliy Stilistikas›, Taflkent.ÖZTÜRK, R›dvan (1997), Uygur veÖzbek Türkçelerinde Fiil, TDK Yay.,Ankara.

TURSUNOV, U, URUNBAYEV, B(1969), Uzbek Edebiy Tili TarihiOçerkleri, Semerkand.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 0 0Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 10 30

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal credits for required courses 0 0 Total credits for seminar courses 0 0Total credits for Elective Cources 11 30

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTERThesis study report 30


4. SEMESTERThesis study report 30


5. SEMESTERThesis study report 30


6. SEMESTERThesis study report 30


7. SEMESTERThesis study report 30


8. SEMESTERThesis presentation 30





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.01.6101.0 Grammar Categories Of The Turkish Language I(Noun Grammar Categories) 2 605.01.6102.0 Turkish Administrative And Civil Life Documents And Language I 2 6 05.01.6103.0 Sources Of The Eastern Turkish Language And Literature I 2 6 05.01.6104.0 Turkish Stylistics I 2 6 05.01.6105.0 Turkish Language Relationships I 2 6 05.01.6106.0 History Of Turkish Tribes 2 4 05.01.6107.0 Turkish Mythology And Sources I 2 3 05.01.6108.0 Altaic Language Unity & Turkish 2 3

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS05.01.6201.0 Grammar Categories Of The Turkish Language II(Verb Grammar Categories) 2 6 05.01.6202.0 Turkish Administrative And Civil Life Documents And Language I I 2 605.01.6203.0 Turkish Stylistics II 2 605.01.6204.0 Sources Of The Eastern Turkish Language And Literature II 2 6 05.01.6205.0 Turkish Language Relationships II 2 6 05.01.6206.0 Turkish Lexicology & Etymological Studies 2 4 05.01.6207.0 Turkish Mythology And Sources II 2 3 05.01.6208.0 Historical Sources Of Old Turkish Language & History 2 3





05.01.6101.0 GRAMMARCATEGORIES OF THE TURKISHLANGUAGE I (NOUN GRAMMARCATEGORIES) 2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onhistorical period texts from Kokturkera based on noun category forcomparative purposes.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ERG‹N, Muharrem, Türk Dil Bilgisi,‹stanbul 1958.TEK‹N, Talat, A Grammar of OrkhonTurkic, Indiana University,Bloomington 1968.FOX, A., Linguistic Reconstruction,An Introduction to Theory andMethod, Oxford University Press, NewYork 1995.GRONBECH, K., (çev.: MehmetAkal›n), Türkçenin Yap›s›, TDK Yay.,Ankara 1995.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.6102.0 TURKISHADMINISTRATIVE AND CIVIL LIFEDOCUMENTS AND LANGUAGE I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onletters (private and official) andimperial edicts as well as lawdocuments in chronologically withoutconsidering the geographicalcharacteristics for identifying of the

Turkish Language.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:CLARK, Lary V., Introduction to theUyghur Civil Documents of EastTurkestan, Dissertation of IndianaUniversty, Blom›ngton 1975.KURAT, Akdes Nimet, Topkap› Saray›Müzesi Arflivindeki Alt›n Ordu, K›r›mve Türkistan Hanlar›na Ait Yarl›k veBitikler, ‹stanbul 1940.TEZCAN, Semih, Eski Uygurca HüanTsang Biografisi, X. Bölüm, Ankara1975.ARAT, R. Rahmeti, “Eski TürkHukuk Vesikalar›”, Türk KültürüAraflt›rmalar›, I-1, Ankara 1964, 5-53.CAFERO⁄LU, Ahmet, “UygurlardaHukuk ve Maliye Ist›lahlar›”, TürkiyatMecmuas›, 4. Say›, ‹stanbul 1934.MACKERRAS, C., “Sino-UighurDiplomatic and Trade Contacts (744to 840)”, CAJ, 13. 1969Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.6103.0 SOURCES OF THEEASTERN TURKISH LANGUAGE ANDLITERATURE I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Examining ofthe Chaghadai Turkish as stated in theliterature period from 14th centuryuntil 17th century as preliminaryperiod of the Eastern Turkic withfocusing on representative worksbased on comparative-historicallinguistics methods for structural andformal semantics aspects.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.


Recommended Readings:ABUfiKA Lûgati (hzl.: Besim Atalay),Ankara 1970.BOROVKOV, A. K., Bada’i‘ al-Lu?at,Moskva 1961.fiEYH SÜLEYMAN EFEND‹, H.,Lügat-i Ça¤atay ve Türkî-i Osmanî,‹stanbul 1293.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.6104.0 TURKISH STYLISTICS I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Generalstudying on Turkish stylistics incomparative bases with consideringvarious types of works such as privateletters, story etc., from the oldestsamples related to the identity of thespeakers in various geographies andevaluating of the language changesbased on type stylistics and personalstylistics aspects within historicalconcept. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:UZUN-SUBAfiI, Leyla, OrhunYaz›tlar›n›n Metindilbilimsel Yap›s›,Simurg Yay., Ankara 1995.USMANOV, M.A., Jalovanne Akt›Djuçieva Ulusa XIV-XVI vv,‹zdate’stova Kazanskogo Universiteta,Kazan 1979.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.6105.0 TURKISH LANGUAGERELATIONSHIPS I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Introducing of

the Turkish Language with the aspectsof language relationships (includingmixing, mixing characteristics,borrowing, multi-lingual issues,changes based on relationship andsocial effects within this frame) withinthe historical aspects. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:TEK‹N, Talat, Japonca ve AltayDilleri, Ankara 1993.AKSAN, Do¤an, En Eski Türkçe’nin‹zlerinde, Simurg Yay., ‹stanbul 2000.RÖHRBORN, Klaus, UigurischenWörterbuch: Sprachmaterial derVorislamischen Türkischen Texte ausZentralasien, 1-5, Wiesbaden 1977-1994.DOERFER, Gerhard, Turkische undMongolische Elemente imNeupersischen, IV Cilt, Wiesbaden I.C. 1963, II. C. 1965, III. C. 1967, IV.C. 1975.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GünayKARAA⁄AÇ

05.01.6106.0 HISTORY OF TURKISHTRIBES2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 4Objective / Contents: Studying onTurkish tribes, which playedimportant roles in the Turkish historyfrom the pre-islamic period until 16thcentury for historical, social andpolitical aspects and their relationshipseach other.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:SÜMER, F. (), O¤uzlar, Türk Dünyas›Araflt›rmalar› Vakf›, Istanbul 1992.




KURAT, A. N., IV.-XVIII. Yüzy›llardaKaradeniz Kuzeyindeki TürkKavimleri ve Devletleri, AnkaraÜniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Co¤rafyaFakültesi, Ankara 1972.RASONY, L., Tarihte Türklük, TürkKültürünü Araflt›rma Enstitüsü,Ankara 1993.GOLDEN, Peter B., Türk Halklar›Tarihine Girifl (çev.: Osman Karatay),Karam Yay›nlar›, Ankara 2002.Teaching Staff: Prof.Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL

05.01.6107.0 TURKISH MYTHOLOGYAND SOURCES I2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Studying onTurkish mythology, socio-cultural andpolitical history, cultural exchanges,archeological and historical thoughts,pre-islamic and post-islamicinstitutions, religious beliefs, life stylesand other characteristics based on thesource materials and works. Recommended Readings:Assessment Methods: Examination,homework Önerilen Kaynaklar:REICHL, Prof. Dr. Karl (Çev.: Doç.Dr. Metin Ekici, 2002), TürkBoylar›n›n Destanlar›, TDK Yay.,Ankara.‹NAN, Abdülkadir (1972), Tarihte veBugün fiamanizm, Ankara.ÖGEL, Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin (1998),Türk Mitolojisi (Kaynaklar› veAç›klamalar› ile Destanlar), 2 Cilt, 3.bask›, TTK Yay., Ankara.ÖGEL, Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin (1997),Türk Kültürünün Geliflme Ça¤lar›, IICilt, Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤› Yay.,‹stanbul.

Teaching Staff: Yard. Doç. Dr. C.Eralp ALIfiIK

05.01.6108.0 ALTAIC LANGUAGEUNITY & TURKISH 2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: IntroducingUralic-Altaic Language theory andvarious views on this subject,relationship between the languagesclassified in this group and TurkishLanguage. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:KOM‹SYON, Philologiae TurcicaeFundamenta, 2 Cilt, Wiesbaden I. Cilt:1959, II. Clt: 1965.TEK‹N, Talat (1993), Japonca veAltay Dilleri, Ankara.TUNA, Osman Nedim(1976), “AltayDilleri Teorisi”, Türk Dünyas› ElKitab›, Ankara.TEM‹R, Prof.Dr.Ahmet (1976), “Ural-Altay Dilleri Teorisi”, Türk Dünyas›El Kitab›, Ankara.TUNA, Osman Nedim(1976), “AltayDilleri Teorisi”, Türk Dünyas› ElKitab›, Ankara..Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN


05.01.6201.0 GRAMMARCATEGORIES OF THE TURKISHLANGUAGE II (VERB GRAMMARCATEGORIES)2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onhistorical period texts from Kokturk



era based on verb category forcomparative purposes. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:BANGUO⁄LU, Tahsin (1956),“Tekerrür Fiiller”, TDAY Belleten,Ankara.TEK‹N, Talat (1968), A Grammar ofOrkhon Turkic, Indiana University,Bloomington.ERC‹LASUN, Doç. Dr. Ahmet B.(1984), Kutadgu Bilig Grameri –Fiil-,Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.HACIEM‹NO⁄LU, Prof. Dr.Necmettin (1991), Yap› Bak›m›ndanFiiller, Kültür Bakanl›¤› Yay. Yay.,Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.6202.0 TURKISHADMINISTRATIVE AND CIVIL LIFEDOCUMENTS AND LANGUAGE II2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Studying onletters (private and official) andimperial edicts as well as lawdocuments in chronologically withoutconsidering the geographicalcharacteristics within the frame of theTurkish Language and culture.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:CAFERO⁄LU, Ahmet (1934),“Uygurlarda Hukuk ve MaliyeIst›lahlar›”, Türkiyat Mecmuas›, 4.Say›, ‹stanbul.ORKUN, H.N.(1936), Türk HukukTarihi, Ankara. MACKERRAS, C. (1969), “Sino-

Uighur Diplomatic and TradeContacts (744 to 840)”, CAJ, 13.‹ZG‹, Özkan (1987), Uygurlar›n Siyasive Kültürel Tarihi (HukukVesikalar›na Göre), Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. GülflenSeyhan ALIfiIK

05.01.6203.0 TURKISH STYLISTICS II2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Generalstudying on Turkish stylistics incomparative bases with consideringvarious types of works such as privateletters, story etc., from the oldestsamples related to the identity of thespeakers in various geographies andevaluating of the language changesbased on type stylistics and personalstylistics aspects within historicalconcept. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:TEZCAN, Prof. Dr. Semih (1975),Eski Uygurca Hüan Tsang Biografisi,X. Bölüm, Ankara.TEK‹N, fiinasi (1969), “UygurEdebiyat›n›n Meseleleri (fiekiller-Vezinler)”, Türk KültürüAraflt›malar›, II/1-2 1965, Ankara.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju OralSEYHAN

05.01.6204.0 SOURCES OF THEEASTERN TURKISH LANGUAGE ANDLITERATURE II2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Examining ofthe falling period of the ChaghadaiTurkish as stated in the literature



period from 17th century until 20thcentury, transition period to UzbekLanguage and examining of therepresentative works based oncomparative-historical linguisticsmethods including structural andformal semantics aspects.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ABUfiKA Lûgati (Haz. Atalay, Besim,1970), Ankara.BOROVKOV, A. K. (1961), Bada’i‘al-Lu?at, Moskva.fiEYH SÜLEYMAN EFEND‹, H.(1293) Lügat-i Ça¤atay ve Türkî-iOsmanî, ‹stanbul.EBULGAZ‹ BAHADIR HAN (Haz.:Zuhal Karg› Ölmez, 1996), fiecere-iTerÇkime (Türkmenlerin Soykütü¤ü),Simurg Yay›nlar›, Ankara.EBULGAZ‹HAN (Haz.: Azam Öktem,1992), fiecere-i Türk, Taflkent.Teaching Staff: Doç. Dr. Tanju ORALSEYHAN

05.01.6205.0 TURKISH LANGUAGERELATIONSHIPS II2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 6Objective / Contents: Introducing ofthe Turkish Language with the aspectsof language relationships (includingmixing, mixing characteristics,borrowing, multi-lingual issues,changes based on relationship andsocial effects within this frame) withinthe modern period. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:DOERFER, Gerhard, Turkische undMongolische Elemente imNeupersischen, IV Cilt, Wiesbaden I.

C. 1963, II. C. 1965, III. C. 1967, IV.C. 1975.TEK‹N, Talat (1993), Japonca veAltay Dilleri, Ankara.TUNA, Osman Nedim(1976), “AltayDilleri Teorisi”, Türk Dünyas› ElKitab›, Ankara.TEM‹R, Prof.Dr.Ahmet (1976), “Ural-Altay Dilleri Teorisi”, Türk Dünyas›El Kitab›, Ankara.AKSAN, Prof. Dr. Do¤an (2000), EnEski Türkçe’nin ‹zlerinde, SimurgYay., ‹stanbul.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GünayKARAA⁄AÇ

05.01.6206.0 TURKISH LEXICOLOGY& ETYMOLOGICAL STUDIES2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 Credits,ECTS 4Objective / Contents: Introducing ofmain characteristics of Turkishvocabulary, principle elements andtheir position in the historical andmodern Turkish dialects, studying onlexicology research methods withinthis frame.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:CLAUSON, S. G. (1972), AnEtymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Oxford.DOERFER, Gerhard, Turkische undMongolische Elemente imNeupersischen, IV Cilt, Wiesbaden I.C. 1963, II. C. 1965, III. C. 1967, IV.C. 1975.RÄSÄNEN, Martti (1969), Versucheines Etymologischen Wörterbuchs derTürksprachen, Helsinki.SEVORTYAN, E.V. (1974-1989),Etimologiçeskiy Slovar’ Tyurkski?

Yaz›kov, I-IV, Moskva.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. GünayKARAA⁄AÇ

05.01.6207.0 TURKISH MYTHOLOGYAND SOURCES II2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Studying onTurkish mythology, socio-cultural andpolitical history, cultural exchanges,archeological and historical thoughts,pre-islamic and post-islamicinstitutions, religious beliefs, life stylesand other characteristics based on thesource materials and works includingbibliographical surveys.Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:REICHL, Prof. Dr. Karl (Çev.: Doç.Dr. Metin Ekici, 2002), TürkBoylar›n›n Destanlar›, TDK Yay.,Ankara.‹NAN, Abdülkadir (1972), Tarihte veBugün fiamanizm, Ankara.ÖGEL, Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin, TürkMitolojisi (Kaynaklar› ve Aç›klamalar›ile Destanlar), 2 Cilt, 3. bask›, TTKYay., Ankara 1998.ÖGEL, Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin (1997),Türk Kültürünün Geliflme Ça¤lar›, IICilt, Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤› Yay.,‹stanbul. Teaching Staff: Yard. Doç. Dr. C.Eralp ALIfiIK

05.01.6208.0 HISTORICAL SOURCESOF OLD TURKISH LANGUAGE &HISTORY2 hrs / week, Theory 2, 2 credits,ECTS 3Objective / Contents: Introducingespecially Chinese and Latin sourcesbelonging Old Turkish History andLanguage, methods of benefiting fromthose sources, studying on lexicologyresearch methods. Assessment Methods: Examination,homework.Recommended Readings:ORKUN, H.N., Eski Türk Yaz›tlar›,Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 1987.POPPE, N. (1960), VergleichendeGrammatik der Altaischen Sprachen,1, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.POPPE, N. (1965), Introdiction toAltaic Linguistics, Ural-AltaischeBibliothek- Otto Harrasowitz,Wiesbaden.TIETZE, Andreas (1999), Wörterbuchder Griechischen, Slavischen,Arabischen und PersischenLehnwörter im Anatolischen Türkisch,Simurg, ‹stanbul.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. AhmetTAfiA⁄IL





Division Head: Prof. Gülper REF‹⁄

Phone : (0212) 260 10 50 / 51Fax : (0212) 261 0041

The division of musicology focuses onthe detailed studies on the fields ofhistorical musicology andethnomusicology. General musicologyfocuses on the basic knowledge ofmusicology, research techniques,history of music, analysis and writingtechniques. Contemporary andtraditional Turkish music and arthistory courses are among thecomplementary courses. Themusicology department is intended formusical research. The department,frequently organizes seminars withacademic guests. The division of musicology has bothmasters and doctorate degreeprograms under the institute of socialsciences. The applying students should have awide range of musical and historicalknowledge and should be successful inthe examinations.The university and the conservatorytake part in the Socrates and Erasmusprograms to encourage the educationabroad.


Prof. Gülper REF‹⁄Bachelor: Hamburg Yüksek MüzikAkademisi Piyano 1970; Master: Hamburg Yüksek MüzikAkademisi Piyano 1972

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan UÇARSUBachelor: MSÜDK Kompozisyon,1990; Master: MSÜDK Kompozisyon, 1992; Pd.D: University of Pennsylvania,1997

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özkan MANAVBachelor: MSÜDK Kompozisyon,1991; Master: MSÜDK Kompozisyon, 1994;DMA: Boston University, 1999

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet NEMUTLUBachelor: MSÜDK Kompozisyon,1991; Masters: MSÜDK Kompozisyon, 1993; Proficiency in ine Art: MSÜDKKompozisyon 2000,

Asst. Prof. Dr. Esin ULUBachelor: MSÜDK Müzikoloji, 1990; Masters: MSÜDK Müzikoloji, 1993; Proficiency in Fine Art: MSÜDKMüzikoloji 2001,

Instructor Halit REF‹⁄

Instructor Melih DUYGULUBachelor : ‹TÜ DK, 1986

Instructor Yasemin ÇEL‹K







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required courses 6 15Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 4 10

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required courses 7 15Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 4 10

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminary; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Courses07.1. 5101.0 Symphonic Music in the Turkish Republic Period 1 2 507.1. 5102.0 Music and Cultures(Russian, Chinese, American, Indian cultures) Seminar 0 507.1.5103.0 Folkloric research in the 20th Century 1 2 507.1.5106.0 Art and Social Sciences 1 2 5

Elective Courses07.1. 5104.0 A. Adnan Saygun and his Music 1 2 507.1.5120.0 Cinema and Music 1 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Courses07.1. 5201.0 Symphonic Music, in the Turkish Republic Period 2 3 507.1. 5202.0 Music and Cultures(Russian, Chinese, American, Indian cultures) Seminar 0 507.1.5203.0 Folkloric research in the 20th Century 2 2 507.1.5206.0 Art and Social Sciences 2 2 5

Elective Courses07.1. 5204.0 A. Adnan Saygun and his Music 2 2 507.1.5220.0 Cinema and Music 2 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required courses 6 20Total elective courses 4 10

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 7 20Total elective courses 4 10

Total 11 30

3. Semester: Thesis Report 305. Semester: Thesis Report 307. Semester: Thesis Report 30


4. Semester: Thesis Report 30 4. Semester: Thesis Report 308. Semester: Thesis Presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Courses07.1. 6101.0 Literature and Music Interactions in the Western World 1 2 1007.1. 6102.0 Contemporary Turkish Music 1 2 507.1. 6103.0 Bela Bartok and Turkish Music researches 1 2 5

Elective Courses07.1. 6104.0 Folk Litterature in Mahler’s Symphonies 1 2 507.1. 6105.0 The Language of Music and its Creators 1 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Courses07.1. 6201.0 Literature and Music Interactions in the Western World 2 3 1007.1. 6202.0 Contemporary Turkish Music 2 2 507.1. 6203.0 Bela Bartok and Turkish Music researches 2 2 5

Elective Courses07.1. 6204.0 Folk Litterature in Mahler’s Symphonies 2 2 507.1. 6205.0 The Language of Music and its Creators 2 2 5





07.1. 5104.0 A. ADNAN SAYGUNAND HIS MUSIC 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: This Coursefocuses on the composer’s biographyand his compositional aspects. Theparallelism between the creativeperiods and the biographical aspectswill be examined in relation with theanalysis of his works.Examination: Research paperRecommended Readings:ARACI, Emre, Ahmed Adnan Saygun,Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,2001, ‹stanbul.ATALAY, Adnan, “Saygun’unEserleri”, Ahmed Adnan SaygunSemineri, 7-8 Ocak 1987, ‹zmirFilarmoni Derne¤i Yay›nlar›, 1987,‹zmir. GÖKALP, Ziya, Türkçülü¤ünEsaslar›, Toker Yay›nlar›, 1999,‹stanbul.REF‹⁄, Gülper, Atatürk ve AdnanSaygunn, Özsoy Operas›, BoyutYay›nlar›, ‹st, 1997.SAYDAM, Ergican, 'Adnan Saygun'lakonuflma', Ankara Filarmoni Dergisi,1973, Eylül, Ankara.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. Dr. EsinULU

07.1. 5101.0 SYMPHONIC MUSIC,OPERA AND BALET IN THE TURKISHREPUBLIC PERIOD 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Atatürk’sbiggest reform after the language

reform was the Music reform. Bygiving the commission to AdnanSaygun to write an opera namedÖzsoy, the synopsis of which waswritten by Atatürk himself, Atatürkmade the first step for the “NationalMusic”.The model of Saygun was followed bymany other composers duringAtatürk’s lifetime and after his passingaway. Unfortunately the knowledge ofthose facts are not always at thedisposal of the students. This course’saim is to compensate this lack ofknowledge and information.The foundation of the TurkishRepublic-the bringing of the Muzikay›Humayun to Ankara and theformation of the Riyaseti CumhurMusiki Heyeti. Foundation of theMusic Teachers School.The National Opera idea of Atatürk.Saygun- Özsoy, TaflbebekAkses- Mete

C.R.Rey- OperettesYunus Emre Oratoryo-Opening to theworldErkin and Akses's understanding ofsymphonic musicNew ideas in orchestral Music withAnlar, Ün and TarcanExamination: Research PaperRecommended Readings:SAYGUN.A.A, Atatürk veMusiki/O'nunla Birlikte ve O'ndanSonra, Sevda/Cenap and Müzik Vakf›Yayn›lar›, 1982.REF‹⁄, Gülper, A.Adnan Saygun veGeçmiflten Gelece¤e Türk Musikisi,Kültür Bakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, 1997.ARACI, Emre, Ahmed Adnan Saygun.Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,2002.



‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin, Cemal Reflit Rey:Müzikten ‹baret Bir DünyadaGezintiler, YKY, 1997.ÇALGAN, Koral, Ulvi Cemal Erkin:Duyufllar, Müzik AnsiklopedisiYay›nlar›, 1991.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper Refi¤

07.1.5103.0 FOLKLORIC RESEARCHIN THE 20TH CENTURY AND THEIMPORTANCE OF ADNAN SAYGUN 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: 20th Centurywas a period of important social andpolitical turning points. In a worldwhere Empires disappeared andnational states were born, the conceptof making research and catalogingtraditional cultural data calledFolklore-science was one of the raredisciplines that contributed to theformation of national conscience. Adnan Saygun is one of the mostimportant music folklorists of Turkey. Examination: Research PaperRecommended Readings:BAUMAN, Richard, Folklore, CulturalPerformances, and PopularEntertainment, New York 1992.CARVALHO, P., The Consept ofFolklore, Miami 1971.DORSON, M.Richard Folklore andFolklife, Chicago 1992DANDES, Alan, The Study ofFolklore, 1965.Turkish ÜLKÜTAfiIR, M. fiakir, CumhuriyetleBirlikte Türkiye’de Folklor veEtnografya Çal›flmalar›, Ankara 1973Teaching Staff: Melih Duygulu

07.1.5120.0 CINEMA AND MUSIC 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTS

Objective / Contents: Cinema’sexistence depends on time. That is thereason why Cinema is closelyinterrelated to music and sharecommon points. Since its creation, cinema used musicas a medium to attract its public.In the mute cinema period, a pianowould accompany the motion picture.And ometimes orchestras wouldaccompany the mute cinema.After voice has been included in thecinema, songs and dance has been animportant way of expression. The firstfilm with voice “Jazz Singer” is amodel to that. Later on many singersfrom all around the world acted inmovies.Hollywood which took the Broadwaymusicals to the cinema affected themusic culture of the world. Many composers of the 20th Centuryas Saint-Seans, Vaughan Wiliams,William Walton, Sergey Prokofief,Aram Haçaturyan, George Gershwin,Aaron Copland composed music forfilms.Later on film music composers cameon, as Maw Steiner, Victor Young,Miklos Rozsa, Maurice Jarre, MichelLegrand, Nino Rota, Vangelis…Teaching Staff: Halit REF‹⁄ (SaatÜcretli)

07.1. 5102.0 MUSIC AND CULTURES(RUSSIAN, CHINESE, AMERICAN,INDIAN CULTURES) 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: We added thiscourse with the thought that it wouldbe necessary to discuss the situation ofmusic in today’s world both inWestern and Eastern countries. As a



country being in a cultural intersectionbetween the Eastern and Westerngeography, it would be interesting andimportant to discuss those facts.Celtic music -Tudors period, Anglo-Saxon Protestant church musiccontemporary English composers.Today’s understanding.Rome, the Catholic Church’s effectsand Spanish music’s effect on 19thCentury composers and the situationin today’s world. Catholic Church, RenaissanceMadrigals and the development ofItalian opera in relation with the courtmusic. Italian music today. Minnesängers, Protestant ChurchChorals, Baroque and Classicalmusical forms, the big operarevolution in Mozart and Wagner,Today’s musical understanding inGermany where music scene sawmany changes since Mahler’s poeticsymphonies.Today's music understanding in

Hungary, the country in relation withthe Russian and Ottoman Empires,and the country of Bela Bartòk Examination: Research PaperBibliography: GRIFFITHS, Paul, Modern Music-TheAvant Garde Since, New York, 1981.BLOM, Eric, Music in India, PelicanBooks, England, 1947.SHIGEO, Kishibe, The TraditionalMusic of Japan, Ongaku No Tomo ShaEdition, 1984.SUCHOFF, Benjamin, Bela Bartok,Turkish Folk Music from Asia Minor,Princeton University Press, 1976.COPLAND, Aaron, What To ListenFor in Music, New American Library,1953.

Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper Refi¤

07.1.5106.0 THE BIRTH OF SOCIALSCIENCES, LOOKING AT ART FROMTHE SOCIAL SCIENCESPERSPECTIVE 13 Hours/week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Most of thestudents have difficulties tounderstand the meaning of big artistsworks and their lives both in thehistory of music and art.With this course, they will learn theconditions and circumstances of greatartists’ lives and the way they producetheir work of art. They willunderstand the composers in a betterway.In the timeline of history, theapproach to the artist in the East andWest will be clearly seen. Live in the early civilizations and theeffects on art: Mesopotamia -China-India-EgyptSocial life since the birth of theChristian Church and its reflections toart.The development of education, scienceand social life in the medieval TurkishIslamic States and their effects to theWestern world. ‹bn-i Sina-‹bn-i Rüfldetc.Martin Luther and the ProtestantReform and its effects on theEuropean life.Examination: Research PaperRecommended Readings:SEZER, Baykan, Sosyolojinin AnaBafll›klar›, ‹stanbul ÜniversitesiYay›nlar›, 1985.SEZER, Baykan, Türk SosyolojisininAna Sorunlar›, Sümer KitabeviYay›nlar›, 1988.



N‹RUN, Nihat, Sistematik SosyolojiAç›s›ndan Ziya Gökalp, KültürBakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, 1981.GÖKALP, Ziya, Türk Uygarl›¤›Tarihi, 1991.GÜVENÇ, Bozkurt, ‹nsan ve Kültür,Remzi Kitabevi, 1974.Teaching Staff: Yasemin Çelik (saatücretli)


07.1. 5204.0 A. ADNAN SAYGUNAND HIS MUSIC 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: This Coursefocuses on the composer’s biographyand his compositional aspects. Theparallelism between the creativeperiods and the biographical aspectswill be examined in relation with theanalysis of his works.Examination: Research paperRecommended Readings:ARACI, Emre, Ahmed Adnan Saygun,Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,2001, ‹stanbul. ATALAY, Adnan,“Saygun’un Eserleri”, Ahmed AdnanSaygun Semineri, 7-8 Ocak 1987,‹zmir Filarmoni Derne¤i Yay›nlar›,1987, ‹zmir. GÖKALP, Ziya,Türkçülü¤ün Esaslar›, TokerYay›nlar›, 1999, ‹stanbul. REF‹⁄,Gülper, Atatürk ve Adnan Saygunn,Özsoy Operas›, Boyut Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1997.SAYDAM, Ergican, 'Adnan Saygun'lakonuflma', Ankara Filarmoni Dergisi,1973, Eylül, Ankara.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. EsinULU

07.1. 5201.0 SYMPHONIC MUSIC,OPERA AND BALLET IN THETURKISH REPUBLIC PERIOD 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Kredits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: ContemporaryTrends: Usmanbafl and TançTurkish Opera after Saygun: Kodall›-TüzünSaygun-Erkin-Usmanbafl-Tüzün-Demirifl-Tanç- Ç. Ifl›közlü and BalletmusicMusic for Cinema-Yalç›n Tura-KemalSünderExamination: Final PaperRecommended Readings:SAYGUN.A.A, Atatürk veMusiki/O'nunla Birlikte ve O'ndanSonra, Sevda/Cenap and Müzik Vakf›Yayn›lar›, 1982.REF‹⁄, Gülper, A.Adnan Saygun veGeçmiflten Gelece¤e Türk Musikisi,Kültür Bakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, 1997.ARACI, Emre, Ahmed Adnan Saygun.Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,2002.‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin, Cemal Reflit Rey:Müzikten ‹baret Bir DünyadaGezintiler, YKY, 1997.ÇALGAN, Koral, Ulvi Cemal Erkin:Duyufllar, Müzik AnsiklopedisiYay›nlar›, 1991.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper Refi¤

07.1.5203.0. FOLKLORIC RESEARCHIN THE 20TH CENTURY AND THEIMPORTANCE OF ADNAN SAYGUN 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Saygun wasmember or chair of many folkloricresearch foundations of the world. Hemet and had the opportunity to workwith Vaughan Williams, Jean Sibelius,Michael Tippett, Bela Barok. He gave



papers in international musiccongresses in 4 different languages.Saygun made a big research inAnatolia with Bela Bartok, and wrotea book which was printed in Hungaryin English with the title “Bela Bartok’sMusic Research in Turkey”. We addedthis course with the aim of studyingthe researcher side of Adnan Saygun.Thus, this book will be studied andexamined by the students. Examination: Research PaperBibliography: Recommended Readings:BAUMAN, Richard, Folklore, CulturalPerformances, and PopularEntertaiments, New York 1992.CARVALHO, P., The Consept ofFolklore, Miami 1971.DORSON, M.Richard Folklore andFolklife, Chicago 1992DANDES, Alan, The Study ofFolklore, 1965TurkishÜLKÜTAfiIR, M. fiakir, CumhuriyetleBirlikte Türkiye’de Folklor veEtnografya Çal›flmalar›, Ankara 1973Teaching Staff: Melih Duygulu

07.1.5220.0 CINEMA AND MUSIC 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: During the mutecinema period, the first Turkishexample is based on an Operetta:“Leblebici Horhor A¤a” (1915).The development of the Turkishcinema was possible only after voicewas included. Films made with thesingers of the time was a big help forattracting the cinema of the most important earlyRepublic composer Cemal Reflit Reywrote music for the film “Batakl›

Dam›n K›z› Aysel”, and anothercomposer Ferit Anlar wrote music forthe film “Hal›c› K›z”Saadettin Kaynak ve Metin Bükey

should be mentioned among thepopular film music composers.Nedim Otyam and Yalç›n Tura are

among important composers of thepre-synthesizer period.the development of the synthesizerwas a big advantage for film musicmaking.With the advance of television, manyfilm music composers came to thescene Melih Kibar is one of the mostimportant to be mentioned. Some examples of film music usage inHalit Refi¤’s films: “Haremde DörtKad›n” Metin Bükey, “Aflk› Memnu”Yalç›n Tura, “Yorgun Savaflç›” KemalSünder, Leyla ile Mecnun” OrhanGencebay, “Kar›lar Ko¤uflu” veKöpekler Adas›” Melih Kibar…InstructorHalit REF‹⁄ (saat ücretli)

07.1. 5202.0 MUSIC AND CULTURES(RUSSIAN, CHINESE, AMERICAN,INDIAN CULTURES) 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: OrthodoxChurch – Asian Turkish people,Western music effects since 1st Petro,Nationalist trends in the 19th Century,and the music of the 1917 OctoberRevolution period and music in theSlavonic countries after the SovietRegime.The musical culture of the widegeography of Turkey and theirreflections in the woks ofcontemporary Turkish composers. Music in China since Buddhism–Confucius to Mao and their



reflections in today’s Chinese music.Pekin Opera.Hindu-Islam synthesis, the unchangedculture of Indian music up today.Noh, Kabuki, Bunraku in Buddhism

–Zionism traditions. scenery art withmusic and Japanese music today. Examination: Research PaperRecommended Readings:GRIFFITHS, Paul, Modern Music-TheAvant Garde Since, New York, 1981.BLOM, Eric, Music in India, PelicanBooks, England, 1947.SHIGEO, Kishibe, The TraditionalMusic of Japan, Ongaku No Tomo ShaEdition, 1984.SUCHOFF, Benjamin, Bela Bartok,Turkish Folk Music from Asia Minor,Princeton University Press, 1976.COPLAND, Aaron, What To ListenFor in Music, New American Library,1953.Teaching Staff: Prof.Gülper Refi¤

07.1.5206.0 THE BIRTH OF SOCIALSCIENCES, LOOKING AT ART FROMTHE SOCIAL SCIENCESPERSPECTIVE 23 Hours/week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: First Democracyexperiences in England with CromwellThe social reflections of the FrenchRevolution to EuropeThe consequences of the RussianOctober Revolution in the WesternWorldAtatürk’s fight for independence andthe foundation of the TurkishRepublic and its echoes in the WesternWorld.Examination: Research PaperRecommended Readings:SEZER, Baykan, Sosyolojinin Ana

Bafll›klar›, ‹stanbul ÜniversitesiYay›nlar›, 1985.SEZER, Baykan, Türk SosyolojisininAna Sorunlar›, Sümer KitabeviYay›nlar›, 1988.N‹RUN, Nihat, Sistematik SosyolojiAç›s›ndan Ziya Gökalp, KültürBakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, 1981.GÖKALP, Ziya, Türk Uygarl›¤›Tarihi, 1991.GÜVENÇ, Bozkurt, ‹nsan ve Kültür,Remzi Kitabevi, 1974.Teaching Staff: Yasemin Çelik (saatücretli)





07.1. 6101.0 LITERATURE AND MUSICINTERACTIONS IN THE WESTERNWORLD 12Hours/Week, T3, 2 Credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: The coursefocuses on the literary works that havebeen used in operas, orchestral worksand lieds and the interaction ofliterature and music in differentcultures.Examination: Research paperRecommended Readings:Rossiter, Frank R., Charles Ives andhis America, George J. Mc LoedLimited, 1975, Toronto.Mingotti, Antonio, Gershwin, EineBibliographie, Kindler und SchiemeyerDruck GMBH 1958, München Osborne, Charles, Wagner and hisWorld, Thames and Hudson Ltd.1977, London. The traditional Musicof Japan Eilborn Classics ReplicaEdition, Munchen, 1911. Jacobs,Arthur, Orchestral Music, Pon BoksLondon, 1987Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper Refi¤

07.1. 6102.0 CONTEMPORARYTURKISH MUSIC 12 Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSThe course focuses on the polyphonicwestern style music that developedafter the foundation of the Republic inTurkey. The composers, beginningfrom the first generation called theTurkish fives and their works,aesthetic understanding will beanalyzed.

Examination: term paperTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr. HasanUçarsu

07.1. 6103.0 BELA BARTOK ANDTURKISH MUSIC RESEARCHES 12 Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSThis Course focuses on thecompositional thechniques, aestheticalunderstanding and points of thinkingof Bela Bartok and and the impact hemade to the beginning of the 20thcentury. Examination: term paperBibliography:ANTOKOLETZ, Elliott. The Music ofBéla Bartók, University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley ve Los Angeles 1984.WILSON, Paul. The Music of BélaBartók, Yale University Press, NewHaven ve Londra 1992.GILLIES, Malcolm (ed.) The BartókCompanion, Amadeus Press, Portland– Oregon 1994.BAYLEY, Amanda (ed.) TheCambridge Companion to Bartók,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 2001. Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

07.1. 6104.0 FOLK LITTERATURE INMAHLER’S SYMPHONIES 13 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 5 ECTSThe course focuses on Gustav Mahler’sworks that embodies folk materials. Itexamines the way Mahler used the folktradition in his symphonic works thatare the prominent work of art in thetransition of two centuries. Examination: term paperTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr. HasanUçarsu



07.1. 6105.0 The Language of Musicand its Creators 12 Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to discuss the aesthetic andteoretical aspects of modern Musicthrough the thoretical and aestheticalwritings written by the composersthemselves.Examination: Teoretical work andanalysis.Recommended Readings:Stravinski, 6 derste müzi¤in poetikas›Bussoni, Schetch for a new aesthetic ofmusicHindemith, Ses iflçili¤iHindemith, bir bestecinin dünyas›Webern, Yeni müzi¤e do¤ruTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MehmetNemutlu


07.1. 6201.0 LITERATURE ANDMUSIC INTERACTIONS IN THEWESTERN WORLD 23 Hours/Week, T3, 3 Credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: The coursefocuses on the literary works that havebeen used in operas, orchestral worksand lieds and the interaction ofliterature and Music in differentcultures.Examination: Research paperRecommended Readings:Rossiter, Frank R., Charles Ives andhis America, George J. Mc LoedLimited, 1975, Toronto.Mingotti, Antonio, Gershwin, EineBibliographie, Kindler und SchiemeyerDruck GMBH –1958, München Osborne, Charles, Wagner and his

World, Thames and Hudson Ltd.1977, LondonThe traditional Music of Japan EilbornClassics Replica Edition, Munchen,1911Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper Refi¤

07.1. 6202.0 CONTEMPORARYTURKISH MUSIC 22 Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The coursefocuses on the polyphonic westernstyle music that developed after thefoundation of the Republic in Turkey.The composers, beginning from thefirst generation called the Turkishfives and their works, aestheticunderstanding will be analyzed. Examination: term paperTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr. HasanUçarsu

07.1. 6203.0 BELA BARTOK ANDTURKISH MUSIC RESEARCHES 22Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: This Coursefocuses on the compositionalthechniques, aesthetical understandingand points of thinking of Bela Bartokand and the impact he made to thebeginning of the 20th century. Examination: term paperRecommended Readings:ANTOKOLETZ, Elliott. The Music ofBéla Bartók, University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley ve Los Angeles 1984.WILSON, Paul. The Music of BélaBartók, Yale University Press, NewHaven ve Londra 1992.GILLIES, Malcolm (ed.) The BartókCompanion, Amadeus Press, Portland– Oregon 1994.BAYLEY, Amanda (ed.) The



Cambridge Companion to Bartók,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 2001. Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr. ÖzkanManav

07.1. 6204.0 FOLK LITTERATURE INMAHLER’S SYMPHONIES 22 Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The coursefocuses on Gustav Mahler’s works thatembodies folk materials. It examinesthe way Mahler used the folk traditionin his symphonic works that are theprominent work of art in the transitionof two centuries. Examination: term paperTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Dr. HasanUçarsu

07.1. 6205.0 THE LANGUAGE OFMUSIC AND ITS CREATORS 22Hours/Week, T2, 2 Credits, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is discuss the aesthetic andteoretical aspects of modern Musicthrough the thoretical and aestheticalwritings written by the composersthemselves.Examination: Teoretical work andanalysis.Recommended Readings:Stravinski, 6 derste müzi¤in poetikas›Bussoni, Schetch for a new aesthetic ofmusicHindemith, Ses iflçili¤iHindemith, bir bestecinin dünyas›Webern, Yeni müzi¤e do¤ruTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. MehmetNemutlu



Division Head:Prof. Mahmut BOZKURT

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 227Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

Painting department is one of thethree main departments, all of whichform the establishment of “Sanayi-iNefise Mektebi (the old name of FineArts school)”, which started educationin 1883. At the beginning firstlecturers; who were hired by thefounder of the school OsmanHamdi;were Warnia Zarzecki (fordrawing classes) and Salvatore Valeri(for oil painting). In that period ofOttoman Turkey, there was not anynative Ottoman to teach art in theschool. After the world war 1 startedin 1914, artists such as Hikmet Onat,‹brahim Çall›, Feyhaman Duran, AvniLifij, Nam›k ‹smail; who were sent tostudy abroad; came back to work inthe school of art and took the place offormer foreign professors.

Later on; after the school’s namechanged to Fine Arts Academy,teaching staff of Painting Departmentwas enriched with the participation offamous artists such as Ali Çelebi, ZekiKocamemi from independent groupand Cemal Tollu, Nurullah Berk,Sabri Berkel, Cevat Dereli; who wererepresentatives of the new generation.The last link of enrichment thatreached to today’s generation isformed by the famous names such asBedri Rahmi Eyübo¤lu, Neflet Günal.

Painting Department; where manyacademicians and artists wereeducated since 1970; has got qualitiesof being the first and the basicpainting tradition in our country fromthe establishment date up to now.

The aim of art education in theDivision of Painting is to trainintellectual, contemporary artists whocan create original works in auniversal level. The education hasbeen carried on by a rich teachingstaff, who are also well-known artists.


Prof. Ayd›n AYANProf. Yalç›n KARAYA⁄IZProf. Kemal ‹SKENDERProf. Nedret SEKBANProf. Mehmet MAH‹RProf. Mahmut BOZKURTProf. Zekai ORMANCIProf. Yalç›n KARAYA⁄IZProf. Fuat ACARO⁄LUProf. Hüsnü KOLDAfiProf. Ali AKAYAsst. Prof. Ahmet Umur DEN‹ZAsst. Prof. Tanju DEM‹RC‹Asst. Prof. ‹rfan OKANAsst. Prof. Gülçin ÖZDEM‹Rsst. Prof. M. Mete A⁄YARAsst. Prof. Mustafa OrkunMÜFTÜO⁄LU







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Requ›red Elective Cred›ts 6 10Seminar Courses 0 5Total Elect›ve Cred›ts 4 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Requ›red Elective Cred›ts 6 10Seminar Total Elective Courses 0 5 Total Elective Courses 5 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Presentation 30

Total 30

Overall Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1Seminar Course; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Re): Requ›red Elective Courses5101,1 Studio 1 6 105101,2 Studio 1 6 105102,1 Studio 2 6 105102,2 Studio 2 6 10 5103,1 Studio 3 6 105103,2 Studio 3 6 105103,3 Studio 3 6 105104,1 Studio 4 6 105104,2 Studio 4 6 105104,3 Studio 4 2,5 55105,1 Studio 5 6 105105,2 Studio 5 6 105105,3 Studio 5 4 5

(S) Elective Couses:5126,0 Visual Perception 2 55120,0 Etching Studio 2,5 55121,0 Fresco Studio 2,5 55122,1 Litography Studio 2,5 55123,0 Stained Class Studio 2,5 55124,1 Tapestry Studio 2,5 5 5124,2 Tapestry Studio 2,5 55125,0 Serigraphy Studio 2,5 5

(Z) Required Courses:5106,0 Analysing Of Painting 0 5




2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Re) Requ›red Elective Courses5201,1 Studio 1 6 105201,2 Studio 1 6 105202,1 Studio 2 6 10 5202,2 Studio 2 6 10 5203,1 Studio 3 6 105203,2 Studio 3 6 105203,3 Studio 3 6 105204,1 Studio 4 6 105204,2 Studio 4 6 10 5204,3 Studio 4 2,5 55205,1 Studio 5 6 105205,2 Studio 5 6 105205,3 Studio 5 4 5

(S) Elective Couses5220,0 Etching Studio 2 55221,0 Fresco Studio 2,5 55222,1 Litography Studio 2,5 55223,0 Stained Class Studio 2,5 55224,1 Tapestry (Painting Studio ) 2,5 55224,2 Tapestry (Painting Studio ) 2,5 5 5225,0 Silkscreen (Painting Studio ) 2,5 5

(Z) Required Courses5206,0 Analysing of Painting 0 5





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required Elective Courses 5 10Total Elective Courses 10Required Courses 5Seminar Courses 5

Total 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required Elective Courses 5 10Total Elective Courses 10Required Courses 5 Seminar Courses 5

Total 30









1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Re) Requ›red Elective Courses6101,1 Studio1 6 10 6101,2 Studio 1 6 106102.1 Studio 2 6 106102.2 Studio 2 6 106103.1 Studio 3 6 10 6103.2 Studio 3 6 106103.3 Studio 3 6 106104.1 Studio 4 6 106104.2 Studio 4 6 106104,3 Studio 4 2,5 56105.1 Studio 5 6 10 6105.2 Studio 5 5 10 6105,3 Studio 5 4 5

(E) Elective Couses6126.0 Discussions on Post Modernist Era 2 56120.0 Etching Atelier Course 2,5 56121.0 Fresco Atelier Course 2,5 5 6122.1 Litography Atelier Course 2,5 56123.0 Stained Glass Atelier Course 2,5 56124.1 Tapestry Atelier Course 2,5 56124.2 Tapestry. Atelier Course 2,5 56125.0 Serigraphy Atelier Course 2,5 56127.0 Analysing of Painting 0 5

(R) Required Courses6106,0 Space and Composition 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Re) Requ›red Elective Courses6101,1 Studio1 6 10 6101,2 Studio 1 6 106102.1 Studio 2 6 106102.2 Studio 2 6 106103.1 Studio 3 6 10 6103.2 Studio 3 6 106103.3 Studio 3 6 106104.1 Studio 4 6 106104.2 Studio 4 6 106104,3 Studio 4 2,5 56105.1 Studio 5 6 10 6105.2 Studio 5 5 10 6105,3 Studio 5 4 5

(E) Elective Couses6226.0 Discussions on Post Modernist Era 2 56220.0 Etching Atelier Course 2,5 56221.0 Fresco Atelier Course 2,5 56222.1 Litography Atelier Course 2,5 56223,0 Stained Glass Atelier Course 2,5 56224.1 Tapestry Atelier Course 2,5 56224.2 Tapestry Atelier Course 2,5 56225.0 Serigrafi (Uyg. Atölyesi) 2,5 56227.0 Analysing of Painting 0 5

(R) Required Courses6106,0 Space and Composition 2 5





09.1. 5101.0/ 5102.0/ 5103.0/ 5104.0/5105.0 PAINTING STUDIO (I-II-III-IV-V) (Atelier Course)9 hrs/week,T3 S9, 6 Credits, ECTSObjective / Contents: In this studiocourse, students are allowed tosynthesize their knowledge andexperience gained in Bachelorprogram, to build their original visualworld with their own visualvocabulary and to develop theirwritten thesis statement.Assessment Methods: One midtermexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat›n Öyküsü,‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1992LYNTON, N., Modern Sanat›nÖyküsü, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1982HAUSER, Arnold, Sanat›n ToplumsalTarihi, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, 1984WORRINGER, Wilhelm, Soyutlama veözdeflleyim, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1985Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n Ayan,Prof. Yalç›n Karaya¤›z, Prof. Kemal‹skender, Prof. Nefl’e Erdok, Prof.Nedret Sekban, Prof. Mehmet Mahir,Prof Zekai Ormanc›, Prof. MahmutBozkurt, Asst. Prof. Ahmet UmurDeniz, Asst. Prof. Tanju Demirci, Asst.Prof. M. Mete A⁄YAR, Asst. Prof. M.Orkun Müftüo¤lu

09.1. 5126.0 VISUAL PERCEPTION2 hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS Objective / Contents: This coursestudies psychological aspectsconnected to basic features of visualart, such as visual perception and itsform, color and space. The courseobserves those effects, inluences andimpacts which might be reflected onplastic arts.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:ARNHE‹M, R., Art and VisualPerception, Londra:Faber and Faber,1954ALBERS, J., ‹nteraction of Color, NewHaven:Yale University Press, 1963LEV‹-STRAUSS, C., SocialPsychotherapy and the CollectiveUnconscious, University ofMassachusetts Press, 1970MORR‹S, D., The Biology of Art,Chicago:Aldive-Atherton, 1967GOODMAN, N., Language of Art,New York:Bobby-Merrill, 1968Lecturers: Prof. Nuri Temizsoylu

09.1. 5106.0 ANALYSING OFPAINTING (One year seminarcourse for Master and PA students)2 hrs/week, T 2, Credit 0, ECTS Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to analyze constructiveelements of painting (such as,composition, drawing, color spectrumetc.) and certain thematic concernsand individual interests (of artists)that make a work of art.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:CHARPENTERS, La Geometre Secret



des Peintres, Paris:Edition du Sevil,1963. LANGER, Susan. K., Feelingand Form, New York:Charles andScribner, 1933. OSBORNE, Harold.,The Art of Appreciation,Londra:Oxford University Press, 1970PANOFSKY, Erwin., Meaning in TheVisual Arts, New York:Double DayAnchor Books, 1955. WHYTTE,Lancelot., Aspects of Form,Londra:Lord Humpries, 1968Teaching Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1.5120.0 ETCHING STUD‹O(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseemphasizes on conceptual andpractical sights of printmaking withaesthetic and cultural aspects whilerendering students to exploreengraving techniques.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PETERD‹,Gabor,Printmaking,Macmillon PublishingCo.,Inc., 1980GARRETT,Albert, A History of WoodEngraving, London:Bloomsbury BooksWAX,Carol, The Mezzotint/ Historyand Technique, Abrams, 1990.PASSERON, Roger, La GravureFrançaise au XX siecle,Fribourg:Office Du Livre, 1970Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet Mahir

09.1.5121.0 FRESCO (Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTS

Objective / Contents: This courseattempts to guide students inexpanding and exploring those formaland expressive aspects of fresco. Theyare informed about the specific tools,instruments and materials used infresco studio.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PALLOTINO,Massimo, La PeintureEtrusque, Milano:Skira,1952MAIURI,Amedeo, La PeintureRomaine, Milano:Skira, 1953,MARIACHER,Di Giovanni, Mosaici diSan Marco, Ardo-Venezia:EdizioniD’Arte,1980FERRAR‹,Enrique Lafuente, Goya-Les fresques de-San Antonio De laFlorida a Madrid, Albert Skira,1955Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hüsnü Koldafl

09.1.5122.1/5122.2 LITHOGRAPHY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Students areinformed about lithography. Anintensive research on lithography isrequired in this semester.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:RAMUS,F.Charles(edited by),Daumier-120 Great Lithographs, NewYork:Dover Publications,Inc.Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. IrfanOkan,



09.1.5123.1/ 5123.2 STAINED GLASS(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Stained GlassStudio occurs as compact program ofBachelor Stained Glass Course.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:MERR Elizabeth, Stained &Decorative Glass,BARTENEV, Igor,Modern LithuanianStained Glass, HOOGVELD, Carine, Glass in Lood‹n Nederland, PINECREST, Transform an EntranceFrom the Ordinary To TheUnforgettable, EVTA, Vitraux D’ Artistes,AteliersLOIREVarious readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Fuat Acaro¤lu

09.1.5124.1/ 5124.2 TAPESTRY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: In this semestera theoretical and historical research isrequired to lighten and widen theiropinions about wall tapestry-painting.Students are introduced to possibletapestry and weaving materials. Theyare encouraged to finish one project.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:COFF‹NET, Julien, L’art de latapiesserie, Geneve:‹mprimerie H.Studer S. A.,1971JARRY, Madeleine, Wandteppiche des

20. Jahrhunderts, München:HirmerVerlag, 1974Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zekai Ormanc›,Asst. Prof. Gülçin Özdemir

09.1.5125.0 SERIGRAPHY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Course containsintroduction of basic print methods ingeneral and provides possibility tohave a group work using thosemethods in terms of paintingeducation.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi Nedir ?,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi Yay›n›,1992AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafide FotoMekanik Kal›p Alma Yöntemleri,‹stanbul:Serigrafi AtelyesiYay›n›,1992. AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafik EkrandaKullan›lan Bezler, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi 1992.AYSAN fiükrü, Ka¤›t ve SerigrafiMürekkepleri, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi, 1989AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi K›lavuzu,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi, 1976Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents’ artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. SedatBalk›r




09.1. 5201.0/ 5202.0/ 5203.0/5204.0/ 5205.0 PAINTING STUDIO(I-II-III-IV-V) 9 hrs/week,T3 S9, 6 Credits, ECTSObjective / Contents:In this studiocourse, students are allowed tosynthesize their knowledge andexperience gained in Bachelorprogram, to build their original visualworld with their own visualvocabulary and to develop theirwritten thesis statement.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat›n Öyküsü,‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1992. LYNTON, N., Modern Sanat›nÖyküsü, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1982. HAUSER, Arnold, Sanat›nToplumsal Tarihi, ‹stanbul:RemziKitabevi, 1984. WORRINGER,Wilhelm, Soyutlama ve özdeflleyim,‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, 1985Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n Ayan,Prof. Yalç›n Karaya¤›z, Prof. Kemal‹skender, Prof. Nefl’e Erdok, Prof.Nedret Sekban, Prof. Mehmet Mahir,Prof Zekai Ormanc›, Prof. MahmutBozkurt, Asst. Prof. Ahmet UmurDeniz, Asst. Prof. Tanju Demirci, Asst.Prof. M. Mete A⁄YAR, Asst. Prof. M.Orkun Müftüo¤lu

09.1 5226 VISUAL PERCEPTION2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS

Objective / Contents: This coursestudies psychological aspectsconnected to basic features of visualart, such as visual perception and its

form, color and space. The courseobserves those effects, inluences andimpacts which might be reflected onplastic arts.Assessment Methods: One mid termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:ARNHE‹M, R., Art and VisualPerception, Londra:Faber and Faber,1954ALBERS, J., ‹nteraction of Color, NewHaven:Yale University Press, 1963LEV‹-STRAUSS, C., SocialPsychotherapy and the CollectiveUnconscious, University ofMassachusetts Press, 1970MORR‹S, D., The Biology of Art,Chicago:Aldive-Atherton, 1967GOODMAN, N., Language of Art,New York:Bobby-Merrill, 1968Teaching Staff: Prof. Nuri Temizsoylu

09.1 5206 ANALYSING OF PAINTING(One year seminar course forMaster and PA students)2 hrs/week, T2, 0 Credit, ECTS Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to analyze constructiveelements of painting (such as,composition, drawing, color spectrumetc.) and certain thematic concernsand individual interests (of artists)that make a work of art.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended ReadingsCHARPENTERS, La Geometre Secretdes Peintres, Paris:Edition du Sevil,1963. LANGER, Susan. K., Feelingand Form, New York:Charles andScribner, 1933. OSBORNE, Harold.,The Art of Appreciation,Londra:Oxford University Press, 1970



PANOFSKY, Erwin., Meaning in TheVisual Arts, New York:Double DayAnchor Books, 1955. WHYTTE,Lancelot., Aspects of Form,Londra:Lord Humpries, 1968Teaching Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1.5220.0 ETCHING STUD‹O(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseemphasizes on conceptual andpractical sights of printmaking withaesthetic and cultural aspects whilerendering students to exploreengraving techniques.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PETERDI, Gabor,Printmaking,Macmillon PublishingCo.,Inc., 1980GARRETT, Albert, A History of WoodEngraving, London:Bloomsbury BooksWAX, Carol, The Mezzotint/ Historyand Technique, Abrams, 1990.PASSERON, Roger, La GravureFrançaise au XX siecle, Fribourg:Office Du Livre, 1970Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet Mahir

09.1.5221.0 FRESCO (Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseattempts to guide students inexpanding and exploring those formaland expressive aspects of fresco. Theyare informed about the specific tools,

instruments and materials used infresco studio.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PALLOTINO,Massimo, La PeintureEtrusque, Milano:Skira,1952MAIURI,Amedeo, La PeintureRomaine, Milano:Skira, 1953,MARIACHER,Di Giovanni, Mosaici diSan Marco, Ardo-Venezia:EdizioniD’Arte,1980FERRAR‹,Enrique Lafuente, Goya-Les fresques de-San Antonio De laFlorida a Madrid, Albert Skira,1955Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hüsnü Koldafl

09.1.5222.1/5222.2 LITHOGRAPHY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Students areinformed about lithography. Anintensive research on lithography isrequired in this semester.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:RAMUS,F.Charles(edited by),Daumier-120 Great Lithographs, NewYork:Dover Publications,Inc.Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Irfan OKAN



09.1.5223.1/ 5223.2 STAINED GLASS(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Stained GlassStudio occurs as compact program ofBachelor Stained Glass Course.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:MERR Elizabeth, Stained &Decorative Glass,ARTENEV, Igor,Modern LithuanianStained Glass, HOOGVELD, Carine, Glass in Lood‹n Nederland, PINECREST, Transform an EntranceFrom the Ordinary To TheUnforgettable, EVTA, Vitraux D’ Artistes,AteliersLOIREVarious readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Fuat Acaro¤lu

09.1.5224.1/ 5224.2 TAPESTRY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: In this semestera theoretical and historical research isrequired to lighten and widen theiropinions about wall tapestry-painting.Students are introduced to possibletapestry and weaving materials. Theyare encouraged to finish one project.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:COFF‹NET, Julien, L’art de latapiesserie, Geneve:‹mprimerie H.Studer S. A.,1971JARRY, Madeleine, Wandteppiche des20. Jahrhunderts, München:Hirmer

Verlag, 1974Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artisitc approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zekai Ormanc›,Asst. Prof. Gülçin Özdemir

09.1.5225.0 SERIGRAPHY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTS Objective / Contents: Course containsintroduction of basic print methods ingeneral and provides possibility tohave a group work using thosemethods in terms of paintingeducation.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi Nedir ?,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi Yay›n›,1992. AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafide FotoMekanik Kal›p Alma Yöntemleri,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi Yay›n›,1992. AYSAN fiükrü, SerigrafikEkranda Kullan›lan Bezler,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi 1992.AYSAN fiükrü, Ka¤›t ve SerigrafiMürekkepleri, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi, 1989. AYSAN fiükrü,Serigrafi K›lavuzu, ‹stanbul: SerigrafiAtelyesi, 1976.Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. SedatBalk›r





09.1. 6101.0/ 6102.0/ 6103.0/ 6104.0/6105.0 PAINTING STUDIO (AtelierCourse) (I-II-III-IV-V)9 hrs/week,T3 S9, 6 Credits , ECTS Objective / Contents:In this studiocourse, students are allowed tosynthesize their knowledge andexperience gained in Bachelorprogram, to build their original visualworld with their own visualvocabulary and to develop theirwritten thesis statement.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:GOMBRICH, E.H., Sanat›n Öyküsü,‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, GOMBRICH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1992. LYNTON, N., Modern Sanat›nÖyküsü, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi,1982. HAUSER, Arnold, Sanat›nToplumsal Tarihi, ‹stanbul:RemziKitabevi, 1984. WORRINGER,Wilhelm, Soyutlama ve özdeflleyim,‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, 1985Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n Ayan,Prof. Yalç›n Karaya¤›z, Prof. Kemal‹skender, Prof. Nefl’e Erdok, Prof.Nedret Sekban, Prof. Mehmet Mahir,Prof Zekai Ormanc›, Prof. MahmutBozkurt, Asst. Prof. Ahmet UmurDeniz, Asst. Prof. Tanju Demirci, Asst.Prof. M. Mete A⁄YAR, Asst. Prof. M.Orkun Müftüo¤lu

09 1 6106.0 SPACE ANDCOMPOSITION2 hrs/week, T2, 2 Credits, ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to define the concept and useof space and composition in terms ofgreat masterpieces which represent thebackbone of Western oil painting.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:BERENSON, Bernard, The ItalianPainters of The Renaissance,Londra:Phaidon, 1952CLARK, Kenneth, The Nude,Londra:Penguin Books, 1956HAUSER, Arnold, Sanat›n ToplumsalTarihi, ‹stanbul:Remzi Kitabevi, 1984PANOFSKY, Erwin, Renaissance andRenascences in Western Art,Londra:Paladin, 1970WÖLFFLIN, Heinrich, SanatTarihinin Temel Kavramlar›,‹stanbul:Remzi KitabeviTheacing Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1 6126.0 DISCUSSIONS ON POSTMODERNIST ERA 2hrs/week,T 2,2 Credits, ECTS Objective / Contents: This coursestudies this specific concept in variousperspectives; approaches withsociological, artistical, political andanthropological aspects and discussesthe relations among them according todifferent authors.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:FOUCAULT, Michel, Kelimeler vefieyler, Ankara: ‹mge Kitabevi, 1994



FOUCAULT, Michel, BilgininArkeolojisi, Ankara:Birey Yay›nlar›,1999DELEUZE, Gilles, Diyaloglar,‹stanbul: Ba¤lam Yay›nlar›, 1999DEBORD, Guy, Gösteri Toplumu,‹stanbul: Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, 1998BOURRIAUD, Nicolas,Postproduksiyon, ‹stanbul: Ba¤lamYay›nlar›, 2004Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali Akay

09.1 6127.0 ANALYSING OFPAINTING (One year seminarcourse for Master and PA students)2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to analyze constructiveelements of painting (such as,composition, drawing, color spectrumetc.) and certain thematic concernsand individual interests (of artists)that make a work of art.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:CHARPENTERS, La Geometre Secretdes Peintres, Paris:Edition du Sevil,1963LANGER, Susan. K., Feeling andForm, New York:Charles andScribner, 1933OSBORNE, Harold., The Art ofAppreciation, Londra:OxfordUniversity Press, 1970PANOFSKY, Erwin., Meaning in TheVisual Arts, New York:Double DayAnchor Books, 1955WHYTTE, Lancelot., Aspects ofForm, Londra:Lord Humpries, 1968Theacing Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1 6120.0 ETCHING STUD‹O(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseemphasizes on conceptual andpractical sights of printmaking withaesthetic and cultural aspects whilerendering students to exploreengraving techniques.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PETERDI, Gabor, Printmaking,Macmillon Publishing Co.,Inc., 1980GARRETT, Albert, A History of WoodEngraving, London: BloomsburyBooksWAX,Carol, The Mezzotint/ Historyand Technique, Abrams, 1990.PASSERON, Roger, La GravureFrançaise au XX siecle, Fribourg:Office Du Livre, 1970Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Mehmet Mahir

09.1.6121.0 FRESCO (Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseattempts to guide students inexpanding and exploring those formaland expressive aspects of fresco. Theyare informed about the specific tools,instruments and materials used infresco studio.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PALLOTINO, Massimo, La PeintureEtrusque, Milano:Skira,1952



MAIURI,Amedeo, La PeintureRomaine, Milano:Skira, 1953,MARIACHER,Di Giovanni, Mosaici diSan Marco, Ardo-Venezia:EdizioniD’Arte,1980FERRAR‹,Enrique Lafuente, Goya-Les fresques de-San Antonio De laFlorida a Madrid, Albert Skira,1955Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Hüsnü Koldafl

09.1.6122.1/6122.2 LITHOGRAPHY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 Credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Students areinformed about lithography. Anintensive research on lithography isrequired in this semester.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:RAMUS,F.Charles(edited by),Daumier-120 Great Lithographs, NewYork:Dover Publications,Inc.Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Asst.Prof. Irfan Okan

09.1.6123.1/ 6123.2 STAINED GLASS(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Stained GlassStudio is a compact program ofBachelor Stained Glass Course.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:MERR Elizabeth, Stained &Decorative Glass,

BARTENEV, Igor,Modern LithuanianStained Glass, HOOGVELD, Carine, Glass in Lood‹n Nederland, PINECREST, Transform an EntranceFrom the Ordinary To TheUnforgettable, EVTA, Vitraux D’ Artistes,AteliersLOIREVarious readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Fuat Acaro¤lu

09.1.6124.1/ 6124.2 TAPESTRY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: In this semestera theoretical and historical research isrequired to lighten and widen theiropinions about wall tapestry-painting.Students are introduced to possibletapestry and weaving materials. Theyare encouraged to finish one project.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:COFF‹NET, Julien, L’art de latapiesserie, Geneve:‹mprimerie H.Studer S. A.,1971JARRY, Madeleine, Wandteppiche des20. Jahrhunderts, München:HirmerVerlag, 1974Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artisitc approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Zekai Ormanc›,Asst. Prof. Gülçin Özdemir



09.1.6125.0 SERIGRAPHY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Course containsintroduction of basic printing methodsin general and provides possibility tohave a group work using thosemethods in terms of paintingeducation.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi Nedir ?,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi Yay›n›,1992AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafide FotoMekanik Kal›p Alma Yöntemleri,‹stanbul:Serigrafi AtelyesiYay›n›,1992. AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafik EkrandaKullan›lan Bezler, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi 1992.AYSAN fiükrü, Ka¤›t ve SerigrafiMürekkepleri, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi, 1989AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi K›lavuzu,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi, 1976Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Yard. Doç. SedatBalk›r


09.1. 6201.0/ 6202.0/ 6203.0/6204.0/ 6205.0 PAINTING STUDIO(Atelier Course) (I-II-III-IV-V)9 hrs/week,T3 S9, 6 Credits , ECTS Objective / Contents: In this studiocourse, students are allowed tosynthesize their knowledge and

experience gained in Bachelorprogram, to build their original visualworld with their own visualvocabulary and to develop theirwritten thesis statement.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:GOMBRICH, E.H. , Sanat veYan›lsama, ‹stanbul 1992.GOMBRICH, E.H., Modern Sanat›nÖyküsü, 1982.HAUZER, A.,Soyutlama veÖzdeflleflimTANSU⁄, S., Ça¤dafl Türk Sanat›.WOLFFLIN,H., Sanat TarihininTemel Kavramlar›WORINGER, W., Soyutlama veÖzdeflleyimTheacing Staff: Prof. Ayd›n Ayan,Prof. Yalç›n Karaya¤›z, Prof. Kemal‹skender, Prof. Nefl’e Erdok, Prof.Nedret Sekban, Prof. Mehmet Mahir,Prof Zekai Ormanc›, prof. MahmutBozkurt, Asst. Prof. Ahmet UmurDeniz, Asst. Prof. Tanju Demirci, Asst.Prof. M. Mete A⁄YAR, Asst. Prof. M.Orkun Müftüo¤lu

09.1 6206.0 SPACE ANDCOMPOSITION 2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to define the concept and useof space and composition in terms ofgreat masterpieces which represent thebackbone of Western oil painting.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:BERENSON, Bernard, The Italian



Painters of The Renaissance, Londra:Phaidon, 1952.CLARK, Kenneth, The Nude, Londra:Penguin Books, 1956.HAUSER, Arnold, Sanat›n ToplumsalTarihi, ‹stanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1984PANOFSKY, Erwin, Renaissance andRenascences in Western Art, Londra:Paladin, 1970.WÖLFFLIN, Heinrich, SanatTarihinin Temel Kavramlar›, ‹stanbul:Remzi KitabeviTheacing Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1 6226.0 DISCUSSIONS ON POSTMODERNIST ERA 2 hrs/week,T 2,2 Credits, ECTS Objective / Contents: AssessmentMethods: One term examination andone final examinationRecommended Readings:FOUCALT, Michel, Kelimeler vefieyler, Ankara:‹mge Kitabevi, 1994FOUCALT, Michel, BilgininArkeolojisi, Ankara:Birey Yay›nlar›,1999DELEUZE, Gilles, Diyaloglar,‹stanbul:Ba¤lam Yay›nlar›, 1999DEBORD, Guy, Gösteri Toplumu,‹stanbul: Ayr›nt› Yay›nlar›, 1998BOURRIAUD, Nicolas,Postproduksiyon, ‹stanbul:Ba¤lamYay›nlar›, 2004Teaching Staff: Prof. Ali Akay

09.01 6227.0 ANALYSING OFPAINTING (One year seminar coursefor Master and PA students)2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is to analyze constructiveelements of painting (such as,composition, drawing, color spectrum

etc.) and certain thematic concernsand individual interests (of artists)that make a work of art.Assessment Methods: One termexamination and one finalexaminationRecommended Readings:CHARPENTERS, La Geometre Secretdes Peintres, Paris:Edition du Sevil,1963LANGER, Susan. K., Feeling andForm, New York:Charles andScribner, 1933OSBORNE, Harold., The Art ofAppreciation, Londra:OxfordUniversity Press, 1970PANOFSKY, Erwin., Meaning in TheVisual Arts, New York:Double DayAnchor Books, 1955WHYTTE, Lancelot., Aspects ofForm, Londra:Lord Humpries, 1968Teaching Staff: Prof. Kemal ‹skender

09.1 6220.0 ETCHING STUD‹O(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseemphasizes on conceptual andpractical sights of printmaking withaesthetic and cultural aspects whilerendering students to exploreengraving techniques.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PETERD‹, Gabor,Printmaking,Macmillon PublishingCo.,Inc., 1980GARRETT,Albert, A History of WoodEngraving, London:Bloomsbury BooksWAX,Carol, The Mezzotint/ Historyand Technique, Abrams, 1990.



PASSERON, Roger, La GravureFrançaise au XX siecle,Fribourg:Office Du Livre, 1970Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Teaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet Mahir

09.1.6221.0 FRESCO (Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: This courseattempts to guide students inexpanding and exploring those formaland expressive aspects of fresco. Theyare informed about the specific tools,instruments and materials used infresco studio.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:PALLOTINO,Massimo, La PeintureEtrusque, Milano:Skira,1952MAIURI,Amedeo, La PeintureRomaine, Milano:Skira, 1953,MARIACHER,Di Giovanni, Mosaici diSan Marco, Ardo-Venezia:EdizioniD’Arte,1980FERRAR‹,Enrique Lafuente, Goya-Les fresques de-San Antonio De laFlorida a Madrid, Albert Skira,1955Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Hüsnü Koldafl

09.1.6222.1/6222.2 LITHOGRAPHY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Students areinformed about lithography. Anintensive research on lithography is

required in this semester.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:RAMUS,F.Charles(edited by),Daumier-120 Great Lithographs, NewYork: Dover Publications, Inc.Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Asst.Prof. Irfan Okan,

09.1.6223.1/ 6223.2 STAINED GLASS(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: Stained GlassStudio is a compact program ofBachelor Stained Glass Course.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:MERR Elizabeth, Stained &Decorative Glass,BARTENEV, Igor,Modern LithuanianStained Glass, HOOGVELD, Carine, Glass in Lood‹n Nederland, PINECREST, Transform an EntranceFrom the Ordinary To TheUnforgettable, EVTA, Vitraux D’ Artistes,AteliersLOIREVarious readings could berecommended according to thestudents artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Fuat Acaro¤lu

09.1.6224.1/ 6224.2 TAPESTRY(Atelier Course)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTSObjective / Contents: In this semester



a theoretical and historical research isrequired to lighten and widen theiropinions about wall tapestry-painting.Students are introduced to possibletapestry and weaving materials. Theyare encouraged to finish one project.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:COFF‹NET, Julien, L’art de latapiesserie, Geneve:‹mprimerie H.Studer S. A.,1971JARRY, Madeleine, Wandteppiche des20. Jahrhunderts, München:HirmerVerlag, 1974Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents’ artisitc approaches.Theacing Staff: Prof. Zekai Ormanc›,Asst. Prof. Gülçin Özdemir

09.1.6225.0 SERIGRAPHY (AtelierCourse)4 hrs/week, T 1,S 3, 2,5 credits,ECTS Objective / Contents: Course containsintroduction of basic printing methodsin general and provides possibility tohave a group work using thosemethods in terms of paintingeducation.Assessment Methods: Essay andProject AssesmentsRecommended Readings:AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi Nedir ?,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi Yay›n›,1992AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafide FotoMekanik Kal›p Alma Yöntemleri,‹stanbul:Serigrafi AtelyesiYay›n›,1992. AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafik EkrandaKullan›lan Bezler, ‹stanbul:Serigrafi

Atelyesi 1992.AYSAN fiükrü, Ka¤›t ve SerigrafiMürekkepleri, ‹stanbul:SerigrafiAtelyesi, 1989AYSAN fiükrü, Serigrafi K›lavuzu,‹stanbul:Serigrafi Atelyesi, 1976Various readings could berecommended according to thestudents’ artistic approaches.Theacing Staff: Asst. Prof. SedatBalk›r



Division Head: Prof. Vedat SOMAY

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 347Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

Since its foundation, our departmenthas been a pioneer in projects andapplications supporting the art ofsculpture. Studies in modelling, stone,wood, metal, jewellery and small-scalesculpture workshops are beingconducted on both Bachelor andgraduate levels, and applications inthe atelier are supported with thetheoretical lectures. By organizingsymposiums, workshops, seminars andother activities in which visiting artistsand Teaching Staffs are invited, theprogramme aims to contribute thestudents’ different interests.


Prof. Vedat SOMAYMasters: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts,1976Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1983;

Prof. Rahmi AKSUNGURRector of University. Masters: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts, 1979Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1983.

Prof. Ferit ÖZfiENDirector of Istanbul Painting andSculpture MuseumMasters: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts,1971Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity,1993

Assoc. Prof. Fatma AKYÜREKBachelors: Mimar Sinan University,1991Masters: Mimar Sinan University,1993Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1998

Asst. Prof. Önder BÜYÜKERMANMasters: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts, 1979Proficiency In Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity,1983

Asst. Prof. Ayla AKSUNGURMasters: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts, 1979Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1995

Asst. Prof. Neslihan PALAMasters: Mimar Sinan University,1998Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 2005

Asst. Prof. Y›ld›z GÜNERMasters: Mimar Sinan University,2002Proficiency in Fine Arts: Mimar SinanUniversity, 2006







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequ›red Elective Cred›ts 4 10Seminar Courses 0 5Total Elect›ve Cred›ts 6 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequ›red Elective Cred›ts 4 10Seminar Total Elective Courses 0 5 Total Elective Courses 7 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Presentation 30

Total 30

Overall Toatl: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Course; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSREQUIRED ELECTIVE COURSES5101.0 Stone Sculpture 4 105102.0 Wooden Sculpture 4 105103.0 Metal Sculpture 4 105104.0 Clay Modelling 4 105105.0 Advanced Jewellery Techniques and Design 4 105106.1 Seminar 55106.2 Seminar 55106.3 Seminar 55106.4 Seminar 55106.5 Seminar 5

ELECTIVE COURSES 5121.0 Rhythm in Fine Arts 2,5 55122.0 Space-Human Relationship in Designing Process 2,5 55123.0 Antique And Contemporary Use Of Copper in Artistic Means 2,5 55124.0 Drawing 2,5 55126.0 Terracotta Sculpture 2,5 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSE REQUIRED LECTIVE COURSES 5201.0 Stone Sculpture 4 105202.0 Wooden Sculpture 4 105203.0 Metal Sculpture 4 105204.0 Clay Modelling 4 105205.0 Advanced Jewellery Techniques and Design 4 105206.1 Seminar 55206.2 Seminar 55206.3 Seminar 55206.4 Seminar 55206.5 Seminar 5

ELECTIVE COURSES 5221.0 Composition in Fine Arts 2,5 55222.0 Space-Human-LandscapeRelationship in Designing Process 2,5 55223.0 Using Copper in Artistic Creation 2,5 55225.0 Relief Design and Modelling 2,5 55226.0 Terracotta Sculpture 2,5 5






Total 10 30


Total 11 30








1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSREQUIRED ELECTIVE COURSES6101.0 Wooden Sculpture 4 106102.0 Metal Sculpture 4 106103.0 Stone Sculpture 4 10

ELECTIVE COURSES6120.0 Sculpture in Cultural Context 2 46121.0 Art of Sculpture and Other Diciplines 3,5 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSREQUIRED ELECTIVE COURSES6201.0 Wooden Sculpture 4 106202.0 Metal Sculpture 4 106203.0 Stone Sculpture 4 10

ELECTIVE COURSES 6220.0 Sculpture in Cultural Context 2 46221.0 Art of Sculpture and Other Diciplines 3,5 5





10.1.5101.0 STONE SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to help the students to realizetheir work designed for stone in anoriginal way.Assessment Methods : ProjectRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÖnderBÜYÜKERMAN

10.1.5102.0 WOODEN SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to make the students realizetheir own artistic creations, to havenew experiences and examine relativeproblems together.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.5103.0 METAL SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students,utilizing their skills acquired throughtheir Bachelor education, performtheir projects. Those projects are beingdiscussed in various aspects duringtheir design and application.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: --Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5104.0 CLAY MODELLING 6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:In this course,students from other departments aretaught on the properties andpossibilities of clay, and on themethods of its three dimensionalmodelling. Students of our departmentrealize advanced projects in thiscourse.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5105.0 ADVANCED JEWELLERYTECHNIQUES AND DESIGN 6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:This courseincludes study of traditional andcontemporary jewellery techniques aswell as its relation to artistic jewellerydesign and applications. The courseaims to contribute to the artisticdevelopment of the student byproviding him/her with designing andtechnical skills in jewellery.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Vedat SOMAY10.1.5106.1 Seminar (Prof.FeritÖZfiEN)10.1.5106.2 Seminar (Prof.VedatSOMAY)10.1.5106.3 Seminar (Assoc. Prof.Fatma AKYÜREK)10.1.5106.4 Seminar (Asst. Prof. AylaAKSUNGUR)10.1.5106.5 Seminar (Asst. Prof.Neslihan PALA)10.1.5106.6 Seminar (Asst. Prof.Y›ld›z GÜNER)



2 Hrs/week, T2Objective / Contents: This course aimsto prepare the student to thesisstudies. The student is expected torealize a presentation which isenriched by visual documentation.

10.1.5121.0 RHYTHM IN FINE ARTS 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: To determinethe function of rhythm in plastic artswithin an approach from phonetic artswhere the principles and theproperties of rhythm is clearly visible;to explain the geometric proportionswhich form the rhythm and toimprove the feeling of rhythm learntby heart in order to help to use therhythm in visual arts.Assessment Methods: Coursework Recommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5122.0 SPACE-HUMANRELATIONSHIP IN DESIGNINGPROCESS 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:To make thestudent discover the relationship ofdesigning process and environment bymaking designs, models in scale and toprovoke the student’s creativity. Assessment Methods: CourseworkRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. RahmiAKSUNGUR10.1.5123.0 Antique andContemporary use of Copper inArtistic Means 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits , ECTS5Objective / Contents:To discover theway of using copper through Antiquity

to Contemporary times as the firstused metal in history. By applying themethods of design and techniques onmaterial students gain experiences oncopper sculpture design.Assessment Methods:CourseworkRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff:Asst. Prof. ÖnderBÜYÜKERMAN

10.1.5124.0 DRAWINGT 1 P3, 4hrs/week, Credit 2,5, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The objective ofthis course is to emphasise more in theartistic nature of drawing. Designprocess, techniques and materials aregoing to be studied. Besides theconceptual studies, students willpractice artistic drawing ascoursework.Assessment Methods: Critics onapplications. Recommended Readings:KOSCHATSKY Walter, Die Kunst DerZeichnungWICHMANN Siegfried, Welt Kulturenund Moderne KunstGENET Jean, Giacometti’nin AtölyesiTeaching Staff: Asst.Prof. NeslihanPALA

10.1.5126.0 TERRA-COTTASCULPTURET 1 P3, 4hrs/week, Credit 2,5, ECTS5Objective / Contents: The objective isto use terracotta techniques forproducing sculpture. Terracottasculptures of the antique civilisationswill be studied while makingexperiments on different productiontechniques. Assessment Methods: Critics on



applications. Recommended Readings: MuseumCataloguesTeaching Staff: Asst.Prof. Y›ld›zGÜNER


10.1.5201.0 STONE SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to help the students to realizetheir work designed for stone in anoriginal way.Assessment Methods : ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÖnderBüyükerman

10.1.5202.0 WOODEN SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to make the students realizetheir own artistic creations, to havenew experiences and examine relativeproblems together.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.5203.0 METAL SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Students,utilizing their skills acquired throughtheir Bachelor education, performtheir projects. Those projects are beingdiscussed in various aspects duringtheir design and application.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5204.0 CLAY MODELLING 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In this course,students from other departments aretaught on the properties andpossibilities of clay, and on themethods of its three dimensionalmodelling. Students of our departmentrealize advanced projects in thiscourse.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5205.0 ADVANCED JEWELLERYTECHNIQUES AND DESIGN 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:This courseincludes study of traditional andcontemporary jewellery techniques aswell as its relation to artistic jewellerydesign and applications. The courseaims to contribute to the artisticdevelopment of the student byproviding him/her with designing andtechnical skills in jewellery.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Vedat SOMAY10.1.5206.1 Seminar (Prof. FeritÖZfiEN)10.1.5206.2 Seminar (Prof. VedatSOMAY)10.1.5206.3 Seminar (Assoc. Prof.Fatma AKYÜREK)10.1.5206.4 Seminar (Asst. Prof. AylaAKSUNGUR)10.1.5206.5 Seminar (Asst. Prof.Neslihan PALA)



10.1.5206.6 SEMINAR (ASST. PROF.Y›LD›Z GÜNER)2 Hr/Week, T2Objective / Contents: This course aimsto prepare the student to thesisstudies. The student is expected torealize a presentation which isenriched by visual documentation.

10.1.5221.0 COMPOSITION IN FINEARTS 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: To determinethe function of rhythm in plastic artswithin an approach from phonetic artswhere the principles and theproperties of rhythm is clearly visible;to explain the geometric proportionswhich form the rhythm and toimprove the feeling of rhythm learntby heart in order to help to use therhythm in visual arts.Assessment Methods: Coursework Recommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.5222.0 SPACE-HUMAN-LANDSCAPE RELATIONSHIP INDESIGNING PROCESS 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:To make thestudent discover the relationship ofdesigning process and environment bymaking designs, models in scale and toprovoke the student’s creativity. Assessment Methods: CourseworkRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff: Prof. RahmiAKSUNGUR

10.1.5223.0 USING COPPER INARTISTIC CREATION 4 hrs/week, T1 S3, 2,5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: To discover theway of using copper through Antiquityto Contemporary times as the firstused metal in history. By applying themethods of design and techniques onmaterial students gain experiences oncopper sculpture design.Assessment Methods:CourseworkRecommended Readings: ---Teaching Staff:Asst. Prof. ÖnderBÜYÜKERMAN

10.1.5225.0 RELIEF DESIGN ANDMODELLING T 1 P3, 4hrs/week, Credit 2,5, ECTS5Objective / Contents: The objective ofthis course is to examine relief as adicipline which combines two andthree dimensional values in regard tothe rules of perspective and spacegeometry. Assessment Methods: Critics onapplications. Recommended Readings: The Art ofMesoamerica (from Olmec to Aztec)SINEMO⁄LU Nermin, Sanat TarihiTarih Öncesinden Bizans’a MUTLU Belk›s, Bat› Sanat›ndaBiçimlendirme ve Do¤u AkdenizUygarl›klar›TASCHEN, Sculpture from Antiquityto the PresentGÖRSEL YAYINLAR, Sanat TarihiAnsiklopedisi I, II, II, IVTeaching Staff: Asst.Prof. AylaAKSUNGUR



10.1.5226.0 TERRA-COTTASCULPTURET 1 P3, 4hrs/week, Credit 2,5, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The objective isto use terracotta as a material forsculpture. Terracotta sculptures ofcontemporary artists will be studiedwhile realising sculptures in terracotta. Assessment Methods: Critics onapplications. Recommended Readings: ExhibitionCataloguesTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Y›ld›zGÜNER



10.1.6101.0 WOODEN SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Students focuson artistic problems by performingindividual activities.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof.FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.6102.0 METAL SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: To make thestudent discover new concepts forperforming his own artistic designs.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.6103.0 STONE SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: To make thestudent sufficent in design andrealisation of sculpture.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff:Asst. Prof. ÖnderBÜYÜKERMAN

10.1.6120.0 SCULPTURE IN CULTURALCONTEXTT 2, 2hrs/week, Credit 2, ECTS 4Objective / Contents:The studies willbe based upon the institutions andconcepts which have importance forsculpture and sculptors. Besides theconceptual studies, projects will beproposed. Assessment Methods: Courseworkassessment.



Recommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.6121.0 ART OF SCULPTURE ANDOTHER DICIPLINES6 hrs/week,T2 S3, 3,5 Credits, ECTS5Objective / Contents: To make thestudent question the relationship ofsculpture and other diciplines anddesign their projects in newperspectives. Discussing on thesculpture topics like mass surfacetension, space, students realise oneof the projects.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Prof. RahmiAKSUNGUR


10.1.6201.0 WOODEN SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Students focuson artistic problems by performingindividual activities.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.6202.0 METAL SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: To make thestudent discover new concepts forperforming his own artistic designs.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Prof. Ferit ÖZfiEN

10.1.6203.0 STONE SCULPTURE 6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: To make thestudent sufficent in design andrealisation of sculpture. Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÖnderBÜYÜKERMAN

10.1.6220.0 SCULPTURE INCULTURAL CONTEXTT 2, 2hrs/week, Credit 2, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: The studies willbe based upon the institutions andconcepts which have importance forsculpture and sculptors. Besides theconceptual studies, projects will beproposed. Assessment Methods: Courseworkassessment. Recommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FatmaAKYÜREK

10.1.6221.0 ART OF SCULPTURE ANDOTHER DICIPLINES6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 3,5 Credits, ECTS5Objective / Contents: To make thestudent question the relationship ofsculpture and other diciplines anddesign their projects in newperspectives. Discussing on thesculpture topics like mass surfacetension , space , students realise oneof the projects.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Prof. RahmiAKSUNGUR


Division Head:Prof. Ayd›n U⁄URLU

Phone : (0212) 245 23 61Fax : (0212) 243 90 83

The Division of Traditional TurkishArts consisting of five programmes(Calligraphy Design, IlluminationDesign, Carpet-Kilim and Old FabricDesigns, Turkish Tile and CeramicRestoration and BookbindingProgrammes) has the objective ofgiving education directed to the recentand future demands. The aim of thepersonal artistic design has to becreative rather than being repetitive orconservative. The education at theprogrammes is supported throughtheory and applications. In addition,the programmes provide knowledgeand experience in the fields ofconservation and restoration of thecultural heritage in Turkey.


Prof. Ayd›n U¤urluProf. Dr. Sitare Turan Bak›r Assoc. Prof. Faruk TaflkaleAsst. Prof. Latif Tarafll› Asst. Prof. H.Hüseyin GündüzAsst. Prof. Habib ‹flmen Asst. Prof. Turgay KorunAsst. Prof. P›nar Do¤u Ezmen Asst. Prof. Ali R›za Özcan Asst. Prof . Candan Akp›narProf. Dr. Oktay AslanapaProf. Dr. Selçuk Mülayim (MarmaraUniversity)Prof. Dr. Muhittin Serin (MarmaraUniversity)Prof. Dr. Banu MahirProf. Meltem KAYAInstructor ‹slam Seçen




Instructor U¤ur Derman Instructor Hikmet BarutcugilInstructor Önder ÇokayInstructor Medeni Dinç Instructor Saadet GaziInstructor Münevver Üçer





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 8 20Total Elective courses 3 5Total Seminar courses 0 5

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 8 20Total Elective courses 2 10

Total 10 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.1.5101.0 Calligraphy Design (Thulus Script-Nashk Script) 4 1011.1.5102.0 Calligraphy Design ( Divani Script-Taliq Script) 4 10

(E) Elective Courses11.1.5103.0 New Approches in Calligraphy 3 1011.1.5104.0 The Schools in Turkish Calligraphy 2 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.1.5105.0 Aesthetics in Islamic Calligraphy 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.1.5201.0 Calligraphy Design (Thulus Script-Nashk Script) 4 10 11.1.5202.0 Calligraphy Design ( Divani Script-Taliq Script) 4 10

(E) Elective Courses11.1.5203.0 New Approches in Calligraphy 3 1011.1.5204.0 The Schools in Turkish Calligraphy 2 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.1.5205.0 Aesthetics in Islamic Calligraphy 0 5





11.1. 5101.0 CALLIGRAPHY DESIGN(Thulus- Nashk Script)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Aestheticalaspects and anatomical structure ofThulus (dimensions of dots, linestructure and space) is discussed andstudied in this course. The studentsexperience practical work on differentmaterials such as paper, marbledpaper, lather and wooden surfaces. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ACAR,, Türk Hat Sanat›, AraçGereç ve Formlar, ‹stanbul 1999.ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U , ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992.RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982.SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. HüseyinGündüz

11.1. 5102.0 CALLIGRAPHY DESIGN(Divanî - Taliq Script)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Aestheticalaspects and anatomical structure ofDivanî is discussed and studied in thiscourse. The students experiencepractical work on different materials.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical Studies

Recommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U., ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992.DERMAN,U., Türk Hat Sanat›n›nfiaheserleri, ‹stanbul 1982. RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982.SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ali R›zaÖzcan

11.1. 5103.0 NEW APPROACHES INCALLIGRAPHY4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Variouscalligraphy script will be interpretedtogether with different kinds ofmaterials and techniques used incalligraphy art. Thus the students areencouraged to create original designs.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN,U., ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992.RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982.UMUR, S., Osmanl› PadiflahTu¤ralar›, ‹stanbul 1980.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. P›narDo¤u

11.1. 5104.0 THE SCHOOLS INTURKISH CALLIGRAPHY2 hrs/week, T 2, 2Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Calligraphy asone of the Islam›c Arts is discussedchronologically.Assessment Methods: Examination



Recommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999. DERMAN,U.,‹slam Kültür Miras›nda Hat Sanat›,‹stanbul 1992. RADO, fi., TürkHattatlar›, ‹stanbul 1982. SER‹N, M.,Hat Sanat›nda Meflhur Hattatlar,‹stanbul 1999. YAZIR, M.B., KalemGüzeli I-II-III, Ankara 1974.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ali R›zaÖzcan

11.1. 5105.0 AESTHETICS IN ISLAMICCALLIGRAPHY (SEM‹NAR)3 hrs/week,T 3, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aestheticalaspects of Islamic calligraphy ondifferent materials are explainedtheoretically and visually. Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U., Türk Hat Sanat›n›nfiaheserleri, ‹stanbul 1982. SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. MuhittinSerin


11.1. 5201.0 CALLIGRAPHY DESIGN(Thulus- Nashk Script)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Aestheticalaspects and anatomical structure ofNashk (dimensions of dots, linestructure and space) is discussed andstudied in this course. The studentsexperience practical work on differentmaterials and for different forms as

k›t’a, mail k›t’a, square andrectangular.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ACAR,, Türk Hat Sanat›, AraçGereç ve Formlar, ‹stanbul 1999.ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U , ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992.RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982.SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. HüseyinGündüz

11.1. 5202.0 CALLIGRAPHY DESIGN(Divanî - Taliq Script)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Aestheticalaspects and anatomical structure ofTaliq is discussed and studied in thiscourse. The students experiencepractical work on different materials.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999. DERMAN,U ,‹slam Kültür Miras›nda Hat Sanat›,‹stanbul 1992. DERMAN,U., TürkHat Sanat›n›n fiaheserleri, ‹stanbul1982. RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›,‹stanbul 1982. SER‹N, M., HatSanat›nda Meflhur Hattatlar, ‹stanbul1999.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ali R›zaÖzcan



11.1. 5203.0 NEW APPROACHES INCALLIGRAPHY4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Variouscalligraphy script will be interpretedtogether with different kinds ofmaterials and techniques used incalligraphy art. Thus the students areencouraged to create original designs.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN,U., ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992.RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982. UMUR, S., Osmanl› PadiflahTu¤ralar›, ‹stanbul 1980.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. P›narDo¤u

11.1. 5204.0 THE SCHOOLS INTURKISH CALLIGRAPHY2 hrs/week,T2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5

Objective / Contents: Calligraphy asone of the Islam›c Arts is discussedchronologically.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U., ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1992. RADO, fi., Türk Hattatlar›, ‹stanbul1982.SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999.YAZIR, M.B., Kalem Güzeli I-II-III,Ankara 1974.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Ali R›zaÖzcan

11.1. 5205.0 AESTHETICS IN ISLAMICCALLIGRAPHY (SEMINAR)3 hrs/week, T 3, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aestheticalaspects of Islamic calligraphy ondifferent materials are explainedtheoretically and visually.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ALPARSLAN, A., Osmanl› Hat Sanat›Tarihi, ‹stanbul 1999.DERMAN,U., Türk Hat Sanat›n›nfiaheserleri, ‹stanbul 1982. SER‹N, M., Hat Sanat›nda MeflhurHattatlar, ‹stanbul 1999Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. MuhittinSerin





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 8 20Total Elective courses 2 5Total Seminar courses 0 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 8 20Total Elective courses 3 10

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.2.5101.0 New Approaches in Traditional Turkish Art 4 1011.2.5102.0 Illumination Desing 4 10

(E) Elective Courses11.2.5103.0 Composition Techniques in Illumination 2 5 11.2.5120.0 Marbling Techniques 3 10

(Se) Seminar Course11.2.5104.0 Turkish Illumination Art Researches 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.2.5201.0 New Approaches in Traditional Turkish Art 4 1011.2.5202.0 Illumination Desing 4 10

(E) Elective Courses11.2.5203.0 Composition Techniques in Illumination 2 5 11.2.5220.0 Marbling Techniques 3 10

(Se) Seminar Course11.2.5204.0 Turkish Illumination Art Researches 0 5





11.2. 5101.0 NEW APPROACHES INTRADITIONAL TURKISH ART7 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:In this coursestudents are encouraged to produceoriginal designs by using classicalmotifs and styles on differentmaterials such as paper, wood, textileand leather. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.2. 5102.0 ILLUMINATION DESING8 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Studentsaccomplish their classical and uniquedesigns for the expectations of ourday. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›

Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. TurgayKorun

11.2. 5103.0 COMPOS‹T‹ONTECHN‹QUES IN ILLUMINATION3 hrs/week,T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,students create original compositionsby using various motifs and styles ofthe classical forms and tastesaccording today demands. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Münevver Üçer

11.2. 5104.0 TURKISH ILLUMINATIONART RESEARCHES (SEMINAR)2 hrs/week, T 2,Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:In this course thehistorical background of Turkishillumination Art schools, motifs andcomposition rules, techniques of



painting and the illuminators arediscussed by visual aids. Students areencouraged to research the illuminatedworks in libraries museums andprivate collections. Assessment Methods: Examination,Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.2. 5120.0 MARBLING TECHNIQUES4 hrs/week,T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to teach the materials andthe techniques of marbling design.While the students practise thesespecial techniques they are beingencouraged to search for new trendsand to produce new works on differentmaterials such as paper, wood, textile,ceramic and glass.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Suyun RenklerleDans›, ‹ski Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Suyun Rüyas›Ebru , Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2001.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Siyah Beyaz,

Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2004.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Efsun Çiçe¤i,Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2003.Instructor : Hikmet Barutçugil


11.2. 5201.0 NEW APPROACHES INTRADITIONAL TURKISH ART7 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:In this coursestudents are encouraged to produceoriginal designs by using classicalmotifs and styles on differentmaterials such as paper, wood, textileand leather. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.2. 5202.0 ILLUMINATION DESING8 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Studentsaccomplish their classical and uniquedesigns for the expectations of ourday.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical Studies



Recommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. TurgayKorun

11.2. 5203.0 COMPOSITIONTECHNIQUES IN ILLUMINATION3 hrs/week,T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,students create original compositionsby using various motifs and styles ofthe classical forms and tastesaccording today demands.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Münevver Üçer

11.2. 5204.0 TURKISH ILLUMINATIONART RESEARCHES (SEMINAR)2 hrs/week,T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:In this course the

historical background of Turkishillumination Art schools, motifs andcomposition rules, techniques ofpainting and the illuminators arediscussed by visual aids. Students areencouraged to research the illuminatedworks in libraries museums andprivate collections. Assessment Methods: Examination,Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:DERMAN, Ç., B‹ROL, ‹., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, Kubbealt›Neflriyat›, ‹stanbul 1991.GÜNDÜZ, H., TAfiKALE, F.,Rakseden Harfler, Antik, KültürYay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.GÜNDÜZ, H.,TAfiKALE, F., HatSanat›nda Hilye-i fierife, Antik,Kültür Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2006.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.2. 5220.0 MARBLING TECHNIQUES4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents:The aim of thiscourse is to teach the materials andthe techniques of marbling design.While the students practise thesespecial techniques they are beingencouraged to search for new trendsand to produce new works on differentmaterials such as paper, wood, textile,ceramic and glass. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Suyun Renklerle



Dans›, ‹ski Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 2000.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Suyun Rüyas›Ebru , Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2001.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Siyah Beyaz,Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2004.BARUTÇUG‹L, H., Efsun Çiçe¤i,Ebristan Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 2003.Teaching Staff: Hikmet Barutçugil





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 4 15Total Seminar courses 0 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 5 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.3.5101.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (shuttle looms) 6 1011.3.5102.1 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 1011.3.5102.2 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.3.5120.0 New Approaches in Traditional Turkish Art 3 1011.3.5121.0 Restoration and Conservation 2 511.3.5122.0 Restitution 3 511.3.5123.0 Turkish Ornamental Design 2 511.3.5124.0 Traditional Weaving Techniques and Materials 4 1011.3.5125.0 History of Turkish Carpets 2 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.3.5106.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.3.5201.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (shuttle looms) 6 1011.3.5202.1 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 1011.3.5202.2 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.3.5220.0 New Approaches in Traditional Turkish Art 3 1011.3.5221.0 Restoration and Conservation 2 511.3.5222.0 Restitution 3 511.3.5223.0 Turkish Ornamental Design 2 511.3.5224.0 Traditional Weaving Techniques and Materials 4 1011.3.5225.0 History of Turkish Carpets 2 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.3.5206.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design 0 5





11.3 5101.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (ShuttleLooms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students carryout a documentation project ontraditional Turkish hand woven items,traditional materials and techniques.They also produce unique designs forthe present day expectations. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical Studies Recommended Readings:ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri I,Ekonomi Bakanl›¤›, ‹stanbul 1946. ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri II,Ekonomi ve Ticaret Bakanl›¤›,‹stanbul 1951.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5102.1 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students produceexclusive designs for the present dayexpectations after succeeding adocumentation work on OttomanPalace and Anatolian carpets,production techniques and materials. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:YETK‹N, fi., Türk Hal› Sanat›, ‹flBankas› Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 1974.ERDMANN, K., Oriental Carpets, Anaccount of their history, London 1960. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 5102.2 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN(Carpet and Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:In this coursestudents achieve their designsaccording to the production techniquesand materials of woolen carpets.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, Eren Yay›nc›l›k, ‹stanbul1987.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LatifTarafll›

11.3 5106.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN(SEMINAR)2 hrs/week, T 2, 0 Credit, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of carpet, kilim andTurkish fabrics through the currentpublications.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ERTU⁄, A., KOCABIYIK, A., Silk forthe Sultans, 1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5120.0 NEW APPROACHES INTRADITIONAL TURKISH ART4 hrs/week ,T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students areencouraged to use their knowledgeand skills to achieve unique designsusing various materials and techniquesfor today’s expectations. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topic



at the beginning of each semestr.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5121.0 RESTORATION ANDCONSERVATION 3 hrs/week ,T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:This course aimsto encourage the students to restoreand preserve old carpets and kilimsdamaged by various factors such aschemical, biological and physicalfactors by using colors, forms andmaterials appropriate to their periods. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:BALPINAR, B., Kilim-Cicim-Zili-Sumak Düz Dokuma Yayg›lar›,‹stanbul 1982.Teaching Staff: Medeni Dinç

11.3 5122.0 RESTITUTION4 hrs/week ,T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:In this coursestudent learn the techniques ofdocumenting, completing andrepairing the fragments of classicalsamples. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topicat the beginning of each semestr.Instructor : Önder Çokay

11.3 5123.0 TURKISH ORNAMENTALDESIGN3 hrs/week ,T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Classicalmotives that are used in classicalTurkish arts such as illumination, tilesand ceramics, carpets, kilims, fabricsare studied through the variousschools, theoretically and by visualaids. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical Studies

Recommended Readings:KESK‹NER, C., Türk Motifleri,‹stanbul 1988.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.3 5124.0 TRADITIONAL WEAVINGTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS4 hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Having learnedthe elements of weaving technology(fibers, looms and simple weavingtechniques) students study theelements of design, color and otherfactors that physically shape thefabric.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:fiEBER, B., ALPAN, D., Kumafl Yap›Bilgisi, ‹stanbul 1989. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 5125.0 HISTORY OF TURKISHCARPETS2 hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The technicaland aesthetical developments inTurkish carpets are discussedchronologically.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, Eren Yay›nc›l›k , ‹stanbul1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayASLANAPA


11.3 5201.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (ShuttleLooms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10



Objective / Contents:Students carryout a documentation project ontraditional Turkish hand woven items,traditional materials and techniques.They also produce unique designs forthe present day expectations. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:1, Ankara 1987.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:2, Ankara 1988.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:3, Ankara 1990.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:4, Ankara1990.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5202.1 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Studentsproduce exclusive designs for thepresent day expectations aftersucceeding a documentation work onOttoman Palace and Anatoliancarpets, production techniques andmaterials. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish Kilims Catalog.No:1, Ankara 1995. MINISTRY OFCULTURE AND TOURISM, TurkishKilims Catalog. No:2, Ankara 1995.ÖLÇER, N., Türk ve ‹slam EserleriMüzesi Kilimler, ‹stanbul 1988.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 5202.2 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand kilim looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents achieve their designsaccording to the production techniquesand materials of woolen carpets.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, ‹stanbul 1987.ERDMANN, K., Siebenhunder JahreOrientteppich, Herford: BussescheVerlagshandlung GMBH, 1966.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LatifTarafll›

11.3 5206.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN(SEMINAR)2 hrs/week,T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of carpet, kilim andTurkish fabrics through the currentpublications.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topicat the beginning of each semester.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5220.0 NEW APPROACHES INTRADITIONAL TURKISH ART4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students areencouraged to use their knowledgeand skills to achieve unique designsusing various materials and techniquesfor today’s expectations.Assessment Methods: Examination-



Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topicat the beginning of each semestr.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 5221.0 RESTORATION ANDCONSERVATION 3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:This course aimsto encourage the students to restoreand preserve old carpets and kilimsdamaged by various factors such aschemical, biological and physicalfactors by using colors, forms andmaterials appropriate to their periods. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:BALPINAR, B., Kilim-Cicim-Zili-Sumak Düz Dokuma Yayg›lar›,‹stanbul 1982.Teaching Staff: Medeni Dinç

11.3 5222.0 RESTITUTION4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:In this coursestudent learn the techniques ofdocumenting, completing andrepairing the fragments of classicalsamples.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ERDMANN, K., Oriental Carpets, Anaccount of their history, London 1960.Teaching Staff: Önder Çokay

11.3 5223.0 TURKISH ORNAMENTALDESIGN3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:Classical motivesthat are used in classical Turkish artssuch as illumination, tiles andceramics, carpets, kilims, fabrics arestudied through the various schools,

theoretically and by visual aids. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:KESK‹NER, C., AKAR, A., TürkSüsleme Sanat›nda Desen ve Motif,Tercüman Yay., 1977.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. FarukTaflkale

11.3 5224.0 TRADITIONAL WEAVINGTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS4 hrs/week, T 4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Having learnedthe elements of weaving technology(fibers, looms and simple weavingtechniques) students study theelements of design, color and otherfactors that physically shapes thefabric.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:fiEBER, B., ALPAN, D., Kumafl Yap›Bilgisi, ‹st. 1989. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 5225.0 HISTORY OF TURKISHCARPETS2 hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The technicaland aesthetical developments inTurkish carpets are discussedchronologically.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, Eren Yay›nc›l›k, ‹stanbul1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayASLANAPA




PROFICIENCY IN ART PROGRAMME1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 4 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 5 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


4. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


5. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


6. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


7. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


8. SEMESTERThesis Presentation 30

TOTAL 30Total : 21 MSGSÜ, Seminar 240 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.3.6101.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (shuttle looms) 6 1011.3.6102.1 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 1011.3.6102.2 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.3.6103.0 Traditional Weaving Techniques and Materials 4 511.3.6104.0 Turkish Woven Arts 2 511.3.6120.0 Artistic Weaving 3 10

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.3.6201.0 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (shuttle looms) 6 1011.3.6202.1 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 1011.3.6202.2 Carpet-Kilim-Old Turkish Fabrics Design (carpet and kilim looms) 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.3.6203.0 Traditional Weaving Techniques and Materials 4 511.3.6204.0 Turkish Woven Arts 2 511.3.6220.0 Artistic Weaving 3 10





11.3 6101.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN(Shuttle Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Students carryout a documentation project ontraditional Turkish hand woven items,traditional materials and techniques.They also produce unique designs forthe present day expectations. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri I,Ekonomi Bakanl›¤›, ‹stanbul 1946.ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri II,Ekonomi ve Ticaret Bakanl›¤›,‹stanbul 1951.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 6102.1 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents:Students produceexclusive designs for the present dayexpectations after succeeding adocumentation work on OttomanPalace and Anatolian carpets,production techniques and materials. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:YETK‹N, fi., Türk Hal› Sanat›, ‹flBankas› Yay›n›, ‹stanbul 1974.YETK‹N, fi., “Türk Hal› Sanat›“,Bafllang›c›ndan Bugüne Türk Sanat›,Ankara 1993, s:312-328Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 6102.2 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents achieve their designsaccording to the production techniquesand materials of silk carpets.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, Eren Yay›nc›l›k, ‹stanbul1987.ERDMANN, K., Oriental Carpets, Anaccount of their history, London 1960.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LatifTarafll›

11.3 6103.0 TRADITIONAL WEAVINGTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS4 hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Having learnedthe elements of weaving technology(fibers, looms and simple weavingtechniques) students study theelements of design, color and otherfactors that physically shapes thefabric.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:fiEBER, B., ALPAN, D., Kumafl Yap›Bilgisi, ‹st. 1989. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 6104.0 TURKISH WOVEN ARTS2 hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This courseintroduces the technical aspects ofAnatolian flat weavings. On the otherhand course also covers the weaving



techniques and types of Ottomanpalace weavings.Assessment Methods: Oralpresentation of a research about agiven subject is neccesary for internalexamination. Students should alsopresent a paper on a given subject toget their final scores.Recommended Readings:ACAR, B., Kilim ve Düz DokumaYayg›lar, ‹stanbul 1975.ACAR, B., Kilim, Cicim, Zili, Sumak,Türk Düz Dokuma Yayg›lar›, ‹stanbul1982.ACAR, B., Vak›flar Genel Müdürlü¤üKilim ve Düz Dokuma Yayg›larMüzesi Katalo¤u, ‹stanbul 1983.ÖLÇER, N., Türk ve ‹slam EserleriMüzesi Kilimler, ‹stanbul 1988. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Banu Mahir

11.3 6120.0 ARTISTIC WEAVINGS4 hrs/week ,T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,students are encouraged to createworks by using both traditional andtodays weaving methods andtechniques. Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topicat the beginning of each semestr.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu


11.3 6201.0 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (ShuttleLooms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students carryout a documentation project on

traditional Turkish hand woven items,traditional materials and techniques.They also produce unique designs forthe present day expectations. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri I,Ekonomi Bakanl›¤›, ‹stanbul 1946.ÖZ, T., Türk Kumafl ve Kadifeleri II,Ekonomi ve Ticaret Bakanl›¤›,‹stanbul 1951.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu

11.3 6202.1 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (Carpetand Kilim Looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Studentsproduce exclusive designs for thepresent day expectations aftersucceeding a documentation work onOttoman Palace and Anatoliancarpets, production techniques andmaterials. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:1, Ankara 1987.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:2, Ankara 1988.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:3, Ankara 1990.MINISTRY OF CULTURE ANDTOURISM, Turkish HandwovenCarpets: Catalog. No:4, Ankara1990.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar



11.3 6202.2 CARPET- K‹L‹M- OLDTURKISH FABRICS DESIGN (carpetand kilim looms)8 hrs/week, T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:In this coursestudents achieve their designsaccording to the production techniquesand materials of silk carpets.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Hal› Sanat›n›nBin Y›l›, Eren Yay›nc›l›k, ‹stanbul1987.ERDMANN, K., Oriental Carpets, Anaccount of their history, London 1960.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LatifTarafll›

11.3 6203.0 TRADITIONAL WEAVINGTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS4 hrs/week, T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:Having learnedthe elements of weaving technology(fibers, looms and simple weavingtechniques) students study theelements of design, color and otherfactors that physically shapes thefabric.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:fiEBER, B., ALPAN, D., Kumafl Yap›Bilgisi, ‹stanbul 1989. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CandanAkp›nar

11.3 6204.0 TURKISH WOVEN ARTS2 hrs/week,T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This courseintroduces the technical aspects ofAnatolian flat weavings. On the otherhand the course also covers theweaving techniques and types ofOttoman palace weavings.Assessment Methods: Oralpresentation of a research about agiven subject is neccesary for internalexamination. Students should alsopresent a paper on a given subject toget their final scores.Recommended Readings:ACAR, B. , Kilim ve Düz DokumaYayg›lar, ‹stanbul 1975.ACAR, B. , Kilim, Cicim, Zili, Sumak,Türk Düz Dokuma Yayg›lar›, ‹stanbul1982.ACAR, B., Vak›flar Genel Müdürlü¤üKilim ve Düz Dokuma Yayg›larMüzesi Katalo¤u, ‹stanbul 1983.ÖLÇER, N., Türk ve ‹slam EserleriMüzesi Kilimler, ‹stanbul 1988. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Banu Mahir

11.3 6220.0 ARTISTIC WEAVINGS4 hrs/week ,T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,students are encouraged to createworks by using both traditional andtoday’s weaving methods andtechniques. Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings: They will bedetermined according to selected topicat the beginning of each semestr.Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n U¤urlu





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 6 15Total Elective courses 4 10Total Seminar courses 0 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 6 15Total Elective courses 5 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/ Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/ Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.4.5101 Turkish Tiles and Ceramics Design 6 15

(E) Elective Courses11.4.5121.0 Ceramics Technology 2 511.4.5122.0 Traditional Form Studies 2 511.4.5123.0 Development of ‹znik Tiles Through the Excavations 3 10

(Se) Seminar Course11.4.5102.0 Development of Turkish Tiles and Ceramics 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.4.5201 Turkish Tiles and Ceramics Design 6 15

(E) Elective Courses11.4.5221.0 Ceramics Technology 2 511.4.5222.0 Traditional Form Studies 2 511.4.5223.0 Development of ‹znik Tiles Through the Excavations 3 10

(Se) Seminar Course11.4.5202.0 Development of Turkish Tiles and Ceramics 0 5





11.4. 5101.0 TURKISH TILES ANDCERAMICS DESIGN8 hrs/week, T4 S4, Credits 6, ECTS15Objective / Contents: Studentsimprove their knowledge and skills inadorning tiles and ceramics and alsolearn of Turkish and Islamic ceramictechniques. They are also expected toachieve design projects. Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, RemziKitabevi, ‹stanbul 1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London1989.BAKIR, S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.B‹ROL, ‹., DERMAN, Ç., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r

11.4, 5102.0 DEVELOPMENT OFTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS(SEMINAR)3hrs/ week, T 3, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of Turkish tiles andceramics through the currentpublications.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:

AKILLI, H., “Eski Çini Onar›m›ndaYeni Bir Uygulama“, Sanat TarihiAraflt›rmalar› Dergisi, C.1, S.1., S.8-11ASLANAPA, O. , Anadolu Türk Çinive Keramik Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1965BAKIR, S. T., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.LANE, A., Later Islamic Pottery,London 1957.ÖNEY, G., Türk Çini Sanat›, ‹stanbul1976.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SelçukMülayim

11.4. 5121.0 CERAMICSTECHNOLOGY2hrs/ week,T2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This course aimsto teach students the productiontechniques such as raw materials,paints, shaping, glazing and firing oftraditional Turkish tiles and ceramics.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ARCASOY, A., Seramik Teknolojisi,‹stanbul, Marmara University, FineArts Faculty Publication, No:2,‹stanbul 1983.ÇOBANLI, Z., Seramik Astarlar›,Anadolu Universitesi Publication No:919, Eskiflehir 1996ÖNEY, G. , Islam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

11.4. 5122.0 TRADITIONAL FORMSTUDIES2hrs/ week, T 2,Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course;

students study the basic concepts suchas: Shape, form, form on plastic arts,



the third dimension and form; Formon Surface: Design process, rhythm,symmetry; Forms of Ceramics: Formsof Neolithic, Aegean, Mediterranean,Egyptian, Mesopotamian, ‹znik andKütahya ceramics and tiles.Researches are also carried out onforms.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ARSEVEN, C.E., Les Arts DecoratifsTurc, ‹stanbul 1952.FRENCH, D. , Early Pottery SitesFrom Western Anatolia, London 1965.MELLART, J., The Neolitic of theNear East, London 1975.ÖNEY, G., Turkish Ceramic Tile Artin Anatolia, Tokyo 1975.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SelçukMülayim

11.4. 5123.0 DEVELOPMENT OFIZNIK TILES THROUGH THEEXCAVATIONS 2hrs/ week, T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of ‹znik Tiles through theexcavations and current publications.Assessment Methods: -Examination- Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ALTUN, A.(Ed.), Osmanl›’da Çini veSeramik Öyküsü, ‹stanbul 1997.ASLANAPA, O., Osmanl› DevrindeKütahya Çinileri, ‹stanbul 1949.ASLANAPA, O., Anadolu’da TürkÇini ve Seramik Sanat›, Ankara 1965.ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, ‹stanbul1984.

ASLANAPA, O., ALTUN, A.,YETK‹N, fi., ‹znik Çini F›r›nlar› Kaz›s›(II. Dönem 1981-1988), ‹stanbul1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayASLANAPA


11.4. 5201.0 TURKISH TILES ANDCERAMICS DESIGN8 hrs/week, T4 S4, Credits 6, ECTS15Objective / Contents: Studentsimprove their knowledge and skills inadorning tiles and ceramics and alsolearn of Turkish and Islamic ceramictechniques. They are also expected toachieve design projects. Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, RemziKitabevi, ‹stanbul 1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London1989.BAKIR,S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.B‹ROL, ‹., DERMAN, Ç., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r

11.4. 5202.0 DEVELOPMENT OFTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS(SEMINAR)3hrs/ week, T 3, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of Turkish tiles and



ceramics through the currentpublications.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:AKILLI, H., “Eski Çini Onar›m›ndaYeni Bir Uygulama“, Sanat TarihiAraflt›rmalar› Dergisi, C.1, S.1., S.8-11ASLANAPA, O. , Anadolu Türk Çinive Keramik Sanat›, ‹stanbul 1965.BAKIR, S. T., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, Ankara1999.LANE, A., Later Islamic Pottery,London 1957.ÖNEY, G., Türk Çini Sanat›, ‹stanbul1976.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SelçukMülayim

11.4. 5221.0 CERAMICSTECHNOLOGY2hrs/ week,T2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This course aimsto teach students the productiontechniques such as raw materials,paints, shaping, glazing and firing oftraditional Turkish tiles and ceramics.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ARCASOY, A., Seramik Teknolojisi,Seramik Teknolojisi, ‹stanbul,Marmara University, Fine Arts FacultyPublication, No:2, ‹stanbul 1983.ÇOBANLI, Z., Seramik Astarlar›,Anadolu Universitesi Publication No:919, Eskiflehir 1996ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

11.4. 5222.0 TRADITIONAL FORMSTUDIES2hrs/ week,T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course;

students study the basic concepts suchas: Shape, form, form on plastic arts,the third dimension and form; Formon Surface: Design process, rhythm,symmetry; Forms of Ceramics: Formsof Neolithic, Aegean, Mediterranean,Egyptian, Mesopotamian, ‹znik andKütahya ceramics and tiles.Researches are also carried out onforms.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ARSEVEN, C.E., Les Arts DecoratifsTurc, ‹stanbul 1952.FRENCH, D. , Early Pottery SitesFrom Western Anatolia, London 1965.MELLART, J., The Neolitic of theNear East, London 1975.ÖNEY, G., Turkish Ceramic Tile Artin Anatolia, Tokyo 1975.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987. Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. SelçukMülayim

11.4. 5223.0 DEVELOPMENT OF IZNIKTILES THROUGH THE EXCAVATIONS 2hrs/ week, T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Research studiesare made on the historicaldevelopment of ‹znik Tiles through theexcavations and current publications.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ALTUN, A. (Ed.), Osmanl›’da Çini ve



Seramik Öyküsü, ‹stanbul 1997.ASLANAPA, O., Osmanl› DevrindeKütahya Çinileri, ‹stanbul 1949.ASLANAPA, O., Anadolu’da TürkÇini ve Seramik Sanat›, Ankara 1965.ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, ‹stanbul1984.ASLANAPA, O., ALTUN, A.,YETK‹N, fi., ‹znik Çini F›r›nlar› Kaz›s›(II. Dönem 1981-1988), ‹stanbul1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayASLANAPA




PROFICIENCY IN ART PROGRAMME1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 4 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective courses 6 10Total Elective courses 5 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


4. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


5. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


6. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


7. SEMESTERThesis Report 30


8. SEMESTERThesis Presentation 30

TOTAL 30Total : 21 MSGSÜ, Seminar 240 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.4.6101.0 Turkish Tiles and Ceramics Design 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.4.6102.0 Technology In Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 2 611.4.6103.0 Researches On History Of Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 3 411.4.6104.0 New Approaches In Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 2 10

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.4.6201.0 Turkish Tiles and Ceramics Design 6 10

(E) Elective Courses11.4.6202.0 Technology In Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 2 611.4.6203.0 Researches On History Of Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 3 411.4.6204.0 New Approaches In Turkish Tiles And Ceramics 2 10





11.4. 6101.0 TURKISH TILE ANDCERAMIC DESIGN8 hrs/week, T4, S4, Credit 6, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Studentsimprove their knowledge and skills inadorning tiles and ceramics and alsolearn of Turkish and Islamic ceramictechniques. They are also expected toachieve design projects. Assessment Methods: Examination -Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, RemziKitabevi, ‹stanbul 1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London1989. BAKIR, S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.B‹ROL, ‹., DERMAN, Ç., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r

11.4. 6102.0 TECHNOLOGY INTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS4hrs/ week, T1 S2, Credit 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: In this course,students study tiles and ceramicstechniques like carving, engraving,casting methods, coloured glazing,mosaic and luster techniques inTurkish art.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:

ARCASOY, A., Seramik Teknolojisi,‹stanbul, Marmara University, FineArts Faculty Publication, No:2,‹stanbul 1983.ÇOBANLI, Z., Seramik Astarlar›,Anadolu Universitesi Yay›nlar› No:919, Eskiflehir 1996.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

11.4. 6103.0 RESEARCHES ONHISTORY OF TURKISH TILES ANDCERAMICS3hrs/ week, T 3, Credit 3, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: The programmeis scheduled as giving a generalknowledge on ceramic art in Anatoliabefore the Turkish settlement, Seljuksand Emirates periods, excavation sitesand materials found, productiontechniques and ornaments onarcheological findings.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ALTUN,A., Osmanl›’da Çini veSeramik Öyküsü, ‹stanbul 1997.ASLANAPA, O., Osmanl› DevrindeKütahya Çinileri, ‹stanbul 1949.ASLANAPA, O., Anadolu’da TürkÇini ve Seramik Sanat›, Ankara 1965.ASLANAPA, O., ‹znik Çini F›r›nlar›Kaz›s› (II.Dönem 1981-1988),‹stanbul 1989.ÖNEY, G., Türk Devri ÇanakkaleSeramikleri, Ankara 1971.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayAslanapa



11.4. 6104.0 NEW APPROACHES INTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS3 hrs/week, T1 S2, Credits 2, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students areencouraged to produce design projectsproper for new art concepts andtodays demands.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay Assessment Recommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, ‹stanbul1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London1989.BAKIR, S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.B‹ROL, ‹, DERMAN, Ç, Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r


11.4. 6201.0 TURKISH TILE ANDCERAMIC DESIGN8 hrs/week, T4 S4, Credits 6, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Studentsimprove their knowledge and skills inadorning tiles and ceramics and alsolearn of Turkish and Islamic ceramictechniques. They are also expected toachieve design projects. Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, ‹stanbul1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London

1989.BAKIR, S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, KültürBakanl›¤›, Ankara 1999.B‹ROL, ‹,. DERMAN, Ç, Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r

11.4. 6202.0 TECHNOLOGY INTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS4hrs/ week, T1, S2, Credits 2, ECTS 6Objective / Contents: In this course,students study tiles and ceramicstechniques like carving, engraving,casting methods, coloured glazing,mosaic and luster techniques inTurkish art.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ARCASOY, A., Seramik Teknolojisi,Marmara University, Fine Arts FacultyPublication, No:2, ‹stanbul 1983.ÇOBANLI, Z., Seramik Astarlar›,Anadolu University Publication No:919, Eskiflehir 1996.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

11.4. 6203.0 RESEARCHES ONHISTORY OF TURKISH TILES ANDCERAMICS3hrs/ week, T 3, Credits 3, ECTS 4Objective / Contents: The programmeis scheduled as giving a generalknowledge on ceramic art in Ottoman(early, classical, late periods)excavation sites and materials found,production techniques and ornaments



on archeological findings.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:ALTUN,A., Osmanl›’da Çini veSeramik Öyküsü, ‹stanbul 1997.ASLANAPA, O., Osmanl› DevrindeKütahya Çinileri, ‹stanbul 1949.ASLANAPA, O., Anadolu’da TürkÇini ve Seramik Sanat›, Ankara 1965.ASLANAPA, O., ‹znik Çini F›r›nlar›Kaz›s› (II.Dönem 1981-1988),‹stanbul 1989.ÖNEY, G., Türk Devri ÇanakkaleSeramikleri, Ankara 1971.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. OktayAslanapa

11.4. 6204.0 NEW APPROACHES INTURKISH TILES AND CERAMICS3 hrs/week, T1, S2, Credits 2, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students areencouraged to produce design projectsproper for new art concepts andtodays demands.Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay Assessment Recommended Readings:ASLANAPA, O., Türk Sanat›, ‹stanbul1984.ATASOY,N., RABY, J., ‹znik, London1989.BAKIR, S., ‹znik Çinileri veGülbenkyan Koleksiyonu, Ankara1999.B‹ROL, ‹, DERMAN, Ç., Türk TezyiniSanatlar›nda Motifler, ‹stanbul 1991.ÖNEY, G., ‹slam Mimarisinde Çini,‹stanbul 1987.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dr. Sitare TuranBak›r





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 6 15Total Elective courses 5 10Total Seminar courses 0 5

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required courses 6 15Total Elective courses 4 15

Total 10 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/ Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/ Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.5.5101.1 Bookbinding Desing 6 1511.5.5101.2 Bookbinding Desing 6 15

(E) Elective Courses11.5.5102.0 New Approches in Bookbinding Desing 4 1011.5.5120.0 Pathology of Bookbinding and Paper 5 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.5.5103.0 History of Turkish Book Art 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(R) Required Courses11.5.5201.1 Bookbinding Desing 6 1511.5.5201.2 Bookbinding Desing 6 15

(E) Elective Courses11.5.5202.0 New Approches in Bookbinding Desing 4 1011.5.5220.0 Pathology of Bookbinding and Paper 5 5

(Se) Seminar Course11.5.5203.0 History of Turkish Book Art 0 5





11.5. 5101.1 BOOKBINDING DESIGN8 hrs/week,T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 15Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents produce design projects byusing traditional materials,composition rules, motives and colors.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.HALDANE, D., IslamicBookbindings,Victoria & AlbertMuseum, London 1983.‹fiMEN, H., SüleymaniyeKütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri CiltleriMSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.RABY, J.-TANINDI, Z.,TurkishBookbinding In The 15th Century,London 1993.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: ‹slam Seçen

11.5. 5101.2 BOOKBINDING DESIGN8 hrs/week,T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 15Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents produce design projects byusing traditional materials,composition rules, motives and colors.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.

HALDANE, D., IslamicBookbindings,Victoria & AlbertMuseum, London 1983.‹fiMEN, H., SüleymaniyeKütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri CiltleriMSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.RABY, J.-TANINDI, Z.,TurkishBookbinding In The 15th Century,London 1993.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Habib‹flmen

11.5. 5102.0 NEW APPROACHES INBOOKBINDING DESIGN6 hrs/week ,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students whohave sufficient knowledge and skill areexpected to design fulfilling thenecessities of the present day. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.‹fiMEN, H., SüleymaniyeKütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri Ciltleri,MSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Habib‹flmen



11.5. 5103.0 HISTORY OF TURKISHBOOK ART (SEM‹NAR)2 hrs/week,T2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents learn the historicaldevelopment of traditional Islamic andTurkish book arts theoretically and byvisual aids .Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:DERMAN, U., Türk Hat Sanat›n›nfiaheserleri, ‹stanbul 1982.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430Teaching Staff: Prof. h.c. U¤urDerman

11.5. 5120.0 PATHOLOGY OFBOOKBINDING AND PAPER6 hrs/week ,T4 S2, 5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The traditionalwriting materials, conservationtechniques and rules are taught duringthis course.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ELEMANT, G.W.D. Arfliv BelgelerininKorumas› Konusunda Temel Bilgiler,Cumhuriyet Arfliv Daire Baflkanl›¤›,Ankara 1993.GAZ‹,S., Ka¤›t Konservasyonu,‹stanbul Üniversitesi, S.B.E.,Unpublished thesis, ‹stanbul 1998.Teaching Staff: Saadet Gazi


11.5. 5201.1 BOOKBINDING DESIGN8 hrs/week,T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 15Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents produce design projects byusing traditional materials,composition rules, motives and colors.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.HALDANE, D., IslamicBookbindings,Victoria & AlbertMuseum, London 1983.‹fiMEN, H., SüleymaniyeKütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri CiltleriMSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.RABY, J.-TANINDI, Z.,TurkishBookbinding In The 15th Century,London 1993.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: ‹slam Seçen

11.5. 5201.2 BOOKBINDING DESIGN8 hrs/week,T4 S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 15Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents produce design projects byusing traditional materials,composition rules, motives and colors.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.HALDANE, D., IslamicBookbindings,Victoria & AlbertMuseum, London 1983.‹fiMEN, H., Süleymaniye



Kütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri CiltleriMSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.RABY, J.-TANINDI, Z.,TurkishBookbinding In The 15th Century,London 1993. TANINDI, Z., “TürkCilt Sanat› (Kitap Kaplar›)”,Bafllang›c›ndan Bugüne Türk Sanat›,Ankara 1993, s. 422-430.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Habib‹flmen

11.5. 5202.0 NEW APPROACHES INBOOKBINDING DESIGN6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents:Students whohave sufficient knowledge and skill areexpected to design fulfilling thenecessities of the present day. Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:ÇI⁄, K., Türk Kitap Kaplar›, ‹stanbul1971.‹fiMEN, H., SüleymaniyeKütüphanesindeki Fatih Devri Ciltleri,MSÜ, SBE, Unpublished thesis,‹stanbul 1994.TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Habib‹flmen

11.5. 5203.0 HISTORY OF TURKISHBOOK ART (SEM‹NAR)2 hrs/week, T2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this coursestudents learn the historicaldevelopment of traditional Islamic andTurkish book arts theoretically and byvisual aids.

Assessment Methods: Examination-Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:DERMAN, U., ‹slam Kültür Miras›ndaHat Sanat›. IRCICA Yay. ‹stanbul1992. TANINDI, Z., “Türk Cilt Sanat›(Kitap Kaplar›)”, Bafllang›c›ndanBugüne Türk Sanat›, Ankara 1993, s.422-430.Teaching Staff: Prof. h.c. U¤urDerman

11.5. 5220.0 PATHOLOGY OFBOOKBINDING AND PAPER6 hrs/week, T4 S2, 5 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The traditionalwriting materials, conservationtechniques and rules are taught duringthis course.Assessment Methods: Examination-Assessment of Practical StudiesRecommended Readings:BARROW, J.W. El Yazmalar› veBelgeler. ‹stanbul 1992.GAZ‹, S., Ka¤›t Konservasyonu,‹stanbul Üniversitesi, S.B.E.,Unpublished thesis, ‹stanbul 1998.Teaching Staff: Saadet Gazi



Division Head:Prof. Süleyman BELEN

Phone : (0212) 245 21 64Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

CERAMIC DESIGN PROGRAMMEThe objective of the programme is tosupply an overall and comprehensiveoutlook on to the fields of ceramic artand design. To approach this goal, theprogrammes are designed to displaycreativity in full scope of ceramic artand design. The interdisciplinaryprogrammes are receptive to newtechnologies and the demand of themarket.


Prof. Süleyman A. BELENBachelor/Master: ‹stanbul Fine ArtAcademy, 1982, Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, 1989

Prof. Hande KURAMaster: Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1983, Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1989

Prof. Z. Gül ÖZTURANLIBachelor/Master : Mimar SinanUniversity, 1984, Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, 1989

Prof. Meltem KAYABachelor : Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1987, Master : Mimar SinanÜniversitesi 1990, Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, 1996

Asst. Prof. ‹rfan AYDINMaster : Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1985; Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1991

Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhan HASDEM‹RBachelor: ‹stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi,1986; Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi,1989; Master: Berlin TeknikÜniversitesi, 1992; Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, 1997

Asst. Prof. Lerzan ÖZERBachelor : Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1986, Master: Mimar SinanÜniversitesi 1993, Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, 2001

Asst. Prof. Gaye KIRLIDÖKMEBELENBachelor : Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1990, M.A.; Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi1993, Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity, 1999

Instructor Murat BAKIfiMaster: Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi,1983

Instructor Necati GÖKTENMaster: ‹stanbul Güzel SanatlarAkademisi, 1982







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS12.1.5102 Seminary 0 5Total required-elective courses 3 10Total elective courses 7 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS12.1.5202 Seminary 0 5Total required-elective courses 3 10Total elective courses 8 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Works Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses12.1.5101.1 Project 3 1012.1.5101.2 Project 3 1012.1.5101.3 Project 3 10

(S) Elective Courses12.1.5121 Ceramic Decoration 2 512.1.5122 Industrial Ceramic Design And Manufacturing 2 512.1.5123 Laboratory 2 512.1.5124 Glass Technology 2 512.1.5125 Special Glasses 2 512.1.5126 Architectural Ceramics 2 512.1.5127 AdvancedPresentationTechniques 2 512.1.5128 Trend-Product Relation 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses12.1.5201.1 Project 3 1012.1.5201.2 Project 3 1012.1.5201.3 Project 3 10

(S) Elective Vourses12.1.5221 Ceramic Decoration 2 512.1.5222 Industrial Ceramic Design And Production 2 512.1.5223 Laboratory 2 512.1.5224 Glass Technology 2 512.1.5225 Special Glasses 2 512.1.5227AdvancedPresentationTechniques 2 512.1.5228 Trend-Product Relation 2 512.1.5229 Public Environment And Art 2 512.1.5230 Coloured Glass Production 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3,5 10Total elective courses 6,5 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3,5 10Total elective courses 7,5 20

Total 11 30

3. Semester: Thesis Report 305. Semester: Thesis Report 307. Semester: Thesis Report 30


4. Semester: Thesis Report 30 4. Semester: Thesis Report 308. Semester: Thesis Presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses12.1.6101.1 Project 3,5 1012.1.6102.2 Project 3,5 10

(S) Elective Courses12.1.6121 Laboratory 2 512.1.6122 Glass Technology 2 512.1.6123 Trend-Product Relation 2 512.1.6124 Printing Methods In Ceramics 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses12.1.6101.1 Project 3,5 1012.1.6102.2 Project 3,5 10

(S) Elective Courses12.1.6221 Laboratory 2 512.1.6222 Glass Technology 2 512.1.6223 Trend-Product Relation 2 512.1.6224 Printing Methods In Ceramics 2 5





12.1. 5101.1 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic andtechnical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretical improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkishceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Süleyman A.BELEN

12.1. 5101.2 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic andtechnical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretical improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkishceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,

applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hande KURA

12.1. 5101.3 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Student isexpected to form his/her project on thechosen subject for the purpose oforiginality at the expression andfigural editing. Assessment Methods: No examsduring the semester. The argument ofsupport of the project by the student isevaluated by a grade at the end of thesemester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subjects chosen bythe students.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5102 SEMINARY2 hrs/week, T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the programstudent is supposed to transformhis/her research, that is done parallelto the project subject under the chosentitle, into a teaching seminary.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofthe research files.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5121 CERAMIC DECORATION3 hrs/week, T1 S2, Credits 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The discussion



of one or more decoration techniquesfrom artistic and industrial ceramicfields. In case of necessity the studentsare supposed to be supported withexperimental practice.Assessment Methods: Evaluating thestudy, works and/or drawings of thestudents performed during thesemester.Recommended Readings:MC CULLY, Marilyn, Picasso/ Painterand Sculptor in Clay, Harry N.Abrams Inc, 1998.CARUSO, Nino, DecorazioneCeramica, Milano 1984.GIOVANNINI, Rolando, Tile Fashionand Design-Ventanni di Progetti e diDecorazioni Nelle Ceramiched’Architettura, Faenza 2000.Catalogues of tableware and tilemanufacturersBooks, catalogues and web sites ofceramic artists Teaching Staff: Prof. GülÖZTURANLI

12.1. 5122 INDUSTRIAL CERAMICDESIGN AND MANUFACTURING2hrs / week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Within theprogram, national and internationalmanufacturers’ and representatives’activities in the ceramic and glassindustry, and the current trends on themarket are being studiedcomparatively.Assessment Methods: An exam duringthe semester and the evaluation of theseminar performed by the student atthe end of the semester.Recommended Readings:TOMBINI, Michael, The Look of theCentury-Design Icons of the 20thCentury, England: Dorling Kindersley,

1998. F‹ELL, Charlotte and Peter,Design of the 20 th Century,Germany: Taschen, 1999.Class notesPeriodicals about industrial design andceramics.All types of documents about theceramic manufacturers and designers.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hande KURA

12.1. 5123 LABORATORY3 hrs/week, T1 S 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The newdevelopments in ceramic technology,experimental applications togetherwith theoretical researches on differentvarieties of ceramic clays and glazesparallel to the project studies carriedon.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings: All availableinformation on the subject chosen bythe student, and previous researchesthat were done by the students of thedepartmentTeaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

12.1. 5124 GLASS TECHNOLOGY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the program;structure of glass, it’s production andforming techniques are being takeninto consideration from the advancedtheoretical and experimental point ofview.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings:AY, N.- KARASU, B., CamTeknolojisi, Milli E¤itim Bas›mevi,2000.SCHOLZE, H., Glass, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1988.VOGEL, W., Glaschemie, Almanya:Springer Verlag, 1992.



PYE, L.D.- STERENS, H.J.-LACOURSE, W.C., Introduction toGlass Science, Newyork: PlenumPress, 1972.fiiflecam Internal Education Notes. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R

12.1. 5125 SPECIAL GLASSES2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Special artisticand architectural glass varieties suchas; colored, opaque, antique, jewelryand their production and usage aretheoretically investigated.Assessment Methods: Written exam. Recommended Readings: Alldocuments and web sites about theproducers of the special glasses. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R

12.1. 5126 ARCHITECTURALCERAMICS2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Usage ofceramic as a part of the building inarchitecture and ceramic sculptureand urban furniture placed in the citytexture is observed by means ofexamples from different countries. Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files. Recommended Readings:GREGORY, Ian (1999), SculpturalCeramics, The Overlook Press., NewYork, AmericaPETERSON, Susan (2000), The Craftand Art of Clay, The Overlook Press,New York, AmericaRILEY, Noel (1992), Tile Art, QuintetPub. Ltd. London, EnglandROBISON, Jim (1997), Large-ScaleCeramics, A&c Black Pub., London,

EnglandTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5127 ADVANCED PRESENTATIONTECHNIQUES3 hrs/week, T 1, U2, 2 Credits, ECTS5Objective / Contents: The objective ofthe course is to make theoritical andpractical study on presentationtechniques of design projects and tointroduce the materials and techniquesof presentation on the basis oftechnical drawing and perspective.Assessment Methods: Evaluation offiles prepared by students.Recommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Murat BAKIfi

12.1. 5128 TREND-PRODUCTRELATION2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: New trends ininterior design in terms of colour,texture, pattern and form arediscussed and studied.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files.Recommended Readings: Trendmagazines (Turkish/Foreign) /internetTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN


12.1. 5201.1 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic and



technical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretic improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkishceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Süleyman A.BELEN

12.1. 5201.2 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic andtechnical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretic improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkishceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hande KURA

12.1. 5201.3 PROJECT4 hrs/week, T2 S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Student isexpected to form his/her project on the

chosen subject for the purpose oforiginality at the expression andfigural editing. Assessment Methods:No exams during the semester. Theargument of support of the project bythe student is evaluated by a grade atthe end of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subjects chosen bythe students.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5202 SEMINARY2 hrs/week, T 2, Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the programstudent is supposed to transformhis/her research, that is done inparallel to the project subject underthe chosen title, into a teachingseminary.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofthe research files.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5221 CERAMIC DECORATION3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The evaluationof one or more decoration techniquesfrom artistic and industrial ceramicfields. In case of necessity the studiesare supposed to be supported withexperimental practice.Assessment Methods: Evaluating thestudy, works and/or drawings of thestudents performed during thesemester.Recommended Readings:MC CULLY, Marilyn, Picasso/ Painterand Sculptor in Clay, Harry N.



Abrams Inc,1998.CARUSO, Nino, DecorazioneCeramica, Milano 1984.GIOVANNINI, Rolando, Tile Fashionand Design-Ventanni di Progetti e diDecorazioni Nelle Ceramiched’Architettura, Faenza 2000.Catalogues of tableware and tilemanufacturers.Books, catalogues and web sites ofceramic artists. Teaching Staff: Prof. GülÖZTURANLI

12.1. 5222 INDUSTRIAL CERAMICDESIGN AND PRODUCTION2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Within theprogram, national and internationalmanufacturers’ and representatives’activities in the ceramic and glassindustry, and the current trends on themarket are being studiedcomparatively.Assessment Methods: An exam duringthe semester and the evaluation of theseminar performed by the student atthe end of the semester.Recommended Readings:TOMBINI, Michael, The Look of theCentury-Design Icons of the 20thCentury, England: Dorling Kindersley,1998F‹ELL, Charlotte and Peter, Design ofthe 20 th Century, Germany: Taschen,1999Class notesPeriodicals about industrial design andceramics.All types of documents about theceramic producers and designers.Teaching Staff: Prof. Hande KURA

12.1. 5223 LABORATORY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The newdevelopments in ceramic technology,experimental applications togetherwith theoretic researches on differentvarieties of ceramic clays and glazesparallel to the project studies beingcarried on.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings: All availableinformation on the subject chosen bythe student, and previous researchesthat were done by the students of thedepartmentTeaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

12.1. 5224 GLASS TECHNOLOGY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the program;structure of glass, it’s production andforming techniques are being takeninto consideration from the advancedtheoretical and experimental point ofview.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings:AY, N.- KARASU, B., CamTeknolojisi, Milli E¤itim Bas›mevi,2000.SCHOLZE, H., Glass, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1988.VOGEL, W., Glaschemie, Almanya:Springer Verlag, 1992.PYE, L.D.- STERENS, H.J.-LACOURSE, W.C., Introduction toGlass Science, Newyork: PlenumPress, 1972.fiiflecam Internal Education Notes. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R



12.1. 5225 SPECIAL GLASSES2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Special artisticand architectural glass varieties suchas; colored, opaque, antique, jewelryand their production and usage aretheoretically investigated.Assessment Methods: Written exam. Recommended Readings: Alldocuments and web sites about theproducers of the special glasses. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R

12.1. 5227 ADVANCEDPRESENTATION TECHNIQUES 3 hrs/week, T 1, U2, 2 Credits, ECTS5Objective / Contents: The objective ofthe course is to make theoritical andpractical study on presentationtechniques of design projects and tointroduce the materials and techniquesof presentation on the basis oftechnical drawing and perspective.Assessment Methods: Evaluation offiles prepared by students.Recommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Murat BAKIfi

12.1. 5228 TREND-PRODUCTRELATION 2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: New trends ininterior design in terms of colour,texture, pattern and form arediscussed and studied.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files.Recommended Readings: Trendmagazines (Turkish/Foreign) /internetTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

12.1. 5229 PUBLIC ENVIRONMENTAND ART2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Laws andsanctions for partaking of artisticworks in public places duringrestructuring of cities is evaluated bymeans of examples from differentcountries. Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files.Recommended Readings: Class notesand internetTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. LerzanÖZER

12.1. 5230 COLOURED GLASSPRODUCTION3 hrs/week, T 1, U2, 2 Credits, ECTS5Objective / Contents: Productiontechnologies of coloured studio glass,soda glass and crystal glass isinstructed to students. Assessment Methods: Written exam. Recommended Readings: Alldocuments and web sites about theproducers of the special glasses. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R





12.1. 6101.1 PROJECT5 hrs/week, T2 S3, 3,5 Credits,ECTS 10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic andtechnical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretical improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkishceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Süleyman A.BELEN

12.1. 6101.2 PROJECT5 hrs/week, T2 S3, 3,5 Credits,ECTS 10Objective / Contents: Student isexpected to form his/her project on thechosen subject for the purpose oforiginality at the expression andfigural editing. Assessment Methods: No examsduring the semester. The argument ofsupport of the project by the student isevaluated with a grade at the end ofthe semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subjects chosen bythe students.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ‹rfanAYDIN

12.1. 6121 LABORATORY3 hrs/week, T 1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The newdevelopments in ceramic technology,experimental applications togetherwith theoretic researches on differentvarieties of ceramic clays and glazesparallel to the project studies beingcarried on.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofthe given homework.Recommended Readings: All availableinformation on the subject chosen bythe student, and previous researchesthat were done by the students of thedepartment.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

12.1. 6122 GLASS TECHNOLOGY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the program;structure of glass, it’s production andforming techniques are being takeninto consideration from the advancedtheoretic and experimental point ofview.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings:AY, N.- KARASU, B., CamTeknolojisi, Milli E¤itim Bas›mevi,2000.SCHOLZE, H., Glass, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1988.VOGEL, W., Glaschemie, Almanya:Springer Verlag, 1992.PYE, L.D.- STERENS, H.J.-LACOURSE, W.C., Introduction toGlass Science, New York: PlenumPress, 1972.fiiflecam Education Notes. Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. ‹lhanHASDEM‹R



12.1. 6123 TREND-PRODUCTRELATION 2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: New trends ininterior design in terms of colour,texture, pattern and form arediscussed and studied.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files.Recommended Readings: Trendmagazines (Turkish/Foreign) /internetTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

12.1. 6124 PRINTING METHODS INCERAM‹CS3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Serigraphytechnique used in ceramic design,application methods according to typeof surface and decal methods aretaught theoretically and practically.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofworks and research files. Recommended Readings: Notes fromfactory / internetTeaching Staff: Necati GÖKTEN


12.1. 6201.1 PROJECT5 hrs/week, T2 S3, 3,5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In order toarrange compositions suitable tohuman ergonomics, students areexpected to investigate artistic andtechnical perspectives of the physicalelements of environment andindustrial products. Studies are aimedat supporting the progress andtheoretical improvement of the futurerepresentatives of the growing Turkish

ceramic industry.Assessment Methods: The projectstudies (research, drawings,applications, etc) are evaluated at theend of the semester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subject chosen bythe student.Teaching Staff: Prof. Süleyman A.BELEN

12.1. 6201.2 PROJECT5 hrs/week, T2 S3, 3,5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: Student isexpected to form his/her project on thechosen subject for the purpose oforiginality at the expression andfigural editing. Assessment Methods: No examsduring the semester. The argument ofsupport of the project by the student isevaluated by a grade at the end of thesemester.Recommended Readings: Variesdepending on the subjects chosen bythe students.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ‹rfanAYDIN

12.1. 6221 LABORATORY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The newdevelopments in ceramic technology,experimental applications togetherwith theoretical researches on differentvarieties of ceramic clays and glazesparallel to the project studies beingcarried on.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofthe given homework.Recommended Readings: All availableinformation on the subject chosen bythe student, and previous researches



that were done by the students of thedepartment.Teaching Staff: Prof. Meltem KAYA

12.1. 6222 GLASS TECHNOLOGY3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In the program;structure of glass, it’s production andforming techniques are being takeninto consideration from the advancedtheoretical and experimental point ofview.Assessment Methods: Written exam.Recommended Readings:AY, N.- KARASU, B., CamTeknolojisi, Milli E¤itim Bas›mevi,2000.SCHOLZE, H., Glass, Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1988.VOGEL, W., Glaschemie, Almanya:Springer Verlag, 1992.PYE, L.D.- STERENS, H.J.-LACOURSE, W.C., Introduction toGlass Science, New York: PlenumPress, 1972.fiiflecam Education Notes.

12.1. 6223 TREND-PRODUCTRELATION 2 hrs/week, T 2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: New trends ininterior design in terms of colour,texture, pattern and form arediscussed and studied.Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofresearch files.Recommended Readings: Trendmagazines (Turkish/Foreign) /internetTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

12.1. 6224 PRINTING METHODS INCERAM‹CS3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Serigraphytechnique used in ceramic design,application methods according to typeof surface and decal methods aretaught theoretically and practically. Assessment Methods: Evaluation ofworks and research files. Recommended Readings: Notes fromfactory / internetTeaching Staff: Necati GÖK



Division Head:Prof. Aysegül ‹ZER

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 265-266Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

Graphic Design GraduateProgramme

This programme is prepared forstudents, who want to intensify on oneof the fields of Graphic Design. Duringthe educational period of foursemesters, the students are expected toexamine and question currentintentions and forms in GraphicDesign. Within the course, theory isjuxtaposed with practice, and this issupported by seminars. Studentsdevelop a point of view which formsthe basis of practical work. Readings are realized under thedeveloping technologies, changingworld and societies and approaches innew art and design.During the thesis period, students areexpected to analyse a subject that hasnot been analised before. Within theframe of the subject that he/shechooses, the student is expected todevelop a new and creative visuallanguage.


Prof. Ayflegül ‹ZERBachelor: Fine Arts Academy ofSarajevo 1987, Master: Akademie derBildenden Künste, München, Germany1987, Master: Mimar SinanUniversity, Social SciencesInstitute1987. Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, SocialSciences Institute 1992

Prof. Dilek BEKTAfi Bachelor/Master: Mimar SinanUniversity Fine Arts Faculty 1976.Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity Social Sciences Institute1983

Prof. T. Melih GÖRGÜN Bachelor : Marmara University 1985.Master: Istanbul Technical UniversitySocial Sciences Institute 1989.Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity Social Sciences Institute1994

Assoc. Prof. Leyla ERSINEKMEKCILERBachelor/Master : Istanbul Fine ArtAcademy,1983Master: Mimar Sinan University,Social Sciences Institute1996Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity , Social Sciences Institute1999

Assoc. Prof. Sad›k KARAMUSTAFA Bachelor/Master : Istanbul Fine ArtAcademy 1976.Master: Mimar Sinan Un›vers›ty,Social Sciences Institute, 1997.Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity Fine Arts Faculty

Asst. Prof. Canan SUNER Bachelor: Mimar Sinan University FineArts Faculty 1982. Master: GaziUniversity Social Sciences Institute,Ankara 1986. Proficiency in Art:Hacettepe University Social SciencesInstitute, Ankara 1993

Asst. Prof. Nilüfer TÖNEL Bachelor: Marmara University FineArts Faculty 1986. Master: MarmaraUniversity Social Sciences Institute,1989. Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity Fine Arts Faculty 1995

Instructor Bülent ERKMEN Bachelor/Master : Istanbul States FineArts Academy 1972.

Instructor Aykut KÖKSAL Bachelor/Master : Mimar SinanUniversity Faculty of Architecture1981.

Alparslan BALO⁄LUBachelor/Master : Mimar SinanUniversity Fine Arts Faculty 1982.Master:University of London,Goldsmiths College of Arts,1983

Instructor Emre SENAN Bachelor: Istanbul State Fine ArtsAcademy-UESYO 1977







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Required courses 3 5Total elective courses 3 15

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Required courses 3 5 Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 2 10

Total 10 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminary; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses13.1. 5101.0 Graphic Design (free graphic)13.1. 5102.0 Graphic Design (corporate identity And information design) 5 10 13.1. 5103.0 Graphic Design ( advertising design)13.1.5104. 0 Typography (Z) 3 5

(S) Elective Courses13.1.5120.0 Print Techniques 2,5 513.1.5121.0 Production Relations and Graphic Design 2 513.1.5122 The Changing Visual Language of Graphic Design 2 5 13.1.5123.0 New Media 2,5 513.1. 5124.0 Print Making History 2 513.1.5125 Illustration 3,5 5 13.1.5106 Perception and Communication in Design 3 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses13.1. 5201.0 Graphic Design (free graphic)13.1. 5202.0 Graphic Design (corporate identity And information design 5 10 13.1. 5203.0 Graphic Design ( advertising design)13.1.5204. 0 Typography 3 513.1.5205.0 Seminer 0 5

(S) Elective Courses13.1.5220.0 Print Techniques 2,5 513.1.5221.0 Product›on Relations and Graphic Design 2 513.1.5222 The Changing Visual Language of Graphic Design 2 5 13.1.5223.0 New Media 2,5 513.1. 5224.0 Print Making History 2 513.1.5225 Illustration 3,5 5 13.1.5206 Perception and Communication in Design 3 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Required courses 3 5Total elective courses 3 15

Total 11 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Required courses 3 5Total elective courses 2 15

Total 10 30

3. Semester: Thesis Report 305. Semester: Thesis Report 307. Semester: Thesis Report 30


4. Semester: Thesis Report 30 4. Semester: Thesis Report 308. Semester: Thesis Presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses13.1.6101.0 Graphic Design (advertising design) 5 10 13.1. 6102.0 Graphic Design (free graphic)

(Z) Required Courses13.1.6103. 0 Typography (Z) 3 5

(S) Elective courses:13.1.6104. 0 Design Product And Aesthetic Perception 3 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses13.1.6201.0 Graphic Design (advertising design) 5 10 13.1. 6202.0 Graphic Design (free graphic)

(Z) Required Courses13.1.6203. 0 Typography (Z) 3 5

(S) Elective courses:13.1.6104. 0 Design Product And Aesthetic Perception 3 513.1.6220.0 Interdisciplinary Readings 2 5





13.1. 5101.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(FREE GRAPHIC)8 Hours/Week, Th 3, Appl. 5, Credits5 ECTS 10Objective / Content: Preparingprojects that will develop the designand drawing skills of the studentsupon their own artistic directions.Special attention is paid to the use ofmultipurpose media on the projectswith a conceptual basis. Assessment Methods: Project Recommended Readings:KOSCHATZKY, Walter, ” Die KunstDer Graphik”, Dumont Buch Verlag,2. Edition, München : 1985DOHMEN, Walter, “Die Lithographie/ Kunst, Geschichte, Technik”,Dumont Buch Verlag, 2.Bas›m,Cologne: 1989DOHMEN, Walter, “Der Tiefdruck/Vom Kupferstich bis ZurFotoradierung”, Dumont Buch Verlag,Cologne : 1986“Digital Detournement”, EdmarProductions, Chicago: 2002FRIELING, Rudolph, DANIELSDieter, “Medienkunst im überblickMedia Arts -Net”, Vienna: SpringerVerlag, 2004Recommended Readings: Differentresources are proposed according tothe concept of the projects. Teaching Staff: Prof. T. MelihGÖRGÜN

13.1.5102.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(CORPORATE IDENTITY andINFORMATION DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th 3, Appl. 5, Credits5, ECTS 10Objective / Content: Corporateidentity design is to plan and designvisual identity of organizations thatproduce products, services or ideas.Information design is a design activity,that conveys information using type,image, color, motion, space, soundand interactivity in two dimensional orthree dimensional, physical or digitalenvironment.Corporate Identity and InformationDesign Course studies on relationsbetween corporate / institutionalidentity and conveying information.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: OLINS,Wolf, Corporate Identity, The DesignCouncil, London, 1995Teaching Staff: Associate ProffessorSad›k KARAMUSTAFA

13.1.5103.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(ADVERTISING DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th. 3, Appl. 5, 5Credict, 10 ECTSObjective / Content: In this course it isexpected from the students to make an“investigation work” through theproblematic of communication ingraphic design. This course providesrich and structural ways of problemsolving methods with questioning allthe processes of the dynamics(analizing, defining and designing) inintellectual level.Assessment Methods: All the researchand investigation work is prepared bythe students in project format.



Recommended Readings: Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Bülent ERKMEN

13.1.5104.0 TYPOGRAPHY4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 2, Credits3, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The globalisationof the world allowed usage of variouslanguages in international occasions.So it became necessary to desingtypefaces that have the same visualeffect in different languages. Thiscourse aims designing typefaces forthe above purpose.Assesment Methods: mid- termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:SCHMID, Helmut, TypographyToday, Dainippon Printinr, Tokyo,1980.WOOLMA, Matt, Bellantoni,Jeff, Moving Type, Rotavisionsa,Singapor, 2000. RUDER, Emil,Typography, Arthur Niggli, 1967.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. NilüferTÖNEL

13.1.5120.0 PRINT TECHNIQUES4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 1, Credits2,5, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to introduce the completeprinting process of a graphic designproduct and give knowledge about theprinting technologies. During the term,students improve their knowledgeabout various printing techniques thatuse to the surfaces of differentmaterials, and the processes likeprepress preperation, printing andafter printing operations like bindingetc.

Assessment Methods: mid- termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:BEACH, M.-KENLY, E., Getting InPrinted, North Light BookJOHANSON, K.-LUNBERG, P.-RYBERG, R., A Guide To GraphicPrint Ofset Bask› Teknikleri, MilliE¤itim Bakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›, Ankara,CLAIR, Keinth, A Typographic WorkBook MEGGS, Phillip B., A History ofGraphic DesignTeaching Staff: Alparslan BALO⁄LU

13.1.5121.0 PRODUCTION RELATIONSAND GRAPHIC DESIGN2 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 0, Credits2, ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this coursehistorical development of productionrelations and technological andcultural transformation is studied anddiscussed until the beginning of 20thcentury.Assessment Methods: mid- termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:FRIEDL, F.-OLT, N.- STEIN, B.,Typo When Who How, Köneman,France, 1998HOLME, Bryan, The Art OfAdvertising, Peerage Books, London,1985HOBSBAWN, E.J., Sanayi ve‹mparatorluk (Industry and Empire),Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yay›nlar›, 2003BENJAM‹N, Walter, Pasajlar (DasPasagen Werk), ‹stanbul:YKY, 1993BEKTAfi, Dilek, Ça¤dafl GrafikTasar›m›n Geliflimi, ‹stanbul:YKY,1992Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. CananSUNER



13.1.5122 THE CHANG›NG V›SUALLANGUAGE OF GRAPH›C DES›GN2 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 0, Credits2, ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this course,each student has to make a researchwork on a special topic and explorethe changing visual language ofgraphic design. The students have tofind out from the works of graphicdesigners, the effects of the changingconcepts in art, society and culturallife, on visual language of graphicdesign.Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:BEKTAfi Dilek,Ça¤dafl GrafikTasar›m›nGeliflimi,YKY.Istanbul,1992Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek BEKTAfi

13.1.5123.0 NEW MEDIA4 Hours/Week,Th 1, Appl. 3, Credits2,5, ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this course,sound, movement and imageapplications are composed in thecontext of design and art media.Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submissionRecommended Readings: RUSH,Micheal, “New Media in the Late 20thCentury”, Londra: Thames andHudson, 2001, 2. Edition.FRIELING Rudolph, DANIELSDieter, “Survey of Media Arts Net –1”, Vienna: Springer Verlag, 2004Teaching Staff: Prof. T. MelihGÖRGÜN

13.1. 5124.0 PRINT MAKING HISTORY2 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 0, Credits

2, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to introduce the history ofprintmaking and the technologicaldevelopments until the World War I.with the titles such as Fouves, DieBrücke, Der Blaue Reiter, Cubism andearly abstract movements,expressionism, Dada, Surrealism andPicasso after Cubism. Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submissionRecommended Readings: TALLMAN,Susan, The Contemporary Print FromPre-Pop To Postmodern, 1996 Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayflegül ‹ZER

13.1.5125 ILLUSTRATION5 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 3, Credits3,5, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thecourse is to train the students tocombine the highest standards ofartistic excellence. Deeper knowledgeof illustration techniques i.e. theirmastery and application.Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:Recommended sources are defined bythe requirements of each termTeaching Staff: Emre SENAN

13.1.5106.0 PERCEPTION ANDCOMMUNICATION IN DESIGN5 Hours/Week, Th 2, Appl.1 , Credits3, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to resolve problematics indesign in relation of perceptions andrequirements in the space we live in.The course consists of the relations



between perception, graphic designproduct and space triangle. Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Recommended sources are defined bythe requirements of each term.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. LeylaERSIN EKMEKCILER


13.1. 5201.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN (FREEGRAPHIC)8 Hours/Week,Th 3, Appl. 5, Credits5 ECTS 10Objective / Content: From thetraditional print methods to the newmedia: suggestions will be done. Inthis course, the students have todevelop conceptual projects bykeeping the concerns on design in theforeground Assessment Methods: Project Recommended Readings:KOSCHATZKY, Walter, ” Die KunstDer Graphik”, Dumont Buch Verlag,2. Edition, München : 1985DOHMEN, Walter, “Die Lithographie/ Kunst, Geschichte, Technik”,Dumont Buch Verlag, 2.Bas›m,Cologne: 1989DOHMEN, Walter, “Der Tiefdruck/Vom Kupferstich bis ZurFotoradierung”, Dumont Buch Verlag,Cologne : 1986“Digital Detournement”, EdmarProductions, Chicago: 2002FRIELING, Rudolph, DANIELSDieter, “Medienkunst im überblickMedia Arts -Net”, Vienna: SpringerVerlag, 2004Different resources are proposedaccording to the concept of theprojects. Teaching Staff: Prof. T. MelihGÖRGÜN

13.1.5202.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(CORPORATE IDENTITY andINFORMATION DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th 3, Appl. 5, Credits5, ECTS 10Objective / Content: Corporateidentity design is to plan and designvisual identity of organizations thatproduce products, services or ideas.Information design is a design activity,that conveys information using type,image, color, motion, space, soundand interactivity in two dimensional orthree dimensional, physical or digitalenvironment.Corporate Identity and InformationDesign Course studies on relationsbetween corporate / institutionalidentity and conveying information.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: OLINS,Wolf, Corporate Identity, The DesignCouncil, London, 1995Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Sad›kKARAMUSTAFA

13.1.5203.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(ADVERTISING DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th. 3, Appl. 5, 5Credict, 10 ECTSObjective / Content: In this course it isexpected from the students to make an“investigation work” through theproblematic of communication ingraphic design. This course providesrich and structural ways of problemsolving methods by questioning all theprocesses of the dynamics (analyzing,defining and designing) in intellectuallevel.Assessment Methods: All the researchand investigation work is prepared bythe students in project format.Recommended Readings: Theoretical



or visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Bülent ERKMEN

13.1.5204.0 TYPOGRAPHY4 Hours/Week, Th. 2, Appl. 2, Credits3, ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this coursethrough assignment the studentsexamine the visual hyerarchy of typeand the relation of each piece with thewhole.Assesment Methods: mid- termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:SCHMID, Helmut, TypographyToday, Dainippon Printinr, Tokyo,1980.WOOLMA, Matt, Bellantoni, Jeff,Moving Type, Rotavisionsa, Singapor,2000RUDER, Emil, Typography, ArthurNiggli, 1967.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. NilüferTÖNEL

13.1.5205 SEMINAR2 Hours/Week, Th.2, Appl. 0, Credits0, ECTS 5Objective / Content:The aim of this programme is todiscuss the theoretical problems of artand design in an interdisciplenarycontext. In each semester a topic ischosen such as music, art history,contemporary art or architecture, tobe analysed.The seminar programme focusesespecially on text analyses andinterpretations.Teaching Staff: Aykut KÖKSAL

13.1.5220.0 PRINT TECHNIQUES4 Hours/Week, Th.2, Appl. 1, Credits2,5, ECTS 5Objective / Content: Target points ofthe course in this half of the year, areplanned and organized on excursionsto the production fields of printingindustry and supporting producers ofgraphic industry and supportingproducers of graphic industury likesheet fed litho printing, web printers,letterpress label printers, prepress andreproduction studios, book binders etc.The practise of seeing is helpful tostudents formation and improvementof their knowledge about thecnics andmaterials.Assessment Methods: mid- termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:BEACH & KENLEY, Getting inPrinted, North Light BookJOHANSON & LUNBERG &RYBERG, A Guide to Graphic PrintOfset Bask› Teknikleri, Milli E¤itimBakanl›¤› Yay›nlar›CLAIR, K., A Typographic Work BookMEGES‹, P., A History of GraphicDesignInstructor : Alparslan BALO⁄LU

13.1.5221.0 PRODUCTION RELATIONSAND GRAPHIC DESIGN2 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl 0, Credits2 ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this course, theproduction relations, technological andcultural transformation in the 20th century arediscussed. All students are examinedon with graphic design.Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:



FRIEDL, F.-OLT, N.- STEIN, B.,Typo: When-Who-How, Köneman,France, 1998BEKTAfi, Dilek, Ça¤dafl GrafikTasar›m›n Geliflimi, ‹stanbul:YKY,1992DELLALO⁄LU,BES‹M; FRANFURTOKULU, ‹stanbul:Ba¤lamyay›nlar›:2000BATUR, EN‹S; Modernizmin Serüveni,YKM, ‹stanbul.JAMESSON, FREDR‹CH;Postmodernizm, YKM.‹stanbulTeaching Staff: Asst.Prof. CananSUNER

13.1.5222 THE CHANG›NG V›SUALLANGUAGE OF GRAPH›C DES›GN2hrs/week,Th 2, Appl. 0, Credits 2,ECTS 5_ Objective / Content: In this course,each student has to make a researchwork on a special topic and explorethe changing visual language ofgraphic design. The students have tofind out from the works of graphicdesigners, the effects of the changingconcepts in art, society and culturallife, on visual language of graphicdesign.Assessment Methods: mid-termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:BEKTAfi, D., Ça¤dafl GrafikTasar›m›n Geliflimi, ‹stanbul, YKY,1992All the other resources are determineaccording to submission of each term.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek BEKTAfi

13.1.5223.0 NEW MEDIA4 hours / week, Th 1, Appl.3, Credits2.5, ECTS 5Objective / Content: In this course, theprojects are developed in the contextof alternative artistic productions andmedia combinations concerning thesimilarities and dissimilarities in artsand design. Theory + Practice (a report of the 1midterm project application and studywill be prepared as well) Assesment Methods: mid- termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:RUSH, Micheal, “New Media in theLate 20th Century”, Londra: Thamesand Hudson, 2001, 2. Edition.FRIELING Rudolph, DANIELSDieter, “Survey of Media Arts Net –1”, Vienna: Springer Verlag, 2004Teaching Staff: Prof. T. MelihGÖRGÜN

13.1. 5224 PRINT MAKING HISTORY2 hours / week, Th3, Appl.0, Credits2, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to explore print making afterWorld War I, with the titles such as,prints of Pop Art, Op Art, Kinetic,Concrete and Conceptual Art.Assessment Methods: mid- termassignment submissionRecommended Readings: ARKERSteve, 1900-20: Print to Pictures(20th Century Media)Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayflegül ‹ZER



13.1.5225 ILLUSTRATION5 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl 3, Credits3.5 ECTS 5Objective / Content: Students willcarry out individual projects such asbook illustration. They will beencouraged to explore new techniquesand media. The aim is to developindividual abilities.Assessment Methods: mid- termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:Recommended sources are defined bythe requirements of each termTeaching Staff: Emre SENAN

13.1.5206.0 PERCEPTION ANDCOMMUNICATION IN DESIGN5 Hours/Week, Th 2, Appl.1 , Credits3 ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to resolve problematics indesign in relation of perceptions andrequirements in the space we live in. The course consists the relationsbetween perception, graphic designproduct and space triangle. Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:Recommended Readings:Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. LeylaERSIN EKMEKC‹LER



13.1. 6101.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(ADVERTISING DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th. 3, Appl. 5, 5.Credict, 10 ECTSObjective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to visualize and deal with thepieces of a project in graphic design inan entire statement and to design eachpiece by relationing the whole. Thestatement, cooperation, productrelations and dynamics of the theme isbeing considered during the researchprocess. It is expected from thestudent to prepare investigation reportin DA project level.Assessment Methods: All the researchand investigation work is prepared bythe students in project format.Recommended Readings: Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Instructor : Bülent ERKMEN

13.1. 6102.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN (FREEGRAPHIC)8 Hours/Week, Th 3, Appl. 5, Credits5, ECTS 10Objective / Content: In this coursestudents work on different concepts todiscover their personal expressionthrough the images, colours,typography and illustrations. Thedesign work which they are going tocreate is based on suchexperimentation. Within this coursecomputer or printing methods can beused.Assessment Methods: Half termassignment submission



Recommended Readings:GASCO‹GNE, Bamber, How ToIdentify Prints, Thames&Hudson,2004‹ZER Ayflegül, Özgün Bask›da KlasikTeknikler Ve Ça¤dafl Aray›fllar, 1992Teaching Staff: Prof. Ayflegül ‹ZER

13.1.6103.0 TYPOGRAPHY4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 2, Credits3, ECTS 5Objective / Content: This course onvisual expression of typefaces (turningattention, visualvisualizing, playing...)by using the characters as plasticforms.Assesment Methods: Half termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:Carter, Rob- DAY, Ben- EGGS, Philip,Typographic Desing: Form andCommunication, Van NostrandReinhold Company Inc., 1985JEAVONS, Terry- BEAUMONT,M›cheal, An Introduction toTypography, Apple Press.Teaching Staff: Asst.Prof. NilüferTÖNEL

13.1.6104.0 DESIGN PRODUCT ANDAESTHETIC PERCEPTION 4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 2, Credits3, ECTS 5.Objective / Content: The ways ofcommunication, the aestheticperception and the expositional areasof the graphic design product and itsenvironmental status, are the researcharguments of this course.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. LeylaERS‹N EKMEKC‹LER


13.1. 6201.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN(ADVERTISING DESIGN)8 Hours/Week, Th. 3, Appl. 5, Credits5, ECTS 10Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to visualize and deal with thepieces of of a project in graphic designin an entire statement and to designeach piece by relationing the whole.The statement, cooperation, productrelations and dynamics of the theme isbeing considered during the researchprocess. It is expected from thestudent to prepare investigation reportin DA project level.Assessment Methods: All the researchand investigation work is prepared bythe students in project format.Recommended Readings:Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Bülent ERKMEN

13.1. 6202.0 GRAPHIC DESIGN (FREEGRAPHIC)8 Hours/Week, Th 3, Appl.5, Credits5. ECTS 10Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to develop the drawing anddesign abilities of the students. Thescope of the assignments is to analysea concept and then transform it to avisual language. Assessment Methods: Half termassignment submissionRecommended Readings:ROSS, John, Complete Printmaker,Amazon Books MEGGS, Phillip B., AHistory Of Graphic Design, AmazonBooksTeaching Staff: Prof. Ayflegül ‹ZER



13.1.6203.0 TYPOGRAPHY4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl 2, Credits3, ECTS 5Objective / Content: This course onvisual expression of typefaces (turningattention, visualvisualizing, playing...)by using the characters as plasticforms.Assesment Methods: Half termassignment submission.Recommended Readings:Carter, Rob- DAY, Ben- EGGS, Phiilp,Typographic Desing: Form andCommunication, Van NostrandReinhold Company Inc., 1985JEAVONS, Terry- BEAUMONT,M›cheal, An Introduction toTypography, Apple Press.Teaching Staff: Asst. Professor.Nilüfer TÖNEL

13.1.6220 INTERDISCIPLINARYREADINGS2 Hours/Week, Th2, Appl. 0, Credits2, ECTS 5Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to analyse the theoreticalproblems of art and design in aninterdisciplinary context. Eachsemester, a subject is chosen to beexamined, such as music, art history,contemporary art or architecture. Thestudents are encouraged to makescientific text analyses and readings.Teaching Staff: Aykut Köksal

13.1.6204.0 DESIGN PRODUCT ANDAESTHETIC PERCEPTION 4 Hours/Week,Th 2, Appl. 2, Credits3, ECTS 5.Objective / Content: The ways ofcommunication, the aestheticperception and the expositional areasof the graphic design product and its

environmental status, are the researcharguments of this course.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Theoreticalor visual resources are determinedaccording to the project theme.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. LeylaERS‹N EKMEKC‹LER



Division Head: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 262Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

In accordance with the principles ofweaving, printing and fashion designdisciplines given at the same time andparallel during the graduate educationperiod, a program in which studentscan improve their professional skills iscarried out during the postgraduateeducation, as well. After two-semesters of course period,postgraduate students are obliged toprepare a thesis in a chosen subject .


Prof. Zeki ALPAN Printing DesignMaster: Academy of Fine Arts, 1974;Kassel University, 1979; Proficiency inFine Arts: Mimar Sinan University,1983

Prof. Dilek ALPAN Bachelor: Academy of Fine ArtsU.E.S.Y.O, 1976; Master: LeedsUniversity, 1978; Proficiency in FineArts: 1983

Prof. Betül ATLI Master:Academy of Fine Arts, 1968;Kassel University, 1972; HamburgAcademy, 1974; Proficiency in FineArts: Mimar Sinan University, 1986;

Prof. Kemal CANMaster: Mimar Sinan University1987;Proficiency in Fine Arts: 1991

Asst. Prof. Gaye KIRLIDÖKME BELEN Bachelor: Mimar Sinan University1990; Master:1993; Proficiency inFine Arts: 1999;

Prof. Aygun TUGAYMaster: Academy of Fine Arts, 1968,Proficiency in Fine Arts: 1978

Asst. Prof. Bahattin fiEBER Bachelor: Academy of Fine ArtsU.E.S.Y.O, 1972; Proficiency in FineArts: 1983







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 5 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 6 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project presantation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminary; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses14.1.5101.0 Design for Printed Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.5102.0Design for Woven Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.5103.0 Fashion Design (menswear) 5 1014.1.5104.1 Seminary 0 514.1.5104.2 Seminary 0 514.1.5104.3 Seminary 0 514.1.5104.4 Seminary 0 5

(S) Elective Courses14.1.5120.0 Design for Printed Textiles (Artistic Print) 3 514.1.5121.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Fiber Arts) 3 514.1.5122.0 Fashion Design (Children) 3 514.1.5123.0 Accessories Design(Jewellery) 3 514.1.5124.0 Accessories Design (Shoes, bag, hat) 3 514.1.5125.0 Art and Design 4 514.1.5126.0 Textile Finishing 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses14.1.5201.0 Design for Printed Textiles (Home Textiles) 5 1014.1.5202.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Home Textiles) 5 1014.1.5203.0 Fashion Design (womenswear) 5 1014.1.5204.1 Seminary 0 514.1.5204.2 Seminary 0 514.1.5204.3 Seminary 0 514.1.5204.4 Seminary 0 5

(S) Elective Courses14.1.5220.0 Design for Printed Textiles (Artistic Print) 3 514.1.5221.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Fiber Arts) 3 5 14.1.5222.0 Fashion Design (Children) 3 514.1.5223.0 Accessories Design(Jewellery) 3 514.1.5224.0 Accessories Design (Shoes, bag, hat) 3 514.1.5225.0 Art and Design 4 514.1.5226.0 Textile Finishing 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Total elective courses 5 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 5 10Total elective courses 6 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30


Total: 21 MSGSÜ; 240 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses14.1.6101.0Design for Printed Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.6102.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.6103.0 Fashion Design (menswear) 5 10

(S) Elective Courses14.1.6120.0 Design for Printed Textiles (Artistic Print) 3 514.1.6121.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Fiber Arts) 3 514.1.6122.0 Fashion Design (Children) 3 514.1.6123.0 Accessories Design(Jewellery 3 514.1.6124.0 Accessories Design (Shoes, bag, hat) 3 514.1.6125.0 Art and Design 4 514.1.6126.0 Textile Finishing 2 514.1.6127.1 Seminary 0 514.1.6127.2 Seminary 0 514.1.6127.3 Seminary 0 514.1.6127.4 Seminary 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses14.1.6201.0 0Design for Printed Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.6202.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Garment) 5 1014.1.6203.0 Fashion Design (womenswear) 5 10

(S) Elective Courses14.1.6220.0 Accessories Design for Home Textiles 3 514.1.6221.0 Design for Woven Textiles (Fiber Arts) 3 514.1.6222.0 Fashion Design (Children) 3 514.1.6223.0 Accessories Design(Jewellery 3 514.1.6224.0 Accessories Design (Shoes, bag, hat) 3 514.1.6225.0 Art and Design 4 514.1.6226.0 Textile Finishing 2 514.1.6227.1 Seminary 0 514.1.6227.2 Seminary 0 514.1.6227.3 Seminary 0 514.1.6227.4 Seminary 0 5





14.1.5101.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (GARMENT)6 hrs/week,T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: Developingdifferent surface effects, new functionsand usage areas on woven and knittedtextile surfaces by applying printing,dyeing and other physical – chemicalfinishing methods on them. The courseincludes theoretical and practicalapplications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.5102.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (GARMENT)6 hrs/week ,T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In this course,an extensive project is carried out fordesigning woven textiles to be used ingarment production or in interiordesign. Patterns are designed byplanning the production either withdobby or jacquard weavingtechniques.Assessment Methods: Mid term andFinal Exam, ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.5103.0 FASHION DESIGN(MENSWEAR)6 hrs/week ,T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In this coursemenswear collections reflecting recentfashion trends are prepared. Usageareas and user properties areemphasized and the studies arepresented as a project file.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.5104.1 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.5104.2 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.5104.3 SEMINARhrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 52 Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: Project



Recommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5104.4 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents :Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof.GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

14.1.5120.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (ARTISTIC PRINTING) 4 hrs/week ,T2, S2, 3 Credits , ECTS5Objective / Contents: In this course,original prints are made on fabricsurface in the workshop by usingvarious printing and coloringtechniques.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:WELLS, Kate, Fabric Dyeing andPrinting, ISBN 1-85029-866-1,Conran Octopus JACKSON, Lesley, 20th CenturyPattern Design, ISBN 1-84000-371-5,Mitchell BeazleyBRODDOCK, Sarah E., O’MAHONY,Marree, Techno Textiles, ISBN 0-500-28096-7, Thames and HudsonTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. Gaye K.BELEN

14.1.5121.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (FIBER ARTS)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic woven

fabric designs are prepared by usingvarious materials and productionmethods like weaving, embroidery andapplications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.TeachingStaff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.5122.0 FASHION DESIGN(CHILDREN)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Three agegroups as “0-6”, “6-12”, and “12-18”are investigated with the properties ofthe user group and a research file isprepared. The project is completedwith a garment collection prepared forthis chosen group of children.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Vogue Bambini Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.5123.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(JEWELLERY)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: After estheticaldesign steps that trends and variouscultures are welded, maquettes aremade and application information aregiven.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI



14.1.5124.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(SHOES, BAG, HAT)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits , ECTS5Objective / Contents: Accessorieswhich adds visual and functionalvalue to the garment are examined inan experimental way. The uniqueaccessories made with differentmaterials and techniques are designedwith a concept and properpresentation.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5125.0 ART AND DESIGN4 hrs/week,T4, 4 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic creationand design relations are explained ingeneral. Subjects that every studentchoose are emphasized with mental,cultural and functional relations.Principles of program are givenevaluating quality of original andpersonal suggestions.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. KEMAL CAN

14.1.5126.0 TEXTILE FINISHING2 hrs/week,T4, 2 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Practicingchemical and physical finishingprocess like bleaching, dying, printing,finish, impregnate are taught; how toapply them to textile surfaces, textileproducts and help students creativity.Assessment Methods: Written Test

Recommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN


14.1.5201.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (HOME TEXTILES)6 hrs/week,T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: The studentchooses one of these topics;Preparing a collection of printed fabricdesigns for home textile products.Preparing a collection of printed fabricdesigns for interior textile productsand garments for public buildings likehotels, hospitals and rest homes.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:WELLS, Kate, Fabric Dyeing andPrinting, ISBN 1-85029-866-1,Conran Octopus JACKSON, Lesley, 20th CenturyPattern Design, ISBN 1-84000-371-5,Mitchell BeazleyBRODDOCK, Sarah E., O’MAHONY,Marree, Techno Textiles, ISBN 0-500-28096-7, Thames and HudsonFIELL, Charlotte and Peter, DesignOf The 20th Century, ISBN 3-8228-7039-0TAMBINI, Michael, The Look Of TheCentury, ISBN 0-7513-0801-3,Dorling KindersleyTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeK.BELEN

14.1.5202.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (HOME TEXTILES)6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: An extensive



project is carried out for designingwoven fabrics planning its usage areaand the production either with dobbyor jacquard weaving techniques.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Bahattinfieber

14.1.5203.0 FASHION DESIGN(WOMENSWEAR)6hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students whohad the information about figure andmodel drawings and materials,prepare artistic garment collectionsdependent to fashion facts anddetermined subjects.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5204.1 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents :Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.5204.2 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will be

given at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.5204.3 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents :Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5204.4 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: Project Recommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof.GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

14.1.5220.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (ARTISTIC PRINTING) 4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,original prints are made on fabricsurface in the workshop by usingvarious printing and coloringtechniques.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.5221.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (FIBER ARTS) 4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic woven



fabric designs are prepared by usingvarious materials and productionmethods like weaving, embroidery andapplications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.5222.0 FASHION DESIGN(CHILDREN)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Three agegroups as “0-6”, “6-12”, and “12-18”are investigated with the properties ofthe user group and a research file isprepared. The project is completedwith a garment collection prepared forthis chosen group of children.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Vogue Bambini Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.5223.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(JEWELLERY)4 hrs/week,T2, S2,3 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: After estheticaldesign steps that trends and variouscultures are welded, maquettes aremade and application information aregiven.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5224.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(SHOES, BAG, HAT)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Accessorieswhich adds visual and functionalvalue to the garment are examined inan experimental way. The uniqueaccessories made with differentmaterials and techniques are designedwith a concept and properpresentationAssessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.5225.0 ART AND DESIGN4 hrs/week,T4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Artistic creationand design relations are explainedgenerally. Subjects that every studentchoose are emphasized with mental,cultural and functional relations.Principles of program are givenevaluating quality of original andpersonal suggestions.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. KEMALCAN

14.1.5226.0 TEXTILE FINISHING2 hrs/week,T4, 2 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Practicingchemical and physical finishingprocess like bleaching, dying, printing,finish, impregnate are taught; how toapply them to textile surfaces, textileproducts and help students creativity.Assessment Methods: Examination



Recommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesteraccording to the project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN



14.1.6101.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (HOME TEXTILES)6 hrs/week,T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: The studentchooses one of these topics;Preparing a collection of printed fabricdesigns for home textile products.Preparing a collection of printed fabricdesigns for interior textile productsand garments for public buildingssuch as hotels, hospitals and resthomes.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:WELLS, Kate, Fabric Dyeing and

Printing, ISBN 1-85029-866-1,Conran Octopus JACKSON, Lesley, 20th CenturyPattern Design, ISBN 1-84000-371-5,Mitchell BeazleyBRODDOCK, Sarah E., O’MAHONY,Marree, Techno Textiles, ISBN 0-500-28096-7, Thames and HudsonFIELL, Charlotte and Peter, DesignOf The 20th Century, ISBN 3-8228-7039-0TAMBINI, Michael, The Look Of TheCentury, ISBN 0-7513-0801-3,Dorling KindersleyTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Gaye K.BELEN

14.1.6102.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (HOME TEXTILES)6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: An extensiveproject is carried out for designingwoven fabrics planning its usage area



and the production either with dobbyor jacquard weaving techniques.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Bahattinfieber

14.1.6103.0 FASHION DESIGN(WOMENSWEAR)6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: Students whohad the information about figure andmodel drawings and materials,prepare artistic garment collectionsdependent to fashion facts anddetermined subjects.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6120.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (ARTISTIC PRINTING) 4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: In this course,original prints are made on fabricsurface in the workshop by usingvarious printing and coloringtechniques.Assessment Methods: Project Recommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.6121.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (FIBER ARTS)4 hrs/week,T2 ,S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic wovenfabric designs are prepared by usingvarious materials and production

methods such as weaving, embroideryand applications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester toproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.6122.0 FASHION DESIGN(CHILDREN)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Three agegroups as “0-6”, “6-12”, and “12-18”are investigated with the properties ofthe user group and a research file isprepared. The project is completedwith a garment collection prepared forthis chosen group of children.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Vogue Bambini Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.6123.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(JEWELLERY)4 hrs/week,T2, S2,3 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: After estheticaldesign steps that trends and variouscultures are welded, maquettes aremade and application information aregiven.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6124.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(SHOES, BAG, HAT)4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5



Objective / Contents: Accessorieswhich adds visual and functionalvalue to the garment are examined inan experimental way. The uniqueaccessories made with differentmaterials and techniques are designedwith a concept and properpresentationAssessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6125.0 ART AND DESIGN4 hrs/week,T4, 4 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic creationand design relations are explainedgenerally. Subjects every studentchoose are emphasized with mental,cultural and functional relations.Principles of program are givenevaluating quality of original andpersonal suggestions.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. KEMAL CAN

14.1.6126.0 TEXTILE FINISHING2 hrs/week,T4, 2 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Practicingchemical and physical finishingprocess like bleaching, dying, printing,finish, impregnate are taught; how toapply them to textile surfaces, textileproducts and help students creativity.Assessment Methods: Written TestRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.6104.1 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents :Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.6104.2 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.6104.3 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6104.4 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN




14.1.6201.0 DESIGN FOR PRINTEDTEXTILES (GARMENT)6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: Developingdifferent surface effects, new functionsand usage areas on woven and knittedtextile surfaces by applying printing,dyeing and other physical – chemicalfinishing methods on them. The courseincludes theoretical and practicalapplications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.6202.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (GARMENT) 6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits , ECTS10Objective / Contents: In this course,an extensive project is carried out fordesigning woven textiles to be used ingarment production or in interiordesign. Patterns are designed byplanning the production either withdobby or jacquard weavingtechniques.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.6203.0 FASHION DESIGN(MENSWEAR)6 hrs/week, T4, S2, 5 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: In this coursemenswear collections reflecting recentfashion trends are prepared. Usageareas and user properties areemphasized and the studies arepresented as a project file.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.6220.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGNFOR HOME TEXTILES4 hrs/week,T2, S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Designingaccessories for home textiles(decorative cushion, pillow,curtain,wall panel, etc.). Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN

14.1.6221.0 DESIGN FOR WOVENTEXTILES (FIBER ARTS) 4 hrs/week,T2 ,S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Artistic wovenfabric designs are prepared by usingvarious materials and productionmethods such as weaving, embroideryand applications.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will be



given at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.6222.0 FASHION DESIGN(CHILDREN)4 hrs/week,T2 ,S2, 3 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Three ageintervals as “0-6”, “6-12”, and “12-18” are investigated with theproperties of the user group and aresearch file is prepared. The project iscompleted with a garment collectionprepared for this chosen group ofchildren.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings:PARRAMAN, M., J., ‹nsan FigürüÇizimiTURNPENY, M. John, Fashion Design& Illustration, Basic Guidelines Vogue Bambini Teaching Staff: Prof. Aygun TU⁄AY

14.1.6223.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(JEWELLERY)4 hrs/week,T2 ,S2,3 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: After estheticaldesign steps that trends and variouscultures are welded, maquettes aremade and application information aregiven.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6224.0 ACCESSORIES DESIGN(SHOES, BAG, HAT)4 hrs/week,T2 ,S2, 3 Credits, ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Accessorieswhich adds visual and functional

value to the garment are examined inan experimental way. The uniqueaccessories made with differentmaterials and techniques are designedwith a concept and properpresentationAssessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6225.0 ART AND DESIGN4 hrs/week,T4, 4 Credits , ECTS 5 Objective / Contents: Artistic creationand design relations are explainedgenerally. Subjects every studentchoose are emphasized with mental,cultural and functional relations.Principles of program are givenevaluating quality of original andpersonal suggestions.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. KEMAL CAN

14.1.6226.0 TEXTILE FINISHING2 hrs/week,T4, 2 Credits , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Practicingchemical and physical finishingprocess like bleaching, dying, printing,finish, impregnate are taught; how toapply them to textile surfaces, textileproducts and help students creativity.Assessment Methods: Written TestRecommended Readings:TARAKÇIO⁄LU, Tekstil TerbiyesiMakineleri Cilt 1,2,3Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN



14.1.6204.1 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semester dueto project.Teaching Staff: Prof. Zeki ALPAN

14.1.6204 .2 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Dilek ALPAN

14.1.6204 .3 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Betül ATLI

14.1.6204 .4 SEMINAR2 hrs/week ,T2 , Credit 0, ECTS 5Objective/ Contents : Its content isdetermined by the teaching staff.Assessment Methods: ProjectRecommended Readings: Will begiven at the beginning of semesterproject.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. GayeKIRLIDÖKME BELEN



Division Head:Prof. Alev ‹DR‹SO⁄LU

Phone: +90 212 274 98 70-71Fax: +90 212 211 65 99E-mail:

Address:34349 K›fllaönü-Befliktafl-Istanbul

The first science, art and cultureinstitution in field of cinema is“Turkish Film&TV Institute”, whoseroots go back to “Club Cinema 7”, thefirst cinema club founded in Turkeyby Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu as part ofIstanbul State Academy of Fine Arts.The first film archive, the first cinemamuseum and the first cinemaeducation started within thisinstitution which was led by Prof.Sami fiekero¤lu.

After Istanbul State Academy of FineArts turned into Mimar SinanUniversity, Turkish Film&TV Institutewas restructured. The Institute hasbeen maintaining its activities underthe titles “Turkish Film&TV Institute”and “Department of Cinema-TV”. Thetitle “Turkish Film&TV Institute” isused for archive and film center atinternational relations.

Department of Cinema-TV utilizes allfacilities of Turkish Film&TV Instituteand is supported by it. It provides aunique education in field of cinema.The Department maintains itsactivities in accordance with theprinciple “Production withinEducation, Education withinProduction”. Esteemed professionalsfrom film sector and masters ofTurkish film industry lead productionworkshops, teach theoretical andpractical courses besides academiciansas well.



Students are educated in line with thegoal of bringing up academiciansequipped with aesthetical, technicaland theoretical knowledge to work forcinema-TV schools home and abroad.Students benefit from the film archivewhere more than 10 000 films arepreserved and also participate inprofessional projects realized byTurkish Film&TV Institute.


Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu M.F.A, Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts 1973D.F.A, Mimar Sinan University, 1982

Prof. Tevfik ‹smailovB.A, Azerbaijan State TheatreInstitute, 1962 M.A, Azerbaijan State TheatreInstitutePh.D, Moscow Graduate Directing andScreenwriting Institute 1970

Prof. Cem OdmanB.A, & M.F.A, Istanbul State Academyof Fine Arts 1976D.F.A, Mimar Sinan University, 1987

Prof. Alev ‹driso¤luBachelor: Istanbul State Academy ofFine Arts, Turkish Film&TV Institute,1982 Master: Mimar Sinan Üniversity, 1989 D.F.A, Mimar Sinan University, 1991

Prof. Asiye Korkmaz

Bachelor: Mimar Sinan University,Department of Cinema-TV, 1993 Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1995 D.F.A, Mimar Sinan University, 1997

Asst. Prof. Yüksel Z. AktaflBachelor: Mimar Sinan University,1987 Master: Mimar Sinan University, 1995 D.F.A, Mimar Sinan University, 2003

Instructor Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 6 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10Seminary 0 5Total elective courses 7 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project presantation 30

Total 30

Total: 21 MSGSÜ Credits, 1 Seminar; 120 ECTS Credits




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired-elective courses(Re) 5101–Research in History of Turkish Cinema - I (Re) 4 10 5103–Film Production Workshop - I (Re) 4 10 5102–National Cinemas (Seminar) – I 0 5Total Elective Courses 6 15

TOTAL 10 30

ElectiveCourses 5120-Film Analysis - I 2 55121-Visual Aesthetics - I 2 55124-Screenwriting - I 2 55125-Techniques of Filmmaking - I 2 55126-Principles of Cinematographic Expression - I 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired-elective courses (Re) 5201-Research in History of Turkish Cinema –II (Re) 4 105203-Film Production Workshop - II (Re) 4 10 5202–National Cinemas (Seminar) – II 0 5Total Elective Courses 7 15

TOTAL 11 30

Elective Courses 5220-Film Analysis - II 2 55221-Visual Aesthetics - II 2 55224-Screenwriting - II 2 55225-Techniques of Filmmaking - II 2 55226-Principles of Cinematographic Exp. - II 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS6101-Cinema and Society – I (Re) 4 106102-Film Production and Direction Workshop (Re) 4 106120-Trends and Genres in World Cinema 0 5Elective Courses 6 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS6201-Cinema and Society – II (Re) 4 106202-Film Production and Direction W. - II (Re) 4 106220-Trends and Genres in World Cin. - II 0 5Elective Courses 7 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30


Total: 21 MSGSÜ Credits, 240 ECTS Credits




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(S) Seçmeli Ders Listesi6122-Visual Aesthetics and Lighting – I 2 56123-Aesthetics&Technical Problemsin Turkish Cinema and Their Solutions - I 2 56124-Setting and Design in Cinema – I 2 56125-Post Production Techniques – I 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(S) Seçmeli Ders Listesi6222-Visual Aesthetics and Lighting – II 2 56223-Aesthetics&Technical Problemsin Turkish Cinema and Their Solutions - II 2 56224-Setting and Design in Cinema – II 2 56225-Post Production Techniques – II 2 5





5101 - RESEARCH IN HISTORY OFTURKISH CINEMA - I5 hours/week; 3 Theory, 2 Applied; 3credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This courseincludes an overall analysis of Turkishfilm history. Students are required tomaintain researches in specifiedperiods. Conclusions are laterdiscussed in groups.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: fiEKERO⁄LU, Sami., Turkish FilmHistory (Türk Sinema TarihiBelgeseli)Resources related to Turkish cinema isscanned and Turkish filmes of thearchive are viewed.Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Prof.Asiye Korkmaz

5102 - NATIONAL CINEMAS - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 0 credit, 5ECTS credits.Objective / Content:The aim of thiscourse is to provide students withinformation about national cinemasthrough examining Asian, African andLatin American films apart from thewell-known European and Americanfilms.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: MONACO, J., The World Cinema,Oxford Pres. ‹SMA‹LOV, Tevfik; TürkCumhuriyetleri Sinema Tarihi,

Foundation of Turkish Fine Arts,2001.Teaching Staff: Prof. Tevfik ‹smailov

5103 - FILM PRODUCTIONWORKSHOP - I5 hours/week; 3 Theory, 2 Applied; 4credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This course isaimed at students who desire to workin creative field of cinema. Studentsproduce short films. Phases of theprocess include screenwriting, shootingand post-production.Assessment Methods: Before shootingstarts, 3 visas from the consultantinstructor are required which confirmthat the student is ready to make themovie. Movies are evaluated by agrand jury at the end of semester.Recommended Resources:Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

5120 - FILM ANALYSIS - I2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content:Students analyzevarious outstanding Turkish andforeign films in dramatic, aestheticand technical senses. The tendenciesand styles of various film directors areresearched.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Outstandingexamples of Turkish and Worldcinema are viewed through the course.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. YükselAktafl, Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu



5121 - VISUAL AESTHETICS - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS creditsObjective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to supply an artisticperspective for students throughresearching aesthetictic teories aboutvisual arts and relationship withmotion pictures.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: VACCHE, A.D., Cinema and Painting,University of Texas Press, 1996NIELSEN, V., Cinema as a GraphicArt , Hill and Wang. GOMBRICH, E., Sanat ve Yan›lsama,Remzi Kitabevi, 1992. Teaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman

5124 - SCREENWRITING - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: The subjects ofthis course are dramatic structure,basic notion of screenplay andscreenwriting. Students writescreenplays for short and feature filmsunder the supervision of professionaland experienced filmmakers.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Resourcesdepend on the subjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

5125 - TECHNIQUES OF FILMMAKING - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: In this course, thebasic filmmaking equipments and

techniques are introduced. Theconcept of cinematography,composition and the effects of thecamera on creativity are emphasized.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: American Cinematographers Manual,ASC Holding Corp., 1995.WHEELER, P., PracticalCinematographers , Focal Pres, 2000American Cinematography Journal SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal. Teaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman

5126 - PRINCIPLES OFCINEMATOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content:This coursecomprises the fundamental principlesof transferring visual design intocinematographic expression. Editingtheories, connecting shootings and therule of axis are covered. Various filmsare analyzed with the aim ofcomprehending narrative structure.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: EISENSTEIN, S., Film Sense,Meridian Boks, 1959 EISENSTEIN, S., Film Form,Meridian Boks, 1959 BALAZS, B., Theory of Film , ArnoPres, 1972BAZIN, A., What is Cinema?, ‹zdüflümYay›nlar›, 2000Visual Resources: Turkish Film&TVInstitute ArchiveTeaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu




5201 - RESEARCH IN HISTORY OFTURKISH CINEMA - II 5 hours/week; 3 Theory, 2 Applied; 3credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This courseincludes an overall analysis of Turkishfilm history. Students are required tomaintain researches in specifiedperiods. Conclusions are laterdiscussed in groups.-Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: fiEKERO⁄LU, Sami., Turkish FilmHistory (Türk Sinema TarihiBelgeseli)Resources related to Turkish cinema isscanned and Turkish filmes of thearchive are viewed.Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Prof.Asiye Korkmaz

5202 - NATIONAL CINEMAS - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 0 credit, 5ECTS credits.Objective / Content:The aim of thiscourse is to provide students withinformation about national cinemasthrough examining Asian, African andLatin American films apart from thewell-known European and Americanfilms.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: MONACO, J., The World Cinema,Oxford Pres. ‹SMA‹LOV, Tevfik; TürkCumhuriyetleri Sinema Tarihi,Foundation of Turkish Fine Arts,2001.

Other resources depend on thesubjects researched.Teaching Staff: Prof. Tevfik ‹smailov

5203 - FILM PRODUCTIONWORKSHOP - II5 hours/week; 3 Theory, 2 Applied; 4credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This course isaimed at students who desire to workin creative field of cinema. Studentsproduce short films. Phases of theprocess include screenwriting, shootingand post-production.Assessment Methods: Before shootingstarts, 3 visas from the consultantinstructor are required which confirmthat the student is ready to make themovie. Movies are evaluated by agrand jury at the end of semester.Recommended Resources:Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

5220 - FILM ANALYSIS - II 2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: Students analyzevarious outstanding Turkish andforeign films in dramatic, aestheticand technical senses. The tendenciesand styles of various film directors areresearched.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Outstandingexamples of Turkish and Worldcinema are viewed through the course.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. YükselAktafl, Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

5221 - VISUAL AESTHETICS - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits



Objective / Content: The aim of thiscourse is to supply an artisticperspective for students throughresearching aesthetictic teories aboutvisual arts and relationship withmotion pictures.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: VACCHE, A.D., Cinema and Painting,University of Texas Pres, 1996NIELSEN, V., Cinema as a GraphicArt , Hill and Wang GOMBRICH, E., Sanat ve Yan›lsama,Remzi Kitabevi, 1992 Visual Resources: Turkish Film&TVInstitute Archive Teaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman

5224 - SCREENWRITING - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content:The subjects ofthis course are dramatic structure,basic notion of screenplay andscreenwriting. Students writescreenplays for short and feature filmsunder the supervision of professionaland experienced filmmakers.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Resourcesdepend on subjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

5225 - TECHNIQUES OFFILMMAKING - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: In this course, thebasic filmmaking equipments andtechniques are introduced. The

concept of cinematography,composition and the effects of thecamera on creativity are emphasized.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: American Cinematographers

Manual, ASC Holding Corp., 1995 WHEELER, P., PracticalCinematographers , Focal Pres, 2000American Cinematography Journal SMPTE Motion Imaging JournalTeaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman

5226 - PRINCIPLES OFCINEMATOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION -II 2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content:This coursecomprises the fundamental principlesof transferring visual design intocinematographic expression. Editingtheories, connecting shootings and therule of axis are covered. Various filmsare analyzed with the aim ofcomprehending narrative structure.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: DMYTRYK, E, SinemadaYönetmenlik, Agora Yay›nlar›, 2004 DMYTRYK, E, Sinemada Kurgu,Agora Yay›nlar›, 2004 MASCELLI V, J., The Fice C’s ofCinematography, Cine/GraphicPublications, Hollywood, 1965 Visual Resources: Turkish Film&TVInstitute ArchiveTeaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu





6101 - CINEMA AND SOCIETY - I6 hours/week, 2 Theory, 4 Practice; 4credits; 10 ECTS credits Objective / Content: The phenomenaof cinema and television, which havegreat social, cultural, economic andpolitical impacts on society, areexamined with regard to theirrelations with society. In this sense,world cinema is referenced.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: HANÇERL‹O⁄LU, O., History ofIdeologies (Düflünce Tarihi), RemziKitabevi, ‹stanbul, 1999SANDER, O., Political History (SiyasiTarih). ‹mge Kitabevi, Ankara, 1991SKLAR, R., Film an InternationalHistory of the Medium, Abrams ArtHistory, 2003Visual resources are selected fromTurkish Film&TV Institute Archivedepending on subejcts.Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu

6102 – FILM PRODUCTION &DIRECTION WORKSHOP - I6 hours/week, 2 Theory, 4 Applied; 4credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This course isaimed at students who desire to workin creative field of cinema. Studentsproduce short films. Phases of theprocess include screenwriting, shootingand post-production.Assessment Methods: Before shootingstarts, 3 visas from the consultant

instructor are required which confirmthat the student is ready to make themovie. Movies are evaluated by agrand jury at the end of semester.Recommended Resources:Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

6120 - TRENDS AND GENRES INWORLD CINEMA – I (Seminar)2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 0 credit, 5ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This course,which covers the trends, genres andtendencies in world cinema, isexecuted in a seminar form. Studentsare expected to study a topic of theirchoice and give a conference followingthe completion of their work. Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: The Oxford History of World Cinema(Edit.Geoffrey N.Smith), OxfordUniversity Pres, London, 1996KATZ, E., The MacmillanInternational Film Encyclopedia,Harper Collins Publishers, 1994‹DR‹SO⁄LU, A., World Film History(Dünya Sinema Tarihi), Istanbul,1993 A Research on National Cinemas,2006, ‹stanbulVisual resources are selected fromTurkish Film&TV Institute Archivedepending on subejcts.Teaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu

6122 - VISUAL AESTHETICS ANDLIGHTING - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: Fixed andmoving images, the concern related toaesthetics in cinema, the function of



frame, color and light within the scopeof film structure are studied throughanalyzing various films.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: ALTON, J., Painting With Light,University of California Press, 1995MANKIEWICZ, K., Film Lighting,

Prentice Hall Press, 1986MILLERSON, G., Lighting for

Television and Film, Focal Press,2001Other resources depend on selectedsubjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman

6123 - AESTHETICS & TECHNICALPROBLEMS IN TURKISH CINEMAAND THEIR SOLUTIONS - I2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: In this course, theaesthetic, technical and economicproblems of the Turkish film industryfrom past up to today are researchedand examined, solution proposals arediscussed.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: In thiscourse, in which outstanding examplesof Turkish and world cinema arestudied, the textual and visualresources depend on subjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. SamifiEKERO⁄LU, Prof. Asiye KORKMAZ

6124 - SETTING AND DESIGN INCINEMA - I2 hours/week; 2Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: This courseincludes the subjects of visual design

in cinema, the formation of naturaland artificial settings, the concepts ofspace and reality. These concepts arestudied through examining specificfilmmakers and their works.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Resourcesdepend on selected subjects.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. YükselAktafl, Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

6125 - POST-PRODUCTIONTECHNIQUES - I2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: This course ismainly designed for students who tendto technical field of cinema. Therapidly changing post-productiontechniques and their effects on cinemaare studied.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources:Teaching Staff: Prof. Asiye Korkmaz


6201 - CINEMA AND SOCIETY - II6 hours/week, 2 Theory, 4 Practice; 4credits; 10 ECTS credits Objective / Content: The phenomenaof cinema and television, which havegreat social, cultural, economic andpolitical impacts on society, areexamined with regard to theirrelations with society. In this sense,world cinema is referenced.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: HANÇERL‹O⁄LU, O., History of



Ideologies (Düflünce Tarihi), RemziKitabevi, Istanbul, 1999SANDER, O., Political History (SiyasiTarih). ‹mge Kitabevi, Ankara, 1991SKLAR, R., Film an InternationalHistory of the Medium, Abrams ArtHistory, 2003KONGAR, E., Toplumsal De¤iflmeKuramlar› ve Türkiye Gerçe¤i, RemziKitabevi, ‹stanbul, 1999Visual resources are selected fromTurkish Film&TV Institute Archivedepending on subejcts.Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu

6202 – FILM PRODUCTION &DIRECTION WORKSHOP - II6 hours/week, 2 Theory, 4 Applied; 4credits; 10 ECTS creditsObjective / Content: This course isaimed at students who desire to workin creative field of cinema. Studentsproduce short films. Phases of theprocess include screenwriting, shootingand post-production.Assessment Methods: Before shootingstarts, 3 visas from the consultantinstructor are required which confirmthat the student is ready to make themovie. Movies are evaluated by agrand jury at the end of semester.Recommended Resources:Teaching Staff: Prof. Sami fiekero¤lu,Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

6220 - TRENDS AND GENRES INWORLD CINEMA - II (Seminar)2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 0 creditObjective / Content:This course,which covers the trends, genres andtendencies in world cinema, isexecuted in a seminar form. Students

are expected to study a topic of theirchoice and give a conference followingthe completion of their work. Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: The Oxford History of World Cinema(Edit.Geoffrey N.Smith), OxfordUniversity Pres, London, 1996KATZ, E., The Macmillan

International Film Encyclopedia,Harper Collins Publishers, 1994‹DR‹SO⁄LU, A., World Film History

(Dünya Sinema Tarihi), ‹stanbul 1993 Visual resources are selected from

Turkish Film&TV Institute Archivedepending on subejcts.Teaching Staff: Prof. Alev ‹driso¤lu

6222 - VISUAL AESTHETICS ANDLIGHTING - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: Fixed andmoving images, the concern related toaesthetics in cinema, the function offrame, color and light within the scopeof film structure are studied throughanalyzing various films.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: ALTON, J., Painting With Light,University of California Pres, 1995MALKIEWICZ, K., Film Lighting,

Prentice Hall Pres, 1986MILLERSON, G., Lighting for

Television and Film, Focal Pres, 2001Other resources depend on selected

subjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. Cem Odman



6223 - AESTHETICS & TECHNICALPROBLEMS IN TURKISH CINEMAAND THEIR SOLUTIONS - II2 hours/week, 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: In this course, theaesthetic, technical and economicproblems of the Turkish film industryfrom past up to today are researchedand examined, solution proposals arediscussed.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: In thiscourse, in which outstanding examplesof Turkish and world cinema arestudied, the textual and visualresources depend on subjects.Teaching Staff: Prof. SamifiEKERO⁄LU, Prof. Asiye KORKMAZ

6224 - SETTING AND DESIGN INCINEMA - II2 hours/week; 2Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits Objective / Content: This courseincludes the subjects of visual designin cinema, the formation of naturaland artificial settings, the concepts ofspace and reality. These concepts arestudied through examining specificfilmmakers and their works.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: Resourcesdepend on selected subjects.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. YükselAktafl, Inst. Duygu Sa¤›ro¤lu

6225 - POST-PRODUCTIONTECHNIQUES - II2 hours/week; 2 Theory; 2 credits; 5ECTS credits

Objective / Content: This course ismainly designed for students who tendto technical field of cinema. Therapidly changing post-productiontechniques and their effects on cinemaare studied.Assessment Methods: Exam(s) andTerm Paper(s)Recommended Resources: REIZS, K., The Technique of FilmEditing, Focal Press, 1969FOWLER, J., Editing Digital Film,Focal Press, 2001Teaching Staff: Prof. AsiyeKORKMAZ



Division Head:Prof. Bengi BUGAY

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 264Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

Division of Stage Decor and CostumeDesign has started its two-year masterprogramme in 1996-1997. TheDepartment has continiued itseducation as Stage and Visual Arts,Theater Stage and Costume DesignMaster Programme since 1996 andwith YÖK's (The Turk›sh HigherSystem) decision 16/04/1997 it hasbeen restructured as Costume Design,Puppet and Shadow Theater Branchunder the Decor and Costume MainBranch. with this new structure oureducation programme has beendeveloped, Puppet and ShadowTheater Lessons have been added withour reach content and also theeducation of Stage Decor and CostumeDesign Programme has been widenedand Experimental Design, Televisionand Film set design lessons have beenadded. The next half-year we'reexpecting to open the Proficiency inArts programme with the desicion ofYÖK.


Prof. Bengi BugayBachelor/Master: Istanbul Fine ArtAcademy, 1974; Proficiency in Art:Istanbul Fine Art Academy 1980

Prof. Fatma Refika TarcanBachelor/Master: Mimar SinanUniversity 1983; Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University 1990

Asst. Prof. M. Tahsin CanbulatMaster: Istanbul Fine Arts Academy,1973; DA: Mimar Sinan University,1987

Instructor Saim BugayBachelor/Master: Istanbul Academy ofFine Arts, 1967; Proficiency in Art:Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts 1981.

Instructor Perran Üstünda¤Bachelor: The Catholic University ofLouvain (UCL) 1975; IstanbulUniversity 1972; Phd: IstanbulUniversity 1982; Ecole du Louvre,1983.

Instructor Mete Y›lmazBachelor/Master: Istanbul Academy ofFine Arts, 1979/1980.

Instructor Kemal Yi¤itcanBachelor: Istanbul TechnicalUniversity 1991/1992; Master:Istanbul University

Instructor Ali Cem Köro¤luBachelor: Academy of Fine Arts 1986.

Instructor Sinem ÖzlekBachelor: Istanbul University Facultyof Literature 2002

Instructor Naz EraydaBachelor: Istanbul Academy of FineArts, 1986.

Instructor: Rag›p YavuzBachelor: Marmara University , 1995.






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10 Seminar 0 5 Total Elective Courses 6 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10 Seminar 0 5 Total Elective Courses 7 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis –project report 30

Total 30

TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses5101.0 Stage Design Art Section (Experimental-theatre) 4 105102.0 Stage Design Art Section (Cinema-TV) 4 10 5103.0 Costume Design Art Section (Experimental-theatre) 4 10 5104.0 Costume Design Art Section (opera-Ballet)5105.0 Puppet Design Art Section 4 105106.0 The Research and Development of Stage (seminar) 0 55107.0 The Research and Development of Puppet Design (seminar) 0 55108.0 The Research and Development of Costume Design (seminar) 0 5

(S) Elective Courses 5120.0 Stage Techniques 2 55121.0 Analysis Text 2 55122.0 History of Style 2 5 5123.0 History of Costume 2 55124.0 History of Mask in Drama 2 55125.0 Developing of 3 Dimensional Form 2 55126.0 The Pattern Cutting of The Historical Costume 2 55127.0 The Technical Drawing of The Stage Design 2 5 5128.0 Light Design 3 55129.0 Directing and Scenography of “The Theatre of Synthesis” 2 5




2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses5201.0 Stage Design Art Section (Experimental-theatre) 4 105202.0 Stage Design Art Section (Cinema-TV) 4 10 5203.0 Costume Design Art Section (Experimental-theatre) 4 10 5204.0 Costume Design Art Section (opera-Ballet)5205.0 Puppet Design Art Section 4 105206.0 The Research and Development of Stage (seminar) 0 55207.0 The Research and Development of Puppet Design (seminar) 0 55208.0 The Research and Development of Costume Design (seminar) 0 5

(S) Elective Courses 5220.0 Stage Techniques 2 55221.0 Analysis Text 2 55222.0 History of Style 2 5 5223.0 History of Costume 2 55224.0 History of Mask in Drama 2 55225.0 Developing of 3 Dimensional Form 2 55226.0 The Pattern Cutting of The Historical Costume 2 55227.0 The Technical Drawing of The Stage Design 2 5 5228.0 Light Design 3 55229.0 Directing and Scenography of “The Theatre of Synthesis” 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10Total elective courses 6 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 4 10Total elective courses 7 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30


Total: 21 MSGSÜ; 240 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses 6101.0 Stage Design Art Section (Experimental) 4 106102.0 Stage Design Art Section (opera-Ballet) 4 10 6103.0 Costume Design Art Section (Experimental) 4 10 6104.0 Costume Design Art Section (opera-Ballet) 4 10 6105.0 Puppet Design Art Section 4 10

(S) Elective Courses 6120.0 Perception of Space in Stage 2 56121.0 Mask in Contemporary Drama 2 5 6122.0 Traditional Architecture in Stage Design 2 56123.0 The Usage of Basic Element in Visula Communication 2 56124.0 The Research and Development of Stage (seminar) 0 56125.0 The Research and Development of CostumeDesign (seminar) 0 5 6126.0 The Research and Development of Puppet Design (seminar) 0 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses 6201.0 Stage Design Art Section (Experimental) 4 106202.0 Stage Design Art Section (opera-Ballet) 4 10 6103.0 Costume Design Art Section (Experimental) 4 10 6204.0 Costume Design Art Section (opera-Ballet) 4 10 6205.0 Puppet Design Art Section 4 10

(S) Elective Courses6220.0 Form and Ergonometer in Stage 2 5 6221.0 Mask in Contemporary Drama 2 5 6224.0 The Research and Development of Stage (seminar) 0 5 6225.0 The Research and Development of CostumeDesign (seminar) 0 5 6226.0 The Research and Development of Puppet Design (seminar) 0 5





16.1. 5101.0 DECOR DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, Credits 4 , ECTS10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is to develope the student’sdesigns with the help of dramaturgywhich they had learned in their fouryear education.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BRECHT Bertolt, Oyunculuk Sanat›ve Dekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, Say,‹stanbul, 1982.BRECHT Bertolt, Oyun Sanat› veDekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, CemYay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1994.NUTKU Özdemir, Sahne Bilgisi 1-2,‹zlem Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1982.MAYER David, HOLT M›chael, StageDesign and Properties, Phaidon PressLimited, London, 1995.GILLETTE A.S., GILLETTE J.M›chael, Stage Scenery, Harper &Row, New york, 1981.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1. 5102.0 DECOR DESIGN (Cinema and TV)6hrs/week, T2 S4,4 Credits, ECTS 10

Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson to devolope the student’sdesigns for cinema- tv with the help ofdramaturgy which they had learned intheir four- year education. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MONACO James, Bir Film Nas›l

Okunur - Sinema Dili, Tarihi veKuram›, Çeviren: Ertan Y›lmaz, O¤lakYay›nc›l›k ve Reklam Ltd. 2001.MACSELLI Joseph V., Sineman›n BeflTemel Ö¤esi, Çeviren: Hakan Gür,‹mge Kitabevi Yay›nlar›, 2001.EISENSTEIN Sergei, Film Duyumu,Çeviren: Nijat Özön, Payel Yay›nevi.Teaching Staff: Mete YILMAZ

16.1. 5103.0 COSTUME DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The devolopingof costume designs with the help ofdramaturgy. Providing the studentswith a new point of the view.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MARTIN, Richard, Fashion andSurrealism, Thames and Hudson,London, 1987.RUDNITSKY, Konstantin, Russianand Soviet Theatre, Thames andHudson, London, 1988. BLUMENTHAL, Eileen, TAYMOR,Julie, Playing with Fire, Harry N.Abrams, INC. Publishers, New York,1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY

16.1. 5104.0 COSTUME DESIGN(OPERA - BALLET)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The applying ofcostume designs to the Opera andBallet stage with the help ofdramaturgy. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera cotéCostume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,


Historical Fashion in Detail, V-APublication, London, 1988.BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.H‹LL, Margot Hamilton, BUCKNELL,Peter A., The Evolution of Fashion,Butler and Tanner Ltd., New York,1987.Teaching Staff: ARNOLD, Janet,Patterns of Fashion 1-2, MacmillanPublishers Limited,London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1.5105.0 PUPPETRY DESIGN(Experimental)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The devolopingof costume designs with the help ofdramaturgy. Providing the studentswith a new point of the view for theopera and ballet stagesAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:ANDERSEN,Benny E.,Let’s Start APuppet Theatre,Van NostrandReinhold Company Ltd,NewYork,1973FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1.5106.0 DECOR RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The purpose is toget the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethodsRecommended Readings:BRECHT Bertolt, Oyunculuk Sanat›ve Dekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, Say,‹stanbul, 1982.

BRECHT Bertolt, Oyun Sanat› veDekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, CemYay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1994.NUTKU Özdemir, Sahne Bilgisi 1-2,‹zlem Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1982.MAYER David, HOLT M›chael, StageDesign and Properties, Phaidon PressLimited, London, 1995.PARKER W. Oran, SMITH Harvey K.,WOLF R. Craig, Scene Design andLighting, Holt Rinhart and Winston,New York, 1985.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.5107.0 PUPPETRY RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim is toresearch and devolope the newmethods and technics for the puppetryand the shadow play.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1. 5108.0 COSTUME RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The purpose isto get the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethods.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BLUMENTHAL, Eileen, TAYMOR,Julie, Playing with Fire, Harry N.Abrams, INC.Publishers, New York, 1995.




Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY

16.1. 5120.0 STAGE TECHNIQUES 2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: To prove thetheatre and opera stagescomprehensively and explaning thetechnical problems scholarly. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:PARKER W. Oren, WOLF R. Craig,BLOCK Dick, Scene Design and StageLighting(with InfoTrac), WadsworthPublishing, 8th edition, 2002.IONAZZI Daniel A., The StagecraftHandbook, Betterway Books, 1996.HETZER-MOLDEN Koschka, EricWonder:Stage Design, Hatje CantzPublishers, 2001.DAVIS Tony, Stage Design,Rotovision, 2001.STEELE James, Theater Builders,Academy Edition, 1996.Teaching Staff: M.Kemal Y‹⁄‹TCAN

16.1. 5121.0 TEXT ANALYSIS2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:ESSL‹N Martin,Absurd Tiyatro, DostKitapevi, Ankara, 1999.EUGLETON Terry, W.Shakespeare,Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1998. PAV‹S.Patrice,Gösterimlerin Çözümlenmesi, DostKitapevi, Ankara, 2000. CONNORSteven, Postmodernist Kültür, Yap›KrediYay›nlar›,‹stanbul,2000.Teaching Staff: Sinem ÖZLEK

16.1. 5122.0 HISTORY OF STYLE 2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is teaching the historical style ofthe different terms.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:TAN‹LL‹, Server, Uygarl›k Tarihi,Adam Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 2000.HASOL, Do¤an, AnsiklopedikMimarl›k Sözlü¤ü, YEM Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1998.ROTH, M. Leland, Mimarl›¤›nÖyküsü, Kabalc›, ‹stanbul, 2000.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi Bugay

16.1. 5123.0 HISTORY OF COSTUME2 hrs/week,T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is to teach the historicalcostume in different termsAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BOUCHER, Farançois, A History ofCostume in West, Thames andHudson,New York, 1987.COTTAZ, Albert, Encyclopedie DuCostume, Albert Mourice, Paris, 1955.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi Bugay

16.1. 5124.0 THE HISTORY OF MASK INDRAMA2 hrs/week,T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is to teach the history of masksfrom the ancient times to the theatretradition and also explaning thelegends with the explanation of masks,make up, dance,pantomime.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessment



Recommended Readings:GAUVREAV, Alain, 50 Mosgues etTheatres Masque’s, CNDP, Paris,1981HEROLD, Erich, The World of Masks,Hamlyn, Prague, 1992SORELL, Walter, The Other Face,The Mask in The Arts, Thames andHudson, London, 1973TOPUZ, H›fz›, Kara Afrika Sanat›,‹stanbul, 1992Teaching Staff: Dr. PerranÜSTÜNDA⁄

16.1. 5125.0 3 DIMENSIONAL FORMDESIGNS3 hrs/week,T1 S2, 3Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This course aimsto teach the 3 dimensional forms byapplying and theorically.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings: - Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1. 5126.0 THE HISTORICALCOSTUME FORMS AND METHODS6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim isteaching students the history of thecostume and pattern – cuttingtechniques from the ancient to the20th century.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera cotéCostume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,Historical Fashion in Detail,V-APublication,London,1988.BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.HILL, Margot Hamilton, BUCKNELL,

Peter A., The Evolution of Fashion,Butler and Tanner Ltd., New York,1987.ARNOLD, Janet, Patterns of Fashion1-2, Macmillan Publishers Limited,London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1. 5127.0 STAGE PERSPECTIVE2 hrs/week,T2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Phsyical andpsychophsyical subjects in the threedimensional perception of stage andtheir technical solutions will beexplained.Assessment Methods: Theorical Recommended Readings:CANBULAT, T., Sahte Perspektif,MSÜ Sahne Dekor Bölüm Yay›n›,‹stanbul, 2002.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, Remzi Kitapevi, ‹stanbul,1992.DEMBER, W.N., Psychology ofPerception, Holt-Rinehart-WinstonPublication, New York, 1979.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Art, Perceptionand Reality, The Jhons HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, 1984.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. TahsinCanbulat

16.1. 5128.0 LIGHTING TECHNIQUES4 hrs/week,T2, S2,3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: It is about theanalyzing the natural and artificiallights and the impression of light inthe dramatical action.Assessment Methods: TheoricalRecommended Readings:KELLER, Max, Light Fantastic, TheArt and Design of Stage Lighting byMax Keller, Prestel Publishing, 1999.



P‹LBROW, Richard, Stage LightingDesign, The Art, The Craft, The Lifeby Richard Pilbrow, Quite SpecificMedia Group, 1999.RELD, Francis, Stage LightingHandbook, Routledge, 6th edition,2001.GILLETTE, J.Michael, Design withLight, McGraw – Hill Humanities/Social Science/ Languages, 3thedition, 2002.VASEY, John, Concert Sound andHighting System, Focal Press, 3thedition, 1999.Teaching Staff: M. Kemal Y‹⁄‹TCAN

16.1. 5129.0 DIRECTING ANDSCENOGRAPHY OF “THE THEATREOF SYNTHESIS”2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: “The theatre ofsynthesis” can be described as uniteddiversity of different sign systems suchas lighting, tone, body language, spacein the state of acting and time-spaceunity in the artistic production andperception of theater. Appia, Craig,Meyerhold, Vaktangov, Copeau,Brecht, Weiss, Artaud, Grotowski,Brook and their researchs and workswill be the pathway to our journey ofdiscovery.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BROOK Peter, Bofl Alan, Çev: Ülker‹nce, AFA Yay›nlar›, 1990.ÇALIfiLAR Aziz,ONAYY›lmaz,Yönetmen Peter Stein, MitosBoyut Yay›nlar›, 1996.LIUBIMOV Yuri, Kutsal Atefl, Çev: AliBerktay,Mitos Boyut Yay›nlar›, 1997.ÇALIfiLAR Aziz, Tiyatro Kavramlar›Sözlü¤ü,Mitos Boyut Yay›nlar›, 2004.BARTES J., Anlat›lar›n Yap›sal

Çözümlemesi, Düzlem Yay›nlar›,1993.Teaching Staff: Rag›p YAVUZ


16.1. 5201.0 DECOR DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, Credits 4 , ECTS10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is to develope the student’sdesigns with the help of dramaturgywhich they learned in their four- yeareducation.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BRECHT Bertolt, Oyunculuk Sanat›ve Dekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, Say,‹stanbul, 1982.BRECHT Bertolt, Oyun Sanat› veDekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, CemYay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1994.NUTKU Özdemir, Sahne Bilgisi 1-2,‹zlem Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1982.MAYER David, HOLT M›chael, StageDesign and Properties, Phaidon PressLimited, London, 1995.GILLETTE A.S., GILLETTE J.M›chael, Stage Scenery, Harper &Row, New york, 1981.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1. 5202.0 DECOR DESIGN (Cinema and TV)6hrs/week, T2 S4,4 Credits, ECTS 10

Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is to devolope the student’sdesigns for cinema- tv with the help ofdramaturgy which they had learned intheir four- year education. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:



MONACO James, Bir Film Nas›lOkunur - Sinema Dili, Tarihi veKuram›, Çeviren: Ertan Y›lmaz, O¤lakYay›nc›l›k ve Reklam Ltd. 2001.MACSELLI Joseph V., Sineman›n BeflTemel Ö¤esi, Çeviren: HakanGür,‹mge Kitabevi Yay›nlar›, 2001.EISENSTEIN Sergei, Film Duyumu,Çeviren: Nijat Özön, Payel Yay›nevi.Teaching Staff: Mete YILMAZ

16.1. 5203.0 COSTUME DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The devolopingof costume designs with the help ofdramaturgy. Providing the studentswith a new point of the view.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MARTIN, Richard, Fashion andSurrealism, Thames and Hudson,London, 1987.RUDNITSKY, Konstantin, Russianand Soviet Theatre, Thames andHudson, London, 1988. BLUMENTHAL, Eileen, TAYMOR,Julie, Playing with Fire, Harry N.Abrams, INC. Publishers, New York,1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY

16.1. 5204.0 COSTUME DESIGN(OPERA - BALLET)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The applying ofcostume designs to the Opera andBallet stage with the help ofdramaturgy. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera coté

Costume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,Historical Fashion in Detail, V-APublication, London, 1988.

BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.H‹LL, Margot Hamilton, BUCKNELL,Peter A., The Evolution of Fashion,Butler and Tanner Ltd., New York,1987.ARNOLD, Janet, Patterns of Fashion1-2, Macmillan PublishersLimited,London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1.5205.0 PUPPETRY DESIGN(Experimental)6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The devolopingof costume designs with the help ofdramaturgy. Providing the studentswith a new point of the view for theopera and ballet stagesAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:ANDERSEN,Benny E.,Let’s Start APuppet Theatre,Van NostrandReinhold Company Ltd,NewYork,1973FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1.5206.0 DECOR RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The purpose is toget the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethods



Recommended Readings:BRECHT Bertolt, Oyunculuk Sanat›ve Dekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, Say,‹stanbul, 1982.BRECHT Bertolt, Oyun Sanat› veDekor, Çev. Kamuran fiipal, CemYay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1994.NUTKU Özdemir, Sahne Bilgisi 1-2,‹zlem Yay›nevi, ‹stanbul, 1982.MAYER David, HOLT M›chael, StageDesign and Properties, Phaidon PressLimited, London, 1995.PARKER W. Oran, SMITH Harvey K.,WOLF R. Craig, Scene Design andLighting, Holt Rinhart and Winston,New York, 1985.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.5207.0 PUPPETRY RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim is toresearch and devolope the newmethods and technics for the puppetryand the shadow play.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1. 5208.0 COSTUME RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 3 hrs/week,T3 S-, 0 Credit , ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The purpose isto get the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethods.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:

BLUMENTHAL, Eileen, TAYMOR,Julie, Playing with Fire, Harry N.Abrams, INC. Publishers, New York, 1995. Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY

16.1. 5220.0 STAGE TECHNIQUES 2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: To prove thetheatre and opera stagescomprehensively and explaning thetechnical problems scholarly. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:PARKER W. Oren, WOLF R. Craig,BLOCK Dick, Scene Design and StageLighting(with InfoTrac), WadsworthPublishing, 8th edition, 2002.IONAZZI Daniel A., The StagecraftHandbook, Betterway Books, 1996.HETZER-MOLDEN Koschka, EricWonder:Stage Design, Hatje CantzPublishers, 2001.DAVIS Tony, Stage Design,Rotovision, 2001.STEELE James, Theater Builders,Academy Edition, 1996.Teaching Staff: M.Kemal Y‹⁄‹TCAN

16.1. 5221.0 COMPARATIVE STUDYOF TURKISH DRAMA HISTORY2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:CANDAN, Aysin, Yap›salc›l›k veUygulama, YAZKO, ‹stanbul, 1981.fiENER, Sevda, Türk Tiyatrosu, ‹flBankas› yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 2000.fiENER, Sevda, Oyundan Düflünceye,Gündo¤an Yay›nc›l›k, Ankara, 1993.



Teaching Staff: Sinem ÖZLEK

16.1. 5222.0 HISTORY OF STYLE 2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is to teach the historical style ofthe different terms.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:TAN‹LL‹, Server, Uygarl›k Tarihi,Adam Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 2000.HASOL, Do¤an, AnsiklopedikMimarl›k Sözlü¤ü, YEM Yay›nlar›,‹stanbul, 1998.ROTH, M. Leland, Mimarl›¤›nÖyküsü, Kabalc›, ‹stanbul, 2000.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi Bugay

16.1. 5223.0 HISTORY OF COSTUME2 hrs/week,T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is to teach the historicalcostume in different termsAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BOUCHER, Farançois, A History ofCostume in West, Thames andHudson,New York, 1987.COTTAZ, Albert, Encyclopedie DuCostume, Albert Mourice, Paris, 1955.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi Bugay

16.1. 5224.0 THE HISTORY OF MASKIN DRAMA2 hrs/week,T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thelesson is teaching the history of masksfrom the ancient times to the theatretradition and also explaning thelegends with the explanation of masks,make up, dance,pantomime.

Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GAUVREAV, Alain, 50 Mosgues etTheatres Masque’s, CNDP, Paris,1981HEROLD, Erich, The World of Masks,Hamlyn, Prague, 1992SORELL, Walter, The Other Face,The Mask in The Arts, Thames andHudson, London, 1973TOPUZ, H›fz›, Kara Afrika Sanat›,‹stanbul, 1992Teaching Staff: Dr. PerranÜSTÜNDA⁄

16.1. 5225.0 3 DIMENSIONAL FORMDESIGNS3 hrs/week,T1 S2, 3Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: This course aimsto teach the 3 dimensional forms byapplying and theorically.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings: - Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1. 5226.0 THE HISTORICALCOSTUME FORMS AND METHODS6 hrs/week,T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim isteaching students the history of thecostume and pattern – cuttingtechniques from the ancient to the20th century.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera cotéCostume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,Historical Fashion in Detail,V-APublication,London,1988. BATTA,Andras, Opera, Bonner Strasse,



Cologne, 1999. HILL, MargotHamilton, BUCKNELL, Peter A., TheEvolution of Fashion, Butler andTanner Ltd., New York, 1987.ARNOLD, Janet, Patterns of Fashion1-2, Macmillan Publishers Limited,London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1. 5227.0 STAGE PERSPECTIVE2 hrs/week,T2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Phsyical andpsychophsyical subjects in the threedimensional perception of stage andtheir technical solutions will beexplained.Assessment Methods: Theorical Recommended Readings:CANBULAT, T., Sahte Perspektif,MSÜ Sahne Dekor Bölüm Yay›n›,‹stanbul, 2002.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, Remzi Kitapevi, ‹stanbul,1992.DEMBER, W.N., Psychology ofPerception, Holt-Rinehart-WinstonPublication, New York, 1979.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Art, Perceptionand Reality, The Jhons HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, 1984.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr. TahsinCanbulat

16.1. 5228.0 LIGHTING TECHNIQUES4 hrs/week,T2, S2,3 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: It is about theanalyzing the natural and artificiallights and the impression of light inthe dramatical action.Assessment Methods: TheoricalRecommended Readings:KELLER, Max, Light Fantastic, The

Art and Design of Stage Lighting byMax Keller, Prestel Publishing, 1999.P‹LBROW, Richard, Stage LightingDesign, The Art, The Craft, The Lifeby Richard Pilbrow, Quite SpecificMedia Group, 1999.RELD, Francis, Stage LightingHandbook, Routledge, 6th edition,2001.GILLETTE, J. Michael, Design withLight, McGraw – Hill Humanities/Social Science/ Languages, 3thedition, 2002.VASEY, John, Concert Sound andHighting System, Focal Press, 3thedition, 1999.Teaching Staff: M. Kemal Y‹⁄‹TCAN

16.1. 5229.0 DIRECTING ANDSCENOGRAPHY OF “THE THEATREOF SYNTHESIS”2 hrs/week,T2 S-, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: “The theatre ofsynthesis” can be described as uniteddiversity of different sign systems suchas lighting, tone, body language, spacein the state of acting and time-spaceunity in the artistic production andperception of theater. Appia, Craig,Meyerhold, Vaktangov, Copeau,Brecht, Weiss, Artaud, Grotowski,Brook and their researchs and workswill be the pathway to our journey ofdiscovery.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:BROOK Peter, Bofl Alan, Çev: Ülker‹nce, AFA Yay›nlar›, 1990.ÇALIfiLAR Aziz,ONAYY›lmaz,Yönetmen Peter Stein, MitosBoyut Yay›nlar›, 1996.



LIUBIMOV Yuri, Kutsal Atefl, Çev: AliBerktay,Mitos Boyut Yay›nlar›, 1997.ÇALIfiLAR Aziz, Tiyatro Kavramlar›Sözlü¤ü,Mitos Boyut Yay›nlar›, 2004.BARTES J., Anlat›lar›n Yap›salÇözümlemesi, Düzlem Yay›nlar›,1993.



16.1.6101.0 STAGE DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is creating the students designswith the new ideas of architecture andplaces for their own projects. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GOLDBERG, Roselee, Performance,Live art since the 60's, Foreword byLaurie Anderson.SHYER, Laurance, Robert Wilson andhis collaborators, TheatreCommunications Group, New York,1989.GROTOWSKY, Jerzy, YoksulTiyatroya Do¤ru, Haz›rlayan: EugenioBarba, Önsöz: Peter Brook, Çeviren:Hatica Yetiflkin, Tavanaras›, ‹stanbul,2002.RABKIN, Gerald, Richard Foreman,The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore,London, 1999.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.6102.0 STAGE DESIGN (OPERA -BALLET)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is devoloping the studentsdesigns for opera-ballet with the helpof dramaturgy which they had learnedin their master educations.Recommended Readings:



BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.Teaching Staff: Ali Cem KÖRO⁄LU

16.1.6103.0 COSTUME DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: To create thenew stage costume designs with thenew ideas. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MARTIN, Richard, Fashion andSurrealism, Thames and Hudson,London, 1987. RUDNITSKY,Konstantin, Russian and SovietTheatre, Thames and Hudson,London, 1988. BLUMENTHAL,Eileen, TAYMOR, Julie, Playing withFire, Harry N. Abrams, INC. Publishers, New York, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY

16.1.6104.0 COSTUME DESIGN(OPERA - BALLET)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: The applying ofthe new creations for the Opera andBallet stages. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera cotéCostume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,Historical Fashion in Detail, V-APublication, London, 1988.BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.H‹LL, Margot Hamilton, BUCKNELL,

Peter A., The Evolution of Fashion,Butler and Tanner Ltd., New York,1987. ARNOLD, Janet, Patterns ofFashion 1-2, Macmillan PublishersLimited, London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1.6105.0 PUPPETRY DESIGN(EXPERIMENTAL)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS

10Objective / Contents: The puppetdesigners who are openminded createthe new and original puppets.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1.6120.0 PERCEPTION OF SPACEIN STAGE 3hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Theinvestigation of the physical conditionson stage for the spectators’ point ofviewAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:CANBULAT, T., Sahte Perspektif,MSÜ Sahne Dekor Bölüm Yay›n›,‹stanbul, 2002.GOMBRICH, E.H., Sanat veYan›lsama, Remzi Kitapevi, ‹stanbul,1992.DEMBER, W.N., Psychology ofPerception, Holt-Rinehart-WinstonPublication, New York, 1979.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Art, Perceptionand Reality, The Jhons HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, 1984.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr.Tahsin CANBULAT



16.1.6121.0 MASK IN CONTEMPORARYDRAMA2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The Masks inTraditional Asian TheatreAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GAUVREAV, Alain, 50 Mosques etTheatres Masque’s, CNDP, Paris,1981. HEROLD, Erich, The World ofMasks, Hamlyn, Prague “Le Masquedu Rite av The Atre”, Editions CNRS,Paris, 1985. “Planete des Masques”,Musee du Carnaval et du Masque deBinche, 1995. ÜSTÜNDA⁄, Perran,Asya Tiyatrosunda Maske, Art DecorDergisi, ‹stanbul, May›s 1997.Teaching Staff: Perran ÜSTÜNDA⁄

16.1.6122.0 TRADITIONALARCHITECTURE IN STAGE DESIGN2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Theinvestigation of the historical places,cities, and the houses for helping thestudents for their stage des›gnsAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MSÜ M‹MARLIK FAKÜLTES‹DERG‹S‹,Tasar›m+Kuram,MSÜMatbaas›,Süreli Yay›nlar,2003.Teaching Staff: Prof. Haluk SEZG‹N

16.1.6123.0 THE USAGE OF BASICELEMENTS IN VISUALCOMMUNICATION3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: Theclassification of the forms expressionsand the usages in art structure

Assessment Methods: Essay AssessmentRecommended Readings:ALBERTI,LEON BATISTA,OnPainting(John R.Spencer),1996ARISTOTLE’S,Poetics, (LeonGolden), 1968. ATKINS, Robert, ArtSpeak, 1990. ECO,Umberto, Art andBeauty in the Middle Ages,1989Teaching Staff: Prof. MahmutBOZKURT

16.1.6124.0 DECOR RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The purpose isgetting the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethods Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GOLDBERG, Roselee, Performance,Live art since the 60's, Foreword byLaurie Anderson.SHYER, Laurance, Robert Wilson andhis collaborators, TheatreCommunications Group, New York,1989.GROTOWSKY, Jerzy, YoksulTiyatroya Do¤ru, Haz›rlayan: EugenioBarba, Önsöz: Peter Brook, Çeviren:Hatica Yetiflkin, Tavanaras›, ‹stanbul,2002.RABKIN, Gerald, Richard Foreman,The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore+London, 1999.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.6125.0 COSTUME RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The purpose isgetting the unlimitted



researching,devoloping and producingmethods.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:RACINET, Auguste, The CompleteCostume History, Taschen, 2003.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika TARCAN

16.1.6126.0 PUPPETRY RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim is toresearch and devolope the newmethods and technics for the puppetryand the shadow play. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY


16.1.6201.0 STAGE DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is to create the student’sdesigns with the new ideas ofarchitecture and places for their ownprojects. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GOLDBERG, Roselee, Performance,Live art since the 60's, Foreword byLaurie Anderson. SHYER, Laurance,Robert Wilson and his collaborators,Theatre Communications Group, NewYork, 1989. GROTOWSKY, Jerzy,

Yoksul Tiyatroya Do¤ru, Haz›rlayan:Eugenio Barba, Önsöz: Peter Brook,Çeviren: Hatica Yetiflkin, Tavanaras›,‹stanbul, 2002. RABKIN, Gerald,Richard Foreman, The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore+London,1999.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.6202.0 STAGE DESIGN (OPERA -BALLET)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is devoloping the studentsdesigns for opera-ballet with the helpof dramaturgy which they had learnedduring their master education.Recommended Readings:BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999.Teaching Staff: Ali Cem Köro¤lu

16.1.6203.0 COSTUME DESIGN(Experimental-Theatre)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS10Objective / Contents: To create thenew stage costume designs with thenew ideas. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:MARTIN, Richard, Fashion andSurrealism, Thames and Hudson,London, 1987.RUDNITSKY, Konstantin, Russianand Soviet Theatre, Thames andHudson, London, 1988. BLUMENTHAL, Eileen, TAYMOR,

Julie, Playing with Fire, Harry N.Abrams, INC. Publishers, New York, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Bengi BUGAY



16.1.6204.0 COSTUME DESIGN(OPERA - BALLET)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The applying ofthe new creations for the Opera andBallet stages. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:KAHANE, Martine, Opera cotéCostume, Edition Plume, Paris, 1995.AVRIL, Hart, NORTH, Susan,Historical Fashion in Detail, V-APublication, London, 1988.BATTA, Andras, Opera, BonnerStrasse, Cologne, 1999. H‹LL, MargotHamilton, BUCKNELL, Peter A., TheEvolution of Fashion, Butler andTanner Ltd., New York, 1987.ARNOLD, Janet, Patterns of Fashion1-2, Macmillan Publishers Limited,London, 1995.Teaching Staff: Prof. Refika Tarcan

16.1.6205.0 PUPPETRY DESIGN(EXPERIMENTAL)6 hrs/week, T2 S4, 4 Credits, ECTS 10Objective / Contents: The puppetdesigners who are openminded createthe new and original puppets.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:ANDERSEN,Benny E., Let’s Start APuppet Theatre, Van NostrandReinhold Company Ltd, New York,1973. FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag, Stuttgard,1970Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY

16.1.6220.0 STAGE STRUCTURE ANDERGONOMETER 3 hrs/week, T1 S2, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:NEUFERT, Peter, Yap› Tasar›m›,Beta, 35. Bas›m, Almanya, 1998.GOMBR‹CH, E.H., Art, Perceptionand Reality, The Jhons HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore, 1984.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr.Tahsin CANBULAT

16.1.6221.0 MASK INCONTEMPORARY DRAMA2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 2 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The masks inTraditional Asian TheatreAssessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GAUVREAV, Alain, 50 Mosques etTheatres Masque’s, CNDP, Paris,1981. HEROLD, Erich, The World ofMasks, Hamlyn, Prague “Le Masquedu Rite av The Atre”, Editions CNRS,Paris, 1985. “Planete des Masques”,Musee dv Carnaval et du Masque deBinche, 1995. ÜSTÜNDA⁄, Perran,Asya Tiyatrosunda Maske, Art DecorDergisi, ‹stanbul, May›s 1997.Teaching Staff: Perran ÜSTÜNDA⁄

16.1.6224.0 DECOR RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents:The purpose is toget the unlimittedresearching,devoloping and producingmethods

Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:GOLDBERG, Roselee, Performance,Live art since the 60's, Foreword byLaurie Anderson. SHYER, Laurance,Robert Wilson and his collaborators,Theatre Communications Group, NewYork, 1989. GROTOWSKY, Jerzy,Yoksul Tiyatroya Do¤ru, Haz›rlayan:Eugenio Barba, Önsöz: Peter Brook,Çeviren: Hatica Yetiflkin, Tavanaras›,‹stanbul, 2002. RABKIN, Gerald,Richard Foreman, The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore+London,1999.Teaching Staff: Naz ERAYDA

16.1.6225.0 COSTUME RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The purpose isto get the unlimitted esearching,devoloping and producing methods.Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:RACINET, Auguste, The CompleteCostume History, Taschen, 2003.Theaching Staff: Prof. RefikaTARCAN

16.1.6226.0 PUPPETRY RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT (Seminar) 2 hrs/week, T2 S0, 0 Credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim is toresearch and devolope the newmethods and technics for the puppetryand the shadow play. Assessment Methods: EssayAssessmentRecommended Readings:FETTIG Hansjurgen,Hand undStabpuppen,Frech-Verlag,Stuttgard,1970 Teaching Staff: Saim BUGAY





Division Head:Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Murat fiEN

Phone : (0212) 252 16 00 / 338Fax : (0212) 245 21 64

Getting institutionalized inphotography education is a study ofMimar Sinan Fine Arts Universitywhich make numerous enterprises inits course.The aim of this study: To bring thescientific and artistic quality byeducation on photography's commonuses and make the pupils becomemore investigative on both methodicand aesthetic aspects of photography.With both Bachelor of Arts degree andMaster of Arts degree, the aim of thecourses is to raise the upcoming artistsand professionals of photography.


Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Murat fiENBachelor: Marmara University1990.Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity Social Sciences Institute,2000

Assoc. Prof. Nihal KAFALI Bachelor: Mimar Sinan University,Fine Arts Faculty1990. Master: MimarSinan University,Social SciencesInstitute, 1994. Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, SocialSciences Institute.

Asst. Prof. Ozan B‹LG‹SERENBachelor: Mimar SinanUniversity1994. Master: Mimar SinanUniversity, Social Sciences Institute,1998. Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity, Social Sciences Institute

Asst. Prof. Çetin ERGANDBachelor: Mimar Sinan University,Fine Arts Faculty, PhotographyDepartment, 1994. MA, Mimar SinanUniversity, Social Sciences Institute,1998. Proficiency in Art: MimarSinan University, Social SciencesInstitute, 2006

Tunç TÜFEKÇ‹ProfessorBachelor/ Master: Istanbul States FineArts Academy

Reha GÜNAYProfessorBachelor/ Master: Istanbul TechnicalUniversity, 1960.DA, IstanbulUniversity, 1973. Professor, 1994.

Sabit KALFAG‹LProfessorBachelor/Master: Istanbul TechnicalUniversity, 1959. Proficiency in Art:Mimar Sinan University, SocialSciences Institute, 1987.

‹nsel ‹NALAssociate ProfessorBachelor: Mimar SinanUniversity1993. Master: Mimar SinanUniversity, Social SciencesInstitute1996

Emre ZEYT‹NO⁄LUAssistant ProfessorBachelor: Master: Mimar SinanUniversity, Fine Arts Faculty, 1980Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversity, Social Sciences Institute,1984

Gülçin ÖZDEM‹RAssistant ProfessorBachelor: Mimar Sinan UniversityMaster: 1989. Mimar SinanUniversity, Proficiency in Art: 1995.Mimar Sinan University

Elif YILMAZAssistant ProfessorBachelor: Mimar SinanUniversity1997. Master: Mimar SinanUniversity 1999. DA: MarmaraUniversity, InternationalRealtions,2006







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3 10Seminar 0 5Total elective courses 7 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3 10 Total elective courses 8 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

Total : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses 17.1.5101.0 Advertising Photography 3 1017.1.5102.0 Graduate Degree Documentary Photography 3 1017.1.5103.0 Represantation of Artistic Photography 3 10

(S) Elective courses 17.1.5107.0 Protection and Restoration of Photography 2 517.1.5105.0.Visual Design in Digital Media 3 517.1.5112.0. Visual Perceptions 2 5 17.1.5120.0 Abstraction in Photography 2 5

(S:E.)Seminar17.1.5106-1.0 Professional Studio 0 517.1.5109-2.0.Relationship Between Painting and Photography 0 517.1.5110-3.0. Tec.,Aest. & Theo. Matt. & Sugg. At Turk. Photography 0

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-elective courses 17.1.5201.0 Advertising Photography 3 1017.1.5202.0 Graduate Degree Documentary Photography 3 1017.1.5203.0 Represantation of Artistic Photography 3 10

(S) Elective courses 17.1.5204.0 Photography and Copyright Law 2 517.1.5205.0. Visual Design in Digital Media 3 517.1.5208.0 Methodology 2 517.1.5112.0. Visual Perceptions 2 5 17.1.5220.0 Abstraction in Photography 2 517.1.5211.0 Panoramic Photography 2 5





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3 10Total elective courses 7 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal required-elective courses 3 10Total elective courses 8 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses 17.1.6101.0 Advertising Photography 3 1017.1.6102.0 Graduate Degree Documentary Photography 3 1017.1.6103.0 Represantation of Artistic Photography 3 10

(S) Elective Courses 17.1.6104.0 Art Critics 2 517.1.6108.0. Visual Design in Digital Media 3 1017.1.6107.0 The Tendency of Contemporary Art 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required-Elective Courses17.1.6201.0 Advertising Photography 3 1017.1.6202.0 Graduate Degree Documentary Photography 3 1017.1.6203.0 Represantation of Artistic Photography 3 10

(S) Elective courses17.1.6204.0 Art Critics 2 5

17.1 6206.0 Photographic Design (Sun Printing) 3 517.1.6208.0. Visual Design in Digital Media 3 1017.1.6207.0 The Tendency of Contemporary Art 2 517.1.6209.0. Utilization on Photography in contemporary Arts 2 5





17.1.5101.0 ADVERTISINGPHOTOGRAPHY 4 Hrs/ week ( Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: It is aimed toadvertise the commercial, social andcultural subject matters with advancedtechnical knowledge professionally.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. NihalKAFALI

17.1.5102 GRADUATE DEGREEDOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPH 4 Hrs/ week ( Theory 2- Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Through thislesson, it is aimed that the studentshould practice photography byexhibiting his own proffesionalexperiences, his own point of view andthe understanding of esthetics. Thus,it contributes to a develepment of thestudent as a photographer.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÇetinERGAND

17.1. 5103.0 REPRESENTATION OFARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: To see,toperceive and anti-creativity thusexplaning it in interpretation triangle,student and the tutor dualismcombinates and also stresses personelideas and narrations in the project

concept. This concept proposes twodifferent narration languages:1.Stressing objective truth projects1.1. Using static objects1.2. Using figure or figures1.3. Using dynamic objects1.4. Using these two or three elementsabove together2. Using abstract concept to overcomeobjective truth.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren

17.1.5105.0 VISUAL DESIGN INDIGITAL MEDIA 4 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Using digitaltechnical manuplations, due to theproject containing space-time-meaning, as a tool for design,developing projects and skills, usingknow-how and make a total project onpractical assignments.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:WEBB, Jeremy, Creative Vision :Digital & Traditional Methods ForInspiring Innovative, NewYork 2005FREEMAN, Michael, DigitalPhotography Special Effects, London2003BUSSELLE, Michael, Amphoto Book:Creative Digital Photography ByMichael Busselle, New York 2003HUGGINS, Barry, PROBERT, Ian,Surreal Digital Photography,London2004Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren



17.1.5107.0.PROTECTION ANDRESTORATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Studio 0) 2credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Main purpose ofthis course is to educate;how to protectand build an archive from thephotographs which have artistic ordocumentative values and preventthem against time and exteriorconditions.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:John P. SCHAEFER,Basic Techniquesof Photography Book 2, Lyle REXERHarry N. Abrams Inc.,Photography’sAntiquarian Avant-Garde. JohnSZARKOWSKI, Moma- NewYork,Looking at PhotographsChristian A.PETERSON,w.w.Norton& Company, After The Photo-Secession Joshua. SM‹TH,Smithsonian Institution,ThePhotography of Invention Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Y. MuratfiEN

17.1.5112.0. VISUAL PERCEPTIONS 2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Practice 0) 2credit,5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The reflectionsof the visual perception intophotography is the main topic of thislecture. There are physical andcultural dimensions of the act ofseeing. We see with the help of thephysical conditions after a series ofphysiological process but what we willsee and how we will perceive belongsto our cultural identity. This is theessence for the creation ofphotography. How can we transfer

what we saw into a photograph theway we perceive it? For this reason weshould know the process of seeing andthe process of photographing andinterpretation.These processes are the subjects of thislesson. Seeing, the features of image,light, color, contrast, adaptation,shape, detail, attention, illusion,perspective, motion, perception,esthetics etc. are some of the subjectsbesides the ways of capture andartistic interpretation of these features.Assesment Methods: It has beentheorical and technical examiing aboutto seeing, light, color, contrast,harmonize detail, illusion, perspektif,the perceptive motion and wantedsome application about them.Teaching Staff: Prof.Dr. RehaGÜNAY

17.1.5120.0 ABSTRACTION INPHOTOGRAPHY2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2- Studio 0) 2credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The aimof thislesson is to divert the student'sattention to his/her surrounding andthe abstract object perception.Perceived objects should be subtractedin surrounding relation and totally beabstracted objects or sould be givendifferent meanings. The studentsshould search and use differentphotographic techniques for thesepurposes.Pre-requisite:Assesmet Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Y. MuratfiEN



17.1.5106-1 PROFESSIONAL STUDIO(SEMINAR)2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2- Studio 0) 0credit, 0 ECTSObjective / Contents: It is who wouldlike to work in the field of AdvertisingPhotography, are given someknowledge about the workingconditions, producer-consumer,advertising and client relations. Someexamples of professional applicationsare examined and communication withsome professional photographers areachieved. Students are expected todocument their experiences andcomments on these applications of theprofessionals and to transfer them in aseminar.Assesmet Methods: Evaluations will beon given seminar project.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. NihalKAFALI

17.1.5109-2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEENPHOTOGRAPHY AND PAINTING(SEMINAR)2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2- Studio 0) 0credit,0 ECTSObjective / Contents:Maintance of thiscourse is to educate person on visualarts:progression on painting,after theinvention of photography in the 19thcentury. This period starts with theImpressionist artist then continueswith the Futurists,with the highestability of photographic techniques,afterwards this relationship takesplace in the history of art,from thebeginning till today.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:

E.H. GOMBRICH, Sanat ve Yan›lsamaMichel LE‹R‹S, Francis BaconJacques MEUR‹S, MagritteLouis K. MELSEL,Photorealizm SinceKynaston MCSH‹NE, Andy WarholTeaching Staff: Prof. Tunç TÜFEKÇ‹


credit, 0 ECTSObjective / Contents: After 1950 inTurkish Photography,individualdirections and changes thus extentionsof influences today are beingexamined.Assesment Methods: Written exam&Final project examRecommended Readings:Seyit Ali AK, Erken CumhuriyetDönemi Türk Foto¤raf›Engin ÖZENDES,Türkiye’de Foto¤raf‹lker MAGA,Ara Güler’e Sayg› Sabit KALFAG‹L, Foto¤raf›n Yap›salÖ¤eleri ve Foto¤raf Sanat›ndaKompozisyon Yeni Foto¤raf Dergisi,“1976-1985”Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren


17.1.5201.0 ADVERTISINGPHOTOGRAPHY 4 Hrs/ week ( Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: It is aimed toadvertise the commercial, social andcultural subject matters with advancedtechnical knowledge professionally.Assesment Methods: Evaluations will



be on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. NihalKAFALI

17.1.5202.0 GRADUATE DEGREEDOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPH 4Hrs/ week ( Theory 2- Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Through thislesson, it is aimed that the studentshould pactice photography byexhibiting his own proffesionalexperiences, his own point of view andthe understanding of esthetics. Thus,it contributes to a develepment of thestudent as a photographer.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÇetinERGAND

17.1. 5203.0 REPRESENTATION OFARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: To see,toperceive and anti-creativity thusexplaning it in interpretation triangle,studend and the tutor dualismcambinates and also stresses personelideas and narrations in the projectconcept. This concept proposes twodifferent narration language:1.Stressing objective truth projects1.5. Using static objects1.6. Using figure or figures1.7. Using dynamic objects1.8. Using these two or threeelements above together above2. Using abstract concept to overcomeobjective truth.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.

Objective / Contents: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren

17.1.5204.0 PHOTOGRAPHY ANDCOPYRIGHT LAW2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5ECTSObjective / Content: The legalregulations about the photograph arenot contained by a single code;because it is in relation with ‘TheCode of Thought and ArtificialWorks’, the provisions of the Press Actrelated with photos, and the personalrights in relation with the photos willbe studied.These subject will besupported by presenting the samplejurisprudences. Assessment Methods: 50 % midtermRecommended Readings:5846 Say›l› Fikir Ve Sanat EserleriKanunu5187 Say›l› Bas›n Kanunu

17.1.5205.0 VISUAL DESIGN INDIGITAL MEDIA4 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,5 ECTSObjective / Contents: Using digitaltechnical manuplations, due to theproject containing space-time-meaning, as a tool for design,developing projects and skills, usingknow-how and make a total project onpractical assignments.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:WEBB, Jeremy, Creative Vision :Digital & Traditional Methods ForInspiring Innovative, NewYork 2005FREEMAN, Michael, DigitalPhotography Special Effects, London



2003. BUSSELLE, Michael, AmphotoBook: Creative Digital Photography ByMichael Busselle, New York 2003HUGGINS, Barry, PROBERT, Ian,Surreal Digital Photography,London2004Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren

17.1.5208.0 METHODOLOGY2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5ECTSObjectives & Content: In this course,whether the goal of the participants isto become an informed individual, anexpert in the social sciences, a sociallyactive trailblazer,or to pursue aprofessional career or further graduatestudy in sociology, a wide range ofuseful and interesting topics arestudied, aiming to strengthen theanalytical and methodologicalbackbone of the subject matter chosenby the participants. Those interestedin social research will benefit from acourse that teaches skills ofmethodological thinking and analysis.During the course, the participants areencouraged to study issues from avariety of perspectives. Also theparticipants will be encouraged totransfer their studies into academicformat. Method of Teaching: Visual materials,such as photographs, documentaryand feature films are also introducedaccording to the specific interests ofthe participants.Assessment Methods: 40 % midterm,60 % final examTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ElifYILMAZ

17.1.5211.0. PANORAMICPHOTOGRAPHY 2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5ECTSObjective / Contents: Using digitaland conventional panoramic technics,due to the project containing spaceand meaning, as a tool for design,developing projects and skills, usingknow-how and make a total project onpractical assignments.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:MEEHAN Joseph (1990), “PanoramicPhotography” , Watson-GuptillPublications, New YorkOETTERMANN Stephan (1997),“The Panorama”, Zone Books, NewYorkTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÇetinERGAND

17.1.5212.0. VISUAL PERCEPTIONS 2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2-Practice 0) 2credit,5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The reflectionsof the visual perception intophotography is the main topic of thislecture. There are physical andcultural dimensions of the act ofseeing. We see with the help of thephysical conditions after a series ofphysiological process but what we willsee and how we will perceive belongsto our cultural identity. This is theessence for the creation ofphotography. How can we transferwhat we saw into a photograph tyheway we perceive it? For this reason weshould know the process of seeing andthe process of photographing andinterpretation.



These processes are the subjects of thislesson. Seeing, the features of image,light, color, contrast, adaptation,shape, detail, attention, illusion,perspective, motion, perception,esthetics etc. are some of the subjectsbesides the ways of capture andartistic interpretation of these features.Assesment Methods: It has beentheorical and technical examiningabout to seeing, light, color, contrast,harmonize detail, illusion, perspektive,the perceptive motion and wantedsome application about them.Teaching Staff: Prof.Dr.Reha GÜNAY

17.1.5220.0 ABSTRACTION INPHOTOGRAPHY2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2- Studio 0) 2credit,5 ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thislesson is to divert the student'sattention to his/her surroundingandthe abstract object perception.Percepted objects should be subtractedin surrounding relation and totally beabstracted objects or should be givendifferent meanings. The studentsshould search and use differentphotographic techniques for thesepurposes.Pre-requisite:Assesmet Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. Y.MuratfiEN



17.1.6101.0. ADVERTISINGPHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTS Objective / Contents: It is aimed toadvertise the commercial, social andcultural subject matters with advancedtechnical knowledge professionally.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. NihalKAFALI

17.1.6102.0 GRADUATE DEGREEDOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY 4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Through thislesson, it is aimed that the studentshould practice photography byexhibiting his own proffesionalexperiences, his own point of view andthe undestanding of aesthetics. Thus,it contributes to a develepment of thestudent as a photographer.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Prof. SabitKALFAG‹L

17.1.6103.0 REPRESENTATION OFARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Photography, asa means of representation, is thetransformation of a multi dimensionalobject into two dimensional visual



images. Thus, this course has twoobjectives.1. To achieve an artistic expression ona two dimensional plane by using alltechnological-aesthetic-semantic andpragmatic feasibilities of photography. 2. To start an interdisciplinarycommunication by, at first, admittingphotography as the basic component,using unlimited dimensions andmaterials whereever necessary. With projects focusing on objectivereality, by starting from abstractnotions such as objective reality maybe surpassed.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÇetinERGAND

17.1.6104.0 ART CRITICS2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5

ECTSObjective / Contents: Begining fromthe 18th Century Enlightment ,searching its basic principles, the factsthat it depends on, differentiationswith its background and to interpretdifferences that it gets after theenlightment. The aim of thiscomparison , is about to understandwhere the artistic criticism is today.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. EmreZEYT‹NO⁄LU

17.1.6107.0 THE TENDENCY OFCONTEMPORARY ART 2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5ECTSObjective / Contents:In this course, in context of last twentyyears, perception forms that aretransformed with contemporary art

practices will be analyzed, especiallyongoing presence of practices bytechnology will be examined. With theargument of changing mechanisms(art organizations, institutions, civilinitiatives, galleries, etc.) formedartistic practice, artistic nature ofdaily life will be questioned.Assesment Methods: Research essayRecommended Readings:BOURRIAUD N›colas, ‹liflkisel Estetik,Çeviren: Saadet Özen, ‹st.2005BOURRIAUD N›colas,Postprodüksiyon, Çeviren: NerminSaybafl›l›, ‹st.2004HERBERT J. Gans, Popüler Kültür veYüksek Kültür , Çeviren:EmineOnaran ‹ncirlio¤lu, ‹st.2005BAUMAN Zygmunt, Postmodernlik veHoflnutsuzluklar›, Çeviren:‹smailTürkmen, ‹st. 2000BAUMAN Zygmunt, Parçalanm›flHayat, Çeviren: ‹smail Türkmen, ‹st.2001

17.1.6108.0 VISUAL DESIGN INDIGITAL MEDIA 4hrs/Week, T 2,S 2, Credit 3,ECTS10Objective / Contents: Sophisticateddigital technical skilles-manuplations,all kind of digital imaging, print outand projection devices can be used dueto the Art project to make the design.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:BRIGHT, Susan, Art PhotographyNow, London 2005RUSH, Michael, New Media in Late20th-Century Art, London 2001Metamorphose: Photography in the



Electronic Age, Aparture New York1994WEBB, Jeremy, Creative Vision :Digital & Traditional Methods ForInspiring Innovative, NewYork 2005FREEMAN, Michael, DigitalPhotography Special Effects, London2003Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren


17.1.6201.0. ADVERTISINGPHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTS Objective / Contents: It is aimed toadvertise the commercial, social andcultural subject matters with advancedtechnical knowledge professionally.Assesment Methods: Evaluations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. NihalKAFALI

17.1.6202.0 GRADUATE DEGREEDOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY 4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Through thislesson, it is aimed that the studentshould practice photography byexhibiting his own proffesionalexperiences, his own point of view andthe undestanding of aesthetics. Thus,it contributes to a develepment in thestudent as a photographer.Assesment Methods: Evalvations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Prof. SabitKALFAG‹L

17.1.6203.0 REPRESENTATION OFARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY4 Hrs/week (Theory 2-Studio 2) 3credit,10 ECTSObjective / Contents: Photography, asa means of representation, is thetransformation of a multi dimensionalobject into two dimensional visualimages. Thus, this course has twoobjectives.3. To achieve an artistic expression ona two dimesional plane by using alltechnological-aesthetic-semantic andpragmatic feasibilities of photography. 4. To start an interdisciplinarycommunication by, at first, admittingphotography as the basic component,using unlimited dimensions andmaterials whereever necessary. With projects focusing on objectivereality, by starting form abstractnotions such objective reality may besurpassed.Assesment Methods: Evalvations willbe on given photographic project.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. ÇetinERGAND

17.1.6204.0 ART CRITICS2 Hrs/ week (Theory 2) 2 credit,5ECTSObjective / Contents: Begining fromthe 18th Century Enlightment ,searching its basic principles, the factsthat it depends on, differentiationswith its background and to interpretdifferences that it gets after theenlightment. The aim of thiscomparison , is about to understandwhere the artistic criticism is today.Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. EmreZEYT‹NO⁄LU



17.1.6206.0 PHOTOGRAPHIC DESING(SUN PRINTING)4hrs/Week, T 2, S2, Credit 3, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: To think aboutthe old processes of photography andto produce new photographic forAntiquarian awant-gardephotography. For this aim, studentswill use some old processes like VanDyke,Cyanotype, Gumbichoromatprintings.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:John P. SCHAEFER,Basic Techniquesof Photography Book 2 Lyle REXER Harry N. AbramsInc.,Photography’s Antiquarian Avant-Garde.John SZARKOWSK‹, Moma- NewYork,Looking at PhotographsChristian A.PETERSON,w.w.Norton&Company, After The Photo-SecessionJoshua P.SM‹TH,Smithsonian‹nstitution,The Photography ofInvention Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.Y.Muratfien

17.1.6208.0 VISUAL DESIGN INDIGITAL MEDIA 4hrs/Week, T 2,S 2, Credit 3,ECTS10Objective / Contents: Sophisticateddigital technical skilles-manuplations,all kind of digital imaging, print outand projection devices can be used dueto the Art project to make the design.Assesment Methods: Practicalassignments weekly.Recommended Readings:BRIGHT, Susan, Art Photography

Now, London 2005RUSH, Michael, New Media in Late20th-Century Art, London 2001Metamorphose: Photography in theElectronic Age, Aparture New York1994WEBB, Jeremy, Creative Vision :Digital & Traditional Methods ForInspiring Innovative, NewYork 2005FREEMAN, Michael, DigitalPhotography Special Effects, London2003Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. OzanBilgiseren

17.1.6209.0. UTILIZATION ONPHOTOGRAPHY INCONTEMPORARY ARTS 2hrs/Week, T 2, Credit 2, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The concern ofthis course is not the choice of toolsused and their method of employmentin art work, but the visual andcreative potential of the medium. Theexpressive and conceptual uses ofphotograpy will be examined by usingworks of contemporary artists andissues in photography . Instruction willinvolve demonstrations, slide lecturesand discussions.Assessment: Written examination.Texts, materials, supplies: Readings,current articles on photography andexhibitions.Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ‹nsel ‹nal


Division Head:Prof. Seher TANRIYAR

Phone : (0212) 260 10 50 - 51Fax : (0212) 261 00 41

MSGSÜ Division of Music , whichcontains programmes of Compositionand Conducting, String Instruments,Wind and Percussion Instruments andPiano, is the largest department ofSocial Sciences Institute of MSGSÜ.During the 2007-2008 academic year32 faculty members, among whomthere are 6 professors, 6 associateprofessors, 7 assistant professors and13 Teaching Staffs, will lecture as parttime staff.The Student Symphony Orchestra,Junior Symphony Orchestra andvarious chamber groups which consistof the students of the MusicDepartment perform concerts andrecitals both within MSGSÜ andoutside the university regularly.Besides these activities the departmentinvites outstanding musicians andacademicians from inside and outsidethe country for seminars and masterclasses in order to keep the high levelquality of education.


Programme Head:Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L UG. Detmold-NWD Musik AkademieViolin, 1984; PA: University ofIstanbul State Conservatory, 1988

Prof. Reflit ERZ‹NUG. University of Istanbul History ofArt, 1963; PA: Mimar SinanUniversity State ConservatoryVioloncello, 1983




Assoc. Prof. Zeynur ERENGÖNÜL UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Violin, 1979; PA:MSUSC, 1995

Assist. Prof. Melih BALÇIKUG. University of Hacettepe StateConservatory Double Bass, 1977

Teaching Staff Ruflen GÜNEfiUG. Ankara State Conservatory Viola,1961


Programme Head:Prof. Seher TANRIYAR

Prof. Seher TANRIYAR UG. Ankara State Conservatory Piano,1973; PA: Mimar Sinan UniversityState Conservatory, 1983

Prof. Hülya TARCAN UG. Ankara State Conservatory Piano,1971; PA: Mimar Sinan UniversityState Conservatory, 1983

Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Piano, 1981; Master:MSUSC Piano, 1988; PA: MSUSC,1992

Assoc. Prof. Esin KANBERO⁄LUUG. Istanbul State ConservatoryPiano, 1977; PA: Mimar SinanUniversity State Conservatory, 1983

Assoc. Prof. Selen BUCAK UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Piano, 1987; Master:MSUSC Piano, 1991; PA: MSUSC,1996

Assoc. Prof. Ece DEM‹RC‹ UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Piano, 1989; Master:MSUSC Piano, 1991; PA. Essen-Hochschule für Musik, 1998

Assist. Prof. Hülya ARDIÇUG. Ankara State Conservatory Piano,1977 ; Master: Detmold-NDMAkademie Piano, 1983

Assist. Prof. Perim KÖKNARER UG. Izmir State Conservatory Piano,1978; PA. Mimar Sinan UniversityState Conservatory, 1983

Assist.Prof. Soner EGESEL UG. Bilkent University Faculty OfMusic And Performing Arts Guitar,1991; Master: BUFMPA Guitar, 1993;PA. BUFMPA, 1997

Instructor Zeynep YAMANTÜRK UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Piano, 1985; Master:MSUSC Piano, 1987; PA. MSUSC,1994

Instructor Arzu ÜLKÜUG. Ankara State ConservatoryPiano, 1980; PA. Mimar SinanUniversity State Conservatory, 1987

Instructor ‹pek ALTINELUG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Harp, 1986; Master:Conservatoire de Musique de GeneveHarp, 1987; M. MSUSC Harp, 1991;UG. MSUSC Composition, 1992

Instructor Cem KÜÇÜMENUG. Istanbul State ConservatoryGuitar, 1994


Instructor Rayna POPOVAUG. Burgaz State Conservatory Piano,1967; Master: Sofya Music AcademyPiano, 1978

Instructor Ece ‹D‹L UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Singing, 1980; PA.MSUSC, 1983


Programme Head:Assist. Prof. Ayla ULUDERE

Prof. Mehmet Ali BO⁄UÇUG. Ankara State ConservatoryBassoon, 1974

Assist.Prof. Ayla ULUDEREUG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Flute, 1994; Master:MSUSC Flute, 1998; PA. MSUSC,2005

Instructor Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ UG. University of Hacettepe StateConservatory Oboe, 1984; Master:Istanbul State Conservatory Oboe,2002

Instructor Sezai TARAKÇI UG. Musik Akademie MünchenTrombone, 1965

Instructor Mehmet SÖKMEN UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Percussion, 1988

Instructor Vieri BOTTAZZINI UG. Conservatorio di Musica“Guiseppe Verdi” – Milano Flute,1993

Instructor Feza ÇET‹N UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Clarinet, 1989

Instructor Staff Edip POLATUG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Trumpet, 1985


Programme Head:Prof. Gürer AYKAL

Prof. Gürer AYKALUG. Ankara State ConservatoryViolin, 1963; UG. ASC Composition,1969; M. Guildhall School ofMusic and Royal Academy of MusicConducting, 1972

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan UÇARSU UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Composition, 1990;M. MSUSC Composition, 1992; Ph.D:University of Pennsylvania, 1997

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özkan MANAV UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Composition, 1991;M. MSUSC Composition, 1994; DMA:Boston University Composition, 1999

Assist. Prof. Volkan BARUT UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Viola, 1976; UG.MSUSC Composition, 1979; Master:MSUSC Composition, 1981

Assist. Prof. Mehmet NEMUTLU UG. Mimar Sinan University StateConservatory Composition, 1993;Master: MSUSC Composition, 1996;PA: MSUSC, 2002






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Selective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 8 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Selective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 9 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Presentation 30

Total 30

Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Selective Courses Total18.1.5101.1 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.5101.2 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.5102.0 Repertory Studies (Viola) 2 1018.1.5103.0 Repertory Studies (Violoncello) 2 1018.1.5104.0 Repertory Studies (Double bass) 2 1018.1.5105.0 Solo Repertory (Violin) 2 518.1.5106.0 Solo Repertory (Viola) 2 518.1.5107.0 Solo Repertory (Violoncello) 2 518.1.5108.0 Solo Repertory (Double bass) 2 5

Elective Courses18.1.5120.0 Chamber Music in the Baroque Era 2 518.1.5121.0 Research of the 20th Century Pedagogy 2 518.1.5122.0 Romantic Era Orchestral Repertory 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Selective Courses Total18.1.5201.1 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.5201.2 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.5202.0 Repertory Studies (Viola) 2 1018.1.5203.0 Repertory Studies (Violoncello) 2 1018.1.5204.0 Repertory Studies (Double bass) 2 1018.1.5205.0 Solo Repertory (Violin) 2 518.1.5206.0 Solo Repertory (Viola) 2 518.1.5207.0 Solo Repertory (Violoncello) 2 518.1.5208.0 Solo Repertory (Double bass) 2 5

Elective Courses18.1.5220.0 Chamber Music in the Baroque Era 2 518.1.5221.0 Research of the 20th Century Pedagogy 2 518.1.5222.0 Romantic Era Orchestral Repertory 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.1.6101.1 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6101.2 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6102.0 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6103.0 Repertory Studies (Violoncello) 2 1018.1.6104.0 Chamber Music 2 1018.1.6105.0 R.Strauss (Sonata for violin and piano) 2 518.1.6106.0 R.Strauss (Sonata for Violoncello-Piano) 2 5

Elective Courses18.1.6120.0 Advanced Harmony 2 518.1.6121.0 Chamber Orchestra Repertory 2 5 18.1.6122.0 New Currents in Music 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.1.6101.1 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6101.2 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6102.0 Repertory Studies (Violin) 2 1018.1.6103.0 Repertory Studies (Violoncello) 2 1018.1.6104.0 Chamber Music 2 1018.1.6105.0 R.Strauss (Sonata for violin and piano) 2 518.1.6106.0 R.Strauss (Sonata for Violoncello-Piano) 2 5

Elective Courses18.1.6120.0 Advanced Harmony 2 518.1.6121.0 Chamber Orchestra Repertory 2 5 18.1.6122.0 New Currents in Music 2 5





18.1. 5101.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reachperformance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities withina semester. (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos.)Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5101.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reachperformance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities withina semester. (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos.)Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 5102.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reach

performance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities withina semester (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Ruflen GÜNEfi

18.1. 5103.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of works chosen amongBeethoven, Mendelssohn and Chopin’svariations.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 5104.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Double Bass)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof works selected from the concertrepertory of double bass with pianowithin a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MelihBALÇIK

18.1. 5105.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Making at leasttwo of the solo works of J.S. Bach, N.Paganini, M. Reger, E. Ysayé, B.


Bartok, P. Hindemith, A.A. Saygun,N.K. Akses ve ‹. Usmanbafl reachperformance standard within asemester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5106.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of aselected piece from the solo violarepertoryAssessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Ruflen GÜNEfi

18.1. 5107.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of J.S. Bach’s 1st, 3rd, 5th solocello suitesAssessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 5108.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Double Bass)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof classical and contemporary workswritten for solo double bass within asemester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Related

repertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. MelihBALÇIK

18.1. 5109.0 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: AssessmentRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5120.0 CHAMBER MUSIC IN THEBAROQUE ERA2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof works selected from the Baroqueera within a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 5121.0 RESARCH OF THE 20thCENTURY PEDAGOGY 1 hr / week, T 2-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Searching forthe method books, aiming stringinstruments education, which waswritten in 20th Century.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L




18.1. 5122.0 ROMANTIC ERAORCHESTRAL REPERTORY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Workingthoroughly on at least two selectedorchestral works composed betweenthe period 1830-1900 within asemester with emphasis on thesignificance in the score.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL


18.1. 5201.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reachperformance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities withina semester. (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos.)Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5201.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reachperformance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities within

a semester. (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos.)Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 5202.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire reachperformance standard, focusing onmusical and technical qualities withina semester (Eg: Sonatas with Piano,concert pieces, and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Ruflen GÜNEfi

18.1. 5203.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of works chosen amongBeethoven, Mendelssohn and Chopin’svariations.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 5204.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Double Bass)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof works selected from the concert



repertory of double bass with pianowithin a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. MelihBALÇIK

18.1. 5205.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Making at leasttwo of the solo works of J.S. Bach,N. Paganini, M. Reger, E. Ysayé, B.Bartok, P. Hindemith, A.A. Saygun,N.K. Akses ve ‹. Usmanbafl reachperformance standard within asemester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5206.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of aselected piece from the solo violarepertoryAssessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5207.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of J.S. Bach’s 1st, 3rd, 5th solocello suitesAssessment Method: Examination

Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 5208.0 SOLO REPERTORY(Double Bass)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof classical and contemporary workswritten for solo double bass within asemester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. MelihBALÇIK

18.1. 5209.0 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: AssessmentRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5220.0 CHAMBER MUSIC IN THEBAROQUE ERA2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Thorough studyof works selected from the Baroqueera within a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL



18.1. 5221.0 RESARCH ON THE 20TH.CENTURY PEDAGOGY 1 hr / week, T 2-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Searching forthe method books, aiming stringinstruments education, which waswritten in 20th century.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 5222.0 ROMANTIC ERAORCHESTRAL REPERTORY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Workingthoroughly on at least two selectedorchestral works composed betweenthe period 1830-1900 within asemester with emphasis on thesignificance in the score.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL



18.1.6101.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6101.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL



18.1. 6102.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Ruflen GÜNEfi

18.1. 6103.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of cello - piano sonatas chosenfrom works of Brahms and Beethoven Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 6104.0 CHAMBER MUSIC2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of workschosen from the classical andRomantic Eras within a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6105.0 R.STRAUSS (VIOLIN-PIANO SONATA)1 hr / week, T 1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Working on thecomposer’s Op.18 E-flat Major Sonatafor Violin and Piano thoroughlywithin a semester at performancelevel.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6106.0 R.STRAUSS(VIOLONCELLO-PIANO SONATA)1 hr / week, T1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Stylistic analysisof R. Strauss’s Violoncello-PianoSonataAssessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 6120.0 ADVANCED HARMONY2 hrs / week, T2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Understandingof instrumentation and orchestrationunder the main heading: Melodic andharmonic structures rainforcingatonalism of those composers likeLiszt, Wagner, Scriabin, who from thebreaking point of classical harmony.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Cumhur BAKIfiKAN

18.1. 6121.0 CHAMBER ORCHESTRAREPERTORY1 hr / week, T1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Working on atleast two of the chamber music pieces



of Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Grieg,Sibelius, Bartok, Britten,Shostakovich, Erkin, Saygun andUsmanbafl within a semester withprecision on details.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 6122.0 NEW CURRENTS INMUSIC2 hrs / week, T2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A generaloutline of the first half of 20th centurymusic is presented in terms ofoutstanding composers, works andesthetic periods in comparison withother artistic movements.Assessment Method: Essay assessmentRecommended Readings:MORGAN, Robert P., Twentieth

Century Music, USA: W.W.Norton&Company, Inc. 1991 WATKINS, Glenn, Soundings: Musicin TheTwentieth Century,USA: Simon & Schuster MacMillan,1995 SCHWARTZ, E.-GODFREY, D.,Music since 1945, USA: SchirmerBooks, 1993Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.Dr. HasanUÇARSU


18.1.6201.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composing

the concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6201.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violin)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 6202.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Viola)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Making thepieces selected among those composingthe concert repertoire, excluding theworks studied at the graduate level,reach performance standard with afocus on musical and technicalqualities within a semester (Eg:



Sonatas with the accompany of thepiano, concert pieces with accompany,and concertos).Assessment Method: Examination

Recommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Ruflen GÜNEfi

18.1. 6203.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Violoncello)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy of cello - piano sonatas chosenfrom works of Brahms and Beethoven. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 6204.0 CHAMBER MUSIC2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of workschosen from the classical andRomantic Eras within a semester.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6205.0 S. PROKOFIEFF(VIOLIN-PIANO SONATA)1 hr / week, T1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Working on thecomposer’s Op.80 Sonata for Violinand Piano thoroughly within asemester at performance level.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Çi¤dem ‹Y‹C‹L

18.1. 6206.0 S. PROKOFIEFF(VIOLONCELLO-PIANO SONATA)1 hr / week, T1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: A comparativestylistic analysis of S. Prokofieff’sviolin-flute sonatas accompanied bythe piano with his violoncello sonataaccompanied by the piano.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Reflit ERZ‹N

18.1. 6220.0 ADVANCEDHARMONY2 hrs / week, T2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Understandingof instrumentation and orchestrationunder the main heading: Melodic andharmonic structures rainforcingatonalism of those composers likeLiszt, Wagner, Scriabin, who from thebreaking point of classical harmony.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Cumhur BAKIfiKAN

18.1. 6221.0 CHAMBER ORCHESTRAREPERTORY1 hr / week, T1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Working on atleast two of the chamber music piecesof Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Grieg,Sibelius, Bartok, Britten,Shostakovich, Erkin, Saygun andUsmanbafl within a semester withprecision on details.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedRepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. ZeynurERENGÖNÜL

18.1. 6222.0 NEW CURRENTS INMUSIC2 hrs / week, T2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A generaloutline of the second half of 20thcentury music is presented in terms ofoutstanding composers, works andesthetic periods in comparison withother artistic movements.Assessment Method: PresentationRecommended Readings:MORGAN, Robert P., TwentiethCentury Music, USA: W.W.Norton&Company, Inc. 1991 WATKINS, Glenn, Soundings: Musicin The Twentieth Century,USA: Simon & Schuster MacMillan,1995 SCHWARTZ,E.-GODFREY,D., Musicsince 1945, USA: SchirmerBooks,1993Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.Dr. HasanUçarsu







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 8 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 9 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Presentation 30

Total 30

Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total18.2.5101.1 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.2 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.3 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.4 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.5 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.6 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.7 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5101.8 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5102.0 Repertory Studies (Guitar) 2 1018.2.5103.0 Repertory Studies (Harp) 2 1018.2.5110.1 Seminar 0 518.2.5110.2 Seminar 0 518.2.5110.3 Seminar 0 518.2.5111.0 Chamber Music: Classical Period (Piano) 2 5 18.2.5112.0 Chamber Music: Baroque, Classic Period (Guitar) 2 518.2.5113.0 Chamber Music: (Harp) 2 518.2.5114.0 The Piano Sonatas of Beethoven from his 1. and 2. Period 2 518.2.5115.0 Guitar Literature and Repertoire 2 5

Elective Courses18.2.5120.0 Haydn Keyboard Sonatas (I) 2 518.2.5121.0 French Piano Music at the Beginning of 20th Century-1 2 518.2.5123.0 Sight Reading at Piano and Learning Compositions in a Short Time 2 518.2.5124.0 Opera Repertory: Classical Era 2 518.2.5125.0 The Repertory of Romantic Lied 2 518.2.5126.0 The Repertory of String Instruments with Piano 2 5




2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total18.2.5201.1 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.2 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.3 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.4 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.5 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.6 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.7 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5201.8 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.5202.0 Repertory Studies (Guitar) 2 1018.2.5203.0 Repertory Studies (Harp) 2 1018.2.5210.1 Seminar 0 518.2.5210.2 Seminar 0 518.2.5210.3 Seminar 0 518.2.5211.0 Chamber Music: Classical Period (Piano) 2 5 18.2.5212.0 Chamber Music: Baroque, Classic Period (Guitar) 2 518.2.5213.0 Chamber Music: (Harp) 2 518.2.5214.0 The Piano Sonatas of Beethoven from his 1. and 2. Period 2 518.2.5215.0 Guitar Literature and Repertoire 2 5

Elective Courses18.2.5220.0 Haydn Keyboard Sonatas (II) 2 518.2.5221.0 French Piano Music at the Beginning of 20th Century-1 2 518.2.5223.0 Sight Reading at Piano and Learning Compositions in a Short Time 2 518.2.5224.0 Opera Repertory: Classical Era 2 518.2.5225.0 The Repertory of Romantic Lied 2 518.2.5226.0 The Repertory of String Instruments with Piano 2 5



PROFICIENCY IN ART PROGRAMME1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.2.6101.1 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.2 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.3 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.4 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.5 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6102.0 Repertory Studies (Guitar) 2 1018.2.6110.0 Chamber Music: Post Romantic, Impressionist Era 2 518.2.6111.0 Classicism in Piano 2 5

Elective Courses18.2.6120.0 Accompanying: Lied Repertory 2 518.2.6121.0 The Piano Works of Bartok (I) 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.2.6101.1 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.2 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.3 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.4 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6101.5 Repertory Studies (Piano) 2 1018.2.6102.0 Repertory Studies (Guitar) 2 1018.2.6210.0 Chamber Music: 20. Century 2 518.2.6211.0 Romanticism in Piano 2 5

Elective Courses18.2.6120.0 Accompanying: Lied Repertory 2 518.2.6121.0 The Piano Works of Bartok (I) 2 5





18.2. 5101.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 5101.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 5101.3 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: Examination

Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5101.4 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. EsinKANBERO⁄LU

18.2. 5101.5 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. HülyaARDIÇ

18.2. 5101.6 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.



Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. PerimKÖKNARER

18.2. 5101.7 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Arzu ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5101.8 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ZeynepYAMANTÜRK

18.2. 5102.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Guitar)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from soloand concerto literature selected fromvarious periods of guitar repertory is

performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL

18.2. 5103.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Harp)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from soloand concerto literature selected fromvarious periods of harp repertory isperformed. Assessment Method:ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ‹pek ALTINEL

18.2. 5110.1 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, adissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 5110.2 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, a



dissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 5110.3 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, adissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5111.0 0 CHAMBER MUSIC:CLASSICAL PERIOD (Piano) 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works for two-piano,and chamber music with pianocomposed in the classical period areperformed. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 5112.0 CHAMBER MUSIC:BAROQUE, CLASSICAL PERIOD(Guitar)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works for guitarrepertory composed in the baroqueand classical period are performed.Assessment Method: Examination

Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL

18.2. 5113.0 CHAMBER MUSIC (Harp)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Repertoryconsisting of works composed inbaroque and classical periods, forensembles of winds or strings withharp are studied and performed.Course work is presented within aproject and a detailed score analysis isrequired for each work.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ‹pek ALTINEL

18.2. 5114.0 THE PIANO SONATAS OFBEETHOVEN FROM HIS 1ST AND2ND PERIOD 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The sonatasbelong to the periods that arementioned above are analyzed interms of form, harmonic novelties,interaction with other works, and thenovelty they brought to pianorepertory. Performing traditions arepresented and the influence of thesesonatas to later periods is examined.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. HülyaTARCAN



18.2. 5115.0 GUITAR LITERATURE ANDREPERTOIRE 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of guitarcomposers and their works beginningfrom the Renaissance tillcontemporary music. Presentation ofimportant works with CD/CD-Rom/VCD and DVD.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings:WADE, Graham, A Concise History ofthe Classical Guitar, Mel BayPublication 2001 TURNBULL, Harvey, The Guitarfrom the Renaissance to the PresentDay, The Bold Strummer,Ltd 1991RAGOSSNIG, Konrad, Handbuch derGitarre und Laute, Schott 1978TYLER, James, The Early Guitar,Oxford 1980SUMMERFIELD, J.Maurice, TheClassical Guitar, Ashley MarkPublishing Company 1991Teaching Staff: Cem KÜÇÜMEN

18.2. 5120.0 HAYDN KEYBOARDSONATAS ( I )2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: In this lectureHaydn’s piano sonatas will be studiedwith respect to the period in whichthey are written and also Haydn’sdevelopment as a composer.While studying Haydn sonatas we willuse the following headlinesThe Early Sonatas (I) L. 1-12 The Early Sonatas (II) L. 13-20The Middle Period (I) L. 21-33SonatasAssesment Methods: Examination

Recommended Readings:BARTHA, Dénes, Joseph Haydn-Gesammelte Briefe undAufzeichnungen, Basel 1965BUCAK, Selen, Haydn KeyboardSonatas, ‹stanbul 1996LANDON, H.C. Robbins, Haydn:Chronicles and Works, Londra 1976LANDON, H.C. Robbins and JONES,David Wyn, Haydn-His Life andMusic, Londra 1988Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. SelenBUCAK

18.2. 5121.0 FRENCH PIANO MUSICAT THE BEGINNING OF 20THCENTURY-12 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Debussy’s pianoworks are surveyed in comparison toRavel’s in the course ofimpressionism's emerge and progress.The improvement of the formation ofthe composer’s personal style holds acentral role in this research.Assessment Method: WrittenExamination.Recommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5123.0 SIGHT-READING ATPIANO AND LEARNINGCOMPOSITIONS IN A SHORT TIME2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Our purpose isto make the student acquire analyticalpractising as a habit; while working onspecial kinds of playing, madeaccording to the period of thecomposition with harmonic and formanalysis in a disciplined approach.



Assesment Methods: Sight-Reading atpiano Recommended Readings:HEUSER, Paul, Das Klavierspiel derBachzeit, Londra 2004LEIMER, Karl-GIESEKING, Walter,Modernes Klavierspiel, Londra 1998BERNSTEIN, Seymour, Mit eigenenHaenden, Londra 2001WIELAND, Renate- UHDE, Jürgen,Forschendes Üben.Wegeinstrumentalen Lernens.Über denInterpreten und Körper als Instrumentder Musik, Kassel 2002 BAESLER,Hans, Neue Musikvermitteln,mit 2 Audio-CDs, Londra2004Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. EceDEM‹RC‹

18.2. 5124.0 OPERA REPERTORY:CLASSICAL ERA2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: In this lecturefollowing will be analyzed in detail:The role of Mozart in the opera world;the usage of accompagnato recitativowhich had been introduced for thefirst time by Mozart; the differencesbetween secco recitativo andaccompagnato recitativo regardingtheir interpretation and theircharacteristics; appogiatura,ornamentation, and the tempi whichshould be paid attention in Mozart’soperas. Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

18.2. 5125.0 THE REPERTORY OFROMANTIC LIED2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Observing thestylistic differences, Lieds of thesignificant romantic composers fromSchubert to R. Strauss are taught.Assessment Method: Romantic Liedaccompaniment Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Ece ‹D‹L

18.2. 5126.0 THE REPERTORY OFSTRING MUSIC WITH PIANO2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Major works ofthe chamber music repertorycombining the piano with stringinstruments are studied and practiced.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR


18.2. 5201.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR



18.2. 5201.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 5201.3 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5201.4 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. EsinKANBERO⁄LU

18.2. 5201.5 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. HülyaARDIÇ

18.2. 5201.6 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. PerimKÖKNARER

18.2. 5201.7 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Arzu ÜLKÜ



18.2. 5201.8 REPERTORY STUDIES(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from thepiano literature selected at least fromthree different periods of pianorepertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ZeynepYAMANTÜRK

18.2. 5202.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Guitar)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from soloand concerto literature selected fromvarious periods of guitar repertory isperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL

18.2. 5203.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Harp)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from soloand concerto literature selected fromvarious periods of harp repertory isperformed. Assessment Method:ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ‹pek ALTINEL

18.2. 5210.1 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, adissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 5210.2 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, adissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 5210.3 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks is based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations. In addition, adissertation paper is obligatory.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5211.0 CHAMBER MUSIC:ROMANTIC PERIOD (Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 Credits, 5 ECTS



Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works of two-pianoand chamber music with pianocomposed in romantic period areperformed.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 5212.0 CHAMBER MUSIC:MODERN (Guitar)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works of guitarrepertory composed in modern periodare performed.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings: Relatedrepertory Teaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL

18.2. 5213.0 CHAMBER MUSIC(Harp)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Repertoryconsisting of works composed afterclassical period, for ensembles ofwinds or strings with harp are studiedand performed. Course work ispresented within a project and adetailed score analysis required foreach work.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: ‹pek ALTINEL

18.2. 5214.0 THE PIANO SONATAS OFBEETHOVEN FROM HIS 3RD PERIOD 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The sonatasbelong to the periods that arementioned above are analyzed interms of form, harmonic novelties,interaction with other works, and thenovelty they brought to pianorepertory. Performing traditions arepresented and the influence of thesesonatas to later periods is examined.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. HülyaTARCAN

18.2. 5215.0 GUITAR LITERATURE ANDREPERTOIRE 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of guitarcomposers and their works beginningfrom the Renaissance tillcontemporary music. Presentation ofimportant works withCD/CD-Rom/VCD and DVD.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings:WADE, Graham, A Concise History ofthe Classical Guitar, Mel BayPublication 2001 TURNBULL, Harvey, The Guitarfrom the Renaissance to the PresentDay, The Bold Strummer,Ltd 1991RAGOSSNIG, Konrad, Handbuch derGitarre und Laute, Schott 1978TYLER, James, The Early Guitar,Oxford 1980SUMMERFIELD, J.Maurice, TheClassical Guitar, Ashley Mark



Publishing Company 1991Teaching Staff: Cem KÜÇÜMEN

18.2. 5220.0 HAYDN KEYBOARDSONATAS ( II )2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits 5ECTS Objective / Contents: In the secondterm we will continue to study thesonatas:The Middle Period (II) L. 34-41The Middle Period (III) L. 42-47The Middle Period (IV) L. 48-57The Late Period (I) L. 58 and 59The Late Period (II) The Last ThreeSonatasAssessment Method: ExaminationRecommended ReadingsBARTHA, Dénes, Joseph Haydn-Gesammelte Briefe undAufzeichnungen, Basel 1965BUCAK, Selen, Haydn KeyboardSonatas, ‹stanbul 1996.LANDON, H.C. Robbins, Haydn:Chronicles and Works, Londra 1976LANDON, H.C. Robbins and JONES,David Wyn, Haydn-His Life andMusic, Londra 1988Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. SelenBUCAK

18.2. 5221.0 FRENCH PIANO MUSICAT THE BEGINNING OF 20THCENTURY-22 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The piano worksof French composers other thanDebussy and Ravel will be exploredaccording to their specific qualities.Assessment Method: WrittenExamination.Recommended Readings:

MARNAT M,, Maurice RavelLOCKSPEISER E., Claude DebussyFLEURY V., L’impressionisme et lamusiqueJANKELEVITCH V., Debussy,impressionisme et symbolismeTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 5223.0 SIGHT-READING ATPIANO AND LEARNINGCOMPOSITIONS IN A SHORT TIME2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Our purpose isto make the student acquire analyticalpractising as a habit; while working onspecial kinds of playing, madeaccording to the period of thecomposition with harmonic and formanalysis in a disciplined approach. Assesment Methods: Sight-Reading atpiano Recommended Readings:HEUSER, Paul, Das Klavierspiel derBachzeit, Londra 2004LEIMER, Karl-GIESEKING, Walter,Modernes Klavierspiel, Londra 1998BERNSTEIN, Seymour, Mit eigenenHaenden, Londra 2001WIELAND, Renate- UHDE, Jürgen,Forschendes Üben.Wegeinstrumentalen Lernens.Über denInterpreten und Körper als Instrumentder Musik, Kassel 2002 BAESLER,Hans, Neue Musikvermitteln,mit 2 Audio-CDs, Londra2004Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. EceDEM‹RC‹



18.2. 5224.0 OPERA REPERTORY:ROMANTIC, 20TH CENTURY 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: In this lecturethe essential characteristics of thefollowing will be analyzed: Theprogress of the European and Slavicopera in the 19th century; bel cantostyle; eminent leaders of verismo; themost important operas of the 20thcentury.Assessment Method: PlayingRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

18.2. 5125.0 THE REPERTORY OFROMANTIC LIED2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Observing thestylistic differences, Lieds of thesignificant romantic composers fromSchubert to R. Strauss are taught.Assessment Method: Romantic Liedaccompaniment Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Ece ‹D‹L

18.2. 5226.0 THE REPERTORY OFSTRING MUSIC WITH PIANO2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Major works ofthe chamber music repertorycombining the piano and stringinstruments are studied and practiced. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR





18.2. 6101.1 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 6101.2 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 6101.3 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 6101.4 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. PerimKÖKNARER

18.2. 6101.5 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. HülyaARDIÇ

18.2. 6102.0 REPERTORY STUDY(Guitar)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: An extensiveprogram of selected works fromvarious periods of guitar repertory isperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL



18.2. 6110.0 CHAMBER MUSIC:POST-ROMANTIC, IMPRESSIONIST2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works of two-pianoand chamber music with pianocomposed in post-romantic andimpressionist period are performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 6111.0 CLASSICISM IN PIANO2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A classicalperiod composer such as Haydn isselected and all stylistic, technicalfeatures of his music are examined ininteraction with other composers.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 6120.0 ACCOMPANYING: LIEDREPERTORY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Principle worksof outstanding Lied composers ofvarious periods are analyzed withspecial emphasis on the techniques ofaccompaniment.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

18.2. 6121.0 THE PIANO WORKS OFBARTÓK ( I )2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 Credits, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: Trailing hispiano works, the stylistic developmentof the composer is reviewed. The 1stto 4th stylistic periods of the composerare mainly surveyed in the firstsemester, the 5th stylistic period andthe works revealing this final phaseare reviewed in the second semester. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings:-Teaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ


18.2. 6201.1 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 6201.2 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs/week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10 ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN



18.2. 6201.3 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ

18.2. 6201.4 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. PerimKÖKNARER

18.2. 6201.5 REPERTORY STUDY(Piano)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A broadprogram of extensive works from sololiterature selected from various periodsof piano repertory is performed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. HülyaARDIÇ

18.2. 6202.0 REPERTORY STUDY(Guitar)2 hrs. / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10ECTS Objective / Contents: An extensiveprogram of selected works fromvarious periods of guitar repertory isperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. SonerEGESEL

18.2. 6210.0 CHAMBER MUSIC: 20THCENTURY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Examples fromthe outstanding works of two-pianoand chamber music with pianocomposed in the 20th century areperformed. Assessment Method:ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. SeherTANRIYAR

18.2. 6211.0 ROMANTICISM IN PIANO2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The method inclassic period is applied to a composerselected from romantic period.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Hülya TARCAN

18.2. 6220.0 ACCOMPANYING:OPERA REPERTORY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Principle operasof outstanding composers of variousperiods are analyzed with payingspecial emphasis on the techniques ofaccompaniment. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

18.2. 6221.0 THE PIANO WORKS OFBARTÓK ( II )2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Trailing hispiano works, the stylistic developmentof the composer is reviewed. The 1stto 4th stylistic periods of the composerare mainly surveyed in the firstsemester, the 5th stylistic period andthe works revealing this final phaseare reviewed in the second semester. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Metin ÜLKÜ







1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 8 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 9 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Presentation 30

Total 30

Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total18.3.5101.1 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 1018.3.5101.2 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.5102.0 Repertory Studies (Clarinet) 2 10 18.3.5103.0 Repertory Studies (Bassoon) 2 10 18.3.5104.0 Repertory Studies (Horn) 2 10 18.3.5105.0 Repertory Studies (Trumpet) 2 10

18.3.5106.0 Repertory Studies (Trombone) 2 1018.3.5107.0 Repertory Studies (Percussion) 2 1018.3.5108.0 Repertory Studies (Oboe) 2 10 18.3.5109.1 Seminar 0 5 18.3.5109.2 Seminar 0 518.3.5109.3 Seminar 0 5

Elective Courses18.3.5120.1 Chamber Music: Baroque or Classical (Repertory) 2 518.3.5120.2 Chamber Music: Baroque or Classical (Repertory) 2 518.3.5121.0 Orchestral Repertory: Classical Period 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total18.3.5201.1 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 1018.3.5201.2 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.5202.0 Repertory Studies (Clarinet) 2 10 18.3.5203.0 Repertory Studies (Bassoon) 2 10 18.3.5204.0 Repertory Studies (Horn) 2 10 18.3.5205.0 Repertory Studies (Trumpet) 2 10

18.3.5206.0 Repertory Studies (Trombone) 2 1018.3.5207.0 Repertory Studies (Percussion) 2 1018.3.5208.0 Repertory Studies (Oboe) 2 10 18.3.5209.1 Seminar 0 5 18.3.5209.2 Seminar 0 518.3.5209.3 Seminar 0 5

Elective Courses18.3.5220.1 Chamber Music: Baroque or Classical (Repertory) 2 518.3.5220.2 Chamber Music: Baroque or Classical (Repertory) 2 518.3.5221.0 Orchestral Repertory: Classical Period 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.3.6101.1 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.6101.2 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.6102.0 Repertory Studies (Oboe) 2 10 18.3.6103.0 Repertory Studies (Clarinet) 2 10 18.3.6104.0 Repertory Studies (Bassoon) 2 1018.3.6105.0 Repertory Studies (Horn) 2 10 18.3.6106.0 Repertory Studies (Trumpet) 2 1018.3.6107.0 Repertory Studies (Trombone) 2 1018.3.6108.0 Repertory Studies (Percussion) 2 10

Elective Courses18.3.6120.1 Chamber Music 2 5 18.3.6120.2 Chamber Music 2 5 18.3.6121.0 Repertory Work: Sonatas 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.3.6201.1 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.6201.2 Repertory Studies (Flute) 2 10 18.3.6202.0 Repertory Studies (Oboe) 2 10 18.3.6203.0 Repertory Studies (Clarinet) 2 10 18.3.6204.0 Repertory Studies (Bassoon) 2 1018.3.6205.0 Repertory Studies (Horn) 2 10 18.3.6206.0 Repertory Studies (Trumpet) 2 1018.3.6207.0 Repertory Studies (Trombone) 2 1018.3.6208.0 Repertory Studies (Percussion) 2 10

Elective Courses18.3.6220.1 Chamber Music 2 5 18.3.6220.2 Chamber Music 2 5 18.3.6221.0 Repertory Work: Sonatas 2 5





18.3. 5101.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 5101.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI

18.3. 5102.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Clarinet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for the

concert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Feza ÇETIN

18.3. 5103.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Bassoon)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor bassoon, such as bassoon sonatas,bassoon concertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet AliBO⁄UÇ

18.3. 5104.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Horn)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 5105.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Trumpet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture has


the end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Edip POLAT

18.3. 5106.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Trombone)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 5107.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Percussion)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 5108.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Oboe)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor oboe, such as oboe sonatas, oboeconcertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5109.1 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5109.2 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZINI




18.3. 5109.3 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 5120.1 CHAMBER MUSIC :BAROQUE OR CLASSICALREPERTORY 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Individual studyof the chamber music works whichwere composed in the baroque orclassical era.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 5120.2 CHAMBER MUSIC :BAROQUE OR CLASSICALREPERTORY 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Individual studyof the chamber music works whichwere composed in the baroque orclassical era.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5121.0 ORCHESTRALREPERTORY: CLASSICAL PERIOD 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: This courseattempts to study the individual partsof classical works in detail.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ


18.3. 5201.1 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 5201.2 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Flute)2 hrs. / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: Examination


Recommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI

18.3. 5202.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Clarinet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10

ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Feza ÇETIN

18.3. 5203.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Bassoon)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor bassoon, such as bassoon sonatas,bassoon concertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet AliBO⁄UÇ

18.3. 5204.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Horn)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level of

performance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 5205.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Trumpet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Edip POLAT

18.3. 5206.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Trombone)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI




18.3. 5207.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Percussion)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 5208.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Oboe)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor oboe, such as oboe sonatas, oboeconcertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5209.1 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5209.2 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI

18.3. 5209.3 SEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Study of musicalworks based on characteristics ofdifferent eras and performance styleswith a focus on edition, interpretation,and stylistic variations in addition to adissertation paper.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 5220.1 CHAMBER MUSIC :BAROQUE OR CLASSICALREPERTORY 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Individual studyof the chamber music works whichwere composed in the baroque orclassical era.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE


18.3. 5220.2 CHAMBER MUSIC :BAROQUE OR CLASSICALREPERTORY 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Individual studyof the chamber music works whichwere composed in the baroque orclassical era.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 5221.0 ORCHESTRALREPERTORY: CLASSICAL PERIOD 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: This courseattempts to study the individual partsof classical works in detail.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ



18.3. 6101.1 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 6101.2 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI

18.3. 6102.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Oboe)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of the




works which are composed principallyfor oboe, such as oboe sonatas, oboeconcertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Reading: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 6103.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Clarinet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10

ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Feza ÇETIN

18.3. 6104.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Bassoon)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10 ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor bassoon, such as bassoon sonatas,bassoon concertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet AliBO⁄UÇ

18.3. 6105.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Horn)2 hrs/week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10 ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 6106.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Trumpet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Edip POLAT

18.3. 6107.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Trombone)2 hrs. / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities.


Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 6108.0 REPERTORY STUDIES:(Percussion)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 6120.1 CHAMBER MUSIC 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy and performance of chamberworks from two to eight in numbersuch as duos, trios, quartets etc.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 6120.2 CHAMBER MUSIC 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy and performance of chamberworks from two to eight in numbersuch as duos, trios, quartets etc.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Related

repertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 6121.0 REPERTORY WORK :Sonatas 1 hr / week, T 1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: During asemester sonatas selected from theBaroque, Classical and Romantic Eraare practised.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI


18.3. 6201.1 REPERTORY STUDIES(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 6201.2 REPERTORY STUDIES(Flute)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. It




is laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri BOTTAZZINI

18.3. 6202.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Oboe)2hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principallyfor oboe, such as oboe sonatas, oboeconcertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 6203.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Clarinet)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Feza ÇETIN

18.3. 6204.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Bassoon)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10

ECTS Objective / Contents: Solos of theworks which are composed principally

for bassoon, such as bassoon sonatas,bassoon concertos and solo pieces areperformed.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Prof. Mehmet AliBO⁄UÇ

18.3. 6205.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Horn)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 6206.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Trumpet)2 hrs. / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Edip POLAT


18.3. 6207.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Trombone)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Sezai TARAKÇI

18.3. 6208.0 REPERTORY STUDIES(Percussion)2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: This lecture hasthe end to bring the studentperforming the selected pieces for theconcert repertory to a level ofperformance standard in a semester. Itis laid heavy stress on musical andtechnical qualities. Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Mehmet SÖKMEN

18.3. 6220.1 CHAMBER MUSIC 2 hrs/week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy and performance of chamberworks from two to eight in numbersuch as duos, trios, quartets etc.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof. AylaULUDERE

18.3. 6220.2 CHAMBER MUSIC 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A thoroughstudy and performance of chamberworks from two to eight in numbersuch as duos, trios, quartets etc.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Bengü GÜLÖKSÜZ

18.3. 6221.0 REPERTORY WORK:SONATAS 1 hr / week, T 1-S0, 1 credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: During asemester sonatas selected from theBaroque, Classical and Romantic Eraare practised.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Readings: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Vieri Bottazzini






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 8 15

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSSeminar Courses Total 0 5 Compulsory Elective Courses Total 2 10Elective Courses Total 9 15

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis/Work Presentation 30

Total 30

Total: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar, 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.4.5101.0 Composition 2 1018.4.5101.1 Composition 2 1018.4.5101.2 Composition 2 1018.4.5101.3 Composition 2 1018.4.5102.0 Advanced Conducting Techniques 2 1018.4.5103.1 Symphonic Repertory Seminar 0 5

Elective Courses18.4.5121.0 Piano Works of Turkish Composers 2 5 18.4.5122.0 The Symphonies of Mahler 2 5 18.4.5123.0 Musical Formation Pedagogy 2 518.4.5124.0 Orchestra and Group Conducting – 1 2 518.4.5125.0 The Fugal Techniques of J. S. Bach 2 518.4.5126.0 Choral Repertory and Conducting Techniques 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.4.5201.0 Composition 2 1018.4.5201.1 Composition 2 1018.4.5201.2 Composition 2 1018.4.5201.3 Composition 2 1018.4.5202.0 Advanced Conducting Techniques 2 10

Elective Courses18.4.5221.0 The Music of ‹lhan Usmanbafl 2 5 18.4.5222.0 The Music of Lutoslawski 2 518.4.5223.0 Applied Musical Formation Pedagogy 2 518.4.5224.0 Periods, Styles and Perceptionsin Contemporary Turkish Music 2 518.4.5225.0 Mixed Chamber Ensemble in 20th Century Music 2 5 18.4.5227.0 Orchestra and Group Conducting – 2 2 518.4.5228.0 Conducting Techniques in Contemporary Music 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses Total 10Elective Courses Total 20

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.4.6101.0 Composition 2 1018.4.6101.1 Composition 2 1018.4.6101.2 Composition 2 1018.4.6101.3 Composition 2 10

Elective Courses18.4.6120.0 Piano Sonatas of the Classical Era 2 518.4.6121.0 The Music of Bartók – 1 2 518.4.6122.0 Symphonic Music of Saygun 2 518.4.6123.0 Poetics of Music by Composers – 1 2 518.4.6124.0 Studies of Composition Within a Given Style and Form 2 518.4.6125.0 The Music After Modernism 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSCompulsory Elective Courses18.4.6201.0 Composition 2 1018.4.6201.1 Composition 2 1018.4.6201.2 Composition 2 1018.4.6201.3 Composition 2 10

Elective Courses18.4.6220.0 Piano Sonatas of the Romantic Era 2 5 18.4.6221.0 The Music of Bartók – 2 2 518.4.6222.0 The Music of Ligeti 2 518.4.6223.0 Poetics of Music by Composers – 1 2 518.4.6224.0 Studies ofComposition Within a Given Technique and Material 2 5





18.4. 5101.0 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU

18.4. 5101.1 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan MANAV

18.4. 5101.2 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS

Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBARUT

18.4. 5101.3 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed work Recommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNEMUTLU

18.4. 5102.0 ADVANCEDCONDUCTING TECHNIQUES2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: To studyadvanced baton techniques, rehearsalmethods and solve rehearsal problems.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:MAX, Rudolf. The Grammar of


Conducting: A Comprehensive Guideto Baton Technique andInterpretation, Wadsworth Publishing,1995.GREEN, Elizabeth A. ModernConductor, Prentice Hall, 2003.BAMBERGER, Carl. The Conductor'sArt, Columbia University Press, 1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL

18.4. 5103.1 SYMPHONIC REPERTORYSEMINAR2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 0 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: To studysymphonic repertory throughly,focusing mainly on the secondaryworks that lay on the further side ofthe core repertory.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:ADEY, Christopher. OrchestralPerformance : A Guide for Conductorsand Players, Faber & Faber, London1998.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL

18.4. 5121.0 PIANO WORKS OFTURKISH COMPOSERS2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Principalmovements and composers of Turkishcomposition school are examinedespecially in the context of theircontribution to piano music.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. Cemal Reflit Rey:Müzikten ‹baret Bir DünyadaGezintiler, Dünya Kitaplar›, Istanbul2005.‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. Necil Kâz›m

Akses: Minyatürden Destana BirYolculuk, YKY, Istanbul 1998.‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. ‹lhan Usmanbafl:Ölümsüz Deniz Tafllar›yd›, YKY,Istanbul 2000. ‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin.‹lhan Usmanbafl’a Arma¤an, Sevda-Cenap And Müzik Vakf› Yay›nlar›,Ankara 1994.ARACI, Emre. Ahmed Adnan Saygun:Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,Istanbul 2001.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan MANAV

18.4. 5122.0 THE SYMPHONIES OFMAHLER2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: To studyMahler’s creative world, musicalsymbols, cosmology and hiscontribution to the symphony genre inthe transformation period of late 19thand early 20th centuries focusing onhis symphonies.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:FLOROS, Constantin. Gustav Mahler:The Symphonies, Amadeus Press,2003. ADORNO, Theodor W. Mahler : AMusical Physiognomy, University ofChicago Press,1996.FEDER, Stuart, Gustav Mahler : ALife in Crisis, Yale University Press,2004.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU

18.4. 5123.0 MUSICAL FORMATIONPEDAGOGY2 hrs/week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5 ECTS Objective / Contents: The methods of




the theory of musical formationpedagogy are examinedcomparatively.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:Schema Directeur de I’OrganisationPedagogique des Ecoles de Music,Centre National de Action Musicale.Compétences Souhaitées a la fin destrois Cycles de I’enseignementspecialiseé, Institut de PedagogieMusicale.CULIOLI, Christine. Objectif Musique.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNemutlu

18.4. 5124.0 ORCHESTRA ANDGROUP CONDUCTING – 12 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: To prepare largechamber ensembles, chamberorchestras or student orchestra for aconcert.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:GREEN, Elizabeth. ModernConductor, Prentice Hall, 2003.BAMBERGER, Carl. The Conductor'sArt, Columbia University Press, 1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL

18.4. 5125.0 THE FUGALTECHNIQUES OF J. S. BACH2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Focusing on hiskey work, The Well-Tempered Clavierwhich contains 48 preludes and fuguesfor keyboard instruments, as well asMusical Offering and The Art ofFugue, both composed at the end ofhis life time, the fugal technics of J. S.Bach (including mirror fugues,

retrograded, augmented, reducedfugues and perpetual canons) will beinvestigated. This course is a fineopportunity for the theory andcomposition students to build up adeep understanding about thesubject—i.e. the fugal technics of thegreat Bach.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources: Scores andrecordings of J. S. Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier, Musical Offeringand The Art of FugueTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBARUT

18.4. 5126.0 CHORAL REPERTORYAND CONDUCTING TECHNIQUES2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: To get to knowchoral works with orchestra. To studythe special features of human voiceand chorus and also to learn how tocope with choral rehearsal and tolearn the special features of itsconducting techniques.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:GERRETSON, Robert L. ConductingChoral Music, Prentice Hall, 1998. DURRANT, Colin. Choral Conducting:Philosophy and Practice, Routledge,2003.WILLETTS, Sandra. Beyond theDownbeat: Choral Rehearsal Skillsand Techniques, Abingdon Press,2000.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL


2. SEMESTER18.4. 5201.0 COMPOSITION2 hrs/week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed work Recommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU

18.4. 5201.1 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan MANAV

18.4. 5201.2 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree in

composition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBARUT

18.4. 5201.3 COMPOSITION2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: A compositionactvity, designed for a composer whohad an Bachelor degree incomposition, which is supported withanalysis and study concentratingspecially on aesthetic positions, genreand techniques in order to formhis/her musical personality andmusical language.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: RelatedrepertoryTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNEMUTLU

18.4. 5202.0 ADVANCEDCONDUCTING TECHNIQUES2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTS Objective / Contents: To studyadvanced baton techniques, rehearsalmethods and solve rehearsal problems.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:MAX, Rudolf. the grammar ofconducting: a comprehensive guide tobaton technique and interpretation,wadsworth publishing, 1995.




green, elizabeth a. modern conductor,prentice hall, 2003.bamberger, carl. the conductor's art,columbia university press, 1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL

18.4. 5221.0 THE MUSIC OF ‹LHANUSMANBAfi2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credit, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: A throughexamination of the music of ‹lhanUsmanbafl on technical, analytical andaesthetic basis.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:USMANBAfi, ‹lhan. Yap›tlar›m veÖyküleri, Orkestra Dergisi, issue nr:103, october 1971.‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. ‹lhan Usmanbafl,Istanbul, YKY, 2000.‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. ‹lhan Usmanbafl’aArma¤an, Ankara, Sevda-Cenap AndMüzik Vakf› Yay›nlar›, 1994.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 5222.0 THE MUSIC OFLUTOSLAWSKI2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,5ECTS Objective / Contents: A throughexamination of the music of WitoldLutoslawski on technical, analyticaland aesthetic basis.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:RAE, Charles Bodman. The Music ofLutoslawski, Faber and Faber,London 1994 (or the newer edition).Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 5223.0 APPLIED MUSICALFORMATION PEDAGOGY2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,5ECTS Objective / Contents: Pedagogicmethods of musical formation isexamined with a special emphasis onpractical aspects.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:Schema Directeur de I’OrganisationPedagogique des Ecoles de Music,Centre National de Action Musicale.Compétences Souhaitées a la fin destrois Cycles de I’enseignementspecialiseé, Institut de PedagogieMusicale.CULIOLI, Christine. Objectif Musique.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNemutlu

18.4. 5224.0 PERIODS, STYLES ANDPERCEPTIONS IN CONTEMPORARYTURKISH MUSIC2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,5ECTS Objective / Contents: Acomprehensive discussion trailingdown the ideals, sources of influences,compositional perceptions and thevocabulary of contemporary Turkishcomposers from the foundation of theRepublic up to this day.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:AL‹, Filiz. Elektronik Müzi¤in ÖncüsüBülent Arel, Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› KültürYay›nlar›, Istanbul 2002.AYDIN, Y›lmaz. Türk Beflleri, MüzikAnsiklopedisi Yay›nlar›, Ankara 2003.ÇALGAN, Koral. Ulvi Cemal Erkin’eArma¤an, Sevda-Cenap And MüzikVakf› Yay›nlar›, Ankara 1992.


‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. Cemal Reflit Rey:Müzikten ‹baret Bir DünyadaGezintiler, Dünya Kitaplar›, Istanbul2005. ‹LYASO⁄LU, Evin. NecilKâz›m Akses: Minyatürden DestanaBir Yolculuk, YKY, Istanbul 1998.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uçarsu

18.4. 5225.0 MIXED CHAMBERENSEMBLE IN 20TH CENTURY MUSIC2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits,5ECTS Objective / Contents: The quest forthe reasons of the given importance ofmix chamber ensembles in 20thcentury music going from the innervalues of significant works.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:POPLE, Anthony. Messiaen: Quatuorpour la Fin du Temps, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1998.DUNSBY, Jonathan. Schoenberg:Pierrot lunaire, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1992.VAN DEN TOORN, Pieter C. TheMusic of Igor Stravinsky, New Haven:Yale University Press, 1983.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uçarsu

18.4. 5227.0 ORCHESTRA ANDGROUP CONDUCTING – 22 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: To prepare largechamber ensembles, chamberorchestras or student orchestra for aconcert. (An extension of the firstsemester course.)Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:GREEN, Elizabeth. ModernConductor, Prentice Hall, 2003.BAMBERGER, Carl. The Conductor'sArt, Columbia University Press, 1989.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL

18.4. 5228.0 CONDUCTINGTECHNIQUES IN CONTEMPORARYMUSIC 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: To study specialconducting techniques andperformance methods that areconfronted in contemporary works.Assessment Method: ExaminationRecommended Sources:GROSBAYNE, Benjamin. Techniquesof Modern Orchestral Conducting,Harvard University Press, 1973.Teaching Staff: Prof. Gürer AYKAL






18.4. 6101.0 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts libretti., Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uçarsu

18.4. 6101.1 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 6101.2 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBarut

18.4. 6101.3 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNemutlu

18.4. 6120.0 PIANO SONATAS OFTHE CLASSICAL ERA2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The piano


sonatas of Haydn, Mozart andBeethoven that are composed betweenca. 1760–1830 will be discussedaccording to their melodic, harmonic,formal and textual structure.Composers’ stylistic qualities will becompared from the compositionalpoint of view.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:USMANBAfi, ‹lhan. Müzikte BiçimlerHODEIR, Andre. Müzikte Türler veBiçimler (‹lhan USMANBAfi, trans.)D’INDY, Vincent. Cours deComposition MusicaleTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBarut

18.4. 6121.0 THE MUSIC OF BARTÓK-I2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The oeuvre ofBéla Bartók, who is one of thosecomposers symbolizing the first half ofthe 20th century music, will beexamined on a broad level focusing onhis compositional techniques,aesthetical perception and ideals.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:ANTOKOLETZ, Elliott. The Music ofBéla Bartók, University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1984.WILSON, Paul. The Music of BélaBartók, Yale University Press, New Haven & London 1992.GILLIES, Malcolm (ed.) The BartókCompanion, Amadeus Press, Portland – Oregon 1994.BAYLEY, Amanda (ed.) TheCambridge Companion to Bartók,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 2001.

Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 6122.0 SYMPHONIC MUSIC OFSAYGUN2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The soundworld of Saygun in his orchestralworks will be surveyed around itspolyphohic characteristics, multi-layered structures, rhythmicorganization, handling of musicalideas, orchestration workmanship andthe formal characteristics, and thus,an ample perspective will be offeredabout the leading representative of theTurkish polyphonic music.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:ARACI, Emre. Ahmed Adnan Saygun:Do¤u-Bat› Aras› Müzik Köprüsü, YKY,Istanbul 2001.AYDIN, Y›lmaz. Türk Beflleri, MüzikAnsiklopedisi Yay›nlar›, Ankara 2003.Biyografya 5: Ahmed Adnan Saygun,Ba¤lam Yay›nc›l›k, Istanbul 2004.The scores and recordings of Saygun’ssymphonic oeuvre—including theconcertos.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 6123.0 POETICS OF MUSIC BYCOMPOSERS –I2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thecourse is to discuss the theoretical andaesthetical fields of contemporarymusic through the writings of certain20th-century composers.Assessment Method: Final project




Recommended Sources:HINDEMITH, Paul. Ses ‹flçili¤i,Norgunk Yay›nlar›, Istanbul 2007.STRAV‹NSK‹, Igor. Alt› DersteMüzi¤in Poetikas›, Pan Yay›nc›l›k,Istanbul 2000.WEBERN, Anton. Yeni Müzi¤e Do¤ru,Pan Yay›nc›l›k, Istanbul 1998.SESSIONS, Roger. The MusicalExperience of Composer, Performer,Listener, Princeton University Press,New York 1962.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNemutlu

18.4. 6124.0 STUDIES OFCOMPOSITION WITHIN A GIVENSTYLE AND FORM 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Taking student’sindividual needs or aesthetic trends asbasis, this course carries out a specificand detailed study on distinguishedcompositional styles and forms, andalso aims at technical excellence inimitating these styles and forms.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:LA RUE, Jan. Guidelines for StyleAnalysis, Harmonia Parker Press,Michigan 1992.MEYER, Leonard B. Style and Music,The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1989.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan Uçarsu

18.4. 6125.0 THE MUSIC AFTERMODERNISM2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: From historicaland cultural perspective, this courseaims at drawing an outline of recent

musical movements and tendenciesoccuring since the last quarter of the20th century in the field of artisticinteraction.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:LOHHEAD, Judy (ed.), AUNER,Joseph (ed.). Postmodern Music Postmodern Thought, Routledge, NewYork - London 2002.CHEVASSUS, Beatrice Ramaut.Müzikte Postmodernlik, ‹lhanUSMANBAfi (trans.), Pan Yay›nc›l›k,Istanbul 2004.TOURAINE, Alain. Modernli¤inElefltirisi, YKY, Istanbul 1992.ZEKÂ, Necmi (ed.). Postmodernizm,K›y› Yay›nlar›, Istanbul 1990.GANS, Herbert J. Popüler Kültür veYüksek Kültür, YKY, Istanbul 2005.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU


18.4. 6201.0 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU


18.4. 6201.1 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan MANAV

18.4. 6201.2 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genresand sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBARUT

18.4. 6201.3 COMPOSITION 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 10ECTSObjective / Contents: Composing amusical work of the following genres

and sizes: Composition for anorchestra or an ensemble setting a text(i.e. including vocal parts). An operaor a music for ballet composed for anorchestra or chamber ensemble. Anincidental music for chorus or mixedvocal ensemble and orchestra orensemble.Assessment Method: Composed workRecommended Sources: Relatedrepertory of orchestral/vocal works,including texts, libretti.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNEMUTLU

18.4. 6220.0 PIANO SONATAS OFTHE ROMANTIC ERA2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: The pianosonatas composed by the romanticcomposers such as Schubert,Schumann, Chopin and Liszt will bediscussed according to their melodic,harmonic, formal and textualstructure. Composers’ stylisticqualities will be compared from thecompositional point of view.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:USMANBAfi, ‹lhan. Müzikte BiçimlerHODEIR, Andre. Müzikte Türler veBiçimler (‹lhan USMANBAfi, trans.)D’INDY, Vincent. Cours deComposition MusicaleTeaching Staff: Assist. Prof. VolkanBARUT

18.4. 6221.0 THE MUSIC OF BARTÓK -22 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: Continuation ofthe first semester course. Examinationof the music of Béla Bartók will be




carried on chronologically or aroundcertain conceptions, approaches, oraccording to sound contexts (i.e. instrumental/vocal formations).Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources: Same as the“The Music of Bartók – 1”.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan MANAV

18.4. 6222.0 THE MUSIC OF LIGETI2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTS Objective / Contents: With a selectionof his works, the sound world ofGyörgy Ligeti will be paraphrased andthe changes in his musical vocabularyover the time will be examined—alsofocusing on the points of intersectionsbetween his music and the music afterWorld War II.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources:GRIFFITHS, Paul. György Ligeti,Robson Books, London 1997.STEINITZ, Richard. György Ligeti:Music of the Imagination,Northeastern University Press, Boston2003.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Özkan Manav

18.4. 6223.0 POETICS OF MUSIC BYCOMPOSERS – 22 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Elaboration ofthe same course taken in the firstterm.Assessment Method: Final projectRecommended Sources: The samesources mentioned in “Poetics ofMusic by Composers – 1”.Teaching Staff: Assist. Prof. MehmetNEMUTLU

18.4. 6224.0 STUDIES OFCOMPOSITION WITHIN A GIVENTECHNIQUE AND MATERIAL 2 hrs / week, T 2-S0, 2 credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: In the generalcontext of 20th century compositionaltrends and streams, this course focuseson certain original styles of composers,their tecniques and conceptualapproach, and leads the student to amusical creation within a choosentechnique or concept.Assessment Method: Composition ofsix small scale works composed duringthe term.Recommended Sources:KOSTKA, Stefan. Materials andTechniques of Twentieth-CenturyMusic, Prentice Hall, New Jersey1990.ULEHLA, Ludmila. ContemporaryHarmony, Advance Music, 1994.MESSIAEN, Oliver. Technique de monlangage musical, Alphonse Leduc,Paris 1966.COPE, David. New MusicComposition, Schirmer Books, NewYork – London 1977. Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hasan UÇARSU



Division Head:Prof. Zeliha BERKSOY

Phone : (0212) 260 10 50 - 51Fax : (0212) 261 00 41

Division of Performing Arts of MSGSÜState Conservatory is divided into 3sub programmes as: Theatre, ClassicalBallet and Opera.MSGSÜ’s the Performing ArtsDivision, aims to studies Masters andProficiency in Art, under the Institueof Social Sciences.Theatre Programme aims to towarddetailed studies on acting, directingand conseptual fields of theatre. Itaims to improve the entellectual visionof the students by examing terms,writers, directors, plays, etc... Thestudents willing to study Master inTheatre, should be gratuated inConservatory’ Theatre (Acting)Department and should be succesful inthe acceptence exams.Opera Programme gives detailededucation on voice producing and theuse of breating system andcoordination. The students study alarge repertory of opera and areimproved by additional courses in theopera culture. The students willing tostudy Master and Efficiency in Art inOpera, should be gratuated inConservatory’ Opera Department andshould be succesful in the acceptenceexams.Ballet Programme is divided into:Classical Ballet and Modern Dance.They both share the goal of improvingthe student’s technical and artisticabilities for their professional carriersby detailed studies about methods,advanced techniques etc...Thestudents willing to study Master andEfficiency in Art in this Deparment,should be gratuated in Conservatory’same Departments and should besuccesful in the acceptence exams.




Division Head:Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

Prof. Mesut ‹KTU Bachelor: Ankara Consevatory /Opera1970, Master: Berlin State MusicAcademia/Opera 1972, Proficiency inArt: Mimar Sinan Un›versty StateConservatory/Opera 1986

Prof.Gülper REF‹⁄ Bachelor: Hamburg Music Academia ;Master: Hamburg Music Academia,Proficiency in Art: Mimar SinanUniversty State Conservatory.

Associate Prof. Yekta KARA Bachelor: Münich State MusicAcademia/ The Singing of Opera andConcert 1975, Master: Münich StateMusic Academia/The Directing ofOpera 1975

Ayfle SEZERMANBachelor: Istanbul Universty StateConservatory/ The Singing Opera andConcert 1987, Master: IndianaUniversty Music Academia 1990

Ece ‹D‹LBachelor: Istanbul State Conservatory/The Singing of the Opera and Concert1980, Proficiency in Art: MimarSinan Un›versty State Conservatory1983.

Rayna POPOVA Bachelor: Sofya State Conservatory1973.

Ahmet ALTINEL Bachelor : Mimar Sinan Un›verstyState Conservatory/Conducting,Master: Istanbul Technique Un›verstyMusic Department.

Tac KÖSELER PALUCHBachelor: Hanover Music and TheaterAcademia, 1985


Division Head:Prof. Zeliha BERKSOY

Prof. Zeliha BERKSOY UG. Ankara SC Theater,1965, PA.MSFAUSC Theater 1983

Prof.Dikmen GürünUG USA, Parsons College/FairfieldIowa Theatre Department; 1964,Master: USA Texas Tech. Üniversitesi1971; Doctorate: Ankara ÜniversitesiDTCF , 1979.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Merih TANGÜN UG. MSFAUSC Theater, 1984;Master: MSFAUSC Theater , 1987;Master: Brown University TheatreArts, 1990; Doctorate: Istanbul U.,Public relations, 1999

Asst. Prof.Dr.Muhsine H.YAVUZUG. Ankara U. Turkology,1972,Master: Dicle U. Folklore, 1988;Doctorate: Ankara U. Folklore,1996

Asst. Prof.Dr.Kerem Karabo¤aUG Bo¤aziçi University 1993 ;Master: Istanbul University,SC,Theatre 1996; Doctorate: ‹stanbulUniversity,SC, 2001.


Instructor Levent ÖKTEMUG. AU Theater, 1975

Instructor Huraman NEVRUZOVAUG. Azerbaycan Fine Arts State U.,Theater, 1973

Instructor Nur BERKANUG MSGSÜDK Ballet, 1979

Instructor Timur DO⁄ANAYUG MSGSÜDK Opera, 1985

Instructor Özlem HemiflUG Istanbul University,, 2000; Master:Dokuz Eylül University, 2006.

Instructor Sibel Aslan YEfi‹LAYUG. MU, 1985; Master: ‹.U. GermanLanguage and Literature , 1988.


Division Head:Prof. Diek EVG‹N

Prof. fiebnem AKSAN UG. ADK Bale, 1974; M. MSÜDK,1983

Prof. Ayd›n TEKER Bachelor: New York U., 1980; Master:New York U., 1981; Proficiency in Art: MSGSÜDK, 1983

Asst. Prof. Tu¤çe ULUGÜN TUNAUG MSGSÜDK Ballet, Master:MSGSÜDK

Prof. Dilek EVG‹N UG Istanbul University, 1974;Proficiency in Art: MSGSÜDK 1987

Assoc. Prof. Ayflin KABALAK UGMSÜGSDK Ballet, 1989; M.MSGSÜDK, 1998; Proficiency in Art:MSGSÜDK, 2000

Instructor Natalia KHMELOVAUG & M. Rusya Devlet Tiyatro veSahne Sanatlar› Akademisi, 1980

Instructor Taç PALUCHUG Hanover – Hochschule für Musikund Theater, 1985

Instructor Marina GÖKÇEUG Kemerovo Kültür EnstitüsüYüksek Okulu, 1989

Instructor Ahu KINO⁄LUUG MSGSÜDK Bale 1998; M.MSGSÜDK Ballet, 2007

Instructor Evelina TunçsavUG PDMA Ballet Education 2003

Instructor Oktay KERESTEC‹ UG ADK Ballet

Instructor Samira ASLANBEYOVAUG. Azerbaycan DK Ballet,1992

Instructor Aylin Uçak Lay›kUG. MSGSÜDK Piano, 1990

Instructor Nergis fiAH‹NUG. MSGSÜDK Piano, 2005

Instructor Seden ÖKSÜZTEPE

Instructor Ömer TURKAY






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.1.5101.0 Repertory Study 3 1019.1.5102.0 Vocal Information 2 519.1.5102.0 Vocal Information 2 519.1.5104.0 Seminar 0 5Elective Courses 3 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.1.5201.0 Repertory Study 3 1019.1.5203.0 Correpetition 2 519.1.5204.0 Seminar 0 5Elective Courses 6 10

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

TOTAL: 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Course; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses19.1.5120.0 Stage and Acting 2 519.1.5121.0 Turkish Operas 2 519.1.5123.0 Dramaturgy 1 519.1.5124.0 Orchestral Instruments 2 519.1.5125.0 FrenchSongsInterpretation 2 519.1.5126.0 Poetry and Music 2 519.1.5127.0 The Opening of the Voice in motion 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSElective Courses19.1.5220.0 Stage and Acting 2 519.1.5221.0 Turkish Operas 2 519.1.5222.0 Lied Interpretation 2 519.1.5223.0 Dramaturgy 1 519.1.5224.0 Orchestral Instruments 2 519.1.5225.0 FrenchSongsInterpretation 2 519.1.5226.0 Poetry and Music 2 519.1.5227.0 The Opening of the Voice in motion 2 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses 8 25Total Elective Courses 2 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses 9 25Total Elective Courses 2 5

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Elective Courses19.1.6101.0 Repertory Study 3 1019.1.6102.0 Work Analysis 2 519.1.6103.0 Contemporaneus opera stage skill. 2 519.1.6104.0 Correpetition 1 5

Elective Courses19.1.6120.0 Musical Elocution 2 519.1.6121.0 Play Dramaturgy 1 519.1.6122.0 French Composers Analysis 2 519.1.6123.0 Opera and Literature 2 519.1.6124.0 Shakespeare and Opera 2 519.1.6125.0 The Visualotion of Voice 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSRequired Elective Courses19.1.6201.0 Repertory Study 3 1019.1.6202.0 Work Analysis 2 519.1.6203.0 Contemporaneus opera stage skill. 2 519.1.6204.0 Correpetition 2 5

Elective Courses19.1.6220.0 Musical Elocution 2 519.1.6221.0 Play Dramaturgy 1 519.1.6223.0 Opera and Literature 2 519.1.6224.0 Shakespeare and Opera 2 519.1.6226.0 Score Reading 2 519.1.6225.0 The Visualotion of Voice 2 5





19.1.5101.0 REPERTORY STUDY3 Hours /Week,T 3, 3 Kredi, 10 ECTSObjective / Contents: According to thevocal structure of the student who willbe trained in the singing course,andaccording to the point he reached inthe musical and technical sense,thearias,duets etc.from all the periods ofthe world’s opera repertory are taughtand the student’s development intechnical and musical sense isaimed.Moreover,“complete opera“parties are taught and extensiverepertory is provided. Assesment Methods: Examination.Suggested Sources: The Operaeditions that is composed by thecomposers of the Classic,Romantic,Modern era.Operatic Anthologies for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto.Aria Albums for Tenor- Soprano -Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto.Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5102.0 VOCAL INFORMATION:2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In vocalinformation course,only technicalstudies are performed according to thestudent’s vocal type.Vocal trainingtechniques are taught by Aria-Anticheand Baroque works.Technical exerciseand practise aiming the integrity of allthe regions of the voice areperformed.Assesment Methods: Examination.Suggested Sources:“fiark› SöylemeSanat›n›n Öyküsü” Prof. Yalç›n

DAVRAN“Sesin Peflinde“ Dr.MEHMET ÖMÜRTeaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5103.0 CORREPETITION 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t comprisesapplication exercies for the productionof musicals of opera-lieds and playsselected among appropriaterepertories.Assesment Methods: S›navSuggested sources : OperaticAnthologies I. II. III. IV, Lied Albums, Complete Opera Editions.Teaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

19.1.5104.0 SEMINAR2 Hours/Week, T 2, 0 Credi 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In seminercourse,the works and opera’s writtenby Turk›sh composers for humanvoice are examined,the student isrequested to vocalize some works thatare appropriate for the student’svoice.Moreover,by the end of theseminar,the student is given a writtenhomework related to Turk›shComposer’s composition concept andworks.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources: The seminar to beselected will be determined accordingto the subject.Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5120.0 STAGE and ACTING2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t is aimed at

developing acting technique andcarrying out training sessions ofvarious roles within tht theaterrepertory.Assesment Methods: Examination


Suggested Sources: The OperaEditions that is composed by thecomposers of the Classic, Romantic,Modern era.Operatic Anthologies for Tenor,Soprano, Bariton, Mezzo Soprano,Bass, Alto.Teaching Staff: Associate Prof.YektaKARA

19.1.5121.0 TURKISH OPERAS2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Atatürk’s biggestreform after the language reform wasthe music reform.By giving thecommission to Adnan SAYGUN towrite an opera named Özsoy,thesynopsis of which was written byAtatürk himself,Atatürk made the firststep for the “National music“.Conclusively; in Turkish Operascourse,are examined from the point ofview of various trends in NationalTurkish Opera Composers creativityprocess led by Adnan SAYGUN andthe periodical works given by them. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSources:Atatürk ve Mus›ki: O’nunlaBirlikte, O’ndan Sonra, A. ADNANSAYGUN(Ankara, Sevda-Cenap AndMus›c Wakf. 1982),“Özsoy” operaAudio CD conductor: OrhanTANRIKULU/Ankara State Opera ,Atatürk and Adnan Saygun book’s CD(Boyut Music, 1997)“Midas’›n Kulaklar›”Conductor:Rengim GÖKMEN/Ankara State Opera. “Ahmet Adnan SAYGUN” ( SevdaCenap And Mus›c Wakf.Publishing) “Kerem ile Asl›” opera Audio CD“G›lgamefl Destan›”opera Audio CDTeaching Staff: Prof: Gülper REF‹⁄

19.1.5123.0 DRAMATURGY1Hours/Week, T 1, 1 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t is aimedexploring the dramaturgy concept andto examine the application areasthrough samples. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources: Opera History Volume 1,2,3,4

C.MEMDUH ALTAR“Opera and Ideas” PAUL ROB‹NSON“Sanat Yolculuklar›” CEVADMEMDUH ALTAR (Pan PublishingCompany)“Üç Deha Üç Opera“AYDIN BÜKETeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof. YektaKARA

19.1.5124.0 ORCHESTRALINSTRUMENTS2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: A basicintroduction to the qualities andcapabilities of orchestral Instruments. Students analyzerepresantive solo, chamber,andorchestral works, from Baroque to 20th century repertoire,with anemphasis on effective use of theinstruments in different combinations.Extended contemporarytechniques of instrumens areintroduced. Suggested Sources: ADLER, Samuel.Study of Orchestration. Norton & CoLtd; 3Rev Ed, 839s,2002, New York.BLATTER, Alfred. Instrumentationand Orchestration. MacMillanPublishing Company; 2ndedition,508s,1997,London. Assesment Methods: ExaminationTeaching Staff: Ahmet ALTINEL




19.1.5125.0 FRENCH SONGSINTERPRETATION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In French songsinterpretation course,the introductionof French composers and theinterpretation characteristics of theirsongs are examined and within thisdirection,the influences of the serialsor independent lieds of the composerssuch asFaure,Debusy,Hahn,Bizet,Ravel,Messaren,Poulenc,on the music style of theperiod are examined. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The SongsAlbums belonging to the FrenchComposers of the Romantic andModern era.Teaching Staff: Ece ‹D‹L

19.1.5126.0 POETRY and MUSIC2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Poetry and Musiccourse which describes the way thepoems of the poets,who occupy asignificant place in the literature of theworld, are described in the lied,melodyand song literature;especially,Germanand French song literatures areemphasized. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: “The Ring ofWords” PHILIP I. MULLERThe Art of the Song RecitalSHIRLEE EMMOND & STANLEYSONNTAG Poetry into Song DEBORAH STEIN& ROBERT SPILLMANSong- A Guide to Art Song Style andLiterature CAROL KIMBALLThe Fischer-Dieskau Book of LiederDIETRCH FISCHER DIESKAUTeaching Staff: Ayfle SEZERMA

19.1.5127.0 THE OPENING OF THEVOICE IN MOTION:2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Man has thecapability of learning consciously,themotion samples such as;to control allthe stimulations that cause motion,todevelop, to form,to use and to benefitthem.But a stage artist is obliged tolearn simultaneously, The Opening OfThe Voice by shaping the feeling inthe voice in his/her body,afteranalyzing it correctly,thus,the artist isalso obliged to know the finest detailsof integration of bady actions with thefeeling correctly and transferring theseto the audience,This way,the artist,bymotivating the audience to think,maydrag them to feel together. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The content of thebibliography whic I recommend forthis course is composed of theacademic works conducted in theinternational area about Movementand Performance art,professionalworks staged at the leading art centersof the world,scientific articles andbooks written by highly equippedmasters and my experience of 25 yearswhich I had obtained in this field.Itcontains innovative approaches thatwould provide contributions to theinternational art training. Teaching Staff: Tach KÖSELERPALUCH



19.5201.0 REPERTORY STUDY3 Hours /Week,T 3, 3 Kredi, 10 ECTSObjective/Content : According to thevocal structure of the student who willbe trained in the singing course,andaccording to the point he reached inthe musical and technical sense,thearias,duets etc.from all the periods ofthe world’s opera repertory are taughtand the student’s development intechnical and musical sense isaimed.Moreover,“complete opera“parties are taught and extensiverepertory is provided. Assesment Methods: Examination.Suggested Sources: The OperaEditions that is composed by thecomposers of the Classic, Romantic,Modern era.Operatic Anthologies for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto.Aria Albums for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto.Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5203.0 CORREPETITION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t comprisesapplication exercies for the productionof musicals of opera-lieds and playsselected among appropriaterepertories.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources : OperaticAnthologies I. II. III. IV, Lied Albums, Complete Opera Editions.Teaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

19.1.5204.0 SEMINAR2 Hours/Week, T 2, 0 Credi 5 ECTSObjective/Content : In seminer

course,the works and opera’s writtenby Turk›sh composers for humanvoice are examined,the student isrequested to vocalize some works thatare appropriate for the student’svoice.Moreover,by the end of theseminar,the student is given a writtenhomework related to Turk›shComposer’s composition concept andworks.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources : The seminar to beselected will be determined accordingto the subject.Teaching Staff: Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5220.0 STAGE and ACTING2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective/Content : ‹t is aimed atdeveloping acting technique andcarrying out training sessions ofvarious roles within tht theaterrepertory.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The OperaEditions that are composed by thecomposers of theClassic,Romantic,Modern era.Operatic Anthologies forTenor,Soprano,Bariton,MezzoSoprano,Bass,Alto.Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof.YektaKARA

19.1.5221.0 TURKISH OPERAS 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Atatürk’s biggestreform after the language reform wasthe music reform.By giving thecommission to Adnan SAYGUN towrite an opera named Özsoy,thesynopsis of which was written byAtatürk himself,Atatürk made the firststep for the “National music“.




Conclusively;in Turkish Operascourse, are examined from the point ofview of various trends in NationalTurkish Opera Composers creativityprocess led by Adnan SAYGUN andthe periodical works given by them. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: Atatürk ve Mus›ki:O’nunla Birlikte, O’ndanSonra..A.ADNAN SAYGUN(Ankara,Sevda-Cenap And Mus›c Found.1982),“Özsoy” opera Audio CDconductor: Orhan TANRIKULU /Ankara State Opera, Atatürk andAdnan Saygun book’s CD (BoyutMusic, 1997)“Midas’›n Kulaklar›” Conductor:Rengim GÖKMEN/ Ankara StateOpera. “Ahmet Adnan SAYGUN” ( SevdaCenap And Music Found. Publishing) “Kerem ile Asl›” opera Audio CD“G›lgamefl Destan›” opera Audio CDTeaching Staff: Prof: Gülper REF‹⁄

19.5222.0 LIED INTERPRETATION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In LiedInterpretation course,lieds in allperiods and styles are stuied,Liedseries are included therepertory.Besides the technicalanalysis of the works,musicalinterpretations are emphasized.Thepoems of the lieds that are composedin the original language are examinedand translated into Turkish andinterpretation information andtechniques are taught.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: Lied series that iscomposed by composers of theClassic, Romantic,Modern era or liedalbums composed of independent

works. (W.A.Mozart,L.v.Beethoven, F.Schubert R. Schumann, Brahms, E.Grieg. F. Loewe H.Wolf, R. Strauss,G.Mahler, G. Faure, C. Debussy, H.Duparc P.I. Tchaikovsky, S.Rachmaninov, etc.)Teaching Staff: Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.5223.0 DRAMATURGY1Hours/Week, T 1, 1 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective/Content : ‹t is aimedexploring the dramaturgy concept andto examinne the application areasthrough samples. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: Opera HistoryBand 1,2,3,4 C.MEMDUH ALTAROpera and Ideas PAUL ROB‹NSONSanat Yolculuklar› CEVADMEMDUH ALTAR(Pan Yay›nc›l›k)Üç Deha Üç Opera AYDIN BÜKETeaching Staff: Doç. Yekta KARA

19.1.5224.0 ORCHESTRALINSTRUMENTS2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: A basicintroduction to the qualities andcapabilities of orchestral Instruments.Students analyzerepresantive solo,chamber,andorchestral works,from Baroque to 20th century repertoire,with anemphasis on effective use of theinstruments in different combinations.Extended contemporary techniques ofinstrumens are introduced. Suggested Sources: ADLER, Samuel.Study of Orchestration. Norton & CoLtd; 3Rev Ed, 839s,2002, New York.BLATTER, Alfred. Instrumentationand Orchestration. MacMillanPublishing Company; 2nd


edition,508s,1997,London. Assesment Methods: ExaminationTeaching Staff: Ahmet ALTINEL

19.1.5225.0 FRENCH SONGSINTERPRETATION 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTS Objective / Content: In French songsinterpretation course,the introductionof French composers and theinterpretation characteristics of theirsongs are examined and within thisdirection,the influences of the serialsor independent lieds of the composerssuch asFaure,Debusy,Hahn,Bizet,Ravel,Messaren,Poulenc,on the music style of theperiod are examined. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The SongsAlbums belonging to the FrenchComposers of the Romantic andModern era.Teaching Staff: Ece ‹D‹L

19.15226.0 POETRY and MUSIC 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTS

Objective / Content: Poetry and Musiccourse which describes the way thepoems of the poets,who occupy asignificant place in the literature of theworld ,are described in the lied,melodyand song literature;especially,Germanand French song literatures areemphasized. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: “The Ring ofWords” PHILIP I.MULLERThe Art of the Song RecitalSHIRLEE EMMOND & STANLEYSONNTAG Poetry into Song DEBORAH STEIN& ROBERT SPILLMANSong- A Guide to Art Song Style and

Literature CAROL KIMBALLThe Fischer-Dieskau Book of LiederDIETRCH FISCHER DIESKAU

19.1.5227.0 THE OPENING OF THEVICE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Man has thecapability of learning consciously,themotion samples such as;to control allthe stimulations that cause motion,todevelop, to form,to use and to benefitthem.But a stage artist is obliged tolearn simultaneously, The Opening OfThe Voice by shaping the feeling inthe voice in his/her body,afteranalyzing it correctly,thus,the artist isalso obliged to know the finest detailsof integration of bady actions with thefeeling correctly and transferring theseto the audience,This way,the artist,bymotivating the audience to think,maydrag them to feel together. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The content of thebibliography whic I recommend forthis course is composed of theacademic works conducted in theinternational area about Movementand Performance art,professionalworks staged at the leading art centersof the world,scientific articles andbooks written by highly equippedmasters and my experience of 25 yearswhich I had obtained in this field.Itcontains innovative approaches thatwould provide contributions to theinternational art training. Teaching Staff: Tach KÖSELERPALUCH






19.1.6101.0 REPERTORY STUDY3 Hours/Week, T 3, 3 Credit, 10ECTSObjective / Content: In Reporty Workcourse, the singing repertory,which thestudent possesed at the completionlevel of the master’s degree,isdeveloped by taking his/her vocal typeand structure into consideration.Forthis purpose,the student’sparticipation of the works of thecontemporary period’s Turkish andForeign Composers in the student’sexisting repertory in a balanced way,isprovided. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The OperaEditions that is composed by thecomposers of theClassic,Romantic,Modern era. Operatic Anthology for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto Lied Albüms .Kantat Albums that composed by thecomposers of the Baroque era.Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6102.0 WORK ANALYSIS2 Hours/Wek, T 2 , 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In Work Analysiscourse, the roles in the “CompleteOpera“s thar are taught according tothe student’s vocal structure,lieds andthe vocal works that are written in theother forms are examined from themusical point of view.Besides themusical and technicalanalysis,theoretical information relatedto the composer,the period which he

lived in,and composition ideas aregiven.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:. The OperaEditions that is composed by thecomposers of theClassic,Romantic,Modern era.Albums that include vocal symphonicopusies. Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6103.0 CONTEMPORANEUSOPERA STAGE SKILL 3 Hours/Week, T 3 , 3 Credit, 5ECTSObjective / Content: Contemporarytrends in acting and stating are givenin contemporary opera and stagetraining course and these arepracticed. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:.: StanislavskiOkulu, Sahne Bilgisi Band 1,2,3,4Prof.Özdemir NUTKU, DünyaTiyatrosu Tarihi Prof.ÖzdemirNUTKUTeaching Staff: Assoc..Prof.YektaKARA

19.1.6104.0 COORREPETITION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: It comprisesapplication exercies for the productionof musicals of opera-lieds and playsselected among appropriaterepertories.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources : OperaticAnthologies I. II. III. IV, Lied Albums, Complete Opera Editions.Teaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

19.1.6120.0 MUSICAL ELECTION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In Musical


Elocution course,various techniquesfor the student to vocalize the workshe is studying in a state that isunderstable by the audience( with thecorrect vocals and a specificarticulation combination) aretaught.The vocal passages of theworks that are vocalized are examinedaccording to the structure of thelanguage.Within this context,acomplete and understable musicalelocution is aimed during thevocalization of the works.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:The Song Albumsis composed by The TurkishComposers.The Lied Albums composed byF.Schubert,R.Schumann,,J.Brahms,E.Grieg,H.Wolf,GMahler,G.Faure,M.Ravel,H.Duparc,M.Falla,Tcha‹kovsky,S.Rachmaninov,P.Warlock,B.Br›tten,G.F.Hande)Operatic Anthology for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass,Alto Teaching Staff: Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6121.0 PLAY DRAMATURGY1 Hour/Week, T 1 , 1 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t is comprised ofdramaturgy science applicationtechniques through a play to beselected from operas..Suggested Sources:Sahnelenecekopera eseriyle ilgili piyano-flanredüksiyonu. (Barok-Klasik-Romantik-Modern dönemopera bestecilerinin komple operaedisyonlar›.)Assesment Methods: ExaminationLibrettoya dönüfltürülerek operaolarak bestelenmifl edebiyat eserlerinin

tümü.Opera’da Gerçekçilik SABR‹ fiATIR Sanat›n Toplumsal Tarihi I-II -ARNOLD HAUSERVerdi (Biyografisi ve eserleri üzerine)SABR‹ fiATIRMozart (Biyografisi ve eserleri üzerine)ROBERT NELIASTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. YektaKARA

19.1.6122.0 FRENCH COMPOSERSANALYS‹S2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: The operas ofFrenchComposers(Bizet,Faure,Dupare,Hahn,etc.) at all periods and the firstsymphonic works areexamined.Moreover, Ravels serials andorchestral lieds are analyzed and theGerman composer R.Wagner isdwelled upon. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The CompleteOpera Editions that is composed byFrench composers.The Albums that are included sogsseries that composed by FrenchComposers.Teaching Staff: Ece ‹D‹L

19.1.6123.0 OPERA and LITERATURE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective/Content : The Differentapproaches in different countriesduring the application process of thebasic classic literary works,whichopera is using as the source since thebeginnig until today,to libretto andmusic and the literary subjects inTurkish Opera will be examined.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:Opera Tarihi




C.MEMDUH ALTAR(Kültür Bakanl›¤›Yay›nlar›), Ünlü Operalar F.YENER (Do¤anKardefl Yay›nlar›),The Pan BookOpera ARTHUR JACOBS&STANLEY SADIE (Pan Books),ThePan Book of Orchestral MusicARTHUR JACOBS(Pan Books),TheEncylopedia of Musical MasterpiecesDAVID EWEN (Arco Publ›sh›ngCompany),What to Listen for in MusicAARON COPLAND (MentorBook),Mozart’s Operas EDWARDJ.DENT(Oxford Universty Press),MeinLeben RICHARD WAGNER(ElibronClassic) Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper REF‹⁄

19.1.6124.0 SHAKESPEARE andOPERA2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective/Content : Shakespeare andOpera course is a course that includesthe application of the famous writerpoet W.Shakespeare’s works the operathrough the ages and the criticalcomprasion of these works,bothoriginal Shakespeare works and theoperas,with each other.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:Opera as Drama

JOSEPH KERMANThe Operas of Verdi Vol. 1,2,&3


VEAYERVerdi with a Vengeance WILLIAMBERGEROpera and Ideas PAUL ROB‹NSONTeaching Staff: Ayfle SEZERMAN

19.1.6125.0 VISUALOTION OF VOICEHours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Man has the

capability of learning consciously,themotion samples such as;to control allthe stimulations that cause motion,todevelop, to form,to use and to benefitthem.But a stage artist is obliged tolearn simultaneously, The Visualotionof Voice by shaping the feeling in thevoice in his/her body,after analyzing itcorrectly,thus,the artist is also obligedto know the finest details ofintegration of bady actions with thefeeling correctly and transferring theseto the audience,This way,the artist,bymotivating the audience to think,maydrag them to feel together. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The content of thebibliography whic I recommend forthis course is composed of theacademic works conducted in theinternational area about Movementand Performance art,professionalworks staged at the leading art centersof the world,scientific articles andbooks written by highly equippedmasters and my experience of 25 yearswhich I had obtained in this field.Itcontains innovative approaches thatwould provide contributions to theinternational art training. Teaching Staff: Tach KÖSELERPALUCH


19.1.6201.0 REPERTORY STUDYHours/Week, T 3, 3 Credit, 10 ECTSObjective / Content: In Reporty Workcourse, the singing repertory,which thestudent possesed at the completionlevel of the master’s degree,isdeveloped by taking his/her vocal typeand structure into consideration.For


this purpose,the student’sparticipation of the works of thecontemporary period’s Turkish andForeign Composers in the student’sexisting repertory in a balanced way,isprovided. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The Operaeditions that is composed by thecomposers of theClassic,Romantic,Modern era.Operatic Anthology for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass-Alto Lied Albüms .Kantat Albums that composed by thecomposers of the Baroque era.Teaching Staff: Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6202.0 WORK ANALYSIS2 Hours/Week, T 2 , 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In Work Analysiscourse, the roles in the “CompleteOpera“s thar are taught according tothe student’s vocal structure,lieds andthe vocal works that are written in theother forms are examined from themusical point of view.Besides themusical and technicalanalysis,theoretical information relatedto the composer,the period which helived in,and composition ideas aregiven.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:. The OperaEditions that is composed by thecomposers of theClassic,Romantic,Modern era.Albums that include vocal symphonicopusies. Teaching Staff:Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6203.0 CONTEMPORANEUSOPERA STAGE SKILL 3 Hours/Week, T 3 , 3 Credit, 5ECTSObjective / Content: Contemporarytrends in acting and stating are givenin contemporary opera and stagetraining course and these arepracticed. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:.: StanislavskiOkulu, Sahne Bilgisi Band 1,2,3,4Prof.Özdemir NUTKU, DünyaTiyatrosu Tarihi Prof.ÖzdemirNUTKUTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.YektaKARA

19.1.6204.0 CORREPETITION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t comprisesapplication exercies for the productionof musicals of opera-lieds and playsselected among appropriaterepertories.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested sources : OperaticAnthologies I. II. III. IV, Lied Albums, Complete Opera Editions.Teaching Staff: Rayna POPOVA

19.1.6220.0 MUSICAL ELECTION2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: In MusicalElocution course,various techniquesfor the student to vocalize the workshe is studying in a state that isunderstable by the audience( with thecorrect vocals and a specificarticulation combination) aretaught.The vocal passages of theworks that are vocalized are examinedaccording to the structure of thelanguage.Within this context,a




complete and understable musicalelocution is aimed during thevocalization of the works.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:The Song Albumsthat is composed by The TurkishComposers.The Lied Albums composed byF.Schubert,R.Schumann,,J.Brahms,E.Grieg,H.Wolf,GMahler,G.Faure,M.Ravel,H.Duparc,M.Falla,Tcha‹kovsky,S.Rachmaninov,P.Warlock,B.Br›tten,G.F.Hande)Operatic Anthology for Tenor-Soprano-Bariton-Mezzo soprano-Bass,Alto Teaching Staff: Prof. Mesut ‹KTU

19.1.6221.0 PLAY DRAMATURGY1 Hour/Week, T 1 , 1 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: ‹t is comprisedof dramaturgy science applicationtechniques through a play to beselected from operas..Suggested Sources:Sahnelenecekopera eseriyle ilgili piyano-flanredüksiyonu. (Barok-Klasik-Romantik-Modern dönemopera bestecilerinin komple operaedisyonlar›.)Assesment Methods: ExaminationLibrettoya dönüfltürülerek operaolarak bestelenmifl edebiyat eserlerinintümü.Opera’da Gerçekçilik SABR‹ fiATIR Sanat›n Toplumsal Tarihi I-II -ARNOLD HAUSERVerdi (Biyografisi ve eserleri üzerine)SABR‹ fiATIRMozart (Biyografisi ve eserleri üzerine)ROBERT NELIASÜç Deha Üç Opera AYDIN BÜKETeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.YektaKARA

19.1.6223.0 OPERA and LITERATURE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTSObjective/Content : The Differentapproaches in different countriesduring the application process of thebasic classic literary works,whichopera is using as the source since thebeginnig until today,to libretto andmusic and the literary subjects inTurkish Opera will be examined.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:Opera TarihiC.MEMDUH ALTAR(Kültür Bakanl›¤›Yay›nlar›), Ünlü Operalar F.YENER (Do¤anKardefl Yay›nlar›),The Pan BookOpera ARTHUR JACOBS&STANLEY SADIE (Pan Books),ThePan Book of Orchestral MusicARTHUR JACOBS(Pan Books),TheEncylopedia of Musical MasterpiecesDAVID EWEN (Arco Publ›sh›ngCompany),What to Listen for in MusicAARON COPLAND (MentorBook),Mozart’s Operas EDWARDJ.DENT(Oxford Universty Press),MeinLeben RICHARD WAGNER(ElibronClassic) Teaching Staff: Prof. Gülper REF‹⁄

19.1.6224.0 SHAKESPEARE andOPERA2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credit, 5 ECTS

Objective / Content: Shakespeare andOpera course is a course that includesthe application of the famous writerpoet W.Shakespeare’s works the operathrough the ages and the criticalcomprasion of these works,bothoriginal Shakespeare works and theoperas,with each other.Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources:Opera as Drama



The Operas of Verdi Vol. 1,2,&3JULIA BUDDENSeven Verdi Librettos WILLIAM

VEAYERVerdi with a Vengeance WILLIAMBERGEROpera and Ideas PAUL ROB‹NSONTeaching Staff: Ayfle SEZERMAN

19.1.6225.0 VISUALOTION OF VOICE2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credi, 5 ECTSObjective / Content: Man has thecapability of learning consciously,themotion samples such as;to control allthe stimulations that cause motion,todevelop, to form,to use and to benefitthem.But a stage artist is obliged tolearn simultaneously, The Visualotionof Voice by shaping the feeling in thevoice in his/her body,after analyzing itcorrectly,thus,the artist is also obligedto know the finest details ofintegration of bady actions with thefeeling correctly and transferring theseto the audience,This way,the artist,bymotivating the audience to think,maydrag them to feel together. Assesment Methods: ExaminationSuggested Sources: The content of thebibliography whic I recommend forthis course is composed of theacademic works conducted in theinternational area about Movementand Performance art,professionalworks staged at the leading art centersof the world,scientific articles andbooks written by highly equippedmasters and my experience of 25 yearswhich I had obtained in this field.Itcontains innovative approaches thatwould provide contributions to theinternational art training. Teaching Staff: Tach KÖSELERPALUCH

19.1.6226.0 SCORE READING: 2Hours/Week, T 2 , 2 Credit, 5 ECTObjective / Content: Reading at thekeyboard of selected movements ofworks representing important stylesand periodes,chosen fromorchestral,chamber and choralrepertoire.Approaches of different andaesthetical views to the orchestra as aninstrument,especially of contemporarycomposers,is discussed. Assesment method : S›navSuggested sources : MORRIS,R.O andFERGUSON, Howard.PreparatoryExercises in Score Reading(Vorbereitende Ubungen imPartiturlesen). Oxford Un›versty Press116s, 1968 USA.MORRIS, R.O. Figured Harmony atthe Keyboard.Oxford Un›versty Press32s,1968 USA.ADLER,Samuel,Study ofOrchestrationTeaching Staff: Ahmet ALTINEL






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required Courses 5 10Total Required-Elective Courses 3 5Total Elective Courses 2 10Seminar 0 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required Courses 5 10Total Required-Elective Courses 3 5Total Elective Courses 3 10Seminar 0 5

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar Dersi; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.2.5103Diction (Breath,Voice & Diction in Theatre) 3 519.2.5104 Directing 2 519.2.5105 (Dramatical Theatre Theory) (Seminar) 0 5

Total Required-Elective Courses19.2.5101 Acting (Epic) 3 519.2.5102 Acting (Dramatic) 3 5

(S) Elective Courses5120 Directing Skills and Dramaturgy 2 5 5121 Movement 2 55122 Dance 2 55123 Singing 2 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.2.5203Diction (Breath,Voice & Diction in Theatre) 3 519.2.5204 Directing 2 519.2.5205 (Dramatical Theatre Theory) (Seminar) 0 5

Total Required-Elective Courses19.2.5201 Acting (Epic) 3 519.2.5202 Acting (Dramatic) 3 5

(S) Elective Courses 5220 Directing Skills and Dramaturgy 2 5 19.2.5221 Movement 2 519.2.5222 Dance 2 519.2.5223 Singing 1 5 19.2.5224.0 Writing and analysis of text 1 5




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses 8 25Total Elective Courses 2 5

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses 8 25Total Elective Courses 3 5

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 305. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 307. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30


4. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 30 6. SEMESTER : Thesis –project report 308. SEMESTER : Thesis –project presentation 30






1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses6101 Advanced Acting and Staging 3 106102 Acting Theories 2 56103 Drama Theories, Criticism and Dramaturgy 2 56104 Text – Concept and Staging Practices 1 5

Elective Courses19.1.6105 Drama in a Multicultural Envir. 2 519.1. 6106 Performing Arts Management 2 519.1. 6107 New Artistic Movements 2 519.1.6109 Modernism,Postmod.&Perf. Arts 2 519.1.6110 Dramatic Writing 1 5

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSTotal Required-Elective Courses6201 Advanced Acting and Staging 3 106202 Acting Theories 2 56203 Drama Theories, Criticism and Dramaturgy 2 56204 Text – Concept and Staging Practices 1 5

Elective Courses19.1.6205 Drama in a Multicultural Envir. 2 519.1. 6206 Performing Arts Management 2 519.1. 6207 New Artistic Movements 2 519.1.6209 Modernism,Postmod.&Perf. Arts 2 519.1.6210 Dramatic Writing 1 519.1.6208 Types of Acting 1 5





19.2. 5101.0 ACTING (EPIC)3 Hours / Week, (T 3) , 3 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach and practice detailedmethods of epic acting by working onexample scenes from different plays.By these, the student can understandthe play as dramaturgical and asconseptual.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:KESTING, Marianne, Tarihte veÇa¤›m›zda Epik TiyatroBRECHT, Bertold, Epik TiyatroÜzerineTeaching Staff: Prof. ZelihaBERKSOY

19.2. 5102.0 ACTING (DRAMATIC)3 Hours / Week, (T 3), 3 Credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach and practice the methods ofdramatic acting by working onexample plays, writers, terms anddramaturgical consept.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:STANISLAVSKI, Konstant›n , BirKarakter YaratmakSTANISLAVSKI, Konstant›n, Bir RolYaratmakCANDAN, Ayflin, XX.Yüzy›lda ÖncüTiyatroNUTKU, Özdemir, Dünya TiyatrosuTarihiTeaching Staff: Levent ÖKTEM

19.2. 5103.0 DICTION(BREATH,VOICE &DICTION INTHEATRE)3 Hours / Week, (T 3) , 3 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Studying ondetailed techniques of voice andbreath exercises, pronunciation,articulation, entonation, accentuationand using of diaphragm with exampletexts.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:LINKLATER, Kristin, Freeing TheNatural VoiceBEVINGTON, David, The CompleteWorks of ShakespeareBROCKETT, Oscar, Tiyatro TarihiTeaching Staff: Asst. Prof.Dr. MerihTANGÜN

19.2. 5104.0 DIRECTING2 Hours / Week (T 2) , 2 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The student whohad education of ways of acting, bythis course he/she can improve himselfby learning directing methods on stagewith examing the example directors,plays and consepts.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts foreach terms, and readings will bedecided according to the choosentexts.Teaching Staff: Prof.ZelihaBERKSOY

19.2. 5105.0 DRAMATICAL THEATRETHEORY (Se)2 Hours / Week (T 2) , 0 Credit , 5ECTS


Objective / Contents: This course aimsto give the students about dramaticalacting methods as conseptual in thetheatre historyAssesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts andwriters for each terms, and readingswill be decided according to thechoosen texts.Teaching Staff: Sibel ARSLAN

19.2.5120.0 DIRECTING SKILL ANDDRAMATURGY2 Hours / Week (T 2) , 2 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach the methods of studyingabout the characters, events in plays,in the theatre history from past topresent.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts andwriters for each terms, and readingswill be decided according to thechoosen texts.Teaching Staff: HuramanNEVRUZOVA19.2. 5121.0 MOVEMENT2 Hours / Week, (T 2) , 2 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse is,to correct using of body inacting and breathing for actors.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:FELDENKRAIS, Moshe, BedenselFark›ndal›¤›n YoluTeaching Staff: Nur BERKAN19.2. 5122.0 DANCEObjective / Contents: This course aimsto improve the actor’s body and it

helps to get arthistic and techniquelevel in dance.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Nur BERKAN

19.2. 5123.0 SINGING1 Hour / Week (T 1) , 1 Credit , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Studying oncorrect using of voice, exercises andworking about suitable repertoire.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Timur DO⁄ANAY


19.2. 5201 ACTING (EPIC)3 Hours / Week, (T 3) , 3 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach and practice detailedmethods of epic acting by working onexample scenes from different plays.By these, the student can understandthe play as dramaturgical and asconseptual.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:KESTING, Marianne, Tarihte veÇa¤›m›zda Epik TiyatroBRECHT, Bertold, Epik TiyatroÜzerineTeaching Staff: Prof.ZelihaBERKSOY

19.2.5202 ACTING (DRAMATIC)3 Hours / Week, (T 3) , 3 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach and practice the methods ofdramatic acting by working on




example plays, writers, terms anddramaturgical consept.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:STANISLAVSKI, Konstant›n , BirKarakter YaratmakSTANISLAVSKI, Konstant›n, Bir RolYaratmakCANDAN, Ayflin, XX.Yüzy›lda ÖncüTiyatroNUTKU, Özdemir, Dünya TiyatrosuTarihiTeaching Staff: Levent ÖKTEM

19.2. 5203 DICTION (BREATH,VOICE&DICTION IN THEATRE)3 Hours/Week, (T 3), 3 Credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Studying ondetailed techniques of voice andbreath exercises, pronunciation,articulation, entonation, accentuationand using of diaphragm with exampletexts.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:LINKLATER, Kristin, Freeing TheNatural VoiceBEVINGTON, David, The CompleteWorks of ShakespeareBROCKETT, Oscar, Tiyatro TarihiTeaching Staff: Asst.Prof. Dr.MerihTANGÜN

19.2.5204 DIRECTING2 Hours/Week (T 2), 2 Credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The student whohad education of ways of acting, bythis course he/she can improve himselfby learning directing methods on stagewith examing the example directors,plays and consepts.

Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts foreach terms, and readings will bedecided according to the choosentexts.Teaching Staff: Prof.ZelihaBERKSOY

19.2.5205 DRAMATICAL THEATRETHEORY (Se)2 Hours/Week (T 2), 0 Credit, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto give the students about dramaticalacting methods as conseptual in thetheatre historyAssesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts andwriters for each terms, and readingswill be decided according to thechoosen texts.Teaching Staff: Sibel ARSLAN

19.2.5220 DIRECTING SKILL ANDDRAMATURGY2 Hours / Week (T 2) , 2 Credits , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto teach the methods of studyingabout the characters, events in plays,in the theatre history from past topresent.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Lecture andthe students choose different texts andwriters for each terms, and readingswill be decided according to thechoosen texts.Teaching Staff: HuramanNEVRUZOVA19.2.5221 MOVEMENT


2 Hours / Week, (T 2) , 2 Credits , 5ECTSObjective/Contents: The aim of thiscourse is,to correct using of body inacting and breathing for actors.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:FELDENKRAIS, Moshe, BedenselFark›ndal›¤›n YoluTeaching Staff: Nur BERKAN

19.2.5222 DANCE2 Hours / Week, (T 2) , 2 Credits, 5ECTSObjective / Contents: This course aimsto improve the actor’s body and ithelps to get arthistic and techniquelevel in dance.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Nur BERKAN19.2.5223 SINGING1 Hour / Week (T 1) , 1 Credit , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: Studying oncorrect using of voice, exercises andworking about suitable repertoire.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: -Teaching Staff: Timur DO⁄ANAY

19.2. 5224 WRITING AND ANALYSISOF TEXTS1 Hour / Week (T 1) , 1 Credit , 5ECTSObjective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse studying on theatre texts intheatre history, by examing them witha detailed methods, and givingknowledge about writing andanalysing.Assesment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: YAVUZ,Muhsine, Masallar ve E¤itimsel‹fllevleriYAVUZ, Muhsine, Diyarbak›r

Efsaneleri-2 ve Diyarbak›r Üzerine 8 Bildiri Teaching Staff: Asst. Prof. Dr.Muhsine H. YAVUZ






6102 ADVANCED ACTING ANDSTAGING3 Hours/Week T 3, 3 Credits 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: This lesson willbe conducted on theory and practicebasis. The student, who received theessentials of the acting inundergraduate and graduateeducation, will search the stagepractices considering the necessities ofthe current times and the datanecessary for the player of XXIcentury will decided. Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings: A differentwriter and work is elected for eachsemester. Reading is based on thewriter.Teaching Staff: Prof. ZelihaBERKSOY

6102 ACTING THEORIES2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3

ECTSObjective / Contents: The lesson willhandle different theoritical approachesthat derived from acting and theeffects of player-based drama overworld drama thought especiallystarting from the 20th centuryimpressions and the related exampleswill be offered. Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings: CANDAN,Ayfl›n; Yirminci Yüzy›lda ÖncüTiyatrofiENER, Sevda; Dünden BugüneTiyatro Düflüncesi

ÇEB‹, Ahmet Kerem; BrechtEsteti¤inin Perspektifi DünyaDevrimidirTeaching Staff: Prof.ZelihaBERKSOY

6103 DRAMA THEORIES, CRITICISMAND DRAMATURGY2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: The lesson willcover the theories ranging fromphilosophy to sociology andliterature,which steered the 20thcentury. Those theories will becombined with theatrical ones anddramatic texts will be handled withinthe context of critical thought. Inaddition, those texts will be “re-read”with in the light of appropriateanalyses. Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings:BROCKETT, Oscar; Tiyatro TarihiÇAMURDAN, Esen; Ça¤dafl Tiyatro veDramaturjifiENER, Sevda; Dünden BugüneTiyatro DüflüncesiTeaching Staff: Prof.Dr.DikmenGÜRÜN

6104 TEXT – CONCEPT ANDSTAGING PRACTICES3 Hours/Week T 3, 3 Credits 5 ECTSObjective / Contents: This lessonincludes the analyses of the differentplays from different periods ofdramatic literature and stagepractices. Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings: A differentwork and writer is elected for eachsemester. Resources will be electeddepended on the writer.


Teaching Staff: Levent ÖKTEM

6105 DRAMA IN A MULTICULTURALENVIRONMENT2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: 20th centurybrought multiculturalism andinterculturalism. The effects of boththeories over performing arts,especially the art of drama, will behandled on national and internationallevels. Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings: BARBA,Eugenio-SAVARASE, Nicola;Oyuncunun Gizli Sanat›BARBA, Eugenio; Beyond TheFloating IslandsAKSOY, Nazan; ÇokkültürlülükÜstüne, Modernleflme veÇokkültürlülükHAVILAND, William A.; KültürelAntropolojiTeaching Staff: Dr. KeremKARABO⁄A

6106 PERFORMING ARTSMANAGEMENT 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: Differences ofproducing and managing ofperforming arts: theatre, opera andbalet, outlines of the managment ofperforming arts in Turkey and in theworld.Assesment Methods: ExamRecommended Readings: Personalnotes of Prof.Mesut Iktu.Teaching Staff: Prof.Mesut ‹KTU

6107 NEW ARTISTIC MOVEMENTS 2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: New artisticmovements, developments and theeffects of such movements overcurrent the arts of drama. Assesment Methods: Exam Recommended Readings: FISCHER,Ernst , Sanat›n Gereklili¤iROBERTSON, Roland; Küreselleflme,Toplum Kuram› ve Küresel KültürTeaching Staff: Muhsine H.Yavuz

6109 MODERNISM,POSTMODERNISM ANDPERFORMING ARTS2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: From the secondpart of the 20th centurypostmodernism became an issue ofdiscussion in parallel with modernism.And it also effected many areas, asdid with the art of drama. Thepurpose of this lesson is to handleperforming arts in the light of boththeories. In addition, the lesson aimsto acquire a new viewpoint to thestudents accompanied by visual andwritten examples. Assesment Methods: ExamReccomanded Readings: AUSLANDER, Philip ; Form Acting toPerformance, Essays in Modernismand PostmodernismPAVIS, Partice; SahnelemeTOURAINE, Alain; Modernli¤inElefltirisiTeaching Staff: Özlem ÖZTÜRK




6110 DRAMATIC TEXT WRITING 1 Hour/Week T 1, 1 Credit 2 ECTSObjective / Contents: In this lesson,developments will be handled inliterature with examples and studentswill be allowed to express themselves.In addition students will be directed tothink and discuss and work analysisbased on a sound argument will betaken into consideration. Assesment Methods: ExamTeaching Staff: Özlem ÖZTÜRK


6208 TYPES OF ACTING2 Hours/Week, T 2, 2 Credits, 3ECTSObjective / Contents: The purpose ofthis lesson is the use of “body” to finda common language in performing artsin the world where the physicalboundaries vanished. On the otherhand, the place of national andinternational codes, types of actingand their role in performing arts willdiscussed in the lesson. Assesment Methods: ExamReccomanded Readings: Teaching Staff: Nur BERKAN





1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.3.5103.0 Trends in XXth Century 2 519.3.5104.0 Seminar 0 5Required Elective Courses 6 10 Elective Courses 2 10

Total 10 30

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS19.3.5203.0 Trends in XXth Century 2 519.3.5204.0 Videodan Eser ‹nceleme (Seminar) 0 5Required Elective Courses 6 10 Elective Courses 3 10

Total 11 30

3. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Report 30

Total 30

4. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTSThesis Presentation 30

Total 30

TOTAL : 21 MSGSÜ, 1 Seminar; 120 ECTS




1. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required Elective Courses19.3.5101.0 Advanced Technique (Modern Dance) 6 1019.3.5102.0 Advanced Technique (Classic Dance) 6 10

(S) Elective Courses19.3.5120.0 Improvisation 2 319.3.5121.0 Ballet Methodology 3 519.3.5122.0 Theory and Analysis 6 919.3.5123.0 Nature of Dance and it’s Social Disposition 2 319.3.5124.0 Theory Music 3 519.3.5125.0 Anatomy 2 319.3.5126.0 Awareness Through Movement 2 319.3.5127.0 Composition 3 519.3.5128.0 Anatomy 2 2

2. SEMESTER MSGSÜ ECTS(Zs) Required Elective Courses19.3.5201.0 Advanced Technique (Modern Dance) 6 919.3.5202.0 Advanced Technique (Classic Dance) 6 9

(S) Elective Courses19.3.5220.0 Improvisation 2 519.3.5221.0 Ballet Methodology 3 519.3.5222.0 Theory and Analysis 6 919.3.5223.0 Nature of Dance and it’s Social Disposition 2 319.3.5224.0 Theory Music 3 519.3.5225.0 Anatomy 2 519.3.5226.0 Awareness Through Movement 2 319.3.5227.0 Composition 3 519.3.5228.0 Anatomy 2 2





19.3. 5101.0 ADVANCEDTECHNIQUE (MODERN)8 Hrs/Week, T4-S4, 6 credits, ECTS 9Objective / Contents: By applyingRudolph Laban’s theory of movementanalysis and Bartanief’s movementdevelopment principles forstrengtheing and reviving the bodyanatomically ; and by usingcontemporary techniques the aim is togain flow of movement and ability totake risks.Assessment Methods: Examinationand practical examRecommended Readings:-FRANKLIN, Eric, Dance Imagery ForTechnique FRANKLIN, Eric, DynamicElement Through ImageryHACKNEY, Peggy, MakingConnection BARTANIEFF, I.-LEWIS,D., Body MovementTeaching Staff: Prof.Ayd›n TEKER

19.3. 5102.0 ADVANCEDTECHNIQUE (BALLET) 8 Hrs/Week, T4-S4, 6 credits, ECTS 9Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are alreadyadvaced in ballet technique to able togo further into more complex andskilfull movementAssessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:VAGANOVA, A., Basic Principle of

Classical BalletKOSTRAVITSKAYA,V.,The School ofClassical Dance TARASOV, N.,Classical DanceTeaching Staff: NataliaKHEMELOVA

19.3. 5103 TRENDS IN XXthCENTURY2 Hrs/Week, T2-S0, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This coursestudies the trends of ballet andmodern dance throughout the 20th.Century together and comparativelywith other plastic arts.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:BREMHER,Martha, FiftyContemporary ChoreographersPARTSCH,I.-Bergsohn, Modern DanceIn Germany And In The UnitedStatesLANGER,Suzanne, Feeling And FormAU,Susan, History of Ballet AndModern DanceCOUPLAND,R.-COHENN,M., What IsDance? Teaching Staff: Prof.fiebnem AKSAN

19.3. 5104 SEMINIAR2 Hrs/Week, T2-S0, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This coursestudies the main pieces of Classical-Romantic- Modern Ballets and alsoModern Dance repertory. Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Selected videos ofClassical-Romanticballets and 20th. Century’s dance art.

Teaching Staff: Prof. fiebnem AKSAN

19.3. 5120 IMPROVISATION2 Hrs/Week, -T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are alreadyexperienced in improvisation diciplinesand performance. The aim is toexpend the boarders of the students’perception , movement capacity andself experience to new hights by given



directions.Assessment Methods: Practical ExamRecommended Readings:TUFFNELL, M.,-CRICKMAY,C.,Body Space ImageHACKNEY, Peggy, MakingConnectionsHARTLEY, Lynda, Wisdom Of TheBody MovingTeaching Staff: Prof. fiebnem AKSAN

19.3. 5121 BALLET METHODOLOGY4 hrs./week, T2-S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse .is to teach the students themethodology of classical balletaccording to different levels bydividing it in two sections; theory andpractice.Assessment Methods: Examinationand Practical ExamRecommended Readings:VAGANOVA, Agrippina, VaganovaTekni¤iKOSTROVITSKAYA, S.,Vera, 100Lessons In Classical BalletJOFFREY, Robert, Classical BalletTecnique Teaching Staff: Doç.Ayflin KABALAK

19.3. 5122 THEORY AND ANALYSIS8 hrs./week, T4-S4, 6 Credits, ECTS 9Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are already highlyexperienced in modern dance orclassical ballet. By applying RudolphLaban’s theory of movement analysisor a similar method the compositionand decomposition of movements andassambling movements withmusiquality are examined practicallyas a teacher.Assessment Methods: Examinationand Practical Exam

Recommended Readings:KOSTROVITSKAYA, S., Vera, SchollOf Classical DanceTARASOV, N., Ballet TechniqueLAWSON, J., Teaching YoungDancers I-IIR.A.D. SYYLBUS, Cecchetti Method KOSTROVITSKAYA, S., Vera,Science Of Dance TrainingTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.DilekEVG‹N

19.3. 5123 NATURE OF DANCE ANDIT’S SOCIAL DISPOSITION2 Hrs/Week, T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: After studyingthe nature, function and disposition ofdance in primitive tibal societies , thecourse moves on to development ofWestern Theatrical dance forms fromRenaissance upto 1920’s. Alsoexaming how dance is affected bysocio-political and culturelcircumstances.Assessment Methods:ExaminationRecommended Readings:CASS,Joan, Dancing Through HistoryGRAV,A.-JORDAN,S., EuropeDancingHIGHWATER,Jamake, Rituals OfExperienceAnd also various articlesTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.fiebnemAKSAN

19.3. 5124 THEORY OF MUSIC4 hrs./week, T2S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The music usedfor ballet class its relation tomovement the veriety and specialtiesof classical dance music its proper useis studied.Assessment Methods: Examinationand practical examRecommended Readings:



YENER,Faruk, Müzik TarihiTeaching Staff: Bak›t MOMUNKUL

19.3. 5125 ANATOMY2 Hrs/Week,T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: The course isdivided in two sections; theory andpractice. After examining the basicconcepts , skeletal-mascular andnerveus systems , joints, rules ofmovement , the course concentrates onhow to move economically and how toprevent injuries by moving inharmony with the body.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: -JOAN,Deane, Job’s Body

Teaching Staff: Prof.Ayd›n TEKER

19.3. 5126 AWARENESS THROUGHMOVEMENT2 Hrs/Week,T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: The course isconducted by verbaly giving directionsto help students develope bodyawareness and correlatively theiremotional awareness withoutjudgement. Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:FELDENKRAIS,Moshe, AwarenessThrough MovementTeaching Staff: fiirin DURUK19.3. 5127 COMPOSITION4 Hrs/Week, T2 S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: During thiscourse students who already know andhave experience in compositionalelements will be and encouraged todevelope their own personalchoreographic style.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:CHOPLIN,L.,Tarin, ‹ntimate Act OfChoreography

Teaching Staff: Prof.Ayd›n TEKER

19.3.5128 ANATOMY2hrs./week, T 2, S 2, 2 credits, ECTS2Objective / Contents: The course isdivided in two sections; theory andpractice. After examining the basicconcepts , skeletal-mascular andnerveus systems , joints, rules ofmovement , the course concentrates onhow to move economically and how toprevent injuries by moving inharmony with the body.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Athleticininjuries and rehabilitation, JEZACHAZEWSKI, DJ MAGEE2. SEMESTER

19.3. 5201.0 ADVANCEDTECHNIQUE (MODERN) 8 Hrs/Week, T4-S4, 6 credits, ECTS 9Objective / Contents: By applyingRudolph Laban’s theory of movementanalysis and Bartanief’s movementdevelopment principles forstrengtheing and reviving the bodyanatomically ; and by usingcontemporary techniques the aim is togain flow of movement and ability totake risks.Assessment Methods: Examinationand practical examRecommended Readings:-FRANKLIN,Eric, Dance Imagery For

TechniqueFRANKLIN,Eric ,Dynamic ElementThrough ImageryHACKNEY, Peggy ,MakingConnectionBARTANIEFF, I.-LEWIS,D., BodyMovementTeaching Staff: Assist.Prof.Tu¤çeTuna



19.3. 5202.0 ADVANCEDTECHNIQUE (BALLET) 8 Hrs/Week, T4-S4, 6 credits, ECTS 9Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are alreadyadvaced in ballet technique to able togo further into more complex andskilfull movementAssessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:VAGANOVA,A.,Basic Principle of

Classical BalletKOSTRAVITSKAYA,V.,The School

of Classical DanceTARASOV, N.,Classical Dance

Teaching Staff: NataliaKHEMELOVA

19.3. 5203 TRENDS IN XXthCENTURY2 Hrs/Week, T2-S0, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This coursestudies the trends of ballet andmodern dance throughout the 20th.Century together and comparativelywith other plastic arts.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:BREMHER, Martha, FiftyContemporary ChoreographersPARTSCH, I.-Bergsohn, ModernDance In Germany And In The UnitedStatesLANGER,Suzanne, Feeling And FormAU, Susan, History of Ballet AndModern DanceCOUPLAND, R.-COHENN, M., WhatIs Dance? Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.fiebnemAKSAN

19.3. 5204 SEMINIAR2 Hrs/Week, T2-S0, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This coursestudies the main pieces of Classical-

Romantic- Modern Ballets and alsoModern Dance repertory. Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:Selected videos ofClassical-Romanticballets and 20th. Century’s dance art.

Teaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.fiebnemAKSAN

19.3. 5220 IMPROVISATION2 Hrs/Week, -T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are alreadyexperienced in improvisation diciplinesand performance. The aim is toexpend the boarders of the students’perception , movement capacity andself experience to new hights by givendirections.Assessment Methods: Practical ExamRecommended Readings:TUFFNELL,M.,-CRICKMAY,C., BodySpace ImageHACKNEY,Peggy, MakingConnectionsHARTLEY,Lynda, Wisdom Of TheBody MovingTeaching Staff: Prof.fiebnem AKSAN

19.3. 5221 BALLET METHODOLOGY4 Hrs/Week, T2-S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The aim of thiscourse .is to teach the students themethodology of classical balletaccording to different levels bydividing it in two sections; theory andpractice.Assessment Methods: Examinationand Practical ExamRecommended Readings:VAGANOVA, Agrippina, VaganovaTekni¤i



KOSTROVITSKAYA,S.,Vera, 100Lessons In Classical BalletJOFFREY, Robert, Classical BalletTecnique Teaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. AyflinKABALAK

19.3. 5222 THEORY AND ANALYSIS8 Hrs/Week, T4-S4, 6 credits, ECTS9Objective / Contents: This courseneeds students who are already highlyexperienced in modern dance orclassical ballet. By applying RudolphLaban’s theory of movement analysisor a similar method the compositionand decomposition of movements andassambling movements withmusiquality are examined practicallyas a teacher.Assessment Methods: Examinationand Practical ExamRecommended Readings:KOSTROVITSKAYA,S.,Vera, SchollOf Classical DanceTARASOV, N., Ballet TechniqueLAWSON, J., Teaching YoungDancers I-IIR.A.D. SYYLBUS, Cecchetti Method KOSTROVITSKAYA, S.,Vera, ScienceOf Dance TrainingTeaching Staff: Assoc. Prof. DilekEVG‹N

19.3. 5223 NATURE OF DANCE ANDIT’S SOCIAL DISPOSITION2 Hrs/Week, T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: After studyingthe nature, function and disposition ofdance in primitive tibal societies , thecourse moves on to development ofWestern Theatrical dance forms fromRenaissance upto 1920’s. Also

examing how dance is affected bysocio-political and culturelcircumstances.Assessment Methods:ExaminationRecommended Readings:CASS,Joan, Dancing Through HistoryGRAV,A.-JORDAN,S., EuropeDancingHIGHWATER,Jamake, Rituals OfExperienceAnd also various articlesTeaching Staff: Assoc.Prof.fiebnemAKSAN

19.3. 5224 THEORY OF MUSIC4 Hrs/Week, -T2S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The music usedfor ballet class its relation tomovement the veriety and specialtiesof classical dance music its proper useis studied.Assessment Methods: Examinationand practical examRecommended Readings:YENER,Faruk, Müzik TarihiTeaching Staff: Ö¤r.Gör. AylinUÇAK LAYIK

19.3. 5225 ANATOMY2 Hrs/Week,T2, 2 credits, ECTS 3Objective / Contents: The course isdivided in two sections; theory andpractice. After examining the basicconcepts , skeletal-mascular andnerveus systems , joints, rules ofmovement , the course concentrates onhow to move economically and how toprevent injuries by moving inharmony with the body.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:JOAN,Deane, Job’s BodyTeaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n TEKER



19.3. 5226 AWARENESS THROUGHMOVEMENT2 Hrs/Week,T2, 2 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: The course isconducted by verbaly giving directionsto help students develope bodyawareness and correlatively theiremotional awareness withoutjudgement. Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:FELDENKRAIS, Moshe, AwarenessThrough MovementTeaching Staff: fiirin DURUK

19.3. 5227 COMPOSITION4 Hrs/Week, -T2 S2, 3 credits, ECTS 5Objective / Contents: During thiscourse students who already know andhave experience in compositionalelements will be and encouraged todevelope their own personalchoreographic style.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings:CHOPLIN, L., Tarin, Intimate Act ofChoreographyTeaching Staff: Prof. Ayd›n TEKER

19.3. 5228 ANATOMY2 Hrs/Week,T2, 2 credits, ECTS 2Objective / Contents: The course isdivided in two sections; theory andpractice. After examining the basicconcepts, skeletal-mascular andnerveus systems, joints, rules ofmovement , the course concentrates onhow to move economically and how toprevent injuries by moving inharmony with the body.Assessment Methods: ExaminationRecommended Readings: Athleticininjuries and rehabilitation, JEZACHAZEWSKI, DJ MAGEE

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