installation of putty and xming-xserver for windows

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Installation of the PuTTY utility to connect to a Linux server using SSH from a Windows PC. 1) Locate the putty.exe program from the google search page.

2) Select the link Putty Download Page.

3) Create a directory to store the PuTTY files in. For these instructions, it will be assumed that all PuTTy related files are stored in the directory C:\putty. Download the file putty.exe from the binary section (placing in your new directory i.e. C:\putty), other files that may be useful are the pscp.exe for copying files, psftp.exe for copying files, plink.exe for starting remote Xclients for the Xming server through a batch file, pageant.exe for agent transfer of keys, and puttygen.exe for ssh key configuration.

4) After downloading the files, run the putty.exe file to connect to the server. The following screens will show how to configure putty to connect to the server. These screens are for version 0.60 of PuTTY. If you are using a new version, the screens my change slightly. To determine which version you have, click the About button at the bottom of the screen as shown below.

5) Under the Category Session, in the Host Name (or IP address) field, enter in your (notice that is is just like an e-mail address). Note, the username is first initial, lastname, and two digit month and two digit day of your birthdate. Also note, while typing the password (during login), nothing will be displayed for security reasons. In the Saved Sessions box, enter a name for this session and then click on Save. From now on, you will be able to double click on this saved session to start the connection. If you every need to make changes to this session, be sure to click the Load button, make your changes, and then save it before starting the session.

6) To use graphical programs (X window client programs) and display them on Windows, you must enable X11 forwarding and also install and have running the Xming server (Installation shown below). To enable X11 forwarding (tunneling of X windows through the SSH connection), under the Category Connection->SSH, check the box X11 forwarding. Be sure to go back to sessions and save this new setting!

7) (Optional, do not try unless you already understand how to use SSH keys) Using key

authorization through Putty. Putty can use SSH keys putty by defining the private key file (.ppk for putty) under the Category Connection->SSH->Auth. Refer to the slides on networking and SSH on how to generate keys and configure the public key on the remote server. It is recommended to generate the keys on a linux machine and then importing the private key into putty using the PuTTYgen.exe program available from the same site Putty.exe was found at. Note, pscp.exe or pftp.exe may also be needed to copy the keys from the linux machine over to the Windows machine. If the keys were generated on the remote server, the private key should be deleted from the remote server immediately after importing into putty.

8) Putty installation and configuration is complete. Double click on the preferred saved session under Category Sessions to connect to the server. See below for installation of the Xming Xserver for using remote Linux graphical applications on a Windows PC.

Installing the Xming Xserver for Windows 1) Download the Xming file from

2) Locate the downloaded file:

3) Run the setup program. 4) Click on the next button at the Setup - Xming screen.

5) Click on the next button at the Select Destination Location screen. Note, you will need approximately 5MB of disk space for this program.

6) At the Select Components screen, unselect the Non US keyboard support option, and then click next.

7) Click the next button at the Select Start Menu Folder screen (select different folder). 8) Select Create a Quick Launch icon for Xming at the Select Additional Tasks screen, and then click next. 9) Click Install at the Ready To Install screen.

10) Click finish at the Completing the Xming Setup Wizard screen. The Xserver should start and will appear in the system tray as server :0.0.

11) Done, installing the server. 12) You may also want to install extra fonts for the Xming Xserver. To do this, select Xming-fonts from the Xming site on

13) Locate the downloaded file (Xming-fonts-6-9-0-40-setup.exe) and execute it. 14) Click the Next button at the Welcome to Xming-fonts Setup Wizard screen .

15) Click the Next button on the Select Destination Location screen.

16) Click Yes to install the Xming fonts into the Xming server directory created above.

17) At the select Components, add the 100dpi Fonts and the other unchecked items of desired, then click Next.

18) Click the next button at the Select Start Menu Folder screen.

19) Click the Install button at the Ready to Install screen.

20) Wait will the fonts are installing. Click the Finish button at the Completing the Xming-fonts Setup Wizard screen. Note, if the Xming Xserver was already running, it will have to be restarted before the new fonts are available.

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