installati on instructi ons for the ci tizen series ct-s300/ct

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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1 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

I nstall ati on i nstructi ons for the CI TI ZEN seri es CT- S300/CT- S310 pri nters wi th Cor ner Store POS

Cor ner St ore POS support s Citizen seri es pri nt ers. Thi s docu ment will

det ail t he process of i nst alli ng t he correct dri vers f or t he pri nt er and

cash drawer and t hen setti ng up t he pri nt er and t he cash drawer i n t he

Cor ner St ore POS.

2 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

Inst alli ng Appropri at e Dri vers

NOTE: Pl ease l eave pri nter di sconnected f or dri ver i nstall ati on!

I nstalli ng the POS FOR. NET

1. Go t o the websit e:

htt p: //cornerstorepos. com/ downl oads/har dwar e/POS_f or_. Net. exe

2. Cl i ck on the POS_f or_. Net appli cati on.

3 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

3. Cl i ck on Run.

4. Cl i ck on Yes.

5. Sel ect the fol der where you want t o unzi p the fil e and click on Unzi p.

4 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

6. Now cli ck on OK. And, then cli ck on Cl ose.

7. Now, go t o the fol der where you saved your fil e and look for set up. exe fil e and click on it.

5 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

8. Cl i ck on I nst all.

9. Ent er User Name and Or gani zati on and sel ect Next.

6 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

4. Sel ect Accept.

5. Sel ect Typi cal and then Next.

6. Sel ect I nst all and then Fini sh.

7 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

No w, OPOS dri ver for Citizen Pri nt er has been downloaded and i nst all ed.

1. Downl oad dri ver from htt p:// www. cor nerst or downl oads/ har dwar e/CT %20S300_S310 %20OPOS_V1844. EXE

2. Now run the execut abl e.

3. Cli ck on Next.

8 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

4. Sel ect I Agree and cli ck on Next.

5. Sel ect everyone and cli ck on Next.

9 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

6. I nst alli ng OP OS dri ver.

7. Aft er the successful i nst allati on, click on Cl ose.

10 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

8. Now, go t o St art > All progr ams > Citi zen Syst ems > Confi gur ati on Utilit y. You see that the pri nt er CT-S300 and CT-S310 is added.

11 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

Usi ng Pri nt er and Cash Drawer wit h Cor ner St ore POS

1. Open Cor ner St ore POS>Set Up>Har dwar e Set up.

2. Wi t hi n Har dware Set up sel ect Pri nt ers t ab, sel ect the name of pri nt er whi ch you had added wi thi n i nst all ed OP OS Pri nt ers list.

12 1- 866- 468- 5767 or 201- 928- 0222 I nternati onal Poi nt of Sal e

4. Sel ect the opti on ( Yes, No or Prompt) t o pri nt the recei pt and then sel ect Save & Exit. 5. Sel ect Cash Dr awers t ab. 6. Sel ect the name of cash dr awer whi ch you had added wi thi n I nst all ed Cash Dr awers list and then sel ect Save & Exit.

7. To appl y changes t o t ake pl ace cl ose Corner St ore and re l ogi n.

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