inspirationmay2016email version - usual worship...

Post on 27-May-2018






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May, 2016

One of my favorite writers is Maya Angelou, whose insight and passion touches those who read her work. One such piece of hers is a poem titled “Christians.”

I often read it in the morning and I want to share it with you:

When I say …”I am a Christian”When I say …”I am a Christian”When I say …”I am a Christian”When I say …”I am a Christian” I’m not shouting “I’m clean livin’.”

I’m whispering “I was lost, Now I’m found and forgiven.”

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble

And need Christ to be my guide.

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I’m weak

And need His strength to carry on.

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed

And need God to clean my mess.

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I’m not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are far too visible

But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I still feel the sting of pain.

I have my share of heartaches So I call upon His name.

When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian”When I say…”I am a Christian” I’m not holier than thou, I’m just a simple sinner

Who received God’s good grace, somehow! . . . . . . . . .

I invite you to join with me in reading this poem in the morning, and then ask your-self what it means to you to say…”I am a Christian.”

Grace and Peace, Dr. Keith W. Johnson, Lead Pastor

The inSpiration is published

monthly. Information is due to

the editor by the 19th of the

month to be included in the

next issue.

Editor: Sue Bacon To contact the editor: Phone ....... 402-556-2433 Email ........ Address: ... 5410 Corby Street Omaha, NE 68104

Saint Paul ChurchSaint Paul ChurchSaint Paul ChurchSaint Paul Church 5410 Corby St.

Omaha, NE 68104 402-556-2433

FAX 402-939-0055 Website:


Rev. Dr. Keith Johnson Lead Pastor


Rev. Jerry Brabec Minister of Worship 402-676-4751

Kathy Rice Director of Stephen Ministry


Rev. Marta Wheeler Youth Pastor


Stephanie Rosenberger Director of Children’s Ministries


Sue Bobek, Membership Secretary &

Administrative Assistant to the Lead Pastor


Connie Almgren Financial Secretary 402-677-4815

Sue Bacon Communications Coordinator


Derek Wolfe Building Engineer 402-677-8834

St. Paul Child Care & PreschoolSt. Paul Child Care & PreschoolSt. Paul Child Care & PreschoolSt. Paul Child Care & Preschool 402-556-3885

Katy Smith, Director

Community CounselingCommunity CounselingCommunity CounselingCommunity Counseling 402-354-6891 x23

Mary Kate Hoffman, LMHP


$5 for Ministry! During the April meeting of the Stewardship and Finance we discussed how to share with the congregation the numerous ways we financially support the min-istry of Saint Paul Church. From this discussion came the monthly “$5 for Minis-try.” Every month the Stewardship and Finance committee will lift up a way we can give a $5 gift to help support the ministry of Saint Paul. Below is the list:

May – Vacation Bible School (June 5-8)

June – Keeping our cool! (trustees)

July – New window project (we have half of the building done!)

August – Youth Ministry

September – Sunday School for the Children

October – Snow Removal (helping us attend worship in the winter!)

November – Food pantry

December – Angel Tree

Can you give $5 to help support the ministry of Saint Paul Church? Put your special gift in an offering envelop and write “$5 for Ministry” on it, or on the lower left corner of your check. If you wish to give electronically, go to the Saint Paul website and click on the word “Giving” in the list on the left hand side. You will be taken to a page with instructions on giving electronically from your com-puter or from your smart phone.

Stephen Caregivers On May 11, 2016, the training for new Stephen Caregivers will begin. While the training is intensive and takes time, it is also an opportunity to develop new companions for the journey. There is much time of sharing experiences, opinions and stories. If you have any interest at all in participating in this opportunity, please contact Kathy Rice (402-657-6000).

This will be a different kind of experience for us as we are planning to join with another congregation. Northwest Hills Church (UCC) at 93rd and Fort has of-fered to share the training. This will give us an opportunity for new people and for the leaders to share training responsibilities.

New Church Telephones The new church phone system allows phone calls to be made directly to the staff member to whom you wish to speak. The phone numbers are listed in the panel to the left of this article. You may also call the church office phone number (402-556-2433) and leave a message for a staff member to return your call.

Notable Luncheon The annual celebration of those nearing or previously achieving their ninetieth natal anniversary (also known as a 90th birthday!) are invited to attend a brunch gathering in Fellowship Hall on Saturday, May 21 at 10:00 a.m. “Notable Nineties” is St. Paul’s way of saying, “where would we be without you” to a group of members whose wisdom and longevity is to be admired! The program theme is “The Wizard of Oz” and we will be taken ‘over the rainbow’ by event host, Marilou Dohe.

For more information or to RSVP your plans to attend call the church office.



Pentecost With the festival of Easter being a movable occasion, set by the lunar calendar, the month of April seems a bit desolate without its celebration. But with “April showers comes May’s flowers” and the birthday of the church will soon be upon us! The Fifty Great Days of Easter will end with our celebration of Pentecost, May 14/15May 14/15May 14/15May 14/15. We will be filled with the spirit of music offered by organist, David Schack and the Solid Brass Quartet, as well as members of the St. Paul Chancel, Folk Gospel and Joy Bells Choirs during the 5:00, 8:15 and 11:05 wor-ship hours and our faithful Fusion musicians at 9:35. You are encouraged to celebrate our receiving of the Holy Spirit by wearing red, the color of the United Methodist flame.

M&M Service Our mid-month M & M service held Wednesday, May 18May 18May 18May 18 at 7:00 p.m. continues with the theme of the laity re-minding us of “how St. Paul has helped me on my spiritual journey.” This month we hear from speakers Bob and Patti Griffiths. We will observe the Sacrament of Holy Communion as part of our time together in the Roth Chapel. As always, there will be M & M’s a plenty!

Memorial Day Weekend Worship

The third Single Sunday ServiceSingle Sunday ServiceSingle Sunday ServiceSingle Sunday Service will be celebrated Memorial Day week-end with worship in the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m., May 29May 29May 29May 29. This service will be reflective of the meaning of Memorial Day as a national holiday in the life of our country, but also what it means to strive to live in the kin-dom of God.

Our morning worship will include music from the Joy Bells, the Nova String Quartet, members of the Folk Gospel and Chancel Choirs. Dr. Johnson will offer a message on the text of Revelation 21:1-6, “then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.” The text will be highlighted with a commissioned musical work by area composer Michael McCabe.

There will be no children’s or youth Sunday school, so plan to worship with the entire family as you enjoy this extended weekend.

As always, the Saturday evening ser-vice will be held in Roth Chapel at 5:00 p.m.



Great Plains UM Cowboy Trail Bike Ride or Walk The Great Plains United Methodist Men are sponsoring an outing for all men, women and children wanting to help others. The ride/walk starts in Norfolk, Nebraska, with breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and departure at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 28. Checkin will be at Norfolk’s TaHaZouka Park.

The ride/walk is on the Cowboy Trail, which is a flat, unused railroad right-of-way that has recently been refur-bished for biking use.

Registration information and forms are available in the church office or can be emailed, if requested. Dona-tions will go to Great Plains UM Men’s Mission Programs.

April Special Offering for

Native American Ministries


Monday, May 16,

at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

Everyone is invited!

hurch ouncil eeting



Mission Trip to Guatemala We have an opportunity to join Wichita First United Methodist’s mission trip to Guatemala. The purpose of this trip is to teach and help build stoves with Mayans, and to lead women’s and children’s classes. The dates are November 5-13, and the cost is approximately $1200 to $1600.

If you are interested and would like more information about this mission trip, please contact Charlene Wilcox or Orene Taylor.

Families Needed to Host Micah Corps Interns The Great Plains Conference still needs host families for this summer’s Micah Corps Interns. Host families are asked to provide a separate bedroom for the intern, laundry facilities and use of the kitchen. They are not ex-pected to provide transportation, cook for interns or clean up after interns. Dates needed for housing: June 4 through June 25, July 2 through 7 and July 13 through 29 (about six weeks total).

If you would like to learn more about hosting one or more Micah Corps interns, email Carol Windrum at or call her at 402-981-9733.

inConcert The premiere Lincoln community hand bell ensem-ble, Bell-issimo, will be in concert Sunday, May 01 @ 3:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Under the direction of Nancy Youngman, the theme for the musical treat of “No Strings Attached: Music for bells, Strings & More” will be a delight for all ages. Our own Pastor Marta Wheeler was a former member of the ensem-ble. She also enjoys another, more familial, tie to the group which may be part of her introduction that day! Plan to stay for the meet-and-greet reception to follow!

Help Wanted in Childcare We are looking to hire full time & part time staff im-mediately who will be a good fit for our growing team!! We are open 6 am to 6 pm. Applicants must be 19 years or older and have previous experience with infants. Applicants must have a minimum of high school diploma/GED.

Attributes that we look for in our employees: Friendli-ness, communication skills, team work, honesty, positive attitudes, dependability, patience, & profes-sionalism.

If you think you are a good candidate please email or call 402-556-3885 for more information or to apply.


Spiritual Practice: A Way of Life

Flowing Streams Retreat

June 24-26

Manna House of Prayer,

Concordia, Kansas

For more information on this retreat, please ask for a brochure in the church office.

Journey to Jerusalem The Health Ministry Team is sponsoring a wellness program, Journey to Jerusalem. Participants will keep track of their exercise with the goal of 6,522 miles total for the congregation (distance to Jerusa-lem). Spiritual miles (praying, visiting someone, etc.) will also count. You can do it alone or as a team. If you are interested in participating, please let the church office know (402-556-2433 or

Garrison Keillor on "Methodists" We make fun of Methodists for their blandness, their excessive calm, their fear of giving offense, their lack of speed, and also for their secret fondness for macaroni and cheese.

But nobody sings like them. If you were to ask an audience in New York City, a relatively Methodist-less place, to sing along on the chorus of "Michael Row the Boat Ashore," they will look daggers at you as if you had asked them to strip to their underwear. But if you do this among Methodists, they'd smile and row that boat ashore and up on the beach! And down the road!

Many Methodists are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony, a talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head against that person's rib cage.

It's natural for Methodists to sing in harmony. They are too modest to be soloists, too worldly to sing in unison. When you're singing in the key of C and you slide into the A7th and D7th chords, all two hundred of you, it's an emotion-ally fulfilling moment. By joining in harmony, they somehow promise that they will not forsake each other.

I do believe this: People, these Methodists, who love to sing in four-part harmony are the sort of people you can call up when you're in deep distress.

*If you're dying, they will comfort you.

*If you are lonely, they'll talk to you.

*And if you are hungry, they'll give you tuna salad.

*Methodists believe in prayer, but would practically die if asked to pray out loud.

*Methodists like to sing, except when confronted with a new hymn or a hymn with more than four stanzas.

*Methodists believe their pastors will visit them in the hospital, even if they don't notify them that they are there.

*Methodists usually follow the official liturgy and will feel it is their way of suffering for their sins.

*Methodists believe in miracles and even expect miracles, especially during their stewardship visitation programs or when passing the plate.

Methodists think that the Bible forbids them from crossing the aisle while passing the peace.

*Methodists drink coffee as if it were the Third Sacrament.

*Methodists feel guilty for not staying to clean up after their own wedding reception in the Fellowship Hall.

*Methodists are willing to pay up to one dollar for a meal at the church.

*Methodists still serve Jell-O in the proper liturgical color of the season and think that peas in a tuna casserole adds too much color.

*Methodists believe that it is OK to poke fun at themselves and never take themselves too seriously.

And finally, You know you are a Methodist when: It's 100 degrees, with 90% humidity, and you still have coffee after the service.

You hear something funny during the sermon and smile as loudly as you can.

Donuts are a line item in the church budget, just like coffee.

When you watch a Star Wars movie and they say, "May the Force be with you," you respond, "and also with you."

And lastly, it takes ten minutes to say good - bye !


Learning, Serving, Playing, Praying During the month of April our St. Paul Youth served a light lunch at the Health Fair, went to God’s Not Dead 2 at the movie theater, hand-tilled a garden, joined in the Earth Day fun of cleaning up Gallagher Park, and par-ticipated in the district sponsored Global Youth Service Day. Our young people are doing amazing things each week while deepening their relationships with one another and with God.

The movie God’s Not Dead 2 tells the story of a teacher who was brought to trial for talking to a student about her faith that has helped her through tough times. Although the evangelical persecution theme of “us vs. them” could be annoying at times, the youth were able to resonate with this movie. Please consider how it is for stu-dents now.

Our young people are among the 25%25%25%25% of adolescents in America who say that religion is important in their lives. They pray, desire to learn more, and have a very strong commitment to help others. Many young people have stepped back from religion because they are unable to understand how science and religion can both an-swer questions in life. Youth group is an opportunity to share feelings and discuss what is important to them.

Contrast those statistics with your own generation. It was easy to be a Christian when I was young. All of my friends called themselves Christian, except one girl who was Jewish. We all went to youth group and weekly worship services. I even carried a Bible to class my senior year of high school!

Most of our youth do not feel as though they can even talk about religion, their faith, or church events at school or they will be scoffed at or ridiculed.

Please keep our young people in your prayers and offer them support and God’s love.

In the month of May we are really looking forward to Box City and learning more about hunger and homeless-ness. We will see what God can do in and through these young disciples, whose spirituality is growing along with their physical beings!

Thank you for your generous support of St. Paul Youth!

Rev. Marta Wheeler

Thank You I wish to thank St. Paul United Methodist Church for allowing me to hold my studio recital in your beautiful sanctuary today. It was a great privilege for my students to perform on such a wonderful instrument in such a lovely setting. Some of them have never had an opportunity to play on a grand piano before.

Your staff had everything perfectly prepared when we arrived for both the rehearsal and recital! The building was spotless! It is an honor to work with such an efficient staff. I, on behalf of my students, do so appreciate being guests in your lovely church once again.

Appreciatively, Phyllis Dunne

Book Sale Update A big THANK YOU to everyone who brought books for the used book sale.

A big THANK YOU to the people who helped with the used book sale—putting out the books or helping the buyers.

And a big THANK YOU to everyone who bought books.

The sale, which was the weekend of April 16 & 17, netted over $200, which will be applied to Saint Paul UMC’s mission shares.

The Dinner Group will meet on Saturday, May 21, at Brazen Head. Meet outside the chapel after the 5:00 p.m. wor-ship service, or meet the group at Brazen Head, 319 North 78 St., at approximately 6:30 p.m. All adults are welcome.

Book Club “Loving Eleanor” by Susan Wittig Albert is the book the Book Club will be discussing at their May meet-ing. The Book Club meets at Immanuel Village on Saturday, May 14, at 8:30 a.m. For directions, call Dee Maycock at 402-571-5599.


8 Reasons You’ll Want to Help with VBS8 Reasons You’ll Want to Help with VBS8 Reasons You’ll Want to Help with VBS8 Reasons You’ll Want to Help with VBS 1. Spend time with some great children1. Spend time with some great children1. Spend time with some great children1. Spend time with some great children 5. Make a dolphin snack using a banana5. Make a dolphin snack using a banana5. Make a dolphin snack using a banana5. Make a dolphin snack using a banana

2. Spend time with some great adults and youth2. Spend time with some great adults and youth2. Spend time with some great adults and youth2. Spend time with some great adults and youth 6. Eat some yummy and fun food 6. Eat some yummy and fun food 6. Eat some yummy and fun food 6. Eat some yummy and fun food

3. Wear your beach clothes3. Wear your beach clothes3. Wear your beach clothes3. Wear your beach clothes 7. Sing along with Jerry and the children7. Sing along with Jerry and the children7. Sing along with Jerry and the children7. Sing along with Jerry and the children

4. Decorate some flip4. Decorate some flip4. Decorate some flip4. Decorate some flip----flopsflopsflopsflops 8. Enjoy the indoor palm trees 8. Enjoy the indoor palm trees 8. Enjoy the indoor palm trees 8. Enjoy the indoor palm trees

Volunteers needed: Leaders Recreation Helpers Youth Helpers

Assistant Leaders Snack Helpers VBS Prep

Contact Stephanie Rosenberger at or call the church office at 402-556-2433.

VBSVBSVBSVBS 2016201620162016

Dinner from 5:00Dinner from 5:00Dinner from 5:00Dinner from 5:00----5:50 p.m.5:50 p.m.5:50 p.m.5:50 p.m.

VBS from 6:00VBS from 6:00VBS from 6:00VBS from 6:00----8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5 Sunday, June 5

through through through through

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday,

June 8June 8June 8June 8

Preschool age 4 Preschool age 4 Preschool age 4 Preschool age 4

through 5th Gradethrough 5th Gradethrough 5th Gradethrough 5th Grade


Featuring the activities of the United Methodist Women of Saint Paul UMC. May 2016



President: Kathy Rice

Vice President: Linda Mead Secretary:

Jackie Pospisil Ass’t. Secretary:

Jan Walker Treasurer: Pat Leslie Advisor:

Judy Stransky ****************

Amie Konwinski of Smart Girl Styling

“Making Wise Choices”

Please plan to join us on May 4th at 9:30 for coffee

followed by our program at 10:00.

All women of the church are invited to attend this interesting

presentation. Remember…

Serving in May:

Naomi & Rebecca Circles

Ruth Circle in June

THANKS to all the wonderful women

and magnificent men who worked to make this year’s luncheon a roaring

success. Nick Stolzer, Mary Stolzer, Carol Gatzemeyer, Bob Gatzemeyer, Joanna Lonnecker, Bob Lon-necker, Sylvia Coons, Judy Stransky, Jacque-line Stransky, Pearl Spicka, Priscilla Randall, Mary Jo Short, Jean Schmid, Mary Rich, An-

nette Farquhar, Pat Leslie, Kristin Camp, Sue Bacon, Diane Cunningham-Becker, Marilyn Claborn, Susie Stransky, Marta Brabec, Derek Wolfe, Jerry Brabec. I tried to remember the names of all who came to work so if I missed someone, please do not be offended.

With sincere gratitude, Kathy Rice

SPECIAL THANKS TO Marilou Dohe for her

special gifts, creativity, ideas and her

contributions of time, talent, and collections!

Your Campbell’s soup labels, box tops

from Betty Crocker products are still needed.

Leave them in the envelope on the

UMW bulletin board.



April 30th and May 1st

Bring your goodies and

we have scrubbies!



Recent Hospitalizations Jackie Pospisil, Patti Griffith, Valerie Kulish, Sue Sherman

Christian Sympathy To Don Wilcox & family in the death of his brother.

Thank You A great big Thank You to all who helped with and attended the Empower Your Life event we had at church on April 3rd. Without volunteers we would not have been able to bring this event to you. Thank you for giving of your time and resources to help make this event happen. The list of those helping is too long to put here. Special thank you to Jan Tuttle (spent hours helping me with materi-als and Rev. Marta Wheeler for all of their time and help getting ready for this. Cheryl Adamson for making the Jello cakes—it was delicious. God bless all of you, and thanks again.

Shirley Edwards, Parish Nurse

Memorials For Harley & Maryann Newman—Lawrence & Doris Engelhardt

For Mary Dean Malone—Mary Johnson, Ken & Marian Furst

For Maryann Newman—Jerry Brabec, Kay Smith

Congratulations To Phillip & Amber Rudolf on the baptism of their daughter, Piper Abigail, on April 9. Piper’s grandparents are Phillip & Jackie Farnsworth.

Congratulations To Megan Rosenberger and Kyle Bauer on the baptism of their daughter, Bailey Rose, on April 17. Bailey’s grandparents are Mike & Stephanie Rosen-berger.

Tom & Diana WenzelTom & Diana WenzelTom & Diana WenzelTom & Diana Wenzel

New Members

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