insight resources al & velma corson - aug-sept 2013 newsletter

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Insight News

Well I am back in the United States thanks to an infected jaw.

In Africa the problem was first diagnosed as a growth under one of my

teeth in Africa but after several tests here in America, the doctors con-

cluded that I had a tooth with an internal crack. After parting ways

with the tooth and dealing with a bad infection, things are doing much

better. As we all know God’s blessings prevail and they did in this

case as well. We give HIM all the praise and glory. Thanks to all of

you who donated to help with those expenses. The dental bills here in

the States have been paid. We still have about $3000 to cover the costs

of the emergency travel and dental bills in Africa.

Last month you got a update from Jason on his work in Hong Kong. As you can see

IRI’s work is growing fast and spreading across the world. I want to share with you just where

things are going with IRI, and how it is effecting and promoting the work of God in all aspects

of his kingdom here on earth. More about this a bit later.

One of the things that keeps coming up over and over again everwhere I go in the

world is finding people that identify themselves as Christians but do not comprehend a rela-

tionship with Christ. This has been a problem since the time Jesus himself taught. This is one

reason Jesus taught in parables: so that people would have to apply their knowledge by relat-

ing in a personal way in order to comprehend what Jesus was saying. Jesus addressed this in

the 4th chapter of Mark the 13th verse when “He said to them, Don’t you understand this

parable? How then will you understand any parable? The word “understand” here is com-

prehend. This is an absolute necessity if transformation of the mind Romans 12:2 is to take

place. Once comprehension takes place then transformation of the mind from this fleshly

world begins. This is how we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit’s desire to work in our lives

and his presence becomes overwhelmingly evident.

Here are some examples in Mozambique of what happens when the nationals finally

comprehend the gospel. In 2011, IRI implemented the first Insight Seminar and coaching

workshops to empower the nationals with the Biblical ABC thinking tool. One man that went

through our program has developed 3 new church congregations in three villages in his home

area, and to top it off he has developed businesses in the same areas to support the churches.

He is doing the ground work right now to start a tutoring school that will offer a program of

learning ABC thinking styles and run this in conjunction with the government school. He

wants to do it that way to develop the government schools as well. Another man in Chimoio

has focused his attention on local church leaders of all denominations, what is happening with

these men and women is nothing short of a miracle. They are comprehending the gospel that

they have been preaching and are beginning to transforming away from their animism for the

very first time. These ministers are recognizing for the very first time they have a worldview,

and what the view is made up of. Now they have the tools so they can sort out the things that

are of Christ and the things that are of this world. This same man is also working with the

City government on developmental thinking programs based on biblical world view. Another

man is working with crippled street beggars to get them employed and off the street. He him-

self was a street beggar and is crippled but he has become an elder in his church and a great


These men have generated a comprehension of Christ in new and existing churches

and they are also developing business the will support the these churches in over 10 cities and

villages throughout the country of Mozambique. These men have taken the lead role in

church development, community development, and the infrastructural development of their

country, by taking Biblical World View thinking to the leaders of Church and community offi-

cials. Jesus said go and make disciples of nations. This is what is these men’s intentions are for


VOL U ME 7 ISS UE August / September



Insight Resources International, Inc. Copyright © 2013






at a Time

Mailing Address


PO Box 2936,

Mills, WY 82644

Nhamazara 90 km Selva 40 km

Manica 80 km GMM farm 60 km

Lichinga 1500 km Villages by Lake Niassa 1800 km

Nampula 1100 km

Corson’s Concepts



Northern Niassa Province & Lichinga







Mission Activities

Fall Semester at Lincoln Christian University—Jason teaching as Mission-ary in Residence September—Al teaching 3 individual workshops and 7 days at PV Christian School. October—Al will be traveling to Mon-

tana and Washington. November- ICOM in Kansas City, MO booth 1526

If your church or group is interested in hearing more about our work please let us know. You can find con-tact information page 4

Our PayPal button on our website is now working again. Donations may now be received at:

Page 2

I.R.I. Office: (307)-277-4639


I.R.I President: Al Corson Email:

I.R.I. Secretary: Velma Corson (307) 277-4639 Email:

Insight Seminars: Jason Nichols - (307)269-0145

& Vice-President Email:

I.R.I. Promotions: Jack Harper - (918)355-5523 2631 E. Albany #A, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Email:

Corson’s Concepts cont.

As you know IRI was invited by missionary Ken Smyth to work with him in Hong Kong and the

Philippines last March. What transpired from that trip was the development of a joint work be-

tween Cross Cultural Connections and IRI. Though Ken passed away to be with his Lord while we

were with him on the field in the Philippines, his work in the Philippines continues through his dis-

ciples he has developed there and wife Linda and IRI. So IRI is now officially working in the Phil-

ippines and because of the participation of 4 men from Myanmar IRI has be invited to work there

also in 2014. You were caught up on what Jason had done in Hong Kong as he helped the Fair-

view Park Christian Church for a couple of months get reorganized after Ken death. The stay that

Jason had in Hong Kong gave God the opportunity to open up more doors for IRI in Hong Kong.

Let me explain. 2014 is going to be an exciting year for you as being part of IRI.

First:. Let’s talk about Al Corson. You know the guy with the long beard. I want to say

this above all things you all have been such a blessing for Vel and myself through your continued

prayers and support. So I have come home for an extended time to make sure I visit each one of

you weather it is in your home or your mission committee or Church group. I want to give a full

update on the work that has been accomplished, the future of where it is going, who is involved,

and answer any and all question you may have along these lines. I also want to make myself avail-

able for doing a 2 or 4 hr workshop on either world view or relationship. Or both if you want to

hold two different ones. There will be a cost involve to cover printed materials. These workshops

will do to things first they will make you aware of what and how we teach in other countries, and

second give you a realization as to the need for the same material here in America. I am also work-

ing to bring Leonard Chiteshi over here form Mozambique so you can meet him and ask him per-

sonally about the work that is going on there. I am shooting for December for getting Leonard

here. My travels here in the US will go till April 2014. April 2014 I will be heading back to

Mozambique to work with Leonard for a few months.

August and September have been set aside for going to the Philippines. Our work there

this year was so successful that we have 3 more churches that want us to hold a seminar and coach-

ing work shop. We will only get two done unless they combine some church groups. (that is up to

them) I am putting together a team of 8 people to travel to the Philippines and get this work ac-

complished. We will need funding for this big project. I think I told you about the successful com-

munity outreach program we help develop there this past year. It is still going strong. These

churches that want us to come this year want us to incorporate the outreach program with our semi-

nar and coaching program this is not a problem but a great fit.

We have been asked to go to Myanmar in October and November to teach at a Bible Semi-

nary. They want the Insight seminar plus the coaching program. But due to certain criteria we will

also be teaching English and other need information. This opportunity is huge as all of them are.

In Hong Kong Jason and one of our board members Kitty will be following up on the re-

quests we have received from one of the school systems within the City. So we have an opportuni-

ty to bring Biblical thinking into a school system in a large city.

It Sounds like we are leaving Mozambique out of this work now. That is not the case.

Because our work empowers and transforms the thinking styles of people (not westernized ) within

their own culture and language this gives them the tools to comprehend the knowledge they already

have. Leonard is a great example of this. Leonard is now running our Mozambique operation. I

work with him but he knows what is needed and how to develop concepts to implement these

needs. This is what we as missionaries are to be doing is making disciples and letting them minis-

ter to their own nation. You will see what I mean when you meet Leonard.

We did not go seeking this new area of work it came to us. We are also working in South

Africa with a university that has made contact with us to use this program to help their students

with the comprehension of their studies. So again we have the opportunity to implement biblical

style thinking in a secular program. It does not get any better than that. We will keep you posted.

We may ask ourselves why we need to learn how to think better. Jesus repeatedly talked

to his disciple about comprehending things of the spirit. He-Jesus taught in parables or concepts for

the sole purpose of developing intangible thinking patterns in the disciples. He was preparing the

soil i.e. their thinking for the interfacing of the Holy Spirit. The best example of this is Matthew

16:15-17 Jesus was talking with Peter here. But what about you ? he ask. Who do say that I am?

Simon Peter answered You are the Christ the Son of the living God. Jesus Replied, Blessed are you,

Donate with and

Al teaching a worldview

workshop at a Christian

School for 7 days.

Al teaching in Ft. Laramie


Simon son of Jonah for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father

in heaven.

This is why we need to understand abstract intangible thinking, so the Holy

Spirit can teach us how he wants us to think. Al

Visit us on the web at

Financial Partners

Page 3

Please send your

donations to:

Insight Resources International PO Box 2937

Mills, WY 82644

Insight Resources International PO Box 2937

Mills, WY 82644

60 K 50 K 40 K 30 K 20 K 10 K

Vehicle Fund

We are working to match

the $20,000 donation mak-

ing it $40,000. Please help

us with an extra gift towards

the vehicle.




d i

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The Truck fund will continue due to Al having to come home early. We

will have to wait until he returns to Mozambique to purchase so the fund

will remain open for donations. Research has shown us that to obtain a

good quality vehicle we will need closer to $60000



Our (IRI) goal is to help the world to think. Surely thinking is a mammoth task!

We always struggle in our day to day life to help other people and ourselves to

understand simple paraphernalia. I did not understand why we don´t see the truth

the way God sees it till I attended Insight Seminar. Truly thinking is hard! Keep up

the good work Mr. Corson. The world needs your input for it to transform. You

are the agent of change!

The other day when I was taking bath I got lost in thought, of course I usually bury

myself in thoughts unconsciously when I am taking bath. Anyway, I was looking

at Genesis 1:26! The Lord said take control of your environment! What does that

mean Mr. Corson? Each and everybody in the world is an environment. Thus we

have millions of environments in the world who make one big environment which

includes the rest of the creation. So each human being should consider himself or

herself to be the FIRST environment (are you following me sir?). This implies

that each person is the FIRST environment followed by the bigger environ-

ment which includes the rest of the human beings and the other creation. What am I saying Mr. Corson?! What I am specifically saying is the FIRST envi-

ronment should be responsible enough to control himself or herself first in order to

control the other big environment (other human beings and the rest of the crea-

tion). By controlling oneself you are controlling the rest of the environment! When

God talked of the environment He was referring to man as the environment. Man

is the real environment, he can do or undo the world, nothing else has been given

such authority on earth i.e. when we emotionally (negatively) react if we are pro-

voked or when anything takes place in the world around us we are allowing the

bigger environment to control us BUT God gave us individually the power to con-

trol our environment. We should never ever allow the bigger environment to con-

trol us as individual environments. All in all, the environment God is talking about

is our respective human minds for they determine the kind of the tangible environ-

ment we live in. Therefore, we can substitute the word environment and say; take

control of your mind, in Genesis 1:26.

By Leonard Chiteshi


The greatest thing that you can do for Insight Resources International is pray. We believe that Prayer is the corner-stone of this ministry and without it we cannot stand against Satan’s attacks.

Insight Resources International, Inc. PO Box 1030 Torrington, WY 82240

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Growing Human Potential One Worldview at a Time


Pray for financial support to pay for the extra expenses due to the emergency travel and oral surgery.

Please continue to pray for the growth of those in Hong

Kong, Philippines, Myanmar, and Mozambique. Pray for increased funding to continue the work in Mozam-

bique and other countries to which we have been called.

Prayer Partners Please Pray for these Things:

Please pray

for Al and

Jason as

they teach


Contact Us: I.R.I. Office: (307)-277-4639 Email:

I.R.I President: Al Corson Email:

I.R.I. Secretary: Velma Corson (307) 277-4639 Email:

Insight Seminars: Jason Nichols - (307)269-0145 Email:

& Vice-President

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