insight into the buy side: converting client pain into pure gold

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Presentation from the Fordyce Forum 2010, presented by Jenifer Lambert.


  • 1. Insight into the Buy Side Converting Client Pain into Pure Gold -Jenifer Lambert, CPC
  • 2. JenLambert GOOD NEWS! Your clients WANT to pay you. They would be HAPPY to pay you, but they have expectations that you must not violate. 2:57 PM Jun 6th via web
  • 3. Would you rather be right
  • 4. or get what you want?
  • 5. Empathy is only necessary if Youre interested in building a productive relationship. You want to have influence. You want to earn the right to be referred. Its more important to you to get what you want than be right.
  • 6. Grievance #1 Lack of Respect for Process Why do recruiters insist on going around the process? Nine times out of 10 the Hiring Manager simply forwards the resume and the recruiters email or voicemail to me. I want a partner I can trust.
  • 7. The Clients Process (Recruiter Perspective) 1. 3 sentence job description 2. 34 page recruiting contract 3. 6 phone screens with HR 4. 3 personality tests 5. 25% below market offer
  • 8. The Recruiters Process (Client Perspective) 1. Long, painstaking conversation about job specs 2. Incomplete candidate information 3. Constant phone calls looking for feedback 4. Pressure to make a competitive offer
  • 9. Get on the Same Team Embrace the Process to Influence the Process.
  • 10. Heres the Formula 1. Find common objective 2. Acknowledge the process 3. Provide insight 4. Suggest a process change 5. Show her how she wins
  • 11. A Special Word about HR Ignore HR at your own peril! In most companies HR has: Influence Control Budget And the ability to give you more business!!
  • 12. Grievance #2 Shooting in the Dark Its silly to me that these recruiterswho claim to be experts at sourcingare cold calling me, with no research into what our company does, who I am, or what kind of people we need. They just start selling. Their lack of research and listening skills are a real turnoff.
  • 13. Warm Up the Call with Intel What does she emphasize in her own background? What does her past employment and career progression tell you about her? Beyond title, what is the scope of her role and how does she fit into the companies overall goals? What professional organizations does she belong to? Do you know people in common? Get referred or name drop shamelessly!
  • 14. Solve a Known Problem Target companies who are hiring. Capitalize on trigger events. Enlist the candidates help.
  • 15. Grievance #3 Providing Low Value Candidates Many of the resumes Im getting from recruiters are unemployed, active job seekers. I can find those people on my own. Why am I paying a fee for this?
  • 16. Deliver the Good Stuff
  • 17. Deliver Extraordinary Value Recruiters recruit. Period. Bring talent they cant get on their own. Put a game changer on the field.
  • 18. Client Wish List Key competitors to target Known talent Difference maker
  • 19. Grievance #4 Failure to Deliver the Goods It makes me sick when I think about how much time Ive wasted on supposed hot candidates. The recruiter gets me all excited about someone who they claim is a perfect fit and then I find out that the candidates not serious, theyre out of the salary range or some other deal breaker. Does the recruiter not know this or do they not care??
  • 20. Recruiting Lifecycle Source Assess Deliver
  • 21. Work with the End in Mind Assess early Close Often
  • 22. Assess Early Motivation for change and level of pain. Others who will be affected by a job change. Reasons for not making a change. Susceptibility to a counter-offer. Push for the no early. Unplug Ask direct questions Take away when necessary
  • 23. Close often Full debrief after every interview. Uncover all concernsdig, dig, dig! Close-ended closing questions. Discuss $ at each step of the process. Begin closing on $ early. Full disclosure to client.
  • 24. Grievance #5 Transactional vs. Trusted Advisor I understand that recruiters need to make money. Im sure theres a certain amount of pressure to hit your numbers or make a quota. I get that, but when I feel that pressure and when I feel like youre only looking out for your interests and not mine, Im out. If I cant trust you, I dont need you.
  • 25. Think Long Term Trust = Truth + Time
  • 26. Elements of a Successful Relationship 1. Commitment to Common Goals. 2. Trust in Each Other (Competence & Intention) 3. Genuine Concern for the Other Person.
  • 27. Commitment to Common Goals What is she trying to accomplish with this hire? How can I help her meet her goals? What pressure is she feeling and how can I alleviate that? How will this affect her personally and what are her concerns? What has been her past experience working with recruiters?
  • 28. Care About Each Other as People Liking your clients is good business.
  • 29. The Good News There is still an insatiable appetite for talent. There is still a need for professional recruiters. You only have to be incrementally better to be a standout.

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