inside this issue · lpc editorial staff greg wiest, pastor barbara barkdoll bob comeau cathy...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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From the Pastor


Session Highlights

Treasurer’s Report

Zoom Summer Learning

God’s Sheep


Deacon’s Bench


Thank You


School Supply Drive

In Memory


Birthdays & Anniversaries

Prayer for Unity

Little Free Library


MBF Update

Thank You



July Calendar

Sunday without any fear of Covid 19. In the meantime, I think we were able to have worship in a safe manner without too many problems. We have figured out how to space ourselves, how to wear our masks during worship and how to stay safe as we worship the Lord. I pray that all of us will continue to grow in our love for Christ and for one another.

In Christ, Pastor Greg

Dear Friends in Christ, I hope your summer is going well. This has been a tumultuous time in the life of our country. I am always reminded in times like these that our hope is in the Lord and that he is still in control. Our role as Christians in the church is still to proclaim Christ, even when there seems to be a lot of chaos going on around us. People will be looking for hope and for answers and we have what they are looking for in Jesus Christ. Let’s be prepared to share the hope that is within us. On a brighter note, I got to see my new grandson, Kasper Philip Wiest. It never ceases to amaze me at the beauty and complexity of God’s creation whenever I see a newborn baby. When I saw him I was reminded of Scripture which says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in Psalm 139:14. I was also reminded of our responsibility to the next generation to pass on the faith and to build them up in Jesus Christ. I know many of you have children or grandchildren as well and have the same experience. Even if you are not a parent, we still have the responsibility to pass on the faith to those coming up behind us. Finally, we had our first live worship service in our facilities this past Sunday! What a blessing it was to be with the saints on Sunday morning. I was struck by how much I had missed being there in person to worship with others. Even though not everyone was there, it was still incredibly meaningful to have been there with brothers and sisters and Christ. I pray for the day when everyone will be able to meet together on

Worshiping Together June 21st Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Treasurer’s Report, Jack Lesher, Treasurer

January 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020

General Fund 2020 2019

Revenue………..$177,868 $187,858 Expenditures… $154,052 $168,543 Excess Revenue $ 23,816 $ 19,315

Mission 2020 2019

Beginning Cash ... $ 2,550 $ 5,112 Incoming………... $37,973 $ 35,336 Outgoing…….…. $32,531 $ 31,844 Ending Cash …… $ 7,992 $ 8,604

While we’re not passing the offering plate during worship service, we do have the plates available at the door as you come in or leave worship. We want to thank this generous congregation for continuing to support the church by online giving and by mailing your contributions.

Jack Lesher, Treasurer

Session Highlights, Gerry W. Brown, Clerk of Session

Regular Session Meeting June 16, 2020

• The church will not be open for any groups until further notice

• The front door of the Sanctuary will be locked and is not to be utilized. A sign will be posted on the door.

Zoom into Summer Learning

Here’s your opportunity to study the Word and share with your church family from the comfort of home. Learn more about these studies by contacting your study leader by phone or email. They will provide you with an invitation number for Zoom and the study material. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Tuesday Evening Study—7:30pm

“Many Faces of Wisdom” is focusing on Proverbs and the Gospel of James, using the International Sunday School Curriculum and is lead by Clarence Bauman & Barbara Barkdoll. For information call 302-645-8347 or email

Sunday Afternoon - Summer Life Group—1:30pm

“Christian Beliefs and Apologetics”, Stephen Eyre, Intervarsity Press. The study is designed for 12 weeks but weekly topics are independent of each other so that missing a session would not be a handicap. Leaders are Jim & Ann Athey 302-245-8742.

We are God’s sheep and we are all in God’s pasture.

• Not all pastures are green

• There are rocks

• There are thistles

• There are valleys

• Some pastures are bare

God is our Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep, each one, by name. He leads us where He wants us to go. Do we trust Him to take care of us? Do we trust Him to lead us through the rocks, thistles, bare pastures and valleys?

“ go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.” Num. 14:33

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.” John 10:14-15 Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


The Deacon’s Bench

By Jim Athey

Do you know there are well over 100 places in the Bible that address caring for others, that caring for others is an expectation Jesus has charged all believers to pursue? Do you know at LPC we are surrounded by believing brothers and sisters who are actively involved in caring for others in a variety of ways? To effectively serve others, Jesus teaches we must cease putting ourselves first and put others first - a feat not easily achieved. There are those among us who have managed to achieve this “dead to self” behav-ior. These people serve others and neither want nor expect recognition or thanks. I have been the recipient of caring on numerous occasions from fellow believers and it is difficult to fully and accurately express the apprecia-tion and value of these caring gifts of concern and encouragement. Recently I received calls from two different LPC members offering en-couragement to me regarding an up-coming medical procedure to address a cancer issue. What made these two particular calls stand out is both callers had very recently lost their life long spouses, yet both had gone beyond their own crises to check in on me! AMAZING? From a worldly perspective, yes. From a true mature Christian perspective, no. I should not have been amazed, merely grateful and appreciative for their expressions of concern and en-couragement. These are a brother and a sister to use as models for faith right here at LPC! They continue to study God’s word, listen to it, believe it, and live it!


I cannot thank you enough for your support of Young Life. In a time where things are so uncertain, it’s incredible to have people walking with you. Pray for our students as they are just so tired of being isolated. Pray for our planning as we prepare to be back with kids.



Dear Friends, Thank you very much for your con-tribution of $2000. Your faithful support enables this work to contin-ue, despite many challenges, and encourages us greatly. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support, especially in these most challenging times.

Heidi Linton, Exec Dir Christian Friends of Korea


Dear friends, Thank you for your recent contri-bution of $2000 to Friends of Butoke. Your gift will help Butoke prepare for the Covid 19 virus and feed many who do not have access to food during this difficult and scary time. In the words of Dr. Jean Lumbala, head of Butoke, “we are facing a great need, especially at this time. With more masks, the vulnerable and needy people can come to our Center for a meal”


Lily Koster graduated from Delmarva Christian Academy. She will attend the University of Delaware majoring in Pre-Veterinary medicine.

Rachel Pappa graduated from Sussex Technical High School. She will attend the University of Delaware majoring in Hospitality Business Management.

Savannah Stewart graduated from Delmarva Christian Acade-my. She will attend Berry College in Mt Berry, Georgia majoring in Education with a minor in Animal Science. She will play volleyball and will be a Berry Viking.

Page Athey graduated from Sussex Technical High School. She will attend Kutztown Univer-sity in PA. She will major in Elementary Education K-4 and Special Education K-12. She is a member of the National Technical Honor Society and Educators Rising National. She is the recipi-ent of the Kutztown Founder Scholarship.

All are members of the National

Honor Society.

Congratulations High

School Seniors!! We are

very proud of you. Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Shopping Back to School Sales???

Area stores will begin holding “Back to School” sales in mid-July. Now is the time to take advantage of the reduced prices to stock up for yourself and to help LPC’s children’s programs fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

LPC will once again be holding a “Back to School Supply” Drive. Please bring items you wish to donate to church beginning July 12 through August 2. Just drop the donated items at the display in the Welcome Center.

Not yet venturing out to browse the stores, but want to participate in the drive? Checks can be made out to LPC, designating Operation Christmas Child in the memo line.

Thank you for helping pro-vide needed school supplies

for children around the world.

Items Needed:

Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils, Solar Calculators Drawing Paper (5 x 8 inch pads)Blank Index Cards Small Pads of Lined Paper (5 x 8 inch pads - large notebooks become permanently bent) Blunt Scissors, Glue sticks (no liquids) Small adhesive tape (scotch or other) Rulers (12 inch), Protractors

Beverly Crowley 6/26/2020 Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Ellen & Russell Serafini will celebrate their 61st anniversary on July 17.

Birthdays & Anniversaries


Jean VanPelt ……………………...3 Grace Crum……………………….5 Amanda Smith…………………….5 Clara Smith………………………..5 Alice Faust………………………...6 Bob Partlow……………………….9 John Luke Smith…………………12 Carol Heimbach …………………13 Carol Hohman……………………14 Mel Kreps………………………..14 Deborah Spellman……………….14 Don Burton ……………………...15 Marjorie Latzko………………….15 Brian Campbell…………………..16 Carter Smith……………………...16 Marla Viekman…………………..16 TJ Smith………………………….17 Ethan Hazzard……………………18 David Simmers…………………..18 Betty Soots……………………….18 Jenna Argo……………………….19 Ned Burkhardt...…………………22 Marion Ford……………………...22 Judy Salvatore……………………22 Paul Ogonowski………………….23 Joanne Friend…………………….23 Kate South……………………….24 Scott Gordy………………………25 Jean Patterson……………………26 Paul Rendel………………………27 Jim Spellman…………………….28 Sharon Cherry……………………29 Madi Irwin..……………………...31 Gary Lockerman…………………31

Randall & Joanne Friend will celebrate their 42nd anniversary on July 1.

Ed & Kathy Ross will celebrate their 28th anniversary on July 5.

Bruce & Marla Viekman will celebrate their 37th anniversary on July 13th.

How do you introduce Christian books to a communi-ty that may or may not be in-terested? The library committee decided to take the books to the community. Our Little Free Library was designed and built by Andy Shaw, a shipwright and carpenter by trade and a native of Lewes. His father, Rev. John Shaw, had served as the pastor of Lewes Presbyterian Church. We are hopeful the community will discover the LITTLE FREE LIBRARY near the church building on Kings Highway and enjoy choosing a free book and then pass it on to another person. The LITTLE FREE LIBRARY will be stocked with both children and adult books and will be restocked as needed. Sylvia Gilmore


God, give us discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relation-ships, so that instead we may live deep within our hearts.

Grant us anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so we may wish for justice, freedom, and peace.

Bless us with enough foolishness to believe we can make a difference in the world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.



COVID-19 FRONTLINES June 19, 2020

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

• In Malawi, please pray for calm among the general population and wis-dom for government leaders as they move forward with the election process.

• In Haiti, the number of COVID-19 infections continues to rise, with over 4,400 cases in the country. Pray for hospital workers and adminis-trators as they are operating with limited staff due to exposure and quarantine. Prayer is also needed for the general population. In the last week, one of the largest protests this year was held in Port-au-Prince. People continue to distrust the government and are not following recom-mendations to stop the spread of the virus.

• In Kenya, continue to pray for the staff at Kikuyu Hospital as they navigate through their first encounter with COVID-19. Exposed staff have been on quarantine and so far have not shown symptoms or tested positive for the virus.

• In the DR Congo, pray for healing for those sick. Pray for strength and protection for healthcare workers. In addition to COVID-19, they are now dealing with the largest measles outbreak in the world.

• Your MBF team and International partners pray each morning for the health workers around the globe, especially as things begin to reopen and “normalize”. We pray they are given strength and peace for each new day, and that they would be filled with joy

Dear Lewes Presbyterian Church,

Thank you for your support of the Food Bank of Delaware! Each year, we receive over 916,000 visits from Delawareans seeking emergency food assistance. Your gift of $700 will support our mission to provide nutritious food to Delawareans and provide long-term solutions to the problems of hunger and poverty to those who need it most. Together we can solve hunger in the state of Delaware.

Sincerely, Andy Larmore, Board Chair


Thank you for your gift of $2000 to the Community Resource Center. With dignity and respect, the Com-munity Resource Center helps indi-viduals and families get to the next step of their journey towards self-sufficiency and stability.

Thank you so very much for your incredible generosity and ongoing support!!!

With gratitude, Jo Allegro-Smith, Director


Thank you for your generous gift of $1000 that directly supports Sussex County Habitat for Humanity’s commitment to tackle the acute need for affordable housing in Sussex County. On behalf of the families we serve, thank you for your support. Working together with local governments and organi-zations, we learn quickly that one person can contribute to meaning-ful change. Thank you to everyone at LPC. Kevin Gilmore, Executive Director

• Wash your hands

• Use hand sanitizer

• Don’t touch your face

• Wear a face mask

• Safe distance

• Don’t shake hands

• Stay home if you are sick

• Follow CDC guidelines


STOP COVID-19 Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


July 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


3:30 PM Mission Zoom


2 3

Church Office






Deacon Sunday - loose offering

goes to Deacon Fund 8:00 AM Contemplative Worship Ser-

vice (S) 9:15 AM Contemporary Worship Ser-

vice (FH) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

Service (S) 1:30 PM Zoom Bible Study


10:00 AM Zoom Prayer



7:30 PM Zoom Bible



11:00 AM Deacons

Meeting (MR)

9 10 11


Back to School Supplies Drive Hunger Offering Sunday 8:00 AM Contemplative Worship Ser-

vice (S) 9:15 AM Contemporary Worship Ser-

vice (FH) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

Service (S) 1:30 PM Zoom Bible Study


10:00 AM Zoom Prayer



9:00 AM Finance Com-

mittee (MR) 6:30 PM Christian Ed

Children & Youth

Meeting 7:30 PM Zoom Bible



7:00 PM Life Group

Leaders Zoom Meeting

16 17 18


Back to School Supplies Drive 8:00 AM Contemplative Worship Ser-

vice (S) 9:15 AM Contemporary Worship Ser-

vice (FH) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

Service (S) 1:30 PM Zoom Bible Study


Newsletter Deadline 10:00 AM Zoom Prayer



6:00 PM Session

Zoom Meeting 7:30 PM Zoom Bible


22 23

7:00 PM Library

Committee Zoom


24 25


Back to School Supplies Drive 8:00 AM Contemplative Worship Ser-

vice (S) 9:15 AM Contemporary Worship Ser-

vice (FH) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

Service (S) 1:30 PM Zoom Bible Study


10:00 AM Zoom Prayer



7:30 PM Zoom Bible


29 30 31 1

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