insert the title of your presentation here. meat & poultry sources i.labeling i.quality grades...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Meat & Poultry Sources I.Labeling I.Quality Grades I.Consumption Rates I.CAFOs DateYour footer here2
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  • Meat & Poultry Labeling Antibiotic Free- animals raised without antibiotics Cage free (poultry)- ensures that chickens were not housed in cages, but it does not mean the animals were given access to the outdoors. Certified Humane- This is a voluntary certification and label to ensure humane treatment of farm animals from birth to slaughter Free range (poultry)- usually refers to chicken and eggs that they produce. The chickens were not confined, and were able to go outdoors and engage in natural behaviors. Technically, it only means that the bird has access to the outdoors, sometimes only 5 minutes/day. It is also possible that the outdoors is a dirty or concrete feedlot. Grass Fed - According to USDA regulations, this means that grass and forage are fed to the animals throughout their life Natural- Used for labeling if the meat does not contain any artificial flavoring, coloring agent, or chemical preservatives, and if the product and its ingredients are not more than minimally processed No Hormones (beef)- Documentation showing no hormones have been used in raising the animals/ hormones are not allowed in raising pork or poultry
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  • Classifications Beef Prime- highest quality/ abundant marbling Choice- high quality, but less marbling than prime Select- leaner than higher grades/ less marbling Pork Not graded because generally bred and fed to produce uniformly tender meat Poultry Grade A- highest quality/ free of defects Grade B&C- used in further processed products/ if sold retail, usually without a grade Lamb Prime- very high in tenderness, juiciness, and flavor Choice- slightly less marbling than prime, but still of very high quality
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  • What are they? A production process where animals are kept in a small tight area which leads to waste disposal into the environment and mistreatment of animals Also knows as factory Farms What types of CAFOs exist? Beef Pork Chicken Turkey Egg Factory Farms
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  • Types of CAFOs Beef In 2010, 34.2 million cattle were slaughtered Painful mutilations include dehorning, castration, and branding Chickens Every year nearly 9 million chickens are slaughtered Chickens take 30-35 days to reach market weight In 1950s, it took 84 days to reach market weight
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  • Chicken Size Comparison
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  • Types of CAFOs Pork About 112 million pigs are slaughtered each year Are kept in such tight cages that it is often impossible to lie down or even turn to see their piglets
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  • Types of CAFOs Turkey In 2007, 265 million turkeys were slaughtered for meat Crowding at this level can cause turkeys to injure each other so turkeys often have portions of their beaks and toes removed at a young age Egg Factory Farms In 2007, 280 million hens laid 77.3 billion eggs Male chicks dont lay eggs therefore, 260 million are killed each year upon hatching they are ground up and repurposed in pet foods and cattle food
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  • Facts about Consumption From 1971 to 2010, worldwide production of meat tripled to around 600 billion pounds while global population grew by just 81 percent Americans eat on average 1/2 lb of meat a day = 180 lbs a year Americans now consume an average of 67 pounds of poultry per year, including at least 50 pounds of chicken an increase of more than 100% since the 1970s. At this rate, production will double by 2050 to approximately 1.2 trillion pounds of meat per year, requiring more water, land, fuel, pesticides and fertilizer and causing significant damage to the planet and global health Americans consume 3x more meat than the average meat of the global population Red meat still represents the largest proportion of meat consumed in the U.S.- 58%- 22% of it being processed The incidence of colorectal, esophagus, lung, and liver cancer were all associated with red meat consumption Increased risk with colorectal and lung cancer was associated with higher intakes of processed meats
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  • Fish Sources I.Farmed Fish II.Problems with Farmed Fish III.Wild Caught Fish IV.Benefits of Wild Caught Fish V.Mercury in Fish VI.High and Low Mercury Containing Fish I. Fish Labeling
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  • Farm vs. Wild Fish Farming The controlled production of fish in constructed facilities in captivity Why are they used? Shift in society towards healthier choices increasing demand Global fish consumption expected to rise by 25% by 2030 The FAO estimates that the cost of catching fish in the wild is about 25% higher than the value of the catch
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  • Problems with Fish Farms Pollution Antibiotic use Disinfectants Pesticides Waste Reduced biodiversity and disease when fish spread when fish escape from the farms Several antibiotics banned in the U.S. are used in other countries in which we export from Over 90% of the salmon that is sold to us in stores is farm raised and can contain up to 16 more contaminants than wild salmon
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  • Wild Caught Fish Can be very misleading Some methods of wild caught are highly destructive: dynamiting reefs, high-seas bottom- trawling, and drift nets BUT can also encompass more desirable low-impact- hand-liners, divers, pots, and traps
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  • Benefits of Wild Caught Fish Higher levels of Omega-3 FA Low levels of toxic compounds Often contain lower levels of mercury than fish in farms No antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides No GMOs Very low levels of disease in the fish
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  • Mercury in Fish Low oxygen + low pH levels + warm water = atmosphere that is favorable for the methylation process to begin Nearly all fish have traces of methylmercury (mercury) in them, but older fish typically have higher levels due to longer time for accumulation In addition, larger fish and those higher up in the food chain have higher levels due to eating smaller mercury containing fish High Mercury containing fish: crabs, salmon, tilapia, scallop, shrimp Low Mercury containing fish: Tuna (canned, ahi), shark, swordfish, orange roughy, grouper, seabass
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  • Fish Labeling Less than 2% of imported fish go through inspection before sold and international fisheries do not need to follow near the same regulations as the U.S. which makes it even more important to buy domestic Seafood does NOT need to be labeled, no enforcement mechanisms exist, and many fish are even mislabeled
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  • Produce Sources I.Genetically Modified Organisms II.Organics III.Organic Labeling IV.Heirloom
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  • GMOs What are they? Genetically modified organisms are foods that have their basic genetic structure changed by adding a gene to it Why should we be concerned? Increase in food allergies Compromised drinking water and aquatic life Horizontal Gene Transfer Outcrossing Creation of superfoods and superpests
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  • GMO Examples Sweet corn Soybeans Salmon Tomatoes Potatoes Papaya And products made from GM plants such as starch, chips, tomato sauce
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  • Organic What defines Organic It is an actual certification (USDA certified) Avoids synthetic and harmful pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, and livestock feed additives The feed must also be organic
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  • Understanding Organic Labeling 100% Organic Foods are completely organic, may also have USDA seal Organic Contain at least 95% organic ingredients, may also have USDA seal Made with Organic Ingredients At least 70% organic ingredients and will not display USDA seal Contains Organic Ingredients Contains less than 70% ingredients and will not display USDA seal Certified Organic is used to label a farm, farmer, or product that has been certified in accordance with USDA National Organic Program regulations. Producers and handlers must be certified organic to sell, label, or represent their products as certified organic. The USDA organic logo may be used on these products
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  • Heirloom Crops What are they?? Any garden plant that has a history of being passed down within a family Some argue that an heirloom variety must be at least 50 to 100 years old all agree that heirloom fruits and vegetables are unique plant varieties which are genetically distinct from the commercial varieties popularized by industrial agriculture
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  • Sustainability I.What is Sustainability? II.Biodiversity III.Sustainable Farming IV.Commercial Farming V.Processed Foods and Hidden labeling VI.Seasonability VII.Locavorism VIII.Farm to Fork IX.Changes We Can make
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  • What is Sustainability? Relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
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  • Biodiversity What is it? Variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem Why is it important? Critical for maintaining the basic planetary life support systems Example The diversity of insects and avian pollinators is vital to agriculture because they ensure that plants will produce harvestable crops
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  • Sustainable Farming Do not raise more animals than the land is capable of sustaining Farmers can use manure as fertilizer for crops Eliminates need for chemical fertilizers and avoids pollution issues associated with manure lagoons Most run by family farmers who do not abuse the animals What is it up against? Smart Pasture Operations is another industrial approach but are less crowded and massive than CAFOs, and are also pasture-based
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  • Commercial Farming In beef packing, 5 companies (IBP, Conagra, Cargill, Farmland National Beef, & Packerland Packing Co.) control 79% of the market In poultry production, 4 companies process over 50% of all chickens and turkeys raised Twelve plant crops account for more than three- quarters of the food consumed in the world, and just threerice, wheat, and maizeare relied on for more than half of the worlds food
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  • Processed Foods & Hidden Labels Food processing is any deliberate change in a food that occurs before its available for us to eat Benefits: Processing methods destroy harmful pathogens Easy to prepare and convenient Negatives: Potential negative affects of food additives such as artificial sweeteners, fats, chemical preservatives, artificial colors, and sodium Many are stripped of valuable nutrients such as fiber, good fats, and antioxidants
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  • Hidden Labeling Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) -A flavor enhancer to emulate umami -MSG has been linked to asthma, headaches, and heart irregularities -Although some foods may not directly contain MSG, it can be formed through the manufacturing process- therefore, it is in the product but NOT on the label -It can be found under several names including hydrolyzed vegetable protein and natural flavors Natural Flavors As long as the flavoring starts with a natural ingredient, any chemicals can be added to it, AND regardless of how many solvents are used= considered natural Manufacturer has no legal obligation to disclose the chemicals that are in them Its been said that many of these flavorings have more ingredients than the foods they are being added to
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  • Eating Seasonally By eating foods that are picked during peak season, you get to enjoy fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables By choosing to eat seasonally, you eliminate the environmental damage that happens out-of- season produce while it travels thousands of miles By purchasing fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets, your food dollar goes directly to the farmer
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  • FARM TO FORK What does farm to fork mean? Farm to fork refers to a movement concerned with producing food locally and delivering that food to local consumers The idea of food going directly from your local farm to local fork has several goals. Maintain foods natural health benefits and nutritional quality Improve the economic vitality of small and local farms Ensure the safety of our food supply Avoid of use of GMOs Encourage diversity in the types of foods available regionally Decrease the environmental impact and carbon footprint of factory farms and mass food production
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  • Changes we can make!! If you eat one less burger a week, its like taking your car off the road for 320 miles or line-drying your clothes half the time If everyone in the U.S. ate no meat or cheese just one day a week, it would be like not driving 91 billion miles or taking 7.6 million cars off the road Shop at a farmers market Dine at restaurants that support farmers markets or a local sustainable food system Shop sustainable when purchasing meat, dairy, and eggs
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  • Chronic Diseases A recent study done in 2009, found those who who consumed high amounts of meat had higher energy intakes (about 700 calories more per day) than those who consumed less AND were 33% more likely to have central obesity In 2009, a study was done with over a half a million people which found that men and women with the highest red meat intake, processed meat intake had an elevated risk for overall mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cancer mortality A 2002 study found that frequent consumption of processed meat was associated with a higher risk for type II diabetes researchers estimated that substitutions of 1 serving per day of red meat were associated with 7% to 19% lower mortality risk It was also estimated that 9.3% of deaths in men and 7.6% in women in these cohorts could be prevented at the end of follow up if all individuals consumed.5 servings/day of red meat
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  • Environmental Effects According to the (EPA), chemical and animal waste runoff from factory farms is responsible for more than 173,000 miles of polluted rivers and streams. Runoff from farmlands is one of the greatest threats to water quality today. According to a 2006 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), our diets and, specifically, the meat in them cause more greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) to spew into the atmosphere than either transportation or industry. Livestock farming accounting for 18% of greenhouse emissions vs all the worlds cars, trains, planes and boats combined to account for 13%
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  • Did you know?? If you eat one less burger a week, its like taking your car off the road for 320 miles or line-drying your clothes half the time. If everyone in the U.S. ate no meat or cheese just one day a week, it would be like not driving 91 billion miles or taking 7.6 million cars off the road. The water needs of livestock are tremendous, far above those of vegetables or grains. An estimated 1,800 to 2,500 gallons of water go into a single pound of beef. Meat accounts for 10 percent of Americans food spending. Eating vegetables, grains and fruits in place of the 200 pounds of beef, chicken and fish each non-vegetarian eats annually would cut individual food bills by an average of $4,000 a year.

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