innovative process for teacher evaluation and academic workload j. sanchez 1,2, a. badillo-milian 3,...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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INNOVATIVE PROCESS FOR TEACHER EVALUATION AND ACADEMIC WORKLOAD J. Sanchez 1,2, A. Badillo-Milian 3, H. Chagolla 3, A. Mora 1,3, J. Nieto-Miranda 4 1 Tecnolgico Nacional de Mxico (MEXICO) 2 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa (MEXICO) 3 Instituto Tecnolgico de Quertaro (MEXICO) 4 Instituto Politcnico Nacional (MEXICO), 1 Slide 2 INTRODUCTION Law of education reform from Mxico: authorities MUST to monitor and evaluate public education institutions and persons. Improve academic performance in general, where high productivity and competitiveness of teachers will be a fair reward ; which is not the case today. How principals or managers of Tecnolgico Nacional de Mxico (TNM) can quickly promote compliance with the obligations of teachers? A 360 evaluation: sorts the process, defines policies and / or strategies, allows us medium and long term visions. 2 Slide 3 INTRODUCTION Historically, this activity has been a complex problem for different Mexican universities: The Department of Mathematics, University of Sonora reports that spend 500 hours-man to perform such programming. Universidad Diego Portales, manual processing of this activity spent around 160 man-hours. The Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles, require the work of two people for 3 days, which is equivalent to 48 man-hours. In summary: every area of ITQ spend 200 man- hours: approximate cost of USD$ 3,000.00 (8 faculties). Assuming a cost of USD$ 15.00 per man-hour. 3 Slide 4 OBJECTIVE To design a new 360 evaluation process 360, through a system that encourages compliance with the teaching duties to enhance the academic competitiveness of TNM. 4 Slide 5 METHODOLOGY We took this idea from course selection process currently carried out by students. Nowadays is successfully applied in different institutes of the Mxico. 5 Slide 6 METHODOLOGY Table 1. Evaluation criteria and indicators. Evaluation criteriaIndicator Performance Teaching Assessment of students survey. Evaluation of the Chief Academic. Academic productivity Delivered product (notes, academic memory, practices book, etc.). Productivity I+D+i Delivery of evidence. Labour Duties Good grades, bad grades, estrangements letter, letter penalties, etc.(all is based on the regulation of workers) Compliance with QMS Upload to the SII (Integrated Information System), all instrumentation of each subject course and the teaching plannings. Tracking to teacher plan, to capture real dates in SII. Capture the partial and final grades in the planned time. 6 Slide 7 RESULTS Figure 1. Evaluation of Performance Teacher 7 Slide 8 RESULTS Figure 2. Pre-selection of workload for teachers 8 Slide 9 RESULTS Figure 3. Workload selected by teachers 9 Slide 10 RESULTS Figure 4. Workload report for principals or manager 10 Slide 11 RESULTS Advantages: Savings estimated of USD$ 24,000 for the Technologic of Queretaro. This means that on 257 Institutes for Technologic of Mexico, we could save a few millions of dollars. The pre-selection of workload for teacher is objective, this is made based on the overall performance of teachers. Teachers share responsibility for the proper administration of their workload. This system has a module to quick review the teacher workload. 11 Slide 12 CONCLUSIONS Contribution to the TNM: objectively evaluate teachers based on actual indicators academic. This innovation could impact on improving the competitiveness and quality of education for Mxico. The next challenge is to demonstrate to managers that this innovation is working and it has more advantages than disadvantages. 12

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