innovation management

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Innovation management

@orangemanta +353-85-1006307


Innovation management Lens Trend watching Books Exponential Guru’s Trends Techniques Sources

Innovation What does innovation mean to you?

Innovation management


Market Clients Funding Business model Resources Strategy


Values Passion Vision Mission Positioning Resourcing

SPOTCHECKLevel of ongoing product development

• The number of planned new products/services introduced in the next 3 years• Planned feedback systems • How systematic is the company's approach to innovation.

Innovation as strategic focus• The budget made available for innovation• The management time planned to be spent on innovation.

Involvement of staff• Promoters' attitude towards staff involvement in innovation/product development• Planned reward schemes for innovative ideas• Training.

Portfolio of ideas for product development• The number of ideas under consideration• Their stage in the development process• What action is planned to progress them.

Manager(s) responsible for innovation• Qualifications• Experience• Organisational ability• Planning ability.

TRENDWATCHING Look for changes in food, new products, trendy restaurants Look at the introduction of new products (failures and successes) Changes in wording Read science fiction Books Think changes through into their extremes!!!!



VUCA GURUS Our gurus

Richard Watson Ray Kurzweil Jason Silva Faith Popcorn Chris Anderson Jack Black Naseem Taleb Brian Solis Ken Robinson Seth Godin Brett King Kevin Kelly Tim Ferris

Moore’s law Moore’s Law

▪ ICT▪ Social media▪ Data▪ Internet of things▪ Sensors▪ Virtual reality▪ 3D-4D printing▪ Nano▪ Genetics▪ Biology▪ Physics▪ Material science▪ AI

Combination of all of the above!!!

Techniques Brainstorming Attribute listing* Who, what, where, when, why, how* Mind mapping Random words Discontinuity/serendipity Doodle Dream Meditate Entrepreneurship XBOX


Bandwidth Constant idea generation Passion and purpose Technology as an enabler Story telling Entrepreneurship Organisational structure

Bandwidth TED Springwise Tech crunch Stanford MIT Singularity University LinkedIn McKinsey Strategy+Business Smartbrief Books ☺

Innovation management Active innovation versus passive

innovation Ideas portfolio* Future proofing Anthropology Culture Serendipity* Lenses of provocation* Biology Role play

Innovation management What would MacGuyver do Move to the fringes* People* Passion Focus Let a 1000 flowers bloom 20% rule Co-creation Soft balance sheet

Innovation management Return On Destruction (ROD vs ROI) Innovate to kill Organisational structure Infinitive possibilities* Clock speed Capability mapping Simplify Open vs closed Wide lens*

Innovation management Maverick in residence Dissenting voices Reverse mentoring Procrastinate Coalition of the willing Rookie advantage Use of language Failure fund* Metrics* TRIZ

Innovation management Feeling, seeing, dreaming, making,

learning Metaskills Mastery Future vision* Constructive controversy Sense making Purpose Design Small shocks Questioning

Digital development lines• Reality• Augmented reality• Physical virtuality• Mirrored virtuality• Warped reality• Alternate reality• Augmented virtuality• Virtuality

TRIZ 1. Segmentation 2. Extraction 3. Local Quality 4. Asymmetry 5. Combination 6. Universality 7. Nesting 8. Counterweight 9. Prior Counteraction10. Prior Action11. Cushion in Advance12. Equipotentiality13. Inversion14. Spheroidality15. Dynamicity16. Partial, overdone or excessive action17. Moving to a new dimension

18. Mechanical vibration19. Periodic action20. Continuity of useful action21. Rushing through22. Convert harm into benefit23. Feedback24. Mediator25. Self-service26. Copying27. Inexpensive short life28. Replacement of a mechanical system29. Use pneumatic or hydraulic systems30. Flexible film or thin membranes31. Use of porous

materials32. Changing the colour33. Homogeneity34. Rejecting and regenerating parts35. Transforming physical or chemical states36. Phase transition37. Thermal expansion38. Use strong oxidisers39. Inert environment40. Composite materials

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