innocentive presentation

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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InnoCentive’s approachFar from an “innocent”


Business description

• Innocentive is an open market place improving commercial and non commercial companies’ research and development.

• Through a global network, seekers and solvers interact creating innovative solutions and a collective intelligence.

• Innocentive illustrates the concept of crowd sourcing: challenging internal issues are solved by a group of external experts.

Acceleration of efficiency, innovation and reduction of research and development costs by the

combination of technology, economic incentive and human ingenuity.

“Seekers” Who are the customers and


• Corporations large and small, non-profit organizations and government entities which needs an international flexible platform to locate existing solutions, or solves challenging issues and create a profit advantage.

Innocentice offers a gain of time, money and a higher probability to find a solution trough a multiplicity of unknown potential solvers.

“Solvers” Who are the suppliers?

• Creative thinkers (engineers, scientists, inventors, and business people with expertise in life sciences, engineering, chemistry, math, computer science, and entrepreneurship) who need a public recognition and enlargement of their action plan, an appurtenance to an elite group and a financial award.

Innocentive offers to them the opportunity to work for powerful companies.

Who are the owners?

• Alpheus Bingham, Ph.D. is Innocentive’s fonder and was Lilly Research Laboratories vice President.

Innocentive represents a successful, elitist and strategic business with a global view on international issues and partnerships.

List of revenue sources?

• From customers: In a unique case Innocentive pays the best solution solvers and charges seekers with a margin between 60% and 100% for its services offered.In addition, clients have to pay 2000$ to be able to post the problem.

• From his employees: Innocentive has also revenues from advices offer from its team of experts.

• from partner’s advertising and from selling additional products linked with the topic.

Innocentive has a scale of 3 profitable services adapted to organization’s level with open innovation.


• Your Encore, Nine Sigma, Eureka Medical,Tekscout, My Graal innovation

Only on line?

Innocentive model can not apply offline

as it s based on the dematerialization of research and


Sustainable intelligence?

• YES, this is a new management mode that outstrips traditional approach responding to 21st century’s flexibility needs.

• NO, with a long term vision, Innocentive could be responsible for R&D investments’ pushdown.

What could it be? What should it be?


• To propose a more sustainable view of the R&D concept, I will propose to invest a part of the price in “the global research”.

• I will focus on the “elitist club” aspect developing human sharing trough international video meeting, seminary and games.

• To give the choice to “solvers” I will propose them to wonder if they want to stay anonymous or if they ask for sales campaign.

• I will communicate with transparency on the confidentiality aspect and law protection.It is very difficult to protect an idea that’s why details’ contract must be clear.

• At the moment there are only activities which can be solved by one individual which are treated.Therefore to expand revenue I will propose an organizational platform not only an individual one: solver will also be a company.

• I will also propose many more languages to open the web site to every country and auctions to stimulate actors and gains.


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