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Release Notes M3 SP5

Initial Design

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BRelease Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Initial Design

Release Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Initial Design

1 Lines and PACE - Interactive Waterline Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Lines and PACE - Editing Curve Intersections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Lines and PACE - Improvements to Fairing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Lines and PACE - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Surface - New functionality for Splitting Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6 Surface - Edge Highlight Thickness User Configurable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7 Compartment - Lock to Frame Table Option available for Internal Surfaces . . . . . . . . 20

8 Compartment - Content Type colours can be used to control Compartment colours . 22

9 Compartment - Regeneration Options Extended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

10 Compartment - New Basic Design Preparation Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

11 Compartment - Centre of Gravity estimates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

12 Compartment - Function Code Update for Corrugated Bulkheads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

13 Surface and Compartment - Layer Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

14 Surface and Compartment - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

15 Calc - Tank Calibrations and Heel Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

16 Calc - Forcing Hatching for Black and White Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

17 Calc - Wind Heeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

18 Calc - Tankplan Bow to Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

19 Calc - Probabilistic Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

20 Calc - Lightweight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

21 Calc - Floodable Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

22 Calc - Tankplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

23 Calc - Minor Improvements and Fixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

24 Lines Plot - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

25 Project Tool - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

26 Surface Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

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BRelease Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Initial Design

1 Lines and PACE - Interactive Waterline Endings

• DescriptionThe curve endings functionality previously available in Lines has been implemented in thePatch and Curve Editor with the following significant improvements:

• Greatly improved speed and fluidity of editing.• The ability to deal with gooseneck bulbous bows.• Higher levels of accuracy, leading to fairer waterlines and sections.• Higher levels of fairness in the end surface, coupled with better tools for visualising


The main tasks in creating waterline endings and frame feet are as follows:• Create an end surface which is defined by the profile curve, a radii curve, an optional

eccentricity curve and end surface type regions.• Modify waterlines and frames so that their ends blend into the end surface

The key elements of the end surface functionality are shown below:

To create an end surface, start PACE in either Aft or Forward End Surface mode, by

pressing the Patch and Curve Editor button, , and then selecting Aft End Surface orForward End Surface on the subsequent dialog:

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To edit an existing end surface, select the appropriate item on the tree, press the rightmouse button and select Patch and Curve Editor:

Alternatively, when in the PACE framework, enter the appropriate mode by pressing the Edit

Forward End Surface button, , or Edit Aft End Surface button, .

An axis will appear near the appropriate profile curve. The vertical axis represents the length(i.e. girth-wise measurement) of the profile curve. Dotted lines drawn between points on theprofile curve and corresponding points on the vertical axis make the relationship betweenthem clearer.

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The vertical axis is divided into regions by small red dots (markers) corresponding to someof the dotted lines coming from the profile curve. A marker corresponds to either the end ofthe curve, or a point where the tangent to the profile curve is vertical. The region betweenthese points represents the type of waterline ending. Waterline endings can be one of twotypes:

• Elliptical/circular in a waterline (i.e. horizontal) plane (waterline type, indicated by ayellow region on the vertical axis)

• Elliptical/circular in a plane that is normal to the profile curve (normal type, indicated bya green region on the vertical axis)

To change the waterline ending type of a particular region, right-click on it and select thenew type from the popup menu:

The horizontal axis represents the radius or eccentricity value at a point along the profile.

The radii and/or eccentricity curves are created by selecting the appropriate curve type inthe Create New Curve dialog and digitizing points:

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It is possible to insert a point into the radii and eccentricity curves at a specific waterlineheight by right-clicking on the curve, selecting Data Point at Waterline and specifying thewaterline height and radii or eccentricity. This is especially useful for inserting tangent orknuckle points into the curve at a corresponding knuckle or tangent point in the profile curve.

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The end surface is created by pressing the Generate End Surface button, . It isvisualised using the same tools as for the hull surface. An end surface can be deleted by

pressing the Delete End Surface button, .

The end surface can be changed by editing the defining curves and the end type.

The end surface is regenerated by pressing the Generate End Surface button, at the endof an edit or in real time, as specified on the Advanced page of the End Surface Optionsdialog:

When the end surface is generated, a default tangent curve is also created which runs alongthe centre of the end surface. This curve defines where the waterlines are blended into theend surface. This can be updated when the waterline endings are updated.

A transition curve can be created by selecting the transition curve type in the Create NewCurve dialog and digitizing points. When waterlines are updated, they are truncated at thetransition point and a fair piece of curve is inserted between the transition point and the endsurface intersection

Waterline endings (and optionally frame feet) are updated by pressing the Update Curves

button, .

The method by which curves are updated is dictated by the options given in the End

Surface Options dialog. Press the Options button, , to access the dialog:

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A macro can be specified for a custom update policy. Alternatively a variety of options canbe used to update curves:

• Modify WaterlinesSpecify which waterlines will be updated (All, Active, Inactive, None).• If the Use Transition Curve is checked, then the waterlines are truncated at the

transition curve and blended into the end surface with a fair piece of curve. If theUse Transition Curve is not checked, the waterline is truncated at the tangent point.

• If the Lock Tangent Curve is checked, the shape of the tangent curve (i.e. the pointswhere the waterline ending arcs begin) is not allowed to change. If the LockTangent Curve is not checked, then the shape of the tangent curve is allowed tochange such that the point at which the waterline blends into the end surface is fair.

• Auto Regenerate SectionsSpecify which sections are regenerated (All, Active, Inactive, None) These areregenerated by interpolating the specified set of waterlines.

• Auto Regenerate WaterlinesSpecify which waterlines are regenerated (All, Active, Inactive, None) These areregenerated by interpolating the specified set of sections.

• BenefitsMore interactive and accurate end surface and curve endings functionality.

Satisfies the requirement for handling goose neck bulbs (CSR 30854)

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• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationSee the Tribon Lines Users Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Lines.

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2 Lines and PACE - Editing Curve Intersections

• DescriptionThe Edit Curve Intersections is a mode in which the intersections between active curves canbe moved, altering all curves which pass through selected intersections.

The mode is activated by pressing the Edit Curve Intersections button, in PACE.

Intersections are highlight and colour coded as follows:• Green

Each curve which passes through the intersection contains a data point at theintersection.

• RedOne or more curves do not have a data point at the intersection.

• BlueOne or more curves which pass through the intersection is not fitted to the data points(Correspondence None).

Only intersections coloured green can be edited. They are edited by selecting them with theleft mouse button. An extended selection can be made by holding down the CTRL key and

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either selecting more intersections with the left mouse button or by dragging a rectanglearound intersections. Selected intersections are highlighted in yellow.

Intersections can be moved by dragging them with the mouse, or by nudging them using thearrow keys. The direction in which intersections can be moved is restricted by the types ofthe curves passing through the intersection. For example, an intersection between a sectionand waterline curve can only be moved in the Y direction.

When an intersection is moved, the data point at the intersection on each of the intersectingcurves is moved, thereby preserving the connection between the curves.

Intersections coloured red can be edited by first selecting them, pressing the right mousebutton and selecting the Connect Curves button.

This causes data points to be inserted into those curves which do not already contain apoint at the intersection.

When the Show Intersection Edit Curvature button, , is selected, then the curvatureis shown for all curves which pass through selected intersections to aid curve fairing.

The size of the curvature tufts can be adjusted whilst in Navigation Mode by holding downthe CTRL and SHIFT key, pressing the left mouse button and dragging the mouse up ordown.

• BenefitsEnables fairing of curves whilst preserving the interconnections between the curves.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Lines Users Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Lines.

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3 Lines and PACE - Improvements to Fairing Process

• DescriptionA number of minor functional improvements have been added to Lines and PACE to aid thefairing process in PACE and to fix problems.

Point sort in refitted/regenerated curves (CSR 41854)

The fairing process often requires the regeneration of plines generated byprojection and refitting of sections and waterlines.

When refitting sections, waterlines or buttocks, or when regenerating plines,tangents or knuckles from their defining clines, any custom ordering of the pointswas lost, resulting in incorrectly fitted curves.

This was especially problematic for non-standard shaped curves, such assections in a tunnel stern region. This could make the fairing process longer thannecessary, due to having to re-sort points every time a curve was refitted/regenerated.

Now, when refitting or regenerating a curve, the existing curve can be used as aguide for sorting the points, meaning that it should only be necessary to manuallysort the points for a curve the first time it is created. Furthermore when creating anew section, waterline or buttock, the nearest curve of the same type will be usedas a guide for sorting the points, meaning that manual sorting should beunnecessary when creating extra curves.

The option to use this functionality is provided in the Sort page of the UserParameters dialog, along with a tolerance which determines the maximumdistance a point can lie from the original curve before the curve can no longer beused as a guide for point sort.

Syntax Changes:DEFINE SORT /EXISTING < /TOL= $N > < /OFF >

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Generating projected curves in PACE (CSR 42978)

When regenerating a 3D curve using the Non-Planar (Projected) page of theCreate New Curve dialog and the selected 3D curve was activated in PACE,then the message “Curve is locked by the Patch and Curve Editor” would beshown and the curve was not regenerated. This has been fixed.

Furthermore, to aid the fairing process, the facility to regenerate a 3D curve(originally created through projection) has been added to the popup menu of thePACE tree:

Any set of plines, tangents or knuckles which display the regenerable symbol, , can be regenerated from their defining clines by selecting them in the tree,

pressing the right mouse button and selecting Regenerate. This will reproject thedefining cline using the original projection options (Interpolating curves, Limits,etc).

This provides a shortcut to regenerating the curves via the Non-Planar(Projected) page of the Create New Curve dialog and re-entering the projectionoptions.

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Refitting Orthogonal Curve in PACE (CSR 43310

To aid the fairing process, the facility to refit sections, waterlines and buttocks hasbeen added to the popup menu of the PACE tree:

This operation opens the Refit Curve dialog with the selected curves:

This provides functionality to refit a collection of orthogonal curves which was notpreviously possible in PACE.

The ability to create a new set of orthogonal curves has also been added toPACE. By providing a sequence or range of values in the Plane field in the Planarpage of the Create New Curve dialog, a set of curves can be created or refitted.

A sequence of curves is given by space separated values, for example “1 1.5 2 35 10”.

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• BenefitsImproves efficiency of the fairing process within the Patch and Curve Editor.

Addresses CSRs 41854, 42978 and 43310.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationSee the Tribon Lines Users Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Lines.

A range of values is given using the syntax From(Increment)To. For example, thefollowing will create (or refit) waterlines 0 through to 10 in increments of 2:

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4 Lines and PACE - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

• DescriptionThe following have been addressed in the Service Pack.

Selecting a range of curves (CSR 39845)

If the direction of the axis was Aft (i.e. section numbering decreasing from aft toforward), then it was not possible to select a range of sections in the SelectCurves dialog. This has been fixed.

Automated IGES import

Lines can now attempt to automatically select the type of curve when importingIGES curves. By selecting the Auto option on the Iges page of the CreateCurve dialog, Lines will assign the curve type to each curve based on thefollowing rules:

• PMB Aft – Curve in an X plane at the PMB aft position• PMB Fwd – Curve in an X plane at the PMB Fwd position• Section – Curve in an X plane• Stem Profile – Curve in the Y=0 plane forward of midships• Stern Profile – Curve in the Y=0 plane aft of midships• FOS – Curve in the Y=Half Beam plane• Buttock – Curve in a Y plane• FOB – Curve in the Z=0 plane• Waterline – Curve in a Z plane• Pline – 3D curve

Syntax changes:DUMP IN /AUTO IGES …

Improved error message (CSR 40317)

When two or more plane patches are adjacent and the common edge liesalmost in a plane, PACE will attempt to snap them to the plane. This is toensure that subsequent planar intersections will work.

However, occasionally it is not possible to snap the edge to the plane withoutmoving the edge out of the plane in which the patch lies.

In such cases a message similar to the following would be displayed:

The following CVs could not be tidied without violating plane faces23.3133 6.2500 8.7582

23.2400 6.2483 8.7582

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The message has been improved to indicate the patches and the edge whichhas a potential problem. For example:

The following patch edges could not be moved onto a plane without violating plane faces PACE0005 and PACE0058, Z = 8.7584

Note: This is a warning and in most cases will not cause a problem.

Improved error reporting during SAC generation (CSR 39898)

Previously, if the generation of a Sectional Area Curve failed, then the messageNo Sections Stored was reported, regardless of the cause of the error. Moreappropriate error messages are now given when the SAC generation fails.

Wrong piece of end surface inserted into section (CSR 41609)

When fitting a section which intersected with the end surface at the top of thebulb but not at the bottom, the wrong piece of the end surface intersectionwould be inserted into the section. This has been fixed.

Hang in clines projection (CSR 41613)

Occasionally, the projection of a cline (to create a pline, tanget or knuckle)would cause Lines to hang whilst intersecting the end surface. This has beenfixed

Invalid autofair limits (CSR 41684)

If a lower or upper limit (but not both) were given for the autofair region, then theregion faired would be incorrect or no fairing would take place. This has beenfixed.

Crash when editing a curve in the Patch and Curve Editor (CSR 42032)

If a curve with no data points was joined (during the process of joining twodesigns) then this curve would subsequently cause PACE to crash when thecurve was activated. This has been fixed.

Incomplete Eccentricity Curve (CSR 42887)

If an eccentricity curve was created using the Normal option, then the curvewas only created up to the height of the first knuckle point in the profile curve.This has been fixed.

Active status of curves in PACE (CSR 43000)

Occasionally, the status (active/non-active) shown for a curve in the PACE treewas inconsistent with the curve’s true status. This has been fixed.

Creating Non-Planar (Projected) curves with limits in PACE (CSR 43309)

If an upper or lower limit was specified in the Non-Planar (Projected) page ofthe Create New Curve dialog, and current units were not metres, then the limitwas incorrect. This has been fixed.

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• BenefitsVarious.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationSee the Tribon Lines Users Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Lines PACE.

Curve names with non-alphanumeric characters

Support has been added for curves with non-alphanumeric characters in theirname. Previously, copying, renaming or picking curves which containcharacters such as the underscore (“_”) in the name caused an Invalid Optionerror. This has been fixed.

Hydrostatic limits incorrect for portion of ship (CSR 43587)

If the hydrostatics for a portion of the ship was requested by supplying an Aftand Fore limit then the hydrostatics supplied for the portion of the ship was thesame as for the whole ship. This has been fixed.

Loss of split points in PACE (CSR 42243 & 42234)

Split points added to curves in PACE were subsequently lost after a hulldistortion or if the number of decimal places for units were changed. This hasbeen fixed.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

5 Surface - New functionality for Splitting Curves

• DescriptionThis new functionality allows curves (2D Clines or 3D Curves) to be split. Be that either at anorthogonal plane location (X, Y or Z), or via a specific generalised surface.

Note: In the case of using a generalised surface that cuts a closed wire at only one pointthen splitting of the curve into two is not possible; but the curve's internal edge will besubdivided at that location.

Graphical User Interface Changes:

A new Split dialog, activated via the menu item 'Line \ Split…' or the toolbar icon, , onthe Lines toolbar.

Syntax Changes:

Changes to the SPLIT command, through the addition of CURVE < $L ! /ALL >:

SPLIT < < CURVE < $L ! /ALL > > ! < $W ! /ALL ! /layer $N> >

( %X $N ! %Y $N ! %Z $N ! /SURFACE < $W > )

• BenefitsEasy and rapid splitting of curves is possible.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Surface User's Guides.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface.

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6 Surface - Edge Highlight Thickness User Configurable

• DescriptionThe User now has the ability to set the thickness to display highlighted edges. Edges arehighlighted in commands such as Flash and when picking edges interactively.

Graphical User Interface Changes:

The required edge highlight thickness is set on the Graphics Features page of the Optionsdialog (menu item: 'Tools \ Options…').

Note: The default thickness is 2 (for previous versions it has been 1).

• BenefitsGreater User customisation.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Surface User's Guides.

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• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface.

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7 Compartment - Lock to Frame Table Option available for Internal Surfaces

• DescriptionThe User now has the option to lock an internal surface's (transverse, longitudinal or deck)definition with relationship to the Frame Tables.

Thus, if the frame table is updated, a locked internal moves with respect to the change in theframe table definition; i.e. a planar transverse bulkhead located at fr35 remains at fr35 eventhough physically it moves in the X axis as the frame spacing is changed from say 600mmto 500mm.

This option can be set via the Geometry page of the Internal Surface Editor dialog orthrough the command syntax.

If the User alters any Frame Table (X, Y or Z) he will be asked to confirm (via the UpdateConfirmation dialog) that any internal with this option set, should be updated. If it is updated,any global coordinate in its definition, i.e. the Position and any relevant sheer or camberpoints will be updated to remain at the same frame location (including + or - offset, which isconsidered as a constant value).

Note: In extreme alterations to frame spacing, a location given in terms of a frame andoffset, such as '50+200' will appear to be different. For example if the spacingsaround this location were 500mm and then changed to 200mm, '50+200' is in factequivalent to frame 51 in the new frame table and so will be displayed thus onceupdated. Any subsequent change to the frame table will see the location remain onframe 51.

The Update Confirmation dialog allows the User, through de-selection of the element, toeffectively ignore the lock option temporarily while modifying a frame table. For example, asloped transverse bulkhead maybe locked to move with changes in the X axis frame table,but if the Z axis frame table is changed the update maybe ignored as it would affect theslope of the transverse.

Note: Due to this new feature, changes to frame table definitions (and the origin location onthe X axis, which affects the location of frames) now result in a roll back state. This isso an internal remains consistent with the Frame Tables at any state.

Graphical User Interface Changes:

The option, Lock to Frame Table, is set for an internal surface via the Geometry page ofthe Internal Surface Editor dialog (menu item: 'Compartmentation \ Internal Surfaces \Editor…').

When making a change to a Frame Table (via the Frame Table page of the Options dialog,or via commands) an Update Confirmation dialog will appear, as shown below.

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The Update column allows for specific elements to be ignored in the update and pressingCancel results in no updating of any elements (i.e. ignores all).

Syntax Changes:

Changes to TBHD, LBHD and DECK commands to set this option, using /FRAMELOCKED,when creation or editing (see examples below):

• BenefitsEnables the possibility for rapid design modifications, in the event of global changes.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Compartment User's Guides.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Compartment.

When creating: TBHD < $W > < $N > /FRAMELOCKED

When editing: TBHD $W /EDIT /FRAMELOCKED ( /ON ! /OFF )

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8 Compartment - Content Type colours can be used to control Compartment colours

• DescriptionThe colours defined for a Content Type can be used to control the colour of a compartment.

By either:

1. setting the category (with associated content type) at the point of creation; in whichcase the content type's colour acts as the default compartment colour (instead of thethat defined in the Colours page of the Options dialog) or,

2. editing an existing compartment by changing it's category (with associated contenttype), thus matching the compartment colour to that of the new content type or,

3. setting the colour of a content type, which results in this colour being applied to allcompartments whose category use that particular content type.

Compartment colours are only updated in this fashion if the option Use Colour forCompartments is set (see the Contents Types page of the Compartments General dialog).

Graphical User Interface Changes:

The option, Use Colour for Compartments, to enable updating of compartment colourswith respect to content types is set via the Contents Types page of the CompartmentsGeneral dialog (menu item: 'Compartmentation \ Compartments \ General…').

Syntax Changes:

Changes to CONTENT command (to set option):


• BenefitsAdditional User flexibility for setting compartment colours.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Compartment User's Guides.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Compartment.

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9 Compartment - Regeneration Options Extended

• DescriptionA third regeneration option has been provided, allowing the User to simply request that onlythose internals (and envelopes) needing updating be regenerated. The existing two optionsjust being: to regenerate selected items or to regenerate everything in the design.

Graphical User Interface Changes:

The menu options Regenerate and Regenerate All have been replaced with a cascadingmenu Regenerate with three options, Selected, Needed Only and All.

Note: These menu changes occur in Compartmentation on the main menu as well as in thepop-up menus for the Full View and Compartment View trees.

Syntax Changes:

Changes to ENVELOPE command (to set option):


The /REGENERATE option indicates all internals (including compartments) should also beregenerated.

• BenefitsVarious.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Compartment User's Guides.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Compartment.

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10 Compartment - New Basic Design Preparation Menu

• DescriptionA new menu item, Basic Design Preparation, has been added to the Compartmentationmenu. It is specifically for tools which assist in the preparation of the model for use by BasicDesign.

The current tools relate to faces of an element, either an envelope or a surface (including a'barehull'), which constitute the Upper Deck. A Basic Design (and Hull) restriction is that themain hull surface is open, i.e. it does not return to the centreline at the top. In order to satisfythis Basic Design requirement, Surface/Compartment, on releasing an envelope or surface,splits the faces into two separate surfaces. One is the main hull surface (named accordingto the element's ID) minus the faces that constitute the Upper Deck and the other is theremaining Upper Deck faces (named according to the element's ID appended with UPDK).

When using a hullform or editing an envelope definition, Surface/Compartmentautomatically allocates certain faces as the Upper Deck. This automatic process may notproduce the required set of faces for every ship and patch arrangement combination andhence the tools are provided for checking and modification. These tools are accessed viathe menu items, Identify, Add Faces, Remove Faces and Clear All Faces.

Syntax Changes:

The DECK /MARK /OFF command has been extended to include the option, /ALL, to clearall deck faces from the element to be selected.

DECK /MARK < /OFF < /ALL > >

• BenefitsImproved usability.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Compartment User's Guides.

• Affected ProgramsCompartment.

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11 Compartment - Centre of Gravity estimates

• DescriptionThe Centre of Gravity for the envelope and internal surfaces has been added to thePreliminary Weight Analysis. The weights and centres of gravity are used in Tribon Calc tocalculate the Lightweight Distribution.

• BenefitsMore useful information for early analysis.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationSee the Tribon Compartment Users Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface and Compartment.

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12 Compartment - Function Code Update for Corrugated Bulkheads

• DescriptionThe macro function in Surface/Compartment to generate corrugated bulkheads and stoolsis resulting in one RSO with the different faces representing the corrugation and the stools.

When a corrugated bulkhead now is released from Surface/Compartment the functionaldescription for each face of the RSO is updated. Corrugation will be set to either 9106(longitudinal corrugated bhd), 9204 (transversal corrugated bhd) or 9603 (stools).

• BenefitsSimplifies the generation of steel in Basic Design.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface and Compartment.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

13 Surface and Compartment - Layer Names

• DescriptionThe ability to specify a name for each layer has been re-introduced.

Graphical User Interface Changes:

The Layer dialog (accessed by selecting the menu item EDIT \ CURRENT LAYER...) hasbeen altered to allow the current layer to be set either by entering the number or selecting itby name.

The Set Names… button is used to access the Layer Names dialog, through which namescan be specified for each layer.

In the Layers page, a layer's name is displayed as a tooltip (when the cursor is over thenumbered button for that particular layer).

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• BenefitsEnhanced usability.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationSee the Tribon Surface User's Guide.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface and Compartment.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

14 Surface and Compartment - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

• DescriptionThe following have been addressed in the Service Pack.

Easier split of curves (CSR 38858)

See the release note, New functionality for Splitting Curves, above.

Creation of an Internal condensed to a single rollback event

When creating an internal, through the Internal Surface Editor, a single rollbackevent is now created, rather than two.

Current envelope automatically set

When creating the first envelope (via, the Set as Envelope menu item, orENVELOPE command) in a design, it is automatically set as the currentenvelope.

Model cuts can be generated for internal surfaces and compartments

The generation of model cuts, now allows internal surfaces and compartmentsto be included. This is to allow comparison with supplied drawings for complexdefinitions and may also be used in conjunction with plotting to help withdevelopment of general arrangement drawings.

Cursor focus behaviour changed - so focus not lost when entering values in dialogs

The cursor focus is no longer snatched by graphics views, to aid interactivepicking. Now each graphics view must be activated (by selecting it) beforecertain actions take place; for instance, the update of the cursor co-ordinates inthe statusbar or changing the pick size for a particular graphics window.

Identify Flash reports the number of free edges

The Output Window now displays the number of free edges detected whenperforming an Identify Flash on an element. (If no free edges exist then nomessage appears.)

Lock to Frame Table (CSR 42719)

The Lock to Frame Table checkbox on the Internal Surface Editor dialog hadthree states. It now only has two (on and off).

Failure to Release a disjoint surface (CSR 42439)

If a surface contained more that one disjoint body (for example some edgescould not be joined) then the surface would fail to be released. This has beenfixed.

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• BenefitsVarious.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface and Compartment.

Releasing a design from a standalone project (CSR 42256)

It was not possible to release a design from a standalone project. This meant,for example, a design agent could not deliver an Initial Design project to ashipyard ready for Tribon Hull to use the surface. The Release of a design hasbeen enabled for this purpose.

Zoom In

The Zoom In operation can now be initiated by double-clicking the left mousebutton in the graphics window (as is possible in Tribon Lines/PACE)

View rotation sensitivity

The sensitivity with which a graphics view begins rotation as the user drags themouse has been changed. Previously, this began as soon as the mouse buttonwas pressed in a graphics view. This meant that, if an orthogonal view wasselected, then the orthogonal axis was lost as soon as the user clicked in thewindow. Now the mouse must be moved 3 pixels before rotation is initiated.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

15 Calc - Tank Calibrations and Heel Angles

• DescriptionCalibrations can now be done for a series of heel angles, as well as trims and the dialog hasbeen changed to allow heel angles to be input. This also applies to the tank calibrationfolder dialog.

Also the default number of decimal places for soundings, ullages, etc. in the table has beenincreased from 2 to 3. However, this will only apply to new projects.

• BenefitsImproved tank calibration reports.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc.

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

16 Calc - Forcing Hatching for Black and White Printers

• DescriptionOn the Report Options dialog, there is now a further page - Printing. This page contains acheckbox Force Hatching for Black and White Printers. If this is checked, then areascoloured in the Report View will be printed out using hatching. This is useful if the User onlyhas access to a Black and White printer, or the User simply wishes to omit colour and usehatching.

• BenefitsCalc now caters for users with black and white printers.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For Further InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

17 Calc - Wind Heeling

• DescriptionThe Japanese ClassNK rules for Coastal and Smooth Water Service wind force calculationshave been implemented.

These are similar to the normal A749 wind heeling calculations, except that the 's'coefficients for determining the roll-back angle, are different.

These wind heeling moments have been added to the heeling moment list in the Criteria editdialog.

Also the wind heeling output table has been extended to include the parameter values usedto determine the roll-back angle. This applies to all IMO A749 type criteria, plus Russian andJapanese special regulations.

• BenefitsStability compliance with special Japanese regulations, can now be checked.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

18 Calc - Tankplan Bow to Left

• Description On the TankPlan dialog, there is now a check-box Bow to Left. If this is checked then thetankplan is drawn with the bow on the left of the page and the stern to the right.

This also has the same effect on all diagrams based on the Tank Plan - Loading Diagrams,Visibility diagram, etc.

• BenefitsCalc now caters for users that use the bow to left convention.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

19 Calc - Probabilistic Stability

• DescriptionIn connection with the implementation of the new Probabilistic Stability Rules (IMO SLF 47/17), various changes have been made to improve reports in response to comments fromDet norske Veritas (DnV).

Also a tolerance for deciding whether a compartment has been damaged, has beenadjusted to cure a reported error when setting up damage cases.

• BenefitsIt is now easier to check the results from the Probabilistic Stability calculations.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

20 Calc - Lightweight

• DescriptionThe import and export of lightweight and other fixed weights using the CXML geometry filehas been implemented. The group of weight items comprising the Lightweight are collectedin a group with an identifier lightweight. Other fixed weight groups can have any uniqueidentifier.

• BenefitsLightweight data can now be estimated from structural information in Surface/Compartmentand released for use in Calc.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

21 Calc - Floodable Length

• Description It is now possible to define any number of zones, each with their own permeability. The inputdialog now looks like this:

Regions can be deleted and new ones added. Note that only the forward end of a zoneneeds to be given, as the program will automatically use the forward end of one zone as theaft end of the next.

For the Criterion of Service calculation, the program will now take the absolute positivevalue of the enclosed compartments, which means that all the internal compartments can be

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

summed, or alternatively, the main envelope used and compartments which are notconsidered part of the enclosed volume subtracted.

Also the calculation routine has been improved, reducing calculation times significantly.

• BenefitsVessels with more than one machinery zone, are now catered for and the calculation timehas been greatly reduced.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

22 Calc - Tankplan

• DescriptionCalc can now output a DXF file for the Tankplan/Loading Diagram, where all thedimensions, etc., are in metres. An extra button, DXF, has been added to the LoadingDiagram toolbar for this purpose.

Note: Using the Output/DXF command, will still produce a DXF file in paper units as before.

• BenefitsIt is possible to output a DXF file to scale.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

23 Calc - Minor Improvements and Fixes

• DescriptionThe following bug fixes and other small changes have been made to Tribon M3 Calc forService Pack 5:

Inclining report

Free surface moments for items going on or coming off the ship, were not takenaccount of. This error has now been fixed.


The calculation of Cwp forward for the 1988 protocol was incorrect. This bugand some other problems with the dialog input, have been fixed.

Manoeuvring - propeller pitch

When British units were selected, the pitch was not scaled correctly. This errorhas now been fixed.

Seakeeping - incorrect display of head-seas

When Headseas=0 was chosen AND the maximum wave heading waschanged from 180 degrees, headwaves was displayed incorrectly.

Loading Condition

When no openings or deck edge points are immersed, this is now reported inthe immersion table.

Launching Dynamics

The stopping distance was at variance with other programs using the samemethod (McNeil's General Energy Equation). The error causing this has nowbeen fixed.

Deterministic stability report

The User now has options of displaying only the title of compartments withoutthe identifier and only the lowest opening and deck edge point, instead of allpoints in the report.

GZ criteria value precision

The criterion value was only being stored to a precision of 3 decimal places.This has now been increased to 5 to allow, for example, for area under the GZcurve > 0.0175.

Crash Stop Diagram

A diagram (and tabular output) of the crash stop manoeuvre has beenimplemented with times, distances travelled and speeds shown throughout thecrash stop manoeuvre.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

• BenefitsBug fixes and other small changes.

Decimal settings for Form Calculations

The decimal settings were reset to default values, when a project was opened.This error has now been fixed.

Input using frames

The offset from the frame value, was incorrect in the output table for openings, ifthe axis origin was not at the AP. This error has been corrected.

Loadmate export

Miscellaneous corrections and improvements made to the Loadmate exportfacility. In particular, deck outlines have been added and all output now goes toone file.

Inclining Experiment

In the report, the formula for calculating GM using the regression method,incorrectly gave the displacement volume, instead of the displacement as aweight. This error has been corrected.

Grain Calibrations

The program was not generating a section in way of the hatch. This error hasbeen corrected.

Loading Condition

GM values were incorrect when shift-moment free surface was used. Becauseof other changes, the free surface moment was not being applied correctly,when setting up the righting lever (GZ) curve. This error has been corrected.Other methods of calculating free-surface, e g fixed, gave correct results andwere not affected.

Critical KGf/GMf reports

Tables of critical KGf/GMf, now only report the equivalent intact critical KGf/GMf.The extra column showing the criticals after fall-out, has been removed. Alsothe critical envelope curves and tabulated values, now take account of singlepoints where relevant.

Previously these were ignored.

IMO weather criterion

In the formula for roll-back angle, the 'r' value was limited to a maximum of 1.0,in accordance with ClassNK rules. However, this restriction does not apply forother classification societies, and has been removed. There is now a new windheeling moment specially for ClassNK ships, that applies this correction, but isotherwise identical to the IMO formulation. This can be found in the windheeling list on the Criteria dialog.

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone

• For More InformationNone

• Affected ProgramsTribon M3 Calc/Hydro

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

24 Lines Plot - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

• DescriptionThe following have been addressed in the Service Pack.

• BenefitsVarious

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Plot.

Adding Text (CSR 42357 CSR 43315)

It was not possible to add text to plots in M3 SP3, SP4 or SP5. This has beenfixed

Deleting Elements (CSR 42891)

It was not possible to delete individual elements in M3 SP3, SP4 or SP5. Thishas been fixed

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Tribon M3 Release NotesInitial Design

25 Project Tool - Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

• DescriptionThe following have been addressed in the Service Pack.

• BenefitsRemoval of spurious error message.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Initial Design Project Tool.

“Access to User Alias information is denied” message (CSR 42887)

If a User Alias was defined in the Initial Design Project Tool, then, every timethe project tool was started, the message “Access to User Alias information isdenied” was given. This was a problem only on the start-up of the Project Tooland not actually a problem with access to the User Alias Information. Themessage has now been removed.

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BTribon M3 Release Notes

Initial Design

26 Surface Server

• DescriptionThe following have been addressed in the Service Pack.

• BenefitsMore accurate intersection through planar areas of the hull surface.

• Compatibility ConstraintsNone.

• For More InformationNone.

• Affected ProgramsTribon Surface Server.

Intersection through planar areas not flat (CSR 42131)

If the hull surface contained adjacent planar areas which were almost,but not quite, in the same plane, then the Surface Server could produceintersections which were not flat. This has been fixed.

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