inglise keel top 10 most haunted places in britain

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Top 10 most haunted places in England

Jekaterina Gortalova

10-3 form

Highgate Cemetery, London

By night, Highgate Cemetery in London is like something out of a horror movie.

Borley Rectory, Essex

His investigations led to the rectory being named ‘The Most Haunted House in England’.

Pendle Hill, Lancashire

 In 1612 ten so-called witches were hanged at Lancaster Castle and it’s said they still haunt the local area. 

Red Lion, Avebury

The pub is situated inside Avebury stone circle - a World Heritage site and the largest stone circle in Europe.

Ancient Ram Inn, Wotten-under-Edge

Stories attached to this creepy building

are not for the fainthearted…

Village of Pluckley, KentPluckley village has a reputation for being the most haunted village in

Britain – and it was actually named just that by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1989.

Tower of London, London

Athelhampton House, Dorset

Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire

Some visitors to the mansion have been attacked by ghosts.

Berry Pomeroy Castle, near Totness, Devon

This 14th-century castle has 2 famous female ghosts; the White Lady and the Blue Lady.

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