information sheet for my class - web viewspring term 2 2018. class newsletter. f. oundation 1....

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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The children will have 2 PE sessions in the Hall each week, led by our Total Sports colleagues.The sessions are on Wednesday and Friday mornings.


children wear their indoor pumps and no other kit is required.

Foundation 1Teacher – Mrs Reddiex

Nursery Nurse – Mrs GrayFS 1 & 2 Teaching Assistant- Miiss Ozsoy

Important DaysPE

The children have 2 PE sessions in the Hall each week, led by our Total

Sports colleagues.The sessions are on Tuesday and

Friday mornings.The children wear their indoor

pumps and no other kit is required.

Physical DevelopmentWe are working on a one to one with the children on their improving hand control and pencil grip and control. This will involve supporting them to know the best way to form letters and to feel good about having a go. Writing, forming patterns and mark marking in lentils, sand trays, foam, gel will help children at whatever stage they are to feel confident in their efforts. We will spend time thinking about how to keep our bodies healthy and spend a week investigating hand washing to scrub the germs away and look at good dental care with the help of some great books such as the Little Princess Wash Your Hands!

Specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design: our small groups will support listening skills and early phonological awareness. Activities will include experimenting with voice sounds, musical instruments and environmental sounds, learning about rhyme and starting to segment and blend the sounds in words together. Mathematics: A big focus on counting, matching quantities of objects or actions to a given number and beginning to recognise numerals. This will include lots of everyday challenges- for example a STOP and COUNT routine! how many children are playing in different areas? Which is the busiest? Which is the least busy? etc.

REOur RE topic is Sorrow and Joy. This topic raises issues such as being sorry, making amends and forgiveness. We will learn about how Jesus showed forgiveness, through sharing stories from the Bible. We will read the story of Zacchaeus and learn about how Jesus’s friend Peter let him down, how Jesus must have felt and how he forgave him, exploring what forgiveness means. We will use these stories to discuss how to be a kind friend in our families and class and think about situations when we too must make amends and try to forgive and to move on.

Communication and LanguageOpportunities are planned for small groups to focus on listening and attentions skills. We will encourage children to recall and take account of other’s ideas for example, outdoor challenges such as story clues treasure hunts, and interviewing some people who help us, to find out more: such as a paramedic, ,a cook, Miss Milivojevic. Mrs Warrilow’s Chatter Matter groups focus on a story and support us with social communication, turn-taking in talk, sharing ideas and sustained thinking. During our Fun with Sounds groups, we will be playing rhyme, alliteration and word games, finding rhyming objects from home, playing and making musical instruments, sound walks, and sound lotto.

Following children’s interestsWe start with Chinese New Year to consider how Chinese people celebrate this important festival. We will read the story of the animal race, make dragons, and use chopstick pincers in our interactive rice tray! People who help us will lead us to a new role play ideas- maybe The Police Station or hospital. We will look at our community through photographs and our own ‘Children, Children where do we live?’ book featuring local landmarks that are important to the children. We will capture our favourite places in construction, words, drawings and models.

Class Newsletter Spring Term 2 2018

Ways to HelpWe continue to work and play outside and will be supporting the children to get ready by putting on waterproof dungarees and coats, to hopefully save their own outdoor things from getting too messy. If you could help us to support their independence by providing wellies and encouraging them to do as much for themselves with coats, wellies and shoes, this gives them a great sense of satisfaction. Please look out for information about our daily planning on the entry notice board and be willing to share any relevant ideas, books, knowledge that you may have with us. Many thanks for your continued support.

Profiles These are a celebration of

your children’s learning and progress. Please support us in making these as full and accurate as we can by sharing your child’s special moments, achievement’s and experiences.

Please feel free to take them home to share together and enjoy. A plea however to please return them to us.

Please take a supply of Proud Clouds to have ready to capture magic moments.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development The theme of our Anti-Bullying week was ‘Would You Like To be my Friend?’.’ We had lots of fantastic contributions from the children about what makes them unique and proud to be themselves. This led us to think about what they would like to be when they grow up- everything from clowns to pilots. We aim to build on the People who help us theme, by thinking about people who help to keep us safe in the community such as Police Officers, librarians and bus drivers. Our RE topic will lead us to think about classroom situations where we need to work out how to sort out friendship issues: by sharing how to make their wishes known and the importance of listening to the other person.. There will be focussed small group work, for example talk about different jobs: would you like to be a librarian? What do they wear? What jobs do they do? , this will help to develop confidence in expressing their point of view and in listening attentively to others.

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