information literacy by: tommy rohrer. intro to information literacy definition: information...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Information LiteracyBY: TOMMY ROHRER

Intro to Information Literacy

Definition: Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.“

Intro to Information Literacy

Why is this important?

This is very important because of how fast and frequent technology is being used. Students now a days are mostly visual learners, which means they need to be able to tell whether information they are learning is something they need to take in or remember.

Individuals are faced with diverse, abundant information choices in their academic studies, in the workplace, and in their personal lives.

Intro to eLearning

Definition: eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom.  In most cases, it refers to a course, program, or degree delivered completely online.

Intro to eLearning

Why is eLearning important?

One great example of eLearning is online classes in college. Colleges now are allowing students take classes from their own homes just by having access to the internet.

Also allows you to keep in contact with your professor and your other students by talking to them online. One example of this would be discussion posts.


There are many different domains out there.









Some popular domain names that students may already know are:

.com- “commercial” is the most widely used domain in the world. This domain can be used by anyone and is mostly used by businesses.

.net- “network” is most commonly used by internet service providers.

.org- “organization” is primarily used by non-profit organizations or trade associations.


Some domains that are used but are not as common:

.info- is for credible resource websites and signifies a “resource” website. This is the 4th most popular domain that is used.

.edu- “education” used by schools and universities.

.mil- “military” used by the military

.gov- “government” websites that are run by the government.

Good Websites

Ways to tell whether a website is a good website to use:

Easy to navigate


The website has a list of reliable sources

Has a trusted domain

Links that are working

Easy to read

There are no spelling and grammar errors.

Bad Websites

Ways to tell whether a website is a bad website to use:

Hard to navigate- no link to go back to the homepage of the website.

The website is not current, or someone who is running the website doesn’t update it.

There are no sources

Not a very reliable domain name

Loads very slowly

The links do not work

There are grammar and spelling errors

Search Engine #1


Yippy Search, formerly known as Clusty, got its start in Pittsburgh, PA in 2004 when the search software company Vivísimo decided to take its award-winning search technology to the web.

What really makes Yippy unique is what happens after you search. Instead of delivering millions of search results in one long list, the search engine groups similar results together into “clouds.” Clouds help you see your search results by topic so you can zero in on exactly what you’re looking for or discover unexpected relationships between items.


Enter what you want to


I searched KSU

Here are my top 427 results

I have clicked cloud on KSU shootings and

now have a little categories of

sorted results to choose from.

When you clicked advance, you

have additional options for

searching. These include language,

file type, and number of results

to display.

When you click news, these are the results where KSU

is mentioned.

Search Engine #2


ChaCha is a human-guided search engine. It provides free, real-time answers to any question, through its website, or by using one of the company's mobile apps.

Founded by Scott A. Jones and Brad Bostic in 2006


Ask any question that you

would like answered

By selecting menu and clicking on categories, ChaCha allows you to

find what you are looking for easier.

The Menu tab allows you to have easy

access back to the home screen, take

quizzes and create a profile with ChaCha

By searching “Kent State University” in the search bar, facts and information that you

may want to know pop up right away.

Search Engine #3


Bing was unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009, at the All Things Digital conference in San Diego, California, for release on June 1, 2009.

Bing (known previously as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) is a web search engine from Microsoft.

Search whatever you are looking

for here.


By Searching “Kent State University,” the search engine gives you a variety to click on to see

what you are looking for.

By Clicking on news, this gives you all the recent news on Kent

State University.

By Clicking on history, you are

able to see other websites that you

have recently visited, if you may

have accidently closed a tab.

By clicking on settings, you are able to set what language

you want, enable SafeSearch, and turn

on or off search suggestions.

eLearning websites

Interactive Sites for Education

CLICK HERE to visit the website

This website allows students to pick different science topics and play games to help them learn.

Click on Science, or another subject that you may wish,

and play some games.

You will then scroll down and click on a topic that shows up after you click on the subject

“science.” In this case we will

click on seasons and weather


By clicking on “Seasons and

Weather” students will be able to access these games below to

help them learn better.

Clicking on one of the games caused the game to open

in a new tab.

Clicking this “X” will close the tab and

game that the student is playing.

eLearning websites

Bill Nye

This website will allow students to watch different videos performed by Bill Nye.

By hovering your mouse over one of the “periodic table elements,” will allow you to visit parts of the

website like “videos.”

Going to Educational

Resources will allow you to watch more

videos on what you are learning

in class.

Episode Guide allows you to read different information on different topics

Clicking on Episode Guide

brings you to this list of topics to

choose from. We will be clicking on


By clicking on Atmosphere, the website defines what

“Atmosphere is, and gives you facts about the topic.

Lower o

n the W


shows the re

sources on

where the in



came from.

Ready For The Quiz?


Question 1

What was the previous name of the website Yippy?

General Custer




Question 2

What was the original name of Yippy when it was invented in 2004?





Question 3

When was ChaCha founded?

1999 2005


Question 4

Which one of these 4 domains does not exist?

.mil .com


Question 5

Which of these domains stands for “network?”





Question 6

Who unveiled the search engine Bing?

George Washington

Al Gore

Mickey Mouse

Steve Ballmer

Question 7

Which one of these was the search engine Bing not previously known as?

Live Search

Windows Live


MSN Search

Microsoft Live


Question 8

What kind of search engine is ChaCha?



Crawler- Based

Human- Guided

Question 9

What year was Bing Released?


2007 2010


Question 10

On the search engine Yippy, what does it group the results into?






I want to take the

quiz again

I know everything, therefore I


Help Slide #1


Wrong Answer….


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