infancy and childhood · infancy and childhood we will…examine life-span human development from...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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Infancy and Childhood

We will…examine life-span human development from infancy to childhood and factors such as, physical, cognitive, and social development.

I will…be able to explain the key factors in the physical, cognitive and social development from infancy to childhood.

Physical Development (Growth)

Babies grow at an amazing rate!

Biggest physical changes occur before birth (fingers, toes, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, circulatory system, kidneys, respiratory system).

Birth to Infancy (0-2) –

Double birth weight in 5 months and triple it in one year!

10 inches in height in first year.

Childhood – 3-4 inches and 4-6 pounds/year on average

Reflexes – an involuntary reaction or response (The Babinski Reflex)

Swallowing, Grasping finger & sucking, Breathing, Sneezing, Coughing, Yawning, Blinking, etc.

Physical Development (Motor)

Gross motor – Progress in coordinating major muscle groups, (ex.

arms, legs, trunk)

Rolling over, Sitting up, crawling and walking

Fine Motor – coordination of the hands, face, and other smaller


Grab and shake toys (4 months)

Pick up small objects (9 months)

Stack blocks and turn the page of a book (one year)

Physical Development (Perceptual)

Imagine what the world must seem like

to a newborn…

Infants perceptual preferences are

influenced by their age

Nature and nurture work together!

Hearing in infants is much better

developed than their eyesight

They respond more to high pitched

sounds than low pitched ones.

Newborns can immediately distinguish

strong odors and tastes…

Infants and Lemons...

Social Development (Attachment 1 of 2)

Attachment – emotional ties between people

Stranger Anxiety

At about 8 months some infants develop a fear of strangers

Separation Anxiety

Mom leaves them…two factors are involved…

Contact comfort (Harlow)

Imprinting – No critical period for attachment in humans…

Social Development (Attachment 2 of 2)

Secure vs. Insecure

Secure – Responsive and reliable caregivers

Insecure – Unresponsive and unreliable caregivers

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Prevents individuals from forming proper attachments with others.

(Socially, Cognitively, Behaviorally, & Physically)


Agenda… 3/2/18

1. Parenting styles activity

2. Finish Infancy to Childhood Development


3. Surprise!!! HW is now due Monday 3/5/18!

Social Development (Parenting Styles)

1. Read the article and collect your thoughts.

2. Choose a side! (Choose one of the parenting styles that you believe your

parents used when raising you and go to that respective corner of the room.

1. Authoritarian

2. Authoritative

3. Permissive

4. Uninvolved

3. Let’s talk about it. Find a partner or 2 in your group and talk about some of the

similarities and differences of parenting styles, be prepared to share out to the

class in a minute!

4. Now…think about what your peers just discussed around the room and now

YOU choose which type of parenting style you would most likely be! (Find a

partner in your corner and share with them why you chose that spot. Be

prepared to share out!

Agenda… 3/5/18

Hand in your HW!

Bell Ringer

Finish Infancy to Childhood Development Notes

TedX (Self-Esteem)

Exit Slip

Bell Ringer

I will count you off by 4s…

1. Authoritarian

2. Authoritative

3. Permissive

4. Uninvolved

Using your notes, Answer how the following scenario and how it would be interpreted by the parenting style given:

A child takes a candy bar from the check-out line without paying for it and you find out once you get home from the supermarket.


Child Abuse and Neglect

• We just watched the

Feral Children

Documentary and we

can see the effects of

abuse and neglect…

• Do you remember

some big implications of

abuse and neglect?

Social Development (Child Care)

The results of child care are mixed…

Quality of the day care center matters!

Learning resources, many caregivers, good deal of individual


Parent-child attachment (full-time day care less likely to seek out Mom)

Insecure attachment

One study…Sharing is caring, independent, outgoing, self-confident

Another study…Less cooperative, more aggressive…

All in all…Non-parental care doesn’t seem to affect child

development…The quality of care seems more important than the

individual providing it!

Social Development (Self-esteem 1 of 2)The value or worth that people attach to themselves. (begins developing in early


Influences on Self-Esteem

Secure attachment

How parents react to their children

Carl Rogers

Unconditional positive regard (show love and accept kids for who they


Conditional Positive Regard (show love when kids behave in certain

“acceptable” ways)

Gender and Self-Esteem

5-7 years old children begin to value themselves on the basis of physical appearance and performance in school.

Feminine tasks vs. Masculine tasks (whichever they are supposed to do

better at…)

Social Development (Self-esteem 2 of 2) Age and Self-Esteem

Children gain competence as they grow older, but…even with this

growth as Elementary school progresses, their self-esteem generally


Self-Esteem reaches a Low point at age 12 or 13, then increases again.

Young children think that others view them as the view themselves, but

as they develop they realize that some people may not see them the

way that they see themselves…they begin to compare themselves with

other peers.

The Trap!

1970s – huge push for higher self-esteem to improve society

2000 – high self-esteem did not lead to higher grades, also high self-

esteem didn’t make violent kids any less so or keep kids from

becoming bullies. Self-Esteem TedX

Exit Slip

KWL (2 things for each)

K - What did you already Know?

W - What do you Want to learn more about?

L - What did you Learn today?

Agenda… 3/6/18

Quiz on Friday!!! (3/9/18)

Bell Ringer

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development


Exit Slip

Bell Ringer…

Why does the sun shine?

Why is the grass green?

What are TV sets for?

Assimilation vs. Accommodation

Assimilation – the process by which new information is placed

into categories that already exist.

“doggie” because family has a Collie, if she sees a Great Dane

and says “doggie” then they have assimilated!

Accommodation – a change brought out because of new


Child sees a cat and says “doggie” then an adult corrects them,

they learn that cat and dog are in separate categories then a

new category is needed for cat!

Cognitive Development (Piaget’s Stages 1 of 2)

Stage Characteristics Approximate Age


• Integrating senses with

motor functions.

• Specifically goal directed


• Develops object

permanence and other

basic skills

0-2 years


• Cannot yet perform mental


• Rapid increase in

language ability

• Engage in symbolic

thought, but dominated by


• Egocentric thinking!

2-7 years

Cognitive Development (Piaget’s Stages 1 of 2)

Stage Characteristics

Concrete Operational

• Can perform operations on

objects that are

immediately present or

easily imagined.

• Cannot handle

abstractions of


7-11 years

Formal Operational

• Can perform operations on

abstract concepts

• Capable of performing

abstract and hypothetical

thinking, but may still prefer

concrete thinking

(because it is easier)

11 years-Adulthood

Pitfalls in Piaget…

Recent research using the same methodology indicates that

preschoolers are less egocentric than Piaget’s research


Some assert that several cognitive skills appear to develop

more continuously than Piaget thought.

Nonetheless, his theories are still widely respected.

Exit Slip…

Discuss 3 examples of times when you have seen Piaget’s

Stages of Cognitive Development in children you know.

For 3 Bonus points on your quiz! In addition, come up with 1

game and/or way in which you could help children you know

or babysit for develop good cognitive skills.

Agenda… 3/7/18


2. Bell Ringer

3. “Family” Group Discussion

4. 60 minute clip

5. Notes on Kohlberg…

6. Let’s Take a Poll

7. Some more Notes…

Bell Ringer

What is morality?

Where do our morals come from?

How do they develop throughout life?

Are we born good?

In your family groups discuss! (Be prepared to have a Family leader and they will share out).

Are we Born Good?

Morality and Moral Development

Morality refers to possessing a knowledge of and a responsibility to live by a set of values and beliefs that are shared by a group or community. It normally contains the assumption that all who share those beliefs will behave in ways that benefit the community and will not behave in ways that at odds with the rights and interests of other members of the community. For example, it is generally accepted that stealing and murder, amongst other major offenses, are not in the best interests of society.

Moral development is the ways in which we distinguish between right and wrong as we grow and mature.

Let’s Take a Poll!

On a Half sheet of paper, you do not need to put you name on

it...please answer the following:

If your friend came up with a copy of the ACT a month before you

were taking the test, would you take a peak? Why or Why not?

Let’s say you are GUARANTEED not to get caught, would you cheat

on the ACT? Why or Why not?

Moral Development (Kohlberg’s Morality)

Level 1

Pre-conventional (~0-9 years)

Base their judgments on the consequences of behavior.

Level 2

Conventional (~10-18 years)

Make judgments in terms of whether an act conforms to conventional standards of right and wrong (family, religion, society)

Level 3

Post-conventional (Mostly found in Adults).

Reasoning based on an individual’s own moral standards of goodness

Moral Development (Kohlberg’s Morality)


Stage 1

Avoiding punishment

Doing what is necessary to avoid punishment

Stage 2

Satisfying needs

Doing what is necessary to satisfy one’s needs

Moral Development (Kohlberg’s Morality)


Stage 3 (most often among 13 year olds)

Winning approval

Seeking and maintaining the approval of others using conventional

standards of right and wrong

Stage 4 (most often among 16 year olds)

Law and order

Moral judgments based on maintaining social order

High regard for authority

Moral Development (Kohlberg’s Morality)


Stage 5

Social Order

Obedience to accepted laws

Judgments based on personal values

Stage 6

Universal Ethics

Morality of individual conscience, not necessarily in agreement with


The Heinz Dilemma… it’s complicated…

Stage 1 – Heinz was wrong because he would be caught for stealing and sent to jail.

Stage 2 – Heinz was right to steal the drug because his wife needed it!

Stage 3 – Heinz should steal the drug because a good and loving husband would do whatever he could to save the life of his wife, but it also might mean…Heinz should not steal the drug because good people do not steal.

Stage 4 – Heinz should not steal because breaking the law for any reason sets a bad example and undermines the social order.

Stage 5 – Might suggest that it is right for Heinz to steal the drug, even though it is against the law, because the needs of his wife have created an exceptional situation.

Stage 6 – A person might argue that the pharmacist was acting out of greed and that survival is more important than profit. Therefore, Heinz had a moral right to steal the drug to save his wife.

Agenda… 3/9/18

Hand-in your HW (Piaget’s Stages and the Bonus 3 point


Any questions for review?

Take the Quiz!

A Moral Dilemma…

Agenda… 3/12/18

Hand-in your HW (Piaget’s Stages and the Bonus 3 point


Review for 10 mins.

Take the Quiz! (For those who were absent)

A Moral Dilemma…

A Moral Dilemma… 3/12/18

Propose a new moral dilemma (think of Heinz if you are struggling)

Write out the dilemma on a sheet of paper

Next, explain how people in each of Kohlberg’s six stages of moral

development might respond to the dilemma. Explain how the

reasoning process underlying each stage contributes to the type of

response. (tell me why they would say that response in that

particular stage of Kohlberg’s theory)

21…A Moral Dilemma

What is Ben’s Moral Dilemma?

While watching this movie I will ask to come up with 6 answers that

would match Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Development. (If you can’t

think of an answer that Ben might use for each stage use another

character and dilemma from the film. Such as, Mickey’s, Miles, or

Cole’s, etc.

You may use your notes as a Guide! (this will be a “progression”


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