inductive method

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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The opposite of direct method and

deductive method. It is also referred to

as indirect instruction.

1. The learners are more engaged in the

teaching-learning process. With our

facilitating skills, the learners formulate the

generalization or rule.

2. Learning becomes more interesting at the

outset because we begin with the

experiences of our students. We begin with

what they know.

3. It helps the development of our learners’


It requires more time so less subject

matter will be covered. We need much

time to lead our students to the

formulation of generalization.

It demands expert facilitating on the part

of the teacher. We’ve got to ask the

right questions, organized answers and

lead the learners to the generalization or


Topic: The Plant and Animal Cells


Teacher activity

We already discuss the functions and

parts of microscope. We also cited the

importance of this equipment in the field

of sciences. What is now the main use of


Topic: The plant and animal cell


Student’s activity

The microscope plays a very important role in laboratory for the tissues and organisms which are too small to be seen clearly with the naked eye. With the aid of the microscope, however, these objects may be magnified so that an entirely new world of life is opened to our vision


Teacher’s activity

But before anything else may I request

everyone to look under their desk. Those

students who had red ribbon under their

desk will come here in front and your

task is to imitate machines in a

production of silk


Student’s activity

Presentation of the students

Unlocking of Difficulties

Teacher’s activity

Definitely, once again may I request to

get your assignment because it has

something to do with our activity for

today and that is parts and functions of

cell in plants and animals.

Unlocking of difficulties

Student’s activity

Getting their assignment


Teacher’s activity

We will conduct an individual activity. Please get your Learner’s module and open it to page 87 to 91. You will do it for 10 minutes and you will be graded with the following rubric:

Our activity is about animal and plant cell. You need to study and observe the two illustrations presented in the activity. Then answer the questions given in a one whole sheet of paper and make a Venn diagram. It already mention there what is Venn diagram for your comfort. So if there is any question just approach me.

Analysis and AbstractionTeacher’s activityQ1. Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of an animal cell as shown

in Figures 1 and 2.

Q2. Which cell parts are found in both cells?

Q3. Which are present only in animal cells?

Q4. Which are present only in plant cells?

Q5. Based on your observations and study of plant and animal cells, citeDifferences and similarities between them. (Venn Diagram)

Q6. What do you think will happen to the cell if the plasma membrane doesnot function properly?

Q7. What is the purpose of the cell wall in plants?

Q8. Look at Fig. 1 again. Why are there several chloroplasts in the plantcell?

Q9. How would vacuoles in plants serve as defense against animals that eatthem?

Students activity

Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome, cell membrane,

Lysosomes, Mitochondrion, Cytoskeleton, Vacuoles, and Golgi apparatus


Chloroplast and Cell Wall

The plasma membrane is the outer lining of the cell. It separates the cell from its environment and allows materials to enter and leave the cell. So, if it’s not functioning well foreign objects can easily enter in the cell

The cell wall is made of stiff material that forms the outermost part of plant cells. This gives shape and protection to


Chloroplasts are important in plant cells because it is where food is made. It

contains chlorophyll which absorbs energy from the sun to make food for


Some plant vacuoles contain poisonous substance


Teacher’s activity

From the activity, what did you realized

about the cell and how would you

connect it to your daily life experiences?


Student’s activity

I realize that cell is a complex unit. It has many parts and each has a function if I will apply it to my daily life, cell is like my home. Each member of the family has its own functions and their goal is for security and growth same thing with the goal of cell to grow and to be protected with foreign objects.


Teacher’s activity

What is now the importance of the cell?

Student’s activity

The importance of cell is that from the

level of organization we all know that

cell is the basic unit of life. Cells forms

tissues and tissues forms organs and so

forth to form our physical body so if we

don’t have it we are capable of life.


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