individual initial treatment - 2

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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AUDIENCE By Sabrina Pinnu

1) What are your audience results

telling you?

From the results it has clearly shown how the audiences favourite type of documentary was the performative kind and that is exactly what I and my group decided to choose as we want to make the documentary more appealing/interesting rather than have a presenter present on screen. As well as it shows more of the perspective side of a particular event. It was ranked the highest which came to 58.3%. Participatory was ranked second which came around 25% and this is another documentary style we would like to use within ours, so the results we received were positive. Expository was ranked third, reflective was forth and observational was ranked the last, therefore we will not use this as part of our documentary as there will be more involvement within instead. By these rankings, we were happy to see this as it was exactly what we were looking for.

From this result, we can see narrative was highly recommend and this was shown to be very positive as we want our documentary to be done through a voiceover rather than performative as we find a presenter who presents on screen as being very overused in many documentaries so we want to portray our documentary as being different. The percentage rate for narrative was 58% and performative was 42%.

From these results we can see that crime was the highly rated as being the audiences favourite kind of documentary which was 83.3% therefore as we are choosing to make a crime documentary most people will watch it, as it is seen to be a highly interesting and popular topic which the young audience tend to enjoy to watch. Politics was the audiences least favourite documentary therefore we are glad that we are not targeting anything to do with this topic within our documentary, as we would not attract many audiences into watching it as they may find it to be a boring topic to watch. Education was ranked as being the second favourite kind of documentary which was perfect as we are including students within our documentary so we are glad to see that the audience have an interest in seeing things to do with education, as we want to include different views from different students to do with crime. Nature was ranked third, public opinion was ranked fourth and gender was ranked as the fifth one, therefore we choose to not go with these as they were not the most popular ones that the audience would like to see.

We can see the audience had no clear favourite sub-genre however ethnographic was seen to be the most popular one, therefore we can show within our crime documentary various cultural differences and habits. We would also like to incorporate biography and autobiography as we can get different opinions and views just by doing the interviews. Our documentary will not relate to nature and science historical or advocacy so we will try and avoid these as much as possible.

We can see that our audience wants to see mainly young adults aged 16-25 (31%), adults (25%) mainly within our documentary, this would be a perfect combination as we mainly want to target the young youth crime to do with mainly drug use, but also be able to interview different students to see their point of view about their own crime. Police officers was ranked number three and that was seen to be good as we are considering to use a police officer within our documentary to gain an insight of statistics and facts about a particular borough such as Brent. Parents were ranked fourth, elderly people were ranked fifth with a percentage rate of 3% and teachers were rank last with a percentage rate of 3% as well.

The audience highly recommend to see interviews, as we can see that this at the percentage rate of 92% and only 8% said no. This would be perfect as we would want to interview teachers and police officers, students and youth worker. By including interviews we are able to capture and explore different point of views about crime rates.

The audience choose to hear tense/dramatic music (58%) as they may feel this kind of soundtrack will make them into watching the documentary and make it seem more interesting. We want to make the documentary seem very realistic and serious as it is to do with crime, so this way it can catch the audiences eye so this would be the best kind of soundtrack to add. Calming was ranked second which was rated at the percentage of 33%, this was good as we want to be able to use this kind of music at some point depending on the scene. Pop was ranked number 3 and classical was ranked last, we will not use these two as this would not match with the storyline of our documentary.

The audience choose David Attenborough as their favourite documentarian, this was ranked as number one with the percentage rate of 42%, he mainly does nature documentaries so this would not help us within our documentary as it is to do with crime. Louis Theroux was ranked second with a percentage of 33% and therefore we need to incorporate his ideas from his documentary into our own as he mainly concentrates on social issues. Kirsty Young, Charlie Brooker and Billie JD Porter which was all at 8% and Stacey Dooley and Tony Robinson at 0%. This is clearly shown how many of the presenters that the audience has picked all link with something to do with crime or similar and therefore this is shown to be very positive as it links in very well with our kind of documentary.

The audience who we mainly asked to do this survey were from the ages of 16-25, the results we received back were that they mostly watch documentaries on BBC Three(24%), BBC one (21%), National Geographic (15%) and ITV (15%) mainly as shown in the chart. Channel 4 was at the percentage rate of 12%, BBC Two was at 9& and History channel and Channel 5 was at 3%. As the audience choose BBC Three as being the main channel that they watch documentaries on, this seen to be positive as we want to advertise our own documentary on that specific channel as it is well known for documentaries and views from young audience's mainly therefore this way we will most likely get a lot of views.

Most people said a wide variety of different things such as it must be interesting and engaging, music needs to match the story line and many more, and therefore we will take on board what they have said to meet their needs. I completely agree with their views as the last thing we would want to do is not to bore our audience so therefore we need to make it interesting and engaging to make sure they feel as if they want to watch the documentary.

2) How could this influence our production? From seeing our audiences feedback this could influence our production, as we will take on board everything that has been said and make sure that we meet our target audiences needs, so they will feel intrigued into watching our documentary which they would hope to find interesting. We need to add in all of the things that they expect to see otherwise they would not want to watch our documentary.

3) Any Surprises? They did not choose to see a teacher as it was ranked last, therefore this was seen to be a surprise because we wanted to mainly use a teacher as part of our documentary and be able to interview them and see their point of view about young crime. However we will still add in a teacher as we want our documentary to meet our audiences needs but also we need to include a teacher to be able to fit it in within the storyline of our documentary as we want to portray a sense of realism and a sense of seriousness which a teacher can explain about young people within school and what kind of crimes they get themselves into.

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