india is a land of opportunities with great diverse and linguistic cultural attracting people all...

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 India is a Land of Opportunities With Great Diverse and Linguistic Cultural Attracting People All Over the World


    It's really difficult finding decent, true and honest person these days. So instead of

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    Estargeo research


    India is a land of opportunities with great diverse and linguistic cultural

    attracting the peoplefrom all over the world !eing the second most populous

  • 8/17/2019 India is a Land of Opportunities With Great Diverse and Linguistic Cultural Attracting People All Over the World


    countr"# it is also the fastest growing econom" in the world It is home to a

    diversit" of wildlife in a variet" of protected ha$itats It was home to ancient

    Indus valle" civili%ation and various trades routes In ancient time it was one of 

    the wealthiest countries in the world It has produced warrior li&e 'uru# Ran

    'ratap and Shiva(i and leaders li&e )awaharlal Nehru# *ahatma Gandhi and

    Sardar 'atel and freedom fighters li&e Neta(i Su$hash +handra !ose# !hagat

    Singh and ,ala ,a(pet Ra" India is a secular state In her lap $reathe the happ"

    followers of the various religions of the world It has a uni-ue culture which has

    devolved through the centuries There is much diversit" among our people

    India is a land of man" languages# worship man" gods and "et we have the

    same spirit# the spirit of India# running through all parts of our countr" $inding

    us together .e have great unit" in diversit"North region consist of Himala"as#

    /ashmir which is heaven of India The 0 Sisters and Si&&im also $elong to

    north region The" have their own religion temples This place $elongs to ,ord

    !uddha and its temple East region is &nown for !engali places and rivers It

    also consists some ver" interesting heritage stor" and monuments *iddle

    region consists of 'un(a$# 1ttar 'radesh which is mainl" &nown as land of 

    /rishna# land of ,ord Ram# land of love ie Ta( mahal# ,and of monuments and

    heritage and 'un(a$ which is a state &nown for &ing of farms land in India

    'eople in the countr" o$serve man" festivals with great devotion as the" $elieve

    that fasts and festivals purif" their minds and inspire them to lead a $etter and

  • 8/17/2019 India is a Land of Opportunities With Great Diverse and Linguistic Cultural Attracting People All Over the World


     purer life If is for this reason that the old# "oung and children all o$serve these

    fasts and festivals with great enthusiasm Indian festivals have a great religious

    and social significance The" teach a moral lesson to the people and unite them

    'eople forget all their differences and o$serve these festivals with a sense of 

    togetherness The festivals teach them how to forget their enmit"# narrowness

    and $itterness and (oin hand with each other for the sa&e of their religion and

    their societ" and for the sa&e of friendship and universal $rotherhood

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