incredible content: a key to personal branding

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How to Optimize Your Online Authority:

Publish High-Quality Content

Those who have the greatest online authority earned it by publishing content of such high-quality that no one could touch them. They learned how to do it with practice, but they began with an entirely different attitude from that of their peers.

Instead of just doing what was necessary, they over-delivered in every respect. If the minimum was 300 words, they did 400.

If most people posted on their blog twice per week, they wrote four or five times. If the norm was one guest post per month, they would do one every week.

But there’s more to publishing content than volume. That’s just the starting point; and if that’s all you do, then you’ll never optimize your online authority.

So you need to spread it around. The high-quality will get the attention of those who see it; but if no one sees it, then it doesn’t matter.

The only way you’re going to get a lot of eyeballs to see it is if you put it right in front of them. And that means that you have to put it in a number of different places.

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For example, those who like to read will visit blogs and article directories. Those who like to listen might go to iTunes. And many will use YouTube because of the entertainment value of just watching.

You also need to publish your content often. If you do it only a few times, then no one will notice. It you do it 20 times, you might get a couple.

But if you do it 100 or 500 times, then you’ll start to show up everywhere, and your authority will begin to grow.

There’s one more thing that you need to do, and that’s to publish it consistently.

For example, let’s say that you decide to do articles. Which of these methods do you think would be the most effective: writing 100 articles first and then publishing them all on Monday, or distributing 10 per day over the next 10 days?

You see, not everyone is going to visit the places where you publish your content every day.

So if you happen to distribute it on a day when they’re not looking, then by the time they return to the place where they would, it will be buried under all the material that other people have submitted the last time they were there.

You need the quality, the volume, the real estate, and a schedule; but it all begins with your attitude.

For more training, go to:

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