inclusive communities commu… · world.mic: “dalai lama tells european parliament there’s no...

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Inclusive Communities We are called to be leaders of hope and mercy.

As we work together to answer this call, let our actions of love and

grace guide us as we continue to build inclusive, welcome, safe,

and caring learning and working environments for all.

Edition No. 5 Oct. 2016

Words matter.

Our words matter. Surrounding our youth with words

that empower and inspire is one of the best ways to

cultivate positive language and mind sets. Modelling how

words matter is an important step in helping youth build

words that matter for themselves. “What we say and

how we say it matters.” We can teach through our

spoken word and just as powerfully through the

unspoken word. Words made visible to the eye enter our

heart whenever our eyes rest upon them.

Sharing our stories matter. Marking our path and

claiming our story makes us human, and to do so with our

youth matters. You become real to them when you show

that you can relate to what they are going through in

some way. This feeling of empathy can be cultivated in

youth too. That is cultivating empathy vs. sympathy. See

page 3 for a quick video to introduce conversations on

empathy vs. sympathy.

Jesus taught through parables as a way to relate to

people through stories. Bringing back that story-telling

way of teaching is one great way of cultivating

conversations—big or small—around our words.

Picture books, legends, and fables are another way.

Poetry and lyrics are yet another way. News articles or

blogs are yet another way to learn people’s story.

October 7th is Random Acts of Poetry Day. Help

teach our youth that #wordsmatter….beginning with

their own.

Edmonton Catholic Schools

Where will you go today

What adventure awaits

What worlds are there to explore

when you turn the page

You sparking legend

You magician of imagination

You conqueror of words

Tell us your stories

we are listening


Bishop Greschuk School

Celebrates Peace!

Share Your Stories

During the Edmonton Peace Festival (Sept. 21-Oct. 3) Bishop Greschuk students

celebrated “Peace” by creating art that depicted what peace means to them:

nature, friendship, music, doves, love, and diversity. The Bishop Greschuk

Broadcast Team shared famous quotes on “Peace” to help students reflect on

peaceful thoughts. As well, students listened to “peaceful” and “peace-themed”

music. Said one of the students about the experience: “Peace begins with me!’


Edmonton’s New Anti-Discrimination Campaign


Racism. Ask anyone today about its existence and you receive a spectrum of responses. We would like to believe

that we live in a world where such hateful words or actions don’t exist, and we are making great gains in our schools

and communities in cultivating inclusion. Still, racism does exist. Every day. One can argue that it is a ‘casual’ or

limited experience; but that experience or perspective is likely held by someone who is not part of a minority. Racism

does exist...and together we can make things better.

Today, social media plays a roll in bringing awareness in a way that is critical to affecting change. Recently, events

in both Canada and the United States have sparked movements of change. Hash-tags, such as #BlackLivesMatter,

have been created to unite a conversation and to engage humanity towards movement and social justice. A few

weeks ago in Saskatchewan a young First Nations man was shot and killed after seeking help for a flat tire. The

reaction has created racial tensions across the community. What the reaction of Colton Boushie’s death reveals

about racism in Canada—CBC Radio-The Sunday Edition

Here in Edmonton a new campaign is starting to gain ground. #MakeitAwkard is a campaign that rose out of recent

racial incidences in Edmonton. Men who, after being accosted on the streets with racial slurs, found their voice and

approached Mayor Don Iveson to do something about it. Yet how many men, women, and children don’t have a

voice, or have lost their voice? How many have heard these words for a lifetime, teaching them that they are

unworthy? How many have felt like their voices are not being heard, that they don’t matter? It’s time to take a

stand...for those who have a voice and for those who are too weary to find theirs. Its time for unity in community.

Let us move forward to take a stand— not to have a confrontation, but a conversation. What conversations can we

have in our classrooms about racism and taking a stand?

Below you will find an Educator’s Toolkit to support bringing conversations about racisms and social justice to life.

The tool kit has been added to the BANNER of the ECSD portal. What follows on the pages ahead are real life

stories of people who have faced racism, and how they have found their voice to stand up and be heard. We learn

about history to hear peoples stories through time (history and herstory) and also to bring awareness and

understanding. From these stories we can learn from past mistakes to make a better today, and a stronger

tomorrow. Remember…..WORDS MATTER.

Make It Awkward—An Educator’s Toolkit

Empathy vs. Sympathy: An important way to begin conversations could be to define the difference between

sympathy and empathy for youth. View Brene Brown’s video on Empathy to open dialogue between your students

and help them find the words that matter.


“Words Matter” —Finding Your Voice

Macleans Magazine: “We’re all one human race” —Nate Leipciger on surviving the concentration camps

[Oct. 1, 2016]

“You have to open a dialogue,” he says, explaining his four decades of speaking out. “You have to start talking to one

another. We’re all one human race. There’s only one world. We’re captive to this globe, and we can all kill each other or we

can live peacefully the life that was given to us.”

-Nate Leipciger, a Holocaust survivor on opening dialogues

-Maria Shriver, journalist

Huffington Post: “Orange Shirt Day: How Phyllis Webstad’s 1st day of residential school inspired a movement”

[Sept. 30, 2016]

“The color orange has always reminded me of that [residential school]...and how my feelings didn’t matter, how no one

cared and how I felt like I was worth nothing. All of us children were crying and no one cared.”

-Phyllis Webstad, residential school survivor and creator of the

Orange Shirt Campaign “Every Child Matters”

CBCNEWS: “Dumb Indian’ and other slurs used to combat racism in provocative campaign

[Sept. 30, 2016]

“I wanted to show them (her 10 year old daughter and 15 year old son) that, even though you do feel personally

attacked….they’re just basing their judgment on your skin color.”

-K.C. Adams, artist, creator of anti-racism campaign

ABC NEWS: “Young Girl’s Emotional Council Speech Laments ‘Shame’ of Fatal Charlotte Shooting”

[Sept. 27, 2016]

“It’s a shame that we have to go to their graveyard and bury them. And we have tears. We shouldn’t have tears. We

need our fathers and mothers by our side.”

-Zianna Oliphant, a young girl who made a tearful plea at the Charlotte City Council

Protest, brought into focus the stress police shootings place on children,

as well as the pain in the black community

World.Mic: “Dalai Lama tells European Parliament there’s no such thing as a ‘Muslim Terrorist’

[Sept. 16, 2016]

“All major religious traditions carry the same message: a message of love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment,

self-discipline—all religious traditions...on that level we can build a genuine harmony, on the basis of mutual respect, mutual learning,

mutual admiration.”

-Dalai Lama

As we take our first steps in the “Make It Awkward” Anti-racism campaign, it is important to continue

to bring awareness and conversations forward, to keep opening dialogue, and to bring awareness of

our histories and our world today. Here are a few articles that have begun the process and can help

build the process of talking and sharing in your classrooms.


“Words Matter” —Finding Your Voice

Maclean’s Magazine: Gord Downie on Chanie Wenjack: ‘His Story is Canada’s Story’

“Gord Downie has revealed he will release a new solo album with an accompanying graphic novel and animated

film inspired by the tragedy of Canada’s residential school system.”

These last stories reflect diverse perspectives and looking at things in a different way

Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper—Reflections on the Week that Was and Inspiration for the Week Ahead:

“It’s Time We Question Our Beliefs” [Oct. 2, 2016]

“Our realities and beliefs are shaped by many things—by our parents and our upbringing, by our race and neighborhood,

by media choices, by our own individual minds and experiences...this week, hope each of us can open our eyes, our

minds, and our hearts and try to see how others see things.”

Canadian Women’s Foundation Blog: “How to Nurture Resilience in Girls”

“With International Day of the Girl approaching on October 11, the time is perfect to talk about how we can all work to

develop resiliency in the girls in our life.”

-Canadian Women’s Foundation

Edmonton Journal: New mural adjacent to Rogers Place community rink celebrates ‘all walks of

life’ [Sept. 26, 2016]

“We like celebrating people in all walks of life, unsung heroes, the ones who don’t get praised often. It’s a way to

highlight the people who make daily life wonderful and make Edmonton what it is.”

-artist Lacey Jane

Video: Gender clothing completely shut down by an 8 year old

“Well, the girl’s clothes say…’hey beautiful’, ‘I feel fabulous’. The boys…’desert adventure awaits’….’think outside

the box’, ‘hero’. It’s unfair because everyone thinks that girls should just be pretty and boys should just be


-an 8yr old’s reflections on messages on clothing

Video: The DNA Journey

“You have more in common with the world than you think. An open world begins with an open mind.” -The DNA Journey


Charlie Chaplin: Finding Your Voice

Charlie Chaplin’s Poem on Self-Love

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living

against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person,

even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was

me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me

was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and every

thing happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I all it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today,

I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my

own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health— food, people, things, situations,

and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I

know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I

discover that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for

the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected to

my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars

collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE!”

Charlie Chaplain is best known today as a comedian who starred in silent films from 1920 through 1950, recognizable even

today by his iconic moustache and hat. While many people can identify him as a silent film star, few people know just how

insightful and intelligent he was.


Commitment to Inclusive Communities in

Edmonton Catholic Schools

Advisory Committee

“Edmonton Catholic Schools is committed to building nurturing Catholic learning and

working communities that are inclusive and welcoming to all of their members.”

This opening statement of the Commitment to Inclusive Communities in Edmonton Catholic

Schools regulation [Administrative Regulation 138] is a call to action for us all to live by the

theological understanding of inclusivity, that everyone is to be welcomed as they are.

As Inclusive Communities moves forward, we would like to establish an Advisory Committee

to the actions and outcomes of Administrative Regulation 138. The purpose of the Advisory

Committee would be:

To provide guidance and insight

To offer a forum for all ECSD employees to communicate their opinions, share

expertise, and identify supports

To provide diversity of opinions and experience, and a balance of cultural, racial,

age, and gender representation

Open to all employee groups (ATA, ECSSA, Out of Scope

Committee meetings would occur a few times throughout the year. The first meeting will be

called in November, once members are identified. If you are interested in joining the

Inclusive Communities Advisory Committee, please contact:

Thank you.


Gain a greater understanding of what

DIVERSITY looks like across the District:

—>Growth trends and diversity

—>Factors impacting healthy growth

—>Exploring new conversations:

gender and identity

—>what we can do to cultivate

inclusive school climates

Building Inclusive Communities

Respecting Diversity and Fostering a Sense of Belonging

To book a presentation with your staff, please contact:

To ensure there is enough time for collaborative dialogue, questions, and processing

please plan for a minimum of one hour for this professional development opportunity.


Inclusive Communities Event Calendar

October is Black History Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, ADHD

Awareness Month, Bullying Prevention Month, and Down Syndrome

Awareness Month

October 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Read In Week Oct. 3-9

3 Rosh Hashana (Jewish Holiday) World Habitat Day World Day of Bullying Prevention

4 Feast of St. Francis of Assisi World Animal Day

5 World Teacher Day Mental Illness Awareness (Oct. 5-9)


7 Random Acts of Poetry Day World Smile Day!


9 Fire Prevention Week Oct. 9-15

10 World Mental Health Day Thanksgiving

11 International Day of the Girl (Girl’s Day)

12 Yom Kippur (Jewish Holiday) United Nations Spanish Language Day



15 Diwalii/Deepavali Festival of Lights



International Day of the Eradication of


18 19

Global Dignity Day


International Conflict

Resolution Day



Make a Difference Day




United Nations Day



World Vegan Day



27 28


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