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ustomer Experience (CX) is the sum of how customers perceive

their interactions with your company, determined by digital marketing touchpoints like your website, blog and social channels. But while CX is all about the customer, it’s your responsibility to make sure their experience is as fulfilling as possible.

At Microsoft, we have long embraced positive and engaging CX as a key element of our philosophy, and we are constantly impressed and inspired by the commitment to customer experience demonstrated in the partner ecosystem. When customers connect with a trusted and approachable partner, those customers in turn demonstrate a stronger commitment to Microsoft as well. It also increases their product

satisfaction and reduces their churn. A rich customer experience leads to returning customers, recommendations and, ultimately, higher revenue for you.

This report has independently ranked Microsoft Partners on three key CX touchpoints: their websites, blogs and social media presence. Celebrating the finest marketing efforts of Microsoft Partners from around the world, it’s a chance to identify best practices when it comes to marketing, and celebrate the teams that are building highly positive customer experiences.

Gavriella SchusterCorporate Vice President, Worldwide Channels and Programs at Microsoft.

FOREWORDGavriella Schuster

03 | TOP 50

TOP 50 | 04








About us

Key findings

How we ranked

Partners 1-10

Qorus interview

A word from the founder of Fifty Five and Five

A little more about Fifty Five and Five.

Report insights from the team here at Fifty Five and Five.

Our report is independent, learn more about how we ranked partners.

Who topped the 2017 list and came in at #1?

Ray Meiring, CEO of Qorus software, tells us more about his approach to CX.







CX checklist

Partners 11-30

CX infographic

Econsultancy interview

Partners 31-50

Partners 51-250

Get practical advice and tips on how to improve your customers’ experience.

Our ranking continues as we look at numbers 11-30.

Get to the bottom of great customer experience with our infographic

Monica Savut, Head of Commercial Research, tells us why content is still king.

We complete our top 50 with partners 31-50.

Read the extended long list of partners ranked 51-250.

HI !

CONTENTSFifty Five and Five

05 | TOP 50

elcome to the third annual edition of the Fifty Five and

Five Inbound Marketing Excellence Top 50 report. As with previous years we have spent the last few months analysing and assessing the marketing efforts of the very best Microsoft Partners across the globe. As ever it is amazing to see the fantastic work being done, and every single company in this report should be proud of their placement.

The team here at Fifty Five and Five have put a lot of hard work in to creating a report that not only highlights and ranks partner marketing efforts, but also acts as a guide for those looking to improve.

So a big thanks to Ray Meiring at Qorus and Monica Savut at Econsultancy for sharing their insights on marketing and customer experience.

I hope you find this year's report useful, and use the advice and guidance within to improve your own efforts. Good luck on your marketingjourney – wherever it takes you

Chris WrightFounderFifty Five and Five

WELCOMEChris Wright

TOP 50 | 06


We help Microsoft Partners communicate more effectively, reach new audiences and drive leads.

07 | TOP 50

TOP 50 | 08

ocated in Central London, Fifty Five andFive are a full service digital marketing

agency dedicated to Microsoft Partners.

Founded by Chris Wright, a former IT consultant with many years’ experience working with Microsoft Partners, we are a growing team of marketers, writers, web and graphic designers.

Born out of a recognition that MicrosoftPartners face a unique set of challengeswhen it comes to B2B marketing, our goal isto help brands define and differentiatethemselves. We do this differently bycombining understanding with ability – wetranslate our knowledge of the Microsoftecosystem through all our work.

We are constantly impressed by the work ofpartners, building amazing tools for clientsand offering services that are leading them on the journey of digital transformation. We are experts in the Microsoft Partner Network, helping companies to communicate more effectively, reach new audiences and drive leads through the following services: ▪ Website design and build ▪ Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ▪ Campaign management ▪ Marketing automation ▪ Social media management ▪ Content marketing ▪ Strategy, insights and research Whether it’s thought-provoking blog posts,informative whitepapers, SEO-driven webcontent or social engagement, we know how to adapt our content to the audience.

We also help companies with largermarketing campaigns, carry out research,build websites, create video and animationand more.

Because we work exclusively with Microsoftpartners, we fully understand the productsand services involved, the customers, painpoints, benefits and best ways to communicate successfully.

ABOUT USFifty Five and Five


Speak to one of our friendly team to find out if we can help your company be more successful with digital marketing. We work with partners of all sizes, across the globe, on projects big and small

09 | TOP 50

Generalist or specialist?

It’s normally recommended that best practice inbound marketing is all about consistency. And, by and large, our leaders have managed to score pretty well across the three metrics we selected. That said, partners who are especially strong in one area can really do well. For instance, Rencore (who build a SharePoint customisations analysis tool) have an especially strong blog, that has pushed them up to 6th place from 8th in 2016. Of course, we can take it as granted that this is part of a deliberate effort by Rencore, whose MVP-heavy team blog consistently for their SharePoint community audience. CX is ultimately about knowing your audience and what they want to read.

KEY FINDINGSThe state of inbound marketing

Over the last six months we’ve reviewed thousands of websites, tens of thousands of blogs and hundreds of thousands of tweets in our quest to find the best examples of inbound marketing in the Microsoft Partner Network. Using a range of independent tools and our own judgement, we’ve learnt a lot about the companies in the partner network, how they present themselves to the world and what they stand for.

This year we have been paying particular attention to the customer experience (CX) that Microsoft partners provide; looking at how their inbound marketing practices create the right environment to handle customer expectation. Not every company in our list necessarily has a defined CX strategy (in fact, the majority don’t). Nonetheless, inbound marketing channels are among the most important CX touchpoints around, especially when educating a customer on your brand. Therefore, consistency, quality and creativity in inbound marketing very often equate to a company having a strong CX – even when it’s not expressly intended.

25,000 Number of Microsoft partners we tested

+4Rise in the average score of our top 10 from 73/100 to 77/100

0.28%Difference between 4th and 5th place

+200Biggest leap in position from 2016 to 2017 rankings

Websites: the home of CX

Competition for the best website this year was intense. Top place in the category was New York’s BetterCloud (who help companies manage all their cloud solutions), whose excellent site is attractive, easy to navigate and is an asset to the company. That said, it’s tough at the top! BetterCloud scored an impressive 79/100 in our analysis, yet the lowest score in the entire top 50 was an incredible 73/100, meaning there’s no room for complacency among the leaders. Quality blogging is essential

When it comes to CX, a blog is a must. Good SEO will mean prospective customers will find your content above others when searching for information. And, if the blog is informative, well written and of high quality, they will come to trust you as leaders in your field and be more likely to find out more about who you are and what you do.

This year ’s top blog position goes to cybersecurity specialists Lieberman Software who scored an impressive 87/100. Identity Week – their well-respected source for news and analysis of technology trends – provides exemplary CX. Visitors can learn more about specialist topics divided by niche and industry, and the blog undoubtedly conveys the impression that Lieberman Software are thought leaders in their field.

A busy social life

Never discount social media. In the world of politics, many a commentator has argued that Twitter and Facebook in particular have had a huge influence on social movements and election results in recent years. In the world of B2B marketing, social media also plays a major role in how customers experience brands and decide if they want to do business with them.

This year's joint first position for highest social media marketing were security and storage provider Barracuda Networks and cloud infrastructure experts Nutanix. Both companies have a clear understanding of the importance of sending out compelling and clickable posts to their huge audiences. If customers can engage easily with you on social media, trust will be earned and you can expect more crossover visitors to your website and blogs.

Ever more intense competition for customers

Delivering great CX will, in most cases, tie in very closely with inbound marketing excellence. As this year ’s report has found, Microsoft partners have made real improvements to their marketing efforts, and as the competition hots up, we can only expect that partners will keep on innovating.

TOP 50 | 10

11 | TOP 50

This report aims to recognise the outstanding digital marketing work that Microsoft partners have done over the past 12 months. Our report is independent, non-affiliate and partner-agnostic, focusing purely on the digital marketing quality of the companies we have reviewed. This is not a reflection on the products or services of any of the companies contained herein.

So, how did we rank the Microsoft Partners included in this report?

To begin the process, we created a longlist from an initial sample of over 25,000 Microsoft Partners from around the world. To be included in this longlist, a company first and foremost needed to be an official Microsoft Partner. We also focused exclusively on B2B companies, so Xbox game designers, for instance, are not included here.

We included any company that resells Microsoft enterprise productivity tools, provides consultancy services related to Microsoft technology or produces software that extends and enhances Microsoft solutions.

This covers thousands of companies specialising in a myriad of different areas, from cloud security specialists to SharePoint ISVs and CRM experts – all were considered for inclusion.

We put together our longlist using Microsoft Pinpoint, where companies register to become a partner. To reduce the initial list of 25,000 to something more manageable, we set specific criteria to objectively test all these companies with a fair and comparable set of measurements.

We centred the criteria for analysis on the customer experience (CX) touchpoints that we believe are among the most important ways customers can learn about partners:

▪ Website ▪ Blog ▪ Social media

THE TOP 50How we ranked vendors

TOP 50 | 12

We needed to make a fair, comparable and accessible comparison of companies. These CX touchpoints are a suitable baseline for comparison as they are more easily measured than other aspects of marketing, such as the quality of a technical whitepaper or the success of an email blast which would have been very hard to analyse for such a large list of companies.

But perhaps more importantly, these CX touchpoints have been heralded over and over again as essential indicators of the health of an organisation’s brand. More so than ever, customers and clients encounter a brand via these touchpoints.

For each of these three areas we used an independent, industry standard tool to measure the vendor's marketing. The scores were then combined and weighted to arrive at the top 250 ranking that you currently hold in your hands. The tools we used are described on the next page.

13 | TOP 50

THE TOP 50The tools we used

Social | Kred

Website | Sitebeam

Blog | Maya

Maya is specifically designed to test the quality of a blog, its content, engagement and popularity. Tests include:

▪ Readability, clarity and quality of posts ▪ Reader engagement across social networks ▪ SEO Properties

Kred produces a score that indicates a company or brand’s online influence. Its scoring guide is public record:

“We measure influence by assessing how frequently you are retweeted, replied, mentioned and followed on Twitter and Facebook”.

All scores in this report are out of 100. Scores were taken April 2017.

Sitebeam, by Silktide, is an automated tool which tests many different features of a website. These include:

▪ Content quality ▪ Search ranking ▪ Traffic ▪ Social optimisation ▪ Site speed ▪ W3C compliance ▪ Code integrity

Sitebeam produces an objective analysis of a website by comparing it against a whole host of metrics to ascertain its quality. Throughout this report, we also carried out our own qualitative judgements of websites to get a deeper picture of the scores.

elcome to the third annual edition of the Fifty Five and

Five Inbound Marketing Excellence Top 50 report. As with previous years we have spent the last few months analysing and assessing the marketing efforts of the very best Microsoft Partners across the globe. As ever it is amazing to see the fantastic work being done, and every single company in this report should be proud of their placement.

The team here at Fifty Five and Five have put a lot of hard work in to creating a report that not only highlights and ranks partner marketing efforts, but also acts as a guide for those looking to improve.


Nuix p15Nutanix p16Lieberman Software p17Nintex p18Sharegate p19Rencore p21Qorus p22Cloud Technology Partners p23BetterCloud p24

The companies listed in this section practice the very best inbound marketing techniques across their websites, blogging output and social activity.

TOP 50 | 14

15 | TOP 50

With a strong showing across all CX touchpoints, Nuix are the deserving winners of this year ’s Top 50 Inbound Marketing Excellence report. Finishing at the top of the report, ahead of almost 30,000 partners, is a huge accolade and recognises the brilliant work they’ve put in. Their audience have access to a wide range of useful, timely and valuable content across the website, including videos, case studies, fact sheets and more.

We are particularly impressed by Nuix’s blog. It provides a range of in-depth content about cyber security best practice – as you’d expect from industry-leading experts. The focus on specific industries in some of their blogs is particularly valuable, and demonstrates the company’s knowledge of, and attention to, their audience.

Our Verdict

NuixExpertise and quality pay marketing dividendsFounded in 2001, Nuix builds tools that aim to help customers solve complex data challenges pertaining to cybersecurity. Their solutions enable customers to analyse and make sense of huge quantities of information and find answers to complex questions fast. Nuix work with some of the world’s leading organisations to solve business problems and work with global institutions to help reduce cybercrime. Herndon, VA, USA






"At Nuix, we strive to create content that is truly

useful to our buyers. We don't push product or

pitches, rather we engage with our buyers about the problems they are facing and our point of view on

how those can be solved".

Andy Nestor Head of Marketing, Nuix

TOP 50 | 16

The masters in social media marketing – again

San Jose, CA, USA


Nutanix 02

For the second year running, Nutanix have the highest scores for social media marketing in our top 10. Scoring an inspiring 87/100, the company has a huge Twitter following that regularly engage with their frequent tweets.

That’s not the only reason they finished runners up in this year ’s report. We were also very impressed by their new website which is a joy to navigate and looks great. They have taken a content-driven approach to the site and we really like how well integrated their blogs, case studies and videos are across their pages.

Our Verdict

Nutanix’s vision is to bridge the gap between enterprise data centres and the public cloud. The San Jose, CA firm’s aim is to support IT organisations as

they transition from legacy infrastructure to modern digital working. Their enterprise cloud solutions support their

customers in doing this.




17 | TOP 50

“Provide timely, relevant content that will resonate

with your target audience. Listen to what your

constituents care about and reach them with

well-timed and appropriate solutions focused on their


Jane Grafton, Director of Marketing, Liberman Software

Once again, we’re highly impressed by Identity Week, Lieberman Software’s excellent cyber security news and analysis hub. The blog is well written, widely read and feels more like a magazine than a company blog. This high level of quality explains why Lieberman Software achieved the highest score in the blog category for all companies tested in our analysis – a huge achievement.

Besides the blog, we’re also really impressed by their website copy and design. Many companies struggle to clearly explain their value proposition in a transparent manner, but we think Lieberman’s ‘Five Steps of a Successful Cyber Attack’ sums up what they do exceptionally well.

Our Verdict

Lieberman SoftwareThe best in blogging contentSince 1978, Lieberman Software has been one of the most important players in cybersecurity. They are an authority on detecting and preventing cyberattacks, and provide industry-leading cyber defence solutions to detect and isolate breaches.

Los Angeles, CA, USA






TOP 50 | 18

A case study in mature digital marketing

Bellevue, WA, USA


Nintex 04

In this year ’s Top 50 Inbound Marketing Excellence report we are focussing on Customer Experience and the touchpoints that make a customer ’s journey with a brand stand out. For this, Nintex receive top marks. Besides a great new website, engaging Twitter feed and excellent blog, it’s the level of thought they have put into their CX that sets Nintex apartfor us.

It’s so easy for customers to explore Nintex’s solutions, and we think the Nintex Help hub, the Learning Center and their community focus make the customer experience a delight. This attention to detail gives prospective customers confidence that they’ll receive the help they need, while keeping existing clients happy and up to date.

Our Verdict

Nintex provide the enterprise with some of the most widely-used workflow automation tools, used by thousands of companies worldwide. Besides

their well-established on-premises workflows, Nintex’s new Workflow Cloud brings the same easy-to-use workflow

design canvas to the cloud, allowing customers to connect processes between different

cloud-based apps. One of the top partners to watch.




“The most important thing is to be authentic. We don’t think in terms of ‘marketing’ as such, instead we consider what stories and messages will our audience find useful, and how can those stories best convey the real Nintex”.

Kim Albrecht, VP Corporate marketing, Nintex

19 | TOP 50

“Understand your audience and create content THEY

want to read, not what you want them to read”.

Jean Luc Brisbois CMO , Sharegate

It’s tough at the top! Sharegate came first in the last two Inbound Marketing Excellence awards but the difference between the final scores of partners in our top 10 this year comes down to a matter of decimal places.

The data migration experts have always focused on humour and personality in their blogs on their website and across their social media. We really like the culture and human-centred focus of Sharegate’s marketing: the people behind the products are put first and foremost, which is an important element in creating an engaging customer experience.

Our Verdict

SharegateA strong personality and people-first approachMontreal-based Sharegate have helped thousands of organisations migrate between iterations of SharePoint and Office 365. They also provide market-leading tools for security, auditing and reporting, as well as making content management extremely easy. Going from just five employees in 2009 to 90 today, Sharegate are a fast-growing firm with a global reach.

Montreal, QC, Canada






TOP 50 | 20

Expertise sets Rencore apart

Munich, Germany


Rencore 06

Climbing a couple of places in this year ’s Inbound Marketing Excellence report, Rencore continue to be heavyweights in the partner network. We are impressed by their attractive website, excellent blog, original research and regular webinars.

As we are focusing on CX in this year ’s report, we must highlight Rencore’s fantastic community-focused approach. Many of Rencore’s employees are globally-recognised MVPs, they produce regular in-depth webinars and extensive guidance on best practice with SharePoint customisations, and regularly speak at SharePoint events around the world. This builds trust with their customers and creates a great CX.

Our Verdict

Based in Germany, Rencore is every SharePoint developer or administrator ’s best friend. Their most well-known product is SPCAF, the SharePoint Code

Analysis Framework which analyses thousands of lines of code across SharePoint customisations to ensure they’re safe. In

late 2016, they also released SPTransformator, which helps customers migrate customisations to

new environments.




“We put a real focus on providing authentic and useful content to our readers. We help them understand the Microsoft world better, and in turn they see us as experts”.

Matthias SeidelHead of Marketing, Rencore

21 | TOP 50 have made huge inroads in this year ’s Inbound Marketing Excellence report, moving up from 16th in 2016. It was their regular blogging that really made a difference to their ranking this year.

We are very impressed by’s digital marketing and strong thought leadership. Across their website copy, their blogs, eBooks and social media, they have a consistent message focusing on the humanisation of technology, which sets them apart as a brand that really has something unique to say.

Our Verdict

harmon.ieSmart, content-driven provide a range of tools that put the human at the centre of the digital experience. Their solutions make Microsoft tools like Outlook and Share-Point more seamless and user friendly, and encourage best practice for document management. Their newest tool, Collage, takes this philosophy further, bringing users contextual, topic-driven information from all their different apps and tools into an Outlook sidebar.

Boston, MA, USA






“Put humans at the center of your content strategy. Focus on their needs and

how you can relate and resolve them. Above all,

make sure you’re consistent in your

communication channels and the message you're

conveying”. David Lavenda, VP Product &

Marketing ,

TOP 50 | 22

The Customer Experience focus pays off – again

Bellevue, WA, USA


Qorus 08

Qorus have stepped up their inbound marketing this year, shifting up two places in our highly competitive top 10. The company stand out on our list as CX leaders (see our interview with Ray Meiring, Qorus’ CEO on page 25). Their intuitive website is a crucial touchpoint in their audience’s experience of the company, as is their engaging, personable and consistent blog.

The emphasis on customer success is a real highlight of Qorus’ approach: anyone planning to improve on the experience they give their customers would do well to imitate this partner. It’s a highly effective way of building trust and ensuring long-term success with customers.

Our Verdict

Qorus helps companies create business-critical documents (such as proposals, contracts or reports) more accurately and efficiently. With a presence in

Seattle, Cape Town and London, Qorus have an award-winning customer service team that support customers across

industries get the most out of their software.




“It's important to under-stand your target audience when developing a content strategy. It's the only way to ensure you get the right mix of content that is valuable and drives engagement”.

Heather Thompson SVP of Marketing, Qorus

23 | TOP 50

“Building a successful inbound marketing

strategy is not just about the quantity of content and

new ideas, but really the quality. If your content

doesn’t resonate with your readers, it’s just noise.”

Brad Young Director of Marketing, CTP

While CTP have a strong all-round marketing presence, it is their content marketing that really sets them apart. The Doppler Report, their constantly updated news and analysis hub, is a point of reference for any questions their readers might have about the cloud.

Covering a wide range of platforms, The Doppler Report provides best practice guidance, covers all the big cloud topics (from Blockchain to IoT) and looks at how these affect different industries. It is this magazine-style approach to content marketing which is highly impressive and inspires confidence among their customers.

Our Verdict

Cloud Technology Partners

Inspiring trust through quality contentCloud Technology Partners (CTP) are among the leaders in cloud migration. With a breadth of experience across industries, they are in a position to define the best way customers can move to the cloud. Besides aiding customers in their cloud migrations, CTP have also built their own IP to accelerate their customers’ content and application migrations.

Boston, MA, USA






TOP 50 | 24

An impressive and intuitive website

New York, NY, USA


BetterCloud 10

BetterCloud’s website received the highest score in this year ’s Inbound Marketing Excellence report. Extremely attractive, smooth and fast loading, the website makes great use of graphics, an intuitive site map and best practice navigation. We also think the website copy is smart, simple and very effective at getting BetterCloud’s message across.

Very often, a website is the first point of contact a customer has with a brand, and so building a sleek and attractive online presence is essential for CX. It immediately inspires trust and creates a sense of professionalism. BetterCloud are a company to learn from.

Our Verdict

BetterCloud help their customers manage the enormous number of cloud-based apps and tools that today’s businesses are using. They simplify complexity

and provide a single interface to manage the enterprise cloud. The New York-based firm has a strong company culture which

aims at empowering team members to have a big impact on their tools and services.





25 | TOP 50

Ray MeiringQorus

Think customer experience is just a buzzword? We spoke to Ray Meiring, CEO of Qorus, the business-critical document specialists, about how their CX strategy has directly fed into business growth.

How CX helped Qorus achieve customer retention rates of over 95%

What does CX mean for Qorus?

Customer experience really spans the entire business for us: it’s about how we want customers to feel and interact with us throughout the entire cycle. That will include front end – things like social media and SEO – right through to the nurture process, and then it’s about our customer success programmes once customers have purchased our software and, eventually, through to renewals.

How long has CX been a part of your strategy?

It’s been evolving over time, although we really started taking it seriously back in 2014 when we began to introduce it into our marketing. Over time we began to take a more structured approach, creating educational content and informative articles on our blog, as well as gated content and other elements to improve the brand.

From here we continued to evolve the customer experience deeper into the business. From 2014 onwards we developed a customer success team, which is led by our co-founder, Lee Child. This team looks after the customer post-sale, giving them biannual health checks. They also analyse how software is being used, and they work with the support team to pick up any support issues that might come up. The team has developed enhancements from the account management side to our business, created user groups and fostered product evangelisers.

Bellevue, WA, USA


TOP 50 | 26

What specific roles do members of this customer success team carry out? The team is currently comprised of seven people. The best way to describe their role is to show how they fit into our typical customer journey. Normally, the marketing team drives leads which are passed onto the sales team who engage directly with the prospective customer. Then, once that deal is near closing, we introduce a customer success manager into the sales cycle. This person establishes a rapport with the client, helps them with training and makes themselves available to the customers so they have real success with our products.

To help here we use Amity, a customer success tool. It tells us how people are using our software, who is using it, how many people use it and gives us at-a-glance health checks so we can see how people are engaging with our software (and if they’re having problems). This means we can be proactive – if there is a decline in usage, or we see a customer clicking around a lot, that tells us that a particular user might need some training.

How did you identify these CX touchpoints?

To begin with, our marketing team did a fairly laborious exercise in mapping out our customers’ journeys throughout the entire business. This highlighted all our touchpoints, helped us smooth out any rocky patches and got us to the point of understanding how a customer engages with us to the point of becoming a product evangeliser.

And what sparked this initiative?

There wasn’t necessarily one specific lightbulb moment for us, rather, it was an evolution. We first started understanding

this kind of requirement a few years ago, but it was very much in front-end terms of the customer ’s journey in our marketing. However, we progressed this deeper and deeper, joining all elements of the customer journey.

We use HubSpot (a marketing and sales automation solution) software, and through research and attendance of some of their conferences we’ve learned a lot about how they are so successful. Our engagements with Microsoft have also been really helpful – especially with Jennifer Tomlinson (Senior Manager, Global Partner Channels and Programs at Microsoft) and the community around Microsoft. Learning from our peers has been an effective way of refining, evolving and informing our CX strategy.

So, what’s been the impact?

It’s been great! We’ve just had phenomenal growth in the SaaS side of the business, we’ve grown between 40% and 80% in terms of customer acquisition in the last three years. Our customer retention rate is in the upper 90s, greater than 95% in fact, and we don’t lose a lot of customers.

And through this process we’ve managed to land some significant customers: Microsoft is a client, Infosys is a client, Vodafone is one of our longest standing clients. We’ve worked really hard to keep those customers engaged, learn from them and help them to drive our journey and tell us what’s important for them.

Going forward, Qorus plan to continue refining their customer experience strategy and have a big focus this year on developing product evangelisers. Through their success with CX, Qorus demonstrate just how much of an impact an enhanced customer experience can have on customer retention and the bottom line.

The practice of customer experience (CX) has largely been driven by B2C providers and historically has been less apparent in the world of B2B. However, while there is a lot that B2B companies can learn from their consumer-focused peers, you are also dealing with a very different buying and selling process. B2B CX is focused on much longer sales cycles – in B2C sales, firms typically focus on fast, low value, high volume transactions – the opposite is true for B2B.

Our customer experience checklist will set you on the path to providing your business customers with a much more personalised and engaging experience with your brand.

CHECKLISTCustomer experience

27 | TOP 50

Make a list of each and every interaction you have with customers (new and old). Then evaluate each one for effectiveness


1. Complete a full audit of your touchpoints

3. Define key metrics upfront

4. Choose a CX champion

5. Embrace customer feedback

6. Measure for success

2. Build out customer journey maps

Build maps to show all the journeys that customers may take when working with you to discover weak points.

One person must take responsibility for pushing CX forward in your organisation. This person will need support!

Create precise metrics, a set number of KPIs that you can use to judge your CX improvement over time.

Ask new and existing customers for feedback on how you are doing. A net promotor score is a useful metric here.

Measure success against your metrics, and ensure to take the time to improve things. Rome wasn't built in a day.


PowerPivotPro p29Mimecast p291E p30AvePoint p30Accusoft p31DMC Software p31Gwava p32Redspire p32Xgility p33BrightStarr p33

Binary Tree p34RedPixie p34Colligo p35Barracuda Networks p35Metalogix p36ENow p36Actionspace p37BP Logix p37Imperva p38ITS p38

TOP 50 | 28

29 | TOP 50

Focused on using a hands-on approach to get the best results, PowerPivotPro brings the power of data analytics to the masses. Based in Indianapolis, they provide tools to extend the standard powers of PivotTables and VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel.

11Indianapolis, IN, USA





PowerPivotPro do well to create a refreshing approach when speaking about their services. They have a cheerful and straightforward tone of voice in all their content, and their website follows in the same manner. Nothing is overly-complicated or hidden behind business jargon, despite the in-depth and technical quality of many of their blog posts.

Our Verdict

Founded in 2003, Mimecast provides security, archiving and continuity services to protect company email in the cloud. With offices in the US, UK, South Africa and Australia, they protect companies worldwide from cyber-attacks, data leaks, malware and spam.

12London, UK





Mimecast’s overall score has seen them jump up five spots for 2017’s Top 50 over last year ’s scores. With a great social presence in particular, Mimecast appear to be driven by a real understanding of their audience and its needs, helping them create relevant and applicable content.

Our Verdict

TOP 50 | 30

1E was Founded in 1997 to help companies and individuals reduce the cost of PCs and servers. 1E have since evolved alongside the digital revolution to deliver software lifecycle automation to their customers, saving them money on hardware, software, energy and people.

13London, UK





1E’s climb of over 30 places and into the top 20 can be accredited to their improved website score from last year. An appealing and media-rich site helps visitors navigate easily and their blog is updated regularly with in-depth posts. 1E boast a similarly consistent social presence, with a good mix of informative content and company updates.

Our Verdict

Over the past 15 years, AvePoint has evolved to become one of the major players in SharePoint content migration. They also provide a range of tools for SharePoint management, security and related services to ensure any environment is kept secure.

14Jersey City, NJ, USA





With an improved website score over last year, AvePoint combines a modern design with succinct writing to get their message across. With content split across two blog streams – Strategy and Technical – content is accessible for those looking for thought leadership or tech solutions. An active and engaged Twitter account earns them a strong social score.

Our Verdict

31 | TOP 50

In 2016, Accusoft celebrated 25 years as a technology provider in the document and content management industry. Based in Tampa, Florida, they deliver a robust portfolio of document and imaging tools for developers to use in application and web development.

15Tampa, FL, USA





Accusoft are the owners of an impressive and appealing site – something perhaps to be expected from web development experts. A consistent blog and Twitter account work together to create a wealth of helpful content that is projected to their 15,000+ followers, and the result is a great all-round score.

Our Verdict

Since 2001, DMC Software has been providing business management solutions built on top of existing Microsoft technologies. With a focus on CRM and ERP, they’re driven by a genuine desire to help their customers, developing relationships that last.

16Peterborough, UK





DMC Software create posts aimed at the most pressing needs of specific industries, creating a thought-provoking blog that is constantly up to date and relevant. A user-friendly website provides users with the help and advice that’s most applicable to them – a real indicator of DMC’s push to put the customer at the front of everything they do.

Our Verdict

TOP 50 | 32

Recently acquired by Micro Focus, GWAVA work across sectors such as Government, Education, Healthcare and Financial Services, offering archiving and security technologies to meet the strict compliance regulations these industries must follow.

17Montreal, QC, Canada





GWAVA scored well in all our metrics, but it’s their blog that impressed us the most. Posts are frequent, informative and engaging. Their Twitter account complements this – consistently tweeting out their blog posts to gain added visibility.

Our Verdict

Providing solutions for Dynamics CRM customers since 2003, Redspire is a Scottish firm aiming to strip the complexity from traditional IT consulting. To do so, they put the focus on the customer: creating the right plan of action and dedicating the time to create long lasting change.

18Glasgow, UK





Redspire’s blog is as comprehensive as it is informative. Posts are categorised according to industry and business problem, meaning visitors have a wealth of content available for their specific needs. Topics are diverse, ranging from CRM for varying industries to Dynamics 365, general how-tos and monthly CRM news.

Our Verdict

33 | TOP 50

Based in Ashburn, VA, Xgility is a SharePoint consulting company that provides a range of services and products related to Microsoft technologies, including the Microsoft Office 365 platform, Azure, forms and workflows. Their focus is clear: enhancing cloud collaboration.

19Ashburn, VA, USA





Xgility’s blog deserves recognition as the team regularly publishes content on different themes, especially pertaining to the needs of government organisations. Having jumped up 21 spaces this year, a bigger social presence is the only thing holding them back from further climbing the rankings.

Our Verdict

With offices worldwide, BrightStarr offers a full range of productivity tools and services built on Microsoft technologies. They are also the people behind Unily, a major player in the ‘intranet in a box’ market.

20Surrey, UK





Rounding out the top 20 of this year ’s report, BrightStarr has combined simplicity with style for their blog page, making for an attractive layout that carries through their website. Posts are in-depth and cover a range of different topics, from how-tos and thought leadership to technology-specific listicles.

Our Verdict

TOP 50 | 34

Technology transformation is at the heart of Binary Tree and has been for the past two decades. The company has migrated more than 40 million users in total. Their focus is a migration that’s low risk and tailored to the customer ’s needs.

21Kendall Park, NJ, USA





Sitting at number 103 last year, Binary Tree has risen a massive 82 spaces in this year ’s report. Such an impressive turnaround is largely due to their blog: consistent posting, relevant stories and deep product and industry knowledge make for a winning combination.

Our Verdict

Founded in 2010, RedPixie is one of the largest cloud specialists in Europe. A team comprising of cloud architects and data scientists, they help customers migrate legacy systems to the cloud, speed up Big Data analysis and increase time to market.

22London, UK





Another big mover, RedPixie climbed 67 places in 2017. This comes as little surprise, as their blog scores fifth-highest in the entire report. Posts are extremely detailed and filled with useful information, insight and visual aids. Their Twitter account has a large following, but a lack of engagement suggests a focus should be made on finding more relevant followers.

Our Verdict

35 | TOP 50

Colligo has been providing a range of tools for email and SharePoint since 2000 that integrate with Microsoft Outlook. Their solutions are used by over 5000 organisations across the globe to implement records management and drive SharePoint adoption.

23Vancouver, BC, Canada





A mixture of traditional blog posts and video posts keep Colligo’s blog fresh and interesting. Their Twitter account isn’t active every day, but tweets often receive good engagement. A focus on consistency could see Colligo climb even higher.

Our Verdict

Based in California but with a global presence, Barracuda Networks provide an impressive range of enterprise IT solutions focused on content security, networking and application delivery and data protection, with over a dozen purpose-built products.

24Campbell, CA, USA





Addressing a range of themes on Twitter, including breaking news on IT security issues and scams, Barracuda Networks demonstrate solid research and a focus on helping customers via their social channels. The company blog is hidden away on their website, however, and could be made more accessible.

Our Verdict

TOP 50 | 36

Metalogix has established itself as a key player in the areas of SharePoint and Office 365 content migration, security and management. They offer a range of products to extend and enhance out-of-the-box capabilities.

25Washington, DC, USA





Metalogix unifies their diverse marketing activities through their Twitter feed, which they scored highly for. This diversity includes webinars, case studies, eBooks, demos, events and more – all serving to reinforce their presence across the web. More frequent blog posts could further improve that presence.

Our Verdict

Based in California, ENow specialises in tools aimed at supporting administrators. Their tools offer real visibility over the inner-workings of SharePoint, Office 365, Exchange and other Microsoft tools, helping admins better identify and solve problems.

26Aliso Viejo, CA, USA





A mixture of in-depth walkthrough guides and how-tos with screenshots and other visual aids, ENow’s blog is stacked with helpful content, all of which is directly aimed at providing information that SharePoint admins will find genuinely useful. Their site is a little content heavy, which may overwhelm visitors.

Our Verdict

37 | TOP 50

27London, UK





Improving in every metric, Actionspace shot up an impressive 200 places this year. Their social efforts, in particular, are vastly improved, with all of their tweets generating strong engagement. The website is clean and clear, making it easy for users to navigate and find what they need, while their blog has kept consistent and educational. Impressive stuff.

Our Verdict

Deploying sophisticated, forms-based and workflow-driven apps, BP Logix is more than just a business process management company. BP Logix work hard to help customers solve their problems to build successful and sustainable businesses.

Providing enterprise-grade task management and simple project management for Office 365 and SharePoint, Actionspace provides the flexibility of custom, tailored development combined with the rapid deployment of ready-to-use software.

28Vista, CA, USA





BP Logix’s BPM Blog covers topical information, discussion and resources for readers to learn from. Posts are frequent and informative and demonstrate the company’s expertise in the field of Business Process Management. Social engagement is varied, with tweets from employees performing far better than more generic industry stories.

Our Verdict

TOP 50 | 38

Founded in 2002, Imperva is a leading provider of data and application security solutions that protect business-critical information in the cloud and on-premises.

29Redwood Shores, CA, USA





With an impressive 112,000 followers, Imperva’s Twitter feed is engaging and packed full of interesting cybersecurity stories. They also make good use of images, and that media-intensive style transfers over to their website.

Our Verdict

Specialising in core IT management functions for over 20 years, ITS provide solutions for Risk Management, Systems Management , Service Management and Asset Management to create what they call ‘Productive IT Management’.

30Grand Rapids, MI, USA





A well-rounded CX helped ITS move up 35 spaces this year. Consistent activity on Twitter is held back by a limited audience, but that consistency transfers to ITS’s blog. Split amongst the four areas of management listed above, readers have a wealth of content at their disposal, all of which is well written and highly instructive.

Our Verdict

The 80/20 rule CX defined:

39 | TOP 50

CX INFOGRAPHICCustomer Analysis

For customer experience quality blogging is essential

In 2017, 50% of consumer product investments will be

redirected to customer experience innovations.

While business leaders may see the importance of CX,

only 37% have a formal plan to fix it.

89% of companies expect to compete mostly on the basis

of customer experience, versus 36% four years ago.

Consumers are two times more likely to share their bad customer service experiences than they are to talk about positive experiences.

“ “ The sum totality of how customers engage with

your company and brand, not just as a

snapshot in time, but throughout the entire

arc of being a customer.

Joel HarrisonThe Harvard Buisness Review

40% of companies found revenues increased within a year of focusing strategy on CX improvement.

For every $1 invested in the customer experience, you can expect a $3 return on investment.










TOP 50 | 40

What best describes your organisation’s culture in terms of customer centricity?

How important is customer experience?76% of customer management executives and leaders rated customer experience a ‘5’ on a scale of 1-5 (5 being of the highest priority).

Customer experience is ingrained in the fabric of the company.

Customer experience is a core piece of the firm’s strategy.

Customer experience is critical, and execs are actively involved.

Customer experience is very important and formalised programmes emerge.

Customer experience is important but receives little attention.

15% of UK B2B marketers say their organisationis interested.

14% of global B2B marketers say customer experience is embedded.

15.3% 4.4% 2.9% 1.5% 75.9%



“A customer is 4 times more likely to buy from a competitor if the problem is service-related, versus price or product-related”.

“It is 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to

retain an existing customer”.

All sources can be found on page 53


41 | TOP 50

Monica SavutEconsultancy

Econsultancy is a leading digital publishing and training group, focusing on helping organisations achieve excellence in digital business, marketing and ecommerce. We spoke to Monica Savut, Head of Commercial Research Services, about how B2B technology companies can take customer experiences to the next level.

Econsultancy carry out numerous studies on how marketers and buyers are learning about the brands they may eventually choose to work with. A key stage in the customer experience is, of course, digital marketing. Monica explains that business decision-makers and consumers are ever less responsive to traditional ads and the ‘hard sell’. Instead, useful content is increasingly valued.

“Appetite for relevant, personalised information is on the rise. Brands need to build trust and loyalty and this is where content marketing comes in. It enables organisations, across both B2B and B2C, to show customers who they are as a brand, share useful information, create engaging stories and ultimately provide value”.

Monica underscores that the focus should be less on format, and more on execution.

“Quite often marketers think about content formats too soon, when they should be thinking about how they can use content to tell their brand’s story, choosing the most effective type of content to get that message across and mapping it to a specific need or stage in the customer journey”.

To this end, she recommends that marketers should:

▪ Ensure their content is valuable, actionable and targeted to a clearly defined audience.

▪ Avoid creating content for content’s sake. ▪ Understand that internal collaboration is

key, as editorial, creative, commercial and development teams need to work together toward the same goals.

▪ Don't forget about mobile: make sure that any content formats work well on mobile devices and can be shared easily.



TOP 50 | 42

The customer is always right

It’s hardly headline news, but whatever we do, the customer ’s needs should always come first. This mantra can get mixed up and be forgotten, however; the world of marketing automation and ‘always-on’ social media can skew our ideas of what CX is all about. Monica explains:

“The starting point for any CX strategy should be the customer. Unfortunately, many organisations do not even attempt to get an understanding of what their customers actually value, how they interact with their products or brands across various touchpoints and where pain points occur.

“Having a good understanding of the customer journey across channels and devices, with the help of data, is key. Organisations have a data trove at their disposal, but most are not joining the dots, let alone acting on the insights derived from this data”.

How does this map to B2B tech companies?

In most respects, the underlying principles in a CX strategy will be the same for any industry. That said, B2B technology firms should adapt if they wish to improve CX.

“We have witnessed a shift to ‘as-a-service’ models in recent years – the actual product [tech solution] is still at the core of the proposition, but it’s the service layer and flexibility that are increasing in importance. Tech companies need to be nimble and move from product-centred strategies to those focusing on CX and creating customer-centric tech solutions. The customer now takes centre stage, so some tech companies struggle with instilling a culture that places the customer at the heart of all initiatives”.

What might this look like in reality? Monica highlights Econsultancy research showing how data is essential for improved CX:

“B2B tech leaders are 10% more likely to say that data-driven marketing is a strategic priority and they’re making the necessary investments in technology, as they’re 44% more likely to say they have the tools to use data to create compelling, personalised, real-time experiences”.

She also highlights the importance of design:

“Mature B2B tech organisations are also 28% more likely to describe themselves as design-driven organisations. This focus on design seems to pay off: they are 31% more likely to say that they have well-designed user journeys that facilitate clear communication and a seamless transaction”.

What do B2B tech companies need to do to improve their CX?

“Putting the customer at the heart of everything you do and taking an integrated approach to campaigns across all channels is key. Omnichannel is not just a buzzword, it offers you a permanent perspective of the customer: what matters to your customers, what pain points you can fix (or completely eliminate) and where you can add value.

“Econsultancy research revealed that two-thirds (67%) of those who take an integrated approach to all campaigns across all channels are ‘always’ or ‘usually’ hitting their financial targets and schedules. This compares to only 24% for those saying that none of their campaigns are integrated”.

You can find more great statistics and insight right across Econsultancy’s own integrated CX channels.


Agile IT p44Olenick p44CloudShare p44DevFacto p45Safe-T p45Logi Analytics p45Arkadin p46m-hance p46Neudesic p46SQS Group Limited p47

CAL Business Solution p47Daisy Group p47Catapult Systems p48Dimension Data p48Mindtree p48Datamatics p49PowerObjects p49Peak10 p49Infragistics p50BitTitan p50

43 | TOP 50

TOP 50 | 44

A cloud-first IT services provider, Agile IT works to implement and consolidate IT solutions together into a single cooperative system. From cloud migration to management they provide a host of business-focused services. We really like their informative and highly active Twitter feed.

San Diego, CA, USA @Agile_IT77/100



Up a massive 78 places from last year ’s report, Olenick is a global leader in software engineering practices. They have improved their report score across the board. We especially love their Twitter profile: it’s varied on content and updated often which is best practice for engagement.

Chicago, IL, USA @OlenickIT72/100



CloudShare is a leading provider of IT environments in the cloud. CloudShare are specialists in providing highly responsive, flexible cloud environments for training, sales and development. We rated both their website and social presence highly and see them as a great example for companies looking to improve their CX touchpoints.

San Francisco, CA, USA @CloudShare73/100



45 | TOP 50

This Canadian software consulting company is focused on engineering soft-ware solutions for businesses looking to flourish in a digital world. Their website is simple and designed well. We also enjoy their blog which has detailed posts on specialist topics that are relevant and informative for their audience.

Calgary, AB, Canada @DevFacto66/100



Another impressive climber from last year ’s report, Safe-T is a cybersecurity company that offers security solutions for exchanging and accessing data. The company has an excellent blog, full of informative and interesting pieces covering cybersecurity and the cloud.

Herzliya, Israel @SafeTData67/100



Logi Analytics offer interactive data visualization solutions for business intelligence that can be embedded into apps. Their social presence is what has them ranked so highly: their regular tweets and posts across social media are full of interesting stats and information and this generates a lot of engagement.

Washington, DC, USA @LogiAnalytics73/100



TOP 50 | 46

Arkadin is a telecommunications service provider that helps customers every step of the way on their digital transformation journey. Their website is clean and clear and when this is combined with an effective social media identity, they really stand out from the crowd.

Paris, France @ArkadinServices75/100



m-hance are Microsoft Dynamics specialists, who help a wide variety of businesses attract and retain more customers and ultimately achieve increased revenue. Their social media output received an excellent score in this year ’s report and an improvement in our other categories would see them make a continued climb through our rankings.

London, UK @M_hanceSoftware75/100



Neudesic brings technology and business expertise together to help their customers design, build and run their digital business in the cloud. They also know a thing or two about shooting up our report rankings. From 208 in last year ’s analysis, to 39 this year. We put this down to a consistent effort at engaging their social media following.

Irvine, CA, USA @Neudesic72/100



47 | TOP 50

SQS is a quality assurance specialist for IT and business change, promising better cost-efficiency in digital transformation. They have a colourful and informative website, along with an engaging blog that is updated consistently and offers a nice balance between thought leadership, technical content and advice.

Cologne, Germany @SQS_GROUP63/100



CAL Business Solutions are an experienced Enterprise Resource Planning partner focused on Dynamics. While we think their website could do with a little makeover aesthetically, we’re impressed by the amount of relevant content they include in their free resources section, including an informative blog, updated often.

Connecticut, US, USA @CALerpNEWS69/100



Daisy Group is a leading independent unified communications provider. Their website sets out their varied services neatly and asks the right ques-tions of its visitors. What propels Daisy Group into the Top 50 is their social media output: they have a large Twitter following and create a lot of on-brand content for their audience.

Lancashire, UK @Daisy_Group74/100



TOP 50 | 48

A 2016 Microsoft Partner of the Year, Catapult is a full-service consulting firm that uses technology to solve complex business challenges. An accomplished website hosts plenty of information and company insight, but it’s their regular social media output across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn that really sets them apart.

Austin, TX, USA @Catapultsystems74/100



This global powerhouse has made good progress moving up eight places from last year ’s report. Dimension Data specialise in a host of IT services to accelerate business, and conducts their operations across every continent. Where their marketing really shines is across their social media output, where they have a highly engaging presence.

Cape Town, South Africa @DimensionData76/100



Mindtree is an IT consulting firm, specialising in corporate IT service and solutions, delivering digital transformation from initial conception to final execution. Their website is impressive: it’s easy to navigate and looks great. We also scored their social media highly – they post informative and engag-ing content across all the major social platforms.

Warren, NJ, USA @Mindtree_Ltd78/100



49 | TOP 50

Headquartered in Mumbai, India, Datamatics is a global provider of IT, consulting, data management and business process management that provides a competitive advantage for their clients. Where Datamatics stand out from a marketing excellence point of view is the mix of helpful content they put out across their channels.

Mumbai, India @DGSL59/100



PowerObjects are one of the top Dynamics CRM partners in the world. And we know that they like to shout about Dynamics CRM through their very well maintained social media output. We particularly like their Twitter feed, which is updated with a lot of appealing content daily. Also, their Instagram account shows they’re always looking at new avenues to engage with their audience.

Minneapolis, MN, USA @Joecrm73/100



Peak 10 promises to deliver secure, compliant and flexible IT infrastructure. From a CX angle, their website scores highly in our analysis. It’s well signposted, colourful and informative. They are also highly engaged in their social media output, which is another huge plus for their overall score. A partner to lookout for.

Charlotte, NC, USA @Peak_Ten73/100



TOP 50 | 50

Infragistics offer world-leading UI development tools and components for a range of applications and platforms. They score very well across their website and social media output measurements; two very important mediums for driving leads and retaining customers.

Cranbury, NJ, USA @infragistics78/100



BitTitan focus on providing IT innovation to their customers. They are the IT specialists for IT specialists, with offices in Seattle and Singapore. It’s their website and social media where they score best. Their tone is colourful and engaging while being informative – all good ingredients for driving leads and retaining customers.

Bellevue, WA, USA @BitTitan74/100



51 | TOP 50

51 - 250Partners

Archive360Hitachi SolutionsCyberArkIntergenHCSSBeezymcaConnectDasher TechnologiesSWCSADA SystemsZadara StorageWorkBookUnilyKaseyaBrightworkeFolderContent and CodePARSystemagicMeeting TomorrowSpecops SoftwareAkaesDatawatchK2SP MarketplaceRand GroupQualiSanaDaughertyNventeQCloudLockCPSCogmotiveMethods DigitalPyramid Analytics








Blue HorseshoeHyphenetExopriseThycoticModern SurveySmartbridgeLavasoftOxford Computer GroupOPSWATTimeXtenderSherpa SoftwareBonzai MCF TechnologyDecisiveDataWortellTechboardPDQTrivalentGradwellTech ExpertsEastBanc TechnologiesRecordPointplanetmagpieProSymmetrySegue TechnologiesActive Risk

Applied Information Sciences

Content PandaeOneEnvisageInfinity UKCarolinas ITHubOneeimagineCloud2


TOP 50 | 52

51 - 250Partners

SymantecNet@WorkLightning ToolsEnsystTekLinksBrennan ITSkyKickOur IT DeptIMS-UKPerformanceG2WinWirePaperless ProposalModalityONRSiriusAdvancedQUADROtechDynavisticsThe Final StepPheonix TSXSolutionsFMTConsultantsEagle TechnologyigroupTGOCrow CanyonMorawareSoftweb SolutionsTMCPuzzlepartCodeTwoOpen RoadThreeWillEpmliveMicroAge








Cloud CruiserOakTreeKMS TechnologyIT WorksPDF ShareformsVitalystComputerWorldBDNAComputer Troubleshooters

LiteraVersustechKnowledge LakeNgenxKintivoSkeleton KeyMetaphorixEllipse SolutionsKanboDynasisDmincValoElite TelecomProject LineVircomCertentLiveTilesNorthdoorCardinalPeakProVal TechSwift SystemsBamboo solutionsCMIT SolutionsCarlson SoftwareAssureSignLBMC


53 | TOP 50

51 - 250Partners

PCRECC IT SolutionsSourcIT TechnologiesKippsDeSantoPerspecuity ExakTimeEntouchCWLLinkPoint360MajescoGravocEmidsDocstarRSMSymmetry CorpAegexClicktoolsSuperiorGroup daffodilLAN InfotechJustaskPeoplestrategyTulieservicesDilignet DilignetCentric SoftwareAutomated IntelligencePaylocityCohaesusKarabinaEnhansoftDSICohn ConsultingLanham AssociatesCompudataRICS








Grove GroupIDMWORKSNexoniaStateraOpsLogixContinuantGrant McGregorCrestwoodCTLTaylor DigitaliCeptsNTHContentformulaTrain CanadaProserveITCurogensTypefiNuvemMetro QuestOrtho2BrittenfordErgoBPAEnovapointNewgrove


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