in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media...

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Film making conventions – Through the process of making my music video I focused on making the main character the centre of attention and how I could use different effects to show the almost urgency in his actions as he goes to the meeting point he inevitably fails to show up to as he is too busy thinking about what he is giving up to be with this girlfriend. The whole music video is based around how the main protagonist has to choose between the relationship with the love of his life or his love of music, preforming and having a great time with his friends. To show this I have divided the video into two separate parts, through each versus we see the main character deciding to give up his life as a musician to be with his girlfriend; and in the chorus we what he is giving up. From the moment we see him through the Polaroid’s of him and his friends to the ground and goes to meet his girlfriend, the journey is represents him moving on, choosing to be with her over this friends; to connote this I have use a series of tracking shots throughout the video, tracking shots are used to show movement, I have used this quite literately in the sense of, as I have mentioned, this journey is him moving on. In the first thirty seconds of the video where we see him looking through the Polaroid I have used a series of quick close-ups and over the shoulder shots to identity what he is looking at, all placed in time with the beats of the music. The reason why he is looking through the pictures and why they have been thrown to the floor are later explained. In each versus of the song I have used a series of quick and varying shots, such as panning, close-ups, and high and low angles, identifying what the main protagonist is giving up for love. I have purposely done this to represent the relationship with his friends, the fast action shots connote excitement, also emphasised by the expressions of each person as the camera focuses on their faces. It was through the research of the previous produces that I came up with the idea of having a different part of the narrative in the verse as it makes both the narrative and video more interesting, dynamic and engaging for the audience, it also may tell us something about the main protagonist or explain a part of the narrative; for example, in my video, during each verse we see the main protagonist with the rest of the band as they practice; it is this part of the video this shows the audience what he is giving up to be with his girlfriend. Print advert – For the layout of my poster I have focuses it on to key parts, the title of the band and the main image of the group, the performers in my music video. I have done this by creating an hour-glass shape with the text that pulls the eye down the page. By centralising the text and making it progressively smaller it keeps the focus of attention on the title, but also makes it noticeable enough for the audience to acknowledge it and keeps reading the information on the where each performance takes place and when. As I have mentioned by centralising everything to the middle of the page it create an hour-glass layout drawing the eye down the page; but, by placing the key signifier at the bottom in the lower half it ensures that all the details will be seen as well. The key signifier of the poster is the main image of the group placed around the drummer, Jack Liddicoat, with the rest of the band positioned around the back of him, Dominic Morgan, the main protagonist, on the right, Hayden Yau, the lead guitarist, on

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

the left with Jordan Weeks in the middle. By placing them in colour and not adding effects like I have done in the background, it clear identifies who they are, also to make it even more engaging, they are all looking directly at the camera, directly addressing the audience. I have also added everything someone may expect to find on a tour poster, like I have said the information about the venues are placed above the key signifier along with the were you can purchase the album social links are also placed at the bottom of the page in footer, separating it from main poster making it an independent part; here I have also placed information about were the audience and buy tickets for the digs. Purposely in white so it stands out against the black background. Also following the key aspect that most posters of singers, performers and music groups have, I have placed the group’s record labels in each of the bottom corners of the poster. Digipak – Fir the creation of my Digipak I have used several photos I have taken in the process of the filming of the main music video, the original idea was to use group shots of the band outside, to which I could them manipulate in Photoshop. Although this idea was good, with the drastic change in the weather after the images were taken, I was not able to produce more photo like this so a new plan was needed. He image I have used for the final piece have been taken in the schools music room, one of the locations I have used for the filming of my video, this was the ideal place as it showed the group in an area to which looked like a recording area for musicians. With the editing of the new images complete it was a simple task of adding and placing the final details. I have added all the necessary aspects of a Digipak such as the copyright information, record labels and playlist meeting all of the conventions that you may find on a real product in today’s market. The research of previous products I have been able to create my own product as accurate as possible to the work I have studied; as you can see on the research page of my blog. Barthes code – The Hermeneutic Code (ENIGMA CODE) – This was the main focus in the star of the video as it opens to a stranger sat in his living room looking at polaroid pictures of his friends, it is obvious that something is wrong and that he seems like he is making a hard decision about something, but what. This is emphasised ad we see the people in the photos in the next room as he exits the building not making eye contact with the others, only taking a quick glance, as if he is hiding something.

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