in the end all you really have is 21/waverly ny free... ·...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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J-Wav&rly's Department Store.

SON, Dry Goods, Carpets and Furniture. Town Clock Block.

We Cannot Possibly Enumerate all the Magnificent Special Values Offered the Month of A u p s t But the limited number we find room for will suffice to convince you that this store offers to you the opportunity to procure genu­

ine August Bargains.

AUGUST BARGAINS. Apron Ginghams Excellent quality Blue Calicoes -Light Calicoes -Huck Towels with Borders Corset Covers made of one piece with

Trimming = White Bed Spreads, splendid values Muslin Drawers, nicely trimmed Muslin Skirts, Embroidery Trimmed Muslin Skirts, Lace and Embroidery $1.50 Umbrellas, silk and linen


* 5c a 5c a

- 5ca 4c

Lace 25Cts. &>cts. 25Cts.

for 79cts. Trimmed


AUGUST BARGAINS. yard 50c. Fancy Mohairs - - - 39cts. a yard yard Black Sateen Skirts - 7pcts. each yard $1.00 Shirt Waists 5OC $1.50 Shirt Waists 75c each $2.00 Shirt Waists $1.00

Taffeta Ribbons, all silk - - 19cts. a yard each Children's Dresses - Half Price each $25.00 Axminster Rug 9x12 - - $19.50 each $i.50 Lace Curtains, Handsome pattern 98cts. pr. each All Shirt Waist Suits at Half Price 98c. $10.00 to $25.oo Suits at - - - Half Price

each $2.5o Moquette Rugs .- = $1.5^

Black Taffeta Silk, yard wide, wear guaranteed, for $l.oo a yard

Changeable Taffeta Silk, all colors, yard wide for $1.00 a yard.

Mrs. George Munn's class in tbe Methodist Sunday school picknicked at Wildwood Sat­urday.

E. S. Peters of this place was admitted to the Packer hospital Tuesday suffering from typhoid fever.

Washington Camp No. 8, P. O. S. of A., held a successful and enjoyable dancing party in their hall Friday evening.

Reports from the western part of the state, a great apple growing region, state that there will he but about half a crop there this 6ummer.

The old part of the east ward cemeterv should receive attention from some one. ft is overgrown with weeds and presents a very untidy appearance.

The funeral of Mrs. Elva Shoemaker was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hancock, Sunday afternoon, Rev. M. S. Godshall officiating. Interment in East Waverly cemetery.

T. M. Fleming of Hataey Valley has decid­ed to commence his big clearing out sale one week earlier than previously advertised, August 21 instead of August 28. Read hie adv. in this issue of the FREE PRESS.

The lodges of the Modern Protective As­sociation or Waverly, Sayre and Athens will hold a picnic at Wildwood to-morrow after­noon and evening. A free bus will meet cars at SpringB Corners from 1 p. m. to midnight.

The Waverly Rebekahs were pleasantly entertained at their meeting Friday evening by Mrs. F. E. Spencer of Dubois, Pa , an ac compliahed violinist. Mrs. Spencer was the guest of Mrs. J. M. Clark of Athens, a mem­ber of the local lodge.

A progressive tea waa given Tuesday even­ing at the homes of Miss Virginia Canoll, Reba Bellis, Marian Harding, Charlotte Whitaker, Maude Ellis and Hewn Ferguson. The gentlemen friends of the young ladies were present and helped make it an enjoyable occasion.

The annual convention of the Maccabees of Central New York was held in Elmira Wed­nesday.

William Hunt of 524 Waverly street, has removed to his fine new residence corner Wa­verly and Hickory streets. -»

The River Pirates a youthful baseball team of Sayre, defeated the Waverly Juniors last Saturday by a score of 9 to 11.

A partial eclipse of the moon was sched­uled for Monday night. Undoubtedly it came off as announced but on account of an over­cast sky it was not visible in Waverly.

At the meeting of Cayuta legion, N. P. L., Monday night, G. Ed. Bliiard was elected a delegate to the national convention of the or­der to te held in Cleveland,j?ommencing Sep­tember 19.


The prohibition county convention will be held at the W. C. T. U. rooms. Lake street, Owego, N. Y.,. Friday, Sept. 1, 1905, at 2:30 p. m. for the purpose of nominating a county ticket.

There was. a meeting of the board of di­rectors of the National Protective legion in Meadville, Pa., Tuesday and Wednesday. The following Waverly officials were in attend­ance : National Secretary George A. Scott, National Treasurer H. C. Bruster, Acting President H. C. Lockwood, Medical Examiner Dr. W. M. Hilton and Percy L. Lang.

Have your job printing done in the FREE PRESS job rooms. The latest faces in type, a full line of stock to select from, experienced workmen and careful proofreading. Our prices are right.

The managers of the Chemung county fair, to be held in Elmira September 18 to 22, have decided to have the grounds and exhibits open evenings and have arranged special at­tractions for evening visitors.

Dear Gus:—I have solved the mother-in-law problem, just give her regularly Hollis-ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. C. STROKO.

Orange street is right in line with improve­ments. Two new houses are going up, and a number of residences are being improved, among them Lewis Bruster's and Charles Lawheed's, each of which is having a new porch.

A party composed of Misses Sara and Eliza­beth Guyer, their guest, Miss Parrot of New York, Ralph Knapp, Wilton Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knapp, Jr., have gone into camp on the Susquehanna near the Cannon Hole.

The Aches and Pains Will Disappear If the Advice of this Citizen is

Followed. A woman's back has many aches and pains. Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault. Backache is really kidney ache ; That's why Doan's Kidnev Pills cure it. Manv Waverly women know this. Read what this Sayre lady has to say

about it. Mrs. G. S. Miller, wife of G. S. Miller,

train flagman employed on the Lehigh Valley R. R., and living at 601 North Elmer street, Sayre, Pa., says : "I can even more emphatic­ally endorse Doan's Kidntv Pills to-day than I did nearly seven years ago when I made a statement for publication in the Waverly newspapers to the effect that this remedy had cured me of kidney trouble with which I had been badly afflicted for a long time. I had suffered a great deal from pam across the small of my back and with almost constant headaches." There waa a soreness across my abdomen which bothered me so much that to lay my arm Over the place when asleep would awaken me. I was treated for months by physicians but with tbe only result that I con­tinued to grow worse. Finally Doan's Kid­ney Pills were brought to my attention and a box was procured for me at one of our drug stores. I felt immediate relief upon begin­ning to use them and I continued the treat­ment, taking several boxes. Every symptom of kidney trouble left me.1 The cure was complete" and has remained so up to date. I have known many other persons who have used Doan's Kidney Pills with similar results and only a few weeks ago I learned from my sister, Mrs. D. E. Harris, of Millerton, Pa., that she has been using them with satisfac­tory results. I cannot say too much in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills."

For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Millburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States.

Remember the name—Doan's—and take ne other.

The frequent rains interfere with the work of haying and harvesting.

In other towns the dogs are muzzled dur* ing the hot weather—why not Waverly ?

Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired by Robinson, the tailor, 324 Broad street, up stairs.

Camp 8 P. O. S. of A., will hold their next regular session Tuesday evening, instead of Wednesday. J. W. KILMER, R. S.

Henry S. Junk of Grand Hill, Pa., and Miss Edith McCarthy of Bellavania.Pa., were mar­ried at the Norwood hotel by Rev. M. S. God-shall Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Marie L. Moore of Howard street. South Waverly, who was recentlv graduated from Warner's Business School, has accepted a position as bookkeeper and stenographer in the office of S. W. Clark in Elmira.

The Union Sunday schoool excursion to El-dridge Park leaves the Erie depot at 9 o'clcck Saturday morning. The indications are that many hundred from the three towns of the valley will take advantage |of the low rates.

Commencing August 18, the cafe car that now leaves Binghamton via the Delaware <Sk Hudson Railroad on train No. 2 at 8:00 a. m. and runs to Oneonta only, will leave Bing­hamton daily on train No. 8, and will run through to Albany.

If you are troubled with dizzy spell, head­ache, indigestion, constipation, Bollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. H it fails get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents.



No Stomach Dosing. Just Breathe Hyomei—Stops Sneezing and

Smarting. J. C. VanAtta is recommending to his cus­

tomers as a cure for hay fever, Hyomei. It is claimed for this remedy that it stops

the spasmodic paroxysms, the sneezing, the smarting and running of the eyes and nose, and other acute symptoms of this disease.

Many persons have been cured of hay fever by Hyomei, and the discoverer of the remedy professes to be able to prevent both the occur­rence of the annual attack and to stop the progress of the disease, even in the most chronic forms.

A. Hamlin, of Westford. Mass., writes "Hy­omei cured me of hay fever in one week's time. I consider it a duty to tell others who suffer from this disease."

This endorsement is only one of hundreds that have been received by the proprietors of Hyomei, and J. C. VanAtta offers to refund the money if Hyomei does not do all that is claimed for it, is the strongest proof that can be given as to the confidence he has in Hyo­mei'a power to cure hay fever. The complete outfit costs but $1.00, while extra bottles can be procured for 50 cents.


Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Medicine for Buy People.

Bring* Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live

anrl Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache, and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab­let form, 3ft cents a box. Genuine made by HoixieTER DBPO COMPANV, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGEU FOR SALLOW PEOPLE


Coal and Wood O F T H E B E S T G R A D E S .

(Mod noys Art the bad boys -very often. The boy that's good for anything is generally pugnacious. He's a healthy animal, and the healthy animal will always fight for bis right*.

When a boy shuns tha rough aporta of tiis ootnpAHioos "^ ** apt to be a weakling, and bo be conscious of tha fact.

A g r e a t m a n y mothers have testi­fied to the wonderful oaring and strength-eating power of Dr. Piarae'iOoldan Mad-lad Discovery. Ail etrangfh come* from feed attar it has bean

and assimilated. By curing diseases of tha •toataoh sad other organs of digestion sad nutrition,* Gold­en Medical Dissjew-ary * enable* the par-fact nourishment of tha body, which i* tkvs heist np in tha only n a y a body can ha built np—by food.

There i* no alcohol in " Discovery," and it entirely free from opium, cocaine, «nd all other narcotic*.

• Br. ftaw't ****W*» ket 4mm wvsOft* ft*

XZ&iSW WttaiSB*: " i» twoertkresysar* ago

a teak B t > I fee* pet had «o« ia ewer

My yoantvr *** sad seraii)*** •***• on •^saatd, but »** **} had aay

t to take year msBJam* Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical

Advfcsr.Tav paper cower, sent frm on re-

Several empty pocketbooks were found in the Sayre railroad yards last Friday. Pick­pockets had been at work ia the big crowd that was out to see President Roosevelt the night before, and emptying the pocketbooks of their contents threw them away to avoid detection.

A lodge of forty-five members of the M. P. A. was instituted at Wilawana Friday night. The installation ceremonies were conducted by the national president, William Cross of Sayre, assisted by Organizer F. P. Clohessy, T. 8. Wolcott, T. F. Corkran and F. A. Bla-zinski of Waverly.

The members of Waverly Lodge, 407, F. A A. M , have been invited by Chemung Valley Lodge, 356, of Chemung to picnic, with them at the VanGorder cottage on the' Chemung river Saturday. The members' wires and sweethearts will be present; there will be a number of speeches, and of course a plenty to eat.

pease of mi tog send 31 fierce, Puff

of mailing only.

John 3, Higgina, general contractor of Wa­verly, has the contract for the piers and abut­ments of the state bridge across the Susque­hanna river at Berwick, Pa. This bridge is being built by the state of Pennsylvania and the state engineer's estimate of cost is $236,-900. The York Bridge Co. of York, Pa., is to pot up the steel superstruct. There i* 12,500 cubic yard* of masonry in the sub­structure and the stone is being shipped from Mr. Higgina' quarries at Smethport, Pa. He has now about sixty stone cutters and other* employed at hia quarries on this contract alone.

Nothing on the Market Eqnal to Cham hertaln's Colle, Cholera aad War.

rhoea Remedy. Thk fact i» wall known to druggist* every­

where, and nine cut of ten will give their customers this preparation when the beat is •tked for. Mr. Ob* Witmer, a prominent druggist of Jopiin, Mo., in a circular to bia customers, **v*: "There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equals Ch*mb«rW»n'* Colic, Cholera and Ihsrrhoe* Remedy for bowel complaints. W* •all and recommend this preparation," t o t •ale by E O. Tracy, Druggist.

The Road to Mackinaw is a name often given to The Michigan Cen­tral, " The Niagara Falls Route," a name that is well deserved. This famous railroad reaches all the resort and outing points in the great national playground, Michigan, and maintains an especially attractive through train service for travelers to all point* in this state. It is practically the only line that reaches the wonderful region around Macki­naw and is by far the best line to go over. For full information concerning rates, routes and connections address J. W, Daly, Chief Asat. Oen'l Pass. Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. It pays to go via The Michigan Central.

Peculiar Disappearance. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, 0., laid the

peculiar disappearance of bis painful symp­toms of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says : "They are a perfect remedy, for dkzines*, *our stomach, headache, constipation, etc." Guaranteed at Chaffee A Merkle'e drug store, price 25c.

Card of Thanks. We wish in this manner to thank our

friende for their kindness and assistance in our recent bereavement.

MR. AHD MB*. I. Hurooti, MONROE HANCOCK. Amu Huicocs:.

The twenty-fifth annual fair of the Northern Tioga Agricultural society will be held at Newark valley Monday, Tuesday and Wed­nesday of next week. A generous premium list has been prepared, and a large number of special attractions have been secured for each day. j

The state civil service commission has announced a general examination to be held September 9. The positions included in this examination are those of bookbinder, lecturer and instructor at farmers' institutes; leveler, state engineer's department; music teacher (woman); pupil nurse, Erie county hospital; recording clerk (book typewriter), New York county offices; tracer, state engineer's and state architect's office*; woman officer, state institutions. The list for lecturer will be certified also for inspection in case of vacancy. The last day for filing applications for these positions is September 4, application forms and detailed information may be obtained by addressing the chief examiner of the commis­sion at Albany.

A L n o

Carriages, Harness, Blankets , Robes, Whips and Sleighs.

Al l Kind* of Farm Implement*. :


154 West Broaa St. ValteT PdQne

aflalo, amps. Address Dr. *, V,


A bi Pts*»

bundle of old papers at th* Fn*a for five esnts.

Greatly Improved Train Service, teen Hoars to Chicago, 111.

Are you aware that you can leave Waverly, N. Y. at 4:10 p. m. and arrive at Chicago st 8:00 a. m. the following day, either via Lake Shore or M:ehig»n Geawal railroads? If not, confer with the Lackawanna ticket^agent and be convinced. Onlr one night out to Kanaas City, Omaha, Milwaukee and St, Paul. Two night* out to Denver.

n o a a H i l l . . -Delia Darby DM recently vteltea frltoqs

in Klmir*. -8*T*r*l or Eufsns Duller* mmily nav*

bad the tenet lit I*. —Wo prseehtai ftusday. our minister b*lnt

away en a vacation. —A *on wa* born 10 Mr. and Mr*. Alfred

WH llama. Ant oat a. -Mr. and Mrs Addison Oary vurttedat

Cbaa. Oary'* at sayre Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgs Huesoet hevsbssn

away vtsitlnf far several days. -Mr. and Mr*. Era*** Oslly and «*otht*r

Laura and Mr*. H. Dell*? ware visitors *t Mrs, Cell* MopilB** Bandar.

-Friday evening. Aasnst » , tber* win be •tvefl • harvest aoelel el Oeorg* Elfclor's, A cordial lavuattoe is extended to all.

- M a Morrt* Msfltee* sad «aatht*i*. Jeeaaetu aad Mary, of Jt*t*vte**a, ft. T recently visited at Mmltb Williams'.

A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with small

children during tbe hot weather of the sum­mer months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of tbe bowels. Do not use any substitute, but give the old fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy and then a dose of eastor oil, and the disease may be checked in its in-cipiency and all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for instant use a* soon a* the first indication of any bowel trouble appear*. This is the most successful treat­ment known and may be relied upon with im­plicit confidence even in cases of cholera in­fantum. For sale by E. G. Tracy, Druggist.

WILAWANA. —Mlae Haute Monroe Is visiting among

relatives In Uerrlcksvllle for a week. —Mr. and Mrs. H. Seeley and;Mrs. Laura

Ball spent Sunday wltb L. A Bosworth. —Miss Ada Slmcoe returned home Sunday

from a week's itay with friends In Smith-field.

—John and George Dailey and John Mc-Duffee are harvesting One pieces of tobacco tbts week.

—Mrs. M. N. Jacklin and son Rnssell are RpeDdtog two weeks with relatives near Mansfield, Pa.

—Miss Jennie Kllpatrtck returned Wednes­day from a week's visit In Elmira, bringing with her little Emily Monroe to stay until September 1..

—^agler Pierce and dangbter, Miss Mabel, of Elmira, together with several young la­dles spent a delightful week at "Harvest Moon''camp.

—Mrs. Bert Crlppen and children, of West-field, Pa., who have been visiting friends in Wllkes-Barre are now stopping off on their return home with ber aunt, Mrs. Ella Dailey

—Oeorg* Dailey had a thrilling experience while driving a spirited young horse in the narrows last Saturday morning. Prom snd-den fright It plunged over tbe high, steep bank, unable to get a foothold it slipped, and rolled until upon tbe railroad, Mr. Dailey holding fast th« lines all tbe time, be having sprung buokward from tbe cart at tbe very fkat. He hastened to unloose tbe bora* from the broken cart when It began to rear and finally brought up against tbe fence where It wa* so entaogled It lay quite help­less. Mr. Dally soon loosened it and it waa upon Its feet all rtgbt, when men came and opened tha fence and be led tbe horse oat to the road, leaving cart and harness complete­ly rained, himself and borse uninjured save •iigbt bruises and lameness. It waa a narrow escape from death.

—Tbe young people of the literary division of tbe Helping Hand society are rehearsing a drama entitled "The Black Heifer," under tbe personal direction of W. A. Smith, Mrs. John Kllpatrlok *nd Mis* Lillian Seetey, which will be presented at Wiliwana hail Saturday, Sept. 2.

CAST OF CHARACTERS Eph cmeebox, of Hwampaoott Holler,

W. A. Smith Weary Waggle*, a tramp,. - 1 Detective Holcomb, of Brynes force, N. \., f

John B MoDuffe* Carleton DeRyter, of Rogues' Gallery tame,

Hovey Doty George Ctncebox. **5n's son, Earl Dove Willie Smith, a farmland who stutters,

Charlie 8had Robe Miller, town constable of Swampeoott,

Fred Kllpatrlok 'Squire Brown, of Hwampaoott village,

Claud* Klijatrick Plddler, „„ J. B. BeldMman Mr*. Arabella aim peon, a faeclnatlnt

widow who I* deaf, ...Mildred Betdelman Betsy Brown, a country maiden,

Pearl Dailey Scraps, a waif from New York,.. Ada Stmeae



Hss an elegant outfit for work In hia profeastoa and guarantees satisfaction in every instance

where his services are employed.


B . « . HAN P O R D ,

310 Broad St., WAVERLY, N. Y. Raatdane* 417 P a r * Aveaaa .



made to your order; it costs no more. Estimates solicited.

IV. OT. B A R B E R , 421 Fulton St.. Waverly, N. T.





BEWARE OF SUMMER GERMS Will Cause Sickness Unless Stomach is Strength­

ened With Mi o-na One tablet ot Mi-o-rte taken before each I remarkable remedy will make the whole di­

me*! during the summer months, whenever gestive system so healthy clean and «w*et the stomach i* out of order, or the digestion that food cannot ferment, aad any disease is weak, will do moie than say other treat- j germs which may ester the stomach will be merit to prevent the disease* cauasd by germs destroyed, at this season. Just one small tablet out of a 50 cent

If the *tom*rh is weak so that food does bo* of Mi-o-a* before eating, and you will not readily digest in it, tbe food eill become have no headache*, heck-ache, poor appetite, a *our, slimy, fermenting mass in the digs*- distress after eating, heart-bora, furred Uv* organ*, the ideal condition for germs to tongue, sleeplessness, or general debility. It <*»»* J***! tronbk. di*rrBoss, or other sum- wiU ton* op tka dlgiative *y*t#m sad give

Mi'o-na wffl soothe and heal tbe Irritetsd P**** ^ ^ TO<! •»• •«*« mneous nembraae of the stomach and digest- Take Mi-o-na now, and J. C. VanAtta will iv» tract, stimulate tbe solar pletus, sad guarantee to refawf tbe mow strengthen the whole nervous system, This I car*. The risk of all hi*.


A N D FBKD STABLB8. Finest, Moat Comaaodiea* aad Taon>atat»

Equipped Livery aVaub&sbMeat in Waverly.


1"ala3pla.o3iw Oemwcyt loav.

Clark Street. WAVBRUT. M. V

Best Moat BftAdled at this market,

fins) s

Pith aTary Thursday tad

that days. Prompt deUveay.

0©0* 'Ha I IKOa 11

For Sale at a Bargain

srttl evanesce Me taase a. o. S M I T H , u Oraat*

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