in loving memory of dad. p

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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A Dedication to one of my best friends, confidants, and cheerleader. A man of God and a lover of people. :-)


In Loving Memory of Dad

Lamar DavisThank you for training us in the way we should go.

Prov. 22:6

Going to Mississippi………



Dad and His Brothers (Uncles)

Dad’s Sisters (Aunts)

Grandparents with you, their firstborn son.

You had mentioned this place and told me to take this picture.

Uh Huh!

Your SweetheartAt the Berean SDA Church in Jackson, MS. Pastor Joseph Officiating Minister.

You mean you’ll were a family before me?

Happy Memories of Childhood………

You Were Loving Always!You also taught me how to sing. I loved going to gospel concerts with you and having concerts at home

where we sang with the Jackson Southernaires and the Mighty Clouds of Joy and listening to me “preach”. How you told me you sang with a quartet on the radio when you were young. Thank you for giving me a gift, mom could not give? Because of you, I am passionate about music and have an ear

for music.

I know you were proud of me and told everyone that I was a pediatrician, although the words were physical therapist. Ha! Ha! You were always there for me, listened to me, and affirmed me.

Graduation with a Master’s in P.T. – You were there!

Me and Pops Just Chillin!

You loved family reunions because you loved family.

Family Gatherings(Always so appreciative and giving.)

Your Spirit of Love Lives On in Us……..(You and Baby Ren)

1 Thess.4:13, 16-17. But I would not have you to be ignorant,

brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

When you passed, I couldn’t even cry because I was in shock. However, I know you said you were suffering going to dialysis 3*/week and would decide to stop soon. I offered mine but you loved me too much to even let me try.

Since I was a child, you have been my best friend, leader, an example of God, and you always believed in me and told me often. I miss you but I have joy in knowing that what I’m writing you already knew because I told you often.

I talked to you before you passed and you said, you had a dream like if Jesus was coming and I said if you died that would be the next thing you would see. I asked if you were ok and you said you were, and I told you I love you and you said it back. So I’m just doing this to let you know, I will remember you always and I want those who read this to take time with those you love because you don’t know the next time you will see them. Be blessed and thanks for sharing in the celebration of a great man.

See you in Heaven……..

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