imprismed part 2.2 generation black

Post on 12-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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Welcome back to

Imprismed and the

Geebiv family! If you’ve

read the last chapter,

you’ll realize that this

loading screen is truly

more indicative of what

is actually going on in

the Geebiv household.

Body language speaks,

even in pixels.

Our third generation

heir, Scarlett has just

transitioned to toddler.

She is a 2/9/2/10/9 Libra

and in case you can’t tell,

her color is red. She did

finally get her makeover.

She’s been a delight so

far, happy to dance and

skill. She’s a quick little

learner too. Not sure if

it’s the smart milk, fall,

her personality or a

combination of all the


Obsidian and Demi have

worked things out for

the most part. There’s

still a bit of hate red in

Demi’s panel, but she’s

not refusing him

anymore. It think

they’re on the mend.

Obsidian has been busy

with Scarlett. Scarlett is

a total Daddy’s girl and

Obsidian is plat because

of his influence bar so

he can give her smart

milk and teach her skills


He’s rolled the want for

all three.

I always have them start

with potty training. It

makes life a lot easier.

Cuts down on crying

stinky babies.

And look! They’re

bestest friends too!

Obsidian moved on to

walking but didn’t finish

because he finally got a

job in the Education

career track and had to

go to work.

When he got home,

Demi cornered him

below the stairs and put

the moves on. Like I

said, their relationship is

truly on the mend.

Though she did get her

licks in when she forced

him to be impaled by the

stairs. Fitting payback

for his indiscretion.

Apparently his humble

demeanor and

acceptance of true pain

was enough to make her

trust him again.

Skill learning was

continued during the

day while Demi and

Obsidian were at work.

Uma worked on it

enough to get Scarlett’s

markers up high so that

Obsidian could finish

them up when he got


Which he did.

Now Scarlett walks and


Demi rolled the want to

teach her the Nursery

Rhyme, so I let her. She

did not have the benefit

of platinum status to

make smart milk


They finished up fairly

quickly though. Scarlett

is a really quick learner.

Roy and Uma I never

have to worry about. If I

need them for

something, they’re

either here, or in bed.

Or playing instruments.

Both have maxed their

enthusiasm for music so

they’re “in the zone”.

Obsidian was at a high

enough level career-wise

to get the Education

Bookcase. He was also

the first to use it to gain

the necessary skill points

for his next promotion.

*Insert your favorite

curse word here because

I probably used them all*

Demi is pregnant. This

was not a rookie mistake

either. This was because

ACR hates me. They are

not allowed to try for

baby. They are allowed

to woohoo all they want,

and that includes the

risks that go along with

it. Now, you’re probably

thinking that I should

just remove ACR, but…I

actually like having the

surprises and diversity it


She looks so smug about

it too. If there was an

animation where a sim

could stick their tongue

out at me, I think she

would be using it right


Rule #5, we don’t need

no stinkin’ Rule #5.

At least it’s only one.

Demi’s maternity leave

allows her to spend

more time with Scarlett.

Since she’s learned all

her skills, a lot of that

time is reading stories

and singing the nursery


The red room upstairs

has become quite the

family gathering place.

For all members at all

times. Scarlett has

cornered her mother for

one more nursery rhyme

before it is time to grow


She’s super outgoing,

but had the fear of a

party, so there was no

party. Just Mom and

Dad. Grandma and

Grandpa were occupied.


Isn’t she pretty?!

Off to the wardrobe for

you young missy.

Ahhh. Better.

Uma loves that Demi is

pregnant again. I gave

her family as a secondary

and she does this all the

time. Obsidian hasn’t

done it once.

He did top his career

though and is now

permaplat for real.

Demi went into labor

during a woohoo

session. Obsidian was

disappointed and

protested by foregoing

clothing for it.

Not really. He spun into

clothes just as her labor

really started.

Meet Carmine Geebiv,

unauthorized spare of

generation three, and

probable clone of his


Carmine does mean red.

It’s also the name of the

guy who was in love with

Shirley on Laverne &

Shirley. You youngsters

probably have no idea

what I’m talking about.

Ahh, things in the

Geebiv house are

returning to an even,

loving place as

evidenced in this

loading screen. Suffice

it to say that Obsidian

and Demi have salvaged

their relationship.

Marsha, Marsha,

Marsha. I haven’ t seen

Marsha in a dog’s age in


Scarlett started school

and brought her home

to play the very first day.

She’s a bundle of energy

and still totally a

Daddy’s girl. She

welcomes him home

from work every day.

Demi rolled the want to

have Scarlett go to

Private School and the

headmaster was invited.

It was a rough visit, but a

well timed threat

suggestion from Uma

did the trick and Scarlett

was welcomed into the


Scarlett has been

sleeping in the Murphy

Bed that was installed

during the marital

discord between her

parents. She doesn’t

mind too much. Of

course, there are those

times when one of the

adults will forget she’s

sleeping and turn on the

jukebox, but there are

tons of things to do in

the great room when she

wakes up every morning.

Like burp the alphabet

into the podium

microphone. She’s up to

the letter “N”.

Actually, I hate this

animation. It’s gross

and it’s so repetitive and

obnoxious. Every kid

she brings home is

drawn to this too, in

spite of the nice

playground they have set


More burpers. Marsha

asked if she could bring

a friend, and he tuned

out to be the Ricky

Cormier clone here.

Carmine is a bit of a

difficult baby. He’s

ignored by most of the


Except Roy. Roy loves

him to bits.

Though it was a bit

concerning when he

tried to smother him one

day with his sweater. It’s

okay, Roy. True, he is an

unauthorized spare, but

you don’t have to take

such drastic measures.

The one-eyed monster

became an effective

babysitter though.

Especially when both

couples in the house had

other things to attend to.


Ebony still stops by

every now and then. It’s

not so bad. She’s getting

to know her niece and

nephew. This occasion

is special though. It’s a

birthday party for


Gilbert is just sitting

back on the couch

waiting for the

entertainment to begin.

Last time, Sandy Bruty’s

fight was the best time

he had seen in years.

You never knew what

was going to happen at a

Geebiv party.

The cake was brought

out, and Uma had the

honors. The crowd

gathered, blew horns

and cheered.

And Uma stood there for

an inordinate amount of

time holding Carmine.

You can see Roy’s

frustration. It’s like he’s

saying, “just throw the

baby already woman!”

Alas, it was not to be.

Baby diaper changed,

another cake was

procured and this time

Demi brought little

Carmine to blow out the


The crowd cheered and

blew horns again.

And Demi put the baby

on the floor instead of

throwing him in the air.

Gilbert thought the fight

was much more

entertaining. The

Geebiv’s were going to

have to improve the

entertainment if they

expected everyone to

have a good time.

Oh, ignore the wallpaper

change. I had a slight cc

cull error and it was a

temporary replacement.

Carmine was put into

the crib and everyone

made their way home

and to bed.

He woke in the middle

of the night and Demi

tried to comfort him to

no avail. She took him

down to the kitchen

thinking he might be


Before she could get a

bottle though, he

jumped from her arms

and she was holding a


A very cranky, strong

willed toddler.

Careful what you wish

for Demi. Remember,

this was your choice, not


Carmine is a clone of his

sister. *makes note to

roll dice next time the

game is opened*

He’s a 2/9/2/10/9 Libra.

The following days

proved difficult for all

the adults in the house.

Carmine wouldn’t potty


…and hated the bathtub.

There were other issues

too, such as blocks being

thrown and drawings

being scribbled on.

Thank plumbbob the

stuffed bear wasn’t in the

nursery at the time. It

likely would have no

stuffing left.

Eventually, Carmine

settled down a bit, to

everyone’s relief. Potty

training finally was


He even came to enjoy

his baths. Well, perhaps

enjoy isn’t the right verb.

Maybe tolerate is a

better word.

Winter came and snow

fell. Demi decided to

make a snowman.

She was interrupted by

Obsidian and decided to

finish it later.

“„Tis a cryin‟ shame the crime of leaving you unfinished, my lovely crystallized minion.”

“I shall have to recalculate the plan for domination over all Simland.”

“The bombs are almost ready.”

“My hands are tied. There are not enough minion to carry out the plan.”

“Back to the drawing board for me. I thought the red haired woman would be the one we could manipulate to build our army.”

“First though, the Antarctica vs. Arctic soccer match.”

“And perhaps a beer.”

Weird penguins.

Scarlett was excited for

the first snow of the

season. It was the first

she had ever seen and

she couldn’t wait to play

in it.

Roy and Uma also

enjoyed the snow. It

didn’t effect their cuddle

time outside whatsoever.

Scarlett was a very good

big sister. She helped

look after Carmine when

they both woke in the


She was very good at

entertaining him as well.

Carmine loved his big


Carmine also was

introduced to Ebony.

Besides having their

unauthorized existence

in common, I hope to

move him into Ebony’s

house when he’s an

adult. They can keep

each other company.

There was definitely a

connection there. The

two bonded almost


Then Ebony went

downstairs and watched

her parents on the

couch. O.o

I’d throw up too Eb. Not

sure why she’s puking.

Could be what she just

saw, could be she ate

something. Pretty sure

she isn’t preggo. I don’t

think I have a hack in

that would let her and

her girlfriend do that.

The next birthday party

was a double party, and

just the family was there.

Scarlett is pretty. She

got a nice mix of facial

features I think.

She rolled Popularity,

joining her Father, Aunt

and both Grandparents

in aspiration.

(Obsidian’s is

secondary). I think my

dice are cursed.

Her LTW is to become a

Rock God, OTH is

Nature, and TO/O are

undies-glasses/full face


Carmine grew up

adorable too. Let’s hope

his crankiness has

settled down.

The nursery was

remodeled a bit. The

kids will share a room

with a divider for a little


Well, hello Juan Harris!

Look, green eyes!

Scarlett brought him

home. Fingers crossed

she likes him. I know we

married in a townie

already, but how can you

pass this up?!

Carmine is still troubled.

He is a very fitful sleeper,

tossing and turning

most of the night.

That is until Roy comes

and tucks him in. It’s

like he knows his

grandson is fretting.

He’ll usually settle down

after his Grandpa

soothes him.

Speaking of Roy, his life

bar is getting shorter and

shorter. I’m not sure

how much longer he

has. He might not make

it until Scarlett goes to

college. Uma and he

spend as much time

together as possible and

can usually be found

dancing somewhere on

the property. I really

love these two.

Scarlett got a job in the

music track. A little

head start for my little

Rock Star.

Demi wants her to be an


She brought home David

Ottomas. Really? Juan

did nothing for you, but

David does?

Yeah, he does a little

something for her. IN




Luckily, Carmine has her

back and rushes in to

save her before David

takes advantage of her

delicate teenage

sensibilities. [/sarcasm]

Or he’s just tired and the

bed is the most


Regardless, his ploy

worked and David left

shortly afterward.

Just before the tree in

the yard went up in

flames and Obsidian

scared us by rushing out

to do his fire dance. The

rain did finally put it


But storms came back

with a vengeance, this

time setting the

telescope ablaze. Once

again, the rain took care

of it before it did any

real damage. I’m just

glad no one was looking

through it at the time.

Carmine may be the

unauthorized spare this

generation, but he loves

his family and they all

love him. There was

some cause for concern

when he was younger,

but he’s seemed to have

found his niche now.

Scarlett topped her teen

career after two or three

days of working.

Her mother got her

aspiration points for

having an overachiever.

On everyone’s day off,

the entire family headed

to the park.

Roy and Carmine

became best friends

after a short game of red


The kids greeted some

other children and

played on the swings for

a time before deciding to

try their hand at fishing.

The adults took

advantage of the

glorious weather and

behaved as they usually

do at home, chit-

chatting and dancing.

Carmine was the only

one to catch something

that wasn’t a boot.

Back at home, Demi

finally got that final

logic skill point she

needed for her

promotion to City

Planner. Now she just

needed to get a day at


Obsidian also wrote and

sold a great novel about

a man who fell in love

with two women and

how he overcame the

difficulties that caused

in his life. It was only


Roy’s life bar was getting

close to being full, so he

gave Carmine his cell


Sure enough, that

evening, Grim showed

up with the hula girls.

Ebony had been invited

over, knowing that Roy’s

time was coming close.

The entire family

mourned. His estate

was divided between 19

people, including the

headmaster of the

private school.

Carmine took it really

hard, breaking down

quite regularly.

Obsidian honored his

father by playing a

fantastic blues riff on his

favorite guitar.

Roy was laid to rest in

the garden behind the

house where he an Uma

had spent so many good

times with each other.

Uma was often found

out there, keeping him

informed about what

was happening in the


Roy, Roy, Roy. You were

awesome as a founder. I

don’t think you ever met

a sim you didn’t like.

You were a great founder

and didn’t let your looks

slow you down at all.

Your slouch, slob

tendencies, ability to

make friends and

kindness are still evident

in the third generation.

You will be missed.

Life slowly went back to

normal. Scarlett

brought friends home

from school, got good

grades, worked, and

built up her skill levels

for scholarships.

Demi finally achieved

her life time want and

topped the architecture

career track becoming a

city planner.

Carmine was accepted

into the private school.

Scarlett scored her first

kiss with David.

There were all kinds of

icons floating above

their heads that night.

It was also the same

night that Carmine

would transition to teen.

He didn’t have a party,

but there were a ton of

people at the house


If we look more closely

at Obsidian, he seems

more concerned with

the large red heart

floating above his baby

girl’s head.

Carmine didn’t fare quite

as well as his sister, his

mouth and cheeks being

his most identifying


I have a plethora of

Popularity sims, and

Carmine did not want to

be left out. He rolled

popularity too and wants

to own five top level

businesses. Yeah, good

luck with that one. His

OTH is Nature (like his

sister) and his TO/O are

Jewelry – Red Hair /

Cologne. Clone.

We also had to do a Very

Bad Thing. We invited

the College Ho’s over.

They’re both members

of the Greek House, and

the original plan was to

have them become

family friends so

generation three

wouldn’t have much

trouble getting in.

Scarlett and Carmine

now have them both on

their contact lists and

can use their cell phones

to build enough of a

friendship with them to

get in.

Luckily, drama was


Uma’s life bar was

quickly approaching it’s

full point so she invited

Ebony over for a visit.

Ebony brought Audrey

with her and Uma was

able to become friends

with her.

It turned out she had

one more day after that

and she spent it playing

games and chatting with

her grandchildren.

Carmine invited Angie

Macarevich over and

they shared their first


They also shared his

parents bed and

demented hearts were

flying. To celebrate, the

young couple did the


That sweet, innocent

dress she’s wearing is a


As expected, that

evening Uma felt a chill

as she was talking to

Demi in the bathroom.

Note that it is the

smallest bathroom in

the house. Which made

it difficult to get any

shots, let alone good


But it did allow for some

humorous things.

The real way Grim

makes sure sims will

come with him is to

shove his scythe into

their skulls.

He then merges with

family members that are

still living.

Notice Angie trying to

ingratiate her way into

the family by pretending

she is sad about Uma

dying. She never

formally met Uma.

I’m telling you, the dress

is a lie.

Picture with the walls

down to show you how

many people were there

and crowded around as

Uma made her final


No picture, but everyone

was just as broken up

about her passing as

they were about Roy’s

Uma, you were perfect

the minute you turned

around and handed Roy

that drink. Your

neatness and energy

complemented him

perfectly. As founding

power couples go, you

were part of the best.

You will be missed.

I don’t want to end on a

completely sad note, so

have a nice picture of the

founding couple

enjoying themselves in

the garden.

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