important papersanddocuments

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Important Documents&

Laws passed by Congress

Important Documents

Magna Carta (1215) -English agreement that guaranteed certain rights to all Englishmen; Influenced the American Bill of Rights

Important Documents

Mayflower Compact (1620) –Signed by many pilgrims on their way to the new world; helped establish the idea of self government

Important Documents

Common Sense –Influential pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, it urged Americans to declare their independence.

Important Documents

Declaration of Independence (1776)-Announce the separation of the colonies from England.

Important Documents

Constitution (1787) –Blue print for the American Government

Important Documents

Federalist Papers –Series of essays about the nature of government; written by Hamilton, Madison and Jay; written to help get the Constitution ratified.

Important Documents

Bill of Rights –first 10 amendments of the Constitution

Important Documents

Monroe Doctrine –Presidential message that said Europe should not interfere in the affairs of Latin America and the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs

Important Documents

Emancipation Proclamation –Executive order by Abraham Lincoln that freed slaves in rebelling states of the confederacy

Important Documents

Gettysburg Address –Speech by Lincoln that stated the Union was worth fighting for

Magna Carta (1215) - English agreement that guaranteed certain rights to all Englishmen; Influenced the American Bill of Rights

Mayflower Compact (1620) – Signed by many pilgrims on their way to the new world; helped establish the idea of self government

Common Sense – Influential pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, it urged Americans to declare their independence.

Declaration of Independence (1776)- Announce the separation of the colonies from England.

Constitution (1787) – Blue print for the American Government

Federalist Papers – Series of essays about the nature of government; written by Hamilton, Madison and Jay; written to help get the Constitution ratified.

Bill of Rights – first 10 amendments of the Constitution

Monroe Doctrine – Presidential message that said Europe should not interfere in the affairs of Latin America and the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs

Emancipation Proclamation – Executive order by Abraham Lincoln that freed slaves in rebelling states of the confederacy

Gettysburg Address – Speech by Lincoln that stated the Union was worth fighting for

Important Documents

Laws Passed by Congress

Northwest Ordinance –established government for the Northwest Territory and described how a territory becomes a state

Laws Passed by Congress

Missouri Compromise (1820) –Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and prohibited slavery north of Missouri maintaining balance between free and slave states in Congress

Laws Passed by Congress

Compromise of 1850 –preserved balance of free and slave states and said that congress would not regulate slavery in territories

Laws Passed by Congress

Northwest Ordinance – established government for the Northwest Territory and described how a territory becomes a state

Missouri Compromise (1820) – Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and prohibited slavery north of Missouri maintaining balance between free and slave states in Congress

Compromise of 1850 – preserved balance of free and slave states and said that congress would not regulate slavery in territories

The End.

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