important influences on brain development before birth

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Important Influences on Brain Development before Birth

1. Nutrition

• Good nutrition is important for a developing fetus since brain growth is influenced by the quality of a pregnant woman’s diet

• Adequate levels of folic acid (to prevent birth defects), iron (for healthy blood), calcium (for strong bones & teeth), and protein (for cell development) are critical

2. Avoid alcohol & cigarettes

• Alcohol and cigarettes impair the formation and wiring of brain cells

• Consumption of alcohol leads to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and causes birth defects; there is no ‘safe’ amount of alcohol to consume when pregnant!

• Use of cigarettes contributes to low birth weight, and impaired respiratory systems

• Whatever the mother consumes, or is exposed to, the baby is exposed to as well – alcohol, cigarette smoke (primary or secondary), or narcotics

FAS outside and inside…

• Babies born to mothers who smoked during the pregnancy are more likely to have cleft lip (A, B, C,) and/or cleft palate (D)

• They also run an increased risk of low birth weight and impaired respiratory functioning

3. Avoid chemicals & radiation

• Chemicals and radiation are potentially harmful to fetal brain development

• This is of much concern for women who work on farms where chemical sprays are used, in factories, laboratories, hospitals, dry-cleaning stores, or other sites that expose them to dangerous chemicals

4. Avoid infections

• Infections pose perhaps the greatest risk to brain formation and the wiring of the fetal brain cells

• In particular, avoid contact with:

• Rubella (causes German Measles)

• Varicella Virus (causes Chicken Pox)

• Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

• Toxoplasmosis (found in cat feces)

• Some sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes

5. Practice strict hygiene

• Pregnant women must:

• Wash their hands frequently

• Avoid contact with sick friends/co-workers

• Not share food or drinks with others (to avoid the spread of germs and disease)

• Hand washing must be done thoroughly and properly in order to be effective!

6. Avoid stress!

• Pregnant women must learn to relax in order to prevent stressing the fetus

7. Exercise!

• Adequate levels of exercise are important to maintain overall health, and prepare muscles for child birth

8. Avoid unnecessary medications

• Ensure that any medications are taken with doctor’s approval

• If taking over-the-counter medications, ensure that you read the labels completely and if possible, consult

the pharmacist

9. Receive regular medical care

• As soon as pregnancy is suspected, begin receiving regular medical care in order to provide the best possible outcome for your pregnancy

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