important dates important notices: easter revision for...

Post on 07-Sep-2018






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Forthcoming Events Tuesday 13th March

Homework Club cancelled

Friends of Trinity Friday 23rd March

Trinity Teaser Quiz Night - 8:00pm

Important Notices: Chaplaincy - page 5

World Book Day - pages 2-3

Co-curricular - pages 6

Sporting News - pages 6

Education - page 8

Issue No 21

9th March 2018

Important Dates Monday 19th March

Year 9 and 10 Assessment Week

Thursday 22nd March

Year 7 Parents Evening 4:00pm-7:00pm

Tuesday 27th March

Year 11 Parents Evening 3:00pm-7:00pm

Thursday 29th March

Last Day of Term - Easter Break

Homework Club cancelled

Monday 16th April

Start of Term - Students return to School

Thursday 19th April

Year 10 Parents Evening 4:00pm-7:00pm

Thursday 26th April (New Date)

Year 10 - Project Qualification Presentation

Wednesday 9th May

Year 10 Drama Performance

Please start following us on Twitter - @Trinity7oaks, @Trinity7English, @Trinity7oaks_PE.

This weeks attendance: Best Form

Year 11 11JCL

Year 10 10KBA

Year 9 9AST

Year 8 8AHR

Year 7 7HCO

KS3 PiXL Edge Update. Over the last half term students were working on a PiXL Edge task to showcase

their leadership skills. We are extremely proud of how the students approached this task with enthusiasm. To

date, 234 KS3 students have completed a task and written an evaluation to explain what they learnt from the

activity. Some of the types of tasks that the students underwent include:

· Leading a warm up for a class or team physical activity

· Leading and organising a whole school charity day event

· Leading a role-play or speaking activity and modelling it to a class

· Leading a horse riding lesson for peers

· Obtaining a leadership position to represent their form group

As you can see these activities were both inside and outside of school. This term students need to choose a new

task to complete – it can be for any other Edge attribute (organisation, resilience, initiative or communication).

Please continue to discuss and encourage your child with their tasks. Mrs Turner, Head of Key Stage 3.

Staff News. We welcome Mr Gregson, Head of Department - Science and Mr Smith - Geography Teacher

who will be joining us after Easter as members to the Trinity team.

Year 9 Immunisations. Please be advised Year 9

immunisations have been re-arranged for Friday 11th


Easter Revision for Year 11 - 9th-13th

April. Timetable to follow next week.


World Book Day Tokens. In recognition of the

weather conditions and difficulty accessing local

booksellers, the book token redemption period has been

extended until Saturday 31st March 2018.

Education for life in all its fullness

Library Challenge—Design a Poster

for World Book Day. Thank you to the

students that entered last term’s Library

Challenge. Their posters are displayed in the


Jed W, Year 7

The Library Notice Board displaying World Book

Day information and Trinity’s activities.

Reading Breakfast. The day began with a

reading breakfast. Students enjoyed a short story

read by the English Department.

KS3 Assembly. Year 7 and 8 students in

fancy dress to celebrate World Book Day.

Lunchtime in the Library Students took part in a book quiz in the Library at lunchtime and received a

prize for participating or enjoyed some

quiet reading time.


Education for life in all its fullness

Favourite Book Character Fancy

Dress Competition. Congratulations to

the following students who were awarded for

their best fancy dress costume. Year 7 - Luke

M, Annatalulla, Year 8 - Zac M, Sophia F and

Daisy L.

Trinity Teachers getting into the spirit of World Book Day!


Education for life in all its fullness

Careers at Trinity School. This month we have Maddy Dadson coming

to talk to the students about her career. Maddy runs her own company

(Spotlight Digital Marketing). She will be talking to students about running your

own company and how to get into an IT career.

On 20th March students will be visiting The National Apprenticeship Show. The

show will bring together employers, colleges and providers to help students find out more about what

apprenticeships can offer. There will be over 100 exhibitors taking part including Kent NHS, Mercedes,

Army, Amazon, IBM, KPMG and Lloyds Banking Group.

Careers Clinic. We will be running two sessions starting next week during Tuesday and Thursday

lunch time. The sessions will run from 12:45pm – 1:10pm and will take place in the Fry House area

(ground floor). Feel free to drop in to chat about anything to do with careers, future academic and

vocational courses, apprenticeships and FE colleges.

Finally, if there are any parents who wish to come into school to talk to students about their chosen

career then please contact Mr Holvey (

Update to the Behaviour Matrix. At Trinity school, we believe it is important that students are

able to concentrate in lessons and not be distracted by disruptive behaviour. As such, we currently run a

system of warnings to remind and re-focus any students who do not behave in the manner that we

expect. Should a student fail to adhere to these warnings, they are ‘parked’ from class i.e. they are

removed to a supervised study area (Internal Exclusion Unit).

We have a small minority of students who, on occasion, are parked from more than one lesson in a day.

Whilst we accept that students can at times make incorrect choices, for this to happen more than once

in a day is unacceptable. As such, we are amending our sanction for being parked to reflect our view on

the severity of being parked more than once.

The new procedure will be:

If a student is parked from form time or a lesson for a second time in one day:

On the second occasion – the student will remain in IEU for the rest of the day

The student will automatically receive an SLT detention (90 minutes on a Friday after school) as an

additional sanction

Thank you for your support as we seek to ensure all students are able to focus on their learning.


Education for life in all its fullness

Service Volunteers. We are looking for service volunteer’s to support our Chaplain. Service

within our local community is central to Trinity’s ethos and vision. We aim to complete regular and

meaningful placements within our community; these have included helping at residential homes,

nurseries, primary schools, local Churches, mother and toddler groups and a day centre for adults with


Enabling students to take part in these placements involves a high level of organisation, good

communication skills, child protection training and an ability to work well with people of all

ages. Volunteers will need to be able to drive or a willingness to train to drive the school minibus and

have a clean, full driving licence.

You will be working with the school Chaplain who runs the school’s service programme and will report

to her. We are looking for individuals who can commit, either for a term or a year, to doing one or

more service placements every week for that time period. This does not include school holidays. Each

service placement is 2 hours per week.

If you are interested please email Fiona Smith with your CV and a covering

letter by Friday 23rd March.


“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will

wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or

reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than

they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Matthew 6:25-34

The reading this week is a big focus on letting go of anxiety and giving our worries to God. It is a

promise that he will take care of us always.

Giving thanks for:

· The hard work of all students and staff involved in the GCSE drama assessments

· An opportunity to talk to students about Jesus in the Gospels this term in worship

Praying for:

· A focused return to school after the disruptive snow

· A fantastic term in the lead up to Easter

Many thanks and God bless, Alice


Education for life in all its fullness


Duke of Edinburgh Award

Year 9 - Students who missed their first D of E training session last week due to

the snow should have attended their first session on 8th March and will continue

every other week from this date. The students who had their first session on 22nd

February will have their second meeting on 15th March and will continue every other week from this

date. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.

South East Schools Themed Book Awards. For those students

participating in SESTBA there will be a meeting in S11 on Wednesday 14th March at

lunchtime between 12:45pm-1:15pm. Please bring along the work you have done so

far for the book cover competition to finish off during this meeting. There will also

be a chance to vote for your favourite book.

Cookery Club. Please refer to page 11 for details of Cookery Club’s Pizza Week.

Rugby Fixture Results

Year 7 Trinity Vs. Charles Darwin 35- 35 Draw

Year 8 Trinity Vs. Charles Darwin 40 – 15 Win

Year 9 Trinity Vs. Charles Darwin 35 – 12 Loss

Year 10 Trinity Vs. John Roan School 33-0 Win

Year 10 Trinity Vs. Hurstmere School 7- 5 Loss

Year 10 Trinity Vs. Bennett Memorial 10 – 10 Draw

Year 10 Trinity Vs. St Dunstans College 1- 5 Win


U13 Girls Indoor Cricket Finalists came 4th in the

overall competition

Sporting News

Fixtures - W/B 12th


12th March - Trinity V TWGSB at TWGSB

(postponed due to Year 7 Trip)

13th March - Year 9 Rugby 7’s Tournament at

Dartford Grammar School. Leave Trinity at

8:00am and return at 4:00pm

13th March - Year 8 Rugby Match at Bennett,

KO 4:25pm and return to Trinity at 6:00pm

14th March - Year 9 Rugby Match at Bennett

KO 4:25pm and return to Trinity at 6:00pm

15th March - Year 8 Rugby 7’s Tournament at

Rochester Maths School leaver Trinity at

8:00am and return at 4:00pm

15th March - Year 10 Rugby Match against Hugh

Christie at Trinity KO 4:00pm Pick up from

Trinity at 5:15pm


Education for life in all its fullness

Sleep Matters

The impact of sleep deprivation and sleepiness

in the classroom. The National Sleep Foundation in

2015 recommended that 14 - 17 year old adolescents

should have eight to ten hours of sleep each night. Studies

estimate that students lose, on average, 120 minutes of

sleep a night on school nights comparative to the

holidays (Hansen et al., 2005), and pilot data from the

University of Oxford’s Teensleep project (unpublished)

have indicated that UK adolescents are achieving around

seven hours’ sleep on a school night yet wish to have

around nine hours.

It is well established that insufficient sleep is associated with reduced attention, impaired learning and

poorer academic performance (Curcio et al., 2006). For example, in a study of 39 children (6 -12 years),

when sleep was experimentally shortened (eight hours for younger students, six and a half hours for

older students), teachers rated the academic performance and attention of the students significantly

worse than prior to the sleep restriction (Fallone et al., 2005). Lo and colleagues (Lo et al.,

2016) restricted sleep to five hours or extended sleep to nine hours for seven nights, and evaluated

cognitive performance. When compared to students in the extended sleep group, the students given

sleep restriction showed significant deficits, including in executive function, working memory (our ability

to temporarily store and manipulate information) and sustained attention. Following sleep restriction, the

students in this group had three recovery nights, each with an opportunity for nine hours’ sleep. The

authors reported that, despite sleep extension, those that had been sleep restricted still showed deficits

in their ability to sustain attention and remain alert, illustrating that recovering from restricted sleep takes

more than can be achieved in a weekend.

A large questionnaire-based survey conducted in Sweden between 2005 and 2011, involving

approximately 40,000 adolescents (12–19 years), included questions on subjective sleep disturbances and

sleep duration. Titova and colleagues (Titova et al., 2015) then identified those students who had

reported poor sleep (difficulties falling asleep, restless sleep and nightmares) in the previous three

months. They found that these students were more likely to fail a subject at

school than those who did not report poor sleep.

In addition to links with cognitive and academic outcomes, poor sleep has been

shown to be associated with mood and emotional deficits. For example, Baum et

al. (Baum et al., 2014) asked students to complete questionnaires on mood and

mood regulation, and compared their responses when they were experiencing

sleep restriction (six and a half hours in bed per night for five nights) with a

period of optimal sleep (ten hours in bed per night for five nights). Adolescents

rated themselves as more tense/anxious and angry/hostile during sleep restriction compared with a

longer sleep duration. Parents and adolescents also reported poorer emotional regulation and greater

oppositionality/irritability during sleep restriction compared with the longer sleep duration. Notably,

these findings showed that after only a few days of shortened sleep, at a level routinely experienced by

many adolescents, students had worsened mood and were less able to regulate negative emotions.


Education for life in all its fullness


Science. Please refer to page 11 for details of the Science Week 2018 Exploration and Discovery

Poster Competition.

Year 10 - Project Qualification. Additional courses at Trinity allow students to strive and achieve

excellence in areas of their own interest. Year 10 students applied to complete a Project Qualification

and are successfully completing either a Higher Project Qualification (GCSE equivalent) or Extended

Project Qualification (A Level equivalent). On 26th April (new date) students will be presenting their

projects which will include artwork, drama and gymnastic pieces as well as academic research essays with

a wide array of topics.

“I am thoroughly enjoying working on a topic which I am passionate about. It has given me a huge

opportunity to study and research something which I would like to do in my future. I understand I have

given myself a huge amount of work to do, so I need to be mature when I have school work to catch up

on too; but I can now prioritise. My EPQ revolves around mental illness during key milestones in a

person’s life. I have learnt many new skills which I hope can allow a future employer to pick me!” Abi W

“For my HPQ I chose to present my first findings as a three-dimensional map of the world, an 'artefact’.

Personally, I am really enjoying the experience as I was able to pick (pretty much) whatever I wanted to

do for my project, so could pursue personal interests whilst developing research skills and getting an

award for it at the end” Joshua D

“I did EPQ to strengthen my knowledge. I will be writing a 5000 word essay and creating a PowerPoint on

my research. I am really enjoying EPQ and as we are allowed to choose any topic of interest its helped

me pay full attention and give 100% to my work.” Kelsey S

Year 11 RE GCSE. Year 11 welcomed Matt from Pax Christi who

discussed the history and purpose of Pax Christi, the Scriptural basis of their

work, the principals of nonviolent peace-making that underpin their work,

and the practical work for peace. It was an excellent interactive talk where

students participated in activities surrounding situation ethics. Pax Christi are

an outstanding example of peace and an organisation that is excellent to

reference and discuss in their RE GCSE answers. Thank you to students for

their good conduct and to those who participated in the discussions and

demonstrations. Miss Chant

Year 7 Canterbury Cathedral Trip. Many students in History classes 7O1, 7G1 and 7B1 will be

visiting Canterbury Cathedral and Rochester Castle on Monday. (Students in History classes 7O2, 7G2

and 7B2 will be visiting on Monday 19th March). Students will need to meet in the canteen at 7:45am

ready to leave by coach at 8:00am. They will need a packed lunch and may bring £5 spending money if

they would like to. Students need to wear their full school uniform and a coat as we will be outside for

some of the day. We expect to arrive back at school at approximately 4:30pm. For those students not

attending the trip, provision has been made for them at school and they will be given a

slightly different timetable for this day.


Education for life in all its fullness

Friends of Trinity

Dates for your Diary

Friday 23rd March

Trinity Teaser Quiz Night –please see attached flyer for details of this

fun fundraising event.


The following posts are being advertised. Please visit TES, Trinity website or Kent Teach for more detail:

Head of Department, Music (a new post)

Clerk to Governors & Company Secretary

Lead Science Technician (a new post)

Facilities Manager

ICT Manager ( a new post)

P/T SEN Administrator

Service Volunteer (supporting Chaplain)

Meet the Associate

Each week we will be doing a short Q+A with staff members. This week

is Mrs Holdsworth.

Role: Receptionist.

Favourite subjects when you were at school: PE, Food Technology,

Child Development.

Hobbies: Travelling, reading, watching films, Theatre, walking and fitness.

Favourite books: Girl on a Train, Harry Potter, Autobiographies or any

Jodi Picoult books.

Prayer Request: We give thanks for Mrs Holdsworth and the vital role

she plays as a first line of contact for parents, staff, students and visitors to Trinity School. We pray Lord

for your blessing on the work she carries out, for the different and varied duties she performs and we ask

for continued grace and favour on her life, both personally and professionally.


Education for life in all its fullness

Bronze Arts Award. For the last six months a group of Year 8 students have been participating in

the Bronze Arts Award programme. They have had the opportunity to take part in a variety of arts

activities, which has included developing a range of different skills such as observational drawing, painting

techniques and animation. They have discussed and demonstrated what they have learnt to others to

share their experiences. They have looked at the work of other artists, crafts people and designers and

used this to inspire their work. They have also had the opportunity to be part of an audience by visiting

museums, galleries and theatre performances. Please take a look at the wonderful work they have

produced below!


Education for life in all its fullness

Science Week9th March to 18th March

2018 poster competition is exploration and discovery

Rules: Year 7 – Year 9 Only

Entrants can be teams or individuals, any prize awarded will be split across the team. Only five entries will be chosen must be handed to Mrs Haughney by the 18th March. Entries must be 2D and submitted on one side of A4 or A3 paper only. Work must be original and created by the student(s)

Posters must include the following information

• entrant name (all names if a team)

• entrant age (all ages if a team)

• School name and address.

(entrant details can be on the back of the poster)

Winners will be announced after Easter break

Wednesday 14th March Cookery Club is having a pizza week. Everybody who usually attends Club is invited and any newcomers who want to give it a go are welcome too. Recipes are on the counter in G12 for you to collect. Mr Collis and Mrs Newbold will be making the dough during lunchtime (at 12.45) so if you want to see how pizza dough is made bring your lunch along and come and watch! We hope to see you there!


Education for life in all its fullness

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