
Post on 26-Feb-2016






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Imperialism. Stronger/more powerful nations overtaking weaker ones. What is it?. 1700s. Industrial Revolution – need more resources!! Power hungry – show industrial/military strength Advances in transportation and communication – easier to control New economic and political power. Why?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



*What is it?

*Stronger/more powerful nations overtaking weaker ones



*Industrial Revolution – need more resources!!*Power hungry – show industrial/military strength*Advances in transportation and communication – easier to control*New economic and political power


*Economic Interests*Political/Military*Humanitarian/Religious*Social Darwinism

Weakness of non-western states Advantages of westerners:

Strong economy Well-organized gov’t Powerful armies/Navy Technological and medical advances

How were westerners able to dominate so quickly?


*Resisting Imperialism/Western Domination *Revolts*Organize nationalist movements to get rid of westerners

Impose western culture

French - French officials

Local rulers/sultans/chiefs govern get educated by westerners



Direct Rule Indirect Rule

Local rulers follow advice of westerners (trade, missionary activities, etc.)

Outside power has all of the rights to trading privileges

China – carved out amongst many powers to avoid conflicts among themselves


Protectorate Sphere of Influence

AfricaExplain European contact with Africa up to this point? What have we discussed so far?

Age of Exploration?Cape Colony (Cape of Good Hope) –

Control from the Dutch to the British; Boers resent British laws/customs so they migrate north and encounter the Zulus

Slave trade – mostly outlawed; US freed slaves – Liberia (independent republic)

European DominationMove into Africa’s interior

(transportation/medical advances)

Missionaries – paternalistic view of Africans

Map interior, trade, spread Christianity, gain wealth/fame

HURRY!!! Get your colony!!

King Leopold II (Belgium) – Control of Congo leads to Europe wanting a piece of the pie!

Berlin Conference – westerners divide up Africa diplomatically (no Africans were invited) New borders, no regard

for tribal lines/cultures/religions

Results? Exploitation of the raw materials/resources Brutalization of villagers Forced to work for little to no pay Beatings/mutilations Little to no role in gov’t Wealth went back to Europe, not to the natives Invasions/bloodshed African resistance Burning of crops/starvation to show strength of west Ethiopia modernized so was able to fight off the

Italians – they remain free

How does this cartoon relate to what we have been discussing?

Boer War Boers descendants of Dutch settlers 1814 British take the Cape Colony from the

Dutch Discovery of gold/diamonds in Boer land

leads to conflict w/ GB Guerrilla warfare – GB wins New Gov’t run by whites and sets up a

system of complete racial segregation (apartheid until 1993)

Muslim Region

• Ottomans in the Middle East

• Safavids in Persia

• Mughals in India

Decline of All 3 Empires…• Central gov’ts lost control,

corruption was widespread, etc.

• Europeans won favorable trading rights

• Rise of reform movements including Wahhabi in Arabia (purity and simplicity in Muhammad’s original teachings)

Who was an infamous leader who practiced the Wahhabi faith?

Problems for the Ottomans• Local rulers increasing in

power• Economic issues• Corruption• Nationalism in multi-

ethnical empire• Revolts• Reforms were rejected

(Young Turks thought that reforms were the only way to save empire)

Armenian Genocide• Armenians – Christians • Muslim Turks accused the Armenians of supporting the

Russians against the Ottoman Empire• Armenians protested against Ott. Policies

• Sultan had thousands then killed• Over 25 yrs. 600,000 – 1.5 million Armenians were

killed/died from disease and starvation

Egypt• Semi – independent

from Ottomans in early 1800s

• Success due to Muhammad Ali• “Father of Modern

Egypt”• Political/econ.

Reforms = + world trade

• Built western/modern army

Suez Canal • After Ali’s death, Egypt became increasingly under foreign control

• French organized a company to build canal

• Egypt couldn’t afford to repay loans so they sold shares in the canal – GB bought the shares

• GB made Egypt a protectorate

Persia• Dictatorship but made

reforms • Russia wanted to protect

southern border/expand• GB wanted to protect

interests in India

•1900’s = OIL!!!!• Russia and GB granted

concessions (special rights given to foreign powers) – sent troops to protect interests

• Persian nationalists = outraged

India “The Crown Jewel”Mughal Empire – gave trading rights to the British East India CompanyIn decline b/c of diversity (not unable to unite

vs. British)Inferior weapons

Sepoy RebellionProblems Sepoys (Indian soldiers)

– required to serve overseas (offense vs. high-caste Hindu religion)

Hindu women were now able to remarry under GB law

New rifle cartridges – greased with animal fat (cow and pig) which had to be bitten off to load them into rifles

Results:Sepoys brutally massacred British men, women and children

GB crushed revolt – revenge = torch villages/kill unarmed Indians

Left fear, hatred and mistrust on both sides

India now under direct British rule, sent more troops and increased taxes

Positive Negative

Impact of the British:

Improved infrastructure

Education/legal structure

Medical improvements

Social changes (equality/end slavery /caste systems)Banned sati

Tried to force Hindus/ Muslims to convert to Christianity

Unjust imprisonments (Sepoys)Destroyed villagesDeath tollTaxed Indians to pay the cost of

British troopsTurned to unskilled laborDeforestationFarms – grew cash crops, not


Indian Nationalism GrowsIndian National Congress – wanted self rule but western-style modernizationGrew increasingly Hindu controlled

Muslim League – formed to protect interests of Muslims once INC was gaining control by Hindus

Separate Hindu and Muslim state or cooperation in the future for India??

Previously had strict limits

on foreign trade (had a favorable balance of trade/trade surplus)

China entered a period of decline Industrial Rev = West needs more

(raw materials, trade, etc.) and gave them superior military power


British merchants making large

profits (mostly in silver) selling opium from India for tea – hurting the Chinese economy

Chinese became addicted to the drug

Chinese gov’t outlawed the drug/executed drug dealers

Chinese warships conflicted w/ British merchants starting the Opium War

China was easily defeated due to tech advances of GB

Opium War

Unequal treaty Britain received large indemnity

(payment for the loss in war) GB gained Hong Kong GB gained 5 ports and

extraterritoriality (live under own laws/tried in own courts)

Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking)

Problems – Qing dynasty in decline,

flooding, population explosion, $ to imperial court, tax evasion by rich, corruption…

Peasants rebelled as a response After 14 yrs., the gov’t crushed the

rebellion (deaths of 20-30 million) Qing gov’t in power but now has to share

rule, Europe took opportunity to seize more control

Taiping Rebellion

China begins to modernize some –doesn’t

have a lot of gov’t / citizen support Late 1800s = Sino-Japanese War

Japan wins control of Taiwan Revealed China’s weakness

Spheres of Influence Open Door Policy No one consulted the Chinese


Spheres of

Influence in ChinaHow does this

political cartoon explain what we’ve just

been talking about?

Boxer Rebellion

Anger grew Christian missionaries threatening Chinese

Confucianism foreign presence

Secret society – named Boxers by foreigners b/c of martial arts Drive out the “foreign devil” Boxers attacked foreigners across China Westerners and Japanese united – Boxers


China makes more concessions More reforms – education,

economically, socially Chinese nationalism spread – want

a stronger gov’t REPUBLIC – President Sun Yixian

(Sun Yat-sen)




• 1603 Tokugawa family takes power • Reimposed feudalism• Closed ports to

foreigners• Forbade citizens to

travel abroad• Nagasaki – port w/

limited trade w/ Dutch• Japan - isolation

JAPAN OPENS UP• Matthew Perry (US) – Treaty of Kanagawa – Japan agrees

to open 2 ports

• US won extraterritoriality and Europeans wanted the same – Japan feared they would soon be like China

• Revolt put 15 yr. old Meiji “enlightened rule” in power; moved capital to Edo and renamed it Tokyo

MEIJI RESTORATION• Goal strengthen Japan

• Studied western ways and adapt them to Japanese needs

• Replaced feudal Japan with a new political and social system with modern industry/econ.

MODERNIZATION• Centralized government – constitution (all were

equal) but emperor had absolute power, a legislature (diet), limited voting rights

• Powerful banking and industrial families emerged; industry boomed, population grew

• Successful b/c of homogeneous society – common language/culture

• Revised the unequal treaties before the turn of the century

JAPAN’S MILITARY STRENGTH• Lacked resources / wanted to be = to the west

• Korea was isolated “Hermit Kingdom”

• Japan forced Korea to open to trade/accept unequal treaties

• Competition over Korea led to the Sino-Japanese War – Japan easily won and took control of Taiwan

• Japan challenged Russia for Korea and Manchuria – Russo-Japanese War

• Treaty of Portsmouth – Japan won Korea/parts of Manchuria

• 1st time an Asian power won over a European nation

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