
Post on 07-Jan-2016






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Figure 4.1a: SWHISA Results Chain. Inputs. Activities. Reach. Outputs. Outcomes. Impact. $CAD, advisors time and expertise, goods and services, contributions-in-kind. 1100 Facilitation & Training 1200 Workshops & Training 1300 Facilitation, Training, Evaluation, Documentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1000 Contribute to improved knowledge and skills of farm families and communities in household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and soil and water conservation

3000 Contribute to integrated institutional platform at the Woreda level

4000 Contribute to the strengthening of regional institutions and their relationship amongst themselves and with Woredas

5000 Management of the project

Increase sustainable agricultural production through improved water harvesting and land management

2000 Contribute to schemes owned and sustainably managed

ImpactOutcomesOutputsActivitiesInputs Reach

2100 WUAs established2200 Improved design of irrigation schemes2300 Improved construction of irrigation schemes2400 Improved environ rehab2500 Schemes constructed2600 HHWHS capacity2700 HHWHS constructed2800 HH capacity strengthened

4050 Water harvesting strategic plan4100 Strengthened BoRD4150 Improved Coordination Regionally4200-4300 Strengthened CoSAERAR4350-4450 Strengthened ARARI4500-4600 Strengthened BoA4650 Strengthened collaborators4700 Documented resource base4750 Special Studies

3100 Improved Cooperation at Woreda level3200-3400 Strengthened Woredas

1100 Farmer Focus Groups1200 Demand Responsive Approach1300 HH Water Harvesting1400 Irrigated Agriculture1500 Watershed Management1600 Gender roles recognized1700 Community Collaboration On common soil and water issues

5100 Resources Managed5200 Activities Liaised and Coordinated5300 Plans and Reports5400 Schemes Managed5500 Performance Monitoring

BoRD, Water Harvesting Institutional Stakeholders, CoSAERAR, BoA, ARARI, Collaborating Institutions

CoSAERAR, BoA and Woreda Agriculture Office, ARARI, Farmers’ groups (focus groups and WUAs), Farmers, families, women

Woreda Council, Committees, Bureau desk representatives at Woreda level, Community-based organizations (BoRD, CoSAERAR, BoA, ARARI)

Farmers’ groups, Farmers, families, women, BoA field workers (BoRD, CoSAERAR, BoA, ARARI)

BoRD, CoSAERAR, BoA, ARARI, other Collaborating institutions, local service providers, ANRS, CIDA

4050 Planning4100 Capacity building, procurement4150 Facilitation, Training & Monitoring4200-4600 Capacity building, Analysis, Training, study tours, Workshops, procurement, Monitoring & evaluation4650 Capacity building, procurement4700 Documentation & Analysis4750 Study & Dissemination

3100 Planning, Meeting3200-3400 Capacity building, Analysis, Training, study tours, Workshops, procurement, Monitoring & evaluation

1100 Facilitation & Training1200 Workshops & Training1300 Facilitation, Training, Evaluation, Documentation1400 Facilitation, Training, Evaluation, Documentation1500 Facilitation, Training, Evaluation, Documentation1600 Workshops & Training1700 Planning, Training & Workshops

5100 Administration, Budgeting5200 Communication5300 Planning/managing/reporting5400 Management and procurement5500 Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting

$CAD, advisors time and expertise, goods and services, contributions-in-kind

Figure 4.1a: SWHISA Results Chain

2100 Facilitation2200 Capacity building2300 Capacity building2400 Capacity building2500 Facilitation, monitoring2600 Capacity building2700 Facilitation, monitoring2800 Capacity building

$CAD, advisors time and expertise, contributions-in-kind, goods and services, documentary research and technology

$CAD, advisors time and expertise, contributions-in-kind, goods and services, documentary material

$CAD, advisors time and expertise, contributions-in-kind, goods and services, documentary research and technology

$CAD, advisors time and expertise, goods and services

1000 Contribute to improved knowledge and skills of farm families and communities in household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and soil and water conservation

1100 Farmer Focus Groups established and strengthened

1200 Demand Responsive Approach (DRA) understood and applied

1300 On-farm use of HH water harvesting technology improved

1400 On-farm use of irrigated agricultural production techniques improved

1600 Gender roles in water harvesting and irrigated agriculture are recognized

1700 Strengthened community collaboration and practice on common soil and water issues

1500 Strengthen watershed management

2000 Contribute to schemes owned and sustainably managed

2100 Water Users Associations established

2200 Improved study and design of sustainable irrigation schemes

2300 Improved quality of irrigation schemes constructed

2400 Improved environmental rehabilitation

2500 Demonstration schemes tested

2600 Capacity for implementing household water harvesting system strengthened

2700 Household water harvesting systems constructed

2800 Household capacity improved

3000 Contribute to integrated institutional platform at the Woreda level

3100 Improved cooperation and partnership between collaborative stakeholders demonstrated at the woreda-level

3200 Woreda organizational functions, systems and outputs strengthened

3300 Woreda personnel practices, skills and performance management improved

3400 Woreda work methods expanded, and its hard/software improved

4000 Contribute to the strengthening of regional institutions and their relationship amongst themselves and with Woredas

4150 Improved coordination among SWHISA collaborators

4200 CoSAERAR’s organizational capacity strengthened

4250 CoSAERAR’s personnel practices and skills improved

4300 CoSAERAR’s work methods expanded

4350 ARARI’s organizational capacity strengthened

4400 ARARI’s personnel practices and skills improved

4450 ARARI’s work methods expanded

4500 BoA’s organizational capacity strengthened

4550 BoA’s personnel practices and skills improved

4600 BoA’s work methods expanded

4700 Water resource base documented

4750 Special studies prepared and disseminated

4050 Water harvesting strategic plan developed

4100 BoRD Capacity built

4650 Collaborating institutions capacity built

5000 Management of the project

5100 Resources managed and administered

5500 Project performance monitoring executed

5200 Activities Liaised and Coordinated

5300 Plans and Reports produced and/or executed

5400 Testing and demonstration of schemes managed and executed

Figure 4.1b: SWHISA Results Framework

1100 Farmer Focus Groups established and strengthened

1200 Demand Responsive Approach (DRA) understood and applied

1300 On-farm use of HH water harvesting technology improved

1110 Form 24 (2 irrigated crop, 20 household water harvesting, 2 watershed management) on-site Farmer Focus Groups that include both men and women

1120 Conduct applicable technical training with Focus Groups

1220 Conduct participatory workshops for managers of partner agencies, woreda administration and agriculture staff

1230 Conduct trainings in participatory extension methods and PRA for Development Teams

1240 Conduct trainings in extension planning and methods

Figure 4.1c: Extension (1000) Work Breakdown Structure

1400 On-farm use of irrigated agricultural techniques improved

1210 Form three ten-member “Development Teams” (household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture, watershed management)

1320 First meeting of Development Team with Focus Group: “Introductions and Parameters”

1330 Second meeting: “Review of Technology Packages”

1340 Third meeting: “Participatory Evaluation”

1420 First meeting of Development Team with Focus Group: “Introductions and Parameters”

1430 Second meeting: “Review of Technology Packages”

1440 Third meeting: “Participatory Evaluation”

1310 Identify and select 20 demonstration and testing sites for participation

1410 Identify and select two demonstration and testing sites for participation

1350 Produce and disseminate evaluation lessons learned documentation

1360 Produce and disseminate technical guidelines

1450 Produce and disseminate evaluation lessons learned documentation

1460 Produce and disseminate technical guidelines

1500 Watershed management strengthened

1600 Gender roles in water harvesting and irrigated agriculture are recognized

1700 Strengthened community collaboration and practice on common soil and water issues

1510 Identify and select two demonstration and testing watersheds for participation

1610 Conduct participatory workshops based on findings from special gender studies

1620 Develop gender training components for partner agencies, woreda officials, Development Teams and families

1630 Conduct gender trainings

1710 Conduct “local level participatory planning” workshops with communities at 24 demonstration sites to identify common soil and water issues

1720 Conduct trainings with communities at 24 demonstration sites on action plan formulation

Figure 4.1d: Extension (1000) Work Breakdown Structure (con’t)

1520 First meeting of Development Team with Focus Group: “Introductions and Parameters”

1530 Second meeting: “Review of Technology Packages”

1540 Third meeting: “Participatory Evaluation”

1550 Produce and disseminate evaluation lessons learned documentation

1560 Produce and disseminate technical guidelines

1730 Conduct participatory workshops with SWHISA woreda decision-makers responses to soil and water issues

2100 Water User Associations established

2200 Improved study and design of sustainable irrigation schemes

2300 Improved quality of irrigation schemes construction

2110 Conduct a participatory rural appraisal

2120 Define rules for establishing WUAs

2130 Establish WUAs

2220 Realize improved coordination amongst concerned institutions

2240 Strengthen field survey and investigations

2320 Support CoSAERAR’s physical and human capacity for construction

Figure 4.1e: Schemes (2000) Work Breakdown Structure

2210 Implement an integrated and participatory design process

2250 Improve design processes and methodologies

2340 Prepare O&M manuals and as-built drawings

2330 Strengthen quality control during construction

2140 Establish and implement systems for monitoring and evaluating WUA performance

2150 Practical training on M&E of WUAs undertaken at Woreda level

2260 Define basic design data on sediment and runoff

2400 Improved environmental rehabilitation

2410 Support CoSAERAR’s capacity to design catchment rehabilitation activities

2440 Improve Woreda’s capacity to implement rehabilitation activities

2450 Provide training that catchment rehabilitation activities are considered part of the scheme

2460 Strengthen community capacity for soil conservation activities

2500 Demonstration schemes tested

2510 Construct schemes are jointly designed by CoSAERAR and CEA experts

2520 Construct schemes according to an accepted standard

2530 Support the management of schemes by WUAs

2540 Implement a system for monitoring and evaluation of scheme performance

2550 Undertake practical training on scheme M&E at the Woreda level

2230 Improve the household water harvesting scheme planning and design function of CoSAERAR

2310 Improve construction and rehabilitation management and procedures of CoSAERAR

2420 Expand ARARI’s Watershed Management function

2430 Initiate a soil and water conservation research function in ARARI

2600 Capacity for implementing household water harvesting systems strengthened

2700 Household water harvesting systems are constructed

2800 Household capacity improved

2610 Implement an integrated and participatory process

2630 Strengthen capacity of national institutions for implementing HHWHS

2640 Support farmer capacity to manage HHWHS

2720 Support household management of HHWHS

2730 Implement a process for monitoring and evaluation of system performance

2740 Undertake practical training on M&E on HHWHS at the Woreda level

2820 Undertake household training on irrigated agriculture

2830 Train households on O&M of HHWHS

Figure 4.1f: Schemes (2000) Work Breakdown Structure (con’t)

2710 Jointly design HHWHS with Woreda, CoSAERAR and CEA experts

2840 Train families in sanitation, hygiene and HIV/AIDS

2650 Test, evaluate and recommend different appropriate techniques for HHWHS

2660 Develop standards and norms for HHWHS design and construction

2620 Adopt an alternative approach to the HHWHS development function in BoA

2810 Initiate an irrigated crop production technology function in BoA

3100 Improved cooperation and partnership between collaborative stakeholders demonstrated at the woreda level

3200 Woreda organizational functions, systems and outputs strengthened

3300 Woreda personnel practices, skils and performance management improved

3400 Woreda work methods expanded, and its hard/software improved

3110 Support the formation of a woreda-level “Water Harvesting Management Team”

3120 Orient the Management Team on its function to monitor and evaluate

3130 Support the Management Team to implement the community satisfaction measurement tool

3210 Initiate a project management function

3220 Strengthen the irrigated agriculature development procedures for capital plan

3230 Strengthen the WUA development system

3310 Develop Strategic and Interactive Management practices

3320 Develop Project Management and Development practices

3410 Provide rain and staff gauges

3420 Provide computers, printers, fax machines, application software

3430 Provide White/Black boards, flip charts, supplies

Figure 4.1g: Woreda Platform (3000) Work Breakdown Structure

3240 Introduce an Woreda-Kebele-CBO’s information-sharing programme

3330 Strengthen the practice of using work teams

3340 Strengthen the planning and budgeting practices

3350 Strengthen the Community-Based Organization development practices

3360 Introduce Farm Family focused, economic capacity development practices

3370 Improve technical, managerial, computer, planning, and development skills and knowledge through formal and on-job-training interventions, study tours, workshops and demonstrations

3380 Prepare and implement a training performance feedback mechanism

3440 Provide Motorcycles

3450 Adoption and/ or Improvement of: irrigated agricultural work processes; and watershed management work processes

3460 Introduce a Gender Analysis and HIV/AIDS awareness process

3470 Prepare and implement a Community Based Organizations satisfaction measurement tool

4150 Improved coordination among SWHISA collaborators

4160 Facilitate the core team to review and monitor the strategic action plan on a quarterly basis

4155 Prepare the terms of reference and work plan for the strategic plan core team

4165 Conduct participatory workshops to move the strategic plan forward

4170 Support the core team to jointly review the progress of the SWHISA technology demonstration and tests

4175 Support the development of the annual demonstration workplan

2180 Support the core team to monitor the performance and quality of yearly plan outputs

4050 Water harvesting strategic plan developed

4055 Facilitate the formation of core team of agencies (led by BoRD) with a stake in water harvesting

4060 Conduct and report on strategic planning workshop

4065 Follow-up on action plan with annual review meetings

4100 Strengthen the capacity of the Bureau of Rural Development

4200 CoSAERAR’s organizational functions, structures, systems and outputs strengthened

4205 Initiate a corporate IT/IM function

4210 Initiate a Quality Management and Works Supervision function

4215 Develop a Water Harvesting coordination function at the Woreda level

4220 Adopt a Management Information System

4225 Introduce institutional performance measurement

4230 Provide data & information in concise packages for future planning exercises

4235 Introduce an institutional information-sharing programme

4240 Assist the realignment of the organizational structure of CoSAERAR.

4250 CoSAERAR’s personnel practices, skills, motivation and performance management improved

4255 Introduce appropriate Strategic and Interactive Management practices through formal training, workshops & coaching interventions

4260 Strengthen the practice of using work teams

4265 Improve the managerial, technical, computer and socio-economic skills and knowledge of regional and zone office staffs through formal and on-job-training interventions, study tours and workshops

4270 Introduce a basic recognition program and review the option of rewards

4275 Prepare and implement a training performance feedback mechanism based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model

Figure 4.1h: Regional Institutions (4000) Work Breakdown Structure

4105 Initiate a Quality Management and Works Supervision function

4110 Introduce an institutional information-sharing programme

4115 Provide computer hard and software

4120 Implement a quality control and quality assurance program

4300 CoSAERAR’s work methods expanded, and its physical environment and hard/software improved

4350 ARARI’s organizational functions, systems and outputs strengthened

4305 Building Modifications to accommodate IT/IM Equipment

4355 Initiate an Irrigated Agriculture applied research function

4360 Improve the input process to the Research Extension Farmers Advisory Council (REFAC) to enable it to be more pro-active to changing circumstances

4310 Provide Field Investigation, Soil Mechanics laboratory and Reservoir equipment

4315 Provide computer hard and software

4320 Provide Maps, Reference Books, Technical Manuals

4325 Improvements to project pre-feasibility and feasibility work processes

4330 Improvements to product design & delivery work processes

4335 Improvements to product maintenance work processes

4340 Introduce a Gender Analysis and HIV/AIDS awareness process

4345 Improve service delivery process

4346 Implement a quality control and quality assurance program

4347 Prepare and implement a client satisfaction measurement tool

4365 Introduce performance technology techniques for performance measurement

4370 Provide data & information in concise packages for future strategic and long- term planning exercises

4400 ARARI’s personnel practices, skills and performance management improved

4450 ARARI’s work methods expanded, and its physical environment and hard/software improved

4500 BoA’s organizational functions, systems and outputs strengthened

4405 Introduce appropriate Strategic and Interactive Management practices through training interventions

4410 Strengthen the practice of using work teams

4415 Improve scientific, technical, computer and applied research skills and knowledge of research staffs through formal and on-job-training interventions, study tours and Workshops

4455 Develop an infrastructure at two research centres to accommodate: an Irrigated Agricultural Field Research dnd a Soil & Watershed Management programmes

4460 Provide scientific hardware

4465 Provide computer hardware and software

4505 Initiate an improved approach to the Extension function

4420 Prepare and implement a training performance feedback mechanism based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model

4470 Provide Maps, Text & Reference Books, Technical Manuals

4475 Provide Agricultural Inputs

4480 Develop irrigated agriculture research work processes for the field

4485 Develop an awareness of extension packages

4490 Introduce a Gender Analysis and HIV/AIDS awareness process

4495 Promote a quality management program

4497 Prepare and implement a client satisfaction measurement tool

4510 Implement a Participatory Technology Development system using Technology Development Teams & Farmer Focus Groups

4515 Implement Farmer Field Schools

4520 Introduce performance technology techniques for performance measurement

4525 Provide data & information in concise packages for future strategic and long-term planning exercises

Figure 4.1i: Regional Institutions (4000) Work Breakdown Structure (con’t)

4550 BoA’s personnel practices, skills and performance management improved

4600 BoA’s work methods expanded, and its hard/software improved

4555 Introduce appropriate Strategic and Interactive Management practices

4605 Provide Training Equipment & Supplies

4610 Provide computer hard and software

4615 Provide PRA & Extension Manuals, Reference Books, Reference Materials

4620 Provide Vehicles and Motorcycles

4560 Strengthen the practice of using work teams

4565 Improve the technical skills and knowledge of regional staffs through formal and on-job-training interventions. Study tours and workshops

4570 Prepare and implement a training performance feedback mechanism based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model

4625 Improvements to Service Delivery work processes

4630 Introduce a Gender Analysis and HIV/AIDS awareness process

4635 Prepare and implement a client (Woreda & Farmer) satisfaction measurement tool

4700 Water resource base documented

4750 Special studies prepared and disseminated

4710 Develop water resource base study scope of work

4715 Facilitate review and finalization of scope of work

4720 Produce and distribute an “overview” study

4755 Facilitate the formation and annual meeting of a Water Harvesting Special Study Steering Committee to review and select appropriate studies

4760 Produce and distribute in 2004 a “Gender Roles in Water Use” study

4705 Facilitate the formation of a Study Reference Group made up of agencies with a stake in water resources

4725 Produce and distribute an “ground water potential” study

4730 Produce and distribute an “soil and water compatibility” study

4735 Facilitate a regional conference on water resources based on study outcome

4770 Produce and distribute in 2005 a “Water Demand and Consumption” study

4765 Produce and distribute in 2004 a “Gender Roles in Irrigated Agriculture” study

4775 Produce and distribute in 2005 an “Impact of HIV/AIDS on farming systems” study

4650 Collaborating institutions capacity built

Figure 4.1j: Management (4000) Work Breakdown Structure

4655 Initiate a Quality Management and Works Supervision function

4660 Introduce an institutional information-sharing programme

4665 Provide computer hard and software

5100 Resources managed and administered

5200 Activities liaised and coordinated

5300 Plans and Reports produced and/or executed

5400 Testing and demonstration of schemes managed and executed

5500 Project performance monitoring executed

5110 Personnel mobilization, installation and demobilization

5120 Establish project budgets and accounts in Canada

5130 Establish project budgets and accounts in Ethiopia

5140 Set up central office in Bahir Dar

5150 Install satellite offices and accommodation

5160 Establish and use project controls in Canada and Ethiopia

5170 Enter into and manage contracts and sub-contracts

5210 Establish and keep linkages with CIDA, Embassy and GoE

5220 Establish linkages and procedures with partners

5230 Establish linkages and procedures with Woredas

5240 Establish and keep collaborative arrangements with others

5250 Establish linkages with other Regional institutions

5260 Develop synergy with WHIST and other donor projects

5270 Coordinate activities within each component

5280 Coordinate activities across components

5290 Install transport and communication systems in Bahir Dar and Woredas

5305 Update workplan for year 2003-4

5310 Ensure compliance to plan budgets, schedules and outputs

5315 Produce plan for coming year 2004-5

5320 Follow-up/ensure fulfillment of Outcome 1000: Extension

5325 Follow-up/ensure fulfillment of Outcome 2000: Schemes

5330 Follow-up/ensure fulfillment of Outcome 3000: Woreda Platform

5335 Follow-up/ensure fulfillment of Outcome 4000: Regional Institution Strengthening

5340 Update and execute procurement plan

5345 Prepare and distribute SWHISA working papers

5350 Produce and distribute progress reports

5355 Produce and distribute other reports and documents

5360 Produce and distribute a SWHISA Newsletter

5410 Facilitate community participation and agreements

5420 Ensure implementation of watershed treatment plans

5430 Support and follow-up schemes construction and rehabilitation

5440 Support and follow-up irrigated crop production

5450 Participate in preparation, award and execution of work contracts

5460 Ensure dissemination of lessons learned

5470 Promote definition and materialization of candidate demonstration and testing schemes

5510 Facilitate the collection of indicators and the reviews

5550 Secure implementation of cross-cutting themes

5520 Carry-out recommendations from performance analysis

5530 Monitor, assess, mitigate and update key risks

5540 Produce and disseminate performance reports

Figure k: Outcome 5000 Outputs and Activities

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