illness is beautiful

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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“Illness is beautiful”

-By Dharmesh A Bhadja

Student of homeopathy

“Illness is beautiful”

All paths of healing are but a single path that leads

from polarity to unity.

The whole of creation exists within you,

And everything that is within you also exists

within creation.There is no boundary between you and any

objects, weather nearby or distant.

A single atom contains all the earth’s elements. A single manifestation of

you contains all life’s manifestations whatever.


There is very significant sentence in




What should we mean by this idiom?

Let we begin the path rarely

touched till but

now become one of the most efficient guide.

For example, A car has a whole range of warning-lights, which come on only when one

of the car’s vital functions is no longer operating properly.

Journey begins…after some moments one of the light lighting up,

but destiny is still away.

We feel obliged by this signal. In fact the light is for to make us mistake less and suggests

true path. To taking out the bulb will

make the light no longer but is it

ultimate solution…???

We should need to shift our attention from the light itself and turn to

what lies behind it, so as to find out what is

actually out of order. The light’s real function, in other words, is and was

simply to act as indicator and make us aware

about‘something wrong

going on’.

As is the warning light to our example, so is the symptom to our

subject.Any kind of illness

suggests stopping us in our tracks, revealing that something is no longer in order and

make us to think over it about what lies behind


The very simple example is here to understand about polarity and paradoxical

reality of our life. In this case polarity lies between foreground and

background. If I interpret the dark area as

background then white triangles becomes

foreground and vice versa.

This optical illusion offers us a good way-in to understanding

polarity. In the picture the black pole is dependent on the white pole

and vice versa. Take one of the poles away

and the whole image disappears in both its aspects.

Here, once again, the black takes its life from the white, and the foreground from the

background, just as does the in breath from the out breath or the positive

electrical pole from the negative.

Some examples of poles,

Dark _ light High _ low

I _ not-I Health _ illness

The more we attempt unilaterally to nourish

the one pole, the more the opposite

pole grows in secret behind the scenes. Medicine itself is a

good example of this : the more we persist in

striving for health, the more illness turns

out to be on the increase too.

In itself the thought is theoretically a simple one, but it

comes up against a deep-rooted

resistance within people, if only

because turning one’s way of life upside-down is a

hard road to follow.

The very polarity of our consciousness means that we are not aware of our own wholeness, but only ever identify

ourselves with one particular aspect of our

nature. This aspect we call ’I’ The missing aspect is our shadow and this by definition, we unaware


Humanity’s path is the path towards greater

awareness.Everything that we do not wish or approve or recognize in our own

shadow – for this is the sum of everything we do not want. Not-seeing is

rapidly expanded to include not-having. But

we are blind – partial blind.

Just as we can see only a small part of our own

physical body by looking at ourselves,

and need a reflection in a mirror to see the

many aspects that are otherwise invisible to us. So in this way we are partially blind to our own psyche, and

capable of recognizing the part of it that is invisible to us (the

shadow) only via its projection and

reflection in the supposed environment

or ‘outer’ world.

Recognition, in short,

depends on polarity.

The shadow is the sum of what we are

most deeply convinced must be expunged from the

world if ever the latter is to become

good and whole. The shadow makes us ill- unwell- because it is the very thing that is lacking for our well-


It is the shadow that makes us ill - but the

encounter with shadow that makes us well!

This is the key to understanding illness and healing. Every symptom is an aspect of the shadow

that has precipitated itself into physicality. It is in the symptom that what we are lacking manifests itself.

It is in the symptom that we live out what we are refusing to live out on the consciousness-level. Through the medium of the body the

symptom makes us whole again.

With this new understanding, now

ask to yourself:

“why I am suffering from

this or that symptom?”

Not to struggle Not to fightNot to dislike the symptoms,

These are actually the true guide to get the greater Awareness, Oneness, and Wholeness.

Illness makes us honest!

Honesty towards ourselves is one of the toughest challenges that we can face.

The symptom is the physical, bodily expression of

whatever is lacking in our

consciousness. The symptom makes

us honest by making visible that

which we have repressed.

And honesty has its own beauty, something of which can be

seen in those who are ill.

So Illness is beautiful.

So … give time to yourself..!!

And Try to apply this

AndRe-think about

All relationships…

For full reference…



Thorwald DethlefesenRudiger Dahlke {M.D.}

Thank you

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