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Post on 20-Jan-2019






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986986-696896-996 'sBr"d

zsa-9v69?6-It60t6-tt6tt6-et6It6-zz6IU 6.8I6


9I6si6-0T6606-E06206-968s68-68888B-98B988-I8B088-t r,B



It8-tI8TlB- LAL98L-ZgLI8,|,-8ITLLL.9LL9LL-09L691-A9LLVL.9' L 'sEr€d

' stuJoL{ puts suode?J_,,d,, xrpuaddvuau]IrelAol pu€ sJa,roI_..U,, Xrpueddv

luaErdrnbg rlcnJJ. Burtq8rd oJ!,{_..C,, xfpuoddv

snl"J€ddv uolluodotd a.rrd o4rlouocol_.,g,, xrpueddvsorld Jo uorlE8rlso^ul_,,V,, xrpuoddv


uorlBsrue8Jo (9)

.. . rud.udrnbg Jo "",:r:t"".1'""" l;;

: .."..l"":;"t iilH iii NOISSEuddos strl{

s{JerJ_ puE speou ,Bl\lcldns rJ lEl\ rl,

.. .... .. . .reqgea6 e;ig iij


r-a^\".,"^ o.,J,T,i#$t",ll'''.. .. sEue0 lEtuaurlredoc rq,

EUIqIETI (€): Ja,$oduEtrt (I)


. suorsl^o.rd IEJaUJS !a,

tsuIuJn€J paJuEApV (c? .Jta stuaLualllds .slooqJs (q,bulu,rn€f palloJtuOJ (E,

_uollcnpau p.r€z€E (e)... SO,,l.ItouroJO-J rr,

luauraJJOJuI A\B-I rq)qorlBJnp! (8,



+ +(996t-rsaA-qrnos)

louJt{ol gHI.{III J?IVd++

IBnIIBH 6srolsarod aq.[89 'ON NITtrTIOS

,. 'oN ,tfiTHdr wd

'slso,rn& lo JolooJasuoC


' panacu)c eq fiT1ocgqnwo ponlol sJo7nc4e qnls WD uo?lcas eq7 fr.q panaoc s1oa[qnsun sJDTnC4c u! pauwluoc 8uo?1cn48v/,' Aq? awJJaaoInot pansst co uo?Tcag qco, \o.ttT papu aq o1 sl 1I

.o1oAn D so [)nuolg at4q o7 a7qoc.t1ild,oE llc?qn 7 'otr1 p1qiluto4 u? uo?pnporlu? aql o? unDrpsp Te2qd,utod nt47 lugaocat s.ocg.o lo uo?lual$) aq1,


.r 'eEoz (v,,


JO Uo$srr€ureq

.{il*:Ig "youa sE tlaln sB .rr,]qnoc pi,]saroJun ua^a puE lsaroJ

l8ul:tjEtu-qns Jo uorFodord € aq llria eJeql ouoz sq1- urq1111 '

'popualxa Buraq fIItsnpEJ.B oJ€ solns€aluIoJ,luoc arg r.lJrqa Ja^o lsaJoJ auud aqf fb uua JflBorB aulsE IIJrd sE lsiJoJ paluBld Jo palBtoua8jr epnlcur g,,t\ srq.1,'__-___.. o^oyrl eurocaq ,{Jrfl ,qalElpaulur pa{c4}E aq II.I,t sarg qc-rq uo ,tJlunoc llts sslJduroc lllr,L s1q.L_.-uog .,v,,

-" .g9l -

orrd,l€nuuE aqr JoJ pu€ r€ paunts uo-r?calord "* ,.'tJ"l?H:y1 lull6tlpu! sauoz e3rqt olul lseroJ aq? apl^lp o1

-r.russacairpuno] uaoq stsq 1r .{cllod sF{l Jo uot?€luoura1Aur1 eq1 u1 .g9L

.sarllruBlBc lsur-aEB pr3n, ca Du"

sp.r€ l€lnlnJralds q$tdruoccE ol uodBaa prJlo:l'uoc€ sa orgi ssn <r1 Jacgo Jorunl oql 6n.4 puri- ufr.rg. 1.a;

a.ru aupto^ul uorllra.ro rrroas uo sanlts^ ,"""i."rllTt|oig slsoo Jo surJal uI {uql 01 uaur prie srecgJg.. ulirJ 1py .rroIlBJOdO Aql Io lsoc ar{l.ol--:f__"y, !t!^ pu" uotlarcstp r{tIA saru rqau fnq 'sqluolu Jatuluns snora8usp aql ul sfsarqrnb-ndndol uorlEsruB8lo Aullq8g-alu pedole^ap 11ear .rno-'as11 1a;

sa.Ig patloJ,luocun eJaassJo JaBuBp aqt acnpar o1 alqrssou

- lrialia rsennf iqi ol auluu€ld luealualut puC Eulu.rnq paqpasdia as11 1q;

P_a-lloj_llocqn_dq sassol lEnuu' tr"u" t "r"r",ffia[qBnl"^ Jo aulp3or oql olul spunJ elq"IIe^B lli tni (B)

_:sAolloJ s,s paslrBuruns {UaHq aq fBu:!"]-q1-tq6l uI pacnporl(4 fc[od € st qc.reese.r plra aiual;ecxaIo4uot. or!: Jo soptscap JnoJ flJtsou yo 11nsa: eq,l ,I9l


rygr:ar -9-1tsg sarBrs raqlo'"n-i3i$.l:firrftlf f,S:r"J"ii$ al_1"o_,1"19 suollpugc roql€arr ara^ss eq1 refun b"rfi- s '.,{drs,,

-l9j^ pll9-? lylrudlnba pua uaur uo e.rnllpuedxa rleeri'rjaiy_114__ ls,ll qcns sBA\ I€rreqBur olqltsnqurob go uollulniunccu aql uollcalold sJEaf 0Z ro 91 :a1gu luql puno-y srro. 11' .691

_^__ pa_qElqBlsa lof 1ou sBt\ uoIlBsluBEJo rt.nsaroJ aqt aJeq^r Bar€ lsaroI uraqtnos aql Jo qcnr.u Jo rurrg efiultiri.tifltii-;9lal!-_?_Eotusp - d^E_aq uI parlnsa.r sa.rnlub.i arilurisj rjii; pw! lueualllas dnoJ8 Jo uonue,lxo aq1 ,porrad sfiff fif:nA.

.lsoc qrlq fJaA s. 'lE uoltcatord slalduoc ua^la ,{11uaaar lJluriL pui 'p'aiuol

uaeq set{ lsoroJ aql Io Jltsq uraqfoN br{l tiri:t aius loir t.sdJg palloJluocun puB Bunlnc

H1?.1:r1:?lt{n ^q pe8a^Br uaaq pEq stserod 4BlS 'eq1

go jlerjuraquoN aq1 .8T6I .lJv s,lsarod aq] Jo autssod aqf fv

- gii



-__ _ Sutulng peqrJcsajd fq r4uJA\ pu€ u[un,]nv .8uuds JrIl uj:.--"__"g -Jo osn luaElllalul aql ,{q uoJtcnper pieiuq dr s"aalid -uaql puat Blt€rlsnv uralsrl\ 1o qsaioy laqicna "qr,' .lJi--

,";1T".,T;S:.":lT"lTi"i|,,"""tiL',Hlg:";1l;i:o,oj""#-'ualqoJd arg oql BuTIcB11E uI uorgu.rado_oc pud lirll?drn.ts anqnd Jo eJns€aur Euolts E uo luapuloep ,tIaErBi si

:1_"^"l9jg ::9.I1 uI stro!:a s,luaul,u€dac aql 1o ssalcirs aluunllri aq1 _pue uorlqsaJo!€ pu€ uoqE.lsaloga.r jo suorlsano aril q1i3 dn punoq i{IetEutllul sI [oJ]uoJ eJU Jo ruolqoJd "q.l ',Sli'

'TOU.INOC fiUr.{ .{o scNv.f,uoiu{I SH&9

.IOJ+uOOn{rtr,o ecEBl.rodutl

Plantatlon Z0[6.

154. 'B'zone.-Will include forest on which it is possibleto a,fford timited protection only by broadcast burning in suit-able weather.

Fires in thls zone will be supptessed only vrhen threatening"A" zorte, or when creating heavy smoke haze which mayint€dere wlth Ilre control measures on adjoining forest areas.

This zone vill also include certain areas of pdvat€ propertyadjacent to Stale Forest boundaries.

?55. "Ptantation" Zone will comprise areas planted or sownwittr exotic or indigenous species in plantation form, areascleared or part cleared awaiting pla,nting and a proteativebuffer area sunounding these areas.

The "Pla.ntation" Zone is in "A" z]olre as for paragraph ?53but is instituted for the convenience of ihe Annual Fire Report,see Appendix F.

?56. All flre reports dealing wlth damage to the lor€stwill refer to the area in t€rms of these zones.

?5?. The Forests Department's orgenisation coYers & largearea loosely controlled and must train, organlse and preparein periods oi little danger for pedods of extleme efiort. Thisinyolves emergency measures and the use ol untrained menand lncomplete equipment. In a,ll such organisations, stlessis placed upon the clear dennition of dutles and responsibili-ties. Those deflnitlons and responsibilitles are laid down lnthis section oi the Manual, and all ofncers must clearly under-stand that such duties are the lesponsibilitv of the poslttonrattrer than the actual rank of the ofncer.

?58. For example, where the dutles ol a D,F.O. or Distrlctofncer are deflned, it follows thet in hls absence, €ven tempo!-arlly, such duties devolve upon the omcer acting ln th&tposition.

?59. The work ol flre control falls into three malnbranches:-

Repolt6 to rele! to

lcho flre orga[-

Dutl$ o! ActlngOmcer.

Branches ot FlloCoItrol.

(1) Fire Prevention.(2) Fire Pre-suppression.(3) I'te Suppression.

These branches are dea,lt wlth under each headlng in thefollowing pages.


?60. Broailcast Burnlng,-Fire used to destroy surfacematerial in sucb a way that it burns freely over a conslderablearea wiih or without th€ use of flrebreaks.

?61. Cortrolteil Burnlng.-(a) Anv deliberate use of fliewtrereby burning is restricted to 9, predetermined alea andintensity; or (b) Deliberate burnlng of a prescribed area ata predetermined time.

?62. Danger (Fir€).-A general term expressing the sumof the fa,ctors Risk, Ilazard, Inflamma,bilitv which detelminewhether flres wiu start, the damage they may cause and theextent to which they can be controlled.

?63, Dangerous Fire Weather.-In connection n'ith thestopping of bush locomoiives (palagraph 82lr dangelous flreweafher is to be interpreted to mean all days of "Dangerous"

on our scale of fire hazard and on some days of "Severe Sum-mer" when, for special reasons, it is considered advisable byttre Divisional Forest Ofncer.

-?snga Jo 'udsqe ro acuesor.r €qr ̂q p"".-r"r"o l?lllii3t"" 31il Jo .fllrquqord ro acu€qc a,rr1r1ei e:q;__.1a;ui s-Eli--.;;-'

or uos'ss arg eql Burrnp o,r" ol "orro'i,5*jr"'io$ggr:i'rn,#" 'uolrcnprrpr'z€Hpue"'"X"H:"'"TT"#"11,'L1i""ff1"t

oil,"Sli".,*{3,,,'^1,#ol5lfi,"3u'".0 dsoqr-.uolrue^rrd .*r.uolsso.lddns oAncax:e olnsua ()1 s9-{1_g-T__pyf quolucrrnba 1o.r1uoc a.ri; to r""*jGrail r i,;;;;";

:$:t'b"# rX3'?:;,T:H1,fui, *ff ",i3:"#T,11?,"Ji*i[ilt' "ly* -€sJu^EBr-o_ uorssard.rns aroq^\ oqr "rrrr" ;j$Tt:yu"^tff"!"h1"dt:31,"1?i"'"i" ";o3"1H.:l,lir1.i"f T#&HIi."YS"J"T::9"";;1r;ui:yt"^*:.t"'rsyei:!.:!i'$"1.$l:1"ii"l""TJi,i$I"fi , rff l'i"Ji'f ::i"h""'1",*lll*:ii#t#i:":rfi4"utlfj"i$'iiri,l?"ll"? "iiJx iyi"::i ;::i r,q"fr J,lf" ."if'fffu;" €"r""r"*

o,'nn,ffi '13":i.1fi f#1i"":{i'".i:iilii*"J3":.1, j#:,"e[lT"'aJg €sn€c .{€ru teql sorcuoS€ aql o1 ,tluo sJaJsJ 'lsrtl

dluo slonJ ol s,raJal pltszBH

ornrsrou''rarc€.r€q"-,,'"",;"."rtl:t#;to"ffr'",":"tifr'?'t1",i;-ra'utspo.,u,"i.lJX'iLf i?i:l9f,g:i:;gi":11,";,#,f 'tt'r*

i,",",::::::,:" """$l,l".YJ o'""J .:il&"'l:";*"ii, t.Ii"-rJ3H:iJ$H$':":]"i"3l,iT',1ii'ii',li3n"J*#:.ii1f"""oi'3'8ff "dnl"i

'(06L puB 68L sr.[d€J3€rEd o3s) spuErl roJ Jolsrug I aql .{q paslJor.{lnu JaJU:o uB uroJJ lrurod B lnoqt1,m-poljaa [a-11q1qorcii:i^:,$'3i"r"'" :,'-;i,u1",f"1["'Tf ;J""J ;"Jil"i"E :itrii6;i;; ^-_-rJv.saJIiI qsng aql Japqn ra.ry pa1ca1or6 e:u d-pa.retjap alBts aqt Jo uoluod ,{qv-.Errv paloalo.rg -b.rf .1i1 "

.alEls slln u! aru Jo sd,{t I€nsn aql sI sIqI,

surnq,lEr{r J,ffo"l':lff :,u}r:,i,':i1g-!ff"qrucs €ql qanorql

j:^llj _gI gg"p ur ro st€u ap..$ rno Jo "-o" o, o""ri#-#91 uaaq s€q lnq ,€I1"rlsnv uralsar\ u! a.r6.r sr e.rg yo eorl iffi---

$::Ho n'r"ior- "l"""o,,"t ":li,ul.ff i:lg, }a jfl "lg"l3"pliil3{

Yf .eP lYlss"iP:]$"1$"f"i.1ff T' ""11'3,ffT:"Yt$ii:#'#"u'itil!'""J"",XT";iil,""iiii:ii$"iiJlg""""1iii"s;]f ff ;auprrxo rapun rruo srn,o pu' sr€r sr ;il"!y:3b"XHf"arBJ.rns 8_ulaolloJ aq1 Jo aaqE^pB ur siell aq,l ,o "o^or" 3fi qanorql Bururnq aJg " s! org uio.rc eq;_;ua.bij .""14 .lsi-'


Brancbos ol FlIoPEventlon.

Oausea o! ftr€5.

Smothg lnPlrEt$ttoDa.

Bllly Ftr€t.

Lratluctlon olIlmploye€a.


?76. Fire prevention, a most important branch of flrecontrol, can be divided into the following sections and sub-headings which are dealt with in turn:-

(1) Risk Reduction,(a) Education.(b) Law Enfolcement.

(2) Hazerd Reduction.

?77. Before dlscusslng deta,lls of flre prevention artivitiesa study of fire causes will be of value as indicating sources olflle incidence and possible points of attack in the campalgnagainst future outbreaks,

The percentage incidence of fire from varlous causes ove!past years ls as follows:-

Per cent.

. . . . 10

. . . . 6



RISK REDUCTIONS.7?8, A study of flre causes wlll glve some lndlcation of the

risks to be reduced or elimlnated, end Risk Reduction can beelther by Education, L&w Enforcement or merely mech&nlcaladjustment.

1?9. smokins will be prohlblted ln all pl&nta,tions excepton flre llnes when butts and spent matches must be depositedon bare mlneral soll and buied,

?80. when lt ls necessary to light a bi y nre it must bellt o! &n area cleared down to mineral soll and the rematnsof the flre doused with water and covered with soil.

?81. All new employees must be instructed in these precau-tions and the provisiqn of the two preceding paragra'phs rlgidlyenforced.


?82. The most eJfectiYe means of flre preveniion is populareducatlon. I'he obiective is to make everyone nre conscious'and to make the general public realise the value and necessityof fire control.

Taktng the long view, special attention should be civelr tothe traininc of the younger members of soclety. Childrenare more r;ceptlve than sdults, the child in the slassroomtodav. is the risponsible citizen of tomorlow. Moreover, thecfnd witt take tte doctrine of ffre prevention from the schoolroom to the home. tvery effort should be made by the lbrestOf6cer to introduce ihe subject of flre prev€ntlqn. lnto theschools of his district.

Cause.Escapes from Prlvate PropertyBush LocomotlvesW.A.G"R. LocomotlvesEscapes from controlled BurningHunlers and !'lshermen .... ....UnknownftavellersDeliber&tely litStockmenBush Worker$other Government DepartmentsMlll surroundtngs ....LightnlngChildrenHouseholdersMlscellaneous

Vtsltbrg o! gcbools.

'ap€uec{ o+ ssot}cadsEl

'unq o? s?Ilr.r3d

'6ns3l {€rrl €Jotsaro.{

-s-1?i11:l_"_ld__tl"-1€.n ernsEr ol Frrrnq oq ", ""r" "#:.tn:onif uor?raqsur uE a^€q ller{s Jac6:o ?siJoJ aq1 .rgu.rauip .3}1.paaolloJ 3q lsnu puE lcv se.Ild qsng oq1

rapun suorlEln_8au aq1 uI lno ?as fltnJ sr seere par,raro.rd afu riiurnq ol sllulJed Jo Jnssr aql JoJ otnpeJoJct rae.r.roc ei{"t .til,

slru,"o.I onssr 01 .{jrroqrn' ",o, "o, "oru il3*ft:t;$t"# "jlfr"t

- .lCr.4slp Jlotll BulJ€punt I oln uI ssrc JeInSsJJ! UE Joqlo eql puE uoll€1s ,{E^llrEu arlloc Jo snlpe,r ottui o,rre,rllB

ulqll,r auo 'pa],lnzB8 JEJ os sEalB qcns oml ,lpo lte a:'eqa/tllJoqln€ Srq qlra 5urlc€ Jacs:o rrB Jo

:9y_11- loJ- _{.9]_s_rqi{ aql ,tq panssl runq or lturad uJi11.rm rq tqaaxa p4rqrqoJd s[ r.,serull Buru.rnq pa1arrfsa.r., eq1 iurrnpjssIU- Jo AuItqStI oql qclq^{ ur see.ry pe4calorj. e.rr.g go u6f -tsJ€lcop oql JoJ uolsrlord sa{Eur lcv se.r1,4 qsng eqi

-.oal '

tsaroJ ot acrlou tnoqu^\ qsnq o1 """g a,411"s,-:ji"Ho1r"n"

-xo or eaua*rss€ .roJ au!,,tsc ""n"w. $"Tj$jltl"f:L*"- _

'r tunullxEru Jo q10e/I lunluruItu)saJg Jo SurlqBII InJ^\"[un JoJ r{l[Buad_.g,


:a.g ?-q,.toir9l oq1 01 u.{rErp "r ;13yd";.3*r"Y,t"'rX'X3f$?i$ dq1 lcv soJL{ qsng aql Jo uolsraord aqr s-apisag ,ssi-

- .patlazB8 aJB lEql sluJurpuau8

llt^ 5^1li?-ry" rq alBp-o1-dn ldar sr tcv aqt Jo ,{doc sri{ lEql orns o{Etu pu€ .suorl?lneo2r pue 1cv sarld qsng a!i1' r{11;i palurEnbcE Jlasulq arlBru lsnur Jacuo rsaroy-fre-ag' .2,gi.rNsr tgc odNtr ,{tvI

,DorrnboJ s9 .acgo pBoH 01 spBulig- plng-rfs rotcarord l€luoruljuco6 aq1 ,rofpie' .rneccil bfii -lr€ae sl auou Jr rarnlcal E Jo socl^Jas eqt joJ uoriscl1ilci.

:9_{liegur lg*yoc_ oru oroql{ pa'utsrre oq """ "rff,tl11Tj""i[ sulu: tspu"8€doJd qcns Jo BUI^\oqs aq1 pu,e saih1ie.l .9g1

raquelclas- q _pellrruqns aq plnoqs ser1ddns JoJ ".i""r"rfqHg:: pue stalqdurud.reu Jo Burtuud eqr .roJ suortsiuerudrdcbU

1:lT: {p9i{s rrr^r urnq 01 uopurlur Jo saa.ou pu€ "#iitJ#l asoql Jo uorlnqlJNsrp Jo .ull aql re suolssnJilp luudsiaa_.r3-"gq-1,o"9q I€coI aqt fq sJolttas puB sluoplsar I€roI Euolrl? polnqlrtslp aq plnoqs pup eul,r 01 au41 ruoi acgi6 fee11 fq por€dord aJB spoqlaru uotss.rddns eru puu airlu,rfiq-p5rioiiu6jy:- slylq pu9 sop-B8rrE ort{ r{sng Jo uortEslu€B.ro ,icy ilsri.ros aql Jo suolsrlord aJU oql .tcv soJrd qsng aq1 yo sirorlrao;rtaq1 Suluracuoc uolltsu oJur Au1,r.C ,sqelqafurri

tisurS .qgi.rBa/t qJBa ul raqualdas aJoJaq aJUJO pEalt

ol pallruqns aq ptnoqs poJlnboJ srelsod .to; suorlrsrnta2l --

dola^ap ot pa'Ernorui er' sroru:o orr" .""*J'13t"r,rt** "to

ol palllulqns aq plnoqs tralsod Bqllr;rls .ro1 suorlsaAang .7g1, -

-dn s,t€^rl€ aq rsnur pJ'oq aqr uo uolr'urroJq, "u, ,noiH.rooritj BUII;^BJ,I aq+ Surl€Jnpa Jo sueau a,rrl.tagJ ,tra,i rj si ujrir.rlsBcaJod Jeq,lBalll ill'{ .4ll€p aq,l BUL{IJEc preoq uets ai{i sruorlE^ouur tuaJar V .lsoloJ aql lnoq8noJql saJBld .]uJuErulJalalq€1lns roqio puB spBoJssom .sgulpls fE.[If€.r .slarlloqs sno tBpo.tsldslp 3q plnoqs uorlu€^ard aJU SurleJo^p€ s.ralioi .en)

paloalord erll{

'lcv sl€aro!{lo snolst^ord erld

'pv sartt qena

'8Elg pus setnloaT


'sprBogrx8ls puts slalsod

No p€rElta durlngprohlblted Dedod.

Plohlblted pedod,

10?93. No permit to burn shall be issue during the prohibited

period except during a period when ttre DeFa,rknent has ob-iatted a suspension of the prohibited period, a.nd then onlyif the forest omcer is satisfied that conditions are safe.

?94. The Bush Fires Act provides that there shall be aprohibiied period each year, dudng which the tighting of fir€s'ixcept for iertain speciflc purposes is prohibited. The datesfor ihe plohibitrd periods for difierent zones are publishedin t}ne GoDertuflLent Gazette from time to time.

?95, ProYision is also made for this DepafimeDt to obtaina suspension of the prohlbited period to enable us to carryout plot€ctive burning,

?96. Before the beginnlng of ttte prohibited period theForester-in-Charge should apply to Eead Ofnce for any sus-oJrxlon required, setting oui the reason for his request, the-inind period required, the Road District concerned andthe Dar:ticular areas on which the burning operations are ltobe c;rried out.

All such applications for the suspension of the prohibiLedDeriod must 6e countersigned by the Regional Superintendentbr the FIre Control Superintendent

Suspension6 applied for at this time if endorsed as above*iii-6!- ei;n-n1id

'.ip to 31st December for all districts except

Nannup "anA

Pemberton where suspension up to 6th Januarymay be applied for, although it must be apprecraleo lnalthis is a serious matter.

Anv furthel suspension required must be the subject of a"oiiiit adiiiiition about the end of December: thev wlll notbe considered before thls date.

No suspension beyond 15th January will be considered

?9?. In every case of flre the local omcer must take imme-aiate steps 1o ascertaln the cause witb a view to possible lawenforcem_ent. The llrocedure to be follo\^'ed is set out inparaeraph 968.

?98. I'rom his local knowledge ilre forester will generallyhave a eood idea oI the cause of most f i res which occur'where iais obvious ihaI i t is dlrect ly due to human agency,immediate steps should be taken to obtain more speclflc in-formation concerning the identity of the culprit, and somepoints on how to go about such an investigation are given inAppendix A.

?99. The Department now employs a black tracker forthe Fire Season when one is available and if the Forester hasany doubt at aU of his abllity to follow tracks found, or ifhe cannot flnd any tracks,.the services of the tracker mustbe sought.

800. Each season when the tracker commences his dutieswith the Department all districts will be advised of his loca-tion. The I'orester requiring his seryices will arrange trans-Dort bv mutual atrangement with the Forester in whose dis-irict the tracker is stationed.

801. Accommodation for the tra,cker if he is to be keptovernight must be alranged by the forest offcer using hlm.Usually by auangement with the Commissioner of Police,the tracker is accommodated at the Police Station, otherwisea tent or hut must be provided. The tracker wiu usuallybring his own blankets and one meal.

802. If the tracker is temporarily engaged elsewhere, orin the case of Northern districts close to Perth, the Forestershould ask his Divisional officer to secure the selvices of apolice tracke! from the Metropolitan Area throuch lleadOmce.

plobltlited pellod.

Appucatlon lor


Tmcker from C.I.B.

]o uoBcedalll

'guadq33 puB erelserrs

xraos olsq 01sealpuroool qsng

',641 sq? e,uaeqool arocEo leeioJl

'prrottDrcU Xq troncv

'peqrpB eq ot E c,i

.pr€oftpaou 01 ecllol{

01 rocEro l8arod

'snl€J€dd€ rro-rtuaaeJd alg aql Jo l{cuercuo sq1 ecnpeJlllrn rlc.Ig,r\ .r€Jc etlloluocol eql ,(q paldopB secnc€rd .rElnSoJlrrsq4o Jo uado poddoJd lou or" sd€Er r"lsaJlE :t&ds 1€rnarnsua c4 qsnq sl{l u! slogo dllunlJoddo Ja^aueqA\ !€lcadsu!eq plnoqs seagotuocol 'uo!+Ipps uI ,uosEas aq1 Jo liuaua"u€ur -Iuoc aq1 lts ,{Iarour lou 'uos?os aJg aql q8no.n{l sls^raiu! 18plqc uaq.{ palcodsur ,{IInJ Ec sq pFor{s salBornoco.I .glg

'g xlpuaddv u!uo^r8 6'r snlu€ddv uollua^oJd alld oaltouroco.I uo solou plr€ernu?J Jo slulod €lqlssod lo q8pal,sou{ puno6 € o.{"q lsnur su€drls€ pu€ sJolsaJxE :F€ds oirlourocol Sullcadsu! sracuto .tI8

-o;"u€ru llur^r€s €ql 04 .Eunu,r ur ol€clpur ^r- .,*rol"t["oSaql poFad Jaqlo fu€ Jo J"3f qc€a llJdv ttlot {|/l Jaquracaglsl uroJJ srr€d qss prn sJalsar.r€ iJ€ds luepu:s qtlr[ papl^oJdoq lsnqr soallouocol qsnq " 9gI uon€lnAatl Japun gIg

'aa^llourocol qsn{

'lCV atll Jo suorsr^oJd Il€ Jo acue^rasqooql ur snol$lcund lsou eq lsnur sJacE:o ls3lod .zI8

.rt€I€p lnoqlu\ acU:O p"€II 01 luqs

oq osl" pnoqs slrn Io ecl^p€ osEc ltuB u! uottcts dJ€urldrcslpAuHq aq ol u^\our{ sI r{?Irornnv I"coT €W JI


_ uolllsod ,{€p 01 ,f€p aql q1!^r pelsod prEo8 sarl{ qsnE oqldeo:{ u€c luepuaqulJedns lorquoc oJld aq1 pq1 os papnlculeq plnoqs a^oqts sE pauodsr saJg l€8allr du€ Jo eclAp€ (tt6 'rJ€d a3s) uonlsod oJu 3q1 to l.lodal ,tlltsp qcBo qlrll\ .0I8

lo.quoc arrd ar{l qr quss eq pnoqs """rr", nr"iflf?J#"fl'

dq p-a^racar ,{pBarr€ a^"q faqr qrrql$ Io aallou o"T";uj;t"?arlr bulJnp €aJ€ rlaql ur p4"col saJU aql ll" Burlsll plEog oq101 luos oq pnoqs ;allsl ,trolBuuuxroc € {aaA\ ? €cuo .608

.IOOq aOI acUO atll uI ep€ur procor€ pu€ org eq1 Jo uo$lsod eql to ouoqdolal {q jtlol.Blpetulurpeunou oq plnoqs ,tlrroqlnv I"co'I oqq ,pal"col q sorJ€p-unoq lseJod olels aplstno Surulnq I€BatIr ,{q€ uaqA ,g0g

- .r{€tap

lnoqlr,lt pJ"oA sa.rld r{sng oq1 ql(.r dnua{81 aq ,{€ru Jallqu oq1 4€ql os luapua4ulradns Ioiiud5 arrdeql 04 lues aq plnoqs qr"lsp ItnJ q1!a{ Jarnoac4 slusprcur oqlJ,o acnpe aq€Ipeuur ,arnl€J qcns Jo sasEc l€Jales a.re e:eq1 jrflJ€Incru€d '1cv sorld r{sng €qt Jo saqcBaJq 1u.BJ8€U ?suw81;uorlcE IEaaI a{et ol sIr€J flrroqlnv 1,eco1 ,u a:req^! .1ig

uo srncro qc€a.rq oqr araq,lr rlrroqlnv t-";^5;i"jf #r""iiir: --asoJd a^Bel plnoqs Jlqrssod sE J?] sE lnq ,arqapl^a urBlqo o1.fllJoqlnv IEco.J oql Jo slargo lsrsse ,teur .ralsaroy eqf .gbn

'uorlncosord eql 1no iJJ€c plnoqs .lcveqx Jo Sulcllod eql qlrrr\ pa8rtsqc sr qctq,n .r1r.roq1ny-

1eio,i eql lsaroL{ al€ls Jo ft€punoq aql aprslno 'tlJodoJd elElrlrduo sJncco lcv sarld qsng aqt Jo qctsaJq e eJoqd\ .908

, palnceso.td aq lsnur i(ortrx lcv saJld qsnE aql Jo suolsl^ord aql Sulrou8r ur lslslad sJaltlas oJoq^\ puu spieriA-oJtss al€nbopBur o1 onp or€ sedacsa asaql Jo euros .t08

.alqnoJl srq+ oslutrurur ol JsJ o3pFoqs soptsStJq aJg qsnq pu€ srorrrJ€J qlr^\ uorssncsrp 1Bql osacuelradxa Jo {c€I puE ocutsJou€! ol onp aJ€ aseql 1o 1so141

'suorl€Jado !o SutuJnq .sJelllos uroJJ

sad€cse s! saJg palloJluocun Jo acJnos luanbarJ V .tog


'€org .sJaurr€lt

sawmill locomotlveaBaY lje stopped.

MaDe.ge! to be

816. Regulation rii "utno"*"s tlte holding up of locomotivesfor inspection at any point a,nd conlers on forest omcers thepower to stop them from ruoning if the nre preveniionappar&tus is considered unsatisfactoriy. The final t€st of theefficiency of such apparatus is freedom from outbreak a,lorgthe route travelled.

81?. After inspecting a mill locomotive the mlll managermust be advised immedia,tely of any defect in the apparatusand this advice must be confirmed in writinc to the districtoffce.

818. If any locomotive is Iound to be consistently causingtrouble, the mill management must be made responsible fordetecting the defect in the apparatus and remedying suchdefect befole putting the locomotive into commission agaio.

819 Where local response is unsatisfactory, fuu detailsshould be forwarded to the Fire Control Superintendentthrouch the Divisional omce. The m&tte! can then be takenup $rith the Per.mit holder by the Conservator.

820. An officer who legularly undertakes the job of sparkanester and ashpan inspection will be provided with a suit ofoveralls for the purpose on requlsition to Head Ofnce. Theheight and weight of ihe ofncer must be noted on the requisi-tion.

821. Regulations under the Forests Act provide th&t a forestofflcer may stop the running of bush locomotives when"danEerous flle weather" (see Para. ?63) is iorecast or de-velop; during the months of January, February and March.This practice must be adopted regularly throughout thesumm6r. When thls acilon is taken the Conservator muatbe advised of the fact togethe! t"ith detalls ot weather condl-tions prevailinc &t the tlme,

a22. The mill management shoutd be advised lmmediatelyby telephone.

823, The Forester-in-Chelge should clrcularise the man-agement of each mlll in bls dlstrict well betore the summer,reminding them tha,t thls proctice wtll b€ adhered to andadvising the buildilrg up ol a,n adequate Etoak plle ot 1og8io tide them over s,ny periods of dangerous weather condi-tion6 during the summer,

W.A.G.B Locos.824. It is the policy &nd practice of the Rallw&ys commis".

sion to flt aU W.A.G.R. locomotives with spark &rresters dur-ing the summer months. Forest omcers h&ve no authorlwto siop or inspect any W.A.G.R. locomotives suspested of bei!8faulty,

825. The Rajlways Commissionera have promised full co-opela,tion in flre plevention and detalls ol the organisationset up will be found in Appendlx C.

Forest officers must malntain close lia,ison with loc&l'W.A.G.R, ofrcers in all matters of flre prevention.

826. Immediately a forest officer i6 reasonably certain thata W.A.G.R. locomoilve has sta,ried a flre he should advise.by telephone either the District lpcomotlve Supednte[de!at East Perth, Bunbury or Nerrogln, the Locomotive Foremanat Couie or the Driver in charge at Plnjarra, depending onthe locality.

OveIaIl8 to!

Locodotlves to be3topDed durhgdeDgelous weath€!.

Nlll llaEagem8ntnnd coDlervator iobe advl6€d,

Mlll8 to b€clrcularhed €arly.

'W-l.Oll,. loco-

rnotlv€a hale 6parkalreitcla,

LlslBotl wltbw.A.o.R.

I'ir€a to b€rcporCed prcEptly.



'aslurngIO {CsenDsJJ

.EEItrJnqpaloJtuoc Io sed^L

'arII to Iorl€d.sBra€l


raaod e^!?oEoooT

doql ran€ surnq *E rcodsu! lsnur n"" ""","""L"Trtfff& ii;99 ig€IXBrado Euturnq pallortuoc puetl? pFoqs .racgo 1c1.rf!pv 'pu€rl 8u-rpe3l .ro Joasrs^o u€ o1 lJaI eq pu plnoqs srrtri 'Sulurnq

Jo ocold qcsa :oy suollcnrlsuf ansq fsnur i;efs ptafraql to raqurotu y 'fuJnq aq pBoqs Lr qclqAl Jopun suolJ -rpuoc .roql€o,$. aql eplcap pu€ ,{Mtq€urur?Uu str ssagsE ollumq oq ol Borts qcaa lcadsu! lsnqr JocE:o ltscol aq.I, .9gg

uI Buurnq ro, orqpuodsor ", ,"u""u3or-""1"ffiToor"t3ti*..tlSulpJorcB dn uru.€Jp arB suEld

lulurnq pu€ sJBoA aeJql uI ecuo uBql fnuanbaJJ oJoru lsa.Iolaql uI ulnq utalc B laE 01 alqlssodurr q lt dll€nsll t88

'8gg-gg8 sr{d€rA€r€d .l€sodsp dol. (9)'998-g9g sqdEJatsr€d .SutuJnq pecu€^pv (g)

'gtg-Lt8 sqdtsrS"Jtd .utsId tuulnqpoqlmseJd eql ol Sulprocc€ BuruJnq paqlJcseJd (t)'ag8-9t8 sqderBErtsd .tseJoJ aql ur sluoruolllespalElos! puB.sollsu^rol .slooqos,EIIW

Jo uollcoloJq (g)

pJ'lql fio^a u8ql .{ltuanbaJJ ssel lou 1nq .alqlssod sB^IluanDert s" Ino paFJBc sr EadAl o,r[l osaqt JoEululnq aqtr, .pr€zEq snoreSuEp Jo slolcod puEsluau snoJo.EuBp Jo s€aJa JeInq lno BuruJng (Z)

'.tlJadoJd al"AIJdJo sBaJB ur9lJoc puB spsoJ ultsIu .sourl .{!^rII€J 'selJBpunoq

lBuJalxa .8.a ,,{u"ln8ar ssal ro alourJncco Jo lJBls dlluanbaJJ saJU oJaqa sEa,rE sr lBql '{srr qnlq Jo sBorE punoJE s>l?arqeJg dn BqluBJtC (Ir .gt8

_ .ecllctsJd pr"putsls aJts 1"q1 uOIlCnpOJ

IonJ JoJ SuruJnq pa orluoc Jo sod.fl xls are a.laql rzgi

'cNrNuns (IulaourNoc

_ .auf3qa eallcaJap € purqoq aqlt .UC.V.^\

Io uollcos € loJl€d ot luorudnba aJg qlra\ .8uts3 lelueurl.rrAaiqa JoJ olq€sl^pts uollo s! 1I roqltsa^\ aJU snoJa8uep uI .Ig8

'rncco,{€ur qclql\ saru,tuts qlr^\ lBop9-C e]It:ue a^JlcaJop E rtrllA\ ul€rl € purqaq lorl€d cuCc ientr?uou€urJod I€coJ oq1 a^tsq ol aptsul aq lsnur Uo!:a ,{Ja^g ,0gg

'uollEturoJur luE^atal Jaq.lo fuv (a) 'Ie^84

Jo uollcaro (p)'aur1 pu€ a1€c (c)

'iiln€coT (q).o^Ilotlocol oql Jo JaqurnN (ts)

-:uorl?ruJoJur Sur^tonoJ ar{l urEtuor plnoqs a^ltotuocol 'UCV1{ €,{q lq uaoq €ur^€q oJg e go goda.r eqJ .6e8

'quad u! luapuaXurJadns IoJluoC aJId eql o1 papJtsalJoJ ,{doc € puE alq€cllcEJd s€ UOOS SB5ulllJd' ul poruJu:uoc aq lsnru suodal pauoqdatol osaqi .gZ8

racg:o uts u€rg rIn€J aqr .tpaural 01 uol4rsod ".rr"ool"1r", uJacuo u c'v /!t l€col aqt 1tsql pasltsoJ aq lsnlu lt


snonurluoc) 0!0rvt ro 1908g q€ reaupug ""^o" "orrS".l#jisql 01 pauoqdalol oq pnoqs uoll€rurotxl oql ,alq€lrE^? 5u-raqlou Jecuo 'U

O V r$ al€IJdoJdd" eql Jo lue^a sq1 uI ,tJZ8

Pellodic burnlng.

current bulningplan.

NortJrern aDd


BulDlDg arouid


Buqer 6t!lp3, etc.


837. Immediately after the completion of the annual firereport, and before lst October in each year, the Forester-in-Charge shall draw up a cu[ent burning plan setting out hisburning programme for the next Spring, Autumn and Winter.

Subject to approval or amendment by the D.F.O. or F.C.S.this plan shaU form the basis of his controlled burning opera-llons.

838. All areas which do not require complete protectionwill be burned system&tically by lieht conhoued fires.

839. complete fire protection will be a.fforded to:-(a) Plantations.(b) Regeneration areas nominated in Section 640A of the

Manual.(c) Where possible areas listed for tlade opera.tions in

order tha.t they wiII ca.rry a. ffre immediately befor€trade cutting commences so tha,l subsequent top dis-posal ffres will not run.

(d) raarri tops awaitine & seed yea,r.(e) Areas required for resea.rch &nd investigation.

840. Ea.ch year the Forester carrying out spdng contlolledburaring will mark on a. plan those axeas, such as wet gullies,that were not burned to schedule and arrange for their bumingat a dat€ la.ter in spring.

841. It is of paramount importa.nce to make certain thatthese areas are burned before the main da,nger period as theyconstitute a wea.k link in the protection syst€m and can leadto ttle esca.pe of a flre that otherwise was confined.

842. The practice of constructing non tramcable firelinesthro{rgh the forest ha6 been discontinued, and replaced by theforming of tracks which permit access by flrenghting vehlclesas well as serving as firelines.

843. The worst flres wlth which the forest€r has to contenda.re tho6e thai orieinat€ outside the forest a-nd sweep in on awide face.

AII external bounda.ries and boundaries of plivate propertywithin the foresi must receive special attention,

844. A clea.red track, trafrceble if possible, should be pre-paled a,long ttle boundary aIrd depending on the hazard, oneor more secondary tracks select€d at va,ria,ble dlstances not lesstttarl ten chains from ttre boundary to €nsure protection indepth. In many cases whole comparhnents will suffice.

845. The Northern aJrd WesteEr boundaries are usually themore dangerous, arld where these bounda,ries adjoin largeareas of vacant Crown La,nds specia"l ett€ntlon must be givento the controlled burning gf wide bufier st'rips,

Schools.846. Protective burning should be carried out a,round school

buildlngs arld quarters in the forest axeas and ne&rby.Details of any school or other Government bulldjngs not

adequaiely protect€d must be forwa,rded to the DivisionalOffcer for advice to llead Offce so that the dep,artment$ con-cerned can be advised of the positioin.

Itf,iU Vilages anrl ToYnshlps.84?. For the prctectiorr of mill villages a,nd townships

against ttte da.nger of loss of life or materia,l damage froEuncontrolled forest flres ttle Forest€r-in-Charge should pre-pare details of arly prec&utionary measures considered neces-sary and discuss them wittr the respective rrlll ma"nagers orroad board secretary, or local Bush Fire Control Officer in theca,se of townships.

Ml[ VlUege!aBd torrDahlDs.

'5trtujnqDeoqlapl Io oEIJ,

'llueulel$eg l8arod

a1q"nl"a Jo EuIA€s eq1 ur ra^o sourq n,."* n*o"" "f,1tffll"JauaB suo-rlEJado Fsodsrp dol uo aJnlrpuadxe snolcrpnf

'[5unJ SurfoJlsap poo,u puEsalru.ra? Jo ssaJSur aql aulraoll" {q puts qlsap Jo ,sllitq rd.ollor{ 'sspls.frp

Jo uor'pnpord aq1 dq dolc SulpuEts aq,l Jo JnIB^ Jqlsacnpar Bulqalocs Sulllnsar aql sdo'l Jo Jallrl u fq papuno.r-Jns aJts soaJl aJnlElu Jo Elnq aqt araq.{l lnq,.{tsrr srql utpo.{oJlsap sefld pu€ salod's8urldtss ol€ dluo loN .suolt€Jado

,.3u-rl[€J,, Jo s)t€d, oq1 ut 8uJ/rrolloJ soru panorluocun _{q doJcoall SuJul€ureJ aql 01 auop aq uEc e8"urtsp snolres .ggg

.l€sodslq doJl

'dorc 8(qul€wal oql q a8€qr€p tnoqtrar re41ll Eq? JoEuFodslp Jo rfllncup oql 01 spp€ slrtrJ, .punor8 oql rot?Il {rEqpu€ sur$orc aql uoq4! oJg ts unJ 1a,{ l[ra lnq,sraIlBJ aqt JoluorJ uI ,{Ial€rpouturl utts8€ uJnq lou IIIA\ tI 1Eql al3ls s qcnsuI JOOg ISOrOJ aql AA€gI l[Ir!a. SqOIllJadO AulIaJ Jo xueluacuaur -uroc eql 01 Jolrd sq?uo(Il uaalq8la Jo aala.ul alg v 998

'alqrssod sB at€Is€ lJoI oq pBor{s lI ,{rtsssocau sr uJnq ulunlnv uts orer{l\

'scuts/|p€ ur sqluouluoelq8ta u€ql arou luJnq oq lou pFoqs ostsc ,{uts ul 1nq

'suoll-tsJgdo .Sulcuaruuroc sralltsJ oql c|/l roud SulJds ,qj€a aqt urpauJnq aq plnoqs ro,lo lnc aq ol €aJE uts ,tlqtsrotaJd tgg

( 899 tsr€d aas)'suollces Sulllnc l€nuu€ aql ol pauguoc oq pnoqs 8uluJng


IOJIIIOC oJId aql pu9 €Cuo lEuolsr^rc eql ol uorlgturoJurrolJd puas pFoqs aBJ€qc-ur-ralserod oq1 sastsc qcns ul puE'€Iqrssodtul sI Sururnq eJaqa osrr€ IIIA sas€c [€uogdacxg

'paslstsqdrua-Jalo oq lo(rutsc saru luanbasqnsSullloJ?uoc pu€ SurIJIpot! Jo su€alu € sE 'suorl€Jodo Eurll€JJo acuts^p€ ul ,{Jlunoc Sulurnq Jo acualrodul oqJ €98

(( alnllncr^t{s) tzg €Jtsd ost€ aas) Stqurng ecu€apv

'!srJ.ro pr€z€q lEuolldecxa Jo sasEc .fu€ 01 JacE:O lEuorsr^rqslq Jo uo4uollE oql ndEJp plnoqs og^\ luouraltps aql Joa€ItsqC-ur-Jalsojod aql Jo uorl€8llqo 4caJlp oql $ srql .sa.ru

lSeJoJ fq a.SEurEp uorJ aJ€s sr luaulalltas lsaJoJ ,{lo^o !€rI1arnsua oq ua{€l aq lsnru uorlnEcard alqlssod ,{.raAE .Z9g

'olqNuodsar spJEz€q 3q1 acnpar ox xuauloS€uEtullul aql qlr^\ uollcunluoc uI uo{el aq plnoqs uorlc€ plr€su,$ol llllll Jo spunoJ8 oql ur esrJts d€ut solg Ieuols€cco

palcarord ar€ srrru' r€q1 ornsua rsnur "*"ir"itl"Ht11'H;it{polloJluoc eql pue umll(runu olnlosq€ aqt ot pocnpal ocl aJgdq s[lru^\€s Jo uorlcnrlsap ro a8tslu€p Jo {sI] oql }tsq} al€ls0rI1 Jo r{ruouoco aql 01 acu€lJodurl l€aJB Jo sI lI Iq8

'dJessacou Jr uotlc€ JaqlJn;

Jo; flJ€a luapuoturradns lorluoC oJ!,q o? palll@qns eq plnoqsaliload l€col qcns Jo asuodsoJ Jo {c"I oqt uo lrodor V OgB

'aq d€ru asEcoq+ sts 'sButs8

l€lqaruFtsdop Jo saa,{oldue fir(u ,aldooat-su,$o1

aql {q p€urJoJJad sI lt 1Eq1 poSu€JJ€ os aq ol {sEt I€nuu€lu€l.rodrq u€ oq IIra slloq asaql Jo €uruJnq aql 6t8

'.ralJurlJJd aql urorJ dadp surEr_Ir,{.}uJAr},}sEal l€lualuelll€S aql punor€ {€arq luinq B apr^otd oq alqrssod sr?I l€ql qcns srlc€Jl lcnJlsuoc Jo ?calas 01 ,{tessacou aq llllr\ 1I?soJoJ aq1 u! luoural?los Jo u,{1o1 il(! qcgo punorv Btg


Ittol uo Elroda?I

'+sIFsB(}l sJellla€ I€corl

pd oJa at€erg

O4adrE dabrb,

Top burdng.

No coDtrol bumbgtrt Mrlcb.

llo t!6 otr ll,lgrlforad.



85?. Unless otherwise direcied by the D.F.O., workmen wllllollow ihe fa,llers and clea.r a,way limbs and other debris for adistance of a,bout three feet from around va,luable trees andsaplings. Elsewhere tops wlll be lopped flai.

The anount of work to be done around any tree will dependon its va.lue. Trees which already have valuable timber inthem are worttr ma,ny saplings. A pile, for example, mayjuslify the expenditure of a cquple ol hours la,bour, while ashort sa,pling (even though sound) requiring haJf an hour'swork to clea,r round, would noi be worth tackling.

In judging the va,lue of a tree it shouid be born in mind thatmany trees cut today wo'uld have been passed by a few yea.rsa,go, arld ttlat s,ome ir€es today considered uneconomic will besaleable in years to come.

858. Top burning is carried out during mild we&ther or a,tnighi to reduce damaele to the remaining trees. However, inorder to dispose of as much limb wood as possible it shouldbe left uniil the debris has dried out ihorouchlv.

The lengttr of time between trade cutting and top disposalwill be deteruined by the Slvicultural requirement's of Nhestand.


ooDtroued burnlog. 859. coltroued burning will be cauied oui in spring,auiumn and winter'

To obtain best results, count{y whlch would buTl flercelyshould be burrted on a cool day or ai night, whereas countlywhich is dimcult to bural will need to be lit in the hea.t of theday. Although one extenslve burn is cheapest, it may be foundnecessarT to bum by sma,ll sections for purposes of contlol andto mlnlmise damage.

860. No controlled burning shall be carried out in Marchwit,I]out the authority of the Fire Control Supednt€ndent or aIieglonal Superintendeni.

861. No flre$ should be llt on days of hlgh summef hazardor higher except in the Karri vJhere burning is permitted inhigh iummer weather, though it must be apprecia.ted th&t thtsis a sedous rlsk.

062. Suftcient towers to give adequate coverage must bemanned while controlled burning ls betng carlled out. Towergshould make ea-rly and la,ts observetions as instructed by theD.F.O.

863. A heavy duty ouiflt must be talen to every contrqlledburn except where otherwise directed by the Divisional FolestOfncer.

864. The actual f8.ce of the flre should be kept as short aEposslble,

In general, burning should be done aga,inst the x'lnd.

864. The butts ot all trees vlth.ln a chaln ol the edge otthe area to be burned must be r&ked around when bumlngin proximity to a luel bed oYer three yea,rs old.

865. All flres must be carefullv patrolled, special attentlonbelng given to flres ln dead trunks and tops of standing trees.

Patrol of a f,re or Controlled Burn alt€r a, cool change 0rralu l,s absolutely necessary. Although rain may stop a flrcit will not necessarily extingulsh burning logs.

A.aYY DutY unltr.


ftitlol ct€Deral.

'8'Z qd'urnqolgotlEolEl to soltoN

3Z' .g.d Eroit

a1.lS !o slaarg

':eltte€Jo ttllltqltsodBa/ll


ol eouilEisv

'I6t (I,rl:oder Snlumq


.qort€d Xq uodag

'lcv sarlL{ qsng aqt Jo suolslaord aqt qlltr Atduoc 01InJortsc ?sour aq s.iacg:o lsarol ll" l€ql I€Iluassa si 11 puriloJluoc eJg Jo sluauodxa u!€ur eq? ss uodn pa{ool oJB a.d&

parlnbar sD s$prottpuer .Bu*lorp€ t* ', tX[ .ff!"*'!#":'lL^19aq $ntrl s8ulurnq qcns op ol uorluolu! Jno go ac11ou 11cysaJrg, qsnE das) ..polJad palcl.r?sal,, ar{l SurJnp s8uE3 lElueur -lJBqaCI ^q 1no paIJJBJ aq ol sr SuruJnq duE uaqjd .Zr,g

eaoq€ oql tno Eas qcFIA g7t.C.d ltrrod.ro n"rp"r^ourfot#t3fflsnur lsanbal aql 'ra^alsqA\ Sululnq 4u3 1no 8ulrtJJgc ul acu"-ls!s$ rot lalllas s ruorJ poalocor s! lsanbar B uoq.&\ 'Ilg

'putsI slq uo loJltsd ornlnJ roJ ,{tllrqlsuodsor 8ultdaccspuB',tlJadord srq 5ul[orl€d to luolxo oql ol lsBel lo

{e;g ar{tqll/r\ lslssB pu€ uJnq aql puallts o1 sasJSE eq sselun ouop aqlou III^\ Bururnq puts ']tsaf

Jo oulll aql Jo eallcadsorJr .ulnqoql Jo aurl aql Io pagllou oq lsnur oq Auadord eql Jo Jauaoaql Jo qsanbor aql tts f$adord atts^Fd Sulu[ofpt spu€fl uaorcJo lsa:Iod al?1s uf paulnq 8u!eq sI {€arq B ueql\ '0lg

qq arorrlue sr rorr€d ernlnJ l€qr "or o"rrj"tJ$$1""ffi?j aII 1r ACU€ITIUOC lS€aI 1" pFOqS JO 'Aullq8 I€nlC€ Ortl oppFoqs puB ecuapuall" uI aq lsnu tauao oq1 dtJadoJd atts/t-rrduo ouop Su[aq q aqFr.rnq oql u€ql|rurq uodn pessardu4 puspoolsJapun {lJBalc oq lsnu sarll[qrsuodssr s.Jalllas aqJ .698

-,nuns so,u"nq sor': Jo roq'rnu a^Fsocxo uts ,""'ti.'3:ff|l€q1 aJnsua 01 BuIElnq sJolllos.ralsor ol o3l€qc-ul-le?seJodaql JoJ .{Jtsssaceu oq ,ttsrll 1I pur, gtqtsJlssp poru s1 ecuelslssesrql sosgc 4u€yr gI ,puE

I uAtoJC ro lsaJod alqs Bururof-IlB uo Jo ^FodoJd Jlaql uo Jaqlra s{€oJq aufuJnq uI sJaplori-pu€I SuJulo[p€ Eurlslss€ Jno ol uoncelqo ou s1 e;aq;, 99[

'uorleldqoc aJoJaq Jacgo larJlslp oqq fq ulnqaql Jo uorlcedsul uB sesoddns-ord uoJl'as puocas eUr errq,truo1,a eql uo piSBSuJ sB(rEi Jr.{? Jo o8rEr{c u1 racgo :ro iaasioao0q1 fq uI palJu oq pnoqs urroJ sql Jo uoncas lsJu orIJ

orqtsrr'^ts oq qr,d. 1t oraqa ""*o *.ro,rrn,o"1o1*3,"fiitili":l aqt Jo pui oql 18 poplB,{\toJ pu€ ,tlrtsp ur psllg iq IIra (lzt '(d) $oder SuFunq pato4uoc ,{Ilq5ru1JoJ oq1 pua srql oJ

-qco1 Buturn-q paqtrcsard eullcoJred uI lslsse 01 ""n"-""::l-loJour. apJ^oJd 01 aulll aq? +e Buqr€^a.Iat suorlrpuoc leqlea,rA'ojpu3 'uJnq aq+ JolJ€ puE groJaq qloq,lsa,roJ €q1 Jto uol4lpuocaq+ ot pl€d sq uolluall€ osolc t"ql l€lluossa sl 1ltJgg

'uJnq eql €urutofp€ lsaJor aql Jo ,qllq?ulrl]9gul (9)'srrqap Jor{lo Jo sdrunls SuIuJng (r)

's8ol Bulurng (t)'saarl

SurqJnB (z)'porao[IoJ elnoll (T)

-:8w^\olloJ dr{1 SurJoloJ Je'lsaJoJ or{l o,l lJoclal lalJqE l[uqns plnoqs uBurlorlEd eq1 IoJ)ed e Aur.no11ou1 .99g

.palrnbal BurlloJ,l"d Jo,)unouE aqt ornDaJIIr,r srJqap Sururnq Jsor{ ot sJodurnd ,{lnc ,fA€aH Jo asn aqi

ul€J JolJ" sd€p A\oJ ts Burpnlc-uI asJo^{ Jo Jaturuns qSII{ ol sasrr pJEz€q oql JIuJnq eql lalJ€ sf?p aulos {slr q8rq Jo s€ar€ Jo tollEd (q)

'eJg; " €u-raolloI ,1€p aq1 Jo Surulour oql uo Io4€d (9)

rrnp ru€uoduq .tra^ € s,B o"o"';'u"t^ijl.T "Hln"tHlt["j"'



Bulh rll€ Brlgade.

IrcstloD ot gElrga,

Aurlltary power,



8?3. Pre-suppression may be divided into the followingheadings:-

(1) Manpower.(a) Training.(b) Departmental gangs.(c) Auxiliary manpower.

r2) Equipment.(3) Transport.

(a) Ilegular.(b) Auxi l iary.

(4) Detection.(5) Communication.(6) \,fater Suppues.(?) Roads, tracks and firelines.

MANPOWEN,8?4. (a) Training.-The Folester-in-Charge shall see that

his gangs get regula,r training in handling equipment, flresuppression methods and organisation of flre ffghting gangs.

Each member of a regular nre gang should be irained sothat as far as possible he is capable of taking charge of agang, and should be iully lnstructed in the policy of theDepartment in flre control.

Tralning may be possible during the winter, but the earlyspling burning season should be a time of intensive trainingin preparaiion for the dangerous period.

The Forest-in-Charge must see that his gangs get ampleopportunily tor training, The overseer in charge of thegang can carly out the tlaining as a routine part ol hiswork, but the forester should exercise an overall supervislonof this training.

8?5. Every effort should be made to encourage the forma-tion of bush flre brtgades in the surrounding community andthese brlgades, together wlth auxiliary gangs plcked up fromsawmills, etc., should be given trainlng ln handling Depart-mental equlpment and in our methods of flr'e control andsuppresslon.

Auxiliary gangs picked up to assist in contlolled burningcan gain valuable instruction while workine with Departmentalgangs.

8?6. (b) Departmentatr Gangs.-The Forester-in-Chargemust so auange the work of his gangs in the flre season thaton days of bad hs,zard they are working in close proxlmltvto Heedquarters or to areas of high risk.

The locs,tion of all gangs must be shown on the StafrMovement Board or in the omce log book.

8??. (c) Auxillary Manttower.-The department has not, sufacient men at this Jurcture completely to protect the forest.

Ilowever, there is a lalge manpower pool llvlng in and aroundthe forest, some ol whom are forest wolkers and every effortmust be made to have these men trained and availeble toasslst in flre conttol measures as untrained men are an em_balrassment at a flre.

8?8. Farmers outside the boundary of the forest shouldbe hclp€d and encouraged to form Bush Fire Brigades tocombat flres likely to sweep in on the forest and to assistin controlled burning around the boundaries.

Isolated farmets living within ihe forest could almost beincorporat€d in tegular Deparrmental gangs. -Such associa-tion and trainlng is of greater asslstance to tne rarmer nlmselrthan a policy of isolationism and at the same tirne helps t0augment ou! gangs.


'lsotudlnbaJo In€qrei,o

'stalalc actr€rnsul

auu-np uorl€rolJalap ,{u" a,}Er^qo ol Ja?ul^\ Jr-[] t"u"o ru?ili$i B-atuo ISEJI 1e Sle,|rg4u] lroqs JoJ uru puB .:!e^o pd4reqJuoqx uoseas Jlu Jq,] Jo pue eLr rri uorlrpiroc sur1.ro,n podeur 1nd pue pJlneqJalo ,{lq8noJor{,} aq lsnu s.raaurni .re.lrb4 'uosEJs

1XJU aql loJ ^pEaJ fEd\€ palo.ts pue pJlner{.rJ^o pa:lJaqcnq ll€qs ,tuaudrnb€

I[€ uosEis J.rg aq1 10 puJ JrT] ,]v .r88

'peAol["sp .Aqraq urr€lc aq) ur llns€J ,{E(ud€I€p onpun ,{uV ,{Io1€rpaurqt pellrurqns aq lsnlu ecusJnsurJOJ UrelJ e 'dlg E ul ltLrnq luJrudrnbJ Jo dsBJ oql uI .tgg

'suralr p€5Eru€p ol stltsdal lcaJa puts sassol ac?ldal pqEeunu.rel€p 01 'pa{caqc eq lsnu luaurdrnba It€ aJg fle^a Jo4JV

'aru ? l31J" qoncofioD o1€1III]EJ 01 SSuoIeq 1-r qtrq,r o't lclr.tslp lo SueF aq1 o4EJrpuI ot {J?ru pe.}ur?d aurc}sdq paqsrnEurlsrp rtlJEoIJ Jq plnoqs luawdrnba Jo s?Iun .288

.J€CU:O ISOJOd l€uorsl^rc aq1 dq

paururJa?op sorluac l€ ptoq aq ilfnd. lqaurdrnba €JU Jo se^FSalI

!!!u{ou rgpgn dn {crd q drsrrrr sr aq r*r" or"tlir",iTo5li roJ luallldlnbJ_ Ieuoltlppp puE s,luJruocElclal ,tressacau aq1 q1rlistuBE stq drnba ol luJrJ$ns €s(Jdruoc llr^\ ruauralnna ilql

ot dn rde{ prr€ paur€tqo sr qr t€r{t Bulaas.toJ "orT?i"lXlti oq lua\ puB lcl4srp slq loJ .{rtsssecau sJspJsuoc €q luaur -drntla aq1 JopJo pu€ lslt ltra\ agxBr{c ur .relsa.tog "q,f,- .igg


'JoaulSqE lcuts_r( aql pu" .re8u€B I€coI aq1 qlrr[ aEJEqc

u! JslseroJ aq1 fq poBu€JJ€ €q plnoqs uo!?€tado_oc srqJ.sd€/|lI!EJ SUOI€ SUruJnq palloJluoc

qlrr\ lsrss€ q alq? "^" aq sd€A\lE plnoqs sFu€B ?I C.\r./!{

'rorJ purrsrp- s€ Bururnq o"uoo.,o"u5l?,"tflH., ":Sr^1'fi:ii."T;

ar" ruaql Jo du€ .raqlaqrY\ ua,1.lS oq plnoqs uorlecrpur eurog-

.1cJ4slp aq1 rllrd\ ltrEsJ€,{uoc aq 1ou ,{€ruoqr\ sJocwo €ulrrarlal toJ alq"Il€^€ ,{Ilp€al aq lsnur s1s;1 aq;,

_.sJa^rrp {cnrl ro Jazoplnq Jatler Jo ap€tu aq plnoqsslou l"tceds v alqrssod oJaq^l uaoqg eq lsnur goosu-ei1 ouelC€luOC JO su€Oru,Jaqurnu auoqdolal ,ssoJpp€ aql ,u^loi tsur sl€nprAn)ul alts^lJd .ro steur]€J l?npr^rpul 1o esec aq1 ui

'dn pa{cld aq 01 araqa. puE alqEIt€AE ltlorudlnbE (J).sluaqleSu€rJ€ SqIssaIAI (a)

.s€utsB ro "r'"o" ""lT{tff^tl"oT.ii,"j* lll 'ocllou 1€qlll ?ts pu€ alq?ItE,1.€ uaur Jo roqrunN (q) 'dpE8uq Jtg Jo u{EldaC 'JiBBUBW

lUElSlSSV la5EuBtr^l JO Jaqrunu auoqdalat puB auBN (E,- :lrun qctsa roJ ,!\oqs plnoqs lsrl aqI

'slEnp-r^rpur elts]rud pu" sap€Euq aru qsnq rsurJg e3.rtsl,_{Jlsnp -u! Jaqlo qllu,{tils s€ s3u(pEaq qcns $oqs plnoqs lsrl aqJ, -

.tal\odu€Ilt ,{JErIrxn€ Jo secrnos l[€ ,o 1SII E A{EIU ItEqS oSJEr.IJ Ur JJISdjOJ Oqr au.rurE.tBolcl .Surulnqnulros eql Jo luJlueJuaururoJ aqt atoJaq JeaI qJEg .0gg

c-lrrql'd' rroru qrnrrr ̂rr'nsn "," ""- ":jirn'!f;"1Hi:"1""T,1 ^JBIIIXnE JO iJJnOS leIlUJlOd E are lsaro] aql ul su.rol a3lE1+saroJ aql Jo uorlcaXoJd eql ur lsaJalur

a.StsJnocua 01 ssaulsnq srq 1r e €tu pFoqs JalsaJoJ I"rol eqJ

- Iolluoc oJg JoJ alq€lr€rl€ aq plnoqs oq^ruaru Jo fpoq alq€Japlsuoc dra^ € turoJ 1nu eq1 ur :uq.rci,uasoql pue sJa{rorA qsnq qloq .saadoldun

nrur,lces .big




, dr€nlxn€ Io s?sTrt

'rl{r{roj[ JaqtutJ,



bspectlou ot

EqulPm€nt oll

lllantrtng t,ove!4.


Before t}le commencement oI the spring burning searoneouiDment must be checked over again to make sure ll ls alluierb ana in eood order, parl'iculaf atteniion being glven rc"r"x ipiav. t-o ensure thtL the Iearher pump buckers andil;;"; it;G have not perished and that the Lank is not


885. Siandard equipment units axe shown in Appendix "D "

TRANSPOR,T.886. The forester in charge shall advise the Fire control

Superintendent of inadequate tlanspor! Ior his regular gangs

and shall see thai his vehicles ar_e in running order anq regorlyavailable to the gangs.

Bulldozer and heavy water-tank transportels shall be keptin;lose pro,ximity to their loads during the flre season'

88?. At the beginning of the season check auangementstoi-auxitiary tra'niport, adequate to cope wit-h the auxiliarv"iia

-Ji"iee;t"v manpower with a margin of saJety in tLre

evenl, of any vehicle hold-upThe forester sho{rld make sure ihat ownel's are preparect !o

make thelr vehicles ava.ilable when needed'

888. It should be possible in the case of calriers or tlan!-"oii-cotttt acto"J in towns to give the forcster thelr probable

itiiri"iiv'-o" 'oavs

of da.ngerous hazard, so tia,t.thev can belitiii""ija rvlttroitt delav, or no time lost ln lookins for them

if they are out of the district.

DETECTION.889. Early detection and accur&te location of nres is of

paramount importance in flre control'

Fires axe loca,ied by plotting the bearings on it from^ iwo

o"-riiii"-t&"ii. Towers shau be manned continuouslv from

in" -h-t"t

auv of avelage summel a'ftel' the 1si october until

the end of the flle season.

890. Prior to the manning of the towels Lhe foresler in

"ni ie!; ; i r " ; ianci rhe inspict ion of al l rowers to ascertain

;ir;;;;;'i;;;;; "?"*tarv' ut.ta ro see tha! the area .anoundii i i* t" i t ,J. i . " t i ;" i ot oetr ls. see Appendix "E'paras 998-100r'

IIe sha.ll s€e that atl ihe equipment for the tower is installed";,i";&;i"s;;--in ihe case bf-smatl articles, available in the

districi offce.

891. The equipment required in the tower is shown in

Appendix "E."

8g2. Prior to the need for the manning of towers the

forester shall make sure that toweuan is available'

If a local man is employed arrangements must be made

for him to be available when required

If no local man is availa,ble' a teo-uest must be sent to lleadofrie in ample time to have the man on the job when re-quired.

393. The Jorester must make sufe that he has an emcienttowerman and should take some trouble in teaching himihe resuirements ol the iob and the layout of the countryhe is to guard.

894. The towerman is The Watchmau of the forest andas such must be willing to reuder continuous service fromda\rn till after daik if required in an emergency.

IIe should possess the qualifications set out in Appendix"E" arld should be tested for them.


_.uoll€rIsnuluotalc+Brd ol ralserod

'!6uoqdela? olpB?I

"t€u|I rndg

?Y:_Yg9l"t srq II€ Jo ocu"ualultsur qanoroql " nu,r"""" fJriH rolsaroJ oq? saauaurruoc uosirai sugi.rnq srjr"as -"qi-J-lG*

pol''rlsa^ur "q +,""1iY,i1"?j SlTtJ;"tl"YJf ,"lT::.1,;; i:Tr,"- ruoa ro saurr ",o r"u, i:l3l"Hfi Ji:y""rtJ"'.il, ":,f ,,"iit"". #l*fcafqns aql qrra lu"srartuoc "q p.r, nqrp"ilpil

"^:l"t".ri"T"'#lsnu lacu:o lsaroJ f,.ra,re pui:orp'rr ur uA\op pr'r """ ",npr"lfltt3lJ;:"i"":il;ij$'H#'cru€?rodrur,{rsurs€ercur "" r",o"iH"i1"3L11H$jr" "t?Jff Ii#*

::f-ql1t p.', sBqtsB srq qlr^! qcnolu"rr":TH: 5#l.X'""j1"?3 alrssacou I"l$ aql asrleal lsnru arg e ie .rals5.rog .t.re,r.g"-_

.uorssaJdclns oJg ,lduratlE ol lou puB s.rJ8uJssaur::.-f-rtpy"t:" tdo{ eq o} s4uei :ur1!sg aig eqr lo iilo a,iiil1j_r_ql_lJ_nsnr uEr{t rroru . tcEqasror{ uo u eur-a 1qi11 j.r,rrq ""lilid

;,fffJffi "S"i *':?t'",'f ";',',"itJii"t*,ot'1,.'","':{,gt,mi""tffi ;i

l_€9rc- : qrl o'r€qc ur *"U:tT,l,it""Jff:H"Jr" rH1"lffiiT:jf arE aJU aql punol lurod q rurod .suorlecrirriruuroc :ooe

asool Jo sq.lual aoo.I ."tr*-"-rr'tlptr€t{ ol fsEo 1ou oIE aurt

"^op iao'r '5q' 'priroqi """ri'lqi :.i1*",i3*'l],H,#T ":^:l:$L *

'f_IlJ_ol_clJsnEs olrnb s{JoI,\ salrur aalql ol od\,} ol dn punol8 aql3-9-l:" _l-?_qrlq ra^o .lno unr aurl e 'sqluour ,rauruhs ,r.rp Jrii;fi lili.'"#, "::[ijd,,:l,ff 'ffJI.l"T"$ Xil1iJ:.1",'"Jff Hdipaqsrrq'rsa rsar€au aqr ruorJ unr "o ̂""fll?, ilour"V 9l#u

-q€tse u" ol ,{}rurxord asorc ur Burrtrod\ ", u""u "uitjl ljJ,iat -atal fq aq ura 1nq ,o1pu.r ,tq rlier 'aqn ruoqdar"r rq nq r1q"1,"oo1'lll^i"lJ",ijql"!$"91"";*t.arg aql punor lulod ol lu[od (D)

.srou€nbp€al{ 01 lc€q a4d (8).3u9€ aru ol s.ralJtsnbpEelr (z).srafJ€nbp9all 01 lnO{OOrI (T)

uarsrs uorrtscrunuruoc oql or ,,s'a[,, rno; ;;1"#y;3 "jf6J"J

a.:l_-19_ -y9n:€rlsrulo,p' rnJssercns eq,r u! rnq ."rrti#:1ir"Xq^lararu tou.[€11^ arE uor?BJrumuruoc ;o suueru' a,rilcass .9;n-'


pa'B€^ua__euo ro u'ru [Eco[ " ", "u ""u!"rflP E:?";ujl";Xl:J',:JJ"""ir,i3ili1.iliH, ""H:_: "# :yi"i:"iHf li; J,",.i1","ri:?1.:::::lIT..9x _,,j:t?t,"Xl'3Xf"",ffi Xl"SJi:ff :5i[-,i":iTj sqollcpuawuocar urtsluoc pue pelr€lap eq pinoijs gd&aisrqi--

-rar!\o? 3q1 Jo qc'a uo ""*o ,o"l?it"'"to srq ur p.'{old.'a uau

-qns Fnur rarsaroJ eqr .r*'", ""oo3u!"!{ i,Xt"T;ig"' t*'IE

uo }Iodeu


903. In an endeavour to arriYe s,t a better understandingot-tne retaiionsnip between weather and forest nres a FireweJtfrei Slation ',vas set up at Dwellineup tn 1934. This.waslater followed bv the estabtishment of stations at Pember-ion and Drvandia, and in recenL years flJe weather reportshave also bien obtained from Ludlow and Margaret R'iver'

Earlv investigations showed clearly that it was not pos-

sible to measuri the degree of f fre dange! by readings oI anysinF.le wealher element such as temperature. relat lve numlcury'barometric pressure, evaporation, etc.

It became obvious that the degree of inflammability of thefuel was the result of interaction of all weather elements'ii was tnen decided to study the moisture content of thevadous timbers and experiments proved that the variationin moisture content of lin. cylinders of locally grown Pinusradiata showed an almo'st identical irend as the averagedestimate of flre hazard given by a number of experiencedforest offcers.

50 gram units (oven dry weicht) of these cylinders arenow in use as the standard measure of flre hazard in thisstate.

904. In oldel to expless the Fire Hazard, two sca.les wereadopted. An empirical scale from 0-10 lor use in flre weatherresearch and a general scale of Nil, Low, Moderate, Average'High, Severe and Dangerous for general and public use.

The relationship of these scales and the moisture contentof the present wood cylinders is given in the table here-under:-



Moisiule contentEmpirical of +in. pine

Sca,le. cylitders.. . . Less than 1 79 .4-17 ,0%. . 1 - 4 1 6 . 9 - 1 1 . 0 %

. 4.1-6 10.9- 1.9Ea. 6 .1 -? 1 .8 - 6 .5%. ? .1 -B 6 .4 - 53ak. . . . 8 .1 -9 5 .2 - 4 .10 /a. . . 9 .1 -10 4 .0 - 3 .2Ea

905. Close co-ope!'ation is maintained with the Meteoro-logical Buleau to whom weather telegrams are despatched at9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each dav durine the fire season fromDwellingup, Pemberton and Dryandra. The 3 pm. telegramalso includes the maximum Fire llazard for that day.

Using the current fire ha.zard as a basis and applying theirknowledge of possible future wea,thet conditions, the BuieauDasr a forecas! by telephone lo Dwell ingup at 4 pm. eachdav. This is in the lorm oI a brief weather forecasL and theesi imar.ed FiIe Hazsrd for lhe fol lowing dav for both theJarrah aIId Karri forest area,s.

These forecasts arc transmitied over the department's radiosystem from Dwellingup at ttre 4.15 p.m. caU.

906. At ?.30 a.m. next morning weather reports are receivedby Dwellineup and these tngether wil,h Dwellingup readlngs axouied to check Lhe lorecasl, made on the previous afternoon.The latesi forecast of weather and Fire Hazard is then trans'mitted from Dwellingup at ?.45 a.m wittl a view to having thisinformation Ervailable before the gangs lea,ve headquarters forwofk.

90?. This forecas[ is normally -picked up by the Divisjonalnxeo staiions and it is the responsibility oI the Divisional oficeil*;";'tii;t the info,rnation is passed on promptlv to allDishlots.

ra1€.ia to uoll€corl


-- , lqslu l€ peoJ Jq1 €ursn sJJ^lJp JBuEtls 01 JIqlsrA dlrsEaaq o+ sE os por{Etdsrp ,{ltuaururo.rd aq plnoqs sudli eso{j

uir. e rAeLr pinoqs rurocr "q, ;,tll?i,t3il"'"3-ldTjl:::t$ LiJEJ {JErJ urEul E ruotJ acuelsrp auros sr lurod rele,ril e y1':{c.E:rl ur€rrr

E IUO.TJ go-U.rnl 3q) uo aarlou auo ac?lcl 01 ,ludlJuns ,Jou sr lt 'pstsoq-u5rs lle^\ dq plnoqs slulod Jo1E,,$ o,lul spEoJ Jr{l .tI6

'1SOI stuoreq 1OU Op SlE,{talUInuoi JoJ llasn lou slulod lal€]!\ 1tsql oJnsua 01 pu€ slculsrpapls lno uorJ sJa^rJp Jo sJacgo Jo uorletuJoJur aqX JoI .{l€ssJJJuAIJEInJrltEcl sr soql{ uo s.lulod JJIEA\ Jql Jo BurrlJEur srr.IJ

'1I 01 dllrulxoJd €solc ur Jolulod roltsrd orll 1€ poqsllq€lso aq plnoqs saorl acuaroJatl

'soql{ ItslueurlJ€daq ur uorsnlcur oJnln}

.roJ alEp 01 dn 1da{ oq ,{€ur sutsld Je4s€ur 1€ql os pesr/rp3acE:o p€eH pus su?Id ocwo uo pal€clpqr eq plnoqs uoll€collcExo sll 'pagsJlqBlse sr ?ulod Jal"r\ .ueu qc€o sV .Z16

'llncwp €urJ^naouBul puspalcrrlsal sl IIIIJqESIA uaq^\ lq8lu 1e oq f€ur soqc€oJdd€ as€qluo cE:84 qcnur s€ '8ur€8oq alBl^qo 01 l€(ruessa sr ro1€^\ aql01 >lc€q puE urnl o1 ulooJ luarcu:ns qlr$ p€q p?o.r urJU v

'qnJcs oql Jo luaruqcaorcuo ptd€rlua^aJd ol ruaql auo4s Jo I0A€.r5

'olqrssod Jr pu€,seqc"oJdds

qcns llB Ildaap op€r8 Jo qnJ8 ol .&rtsss€cau eq lll,tr\ 1I'culloJd prrB osuep sr q?.t\oJ8 qnJrs elaq.{\ drue,As € }o a8po

oql uo ro SuFds € ?" oq llr,$ lurod Ja1€d{ oql sos€c lsoru uI'uolluallp JEInrrFBd

ua^rS eq lsnur spuno;I€-u,rn1 pue ssaccB Jo sp€oJ aqJ .T16

'lllalqoJdr€lncruEd u^\o s+! 01 SulpJocca p€1€e4 aq lsnqr €sEc qc€oprrE suolllpuoc l"col qlIA{ ,{J€a IlrA\ slulod Jarc^{ Jo saddJ

'ra{u€l pJepuels aq1 "roJ sllga.r xrs Surpn-ord 'suoll"S

009'u Jo,{trulcl,r oql ur,tlq€raJa.rd lncl ,,{lrcBdgc

suoll€8 009,T 01 oo0,T lnoqE uBql ssal aq 1ou plnoqs sduns'uosBes e.rg aql Sulrnp

pasn q Jal€^\ aql s.E rolu€1 .{q p€liuo.r puE acrnos l€.rnl€uar{1 uo.rJ J31uI,4{ Ut paUU eq 01 palcara eq u€. sxuEl tourunsul auou 1nq Jalulx\ uI ,ral€^r oldure sl oJaql aleqiA sas?c uI

-radraqrrasulpr^ord"o-"^""iiloSi"""15"1$HLXtYi,i."";"PrYr""H 's8urJds luoutsruJad 'sodfl snou?,{ ]o aq uBc slurod re1ej11

'salru 1I u€ql aloul 1oq Jo douJnol

E ,{q sllua]r urtslqo u€c srorlurl 1€q1 os }I€d€ solnu aalql u€qloJotu ?ou qurod Jal€,tt opr,roJd ol oq pFoqs o^llratqo eqJ,

'8u[Igar JoJ sledurnd Jo,rod Jo pultoJE-uln1 pu€ ,tllua €I{1,$olt€ o,l s3ul5€1s pu? ssacc€ Jo sp€ol lcnJlsuoc puB sacJnosral€A\ alqlssod IIB lcadsoJd plnoqs oSJEqc ur JalsaloJ oqJ,

'lu€llodull .{ISUIS€€ICuI Saurocaq slurodral€.{\ c4"1s alBnbap€ Jo uolsi^old €q.l ,slodurnd reaod puB '6lddns ral€,l|. crl€ls sJo{u€l Jo1€Ar olrqou Jo osn aq1 ur asEaJcul €ql qll.!\ .016

'sElldarns ugIv^t'suotl€Jado .8ul&rnq pafio.rluoc JoJ eIqBIns s.t€p ll€ Jo asn

IInJ OrlErU 04 6J€ {Aq1 JI Sululnq Jo fllsuolu! pu€ e19J oq1 uoraql€eal Jo lco!:a oq1 1oJdro1ul 01 elq'E aq lsnu sJocwo ls3.rod 'suol1€Jado SuIuJnq paqucsoJd ,tu" ur I€Iluassa sr IenJ orllJo irl"qs aql pue J€q4€a^\ eq1 Jo s8pel,rlou{ punos I/ .606

',{J€ssacaupeJaplsuoc JI nEaJng I€crSololoalol I aq1 lcsluoc IIra oqr!6, 'dn8uqlaao ruoJJ poulslqo eq ,l€ur srtrl ,paltnbal s! qs"caJoJlBtcads s plr€ SuluunJ ot? sa.Ig oJer{a sesec 11e u1 .966


Capacity of waterpolrts.


914. Notes should be kept in the local omce of capa.citv'supply and permanence of water points wlt/l a view to in-coiporating Lhis information on Departmenl,al lithos at someIuture date and to improving the supply where necessafy.

915. As soon as possible after the beginning of the springbuming season al1 wells and water holes should be put intogood condition for the flre season.

The information required for this ]tork will be obtainedautoma,tically where spring burning is being carried out, buta special patrol must b€ sent out to inspect all waier pointspariicularly in country that has not been burned within theprevious three years.

916. Apa$ from routine maintenance, immedia,tely follow-ins wintei. inspections should be made of all roads and lracksin-the district [o lo{ate and report on blockages. washed outbiidees. culverts, etrc, and lmmediately fouowing trade cuttiDgrrd.

- thereafter as frequenrly as necessary all bridges a-nd

culverts must be inspected and cleared around to protect themfrom flre.

FIRE SUPPNESSION.91?. F,or the three types of forest fires-

(a) glound flles,(b) surface nres,(c) crown nres,

see paraglaphs ?64-?66.

Roa,ab and trscx!.

Flre behavlour.

Eead flles,

lilaDk AreB.

918. The intensity of a nre depends on weather conditioDsand fuel denstty, tiough rate of spread will be influencedalso by topography 4nd wind strengttt.

In a. dea.d calm on a level horizontal surface with an evenfuel la,yer a, nre spreads slowly in an ever widenlng circle atan even rate in all direciions.

wiih a wind blowing, or up a slope, a flre rapidly assumes along oval shape and has three distinct parts-

(a) the head flre.(b) the flank or side nre.(c) the tal l nre,

919. The head fire is the most forward portion of thefire, usually nafow, ttavelling iastest and very hot. It iscausing the greatest d8,ma.ge srd if possible must be co[irolledfirst.

920. The flank fires, on eithe! side of the head fireare spreadiDg more slowly but have greater length and canraDidiv develop into head fires with change of wind ortoiogiaphy. one side is usually more dangelous than lheor-rrei Oue to weather hends or topography and this dangerousflank nust be ccntrolled simultaneously with the head trreor very soon after it.

921. The tail fire is burning slo\1ly and quietly againstthe wind, is doing least damage and should be controlled last,but must on no account be entircly neglecied.

922, No two bush fires can be fought in exactly the samemanner. each one calls for e difierent approach dependingon weather conditions, men and equipment available, fuel bedand topography.

923. The two essentials for all fires are early attack analaggressiveness. The earlier the flre is atiacked the sooner itis brought under control. Once a fire is allowed to developa long perimeter, the task of conirolling it is increased ire-mendously.

'rau ires.

Fire atts,ck.

6peed of attaets.

.Jacgo lEuorslrrlcl Jo JaqJ]Bdsod o? IEurEHo p.re,u.rog pud eiecrt&np ur (Tn6 uct€r8 puE altsclldnp ur (It6 qd€ra

,{ urro}) uodoll orld alaldruoc (t) *""t.r"Jilrlin"?gi""""*f :*J1"-.99";:,="lh,lY.:alf l tBJEcl OaS, 'asngc o,luJ Orrnbug (t) '{Joa s.5uBB Jo ,{Juorcgo :lcor{C (2, .uorssaJd-dns ralJ€ alqlssod sB uoos s? Jo sot.,np "rg l-";d;iri t9 -IIU! JocWO lculsrc oqtr| .8a6

-saaau uorqr? IoJrE^d Jaqrrn; tBq^r raqcl'dsao asr.lief tor 'bulA€al SuEB puB ajes JJU ueq,r[ 1.roAi21 1g1-dolrr Jo ourq pel'urrlsa pu€ Iorluo, ""o.rn ""o11j#tf ,r,ol--lllgslp Bui^or.r $ ors Jr rrtsJ r.oq1,^ lnloljlll! -socl JI si€AJaqq! flJnoq-Jleq lts taqqtsdsao o1 q.lodrii 19;-Enrs_ aql s€ au'lnor u"n" ,o ,rorr""uuo""pHf iB XSil -salddns qlr,{t p_aaJoJd puE sue: 1o-1o.r1uoi odrnssv rg) 'peJrnbal acuBlslss€ toqlrnJ laqleq^\ (J) .loJluoo 01 aulll pal€urltsE (a) 'lanl

Jo adfJ (p)ezls Jo s[€]oc (c)

"$";3 Stiii:8$ [g] *Jor{c?tsdsoc ol lroda.l eBuErrE scu€ssreuiidcer .i"ilv 6>-rc'd T oN Jo Ior?uoc ""o,rn .ro,rr"*E&K nf3j*i -ruoc puts oJg eql Jo uollces pJts,rJoJ Ot paacoJd (c)

.0t6_Dt6 sr{de.l8el€dr .uoll-raloJct s1! JoJ aBUEJJE puE lqaudrnba pEolun rq) 'I€^frJ€

Uodal pu€_ oIp€J dn 1eS (ts)

ars er{1 Jo acutssr€uuocor. o"*o tttfnfll"r""^$3tt#3 ,r, 'aru agl Io pEaII oqt 01 uorlBcoltsareeu oqt o1 etno.r 1sa>1cino aql ,tq rniarlp pja;;ri (21 'ornued€p

to orutl Jo roqctsdsec aq^pt (ii_llrt\ JoasJe^o Bu€8 oqJ .lA6

'alqFsod s€ uoos sB pouracuoc racgo lcrJ4sfc ostrlpv (r)rolu-os ̂q po^arlar Ilrun v ButsB Jo "r""""no ""o,ii"Hrl--:rgdo lll,11 aJu oql 1E ;ur^rl.l€ sBuES luanbasqns Ilv.P;u:l:9.-".p_,tp-!?1y s suBB Jr 3 puu s suie jijly , e7 raoerJs pqe Jazopllnq pEol_JaqSlq Jo Jaurults a.iaAjs

-Jo ^€p E uo Jo ,plo sJEi,{ aAU JaAo .rillrl IBaT uI rT,cl .lJc{urnd uoBE^\ euo

'qciea!a[ 1i;

- .qJlB^\ Buru€lsll E JoJ aAuBrJV ,g, 'a.lnuBdap rraq) Jo orull eql .{ooq so1 aq1 ur p.rocetl rir

_ _ -rrollBalunwuroc

Jo suEaru pldEJ ,lsou aql ,tq ,V 3uE3' EUBE oJU alqelre,re lse.riiu aq1 asr,rpij 111

uorrual'lE Burrrnbar dru B Jo uo.rso.r "ur ;l,lf.rJiYlit"f""$r;ut's_44:

-Jo uo!lEulplo_or loJ olqtsuodsal tacu:o olB oq,^[Iensn- llral oqa\ ..laqr]adsdc aq1 uo 1ua1xa alqe.raprzuoiE o'l puadap IIr.{1 puB l€rluasso sl :lc8l,}E 1o paa-ag :{36

.loiluoc Japun lI BurJq ol luorn:g-ln!9_-pyu ualu Jroru rueur ipabu puE azls ul pjsdarcui snq aJg ar{t alult qorq^\ ,{q .suorlrpuoJ rollaq ror tre,ll pue s;laexiJo siull aJu uo {cBq IIBJ ot puol .flrceJlp a-e; a.rg'aq1 1ie1ri ol-^alBuseq.uor.x€rlsnrJ Jo Burtoat e ere{- sauei oqtr ,d6lritnlisaql Jo rolsEru sl org aql po?dope sr epn1111e arlsu-app d 31


Jo spurur aq,l ur €apr slql JolsoJ o? qcno, "o ""r=ti::dfot 'lEap ol luas $ oq qrr-q.{r qlr^\ oJU fuB dols 01 SururBJl Du? qlbualls eql sBq aq.sllEallsnu eq,?aslno aql ruorj ealsuigoaql al€l lsnur BUEB org eql Jo aareqr ut ueur a{J rti6:

'uollcB tclllEq

'uollca roqot€dsaq

'nolqcB ertd

'aalssago a{8101 e&eqc q lecgo


counter irlng.


929. Basically there are only two methods of flre sup-pression, direct attack and counter or back ffring

The advancing edge of the fire is attacked dilectly andstopped either by the use of water, mineral soil, beating orraking the burning fuel back on to the burnt glound, or bvraking a narlow strip clear of Juel a few feei ahead of thefire and letting the main flre butn up to the raked strip.

lchis raked strip should be constructed as neal to the flreJace as the heat oi the fire will pelmit.

If the area of unbulned fuel is mole than a few feet wideit should be lit up and bulned out immediately but care mustbe taken not to prepale the strip too far back from theadvancing flre.

The method of direct attack should be used wtreneverpossible.

930. In counter-firing the fire fighters faU back some con-Eiderable distance from the advancing fire, usually to a pre-Dared f ire l ine or track and lhele set back f ires'which are;llowed to run back towards the main flre with the objectof burning out a wide strip of country ahead of the main fire.

This method should never be used if any of the directattack methods are likely to succeed.

Back firing is always risky since if the main fire is too hotto handle direcUy the back flre will also be Yery hot.

If the flre fighters faU back to an area that ca,n be burnedeasily, then the main nre could be handled easilv in thisfuel type.

one ol the main dangels in back fll'ing is the ir€mendousup-drcft thar frequently occuts when the l ,wo f lres meet.leadine to showers oI burniDg debris being carried over aheadof the main flre beyond the line where the back nre started.

The greatest care must be taken in setting back flres, aslittle face as possible should be lit at a time, never back fir-eiibm unvtni"g but a good break line which is long enoughto "tr"u"6 thal the back flre does not escape round the endsof the fire line.

Always l ight close lo lhe f irel ine so thct the backfi le has noopportunrty to gain 8ny lolwsrd momentum. and only burDsback slowly towalds the main flre

931. Ceneral Eules.

1. Assess back firing possibilities carefully befole spend-ing much time clearing the break.

2. Iiake around dangerous trees well back from ihe edge.It is often advisable to burn the heaps of debrisseparately befole the back fir'e reaches them.

3. Never lighi a longer line than can be held' specialcare is necessary if choppy winds are likely.

4. Always burn clear to the line and well in towardsthe main fir'e.

5. If burning on a slope, siart at the top and burndown.

6. rf the main fire is coming up a slope' back fire fromthe lee of the ridge top, that is, just over the top fromthe direction of the main flre.Patrol continuously.Keep as close to the main fire as is commensulatewith safety.Back fire againsi the head fire and attack the flanksand tail direcUy.Select the base line with great care.

9 .


'eelclq3l rolon

alal 01 rsarrs^o

'soIB1€q ql suonnBoerd


'sd€aq ur lJaI lou pu€ paJoll"cs [o^\ oq lsnru Jol1ll p€>l"ll'arg /{u" uroJJ 1q3l[€

auocacl 1ou op .{oqt ?9q1 eJnsuo 01 pa{tsr aq }snur {cnJl oqt uoslrqap dorp ,{Iqlssod 1q.3!ru l€ql saarl .{uE puE '1I punor ll€ laaJxls Jo oc€ds € JoJ puE 1! Jepun uoJJ pa{er 3q lsn1u Ja1MIIV sooJq puE qnrcs Jo J€ala €aJ" uE uo poagld oq plnoqs1r punoJ8 pournqun uo lJoI oq lsnur alc-rq€^ oql JI 8€6

'olclqa^aq1 uo Surddorp srrqop SuruJnq Jo s>Ir€ds Jo,{lnqlssod aqlopnlcerd 01 soo4 €uruJnq urolJ pa^oulal .tllualcB:ns sr {cntl aqll€q? oas o? ua>I€1 eq lsnu oJ€c lcnrl aql punor puE Japunuro.rJ poltsr sraquo SuIIows U€ pu€ i?aq^r qcEa roJ IJos l€taulu:toX urAop pal€r aq lsnur dlJls s loq IIIIS or€ saqsts oql JI 'sea4 Sur8u€qra^ouroJJ .{E,!rts 'slrd

IaA€rB s€ qcns 'ltos lEr3urur al€q Jo punol8

lurnq ploc uo sr alrrqa^ € {JEd 01 ac€ld lsoJss aqJ .rg6

'llun aql Jo aJnl€u alcl€lu(uBgu! aJotu pu€anltsA Je19ar3 .Ilaql Jo ^\or^ ur luawdrnbo pueq ro] u€ql ua{81eq lsntu e.rgc ,ra?€ar8 .solclqa^ loloru Jo os€c ar{l uI .9g6

.J€A3eql punoJ ocu€r€olc loal lnoJ Jo urnulurr! B q1r,{ lqeurdrnbea.rgds alEpouluoccE 01 ear€ pol€alc E arEdoJal o? uEltr E tr€?ap01 sr org € 1€ 3ur^tll€ uo {lnp lsJU s,Joasta^o eqJ gt6

'sqollcnllsur .SqrrrolloJ oql q?IA\ luesJo^uoto.rs s.raqlqaur 3u€3 pus s.iaaslalo lBql alnsue lsn(u s.racwo'patcalord ,{Ial"nbap€ s! 1l 1€q+ aas 01 uai91 aq lsnw uortn€c-a,rd.{re^e popualwun lJaI fl luaurdrnbe qcns duts,ra^auaqlqpuE turnq Suraq Jo JaSu€p ur sJ erg € Jo ,{tlutcr^ aql otua{sl luowdmba llv-'sarld lI, tueurdlnbtr Jo uoltcelord .tg6

'Sururnq pelloJfuoc lapun uaop prEI suotlcnJlsul oql,{loIIoJ plnoqs pu" I€quassa sr saJg poddols IIE Jo Sulllor?tsd

.uorlrsodaql a4"prlosuoc o? u,rnlar uaql pu€ stsoJ€ snoje8u9p aroutaql u^\op Surdur€p /{lprdE.r ,{t.rr€J pqnoJ oB plnoqs sJadundeql d€p aql Jo 1€aq oql Surrnp auop fl dn Burddour JI .sdlunlsputs saarl Sululnq 01 peltddE eq u9c Jol€^l ?€ql os €c€J aql o+ u!lq8lr tqSnoJq aq pFoqs sJaatund Je^\od ,dn Bulddou uI

'qlJtse qlra\ paJo^oc ,r{.r€ssacou JI puE

u{rop pauodrutsp puE palBrtsd3s oq lsmu sdol ro sSoI to salrd'Ino,{lI€oJ oJ.E {eql 1tsql oinsuo 01 ua{E? aq lsnur

ar€c soo,ll ro s8o[ SuruJnq qsrnSullxa 01 pasn sI Jelts,t\ JI',{laJ"s

Jo uISJ€ur olBnbap€ uBaplAord 01 punoJE lurnq .!o pallal to peqsln8ultxa oq pFoqsa8pa aq1 Jo sulEqc aAU urql&\ sJ€ds ro soarl BuIuJnq IIV

'r{€]1\€ par"elc eq lstlula8pa oql ol osolc sooJl Jo Elnq oql punoJ slJqap Jo sd€aH

'a5pa aql ol osolc alu€U B IEaJB ool luo^aJd ol pasJad-slp puE dn ua:IoJq aq lsnlu suqap SulJaplnours Jo sdEaH

'qloq ro lros lBraulIII ro rdlBdr q']r,[ paqsrn8ur]xa Jq4snur a8pa oql Jo ur€qc € ulqll^\ saol Jo sdurnts rrol IIV

'aBpa sll aul,ldolloJ ,{lltlJls 'oJg^ro/l.e punoJ? paltsalc aq lsnur apr.A 1JZ ls€al lts dlJls V tt6

'od€csa ol arg aql lRurod ?q8lur 1€ql l€Iroteul Sugrnq Joecald r{JaAa Surqsrn8urlxa ,{teloldqror sq€out dn 8ulddol^I

'atul? puocas e Iolluoc Japun 1rSufJq ol )tJoa{ orout ro qcnru sts peeu pu€ ed€csa trr a^.Eq 01dFro aru qsnq " Surddols uo l{Srauo elq€reprsuoc puads olalrlnJ .{Isnol^qo sr lI oJ€s srr€ou ,tu? fq 1ou puE paddotsIIuo s! 3r lorluoc repun lqSnoJq sl aru Suruuu s uaqtv\'IoJluoc Japun lqSnoJq uaaq sEq ?I iolj€ 3J?s arg ts SulJopualq auop IJorlA aql JoJ pasn urJot oql q dn.SuIddol|J'ztd


dn Aslddor{

'Isreua8'dn Sntddo^

Escape route.


939. When a vehicte is lef! on a rcad, all lltter must be"aked awuy from l,he sides of the vehicle aJId dangerous treesraked.

Do not leaye a Yehlcle on a road unless there is amplecle&rance to permit the pa'ssage of other vehicles'

940. A vehicle should ahvays be left facing an escape routeso that it ls posslble to drive stralght away without the needfor time wasting manoeuYling.

941. Fire Reports.Ai the flrst opportunity the Omcer-in-charge of a e?ng

sha.ll flll in the preliminary fire report on Form F.D. 304'adrd haJrd it in to the district office.

Reports should be submitted while details are fresh in mindreca-uiC li is from these reporis [h&[ wages sheel,s are checkedand the AnDual Fire ll,eport pr€p&red.

The reverse side of ihe form should be sompleted tm-meaiatety by ttle office staff and the form submitted to theSenior Omcer for his lnformetion aIrd comments.

942. All fires in protecrcd forest that are likely to attain anare& of 100 acres and all flres in plantatiorLs must De reporrcoimmedia0ely by telephone or radio to the Fire Controt offcewho will advise Eead Omce'

g43. In au cases vr'here a claim for damages againsi theDeDariment is tikelv to arlse out of a flre the details must bereir'oiteo lmmedlateiy to the Fire corurol officer by telephonei,i iitig"um, and this must be conflrmed ln wrltine giving afull deiatled report of the circumstances.

944, All centres will submit a daily report on the nre posi-tion for the Previous daY,

Th(sc repork will be given over the alr each morning t'oColier (VL6DE) ab 0815 hrs. except on Saturdavs and Sundays.iiiairs iequi"ea are set out iu Appendix "F", parasraphs 1006-1009.

945. Immediaiely on the close of the fire sea€on but notfaier'tnan ttre enh of the June quarter, the Annual Fireniport. *irfr the flre plan mus! be forwarded to the Firecontrol Superlntenden[

The Annual Fire F,epori shatl be in the form set out inAppendix "F".

946. The rcle of the lorester in fire control is organisaiion-'Successful fire control cannot be based on a strenuous pelsonalefiort a.lone.

The Forester should see that his men are irained and"o"Gp"a, and at a fire should conine his efiorts lo direclingfrls iorces to the besb effect.

94?. TtIe Forester is expect€d to be on call for nre dutycontinuously during the fire season'

As far 9,s is compa,tible with the demards of the season,omcirs are a-llowed freedom oI movemeni a'L weekends pro-;iA;d'ih;; til senior ofrcer knows of their movements andcan recall them in [he eYent of an emergency'

Gencrally, mutual amica.ble araangemenl,s can be made for*rJ iiahind ot a districl during ihe flre season without recourseto a, rigid roster.

F.D. 304 Prellmlllaryrcport.

Ls,rge nre8 to be

D&mego clalms to

Dally !l!e report.

Annual Ftle RePort,

Staff organhatlon.


.prBoglueEaaor{ gBls

eq+ Jo ssertsor.I aq1 ̂\o.oJ o+ *rq ?ignqn#" 1:""5iif";Eif#

-Jr E 01 Jnle^ rLqEJrprsuoJ Jo dJ€ saSessdru eterrLano .gqe '

'qutsls.ssv ?sarod aql JoJ uorlcalo.rd € sr pu€,peurlcal oq

o+ so{E?srur salq€uo,roJto Jo dlqrqrssod aq1 suossel a.rnpaco.IdSI!I'I. alqNsod J!.IIo^\ ss rurq 01 lqas aq pFoqs leursrlo eq1Jocu:o uE 01 pad€IeJ sI a8Essalu oql JI palg alecJlonp aq1pue orpBr Jo auoqd ,{q lurq o1 partelsJ.ro paulecuob .recg;beq+ o1 papu€q l€ur8uo oql .ot€crldnp ur lno ua?lrJ]l.. eq plnor{sli Jacu:o uE 01 passBd aq 01 uor?cnJlsur uts sr lr.ta^a,\\oq ,JI'.{IluEpue^depur poprocoJ aq ,{€ur ?r ocE:o eq1 yo uo11eur.rbgularlt roJ floJaur sr ag"ssaur oq? JI

.po^roca.r se aoy acgo 5q{uI psprocor aq tsnul saru qlrnd SuJIEap se8€ssaru Ilv


'snoJa8u€p aJoJeJoqt pu€ .ssolasn .€ulpeelsnusoluoc€q 1r asl{\Joqlo ,Jncco sa8q€qc sts pu€ ,8urutolll qcee 51ep01 dn lq8noJq aq ?snur p,rEoa lqalua^ot I g€ls oqJ .196

.rtlnp JoJ olq€lts^€ ur€So oq lI!^\.{aqlou41 aql aq llrrl\ sJoFEnbp€ol{ V tr, g ostsc srqt uJ .dlnp

!:oaul€c faql alurl oql pu€ u^\oqs eq ptnoqs uoll€urtoJur srqtarg: " l€ ,tlnp Jo uJn! p JelJ€ Sqrqsoi sr gu€B .ro lecgo u€ JI 'qloq .ro Jaqurnu auoqdalal 'u€rs

I[€c olpEr ra.oqs plnoqs .,uorlEcrunuuloC Jo sutsaj L,.s,racu:o

l?npr^rpur s€ lla,{l s€s8u€8 JoJ uorlEurroJur slql apnlcq oq pepuolxo oq pnoqs lI

'sJotJEnbp€aIr ot (Ilnx-ar Jo arurq pal€lullsa puB uollEctunulluoc Jo suEotu'uolltscol 'sellnp

,sJocuo 'qorlcaJlp purl$,pr€z€q Jo ls€caloJ ,a4"c's5urptsaq EurA\ol

-toJ eql Jspun uoll€urroJul sa-rJr?c pu€ ecuto aql ul pa.{€Idsp,{Iluouluord pJtsoqlcqq s Io ,{[€rluossa sqslsuoc p,ruog srq;


'prsog luaura^otr 1 g€ls aqtr

oltsp 01 dn Suuq III^\ eq SuruJotu aq1 uI auul ?sJId ,tg6

Eulmp r{Ir€InBaJ patsod 3ol ,4lr€p acgo "U, U,rro""r, *ffOnr"O.Ol-uoosol aq IIII\ oH 'tsol€ aql uI suoll€lslno pu" sJa^{ol ll€ olpollrursutsJl-or sl 1r ltsql aes pu" lstscaloJ JeqlBa,$ o,rg IttJ0 sq+paaracoJ a^tsq ol aSuBrJE ro ,lcaJlp aaracal IIIAI oH .z96

ernrcrd or*rur aql 01 dn ."'"," " ;::$:JtT,,jr"t3t.u"",i,.tl|'3 roJ ecnpord ol alq€ aq ,sluouro,lour gu€B pu€ !:tsls to Burqsodaql puts suolltscluntuuroc asl^Jadns .s8utsB puE sroArol uoJJso8€ss?u ts alEurpro-oc pqts pJocoJ 01 poJrnbar sI aH .196

',t€Iaptrlnqrlullu oq1 qlIA\ uorlr€ olul s8ura\s ec.roJ uorsserddns eql ltsql os lz6 pug 926 sqd€J8Ertsd qlp\ lutssJa^uoc .{IlnJ oq Fnru ar{ qcns sv Joqc4€dsac Jo aloJ aql ownssts uaql lsnru puBoJg: oq? Jo posl^p€ aq oil Jacgo ?srg oql ,{IluanbaJJ sr oII

'uorltsslu€3Jo alg oql 01["lra sr lu€lslssv lsarod aql ,uostsas oJg oql €urJnc .096

I'uolsr^rcr eqr 1iq parca.rrp sE pa'?Bua eq .trru rnq ,J33Hl-ar /ilrr€utpro 1ou al" ^qpu€'ls put loJl€d puelaal\ .6t6

'peqsruelder or€ .farl} lun so8€qroqs ,{uts eBJ€qC -ul-Jolsorld aln Jo ocrlou aq1 Japun Surdaal Jo lurod € a{tsurputs elalduoc s! luaurdrnba slq lEql oJns a{tstu pnoqs aH

-searu loJluoc oJg earlur€do-oc roJ sJnoqqBlau ,,O Or,^ 'offiasolc € urJoJ plnoqs prr€ flol"Iullut EaJts s.rq r!\ou{ plnoqs aH

_ SuBB srq Jo 8(ntn€Jl aql pu3 ludurdrnba stq Jo luaul -qsru.Joor puB oclr€ue,lulEru eql ,BarE slq Jo loJluoc alu dr.I1 JoJa6J€qc-ur-relsorod eql 01 elqlsuodssr sl raosra^o eqj .Ct6 '


lgorod aqJ,


Baallo Me6sage pad3.

Outn?ald me3soges.

3095?, Radio message pads are recommended for this pur-

pose, even if the message comes by'phone or word of mouth.

958. Messa,ges should be wdtt€o out before iransmissionby radlo or 'phone, and the origlnal filed for future referencefor the sarne reasons as for inward messages.

It is essential that this procedu.re be followed in radiotransmission to stop unnecessary taJklng.

959. Fire Diary.When a, la,rge flre, or a, la;rge number of ffres necessitatcs

many compuc;ted gang movements and stafi roiation, a cle&rpictrire of the siiuation must be available to' a conirollingofncer. To provide this picture a nre diary or series of dlariesshould be used. The disry co,nsists of a' laxge book or padfrcm whlch the pages can be tprar for flling.

960. Pa,ges are headed with the flre serial number, date andall releva,ni inJorma.tion, such as loca'tion, cau$o and weatheraondltions. A margin on the leff hand provides a space fo-renrry of iimes and the 24-hour system should alwa.ys be used.The remainder of ttle pa,ge ls used for details of all messagesend reports received or transmitted.

961, The diady should be left on the control table or byttle radio or teleihone and evervthing relating to the flre inquestion vi,rltten in the approprl&ts diary.

Sp€cimen entries mlght rcad as follows:-103?-By radlo, For. smith reporh nre broken eway from

Jon6s' gang near ref. tree C'Q. 67/l Advanced about10 chains 6v three. Robb's g8,ng being sent from s.E.corner of f,re to assisi.

1045-By radio, Robb reports arrival at breakali'a,y, gangcomhenceci work Thev need another H.D. outflt

104?-By radlo, A/For. Robins reports xellering gangunda,r Overseer Whlie a,rrlved to replace Black's gangwho are golng home to lest. Fire quiet on this s€ctor,need some more r&tions before night. And so on.

962. Later, tfte diarv provides a basis on u'hich to condulta n* stuav'from wiiih much Yital information m&y beobtained.

A flre ptan should be kept in coniunctlon wlth the diary tocomplete the piciure of the sttuatton.

!'l!o plan vltbDr.ly.

'::?Uodlll grto3rJ,

'sluaur-altsls pau.Srs qlrnd sossaulr^r Jo ssoJppB pu€ aur€N (6)

'a]trloru po1sa88ns aql'urslJ€lpuacul ol€JoqllapJ! Jo 'l1nq ol1ar€8rc 'qclEru 'ssaussalertsc '34 'uosEa?I (8)

'Aullqalt Jo Poqlaw (l)

'alqlssod sE,{lr?eu s€ paF"ls oJg o!u!I (9)'.tlJadord al€alrd Jo

lsaJol{ o1ElS '3a 'po?rtsls oru aJaq.{\ pu€I Jo aJnual (9)'u"Id Pa

-qcEllr uE qlllr oJg eql Jo 1r€ls aql Jo uoll€tol lcExg (])'paBuIJJu!

lcv eq1 lo uoqcos €qJ (€)'alqrssod

JI uosrad slql luorJ sluarual€ls pauBIS (Z)'arg aq1 1q BUIA€q JO pelcad

-sns ro auqqSrl uosrad aql Jo sse.rpp" pu€ ?lutsu IInJI (L)-:papnlcul eq pnoqs Et€lep EulrldolloJ

oqJ 'pololduloc $ uor4€8r1sa,{ur eq1 lalJs ,{l€4Erpelllwl acg:OtoJllroC orl.{ aql ol pe?tlluqns eq lsnlu lJodo.l IInJ V 896

'pa]tto$ralut aq lsntll uollEruloJulInJesn e^€q 01 .{Ia{-rI sI oq^\ flII€coI aq1 u! uosrod .tra^E

'aIq€rapls-uoc.4re^ sr slu€ru.roJul olqlssod pu€ suosrod palcodsns Jo 5uT-uollsanb pu€ acuEpuellts ecllod Jo 4cego ItsJou eqJ, Ja>ItB4pue racwo lsaJoJ aql .{usdurocc€ 01 olqElsuoC ecllod IEcoIaql Jo sac!^ras oql uI Il€c 01 alq€sllp€ pue lEnsn q 1I 196

'JoI po{ool aq plnoqs'slaaq,{r JEaJ al€uls ro l€nplaqloqA\ pu€ sleaq^\ uaa^{locl ltrlplrY\ aql 'sardl

Jo s{rtsu p€aJlpu€ qlpl.ari 3qJ salos paqcled pu€ sll€u-qoq sB qcns salSlra-llncad futs pu" poqsun Jo poqs Joqlaq^{ s{cBrl osJoq Jo os€coql ut Jo saoqs ro s4ooq Jaqlaq:|,\ 'oz!s 'uollceJlp llaqI .t1lul-cI^ aql ul $lc€Jl ,tuts Jo ap€ur aq lsnul 01ou lnJel€C 996

'osnJ uorlc€ p€{€lap B SulXtsclpu! qcl€d paJ€olc" ur saqcu€Jq uolloJ Jo seroc ,{oqrlc€Iq plo uo:tl qsv (9)'t€uot€!l( aullqSll roqlo ro 3€q €ulrapForus Jo sacald (g)

'{cots Eullla^Erl Eulltsclp-u! s:Ic€Jl 3op Jo osJor{ .fq pa{r€wraAo s:lc€Jl allltsC (t)

'sor.-lc'lBur lqeds fq ro '$lJBrt alclrJa^oql Jo aprs aql r(q EurrdlooJ

'roqla8ol dn Eulltndsalclqa^ oarl Jo $tc€rt aq1 dq paltsclpu! aq 1q3lw slqJ'a11aJ€3lc "

1q3{ 01 paddols ouoeuos oraqa lods aq.I, (8)'sastsc a5plrutsc (z)

'arg dur€c € Jo sut"uaQl (I)-:JoJ po{ool aq ptnorll

qEql sontc alqFsod eqx Jo ^\eJ € orts EUI^{oIIoJ 3qJ 996

'weql Ja,l.o 3oIIl€rus ts Fulctsld Iq Jo ,lJtsq ro soqsnq qll^l aulta^oc ,{q aIqF-sod sts J€J s€ palcaloJd aq plnoqs punoJ s{c€rl .tuv t96

'aJu oql Io ulalro Jo lulod tc€xaoql olqFsod s€ flrtsou sB ultsUocs'B ol puts 'sralq8u arg dqpoltsJelllqo or€ fsql aroJoq ,lllulcl^ 3ql ul aq ,{€ru l€ql slt?xl,tuts dn {cld oq ,tlrtsa oJoql la8 pFoltrs Jat$;o uts 'JoqFnrf,

'lI ruoJJ dBAr€ SuIoB Jo lods aqq uo roqlla'oJg oql AIII?qBq suosJad aq1 ldacrolul 01 alq-Issod oq fBlu tI:luEFodrq sI arg ar{l Jo acJnos aq1 Sulqctsal uI paads '896


',,v,, xr(rNgadv

.l3ylu€sae paad€


Twe8 of arr€6ter3.

lde6h Bl?€.

Te8tlng of m€3b.

W.A.G.R. Smoke

o**tunr*,,u,,.Wire Mesh Slrark Arresters.

969. Wire mesh spark arresters consist essentially of afine screen to preveni the escape of sparks up the chimney.There are three common types:-

(a) The Cheney, consisting of a mesh cone fitted to thetop of the chimney and supported by the upper lim.It is now seldom used.

(b) W.A.G.R. Smoke Box Type, consisting of a completewire screen inslde the smoke box between the end5of the heating tubes and the chimney.

(c) The Brew, consisting of a cylindrical screen insidethe smoke box.

9?0. Mesh Size.-AlI wire mesh should be of 16 gaugefive or six holes per inch for Jarrah fuel, six holes per inchfor Karri fuel. The Railways commission use four holes p€rinch for Newcastle coal and try to change to six holes Ir€rlnch for collie coal.

9?1. Fitttns of Mesh.-Ii is necessary thet all corners andjoints be efiectively sealed with mesh or plate, special etten-tion being paid to Jointing around the steam inlet pipes andthe exhaust.

972. Conalttion of Mesh,-The mesh should be entlre, i,e.no holes or breakages.

It should not be liable to corrode through at any time.The Iife of the mesh in use is considered to be two ye&rs.

9?3. Testins of Mesh.-A suitable test for badly flttilgmesh with holes in it consists in holding a lighted caaalleor piece of burning kelosene soaked waste to the undetsulface of the mesh. If in good condition no flame shouldbe seen above the mesh.

9?4. Special Points,Chenoy Type.*In ordel to give satisfactory service, it is

necessary that:-(1) The mesh be entire and not broken.(2) The mesh should be frequently cleaned on accotrllt

of cylinder oil which passes out with the exhaurtgases and clogs the mesh.

9?5. W.A,G.Ii. Smoke Box Screen Type.(1) It is essential to see that the horizontal screen is

above the smoke tubes, but below the outlet of theblast pipe.

(2) The vertical portion (with flap) must be ntted toobviate $'hat would otherwise be a faulty junctionof the horizontal portion with the smoke box door.

(3) The buckling of the framework must not be seriousenough to prevent the tlue seating of the flap andthus allow the passage of sparks larger than thoseordinarily passing through the mesh. This can beusually tested with a piece of wire or stick.

9?6. The Brerv Arreste!:.-The Brcw Auester screen is acvl indrical box, nol . f i r ted to [he sides of the smoke box aDdia capable oI being rotated from Lhe engine cab gnd beingcleaned by a series of steam jeis placed vefiically inside thescreen.

This type of arrester is easier to inspect than the commontype, but has similar faults which must be looked for.


r'lttlDg of me3b.

CondltloD ol medb.

'ttrrrl Jo €trIu€rtc

- rolcJfur oq+ Jo uoqtsilado aql qll?r .{lltsclleruoln€AEIq olul auroJ 10lI soop,t€lds aql as€c qclqd\ u! 'Japuot Joralloq oq+ UIoJJ lcoJrp poltddns eq ,{gru aluos 'edld /r{oUJaAoJolceful sr{1. uorJ Jol€.{. qllu polddns eJ€ s,{€rds lsolN

qc€a Buo[€ sasss.r puts rolcocur qceo "t p"u;Hir ""T

t'8,"T€ses?c aruos uI .sf"Jl aq1 lnoqlra\ frolc€Jsll3s lou oJ" asaql

rfards urdqsv lnq ' socol ,{usu. 01 patlg uoaq aa€q s,{€Jds uBdqry .Zg6

'sl€or Jo ad€cso

eql ^\oll€ plno^\ qcrqA\ sal>Icnq io seloq ou stsq IsFelBrneql l€q1 eJnsuo 01 patcadsq oq plnoqs uedqs€ €qJ (9)

'sl€oc osoql Io ad€rsaaq1 Surlua^ard JoJ poqlaru ,{rolcBJsp€s lsour aq1 sr sr{"rl,{J€lprsqns Jo uorsr^oid ar{I 'l€rJa?tsIll nd.au Aurllu relJ€ s{aa,4.laoJ E ,{tuo pocualradxa ualJo sI slEoc e,tri Jo odscsa aql llurad04 luetcu:ns sroop radtusp puts u€dqs€ eq1 Jo SulHcng (f)

'u"d-qs€ eq? luoJJ sl€oc e^r[ Jo Sulddorp oql luolaJd 01 lqalcu:nslou s! sroop aql Japun uaoJcs u"dqsts Jo oddl plo aqJ (6)

'SIEOC aAI[ JO eOBCSeoql JoJ Suluaclo ou 3q!^"0[ 'saqsts eql Suldunp relJ€ auoq,{IinJ paqsnd eq u€c puB 'JapJo 8ul{Jo^\ poo5 u! sI dtsJ1 aqlJO ruolloq olq€^ou eql 1€ql oJnsuo 01 fJtsssocau sI 1I (u)

'qali€lJapun or" sunr roBuol Jo sdl,rl I€uoll-Ipp€ ueq^\ uolJo eJour pu€ "{uEp aclA\l }sBal lts ?no pai €caq plnoqs sf€Jl 0zl3 p,rEpuBts Io Bulu€oIC pocroJuo aq lsnurSuIu€elc luanba,rJ ororu pallllurad oJ€ soddl JallEIus uaq,Atnq

's,{€.rl azrs pJlrpu€ls uo Sullslsul aroJaq poreprsuoc aq4snur su€dqsts o1 sdEJl 3ur11E: uI salllncE:Ip l€clu€qcoll (I)

'S.t€Jtr. Jo Sulu€oIC 186'Suluunr sI ocol aql uoq,!\ pasolc

podtu€tc oq lsnr! JooU: JoduEp aqt puts 4Id € Jaao sI eulEuaor{1 oltltr^{ pal"Jado eq fluo u€c sdurslr asaql sdru€lc JoJrgd € qlr^r pallg puo Jaqlo oq1 lts Joop Jodur€p oql pu9 fBJlauo qllna unJ ol ue^I8 uaoq sEq uolsslruJod puE 'utsdqs€ aqlJo J€o.r pu€ luorJ qloq 1€ sfErl 3ul11g uI pacuaFadxa q .{llnc-E;Ip SAStsC aIuOS UI- rOOC radutgq ucalqsv roJ Sd![C 086

'uBdqa"adft pto eqt ,o JBoJ aql alqlssod oJaqa{ pu€ pua SuIpEaI rotuoJJ eq1 q€ ,{€J1 ,tJtslplsqns aql a^tsq lsnursocol (€) Jo uoIsIA-oild aql Sulpued-'su€alqsv roJ s,t?rI jr€rpIsqns (q) '616

'reddoq oql ol roop €ulplls aql roJeqtsId rer,{saq qcnu esn ol q adIXEuJa?Its ,fiolcEJsrltss raq?ouv'aplls qcEa Jo ruolloq oql ssorcE (uI+I x uI+T) srtsq t Jo Zaurplaa{ ,{q aurocralo uaoq s€q sIqI ault{cnq Jo lunocc€ ltosroop SuIp s aql 8ul^orual Jo ,tllnculp oql sts,$ uEdqs€ Jo odf,lEq? qll^r paltsIcoss€ fll€ul8lro a8€1uB^p€slp V frtsssocau ofBreloq aql Jo le^owa]t aqX 8ulAIoAuI ocol " ol srl€dar roftsrrluaqa\ patlu aq plnoqs srql-'u€dqsv od.tI reddoll (€) 816


's:IJEdS e^rl eq1 qruenb 01 al€nbap€ oq lou plnor$ qs€ eqllno BuIcroJ 1af tuels aql 1tsq1 alqtsqoJd sr lr roI 'sac€Id

,,aJtss,,ol pauu:uoc eq plnoqs esn s?I ra(uluns uI Joop eq1 Euluado lno-ql!A\ XOqA{OUS aql SUrJ€eIr JO SU€Alu {p€Or € OprAOJd qCrqAsJolaafa qsB xoq olorus l€lceds pallg arE 'socol awos oI

'SuIqJnq palloJluoc fluolrtsJsrl€s,{q raluluns qcEa Jo 8uluul8oq oql lts aJ€s apElu puts 'pasn,{llrr€lsuoc puts uodn paplcap oq pgoqs qclqa 'alnor eql SuoIBspunorg Suldump aX$U:ap 1B polldluo aq pFoqs ralltsl sfql 'xoqa{olus aql IIg pno^\ 8ulfind rh€aq oJaqa\ Jo 'sunJ SuoI uO'dIJl uJnlal puE prts,u4no qcBa Jo luaruacuauruoc eqq 1€ ls.eollE lno palJJ€c aq pFoqs slqJ.-'xoB e{ouls Jo AuluealC 'tl6

u€dqs€ Jo! Edllc

allJl lltlpleqng

addl r€ddoll


elortrE Jo SsIu€aiC

r '

t i


Flrebala and fuele.

Cielelal Notoa.

Oeefloadlng to boBvold€d.


983. (c) Firebars anal Fuek.(1) Firebars should not be so badly burnt through or

buckled to allow larger end more coals inro the as=hpan-qood spacing is 8in. between the bars, but distances fromlin. to *in. are common in bush locos.

(2) AU fuel should be free of bark and as dry as possible.

GENERAL NOTES.984. With lhe "bla,nketing ' efiect of r,he smoke box al?ester.

every efiorl should be made to cei the maximum effrciencyfrom t,}Ie flre box. cood bars adrd sea,soned tuef netp conilaii-_ably ln this dlrectlon.

985.. The o.verloading of rakes can be a, fruitful source ofe_xcessive spark emlsston. particularly on sections of line withsnom snarp dips.Co-operation wlth the bush boss should be maintained to

avold the occasional overloa.ded rake nhtch causeJ iniJ iio-uUfel


W.A.G,R. ORGANISATION.986. There are ln the Stat€ etght r&ilwa,y distrlcis. escbwith.& senior Locomotlve Inspector or a rocorirotivJ F6iLmii]

and ln each Dtstrict e stafi ca"r is a,yallable._ Locomotives are c.hecked in and checked out by a, LoqomofiveForeman o! Drlver-in-Charge who has to certiiy to ah;-;;;:dition of:-

Smoke Box.Brlck Arch,Ash Part.

- Every locomotlve, betore attachment to a train must becleared o-n -the-se three poirots and stgned for Uv iiri o-iiiier iicharge of the locomotlve depot.- At desiinatlon, the officer-in-charge ha8 to certify that thelocomotive was received with the smoke box, biick'a;;ii- a;;ash pan in correct order.. ff a-locomotlve olerating in a flre haza.rd a,rea" is found tob_e faulty it,.proceeds to ttle next station whire ;dv-ic;- G-;eihat the traln cannot proceed. The nearest centre tneni;a-saJI ofrcer out to inspect it,

Fin€s are lmposed on engine crews when a, nre is started bva defective locomotive, provided it is prcved tf,u1 itii-loco'-motive when received was in correct order.

There are disirjct Locomotive Superintendenlf at:_Ge!ald_ton. Northa,m, Ka-lgoorlie, East perth, Na.rrogin ana Sunbury.

Bunbury controls the South-Wesi from pinjarra to Bowellingand all the lower South West.

There_.qTe loco Foremen in charge of ll]e depots at Bunburyend Collie, and drivers in charge at gruniwick tuil;i:r".Pinjarra, Bridgetown arld Busselton



ou9{ stuttaa"o equipment for a six-man gang truck shall

4 axes.2 cro$scut sa,ws.q Fkqs or shovels and Eta,shers in the Southern Diyision.4 torchea.t hammer3 wedges.

GiallE tluot 0 b6D,

.palsal Suroq uosJad pJ€Alo1 Surc€J pJEoq lselo^a Jo epls al-rqa qlIA .(1JaI ol ro .lq8_u ot .u,{rop ,dn aq UIAlods TrvI ts oql) I€luozlroq raqlo aql ,lEcrFa^ s! srEq {cqqI"uo8€rp Jo 4€d auo l€ql os lqSlrdn p.reoq 1se1-a,ta p1o11

'suaoJc aoJl Jo sSulpl,rnq Jo seaaar€pun .8ul1le8 pro^V .uns

Io s{tsr paJlp uort popEqs lnq.fls uado Jo tqSlt InJ uI pr€oq 1sa1-3,ta ptoq olpu€q " uJot olpJBoq oq1 Jo IcBq aql uo ltcolq aql ur Bed punoJ aql Uosul

'spEoJ pellea€rB Joflsnp s€ qcns 'spunoJ8orot

lqS,rJq pIo^V ..{JEssacau st qFEe JOssEl8 ueaJ8 sE qcns ,punoJSoJoI

{rtsp v .op

I[^\ fEp fpnolcJo fuuns € raqllg .sjoop-Jo-1no ac€td alq€lrns ts lca[as

-:sfroltoJ s€ us,,l.I5 sI lsdl-a.{a aqtr 'sacu"lslp Suol 1s alou$ Io suurnpc lt€urs 3as 01 Jaaod slqJO oJns€aru € sI lods ll€urs slql aas u€c u?ur € l€ql acu€ls[purnurlx9u aqtr, Jtsq l€uo83[p auo pu€ a4uac aql uaoal-aq ,{ts^lplru lods {c€Iq (uI9I/I) llvws " puts 'sJouJoc oqluo sJPq IEuoStsIp {c€tq'o4uac eql uI lods {rEtq aBJ€I "'r{lIApr€oq alrqAr aJsnbs ull € Jo slsrsuoc 'pl€u oql ul ouop sq ot EuauJerdol Jo 3u[1sq Jr ecuo pB€II ruoJt paul€1qo aq r{€ur qclqa1€ArB1 lsel-a.fa eqtr, sa{ours ll€urs aos 01 ueurJerdo} Jo {lfilqra]|rlEleJ orll €JnsEotu €r4l pou4sap sI 163l-a,ta +no{ool oqtr|

'elno\oorl orld rotlsoI ofl ocl^ros $orod Jo oso roJ suollcnrFul 066

'Jaqos oq lsnur puB Jl"srulq to aJtsc aIElpuB uo!1€[osl ,fi€ssaoau eql eJnpqa ot oIqB aq lsnw 9 'uoll"urJoJu! alq"Ital 8ulqsluJnJ utpu€ Euaum{sq oql Sulsn ul lualculoJd oruocaq lsnw t 'Jartlol Aql IuOIJ ?[qlSIA /iJlUnOCaq1 SuIuJEaI puB d€ur ts 8ulpseJ Jo etq€d€c eq 1snft I 'euoqd€Io4 oql Jo asn aq1 JoJ SuIJ"oqpoo8 pu" uoll€Icunua poo€ [tqtsuossar aA€q lsnr^I U 'tq8lsa^a poo5 a^€q lsnw I 'suoHac

,ruoltgogrrsnb -Ull€nb SuIA\olloJ aql ssossod lsnur u€lrrJeAlol oqI 686

'ton4 &np .6a€eH


'auosoJal 's8€q Ja1"^r z 'ta^oqs I'ld"s lnossorc I 'saqcJol z 'sox? z 'sa{Br t

'sd€rds >Ic€d Z ',ta{ osoq I 'Sultdnoc ,t I 'sro4coJlp asoq I '9soq s'€^u€c 1T Jo sql8ual ?.roqs e 'sJouunr uo asoq s€lrrtsc tT Jo sql8uat 1t 00I x g 'osoq roqqn|ulT 1J0ZT qlr,{ Ioor crlnerp{Il 'dund.{r"!llxnv'durnd Js,[od qltAt {u€1 Ja?"rt[

-:aq It€qs {cru1 dlnp fa€aq " JoJ quorudlnbe pJ€pu€ls .gg6

'solJossoc?? InJosn rlJea er€ r€qrdoJc puE xctst ool"Sust 'sJo1co4p qlvr asoq JoqqnJ urT Jo sql8uol e 'Jsdund 1q3!t ro drund ocroJ ulAop-.r\o.I '{u€4 JalElll'oq1{

IquaunJEdop pqlunour I 'uolloc alprr€c Jo Il€q I 'auasoJa{ sal4loq t 'sdund Jo4€ru, t'sr{€Jds

{c€d t 's8"q Ja1€41 t'M plB lsrld 'xoq Ja{cnl

.Ie,{oqs I


Ilave man being tested back away from eye-test boarduntil SMALL black spot almost disappears (usually 35 or 40feet). He should not face sun.

whirl eye-test board several times so the SMALL blackspot may assume a new position, up, down, right or left. Haveobserver signal or state new position of the SMALL spot.If conect, have him step back 2 or 3 feet. Repeat procedureuntil the observer indicates position ol SMALL black spot in-colrectly. Have him guess when he is no longer certain. IIemay rest his eyes if he wishes.

Record the obs€rver's rating as the distance in leet fromeye-test boaril to the last point from whlch he can inalica.teposition of the small black spot correctly. The distance atwhich this small spot can be seen is definitely related to thedistance at which smau smoke colums can be easily detected,The fouowing tabulation indicates quality of eye-sight inrelation to eye-test lating in feet.-

Maximum distanceat which smeu

black spot can beseen (feet)

64 or over58 to 6350 to 6?44 to 4943 or under

Quality of Eyesight

Exceptional. . . Good... . . . . . Average... . . . Falr. . . . . . . P o o ! .

991. The Towerman shall be required to:-(1) Make such early and late observations as the

D.F.O. shall require.(2) At flrst observation ensule that the orientation of

the plan and nnder is correct. Thls may be doneby checking the bearings on one or two know!pornls.

(3) At 8 a.m. he will obtain the early morning trreweather foreca,st and pass it on to netghbourirgtowers or Dlvisions, ThIs lnformatlon shoulal bewritten on the top of the page of the day'Bobservatlons.

(4) Iiepo* the wind direction and strength altd vid-bility ln each o{ the four quarters ol t}te compasato district Headqua,rters. This lnformatlon muatbe supplied as conditions change, hourly or morclrequently os required.

(5) Remairx on continuous watch durinc such hoursof ttle day as the D.F.O. sha,U determine withstipulated times off for meak or short breaks asadYised.

(6) Maintain a, caxeful wa.tch a,t all times for smoke.(?) Immedia,tely on locating a smoke the lookout mtr

should take a bearlng and estimete the positioDof the fire. He should communicate this bearingand s,pproximate location together with a, de8-cription of volume aJId character of the suo&eto centr4l towerms,n or district headquarters, asprevlously instructed by the D.F.O.

(8) When the position of a flre ha,6 been def,nitelydetemined, the towerma.n will be supplied withthe location and the seria,l number of the flre tobe entered in the log book and ln Lhe marcinof the pla.n a,i a, point which ls a continuation ofihe b€a,ring. This serial number will be used inall further reports concerniug such flre,

(9) All messages to and from the tower must beentered tr the tower loc book a,gainst the tilceof the transmlssion.

urtsr Jo lua^e €ql ur peJe^oc aq pFoqs puaButd€tcs puE Sulqqu ]lq a8€ur€p rtuts ruoJJ alqrssod sB qcnurs€ palcalord aq plnoqs pJtsoq uEId egI-.pJEog utsId .t66

'flal"tpautul psuodsr oq pnoqs a83utap{uv pa8Eur€p lou a.!" uuts prrg €utsA Sullqals oq1 4€qleos 01 ;opug uor4coJlp oq1 Jo rll.rts loals aql Surc€ldal puBnulaurudr u! ud{Et oq pFoqs eJ€c-.t3puld uollcaJlc .966

.u€Gr.,{o1 seull SurA\oIIoJ aq1 Suol€ sluelun.rlsq to elea pu€ asnJo soorpn:lrui aql uo suollcn.IlsuJ otuos a^loccl plnoqs u€uJanaol allJ '266

'dn po{col pauollqau ?sEI oral oql pu€ Jaaol 3rI1uroJJ_paloruor og pngqs sass€l8uns pue srelnaourq .$[€:ousiiooqaol 'arrB 3ur4q3!s ,utsId Jeraol aq1 uosees

'e.rg aq1 ;o pIIa aql ?v-'soerl lnoloo.I pq" 6ror$0Jl orll Jo ertc .966-

'ou4l 01 au4l ruorJ paglluepl arts slulod ss surlrorrgd eqlol sqolllppB a>I€ru 01 poSE.rnocua oq plnoqs utsurrar!\ot aq,L'uns urorJ uorlcalord aara ot .{Bp aqt autrnp ;:fiit"offr offibulue^a qcEo splBoq aq] Ja^o pac?ld aq plnoqs srdaoo .alqF-soo s3 ultola sE lda{ oq pFoqs surErouBd-.surErou€d .,166

'apls auo 01 Illqrlls palUl p"aqaql qll.!\ ueqt asn ol dltsssacou aq 1q3!ru 1I .arEIA lsBalJo uolllsod aql pug ol €ullrlor ,!ti[ols pus so/te aqt arot.qsossEl.s Jo plaF{s aql 8qploq ]|q patsol oq uuc qq.L .1cenelsoq Jo oueld aql ur polunour lou s! I€IralBur oql 1aq1 plalqsuns Io eddl JqzlA aql qlIA. {IrBInaIlrBd 'suaddtsq sau{1auos lIlnq'od/tl .,ploralod,, eql Jo arE sesstsIEuns Jo addl lseq aqtr.

'asn u[ ?ou ueqa as€c oqt ul pac€Id puBu€olc lds{ oq plnoqs .taql spula rISIq puB aJ"tB uns .azsqfAtsoq Jo suoptpuoc Japun uorl8^rasqo snonulluoc ruorJ BuIlJns-ar ulBrls-er{a fJ€ssoceuun elaIIaJ ol puts suor4rpuoc .{ztsq u[salg Jo uollcolap aql uI lslss€ sassElSunsg'soss.Eltuns .966

'dn Sunq pu€ €s€c oql ur pocEtd eq pFoqs,{oqlosn ul 1ou uoqa r}lr? paulB4s ro poJ.rtsl oq lou pFor{s ,{oqtr,

'paJlnbal uoqA\ dn po{cld aq 01xoq ro alqts1 aql uo au l lJoI aq lou pFoqs puE drlls lJoqsE qlIA\ UJO,$ Aq pFOqS SJ€InCoulq AqI-.SJ"InCOUtg .966

'u?Id aql uo pa"Bldaq pnoqs Jell.oc aq1 SrIuoAo rlcsa la/ ql oql Burl€cB^ uo

g JeddoCt {cEIg

t u^\oJgz ellq.t\

I oNIAJnoloc

9 1IIJOt ,{la{u"Ig

I .flt{olllEe IeJIdS

T J€UrUnlOCJOlC€rsqC

t €suoqI 1{A€oH

I unlpatr Ir au!,!I

arunloAe.ol^ lcarlp loN-'6 'ItrOrA

1ce4O-'V 'selorus Jo uolldlJcsao

'pr4^r 3uor1s-'q .azoalq al€JapotrAl_.c'az€aJq elluaSr'g

'u{€c- v 'rn8uoJts pu!.d\'salltu I u€q1 ssal uorsr^ Jtsalc-.g 'sa[ur 9 ol dn uorsr^ J€aIC-.t 'saltru L 01 dn uorsrA Jrelc-,8 'ssll.ul 0I ot dn uorst]1. Jeelcf-.z 'sa[ur gT 01 dn uoIE^ JBoIc-.I flrJr.qlE^

Eu!{,ronoJ aq+ ro}ro1 oqr .,,o.,g .,o,rn*"ofr'B:,"titff"*ft til-


At the same time the tower or tree hut should beinspected and a full report with suggested renovations or re-pairs if any should be submitted to the Divisional Office. Thetower should be inspecied with a view to determining-

(1) Whethel it is necessary to place iron bands rounduprights which may be splitting badly.

(2) The need for treating exposed ends of timbel withhot cleosote, petrolatum or some similar compound.

(3) The need for painting or otherwise treating anyexposed wood or ironwork.

(4) The need fo!_ renovations or improvements to thetowel cabin and hut.

Trees should be inspected for the following:-(5) Dying back of the l imbs or trunk,(6) Patches of rot in dead areas.(?) Rot or borer- attack in tree pegs.

999. With the exception of towers which ha,ve been erectedon a concrete base, it is important that each fir'e towershould be carefully examined two years after erection and atregular intervals fron 2 to 3 years thereafter particularly thecondition of piles supporting the tower whele lhey enter theground.

At each inspection lhe ground around the piles should beopened to a depth of l8in, and any weathered or decayedwood should be scraped off and the exposed section whethersound, or: showing superflcial 6igns of decay or termite attack,should be painted thoroughly with hot creosote. rf there areany indications of telmites or decay, deeper holes should beopened and the affected wood cleaned away. The cleosote,before application, should be heated to simmering point, butnot allowed to boil violently. The piles should be allowed todry before treatment.

The tightening of bolts used in the construction of firetowers should only be necessary at the beginning of eash fireseason for the first two or three years, after which furthertightening should not be necessary.

Excessive tightening of bolts is to be avoided. In the cours€of this work any pa,tche8 of decay noted in the struciur&ltimbers should be cleaned out and a dressing of hot creosoteapplied to the afiected aJea.

It is estimated tha,i for the treatment of the supportingpiles in ea,ch tower 8 gallons of creosote may be requlred.

Any excess creosote left after painting the lees and otherafiected parts can be used for puddling the earth round tltelegs, partlcularly in the vicinity of any patches showlng rotor termite attack.

Supplies of creosot€ as required should be requisitioned.

1000. In a.ddition to the above periodic inspeciions, a.lltowers and trees $hould be inspected before each fire seasonand ofncers in chaJge of Districts wtrere towers or trees arelocalted should submit a, report to the Fire Control Superin-tendent not la.ter than the 30th Sept€mber in each year settin€lout the gen€ral condition of the lookout and the towerman'shut.

1001. At the beginning of the nre season steps muEt b€taken to clea.r all undergrowth for a, radius of five cha'insaround each tower or trte so that there is no possibility of itscarrying flre on the hottest day.

During the fire season a,t least two pack sprays or 4 ga.lloDdrums fllled with water must be kept on tfie tower in case ofemerg;ency.

Towen tD bc

'$eroI IB.rnlBulJodeg e{.{

'rl:odoll alBrBdag

'otu lsEI Jo al€c 'alg lsJg Jo alBq'uossas astrtn(I se4I .t'dlddns r4tsl[ (s) 'slooqos 8ul -uIEJ1 Org :Soai(Oldrua to .{cuatcgg uo$salddns (p) .uOIlBCruntUUrOC rC, 'sJolaol 5ul1€cE^ puB Suluu€ru Jo solBc .uollcaloc (q) 'prtsztttr oI.I.{ (ts)

.uos€os eJL{ roJ qo$csfu€8Jo .t'sJalllas l"col qlltr uorl€,rado-oC (3) .tspus8tdord pu€ /cltc qnd (J) .osnsrur ro osn qlra. uol?cauuoc uI

selqnoJl snolJas /Iuts pu€ uostsas org Buunp uel€luollcv snl"JEddB uollua^ard alg a^-rtotuocorl (a) 'slBarqorg puts sau arld (p) .s{c34 puE sptso2l (c) 'IssodEp doJ. (q) .Euturnq palloJluoc (ts)

'uolluoaeJd z 'uodau aql .fq pala^oc puE uos?os arg sts paJeplsqoc pouad 'uoll€rauaSall roJ pal€arl .g puB .v sauoz_palootord tsoJY'uo$orporlul'I

'" uostses oN uolsr^lo " : '

'.truoaEu suld tvnNNv'[9^Oldd€ Ocuio p€AII lnoqlltr uroJJ pa]Jtsdap

€q 4ou lsnur alnpaqcs s[l] pu€ truoJ auIA\oIIoJ aq1 ur aq IIl1{.1S€IOI l€JnltsU JO S€oJE JOJ UOdsU eJId lEnuuv eqJ .t00I

eqt s.lca,lord ors os." q€.*t tclrlsrc E *, o"u.rr;1i3:"'"Jli\T{ uoll€1u€ld € oJoq^\ ouoz uoll€1u€Id aql loJ pu? lseloJ Iernqtsuaq1 JoJ pa.unbor sr Uoda?I elld l€nuuv el?J€das V .e00I


pufluq +sd.r'udu dqr cy] lsoJ JqI zI uuntoJ '0I puE 6 'g suuntoC Jo runs aq1 .flotsru Xou sI

prrB uaou{ JI alu €q1 Jo €at" I€1ol aql s€al8 II uumloC 'lsaroJ arll ol suop 33€ur"p oJU l€nqc9€q? al"crpur plnoqs pu€ Su,rqcJocs Jo saalBop salqlul auoz.,v,, uI lulnq eaJ€ aql eArS 0I pua 6,8 suulnloc

'osn"c 'L lutunloc

-ord Jo lueulF€duror Jo otu€u oq1 sr uorl?corl .9 uurnloC

utslro Jo qurod aql '9gl-zgl s?r€at uI qno ,"" ""'Hl#oarql aq1 Jo qcrqa\ ur sel?crpur ut3rJo Io euoz '9 urunloC '0q ,{€lu as€c aq} s€ Jo flrodoJd al€^rld 'spq€.I uA\oJC lsarod at€1s sB qcns urBuo Jo qurod Ioernual Jo odfl aq1 al€clpul ltrar ul8uo Jo lurod .t uurntoc 'I€€Jq1no

Jo rl€p JO pJ"z€r{ tunurlx€tu .g rrutnloC:{€aJqlno Jo el€p .z uurnloc 'x"aJq4no or{1 Jo Jaqunu tsrlas eq1 sr I utunloc

'uoda2l aJl{ I€nuuv aqq. q1rt6. €cuo p€aH01 p€pr€rrdroJ l€ul8l;[o €ql pu€ alscqdnp ur 1da>I aq pFoqs 1I

Jo procar ,*"p 04 r€p suruuu € sE rdarr "o or";?,TiifpJj# orl{ I€nuuv aq? Jo slseq oq1 urJoJ III^L tgt .cl.d r[Jo,{ .200I

'sfiqo.{ cNv sltrodflu',,d,, xl(INflddv

'9Ct q{ rlrod


Sta*ing 1n:-


Suppressed.Investlgeted,Reported butnof att€lded.

A. Zone B. Zone

No. No. Area



Oct. Nov. D6c. Joa, Feb. Mal. Apr. Totdl

Slze of

Fllo (6cros) X

Less then 1

1 t o 5

6 t o 1 0

1l to 20

21 to 5051 to 100

101 to 200

OYe! 200

Y X Y X YX Y '< YX Y : .


Column "X" refers to nres occurring ln Managed Forest.Column "Y" reters to flres occurilng in breaks, f,ats, waste-

lands. etc.


Size of llre Oct. Nov. Dec. Jen. Feb. Mar. Apr. . Tdtal(acres,

I€ss than 11 t o 56 t o 1 011 to 2021 to 5051 to 100101 to 200Over 200


TABLE IV.-DETAILS OF FIRES ATTENDED..(ahh table will be Form F.D. 434.)

(sorcts)'cI'J puB Suturng ocuts.{pv sallN sarcv EerV

'roo csrguvc cNrNu0s qs1l()urNo'-'xr rlgv.r

solra8allpu€ spuB.I ueorc

rtuadord €qB l.rdlsorod 31s19 .lsaroL{

elqls Jo €arv'oN

'NIgIIIO dO S.INIO.I ,{O rUvrunns-.rrra rrsvl

: lBlotrl

prrrT olsBlt\lsarq{ pa8tsrrBI I

l?loJ /0t Ja^o z0t-91 ,9I ;aPuosarcv Euncrocs

'scvruvc do IgvI[IlIos-'rIA rasvrouoz

[31oJ. snore8ssq arol'ag qSIII a8€reav als:opolt aol qluofi'quvzvH cNv E'trNo!{



i sltsloI


saarorcrurs,^53-j5",|rtssSulpunorrns aurI IsSulpunoJJns IIII I

uo.rpflqclII flalsroqllac


sJellnc pooAaJrd-dlJAdoJd al9^rJd ruorJ pu€ uo

"""o",n T,1g'?Yff,lfifi saraa"N qsngsra>Irol\ qsng

-SuIuJng palloJluoc urorJ sad€csg

lc.Els a{orus IuBd rIsV f soaoT IIIITTI

>lcels a{ou.€ Iu€d qsv J soco.I uov jh 'tsaJv oN esn€c

'qsoNr.Ilv sullrd 'ITv .{o srsnvc-'a fllsvr





Wet Days



5. summaty of ExpenditurQ. (To agree with 91 and 92Form.)

Cost of Manning TowersCost of Maintenance of Towels.Fire Fightlng and Patrols.Week-end Detentlon.Top Disposal.Controlled Burnlng.Flre Fightlng Training schools.Tr&lning OYelseers and Garlgs.Fire !'lghttng Equipment and Melntenance,Radlo Mainten&nce.tlre lffeather.Rosd and Flrebreak MalntenanceHire ol Private Motor Vehlcles on flre control work.

6. TransPgrt.No, of Departmental vehicles on flre control v{ork.Total mileage lun on flre,control work (exclusiYe of

Ofrcers' transport.Total milea.ge run bv outside vehicles hlred for flle

control work.Number of trectors, bulldozers, used on flre control

work,Total houls worked by tractors, used on nre control


?. Reoommenit&tlon for Nert Season:

8. Flre Plar.-A paper lltho to be for"crsrd€d wlth iroreport showtng:-

(1) A, B. Zone bounda,rles

(2) Controued Burning---SpringAuiumn

Top Dlsposal

(3) Uncontrolled !'ires



RED and num-bered wlth SerlalNo.

(4) Privete Property flres during GREEN Crosgprohibited Pedod hatched RED

(5) Priyete Propertv nres duling open GREENseason

(The plen should not be folded but rolled on stick forplsclng ir folder.)

'Fodar roqto q poUodar tou areqtlA *



papur$slol1 p61Jodog


aarv oN Ba.rv .oNtraou{ pEalal€€i[ uldos uollEetlvJI €erv oN ro dd ro patuBld.3rroz eplslno euoz coll€tuBla qq1r4\

'sor.rd Jo raqrunN IEIoJ I olq"J

'oJrd lsEI Jo ol"G

'eJrd lsJg Jo ol1ac

.uosBos aql Sulmc saJu .t"saJnltss,

IEIcads otuos oJ€ aJaql ssalun papJ"AuoJ Uod€rArBulpJo JI peJnbal lou puE lJodor lsaJoj IBJnl"u roJ sV

'u9stsas 3Ji{ .toJ lrorl€slulr3Jo .€'(saln1€oJ

lBrcadssUrOS el€ AJ3q1 SSAIUn papJEA\lOJ OSI€ Sr Uodalorg .fr"urpro JI perlnbat tou (J) pu€ (e)-.oqoN)

.srolllos ltscol ql-r.ff\ uorl€Jedo-oc (I)

'€prnr8tsdoJd pu€ dllcuqnd (a)'pad€Ics Jo

p"l"^llmc sIEaJq plo Jo sll€loc .ocuBuotulEl1 (JI)',uo,{r a\au Jo sll€l€c .uorlcrulsuoc (I)

'$lsarq34d (p)'cqo'Ilo,l0'putsq .8ulp€;Uj

Jo 'so8€ul€qc qll^\ 'sll€1oo---€cu€rralul€t

l (II)'saullarg pII13 $lc€Jl 'sp€o.r

Io o3€ul€qDlslol s^lssoJ8ord 'uolltslutsId oql ulqlrA\ ruorlaa\ou Jo so83urtsqc qllAl sII€|ad-UollCnJlSqOC (r)

-:soulloru pu€ slasJl ,sp€oll (c)'8ul,$os Jo 5ul1u€ld loJ uJnq AuIr€aIC (q)

'( 44 'sJalranbpEaq punotB 'uol,]?lu€ld aq1 aptsq 8uI-uJnq oarlcaloJd Jaqlo Iuts puts aer€ JoJnq ulqlrraAugmq dJ€punoq epnlcu'l 04) 8u$mq panorXuoC (€)

'uolluareJd 'u


'8qtu?ld CUIII€rlr€ sarcy'uoqtsrgu353r

I€JnlEu Jo ssrcv'uoll€lu€Id

Jo ssJCV.uoncnpo4uJ .I

'''uos€as 'uol1€gr"Id ... .

'ruoJsu sur,{ avnNNv

-zaozco$quqd t lode?{

a4I ltdrnrY

'I"noJdd" acu:o ptsoII lnoqlftl uoJIpeutsdap 3q lou lsnut olnpaqcs srql puE ruJoJ aulrtonoJ oqlq aq III.a auou uontslq3ld € JoI UodoE e4d pnuull oq,1

'euoz uoll€lu"Id '900I



Ta,ble 2. Areas of Flres ln Plantatiod Zdne.

ata' oet.: . Y

l{of. Ddc. Jlt;X Y X Y X Y

trolr,. Mdddh apl. Totett. Y rf Y :d ?. : t 'v

o-5o-10!t-a)tt-5()Ovcr 50

'tot&l alea burdt X AoB.Total aleo bulnt Y ,44s,X r€pres€nts eroas plsdtod o! sopn,Y roproaont8 atoS ln th6 buflor bslt or 1n waatdldad

Pltbln th6 plaDt6d a!6aa.

lbbti s. DetaIs ot flres Attended.(This toble wlU be Form F.D. 434).

Tsble 4. Ceur€$ ot !'tfes Wttttr Pldhtduon Zode.


C&urc N&bor Ateo ol Plalrfetlon


(As for feble Vl)


Area K ed.-(a) Srlvageeble(b) Non-se lvageabIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Area burnt but not demaged




No' oi Wet' Day6. Polnts,




'oDoo q:odo: e!L{

i 'Uodor eru dllBq

'00LI '0g C oJaz V 8ulurng '3u!uunr fiIls sarcts 0ZI 'srelunq 'U lueru$Bdr{oC 8u€.I 'loJluoc rapun saJc€ 0g 'sululq8{ '0I luauqr€druoC qqluls'09I J'Z sarlil 'lclrlslc

-: p€al plnoraa8€ssaru aql 'lno palJr€r ueeq p€q lEsodsrp dol Jo saJc€ 00Ipu€ €ulurnq poqucsaJd Jo sarcE 09'SuluJnq pacuE^pts oN '06IJO a3€arcE oqtsu4xoJddB 18101 E qlla\ '8u!uunr ulls auo q1I6.'s3JC€ 06 JOAo SaJU o^\1 p€r{ lC$lslp € J-r 'Ol€rlsnm OJ, 800I

'as€c qctso uI o8€a€ts oql dq paAroIIoJ'ItsSOdstC dOJ SIUOSaJdOT ,,J,,,

'EuluJnE paq'lrcsaJd sluasaJdor,,C,,'SuFrng pacu"lpv sluesordal t,V,,

-uoql ,,au[urng,, pro^\ aq1 fq popacord EI€?ec'a[.iurng potto4qoC

'AuluunJ III1S ro palloJluoc Jl pu€ 'azls puE 'osnsc 'uoll€cols1I 8q^Ia oru qc€a uo olou Jel.rq € rtq pea.olloJ aq l[^\ sr,qJ| 'a8tsorats ltslql puE J r?11?I ot{l r{q uorn soJc€ 0Z.ro^o raqunuoql .fq pa^\olloJ ..sa4,{,, prory\ oqt ,tq papacard aq nre, slrEpc

'o{I pollo4qor|ro'Japun s€ epoc alduls q uo^F aq IIt&,

Fodor eql uoll€Inqtsl puts uolsEruss€4 atq'ltlc€J otr, '100I

'dEpuns puB dap-rnt€S qloq lo sllElap a^IA lII^\ Uodar Sulurour AEpuoIt oqJ

'8u-ruunr [l!ls sorg rof€ur fuE Jo gl[B1ec (g)'IBsodEp dotr. (c)

'Sulurnq paqucsord (q)'umq pscu€^pv (ts)

-:sEulpEaq aql Jopunlno palrr€c Sulurnq pallorluoc to oE€orcts I€lo,L (z)

'ftsp snolAordoql uo saJcts 0c Jaao soru palloJluocun Jo raqurnN (I)

-:lno las filatt6 qd€rttsr3d uI paJlnbal sE lJodatl a&i ,fllBc orII g00I

'rtlodstr slur rllvc'uoar€f-uostsas uedo SuIJnp sarg dFodoJd al€ll.lrd q

'petl paqol€qssoJcuaeJor-polJod pollqltrord Sulrnp rtlrodord olts^IJd 't

'per€qrunu pu€ p4l-sarg pefio;luocuI] 'g

r{ctEl{ pa€ qllla aollaj(-umq SulrEalC 'rl/lrorg-uumlnv'ir\ollslt-Bufrds-Suturng pallo4uoc z

anl8----€orrEpunog auoz I* : (raploI ul

Su1c€td roJ {cl1s uo pano,r 1nq paploJ eq 1ou pnoqs uEId slql)Eu.raoqs lJodor eJg aql ql.r^r paprE^rroJ eq ol oql[ Jadtsd V

'usld erlJ '8

'uostsos lxau roJ suoll€puauuocau I'lrodar lsaJoJ lErn?"u JoJ sB lrodsu€rJ, I

'exnllpuadxe ltstoJ (p)'.IZ puE TI surell (c) 'ouoz uoll€lu€ld

utq1l,4r. sulall asoql Jopun {.ro/yrxz pu€ xI swall (q):popugdxa sEA\ dauoru aql

{Jo.la ltsq^r uo Sulu lno olou o^lldlJcsap Ior{s qll,t\suall asaq] rspun ornqrpuodxo Its+otr, EIg puE Vg surall (€)

ernllpuedxg :g


46oraler ol l8portlDs. 1009. Districts wlu repoft in the order caued by the con-

trolling ofrcer at VL6DE.

1010. The following peges lllustrate the valious F.D, Formsmentloned ln the foregoing text.

Form F.D, 243Forests Department,

iDnilil oin;;t

. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .

Dear Sir,

ft is our intentlon, weather pergrltting, to carry out somoprotective burning adJolnlng your pfoperty...................................Locauon No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .on or about the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . .

I would very much appreciate your co-operation in thlscontrolled burnlng and tt might be ln your lnterest to bepresent,

I would remind you thet the Bush Pi.res Act makes pro-vlslon for you to c&rry out the burnlng of breaks on your ownproperty in co-operation with thls Department and it ls sug-gested that no$' is an opportune time for you to do any burn-lng you conslder deslrable for our mutus,l protectlon.

If you wlsh to dlscuss the programme more tully, I shallaEange for an ofEcer to ss,ll on you at an early date.

Yours falihfully,

Divlslonal Forest Officer,Forester-ln-Charge.

. Form F.D. 289Forests Department,

' . ' ' ' . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' . ' . ' , . . . . , , , ' ' ' , . . ' ' o f fce .

I beg to acknowledge recelpt of your notice of intention

on your property...

Yours faithfully,

on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


'aJg SurA€aI Jo srnoq zI uF$!r$ acE:o l"col 01 papJr alolpuB Eu€8 aJg Jo a8rBr{c uI u€ur /tq lno aptsur aq ol Uoda2l

?'":l'Y:ltl' I l ii,",i;;;,,"';;;;_;"'*;"."

''''''''atsarts lurnq Jo loJl€d JoJ 3p€ur oJa./{ slusura8u?fi€ 1€r{]lll

'''''''''' ''' '''''''' '' '' '' '' '''' ''''''' ;;ru"-f ru"-^"o ,o *n, plnr 'aBBaIItu 'Jauao Jo aurBu a.|lB 'pa8ts8uo selclqaa rorllo fu€ JI

'sa[ur " " salclqoa l"luourlJ9daq Iq uru a8rollI{


,ptg;no rrBrrIPro



---€rU uo po.{oldup uoI I'suoll€8 pasn Jal".r. Jo ̂lllu€nb

'EarcB " .gradord ola^lJd 'sartB " ' ptrrl a16.€]lll 'sorc€ " " qsoJoJ AlIIrnb pooo--sraJ€ pel€€4ull

'aaJr3 " 3a€rrl€p lqEIIs 'sorfi " poa€urlrp ,tlp€g---lSSroJ psqu€Id Jo pal€oJtrl

-:sAolloI sr dn ep€u

.:'tr .... .. .. .. .,,,. 313plqT::1.1*.i-q::i"I"1" . .,........,,,.,,.:.." " "" ". sE,r oJU JO aSn€C palCsdsns

'uld/u"" "" ' 1€: o/$ pacuoruuoc

-eJ pu u'd/ ur'ts 1" erg eql qJ€l 5u€A uI€I I'6A4nUI[" "SJnOq "dn Sulddoru xu€ds ou4tr

'selnuFu'" " ' s.rnoq " aJg auluuru dols o] paJlnbai ourlJ

'&)rc€ ' "" lulnq uaql €exE palsurnsg'uld/'ln'€ " atg 1r I€alJr€ Jo our-r.I,

Igodau gllr,{'t08 '(r,{ lllro,ll


gerta,l No,..........,.............

Report received at Ofnce at..

cosrs.Departtrental employees:

Wltlrtn ordlnery boursoutside ordlnary hours

: r Ifira. l&bour engeged:.wlthln ordlnary }rourgOttstde oidinary hours

Tla,nsport costs:Depertmental vehicle:

...,........mlles at 0d. per DlleElred vehlcle:

............mlles at........per.mllie

. TOTArr . . . . . . . .



zone....:.................... '..:f ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a ;m. /p.m. on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . :


. I r , '. : r . 1 r . . . , . . . . . . . : . . . , - . , . . : . . . . . . . . . .


Parttoulgls ol are& burnt and damage d0n9..,.....-......-....,.....,.....

weath€r data-Flre weatJrer foreca6t for d8,y............................

L@J Estlmats,.,...,

At tlEe of Peak lor tlreoutbreat. a!&y,

TemD€retureRelattYe humldlwWIrd direcuon and

folc€ (frrom nea,regttower)

, , , . . , , . . . . . . , , . . i , . . . , , i . . t : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : -

o6oer conpillpg. ,

Not€s and Comments by D.F,O.-

EJ ot!,.












' Form F.D. 426.Ibrests DeparimeDt, .

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .


Dear slr,

In comectton wttlt your request that thts Departnent--

(s) Asslst you ln a&ffylrc out e controlled bum 04 yqut



(b) Burn & break adJolnlng your 1oc4t1on... .. .... ,..,..

. ' ' . . . ' . . . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . ' . . . ' ' . ' .

t h&ye to edvlse that we sre prepafed to accede to your

irquest &od the burniDs wtU be carried out &t . .. . . eJ!'

, P't'E - .

You are requeBted to be ltr attetdance wlth whatever men

ird equlpmeBt you have avallable and it wlll be your respoasl-

D fW to patrol your proDerty during snd subsequent to the

burlng operstions.

Forest ofrcer.










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