ihop ministry guidelines

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Guidelines for Ministering at IHOP-LI

I. Regarding Prayer…. Draw attention to the Lord

A. Prayers on the prayer microphone are encouragedB. Scripture based/inspired prayers lend toward agreement. Please consider

the available apostolic prayers for inspiration.C. Please refrain from preaching/teaching/informing the room except by the

set leader’s discretion and for the sake of facilitation. God knows the details and the prayers should focus the room on God not us. When there is a lot of speaking, it shifts the attention of the room onto the person or circumstance and can divide rather than unite the room.

D. We understand and bless the groans and emotions of intercession. However, yelling a prayer rarely has any bearing on the power or anointing of the prayer. Please keep this in mind; microphones increase your volume.

E. Corporate prayer time is to be focused, edifying, exhorting and encouraging to the Body of Christ. Please guard against communicating veiled judgment or criticisms within the guise of your spoken prayers even if you believe the room would/should agree with your perspective.

F. We address all of our prayers to God. We do not address Satan, powers or principalities, or demons from the platform in a corporate set unless the leadership has a clear unction from the Lord. If you do so, you will gently be instructed to refrain. There is a greater danger in stepping into this arena than either you or more particularly the community at large is prepared for. In this particular environment, we seek God to fight our battles as we come into agreement with Him. Worship IS warfare.

II. There are often (if not always) opportunities for personal ministry, healing, prophetic words, and deliverance.

A. If you have a prophetic word for someone, please ask someone to transcribe it for him or her so they can recall and judge what they hear.

B. Please refrain from instructive or directive words about life changing matters (i.e., marriage, moving, changing jobs, etc.). If you really have a strong sense from the Holy Spirit about it, you may submit the thought or impression about those topics only as they align with God’s values. There should be instruction to sit with someone they trust to discern and pray through the word (s).

C. If a sin is being brought to light, ask the Holy Spirit if you should speak the word to them or simply pray in your heart. If you believe the Lord would like it addressed, keep this in mind… it is never for condemnation but for freedom. Take the recipient out of public hearing range and humbly submit the word. If the recipient conveys that it does not apply to them, let it go entirely. You may actually have been mistaken. Humility is

key. If the recipient acknowledges a struggle with that sin, pray for them tenderly and quietly. Give them freedom to either repent or seek their own counsel without condemnation.

D. In regard to healing, ask the recipient if they actually want prayer. Respect their choice. Ask them and the Lord for direction in prayer. Command the body part to be healed and with kindness/wisdom ask them to exercise that body part to check the progress. Exercise wisdom so they do not re-injure themselves. Please refrain from medical advice. If it turns out that someone is in need of deliverance, speak to the leadership and they will help you and them into a more private arena. A basic directive: Don’t add shame to pain…(either theirs or yours…)

III. The Holy Spirit is in charge. Prophetic ministry is honored but it should call out truth and beauty in a spirit of loving-kindness. It should be condensed in thought to be concise, without elaboration, and introduced for what it is, i.e. a sense in your spirit that you believe is the Lord’s thoughts. It will be judged and if there is agreement that the Lord is speaking, then you will be encouraged to transform it into prayer. It should not be instructive or corrective in this context without coming to the set leadership. Prophetic instruction for IHOP-LI should be privately brought to the leadership. We will submit it to the light of Holy Spirit, the leadership team and, in the case of personal ministry, those who are in a trusted relationship with the brother or sister you are ministering to.

IV. Worship leaders…

A. Preparation will serve freedom and depth. Please frame your sets with either “known” or “taught” songs to officially begin, re-focus and close your set. Doing so will help the room to remain engaged together. We encourage you to freely develop prophetic/new songs in the midst of worship. Framing free worship with known songs/choruses will embolden the room to engage with you in ministering to the Lord. Experience has proven that the room will follow you into spontaneity and creative meditations upon the Lord quicker and with more enthusiasm with just that little bit of structure.

B. Please examine the lyrical quality of your song choices ahead of time. Ask yourself if the lyrics convey an idea that is true to the scriptures, exalts the Lord and leads us into marveling at His Majesty.

C. Please provide music sheets for the songs you choose. They should have both lyrics and chords so all in attendance may jump into the worship. We have a full book at your disposal if you’d like and a copy machine in the back to help you out.

D. To assist all of us musically, please think about a few chord progressions ahead of time that are conducive to developing prophetic ministry from the musicians and singers. Communicate them clearly to the room as you enter in to them.

V. Worship teams …

A. Plan your arrival time to leave the room you need for copies, tuning and set up/break down so you can use the set time allotted for worship

B. Transition one instrument at time. Please set up your equipment without drawing the room’s attention. If you are setting up foot pedals, etc. do all you can prior to putting it into the “worshiping field”. We would rather have a break in transition at the end of a set than to interfere with the current leader and room as they are worshiping. God is the focus!!!! Please honor the flow you are walking into.

C. You may quietly and discretely plug into your own private amp or the sound system during transitions but please turn the volume to a minimum setting until it is your team’s turn to lead. Please take care not to turn the room toward you. The exiting leader is the one who passes the Baton.

D. Musicians!!! Less is more!! The voice of your instrument should assist the worship and add prophetic color to the session - not overpower the music.

E. Drummers… light sticks or brushes please – we have no cage.

VI. Those who sing on a microphone….

A. Singing to anyone else’s standard is never part of the requirement here. Singing with a sincere and humble heart IS! That is the standard for singing on a microphone. All are invited!!

B. Walk in humility. The key of the song the worship team is using may be unfamiliar or challenging for you. If you are stretching to hit notes, drop lower or hang back so you don’t hurt your vocal chords. We are singing to God, not each other. He can hear quiet singing that is out of our own healthy range.

C. Singers, if you are developing a prophetic song back away from the microphone a bit until you are ready to let loose. Before you start to sing a phrase, check with the Holy Spirit or look at your bible first to see if it is a biblical thought being sung (rather than a cool sounding phrase). Then, when you are ready, please catch the eye of the leaders so you can proceed with boldness.

D. If you, as a leader or singer, hear a chorus that will focus the room on the Lord, repeat it long enough for all to catch on (at least 8 times is recommended) and when you would like it to end, signal us by saying “In Jesus’ Name”.

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