
Post on 29-Mar-2016






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The Sachar Committee on the basis of Census 2001 has identified 100 Muslim­dominated districts where educational opportunities are minimal. Concept Paper • Skill development initiatives of it is and polytechnics should focus on sectors which have high growth potential and in which the Muslim population is


Indira Gandhi National Open UniversityRegional Services Division.



Concept Paper

The Sachar Committee on the basis of Census 2001 has identified 100 Muslim-dominated districts where educational opportunities are minimal.

The Prime Minister’s High Level Committee on Social, Economic and Educational status of Muslim community of India (Sachar Committee) was to consolidate, collate and analysis information and to identify areas of intervention by the Government to address relevant issues relating to the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community. The Report brings out clearly the educational deprivation experienced by the Muslim community and has made specific recommendations on improving the educational status of the Muslims.

Access to education is critical for benefiting from emerging opportunities that are accompanied by economic growth. From lower levels of enrolment to a sharp decline in participation in higher levels of education, the situation of Indian Muslims is indeed very depressing as compared to most other Socio-Religious Communities (SRC’s) and the problem is more acute for girls/women.

Majority of Muslim girls and boys fail in their matriculation examinations or drop out before that. This group of children who have completed middle school but have not managed to study further needs to be incorporated in different types of technical training. The skill demands in the manufacturing and service sectors are changing continuously. For many of these, youth with middle school education with adequate technical training may be appropriate for meeting thes needs. However, almost all vocational training programmes run by ITI’s and polytechnics require a matriculation certificate. The Committee has recommended that :

The pre-entry qualification for admission to it is should be reduced to Class VIII. The scope of ITI courses should be expanded to focus on emerging market needs including those of the retail sector.

Skill development initiatives of it is and polytechnics should focus on sectors which have high growth potential and in which the Muslim population is concentrated. These training initiatives should also focus on areas where with minority population concentrated.

The eligibility for such programmes should also be extended to the Madarsa educated children, as they are ineligible to get trained under many current formal technical education streams.

There is a high “deficit” as far as Muslim population in the higher education. In order to make serious efforts to improve educational conditions of the minorities and to integrating the minorities with the mainstream society and their overall growth and development as education is the key to all socio-economic progress and change, Indira Gandhi National Open University in the 11th Plan (2007-2012) has decided to provide educational opportunities to the deprived regions and sections of the society identified by the Sachar Committee by establishing at least one study centre in each Block of the 100 districts.

The study centres will offer vocational programmes in addition to the BPP, BA, B.Com programmes of IGNOU, on the basis of local requirement of the Block, which after completion may help the learners in income generation. Provision of education to Muslim girls using modern communication technologies by linking up with other open universities and Muslim educational institutions for girls will be explored.

In order to popularize the programmes and to encourage the enrolment of the minorities, the below mentioned elements of relaxation will be made :

There will be no restrictions as regards the number of students at Sub-Study Centres for activation of a Sub-Study Centre.

There will be no restrictions regarding number of counseling sessions and

Depending on the situation of the host institution, suitable infrastructural augmentation will be made.

Apart from BPP, BA and B.Com Programmes, the Study Centres will be activated for programmes from among the following as per need/demand of the area:

Certificate in Computer Literacy Programme Certificate in computing Certificate in Food & Nutrition Certificate in Nutrition and Child care Certificate in Teaching of English Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics Certificate in Primary Teaching Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education Certificate in Maternal & Child Health Digital Literacy Module of Sakshat Awareness programme in Dairy Farming Awareness programme in Value Added Product for Fruit &

Vegetable Mushroom Cultivation Integrated Parental Awareness Rural Youth Training Programme Floriculture Bee keeping Programmes related to potteries launched by SOET Water Cycle Programme of SOET Certificte in Shoe Upper Cutting Certificate in Shoe Upper Stitching Certificate in Shoe Lasting & Finishing

The above programmes have been identified for the first phase and more programmes would be launched depending on the progress of the pilot run. All these programmes are skill-based or vocational in nature whereby learners could get jobs/employment.

Where EEBBs do not even have secondary schools, establishment of Tele-learning, EduSat Centre, Auxiliary Work Centres and Mobile Work Centres will be explored. While identifying academic programmes on offer at the Study Centres, we will adopt courses already offered by the other Open Universities or NIOs in the regional languages/Urdu.

The University will bear the cost of establishment and recurring expenditure of the study centres. The institutions that would be the study centres may need to provide us rent free accommodation for establishment of the study centres and help us in identifying faculty/teachers for delivering the academic/vocational programmes to the students.

Indira Gandhi National Open UniversityRegional Centre_______________________


The type of Learner Support Centre proposed to be established (Please indicate Regular study Centre/Programme Study Centre/Special Study Centre/Study Centre under North Bihar Pattern)/Sub Study Centre) : ____________________


1. Name of the Village/ Town/City where the Learner Support Centre is proposed to be established.DistrictBlock

2. Geographical Situation (Enclose map, if possible)

3. Area likely to be covered by the proposed Learner Support Centre

4. Approximate population which can be benefited by the Learner Support Centre

5. Percentage of population of the following communities in the area(a) SC(b) ST(c) Muslims(d) Other Minorities(e) Women

6. Percentage of Literacy(a) Male(b) Female(c) Muslim

(d) Muslim women7. Language spoken8. Number of institutions of

higher education in the area (Please attach separate sheet and also indicate the minority institutions with a mention about the religious inclinations)

9. Nearest IGNOU Study Centre and its distance from the place

10. Name and address of the host institution

11. Telephone & Fax Number12. Name of the

Management/ Governing Body.

13. Situation in the city/town/ village (Please indicate

Centrally located:

On the outskirts:Other specifications:

14. Year of establishmentType and nature of the institution (Government/ NGO/Private/Aided/Univ./School/Any other)

15. Is it among the following ?

(a) Navodaya Vidyalaya(b) Kendriya Vidyalaya(c) Madarsa(d) Girl’s School

16. Teaching faculties available (Please attack separate statement for more detailed information such as educational qualifications, experience, etc.)

17. Infrastructure facilities available(a) Number of lecture rooms

(b) Laboratories(c) Computer facilities(d) Library(e) Hostel for girls(f) Any other

18. How many rooms can the institution spare for IGNOU Office? Please indicate their size in a separate sheet

19. Three names proposed in the order of preference for appointment of Coordinator of the proposed Learner Support Centre (Please enclose their complete biodata)





Certified that the proposal for establishment of IGNOU______________ (mention type of the centre) and the panel recommended for appointment of Coordinator of the Learner Support Centre have been duly approved by the Governing Body of the institution. The Governing Body has also agreed to provide____________ number of rooms for exclusive use of IGNOU Learner Support Centre without charging any rent. The institution is ready to work for promotion of open and distance learning system and the people residing in the Economically and Educationally Backward Blocks identified by the Sachar Committee and the Planning Commission on the terms and conditions laid down by IGNOU.


Signature of the Head of the InstitutionName:_________________________________


MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING(Regular Study Centre/Special Study Centre)

Signed between Indira Gandhi National Open University, hereinafter referred to as ‘IGNOU’ and Head of the Host Institution of the proposed Study Centre regarding the organizational responsibilities at


I. The Host Institution will :

Give 3 to 4 rooms with a space of approx. 800-1000 sq. ft. for exclusive use of IGNOU Study Centre without charging any rent.

Let a signboard of IGNOU Study Centre be installed prominently at a proper place.

Ensure security of the equipment provided by IGNOU. Make halls/rooms available for holding IGNOU examinations. Extend Library, laboratory and computer facilities to IGNOU

students or specialized programmes requiring use of institutional infrastructure facilities on mutually agreed terms

The Head of the host institution shall have the right to

Recommend a panel of three names to IGNOU for the appointment of Co-ordinator.

Inspect the Study Centre whenever he/she likes and advise the Co-ordinator and also write to the Regional Director.

II. IGNOU will :

Provide furniture and equipment for the Study Centre as per norms. Bear all recurring and non-recurring expenditure on maintenance of the Study

Centre. Pay contingent charges and other remuneration for holding examinations Appoint part-time Coordinator from the panel recommended by the head of

the institution and pay him honorarium at the rates in force from time to time. Pay an honorarium of Rs. 1000/- p.m. to the Head of the institution for general supervision of the Study Centre.Have the right to shift or close the Study Centre if it finds that support services are not being provided, as per the requirements of the university. In such case, the Coordinator would have to hand over all the assets and

academic records of the learners to the Regional Director. The Coordinator will also have to settle all financial accounts with the Regional Director. IGNOU will pay one month’s honorarium to Coordinator after its closure in order to ensure smooth handing over of charge.

Agreed upon and signed

On behalf of the Host Institution On behalf of IGNOU

……………………………….. ……………………..

(Head of the Institution) (Regional Director)Place DateDate


Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068

PERSONNEL DATA FORM FOR ACADEMIC COUNSELLORS Study Centre/Programme Study Centre……………………………………………….Programme : ……………………………………………………………………Part-I :- General information……………………………………………………………………………………..

(To be filled by the candidate)1. Name ( in BLOCK LETERS) : ……………………………………….2. Date of Birth : ……………………………………….3. Present Designation/Profession :4. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC :…………………………………………5. Residence Address (Mention Pin Code) : ……………………………………….. ………………………………………. ……………………………………….6. Office Address : ………………………………………

( Mention Pin Code) : ……………………………………….. 7. Phone No. (Off)…………….. : (Resi)……….(Mobile)…………..8. E-mail address : …………………………………….

Part II - Programme specific Information

9. Academic/Profession Qualification : Sl.No. Degree University Year Subject Specilization0102030405

10. Details of teaching ExperienceLeval Courses

TaughtTutorial/Teaching Experience

Name of the institution

Total Teaching Experience

Under GraduatePost Graduate11 Research and Publication

(Give details of publications like names of Journal/Book, year of Publication etc. and add an additional sheet if required) (i) No. of Research Articles Published : (ii) No. of Books published : (Add an additional sheet, if required)(iii) Details of Research work/Project work guided:


12 Please indicate your work experience commensurate with the issue of counseling for the course of your choice: ………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………….

13. Please tick the language(s) in which you will be able to counsel.English: Hindi: Regional Language (Pl specify):

14. Experience in the Open and Distance Learning.YES NO( if yes, Please give detail on a separate sheet)

15. Please mention priority-wise, the choice of course you would like to do counseling for (see the syllabi of the concerned programme and write course codes). i) …………………………………………………….ii) ……………………………………………………iii) ……………………………………………………

16 Any other relevant information………………………………….17. If enrolled as a student of IGNOU, please give the following details:


I hereby declare that the information given above is correct. I accept to undertake the tasks of academic conselling and evaluation of assignment scripts and any other activities related to the academic functions of the Study Centre.



For use at the Study Centre/Programme SC

Original Degrees/Certificates/Marksheets have been verified by the undersigned and the candidate recommended for empanelment as a part time Academic Counsellor for the following courses:


Special recommendation, if any ( Add extra sheet, if required)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



For use at the Regional Centre of IGNOU

Based on the self-attested photocopies of relevant documents the credentials of the persons as stated by the Coordinator stand verified. he/She is recommended for empanelment for the following courses:………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………Special recommendation, if any (Add extra sheet, if required) ………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………

Signature of the Regional Director with stamp



Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068



4. DATE OF BIRTH : ……………………………………….5. PAY SCALE/PAY ALLOWANCES : ………………………………………..6. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION:

Degree Subject University Year Divison


a) Total teaching experience at UG/PG level:b) Details of teaching experience during the Last 5 year.

Classes taught/taken Subject Years with date

c) Administrative/Supervisory Experience:d) Experience of work connected with IGNOU activities such as Counseling, Asstt.

Coordinator etc. :e) Research Experience :

Research projects/Studies undertaken (Pl. Specify)

1. Value Systems of supervisors and workers – An exploratory study.2. 2. work culture, personality and performance – a study on selected

Industrial organization.

Signature :Name :

……………………………………………………………………………………………Recommendations of the Principal/Head of the host institution:

Signature & Seal f Principal………………………………………………………………………………

To be used in cases of Programme In-Charge only ( To be filled by Regional Centre)…………………………… is an approved Academic Counsellor and his name is recommended as PIC for…………. Programme.………………………………………………………………………………..Recommendation of the Regional Director:

Signature & Seal of Regional Director

Annexure-2Awareness Programme in Minority Rights


Concern for minority rights has been the hallmark of the twentieth century. This paper through its five units, deals with conceptual, historical, philosophical and social perspective, the rights and duties under the Indian Legal System and institutional mechanism, and international protection of minorities.

Course Content1. Conceptual Perspective

(i) Minorities as socio-economic-religious-linguistic concept, Regional minorities

(ii) Role of Minorities in the development of human rights(iii) Historical, Philosophical and Social Perspectives

2. Rights and Duties of Minorities under the Indian Legal System(i) Constitutional Framework(a) Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties(b) Special provision in Articles 26 to 30, 331,333, 336 & 337 of the constitution.

(ii) Special Laws and Policies(a) National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992(b) Caste (Disabilities Removal) Act, 1992(c) Other relevant laws(d) Policy of secularism and politics of minorities

3. Institutional Mechanisms for protection of Minorities(i) Constitutional mechanisms: Legislative, Executive and

Judiciary(ii) National land State Commissions on Minorities(iii) Non-Governmental Organisations(iv) The Information Media(v) Role of Education

4. International Protection of Minorities(i) Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or

Ethics, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, 1992, Human Rights Covenants, 1966, Racial Discrimination Convention 1965.

(ii) UN Declaration on the Rights, Sub-commission on Minorities, Committee under the Human Rights covenants and Racial Discrimination Convention.

II Use of Radio and TV for dissemination of Minority Rights

(i) Talk in Radio and T.V. by member of National Minority Commission eminent Judges, Lawyers, Legislators, Administrators and social activists Interview of eminent persons Panel discussion by experts

(ii) Teleconferncing on Minority Rights.

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