if you were odysseus, which of the obstacles on the way home, would of scared you the most…and why...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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If you were Odysseus, which of the obstacles on the way home, would of scared you the most…and why

2-3 lines

• Geography’s impact in Greece• Greece is a peninsula

• Surrounded by Ionian, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas

• ¾ of land is mountainous

• Impact of Geography• Trading/Travel was mostly by sea

• Difficult to unite the country• Loyalty more to the polis rather than Greece• Acropolis—Politics and business took place Highest point in the middle of the polis



Transformation of types of Government• Monarchy – one ruler

• Aristocracy- ruled by landowners/elite

• Oligarchy – ruled by a few

• Democracy – by the people, for the people


•Although they were both Greek civilization, they were both very different

• Sparta

• Dorians conquered the area and created Sparta.

• The conquered people became slaves called Helots.• Sparta—Oligarchy

• 2 Kings and a council of elders• Ruled by discipline (keep the Helots under control)


• Children of Sparta• Each child was inspected at birth

• Weak and feeble were left to die• Only wanted the strong

• Boys• At 7 started to live in the barracks and start military training.• Essentially all boys became soldiers until 30 years old

• Girls• Rigorous upbringing as well

• Expected to produce healthy sons


• Sparta Isolationism• Didn’t want trade or wealth• Didn’t care for the arts• Didn’t want their citizens to travel• Didn’t care for expansion


• Evolution to a Democracy• Was an Aristrocracy

• Discontent grew for economic reasons

• Solon started the change

• Cleisthenes created a legislature- a law making body

• Limited Democracy• Only landowning men could participate

• Merchants, women and foreigners could not



• Athens Children• Boys had a choice to either enter a military career or not• All boys received an education if their parents could afford it

• Girls were less likely to receive an education• Main job was to manage the households when they grew up


• Persians created a huge empire• India to Turkey (present day) which included Greek Ionia

• Greek Ionia rebelled

• Persia under Darius I set out to conquer Greece

• Sparta and Athens unite!


• Battle of Marathon• Persian outnumbered Athenians• Athenian Themistocles led the attack• Upset victory by the Athenians

• Darius I dies after Marathon• Son Xerxes takes over and continues the war

• Battle of Thermopylae• Spartans lead by Leonidas guarded a small pass. • Heroic stand by the Spartans, but eventually Persia wins• Persia moves south and burns Athens


• Naval battle at Salamis• Athens built ships with underwater rams• Athens destroyed the Persian navy• Ultimately ended the Persian War!

•Athens emerged as the most powerful city-state after the war

•Athens formed the Delian League, forced other smaller city-states to join and pay dues, which were used to improve Athens and to form a defense alliance


Sparta/Peloponnesian League vs. Athens/Delian League

Persian even joined the side of Sparta


• 27 year war, ended the Athenian dominance

• Weakened all the Greek city-states

• A new power, Macedonia rose



If you had to choose, which Greek city-state would you rather live in Sparta or Athens…explain why 2-3 lines

Relative Location North of Mediterranean Sea

Place MountainsDemocracy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy

Movement Sea Traders

Human-Environment Interaction

Farming: Olive Trees, Grapes,Acropolis

Region Balkan PeninsulaThe Mediterranean

1. Greeks 2. Didn’t want to trade 3. Wanted to trade 4. Girls had rigorous training

5. Boys had to enter the military 6. Fought the Persians 7. Democracy 8. Oligarchy

9. Boys were educated 10. Peloponnesian League 11. Delian League 12. Girls were housewives

13. More isolated 14. Wanted to gain power 15. Militaristic 16. Arts, Education

Athens Sparta

Today we are learning about Alexander the Great.

What makes a person “Great”?

• Philip defeated the Greeks

• Philip was assassinated, but his son Alexander, who was taught by the Greek Aristotle continued the conquest

• Alexander conquered Persia and India

• Alexander died early of fever



Why are large empires so hard to maintain… Alexander, Greeks and Romans eventually fall apart

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