if you knew you could help people have a better life would you try and make a difference?

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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If you knew you could help people have a better life would you try and make a difference?

All of these devices created Free Energy using A Science that utilises magnetic current

Tuning coil for zero point energy FREE high frequency


would you keep it a secret?

All Governments of the world know this information. Your tax dollars are squandered on substandard technology to

keep you in the dark.

Vortexes To tune into natures energy you need a spiral tuning coil

Reader’s Digest “Into the Unknown” published, Sydney 1982. “This picture to the left is taken inside a bubble chamber, shows the delicate tracks made by bits of energy following a subatomic collision. Such constant, yet hard to imagine, exchanges challenge everyday concepts of time, space and reality.”

How far back do the lies go?

Many cultures have claimed the Spiral coils as their own but it predates their existence by thousands of years .

Zero Point energy belonged to more advanced civilizations long before we came along.

Crookes electron tube for a television set is a rip-off from Ancient Egypt 6000 years ago.

Mayan Rocket ship.

What did the Mayans and Aztecs know about the structure of the ATOM? EVERYTHING

But here is 10,000 year old Mayan circuit board technology.

The language of light

Bagdad battery

What are they hiding?

EVOLUTION or INTELLIGENT DESIGN? Flagella Bacteria Natures outboard

motor.Irreducible complexity The TWO words that makes Darwin's theory of Evolution a lie.

Quantum Physics can prove we live in a holographic universe. What Produces that hologram?

Is GOD a machine?

The Holographic projection from the one light of GOD

Who is hiding this from you?

Why would they recreate the tower of Babylon when building the EU building?

Planet X “Nibiru” and its 3600 year orbit.

All the same coin

different side

There are many organizations that are behind the deception of mankind from The Freemasons, The Bohemian Club, Yale's Skull and Bones, The Carlyle Group and THE ILLUMINATI.

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson

I would like to thank the thousands of people for all of their contributions to helping people understand the truth.

Vedic Physics and the measuring system of the gods is the secret to a better life.

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW AND SEE MORE? www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/

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