if jur^th clai oewf pmipu liuiil - prince william county,...

Post on 09-May-2018






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z ^^m •Pi^BBP ^ ^ ^

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VOL. XXif. No. 14 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 5 ; ! » « $ t .00 A Year in Advance

URGES NEW SCHOOL LAW Reader Advocates Adoption of

Stringent Measure for Com-


pulsory lutucatlonT

(H 0. RuMtell)

It 18 very important that every dtizen. Jfl—fvery county in our state, where compulsory school law is not in effect, to urge the adoption of such 4k Jaw at the earliest possible date. Th€^ are many oi our KOO4 citizens who may not favor such a law but this

I f JUr^the claiw of pMipUi liuiL will be most benefited.

We have too many parents who delight in keeping their children at home daring school term and then boast that they cannot see where their children have ad­vanced in their studies. No par­ent can hope to see any immedi­ate change in the advancement of children when they are kept home four out of every-6ve school daya Jtueh week

M. L OT«rwfa«liiM<l With AppBowta -400EaroU«d.

As a result of the widespread preaching of the gospel of prepar­edness, the Virginia Military In-^tute will be filled to its capaci­ty when the school opens its fall session oh^ptemtjeTTr ~ ~

It is stated that 223 old students are mmllfld and that 167 new cadets have been accepted, mak­ing the present total 390. Ten mrare students will be accepted Trbm a list ot a]H>licants which already n u m b e r s 188. The school's capacity is 400,- and no mortfxran be received.

The Federal government re* cendy appropriated $100,000 in payment of damages caused to the "West Point of the South" bytite northern forcea during the War Eketween the States. The fund has been applied to the erec-tion-of new buildings and general improvement.


Prnes in Inter-State tire Stock Judging Q»test.


E. A. Brand. U.^. Bureau Offi-cial. Sees Reality of BiaiV^at—

in Europe—Home Again.

Town CouBcil AnnouBca* Pric« af Four C « B U Par Kilowatt.


Last year in one of our country schools where the daily attend­ance shbuld have beep about fifty, the aviagc, I am miitu waa Isga than twenty-five. Are we gdng to see such conditions continue? We are spendjjng money for aehoolf i^ev«stome just such conditions but a certain class of ffur people fttjls completely to de-

One of the features of this

great deal of interest everywhere w the students' int,f!r-8tate live stock judging contest. Three gflld nieflalH will be awarded ia' dividuals for first, second and third highest scores in judging cattle, and a handsome loving cui) will gi) U) the UMuu. eamp6ted of five men, making the best team record.' C o n t e s t a n t s will be judged 50 per cent on grading and 50 per cent on reasons. ThSi contest is open to students of ag­ricultural colleges and schools under supervision of land-grant colleges whtr^l^ matriculated ia.

The public utilities committee ""~ ^.-.-^-.. ^j ^ ^ ^^^ council has decided

Mr. E. A. Brand, a representa- to make the rate of four cents tiveifff The bureau of foreign and per kilowatt for electrical current

Government Aids in ^proving 1 aat I ink fWitwfwn Wasb-

domestic commerce of the De­partment of Commerce, has re­turned to Washington' from an eztMided tour of ihe allied counr tries of Europe. Mr. Brand will

used for cooking. To obtain this rate a meter must bennstalled and a mimmum charge of |1.60 per month willh** made,

Dr. C. R. C. Johnson has in-be remembered here as a resident stalled in his kitchen on thirty of Manassas and a former mem- days' trial an electric range of ber ot me town eounetlr the latest type, and the actual

Mr. Brand's official observation expense of current for cooking «arbt and one-half-mile stretch will be submitted to the Secretary for a family of six will be pub-of Comnierce. For two^mnntha 4ished latar in THB JOURNAL. HcJBraad has traveled inEng-' Anyone intereated in aeeing land, Holland. France, Italy and this range will be welcomed at in Switzerland,making a thorough Dr. Johnson's any day between study of the relations between the hours of 4 and 6 p. m. the commercial attaches, the con-' —

a course of at least two years in, aulates and the embassies of the' DEEDS OF TRANSFER


r-y* . t - P~ittr ?T~' ' CIJMwng I r o m BrowBariBa Pi

agriculture or dairying, or any -one under 25 years of age who has never taken part in an inter­state or inter-natu>nai stock juog-ing cpntAt and who has never served as a teacher of animal or

rive the benefit for their children where they pay their money in adiool tax for this purpose. The

-f^tmre^^ mmiisxtk^ ffljch conditions i to have a law tb»t wfli compel parents to send tibdir duldrai to school every Itchool 4ay unleaa aiek; andjiri anch -»

Virginia soldiers are b»ng weU treated in Texas. acco,lMliB|r-to-a letter received at the officeotthe govamor in-fUehasand. It came trsat: CaptaiB Daniel L.~ Potter, formerly of Staunton, who is now at Brownsville. Captain Porter says that the Virginians ture in a

T^ere proinises to be a large nUmbcy of entries in this inter­esting contest, which 18 open to

countries which he visited. t "I heard nothing but the high- '

est praise for American consul, o3Rcer8~in' the" countries wnicn 1 j visited," said Mr.Brand. "Iwas^ told by natives how each and all Wf thfm ftpa»>i- Koir own money-

t of Raakr Traaafon AilmiWaii Princo WiUiaBi Cooaky RaeorA

IngtAil and Rklunond:

Conferences held this week be­tween the United States Oifkeof Public Roads, the Virginia State Highway Commissioner, and of-fieoH) of the Rishniond.WHHhing-ton Highway Association have re­sulted In the joint *ad6pllMr<Sir plan TOT the construction ox the. final unimproved Knk in the Rich* mond-Waamngton nighway—tm~

of road in Prince William county. Advertisements will be inserted

in Richmond papers iaviting hida for the construction of the unim­proved link. The bids will be made retumaUe on August 29, and the cfmtract for the improve­ment will be awarded shortly after; — • •—

siderable honor will be attached to tife ^ginning uof. one_iif . the

The Quantico Co-. Inc., to Al-fred B. Baker, K.315 acr^; cen-sideration, $10.000.

Alfred B. Baker to Intcwifr

From the standpoint of automo-bilists and tourists generally, the Prince William ceuHty improve­ment will be of the tlrst import-ance. For years the Richmond-Washington Highway Aasocia-

in the interests of stranded tour- ^ ^ " ^ . ^ . ^ ^ c h i ^ R;.nAr^l***^ ^ couduiM^ Hu aKgiesaive ists at the beginning of hostili- ^"'^L^j?!^ ""^ Ship Bmldrngj campaign for the completion of ties,/with no hope of return, land Co.r 55.315 acres; conskleratson,!

r^Sdents of anymte , and cott^ opened their personal h«>us to * ^ ^ ; F. Hacktey to Annie C. Schaeffer, 22 acres plus and 61

eaae. they afaould be ftaAulred tp


Qne camp, an<Kthat the food ia ijbod. HeeBcioKdaclippiJig irom a Bnownaville paper which ia as foUows:

r^^'lt is as natond iar goodrsHir

Hiece are varioos methods adopted in differrat atatea to make the nutd 'schools mcfte at-[_ tractive. It is quite evident tlutt

we (sm iniwcsi the f they will manifest a much greater B interest in the wdfare of their

.|HMr«»n T>mfeMor James once idedared^hat moat people are old fogies at twjeflty-five, that they

_hayegained at this age hard, set notions and a safe means of it» a livelihood, and they bence-

^4OKO* travelJn a-comfartablferut.

among Amoiican rural IttMftrhffrn to avnd sndt a eondi-

4 |»8 to crate from Vinpina aa it

Yur water.—A thouaand ^na 6f the Stirte of George^ Waafaington. the_I^B. and SJonewril Jadcaon maached' proadly under the ban'

^ Old CemnKH^wealQi said' refiecJed t^ary opon the memory of their ances tors . Texas,* the home of so many ex-Virguu|in^ ) jomtty prqud of the khaio- f " ,j^y^a o • tne pio sioum who passed 'In review npcHi the groogy field kiaaed by the tide of the Rio Grande. Whra the flow-

^QO;;they are reidizing that the i'tiiirlirr who ne mi does nxve.

J t titiiiD he ia jpwd for never ia paid - > < >af-more than he doeal Moat -Ti^Bieitera have-b^fM te^raaUaa w t h a t the day ia gone when the

•dKK^house was intend^ only for > chlhfa^. ItM^ffcWlWiomlngihe

social center ol aU eommuuil linBging the jPfijil* " iTIffgrent

' >a ia ekaer rnmtarti wiJL

era no kMigerraaile at the loss of the ai6ming eon andliie honciy bee no kmew drinks f ram tbB dciwcrowned petals; M Virginia will eoaae to he the birthpiaceirf. the nation'a brave and fiaae."


tfinzes tion, at Richmond, is now mail­ing out copies of their new prbm-inm catalog to those who requeat

The State ij'air Associar iST lit '

harbor those >)rithout shelter. In .»ch oi these countries.'^!

said Mr. Brand, bufiibess in the daytime kwks to the outdder to

acres pfes; consideration. $3.900.

them, which gives full particulats ahont this contest and aU other events to be held «t, the forti^ owning fair

• — ^ Iw. gr^„prn^p\^. for4aieiietHft. «»° "^

SrAIEFAIRHASlBlfK4B|g£^^'^^^ Fimhx Hamson Acoapla PifSi-

tJBP, Eipre^stng intereat H -^^ Vggiwa Piugress.

"Fairfax Hartiaen. prendent xd the Southern railway, has ac­cepted the office of president of the Virginia State Fair Asaocia-tion.. A committee notifying him of-his electioh li^-tiie board <rf directcars recently waited wilum at tjie general offices of the Soutb-arn'nulway in Washington.

Mr. Harrimn. i n accepting the hon^ confemd upon him, ex-preaaed lua deep interest in the Urogreaa of agricoltare in Tir-

be-peffecUy normal, it being only at nijght, when the streets of the

R. B. Riley to Thomas B. Whed-bee,'4 Into; ennwit^ftinn, ft.HOft

W. W. Wheat;on et uz. to Re-

the ^cbmond-Wa^ington link of the Quebec-Miami National High­way. The link was completed except' for: short stretches of wht^ the duimprovod Prinee

cities are d a r k e n ^ t a n d i ^ S ^ ^ of amusement clqaedi that one «*J«f '*?^; . _, . , ^ „ . becomes c^adona.that fenr ^^^^:^^^^'^^i^^ these countriw.aie engaged in S. Ashferd and faoaband. touae

atlofli of Eaiope." ' „ . T ^ ? ?''^*^iT". U» WUBaai Mr. Bnmd Bpuk«:qf Uie fine ^''^^•"' Starirp, lot; at Qnantico;

craps:bein« harvested by t h e : « » « « * ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ women of France and ennmerated Aninie Serforth ef al to Rich-numy other functions usoally per-<inHftd hy iwcw which are bcieig

perttataei ondw stress of ar-eumatances by mere g i i^ Mr. Brand mentioned in terms of en-

udDoanwell et al aOor 40 0W, gsBaadBai3ioa.JSiL.


—TTM. AMia T W a a aiiH C^t

thoaiasm the Ameriean Ambq- . lance Hospital at NeuiHy-sur^ show at Aldie Tiieidayr

Show Association ia to hold a big

S^ne, where it ia said that pati-Thwe

enta of every uaUonality are rg^ will be heavy draft, racing and jtatipintf rttapeft^ Mi*. W. Irvlpe di 2Serega is secretary and treas-oeiving treatment aeecHndqig to

ttemoetadvancedsarg*a7of to-jarer of the aaaodation dai: X I ^ B g a , RiAert Goa^krmdl*^ **' * P^"^ anderthe^rec-.

Travel in the European ceon^ IW. 01 Ualleher have eB^rW^»*^ " the State Highway De trifs, according toMrvBrand,i8|ti)e heavy draft department^ made vffry d"*^nft **j ***^ *»^ {Irtrnrk ""* •f" a gw^ raAtTtp card.

Ir^Ur and Mra. WTE. l^rlSn narrowly escaped- serious injury Friday afternoon whm the horae they were drlriag became frighfe


another,' whidi also gives tbon a chance~to exchange their •iewslwi diflFerent subjects and to get into ckieer cooperation on important ba'sjnass mattprs,

Efforts tolmake education vital titommunity welfare have led to

the vicinity of the^eatoed-hoBie abowgroonda. T h e vehicle waa upset-and bet^ Mr, and Mra. Larlan jr^eaevardy shaken up, Mrs. Larkin. reeeivang pdnful eotaaboat the hand. Tlie horae eacaoed and waa caught aahwt (Uatanfce away.

! ^ i S r S S ^ % S r l « * t there!.nothiough r«lw.yi«iC. aSaffer.CaptM^S^ * ^ ^ * ^ Bpbmwing cne i^^L^^^j^ Q^^^^^ ^^ ^ acanrity and W. & Salfer eompoae ^ " " ^ S / ^ L S I '* 'A * f ii— of caM "" T «wi««* * g*wafe ««-lTi>n"go»"'"'>*ttftr. Thawmillbc ; ^ „ j f ^ ^ T ^ I ^ I B T O to « ^ ^ the tun-' flve rummiH latea. a bi»_b«>eha»

was hdd from ita organiatimi until hisdeetion to thegovemor-ahip GovarncH* Htory CSCUUt

lAr. BnrriaoB soeoeeds Srary

«yfr *t. Tieesbarg. His^^lectionl

William county road was the last

Effmrta to secure the construc-tion oi tGeliBt remaining aection by local levy iand private conlxi-batiens bad proved only paFtlr> qoeeessfuL The short stretch pi rhad emitinned-to be the bane af toilirista traveling south atong the attltHitf hlhhwMjrf**g'<ytehtnr-ton, and a corwrant wMireftgC. barraHwnenf.

About two-thirds of fee cost of improving the PriUde Wllliun county.highway will be borne ba^ the Fed<Mal government oat of a special fund at tiie di poeal of the (M5ee of Public Roads for expCTy knental purposes. Tlie remainder

« trf^^hecost wil lbe met by the Kchmond-Washington Highway AsBoeiation and private contribup tions. The nnprovement will cost about $22,000. The constraction

partment. The SuppcMrt of the Federal Of-

ftee of; PaMeRoada waa aeenred-thnxigh tiieeflarta of President Heniy W. Anderadi; of thelttdF mond-Waahingtnn Highway Aa-

tSooos blowing of whaOea- it; gimranddan&ig bft^aning a a | ^ ^ ^ : _ ^ ^ ^ * g g f * j g ^ Bl(ht by p«destrian8 eallinx for! -.- ^ -oaba, Lawa are being paaaed to jreKohite the mdsaoee. The sound, I School

Mr. ftrmdy rwniade o n e ^ i

"nieabow is to be held fw i l i i^

ataff. ^n\Biin.m ffiit phnr twxi irMflr

of the Prince William county link

matieletmined nptm ata reeeet{j meeting of the board of directms, bat news of it was wi thb^ oatil Mr. Harriaon'a accepUnce asaaced

a matter ef deep ^^ _^ TheState^il^uny Department.

S f w g a ^ W s w a m p a o f MBIIR BA^ TOiiORROWithroiigh Commiaaioner Coksnan, added ibe weight af ita indssaa

another impwtant step in sgt^^ many states—the estaUfshment


•diool routine is in my opuuon very interesting to children as wdl as teachers, and ahooM be of great benefit tOk the country. DataKarelcollected. ^OJ w fw

u f

ing to ^^imuMty, M *ny Inf'tfinaUun deairedeooldtte proBspay aecwed

^Rtia aa • ehange from ordinary|^j^oingJoJheaehool i ^ m » - ^^^ ^^ , pubKc meeting held at tion bureau. But all of these |7;rT^ri:=Trirn in... »MH,t—I.... „t^ Boggestions shookl not deflect the views of those who would like to see some kind of a compuMxy schod law. — —

The things that I have men


—An organiaataoh for "the im-

et«y wa^ of thfe . formeb

Manaaaas cem. lljeetiay ev^

S i f T |«Bna>iar IHBinrTCt"""^**' «Mnefref bail will be K A K iniUPKUl U W U 10 placed on Eastern athletic field

I tomorrow afternoon for the bene-Aakdls Not AffectMl and Cha-lfitof the braas butdwhieh^is be-

' ^»^^^^^^x^ff^^P^

'en. No. 15. (^der F r a t e r n a l Americi^&a. The fi«at game.

agaiaat cKldren onder stzteea; Qreenwicb yiaari"6T"iiiiawSo araj

afrr^ Bi.," rar-ee aaa*HNHs- pi^ved. ^ Wueu Llie Piiuce Wil-* '

instance: Number of herds , _ _ _ cattle, farms, creameries, silos. 1 tioned are merely the training of ^^"^•;^hwt fm^ nil ftt^"''- kinds! thAnuDiia'mlndg and iuteiesung

the towFEaH. The foUowiug uf fieers were elected by the league: Mr. Albert Speiden. president; Rev. Jacob Halpenny, vice-prea-ident, and Miss Mary Larkin,

N ^ York.NewJera^and Pean-arlvania waa declared yesterday

and Manaasas, At •ef-ttia gaaaa Ma

naaaaa will meet Catbarfttn. An ice cream festive wHI be hehi ia

ff grain w^reH aa facluriea, farmtthe yaronta.^ We Amild


|house8:with mining water, and!mind that anyftrng t b a t ^ be ^ n d r e d . of other thing, f ^ H ^ j ^ ^ b S S T ^ S S ^ i S ^ ^ t S n t I have not time to mention here, i ^^^ former superintendent. Mr. There are so many ways to St- j -pyjer, should be given great tract people if we would only credit for his services to Pnnce look into the matter closely. This William county m bmkiing upthe class of work belongs to the su- ruraUcJool system torts present perintendent of schools, getting ^ ' ^ ^ ^ j many new schoolhousea thp raacheTt inter 'fitf L in such,^,^,^ y^^, built and those whoiTex Dr work that ^eat benefits may be^^nterested in tlni good worlctmwneXl W^^

,honld not see any dechne m thej wishes of theitmany Inea

secretary and treasure! The ex­ecutive committee ia eompoaed <rf the following members: Mrs. W.

Mn. A. E. Sptoi, F. HerchtoC Mrs. G. W. Leith and Meaara. J. Meetze and M. J. Hottle.

by the state board of heahh, to the evwinc enn^diieaBitriDt protect Virginia againat the epi- opposite the hotd. The principal demie of child pvalysia. The ^ ttiactkin will be "Prof. Corn law went into effect at IZM a. \ gyj and hia rube

Adults may enter the sute | CAMFIfKi AT OCWVJUATI without hindrance. Virginia AiUi— dren now in infprtpri Bra TftHl.

—A-party STMXI'Manassas and wloying its annual

« t o the atate iHit must « m S n ^ ^ S ^ = 2 ^ Rattlesnake onder two weeks'quarantine. I" ^Sxiuan. Members of the

m » t , SBS tiM qgmenmsent ar­ranged to extend the mo^-neeoea netp.

One ethw bad link—a one and ^^^haif mil** atretch between P<^ck and Lawtoa, county —is already

in Fairfax being in*

liam county $onstructioo,is com-^ « « i ilMffe will UB an unbroken improved highway stretching from Alexandria through Fred-erfctabuiy;—Richuwnd, Peters-bars. South Hill and Clarkesville to the North Carolina line.— Ttees-Dispatch.


OI ttm>.mA »fc* r u t Wwk at HM P H M *

D, B. Moddiman (state license) W. A. Evans and J. C Weaver, near

,. . . OccoQuan. Members of the party ^^^?^t 2 ^ ; ^ S ^ ; « t i S e Mr.and M«..Raymond M g i « « J ^ BrenUviWe. S L T tol'^fp^SSs^toirWrenn. of %rndon Miss W f f f s S ^ k . ^ ^ u a n .

- D r W A Newman a mem- meet cases not p r ^ e d for under lie deBell. of Centervillei Miss! George E. &nter. W Oscar b e r o f t h e U n i t ^ s S ^ M S S l t h e ^ e n e r a l q^ntinereguta-.M Leachman. of Bnstow.Bushey and Henry Mad do x. Reserve Corps, has b^n ordered twns adopted yesterday. Misses Ruth and Charlotte Smith, ^ nerry mu. to report to Fort Sam Huustm,

and Mrs. Newman will I nodi

Ruth Round and Katie L«wi8 and 1 —Thomas Kirby and Mrs. Ma -

-hr. I?

. - : ? l f r , ^ . ? T ^ ? h o X ; J i r MflH r JLaishalLand Percyna^y^e Henr S^' both of NeaLiSCv

in I Manassas.

Iterday by Compton.

giving a picnic at don. RoswelV RounT and KobSTTrnarriedr Salurday Fy Ur. Smith, all of Manassas. Quarles.


m. wmm



Sometimes we wake up with a start to think we ain't so doygone smart 88 w h a t we sometimes think we are. We know epough to take the car when July days have grown too hot for walking, and we mow ourJotol ita greftn whiskers' most as good as what •d colored fellow could. We know flow to dig a worm and put it on ;i hook to squirm its small cork-screwry life awar to iure-a fish

lit of the bay. We know enough

I'ut'fi down the west, and enough LJ rise up at morn when the cool wind is in the corn, and enough to i?o day by day and little share of h>y.- Wa know.th



Dumpstead melon beats all other various kinds of eats; so big, so cool, so fine, so gffeen. so red in-side, and sweet and clean, so wonderfully planned and made that one cool melon in the shade were worth a hundred trenches w on at the hot muzzle of a gun. Those things are about dlFwe know. We know not why.the breezes blow, we know not why some mountains try with their cold peaks to pierce ^bfraky^ nor why some valley3 are so deep, nor why the ocean surges sweep icrnss the world to with a roar go ail to pieces on the shore

An animals require plmty of good, pure water. This is es­pecially true of the milking cow, as water constitutes more than three-fourth¥ of the volume milk. The water supply,' there­fore^ d&Biands _ the _d«ryman'a most careful attention. Stale or impure wateris distasteful to the cow and she will not drink enough for maxinrath milk production. Such water may also carry dis» ease germs which might make the milk unsafe for human con­sumption or be dangerous lb~tHe cow herself. During the winter, when cows are stabled the greater

ifi, and unless ar-ryigfimenta, hayft..hffftn rrnKtelft. k^ep water before them all the time, they should be watered two or three times aday. If poeaible.


the water should be 15 or 20 de­grees above-the freezing point, and should be supplied at practi­cally the same temperature every day. When water well above freezing ^mperature Ts stored In tanks and piped direct to the eow, there is jMwbably little occasion for facilities to warm it; bufwhen it stands in a tank on which ice often forms, it usually pays well to warm it slightly. This can be done by a tank heater, by live


Norfolk Man -Suffered From Acute Indigestion, But Now . An SjrmpCiMbs Are Gone.

"I suff««d fropa aeute indigaa-tiop and catarrh, had been treated at hospital, but still not able to work, couldn't sleep at night and pain was severe~tPom Tndiges-tion"8aid Wilma Umphlett, whose address is R. F. D. No. 3, Nor­folk, Va.

After IreadTng testimonials ifl the jpaper of Tanlac's wonderful work in relieving suffering of people troubled • with stomach. VtHnpy anH liver ailments, he gave Tanlac a trial and ^ e fol­lowing is what he has to say:

My relief through the use of

don't know why beef is so dear, we don't know where wego from horo, wa dont Icaatg WhyB fffVW hot is catching while good health IS not; we don't know y h y in heaven above and hwethesweet-est thing is love; we only know t is, and that suits a s where we

are livi: love's best, what for the nations are blood-soaked m war, w ^ man will seek his brother's goat. and claw and tear his broUiar's throat, and pray for streiigth to slay and slay until his foes fa&ve passed away. We know "Sod's mercy is immense, and wtty toOT' tals~ have no senBH}.—Hwatwi Post. ••- ^— _ - : _ _ _ _


Wars and rumors of war are

Tanlac was as follows: I am now at work, all symptoms of indiges­tion" have gone, can eat what I like,- food digeata well, rest good at night, it did me good and feel that others can have sameresuits.

If you are a sufferer from stom­ach, kidney or liver ailments surely you should give Tanlac a trial. It can be secured hereiaL. Dowell's Pharmacy, Manassas, Va. Adv.



Friday,Sept.l,iaie Couuneodng at 10 O'clock A.M

I will sell at public auction on above-named date on the farms known as Prospect Hill and Egypt, the following prQperty:

Four-horse wagon, lO-barref wagon bed, 4-horse bay frame. 2.-horse wagon, 2 horse wagon bed. S-horse Syracuse plow, S-ihorse Oliver chilled plow, 2 thrjbble-trees, 2 doubtetreei, lot of single­trees and open rings, 2 walking^ cultivators, two 3-horse harrows, Deering mower, 1-horse rake, Deering binder, 8-foot cut; com gfaener7eom cutterThomaa drill, Babcock buggy, set of single bar-ness, set of double carriage har­ness, buggy and wagon collars, set of Z-horee wii^on harness, set

steam, or by hot viKtei fmrn a boiler. If a boiler is used for running a separator or for fieat-iim mntj.! *ft wjiw>^ j int j wtoWliiw^

Utensils, steam from it can readi­ly and cheaply j)e used to warm the water. -^Fwrners'-Bulletifa 743.

of lead harness, set of wheel gear, lot of plow gear, 4 heavy draft work horses, 3 are in-feal by a -pure bred Percheron, purchaser not to pay insurance; driving mare, not afraid of automobiles; yearling colt, 2-year-old colt, pure bred'Jersey cow, entitled to reg-iatration; k)t of com. for sale aa soon as harvested, and numerous other articles.

TERMS:-ISums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of nine months will be given, pnrchaaer eyefiiit.ing inter-

Hze Money! | THIS is the smaH-farm owner's year!

More prizes—bigger prices gian ever for Horses,Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry,

Farm Products, Tobacco, Flowers, Girls' Canning Clubs, Boys' and Oirti' Ennltry Chiba. Women's Work^ H o m e - M a d e Food Products, etc .

Virginia State Richmond, Va., October 9 to 14, 1916.

S i n g l e F a r m Exhib i t s _A bU Bpproi natboD in special add«d

l)ftns OT«r 4od above usual prixe's: Mofe ~ prises—more interest than ever before. If yoa own an acre <k>a't fail to exiiibit some-(UW.^ Mlwaod Farms-mUytai.t

C o u n t y E x h i b i U A large spedal appropriation has been

tade by the Snu LeiWatBre far C«««tjr xhibits—over and above UKial Ubwal

pri»e«. More County Exhibits than ever! . Dea'i aUew #«w flUBirtr to b« W t —^

Get busy NOWl . ^ . , - Writ* for PMndiun CaUla«

125,000.00 Worth al WorU'» B—t From Shawl




When Prank S^eehan. an ex­press wagon driver, delivered a {>9Ckage at the United States Ma-rine Corps Recruiting station on South State street, be became a sladcer tor the express eompaay and a marine for his g«v«nHaeiit The helper drttv* th« wagMV-bm^ to the bam. ^ The ^ickiitge 'She^Suitt^Iii^eMS' contained~soroe new literature for the Marine Corps, ^ d pie-tured, the dashing sea soUliega

Two Carloads of nin ljiiift'

Price, F - J ^ - O ^ ^ ^ - * " ^

We have just received one car­load of Blue Ribbon B u g l e s , and one carload of {he famoctis Haydocks^each made of the very best material available, bonght in the white wood {Mdnted as perour inatniGtloBs.

Alsoallkii idsof



It will be worth your white to

eat-hearing- npgnt.i»h1*' nnto, wifh approved security, payable at the National Bank of Manassas.

8-ll-3t . G. A. HUTCHISON.

School for Women


Splendid! ING OF TfiACHERS.

for the TRAIN-

Thirty-third session opens Septem-wf 18, 1916.—For catalogue tMntm—

J. L. JARMAN, 8-4-lnH> President.

M ^ to saidtMiBr n^WT-d^wMtk

It shows many of Rich's fitthk>nB for meD, w e s ) ^ toad children 'and yea aax buy from it with every aa-


Get bur prices before you buy. We represent good Baltmi)

Manassas Feed, Supply & Implement Co., he.

OUR BEST SALESl^AN on every side and occupy por minds a large part of j j ^ e ^ e : There is an cvcr-prcaCTt fottr of danger to our country. There is a real danger which is not eon-sidered as seriously » as fre­quently as it should be.' The is in many localities a reckless destruction uf bird life. *^tie hawk has caught a: cbicken," is the cry. The hawk must be shot.

hftiitiding OP ^ deeps, from the Spanish, Main to ( ^ 'Orieat— from Uhma to the Wetsj; Indies, with the added attraction of serv-

inspect our stock.!

!: F. A. Cockrell & Ca

stiiriiBCe of satisfiut^.

B* RichV Sons \

The owl shares his fete. Thijg i s without thought of the thouauids of moths and injurious insects which they have destroyed, thus enabling yOQ to ^Joy some of the fruits you have beeB«9deav-ring to raise. Had these birds

not helped you bylSIMg i n s e c t you would have no fruit at alL The North American calls atten-tiCT to the fact thu, "OM pir of j ; psy moths, unchecked, wocdd - eig ht years produce a brood

would destroy fiiBBry foliage in the United tSUXe*,''' nat IS the value of one fowl : pared with the thousands ^f . u:> i nsect3-.destroyed? -' rtirdi also relieve you of an

"~^ ' f mite thig aieBeatiutt' Many other birds are good

:.is of tnan»_i - >cale and vanoua wjunous

..r^kTo Lhat._.

.able to cope with. Instead -: ns: every hawk or owt yott

t. study about the birds and >o .ver whtdT""among taem *n

r friends. Few birds deserve atn at your hand. Without

.! birds man could aeareeiy Kve al l anH i f a - r i o r i n g ar/MiLi tw.

ing On land, at home and abroad. TliCTe was good, pay in the argu-men^. as well as free board, Iod|^ iagj cJothing. medical attaidance, eic, and while the sergeaa^ signed the receipt. Frank Shee-haa looked and was lo8t,orfouBd,


EFMMEJtS juat as you like> in keeping w ^ individual views oh ^prqprared-ness.


J«8t issued, teib afl about

Crimson Oovav Alhlfa and all

The way to nfake two blades of grass s ^ w B where one does BowF Buy (£« celebrated ' Magnesium Lime from Leeahnrg TJme Co., tite lime'that lois been add in Loudoun and FaMuc fortfaepart twcuty-flve years, aad out pro» dnced them alL and the reason for it is because it contains Mag­nesium and Onde of Iron in right proportion to Calcium Carbcmate, and the United States Agricri

Seedrfov Fdl Flanlmg. Wood's Fan S « ^ Caodocako

-t:iT«a foil aad ;ako«T-

tntar Department in Year Boafc

VegptaMe Seeds that caai 6e piaated to advaatme and proAt in the lata Saauaer and Wt». _It Is aHaflhtis tha Moa« iwe-falaiMl vatMMa FaQ Saad Cwdoc

_ iliwiuGMiiuiui,Tairi»r Orowaca'and Farman o

Write toe It.


rrived of almost every comfort d pleasure.

Auto for Every 44

1901, p i ^ 161. states that Mag-n«8ium u absolutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else

'"" take its plai;e:—Send wdent wttt to~~Comwdl Supply Co.. Manas-

ington, Va.; M. R<rilias, Bristow, Vs.. or direct to w and sanae will

ve. prompt atteoticoir 'f ~^

B. V. WHITE. Managar

esa. irWianaLD. OMUW .

tW Wi l l i l a i at H M Speci«) Friday aad S>tnVd«Y ti«iT«ioM

tickM* oa MIC fnm Jvoe. & to StptombcT 9 IM6, »•• .SMlbera 8*»lw«,t M prineip*] ttm-t « m in Virgtaia • ( irntU radurad fki«a to AUaanc Ciiy. C*|w Mw. Owtn r.m. St6M H«rtof, WMwo^d sod other noted Jwaty CoMt Resort Poiau. Cxiault Asrato write C. W. Westborr, r.en«n3 A| WaaluBfttaa, 0. C . {or partiouUrs

or Agrat Motor vehicles average one

-; R-istration for every 44 persons n the United Stat<ra in the last ear. according to the ^ e e of I m i . . i 9 k\l T*

pubiicroads. Department of Agri-WIB»Ore,Lyini & AMMi U . -'•i-ture. J 1225. f Street N. W. The total number registered in

•.r.p I nited State?, lagt year, was _ 44.^.664, for which registration

.. KSiGKATap DayosrroET OF TH> U91TBD S T A T B S .

iCWUBt "iBD -uTKitiwa


i«)tt.oee B. t IIOOTKK, M. a. HAftLOW. a. K WARPtKLD. J. F. jttrnt. WATSKROBKRTS. B a A U l . j a .

I>00(H.*a8 STDAKT h-Tonp< (tt*.e<n (trCB to >I1 t i—law. ) • •

).a<]<>(«oll«t4o«.tbT«*ahoatrk' 0s««4ata<«a .Uf? 1f»*r«t>#


ihe Bank of Oc-


The stockholder? rporate f at Orrixiiian. VH.

J s the fact that w e rarely ever lose em carder w h ^ i the custbiner exanaixMSs mxr grades w h e n considering our prices.

This applies to both our high &4id low priced grade& - ; - - -.- T r—v—' -

W e have a large and wellnssorted stock of Liimbier, Mill Work and ottuer BuUdIng~ •Matiaisls.

^havo just odiaapIot6d7™l^oye!mTO t 9 our mil l which wi l l greatly increase e « r sbiUty to turn out spec ia l Mil Work.

W e want your business and will g ive it proaayt and courteous attention.


•thatiat In lit »f ail laas Extnetian of Taatlk


If. I. C. Building. Manassas, Va. 1 •»' •

M o r o H CAR E r n c i E M c v M largely a qmatioii of th« •kill of tb* reipair man. A eompHcated aad n i e ^ aiUai«sd wiihawiiM fikaHi aatoalMW TMver be ripafead or everbaDad. b* tinkan.


one of oar macbanie* i» o delaya—no UokMiDg.

bacaaaaBvary aa expert. Ni All work free. THE J . I. SAWDALL CO



of coauan. Incorporator., will mee t in__their bank Thu

Si. [Maiiasias Transfer Co,. :en8< feesaggregat«d-*18.- Jeweler« Sil i i v p r i i m . t h * .

• i h e W S ATFKT P r o c n e ^ r


fnbtt PolftecUc hstete ad Afrkabral - ^ BLACKSBURG. VA.

Foarteen dafrree ooonee m O r a ^ Seie ica , Agriealtvn EagiDeeriag and Applied • Science Two-year Coorae* in Asricaltara lod F u m e n ' Winter Cooraes

Eytfything GcxKi to

My line embraces Staple • and Fan<grtJrocenes

Queensware, Tin and Enamelware


Onhrersity of Yirgjoia HaatI W P a U i c Scboo l ST«t«ni of V i e g b ^


cine, Elngmeering LOAN FUNDS AVAO-ABLE

Ig ri<i««>»i»« «iiiii>wi« i^l>"' " t ' - K j H i i all


rgDrm M A N A S S A S . V A .

Marble, Granite and all Kinds of Cemetery

Work- -•<" \ ! w • - - -






Entered at th« Post Office at Manaaua, Vuvinim, aa Seoeod Claw Mail Matt«^ ' —



ADvnrnsmc SAHS Plft. Onu>>n Inch for th«fir»tInnrjlcuandTwwy-ttT*Ow»tif«r««di

eootiniianc^ Lihwal IXt 'ounts to Y«ur)y AdrtKiimnm, All rArAr I'l thailt^ funnxl ivM4«tia<u, obltuanr DotieM otharthaii Un

oaiul d<«tl> nottrcs. and all matter at ui ad**rtlaiH[ i l m x l M . ' •Illiw t)y <T Indirectly, will b« puMlkhed at tfa« r«t« of Tirantj-flv* Omt« ar dl;


RAILROAD RAILS AND SIGNALS A consulting engineer of the New York Cen­

tral railway has perfected, it is reported, a pro­cess whereby hidden defects in steel rails may be ctireehs&that^he danger -fwl~iH«aksmay be practically eliminated. He has been working on this problem for a long time in a laboratory car that has 'been virtually his home for thirty-two

finished rail, followed by a special treatment. The importance of this discovery, assuming that it is genuine, is shown by the fact that in 1915 broken rails caused 3,045 accidents in this coun­try, the death W 205 persbr^the injury of 7,'341 and the loss of property worth nearly $4,000,000. The ratio of rail breaks on the New ifork Central ITn^heretofofeTias averaged aboiiEl to 6CHJ rSIs." Sinjse this new process rail has been installed the breaks have been reduced to 1 in 142,000 rails.

-Muckxpmf ort ia to be gained hy tihp. travelfflg public from this announcement, unless the reduc tion of the danger of rail breaks is folk)wed by an increase in the gpppH wlii^h woTild in all like

frankly admitted tiiem-selves puzzled, though not baflSed, when tiiey^met in Washington to confer on the spread of tfffan-tile.paralysis.

The disease will appear in a neighborhood,claim one victim and give na evidence of being onunu-nieable. A year, two years, even longer may elapse, and then, when the disease recurs, it will tfeeffl t»%e highly eontagioas. --'--— —--=

Several children may be living together in the same household; one may fee taken, the others passed over. The next case may be some dis-

Many adults are manifestly immune, but when one rnntracts infantile paralysis, the course of the disease is rapid and its symptoms severe.

The plague may rage in private homes, even Where the sanitation isexcel lent, but may, at the same time, i^ss over institutk)ns where children areiieiTied together. • ;—^———=—^ •

In one community the disease may be mild; in another of apparently the same sanitation, it may be very fatal.

IlisproCXiaa consists in a reheating of the | TT. mr^l Hi tnr.t<., ..nrr P Haim, tW mnrtalify i« highef than in the cities.

And so contradictions appear u n ^ theshrewd-est epidemiologist finds himsejf-'mus far working in a circle, with no tangible Ime of connection be-tween the cases. Meantime, all efforts to identi­fy the micro-organism—if there be one—have ^wedt f utile and one theory seems about as good as anolher. . ' ~ ~"

The only .parallel in preventive medicine is a somewhat allied and likewise mysterious disease, um\ibi"o upinnl mtimngitio. Bonitariono ore ootio

lihood offset whatever gain the new rail affords. Railroad safety, moreover, will not be assured until tiie transportation lines adopt automatic cab signals and stops, whereby the careless or in-attehtrve or risky engineer and tiie error^making Bigpalman may be checked and rear-eiid collisions preventedl If the railroads had devoted as much time to the develoi«jent of a trustworthy cab-

fied that this jnalady appears in two forms, one communicable and the other not. They suspect and have almost proved that the germ may be

r* u KE ZC xas

Oitf Ui^xcelled Baiddng Service ^

Your passing through

our personal attentk^n and i« held in the strictest confiaence

v/tncra arc

pleased widi our



you will be also AU we ask is an opportunity to serve you that we

may prove the quality of our Banking Siy vice


The National Bank of Manassas — ^ H E « A N K O F P E R S O N A L SERVICE—

agnal sys t i^ as the New YoriE Central has to ^ e evolufson of th6 (tependaiidi fsil the risks to which the public is exposed would today be re-daoed g?:«atly.^-Washington 3air.


EUKUI4L'S JUNK. Al-IkK WAR Has any <me thought of thftn"»»g"^fade6f tha

jiiTiV hnsriness in Riirope after the war? There Ekilye been squibs and « » f ^ drawings about il but how much serioita consideration has it re-ceived? —iiast year iiriHese Umteds istat® America $140,060,000 was paid feet 8ersi$> 'mm. This is a tag and wasteful country, but it cannot be ising up metal at in(»e tban a fradion of ther rate pgeva^ing uTtha war zone.—TiyngnnAi nt

_ - Z- toha of-iron^ not to mentioiL cxiips&t brass laid but tiiey have found the method of its transmis-lead, have been ^K>t away at each 6t numy nar­row strips of the batjtte line. 'Qie top soil in the salient orTpres, on ^ line north of Arras, on the Somme front, and, fibove ail, at Verdun must

ficial ore. Surely, in the latter poverty which wiU be EkuY^'s p( tk>n when she is tiiroagh with war lOTds,ttett resourpe will i ^ be forgottea. For that matter, it may be tiist ^ o n ^ ' s woricers will toni thrones veA txammMo**wavsr too,^ Chicago JournaL

H£IU;.5 tiO LAUGHIfcKi Herd's tu l ^ b t e r , •thjLaadu.nc of the soul,

tife happiness of the heart, the heaven of youth, tv> pW^t^P nf purity, t.h<> <yho of innocencft. the treaaireof the hiuut^i i»wealth <rf feepoor,

carried by persoiis who have no symptoms of the malady. Yet they,have never.discovwed under whatTCondjtions thrTron-communiciable form of the disease k transformed into the obmmunica-bte, or whether the processof infection for the t^Q forms is different Reasoning f nan the littie that i& known of cerebro-spinal meningitis to the leas that is known aboutinfantile paralysis, most authorities believe that the disease must be one to which most people have an inmmnity—a dis­ease that is sgcesA}^ immtine carriers even more tiiian by contact with those suffering from its aic-tive svmptoms. It may well be. as in the case of some other communicable dise8ses,that the acute-^-infeetious period of any CAse comes^forft the. symptoms have ^csserted themselves. FimUly, thMs^must be aseasOTial or cfimatic-faeterasyftfe Uttle understood, just as typhoid has been shown

more prerabent .in very hot or yay'Wet" fluamiSirs,

American scientists have met and solved prob-leras almctst as difficult as this. They have never i«l«nti&a/4 ihf nrgMni«<Tn that P-auaeyvellow fever.

sion; and both in the jungiias of Panama and -tiie crowded atoeets of New OricMB^iey have dem-onstrated beyond the cui>ing of critics the cor-rectaess of thwr findings. They have shtwn

be so safaratedwith metal as to be a snrt nf artir 4;h«fc-4j^>hnB.i8^yead byJice and th»t the gerta of plague u carried 1^ fleas. More recentiy they have investigated pellagra and, woridng only from the ayrpp^ipa, t>ft»y have traced back this "Lombardy leprosy" to bad diet In no instance did these great discoveries cwne quickly. l ittle l^ Kttie,^MU^draiiMngs hadTb'tfe^

j and reasoned It is hardly probable that it will 'beother?!^Inhandbi^ infkn^leparalysis;~biit neitlteF io it probaM^ t**«t science will fail wherp it has so often succeeded It & eik>ugh to tear thA hwart of n trtvor nf «4wMr»»n fn think of tboiM-

LH^IIII.l.VH I IUUI\A11\/I wk wmy^^xHHW

ivui Ljjiur

Select ytmr asent and companies as you would your Banker, Lawyer or poctof, since your financial eadst-epco nuiy depend on tiiit and l ) n ^ » ^ coete no more than the po«MP!Bet. a s a « ;: u xL

Ertablkhed 19 1978

t lAP


Home pN^ple adyjusl your fires—no New York sharpers. It %yill pay you lo Udk il over and get our rates n :;

FirrhsurancejigeBq^ Mttmuttttii

"Ihe b^d oTthrcup uf jiksaauHi;- n: dispels dejec-tion, banishes blues and mangles melancholy, f<ar it's the foe of woe,>the destroyer of d^reasion, the enemy of grief; it is what makes kings envy jw^SSteS plntocrats e n w the poor the jfuUty envy the innocent; i f s the aieen on the ^^f^^

'KiP^tBe'n]^OTTfSeWifcr*JtUuLl, U^BLUI of the goW of gladness; without it humor woukt ^ bodumby wit wouU wither, din^>tes wouML d i a ^ ^ pear and smiles would shrivel, for it's a gknw of a dean cMiscience, the voice of a pore soul, the btnb-cry of nurth, XtA awi New York HerakL

sand ^ httfeones doomed^to be cripples for life. Ngi^ang t id;-eaB^%Keve theii^ the qveitd of the plague must be left undone. But in doing these things, we wait hopefully on the findii^ of investigators, consent that in the Providence of God, we shall never hav^ an-otber eiadeHHi « ItUfrlbM? •» this.—RkJmiuijd NewaLeadCT:

R£.£NLISTING Real aoldioiB of the National Gnarri now on thfi

border are re^nlisting to show their devotion to their eounfary's cause. This is the best sort of answer t» seme ^^«b*KjiUi.i«ini nMrie.-Richinond Times-DispStch.

If President Wilson succeeds in averting the labor war, the temptation will be #jwerful strong to call on him to try his hand on the European

-Raleigh News and Observer. war.

Morg than B gnTiai-ntirtn ago it was Oliver Wen-dell HoUaea who savwl Ute faiauus iJd fiiaaU; bji an outburst e l ineq^red balladry which^ftaced

iPt relic intact Now It is some New Yea* milUonaires who quietly come to the rescue of the first sub­marine HolUmd and save it frc»n the junk-deal­er's unsentimental hwid. The'method of salvage is ffhy«^^ristically different from what it was years ago Then no Yankee would have paid hard cash for what could be saved by expendi­ture^ of enthusiasm and brain. We were more

spin TTieiL And though the Consituaaen

Goody c4d, juicy country hams that make your mouth water to think about—that's^what we have just gotten in from Southwest Vu-ginia. They were cured ii| hickoiy ashes mnd arc in prime condition. YxniVi

[eats and Groc^es—\

has never done anybody any good since Hohnes went to her rescue, his poem has thrilled the hearts of thousands of school children. The nar tion is richer by an undying ballad. The pur­chase of the Holland 4eavte5.us poorer iiL^^n, and no richer in heart Where is the American poet of today who could fitly celebrate the scrap­ping of this landmark submarine? The occasion

Tlitrnk-Qud. iiubody owno tho progressiva [ [ . i aa momcntouo or aoul-mo^nng than that

party tod;r. exclaims Candidate Parker. - -. Ti-o ;,.>nv,•r:^v- -i-th Times

Well! i which greeted Holmes, but the echoes are silent. New York Post.

g Menty of Choice ^ Veal and ItMiusage. Both western and home-dressed

WOOL WANTED yeu«ell~we have wool ta^T uet'Our^

on hand and wiO.begiad to haye you call

MQonner"S^arket t



I BRIEF LOCAL NEWS - A lawn fete is to be given

tonight on the lot opoaite the h^ te\ by Manasaw^^JhaptWr United Daughter* -irf th« Ck)nfedsracy

—Mr. E, M. Barger. of Catlett, and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lowe, of Carova.purchased Overland lour­ing cars this we^k from the local agency

been named by the Manassas.dis-trict school board to teach dunng^ the coming session at the Stone 1 louse School;

-The large hydrangea blos­soms exhibited in THE JOURNAL windows Wttre giwWii Ivy Mrs. Sarah Keys at her residence on Center street.

- The rock for the streets fir/al-ly has arrived, and work on Cen­ter Btr^^'t"'" h« hftgun tomorrow.

^r^iireWce W W 8 g e n e r 7 T t 5 r ^ - - M an* Mrsri). it. Lewis mer editor of THE JouRNAL.,whoenterUined at luncheon yesterday for the past few w e e k s has Ion the lawn at their residence on handled the advertising on the Fostoria (0.) Daily Times, has accepted a position as assistant lifTthe advertising departmenttrf the Allen Motor Ca. Foak>fi». 0.

—Members of the Loyal Tem­perance Legion are urged to at­tend the meeting Sunday after­noon at three ©'clock in Asbury M. E. Church. All dues mast be

Misr EH«»nof-&.-WiikHw haajpiud j t this meeting, as it is the

come to the church Saturday at three o'cioc^^^o^ practice.

Labor troubles at the Quarry de-

—Mr.W. R. Lucas, of Winches­ter, president of the Southern Hotel Association, died of iieart failure Wednesday at Wrights-ville Beach,N. C. Mr. Lucas was stricken as he was leavhur the surf and expired before h* could be taken to the hotel. Mr. Lucas formerly conducted ihe Prince


Quarry road. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Foote, Mrs. D. H. Prescott and Mr. Alfred Preacottr-ftit ^ Manassas; MFS^ J o s e p h S. Boorman and Miss Alice Boorman. of Washington, tj an^ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Linn and Misses Annie and Margaret Linn, of George Washington Park

—On Tuesday evening a Ford belonging toTJrTTV: C. OrTtJRSke

last meeting of the convention loose from its driver after he had y«»fr- Member* are asked toj started Jthe engine, and headed

straight for the Red Sentinel gas tank before the Loudoun Garage. The tank was broken thrown into the street

of! and while a

Mrs. Bessie Clark spent several dayl in Chester, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Rat-cHlfe are at Atlantic City. ,

Dr. \Hervin TJ. Roop was in MadiiSon county this week.

Mrs. P. E. Morris has returned from a stay at The Plains.

Mr. C. J. Meetze attended the Warrenton horse show yesterday.

" Mrs. MargS^WRitShgton is the «uest of Mrs. J. B. Trimmer. - Miss Lotti* Fowler^-of-Waah^ ington, is visiting Miss Kate Brid-•wslt

Your Wife Should "^;"

„ „ „ „ ...wx, .^^ Mrs. L L.Shacklett spent Mon-i ' e a t « i " a i i i i i t i ^ - s ^ ^ with rel»t»^«« «< Barbours-damagesustained by thecar. No one was injured as the driver jumped when it became evident that "Lizzie" was bent upon de­struction.—Loudoun Times.

—The library board,' recently

laved the shipment

-Mr. C. H. Wise, one of our must progressive farmers, says that good crops always are' planted early and worked ear ly-early in the wiwning. '•

—A called meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association will be held Wednesday atternooo a t three o'clock in the chapter room. A full attendance is desired.

-MembeW of the S u n d a y : School of B e t h e l Evangelical


William Hotel at Maiiaaaaa. ijy the Manassas IHs-. , , . Urict School Board, is making an

- A p i a n to erectamorjument. ^ ^^^ j ^ ^^^ tomarkthegraveof JenmeDean. j j ^ g „ , , . c i n e g i e library in bet-

villf. Mrs. W. F. Dowell has returned

from a visit to relatives at Lovetta-ville.

Mr. Taylor Adams^ _of Luray. spent ^hc wcok end at bia home

have a bank account and pav her bills by check. It's the modem, business-like, economical way. It tends toward careful management, gives a bet­ter kka^f the relation of income to outgo, pro­vides a receipt for each payment, as well as a record of date, amonnt, etc. And it often leads to the creation of a substantial reserve fund with which to realize a fond ambition or meet an enieigbucv. Thglady ofliirhofuse ismvitydtir-call and learn how easily she may open an ac­count in this strong bank, and the conveniences which we ace at her command absdutely with­out charge. ^

Our slogan is, "It is a pleasure to serve,"


colored missionary worker and founder of the Manassas Indus-

of discussion at the Northern Vir ginia C<doi«dBaiitist Convention, thiowockotLuray.—Jennie Dean died May 3,1913. Sbe is buried in the cemetery«t Calvary chapel.

—The eighty-seventh annual

ter shape and to obtain more shelf room. The townL-CQuncil wiinbe askeii for a small appro­priation for new books. The board, which consists of Miss E. ti. Osbourn, Mra. C. ,M. Larkiff

oonvontion of tfae gvangelical

and Mrs. C. R. C. Johpson, de­sires to make the library of more roa) iisfl and benefit to the read-

here. Mr. Mason Adams left recently

to accept a position in Philadel­phia.

Misses Marie Leachman^and Peggy Fred sxient yesterday at Occoquan

Mrs. Combs, of Washington the guest <>f Piuf. aud

Lutheran Synod of Virginia is in Luthern Choreh W ' ^ ^ ' ^ M s e ^ at Mount T a b o ^ O ^ annual picnic yiraterday on the| . " . m^. ^.,.—:— picnic grounds near Bland's Ford

—About 4 f ^ Stmday Schuul of Grace Metho­dist Episcopal Church, South, at­tended the annual Sunday school picnic VIPH yettterday in Btllbim-er's woods, near Bristow.

- T h e Woman's A^uxiliary to the Northern Virginia Farmars' Institute and the rest room com-

The Peoples Nationa] Baok

rriifTpp will hold: a imnt meeting

Augu8U~c0unty>- -TbefoUoma^ officers have been re-elected:

m. Rev. J. E.-ftrf!earC Luray; secretary, Sev. E. A. Repass, Harrisonburg, land treas-urer.Mr.M- Coffman, Woodstock-

~ : ^ A public drinking fountain baa been inapalted at the strnth-west tmrner of Center and Battie streets, oppoaite the posteffice. The fPnntain was the gift of thg

Ins publiu. Mrs. Estelle Green I)ay, a

pioneer schoo^ t^hier of Manas-

H. Hodge Mr. Walter Hornbaker, of

Chcatcrw Pa., ia viaitingTtt his home here

Miss Jessie Byrd, of Mullins; C^ iasi(?i!ii«r.her.brother, Mr.

ML. L. Byrd. , oi Tvasu-

^asur^enOy aitendeS^CKe aluniuit reura'pn of th* Old StwdenU' AA^_ sociatdon at Peru. Me. A Lewis- .^^ --^.-t^—tsr-^.^™™ toClfi:: S i ^ p i p ^ says thatiffiston, v ^ ^ the afteirnoon address was made by Mrs. Dayrwho^"ba& Uve4 «t Topeka. lans:;^ fK^many y«u«|eDdon, is the guest of" Miss Al

fte" Manassas Civir T rci a g u e. Thg

and has had the pleasure of h e l ^ ing elect the o^kers of .the state and nation, a' subject in which she ia greatly in t e r e s t f t d aqd


Mis; Florence Whd«i , of Clar-

thoroughly a o q , u a i n t e d with.

berta Davis.

Mr. and Mrs. Samod Muddi-man, of Roanoke, asB visiting relatives hen*.—..——^ .^-^

When you think of purchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf or brooch pin, OT other jewelry, reroember we^can_ .;

' supply your wants. Most anything in the -——-sportii^ goods JineyiH befoand-here— —— "-at-an attractive priflc.. .

l a ^ Rifaiiii« iknd Fittiiig <» Glasses

St Miss Ruth Leith ia viaiUug ttw tw>m? of Mr- jM* Mr».Ijearrr

I Jewder ami OptkiMi Manasaaa, Virgiiiia

this afternoon at town ^authorities, foltowing an agreement mad^ with the league,

TfaeyuungwomenofthetoafnjeMido the installation f r e e of

woman's rest room, on H u n street

are planning to h<^ a' 'le*P y®*" dance Monday evening. Septent-ber4. The committee in charge is composed of Hiss Marie Lwtch-man and Misd Hft^caret Lewis.


-The next meeting of the Manassas Business Men's League

charge. Watw will be f urni^ied 1^ the town:

Mrs. Day is a vwry able worrtan and-hA- Peru friends are very


will be held at the town half Tuesday, at 8 p. m., f«f t*e pw^ pose of naming t h e fTftraitive

Ulj:3tl( -Col . P. H. O'Bannen, of T:uTir^^^®ir<s'ispp«saa= mrsFVirHiT nock Goam^yf*s-^^r^^W^=-xr-*^^^ shifting freight train at Culpe- V a l u a b l e HOUSeft^ per Wednesday. He was rushed . i;adOT«iMH>yTirtneot»deuiee«utei»dby to the hWpitjJ ia ChaylOtteaVllle, thy i ytt coart ot Pn ee WiUitm oonSW U

1. „ u v J- —;J •«. U^ J» . €«.«r I'M Oclftber, 1915, tern thereof, in.the thaa-where hfr is said to be in a, sen- ^ „ , ^ t)«i«« omdiM. stried Matu«i loe ous condition.

in Washington.

., iJSter jSkTHoirdle, of "Waaib-ingt<m, is disking Hr. and 'Mrs. J. R. B. Davis. '——

* - •

committee, desired.

A full attendance is

-Miss Cora Duffey, who haa

Miss Grace Nicol has xetumed from a visit to Mrb A. J. Bur-^Bess^J^CatletL ^

Mrs. A i..Comb8,'of Washing­ton, Tk -visiting tk the heme of Mrs. L. G. JlKoL \ " ~

geons say that he will recover OoL O'Bamum is i fkequMMit vis­itor to Manas8a&

o«>7 smt therew peodiDg, styled Mntosl loe A t t e n d i n g SUr- Co. •». J. a Kiocieloe eb •!•. the nadsr-

gig6eJ eumituibHiuuen tt eile, eppeiatea l y

been employed in the tierk'a of fice at Alexandria for years, has been maae

sevos l deputy derk

under Mr. Nevetl S. GreMaway, clerk of the cirecdt ,«Kirt for tike city of Alexandria.*^

ever baptized in the Episcopal Church at Leesburg was baptised recently in antiripatifm of thft Bishop's visit W Leesburg. The confirmation dass consists of more than forty members.

Lewis Naitor, eelofedr-wh»

WynBftn wM tried before Mavor

•aid decree, akell aia

Saturday, Augnst 26» 1 9 1 6 •t about 11 o'eli eh, «. m. ot that ittf-front ot tb« feoplea MatsonaT

Wagener H(mday eveviag on the ehwg* ot Offing Mr Hynson's e ^ without permission. He was given sixty days in jaiL Thecar ,


, . ..__. . „ ^ Hwk, i^ the had been empfoyed by Mr.-R=-&^ ^«-^ oi JUna«»s. v., wUby wayofpawic u a u u w u ««.|« ^'j ., _ auction, al thoee yteral Taluabbr huuam and

igwitLlaidJxiaaudbMMiubMMeB^Mr^ Tiew a*aana,io MaaaaaMi Va.of wftieli J. a: ffT-»».«>~ dialaaiaad and yaaaawerl. - 1. The lot npoa whiek amS J. G. Kia-cbdoe nailed at the tiae of Ilia daath. ta-gether with the dwelling, baraa aad xAtar


^r. James B. Wdr, of Wash-ington, this week was the gnest' of Mr.R.M. Wete. — " —

Mrs. Robert M. Weir and Mask • ^ James Weir have returned fnMH visitB to AkCer

a damaged conditi(m on the side of the CenterviUe road where Naiky had driven it pp tfte t>anK.

—The ladies of the Bethlehem ^ ^ .l S *"* Housekeeping g u b a r e t b e

T: ftdftem fhiisii<^ «eipien& tfjrag^cdmpQmenS -Mr. S - ^ ^ ^ <njtti ng his cropof pwi1«y. wlSeE he says is very fine. Mr. HaM tells us that Mr. Charles Beavers, a progressive fanner near town, had quite ajoree cutting e e r a ^ his field one day last week.

• I M M 8. The lot;«ith Bea ton haamt attaated

.thereon, adjaeeitf to .nuaberS. Ti<i Tfm 1 ••!! T? [fill hf»* coMe^tei^

jard and garden. TSBHS OF SAU::—One-duid civh aad

the Ktid«B-in tmp eq-^ ii»triln>eaa._{amfc bie » one and two y»mr ^iht dB&i—•*'

Mr. Jolm A NicoU af Wasfaing-toh. visited his modier, Mrs. L. 'G. Nicd.this week. ~

Miss Theo Brown, o ^ W a ^ g -taa, is the goest of Ifisa Jfsry Hmrietta lipscomb.


Mr W. S. AUwy altended-a


-All membersof the W. C. T. U. are urged to be present Wed-

the will be hekl. when the officers for the

LPC: i l C l U a V* a w a s tras^ w » a n » ^ B » m« ft X&^ I<«1V K C ^ U ^ < 9 V WX

ensuing year w Ul be tfaetedr nfnsinrifftTffffn hsi Services at A*ury M. E.

Church for the week will be Ss follows: Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m.-, preaching at 11a. m. by the Rev. J. Hatpeany; EpwwtM


on their bode of recipes recently printed by the Manassas iourmd Pubiishing Company. A i Indiana advertiser writes, "We eompR-m&t • yau on y^nr hook, as «ft ttunk it is one of the nicest we have se^n." The ladies of the U . a i c UIK^^A w a/« |W.^«»**MV ^w->f%M u * w v c ^ s a * A.aa« sasHihM WA «*•«

fern College. I n w o n e c t i o n j ^ twtoty-fave cents.

arirfani-ed .la.lhB. ss«r ' inrenat beving BOIM swf 'he titta'M the

said real estate tt be rruiaed nnt I thaSotaa are fully paid. Poeseaeioa will be ip*«n the parehasar apoa fonfitmatioD of aal* hf the Coori ».

fbr ivrtlMr infemMioo apply ta any of the aaderrioaed ooaanissioaen

Turv* B TlOX



Primitive Baptist meeting: at Frtmt Royal this week.

Misf Maude UaU le{t titdvrfo visit rdatives and friends In Del Ray and in Waehingten;—'•

€ r « . iar i s in4e f t W4»dnes. day night for a short Immness trip to Green^xmt, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Wfl-am, of Aldie, thui week visited H;. and Mrs. R. M. W^r.

Gomwcll Supply Companjf •^ M A N A S S A S . V I R G I N i A

Miss Annie Hudnell. of Front " • ^ Boy all. is spendii« several ofSaie! witii Mrs. J.-W. ft«eott.


—At the request of Governor

derfd by the office of the attor­ney general, in which it is hdd that the unexpended portion of tiie $3,000 ap|»t>priatieamac'e by the legislature uf 1914 (at the

t of dormitories at tbedis--Messrs. Raymond Davi. and i tnct high s c t ^ l s reverted to the

John Hurprng"'*'"'' pnwhasi-il igcntm'fnBg~in thr ninmHH>T the aeanmg and frr^SftlNf fttaSt-l wealth St Ih* end ^ the S a g nessof Mr. S. Schlisenger, at Uie I year. February 28, 1916.

^'^jT'tJiJ/^^^^rV - T h e So«tbem railway has an-^ ? S . ' i ^ . ^ ! i ^ * ^ w S t e no""<^ *" excursion to Luray will be located m tiie We» Build- • ^ ^ 3 gunday. The excursion I mg opposite. ! ^ ^ j ^ starting frortt Washington i

— A marriage license was isiued; at 8:10 a. m., will leave Manas-in Washington, Wednesday, to sas at 9:15 a. m., leaving Luray j Miss Moselle V. Goods and .Mr. Mn the afternoon at 4:3') o'clock j Bertram G. DiPFifit. both of .Alex- and arriving in Washington at andria Thf'br :f ' ill i'»e remem- 8:13 p. n:. ir,f round trip fare -^p,.'^ « .^^ ^...^.v-fa 44Jtfiitei:.ir.iT.-. .Msna.-s..- • ,'.1 W- ->1 7. , and

Xs\ times as- m .\lr. J 3. WLEPPI*. Delray, Fb., tpr^ed hi* otTito V!-11:5 with P'i'ROX, ind wn(e»^"l picked

-Jtes trr- 1: --f;

Florence in "At Bay. Rooster DOWELL'S PHARMACY


! » Mr. James F. GuUck, of Wash' Mr. George Bell and Mrs. J. I. ingto nj a former ^resident^ is vis- Raadall have gone to visit i^iaa itin» friends in Manassas. i Anna Bell at a Baltimore hospital

Miss Eleanor Saffer, of Anna- Mr. W. N. Lipscomb, Miss Mary polia. Md.,iavi8itin»r her parents,' H. Lipscomb, fetiss Theo Brown Mr. and Mrs. F. E,_aafffiL JAml MiasMary Bgverley Leach-

M, a„^ M«. A T t7^^„„„ 1 man attended the horse show at Mr and Mrs. A. L.&nmons. ^arrenton yesterday,

of Ohio, last week visjted at the} ' ' home of MI;, p. J. Meelze.

Miss Mattie Weir is the guest of J^iss Myrtle Gren9U..ftt her home.in 4IiddleB«c eomily.—'""'

Mr. James Payne, of Nokes-ville, visited his mother-in-law,

--lto> S, F. Simpann. Monday, •w

Mrsr Albert Sp^iden.TiIiss Vir­ginia Nelson Speiden and Master Edwin Nelson Speiden are the Xue9^ oihUtmt m d M w , Aaatm 0 Weedon, at Warrenton.

Col. and Mrs. Robert A. Hutchi­son and little Misses Ruth and


For Sale—At once, double-bar-rej choke, 12-gaugej hammer shot gun.' Floyd W. Bryant. 2t


Lieut West, oFlfie'Sesenth Kew-York, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lynch.

—Miss Evelyn Mlliiea T®E6n.. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Hilton Evans, in Baltimore.

Miss T. P. Waters and Mrs. 0. O. Waters are spending the week in Battimore and Philadelphia.

Rev. J. F. Burks, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, has been visitiag in Culp«per county.

Prftf, ^ V. Wat-ann agriViil

su(i Biiu u i i i e xniBBtfif AUin a n a : . ' 7 '. •-. Rtfeatwtti -H-irrB~h1 s tiw^a^a-r^ mafkings through -Boagr Vr^ -r ^ n T V L " " > . " l . l l _ _ J . . .J:!:fT. Burch. Bristow.Va..R.F.D. It turned from ftn autontpbiie tour through the southeastern part of the state.

tural director of Manassas High School, ia visiting at Weir, Miss.

Mr. Eldredg^e Simpson, of Clif­ton, visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Simpson, Sun­day.

- —Mrs. Hervin U. Roop^and Mis& Margaret Roop have returned from an extended stay in Atlantic

.<Jity. ,

Guess; color, brindle; 4 white feet, white collar, neck and white

Missed Sallle and Caitaerine IiBffkiH- are guests-trf ^frr and Mrs W. P. Rudasill, near Cul-

Misses Annie and Helen Elgin, ^f Clifton Dtation, weie week-end

JuHa Lewi8, Beasle Walker, Bert Davis and Nettie Lohr and Dr. J. M. Lewis and Mr. W, Fred Dowell spent Sun­day atOccoQuan, making the n ip

Mr. and Mrs. Jame^ R. Larkin had as their guests for the week­end Mrs. John Cooke Brooke and little Miss Millian Carter Brooke. of Hyattaville. Md.. and Mrs. M. A. Johnson, of Baltimore.

^ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Sin clair, Mr. C. A. Sinclair and Mrs. E. a. Giddings and their young daughters. Misses E l o i s e and Mary Giddings, have returned from a stay at-Atlantie City. -

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelteyand foiir children, of Warrenton; Mr. Crawford, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Francis Turner, of Aldie, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.

For Sale—One huxter wagon, equipped for business. Cheap to

uick purchaser. James L. Cook, QUICK pi ueen street.

Va. Alexandria,

8 ^ - 2 t Baggage delivered promptly.

I meet every train. W. N. Mer-chant. 8-25 ' Br. it. Ft Heagffa-wiitbeab—ntj^ from his office from August 25 to Septembff 4, incluaivp. It

Such tobacco enj $25 REWARD — Strayed last - w w •„.

Thursday from Mr. B. M. Brid ^ -watl'aplac» haaf Oriaado, Bofttoft " ^ g yOttTtWVCT t h o u g h t y ^ Bull terrier, answers to name of ^ ^ ^ j ^ jg y^^^ ^^ ^

command quick as you buy some ^Albefr and-Hre-Tip-a: pipe or a horne-made oigarqtte4-

For Rent Sept. l^Six-room house on Battle street. D. J. Arrington. gxeciitor. 8-18-tf

For Sale—Seven acres ot land, 7-room hmise, barn and other out­buildings, orcliara, garden, well at door, on R. F. D., convenient to high school, with other advan­tages and conveniences. Inquire at JOURNAL Office. 8-18-4t*

• ir '.

Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat-isfection your smoke-a.pp9)dtB^evtir hanlBBfed for. That 's because it's made by a patented process'that cuts out . ^ pTt a j ^ bite and parch! Pnnce Albert has always S J ^ A ' ^ . ^ been sold without coup<^ns or premiums, —•-'—'*— W e prefer to give quality!


Oa H M ._-• I |U« lUr.TMl li>

For Sale -Bradbury piano, in good condition, moderate price. Mrs. J. F. Burks. 818-tf

Wanted--Bags for shipping ice. Davis Brothers Ire and FIIPI CO.

Mr. Earl Warfield. of Washing-ton^ spent Sunday with his fam­ily, who-are stopping at the home of Mroi Ji W. Praacott.. Mrs

saesta of Mr u>d Mrs. D. J. Axriagtoo.

~MrBr~A. J. Adama and Mi#8 Murray Adam^, of ^ » ^ ^ 5 ^

- Mff p^^n gucBte of'jfafrMMl Burs." W. p . Larkin.

Mrs. Joseph S. Boorman and Miss Alice Boorman, of Washing-

^ toPr^aM <ae^fr <rf Jftr. M 4 Mnu ,JX H. Prescott^ " ,

Mr. Hubert Smith, of Birmiog-ham, Ala., is the ffoest of his atetera. Miss Anpette Smith and Hiss Uaggie'jSmith. ~ ~

Fof Rent - My wsidence on North Main street, ManMsas. Apply to G, W. Payne, R. F. D.


-Virgiaia Manuel Mrs. Warfield's mothw, is wiUi h«* daughter at ptsBentr— ....—:

Mrs. Bayard Sheldon leaves aext week to visit relatives-in New Jersey. Mm. Sheldon will be accompanied home by her lit­tle daughtor. Miss Dorothy Shel­don, who has been in New Jersey i b r

Wantpd at once^ ten colored laborers to work in fertilizer fac t»ry at Cherry Hill. Va. Good wages and steady work. 7-21-71*

has "a flavor as different as it is ftel^hfluT A a d that isn't strange, etther.

tft* national joy « m ^

You never iaat^ tlm UkeufiU

Bay Prinem Aibmrt ^amty U aeU In

Mr. Aylett Holtzman. of Wa^-ington, this w e ^ has b e ^ a £uest at the home of Rev. and

> liiiss Rodi Round ia& retunted from New York where she •> tended the summer aesBloB <rf <:olumbia University.

Mrs. S. T.Hall returned Sator-dur after fr-three weeks' visit, to lOativesin Culpepa-countiF. She was accomDamedrhome is her


Pulp wood wanted—1.0OO cords iar» OumrSvcamore.^Pnre, ntii BireKr^ be cut 5 feet

of Popiart Gum, Sycampre.^Pnre, aplejmi Z—— ,—,_

and bark taken off. Now is the best time tb cut Poplar as the bark peels easily at this season E. R. Conner. 7-7-tf

foppyrwl twin, B*1 tl^n

Men w h o thittk they can't s m c t e a M)e or rou ad^-lette can smoke and will smoke if theyruse P r p c e Albert A~< «"~A->r< -arhn havp nnt vpt invBn F. A. a t tY-out certainly have a big surprise aad a lot of wqoymeot coining their w a y as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Attiert tobacco wiD teTits osirn s t w y l -

We wifl not be undersold" on same quality of goods. Try us and aaer^ Austm'sgamese ^WP^

l»other, Mr. Uideon McudnaKU who gpent a iew days here with

On account! of large numbers .of applleatiuus now ua hand, all pQrti«» Haairing insurance in the

&»enberger aud her sister, lihra f * i " * t " ? ^ ,

Mrai WeUinatoh^oSehbergw-and daughter, of Williamantic, Conn,, who have been the guests of Mrs. Bosenberaer'a mother-in law, Mrs. O-Jgi-

'V Local Agent Austin in advance of V ^^ae insurance is needed. &re

^O-davs notictt if poaSiblei frlZ-g

Mr. Claude C. Gushii», of Up-perville, recently visited his motb^ •er. Mrs. S. C. fochyrds. and his jrister, Mrs. I. M. DQ«M>^-

Miss Isabel Eelley leaves tOr tnorrow to spend several days with her brother. Rev. Alf^rd XeUey. at Takoma ^arit. D. C.

Miss Eula Shryock, who ^ a s tww>ti vtatting Miss Mande Hall

^imTIni^ls at rsniisfiyai. leaves ftft her heme in Ohio tomorrow. -

—MiB8 Daiwe Marie Pote left SM>-<lay iot hex hixne at Clarion, Pa.. after a six wedcs' visit to her ^raodmothar, Mrs. Barbaiv Pote.

Mr. William K. Carr. of Cbar-^otte. N. C . a sCudeut of Trimly

left Wednesday to viut u West Vu-ginia, before goinsr to Their iiew home in Colorado

Mr. and Mrs. Qwrge. accom* panied by thefr three children and Mrs. Gorge's parents, all of Herpdon. and Mr. and Mr8.Sheen

.andtheirtwffiehildren, of Bristol, Tenn.t w « e guests of Pnrf. and M B . B . T . H . Hodge^ Soaday. The visitors came from Hemdon by antomobih.' • ^-

<J(rflege»Duriiam, N. G.. is spend iog several w ^ k s in Mai^asas,

Mlaa Helen Nor man and Eugene

if jou value Accuracy mjhe exegutjon of your Job Work


Wanted—Antigue-square -and upright pianos. Hugo Worch, 11X0 G Street, Washington, D c . :: ,• • .•.-, • ,


Weliig^ W e can weld .

n o matter htfw-badly it' is

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. (abb8,,of Mnntit VftrntMi. are _ SPrndm

^ several weeks with Mrs. J PiescotL Mr.Gibbs' bister. Mrs. R. B. Balliflger. and Miss Mary A. Gibbs spent Friday nigjht as his gues^. Mrs. Ballingeti was

l^orman. of Baltim«re, are viat-in^ at the home o f Mr,_and Mrs. .JamesT^. Diikett. Hear^fangros-^

Mr. and Mw. T. Ramsay Tai­lor and little Miss Irvine Taytor, -of Norfeft. Metheg iae t s^t Mr

on the beautiful grounds sur-roondlBg Mrs. Prescott's heraoe. oTfQ t«.« a<< tlu. hftarrtimr arfiool

Taylor's mbther, Mrs. T. 0 . Tay.

Col. and Mrs. H. L. Wilis and ^Y^i. ^.norhrpr^ M j s a e s Helen and Laura WilUs. left Wednesoay to make their heme w ^ a s h i n g

Mr ThnmaaEHunie orWash-

Lipscc^nb, have returned from a ten days' sUy at Atlantic C^ty. The trip of aboot 700 miles was made in Mr. Lipscomb's car with-flBt'aeddwiL: Thej wuxt jeinsd at Atlantic City by Mr. Charlfes E. Lipscomb and Mr. W. Harold LipscomMtfJfew York City..

br(4c«i, cHr how large it is, or » yott 1 ^

d i e p ieces we CSA w « d h and • w wfll b e juit as strongi tf ao*

stronger, d ian ti ie piaca. _^

W e giHu^antee our w o n t a n d our prices are reasona>>

W e are equipped t o b u m corbonjMitof your cyliiidera.

she had attended austpriOT to the jLAn d e a n carbon o « l Civil War. s. e n g i n e in CMierhi^ tb

Mr. a i ^ Mrs. W ; K Ltjacoffiti j i ^ m . Special p i k M t«i Fofd and their daughter. Miss Mary « — « ^ > HenriettsLipseotnb. a c e o m ^ i e d by th»i« guest, Mrs t!!h«rtnr-B

owners .

ingma, spent the w e e & w l i ^ home of J B S brother m-law aiMl sister, Mr: and Mrs. T. J. Broad-das. , )

Messrs. G. M. Ratcliffe. X. E. Merchant and R. A. Waters and son, of Dumfries, came to Maoas-sas today it Mf. Ratcliffs'a agln--OK^iie.

— M l . Makehm 6. Kelley. of Ha> noiTi

««What Congma KIT catiewning a

Government , _« _ - , M BE


DKIJAI/ is made from best matolals.

jeeept no other. ^ wso have a nice QUICK LDWCff COUNTER where you can satisfy your appetite. -FuH line of confectionery.

rUburg, Pa., is spending t h e week here as the guest of n s lis-tar. MlB8 laalMil Kelley. at the Manse.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy R , P o " " ^ their little daughter Ethel, ofi Washington, spent Tnesday with i Mr. Pote's nsother, Mrs. Bariaia i Pote. near town.

Mr. W. J. Walker returned to­-day. after spending: several days at the home of his son-in-law and .;a<.gh:er. Mr. and Mrs. T. >oel '..\ r.r, at Alexandria.

-'-•— about K*^

Tbere are

of Hitini --RlrtiMMHt of Kan itnhmifierfd marquiiette-

ibroidery —BiouMS < dotted voile, etc.

; - ' •« 'y«» j * ' *

Tl» n tbt title a< t booklrt «c have prrpirii W« .h»tt be »!•«* ! • —-^

art* intarMtcd.

Bethlehem Steel Co. :i B«thl«hem. P»-

Get an ke Cream Freezer Free

In order to advertise the No-Woric-FVeezer. we will give a quart size of this freezer free

»with every cash purchase aniounting to $30 and a half gallon sue witTT cash pur­chases amounting to $40, as 4oftg asthesupply lasts.



,mHiin*«l, » « * aa;

d a i q t y F f f l W Effects. S « » f e M o t W S ^ l ^ ^

touchee o f coaveat eaabeaiJee.

Stylea are too numerous to mentioD aU; but they are very pretty and just the

lr i« l -yo« s h o u U have a food ly supply of to b e happy on your v a c a t i o . ; and dur-

ing the remaining s u m m « days when it b your duty to look a « d ilreas a a x o o l and

attractive a . you can. Kann's - Second FkK>T I

See how all the fertilizers have advanced, though now they have very little potash in them. You know how essential potash is to your crops. Don't despair—there is plenty of potash in your soil, if you can only make it availa-ble. The one and only way is to use LIME. You can't afford to farm afly Inngftr without LIME. You biow it costs just as much to raise 10 bushels of wheat as 20^ or & barrels of corn as 10. If you want to douMe youi' crops, wake upr-get bu^^ ind LiB4E fltEELY. The LIME diat has been used for the p a i t ^ years w ^ b€^i^6pAaris the LIMI| ftnr ydu and that is, of course.

Because it contaaiis 10 to^lS ^ r ceitf magnesia. The U. S. Department of Agiicmltiare states in the YearT^>ok for 1 ^ 1 , <m pa|^ 1^,ihatttta^p^ua in combination with Hme is gfesolutely necessary for^aatgri^^ noAimnthat vnSt lake its place. Wbal bdtttf anSiiiritvdBbH

one—ihaf is actual residts -pcmd ^ flM se we ^g9n~^ve you |uiipl&~{lro€^ ^ W hiiiidredi of teilinioniBtb ftt>m the ba^ l a n i i n s ^ bodi Loiidmm

TTie Cojrnwell Supplv Co.. Manassas..Va^ A, S, Rolj ertson, W^UingtAn, VA., W M. A. KoUins»! K[istow, a.4 and be sure <^ hady as wdl as parompt s^xourtegis attenfiGmu

best Jio^ to be

L.. 1! r> PHiKlllllliaPMIiWKtlMlirSltr


mmm mm ^ p l»-lJU^.'-.-4,. .'

^ T H g J g j ^ C A S ^ JOURNAL FRIDAY. AUGygT. 26. V^S


{Eastern College MANASSAS, VA.

The Right 0>Uege for the Train*

In reply to th* question, "Whai is a woman of leisure?" a speaker at a woman's conference amused her audience by griving some defi-pitionH t.h*t she had s a t k e r e d ^ t j . . ing_oLXQiioc Feep l« a luncheon a short tnne before. U»»**Ji> -^-MjiTiw^Wk^ rwS- •••ha ftr*«*""'^»«*-oW^

received: "A woman of leisure is any

woman who hasn't five children."

Sf eadid^ itew buildiags. Col­lege and University Trained Teachers. Offers superior degree courses in the Arts and Sciences. Literatur'e, Pedagogy, Music. Ex-

to I pression, Business'and DomestSr' play bridge daytimes

"There is none;' like the. dod9.Il_

"The woman

sh^ ts extinct,

be Always telling you how busy she is."

"The woman who- is on ten • boarda,

all." - -"The only one I know is bed­

ridden." —"The busiest woman in towDi

Science. cjastem s ftr i?. grauuates^ are^

admitted to professional schools of Johns Hojjkins University. No graduates of othof Collages can have better or higher rating there.

Also excellent Academy Courae, -which admits to the University of Virginia.

Special attention given badc-ward boys and girls.

Eifhteentk Annual .SeMion Opens September 21st

who always finds time to do one thing more, and do It fiifSciously."

It may be that the woman of leisure has not even the scientific security that belongs to the dodo, which, the dietiona y assures us, is but "recently extinct." Re­search into the history of woman through the ages may, indeed, show that the woman of leisure never was; that she is only a myth—hanntitlg. wistful, allur-

For rate and other information inquire of

BERVIN U. ROOP, PL D., LL D., 8-18-lm President


BREAD & FLOUR Good Freah Bread

Received Daily

To a daughter wno asKed what is. leisure,, a mother answered, 'It is thaajwra time That a urni

Larkin - D o i f ett Cmhpai ly OfCORPORATED

Oar <^fee and main salearoom is now located in the M. L C. Bmki-ing, on Battle Street, opposite the Post QflBce. whereji?e.will

carry a complete line, of Horse, Dairy and Poultry Feeds. Ybu are cordially T vited to visit M when fatown. Cor

utatk n compete att all seasons. The feeds ! « » • . : tloBed belo«^w:e always cttriedin stock.

DAIRY FEEIDS •• I .-f, r n enHR F>ied. Buffalo GhitoB FeAl, Cot-

Meal Corfay'a Dri>d Grains, Bran ami Kfaddfaifs. Also fMvTa

Big MutolMei

and Scliuniach«r CiJ£ MlaJfc 0 1 d - ? » e e »

H O R S E F E E D S ^ ^ eedt Emersid Feed Crackad Cwm.

Shelled Com, Coni» Oats and Bitrle^ FmtiAc L r-. . E^fam Hiiavy White Oal« - ^

PpUtTRV FEEDS ' Scrntrh FtTi*. <"''">, P^'ihry **••*» Atfatfa Meal. .Beef Scrapct M«ftt Mea l G c i ^ ^ t e d Bone, Grili OysterSheBa,

Water (kviidTaUe Meal aixlFl ^ TiBo^ aid Aiyia lay

If you carnwl come to see oa • • • the telephone or wite for quote-tfiSr ^B "gdera entmated to n> wfll rec^we piompt^and carelnl

Washington's Leading Store

•TFer C3Mna« GliM*y <—Sflwwar^ E t c

Oar •aprenney in the felknriaft lines h u been reeoeniaed for yean.

DependMUe qna&tiM, e^Nuriviriy lowee* prieM; w .THB BBifr

TabUGbMwu* Skh Cat GIM« TSiiet3«t» " " - ^ BMM u a CoMPtM WwM CiMfiBff DidM9.

-Ctefi^ DiiliAc—inrin ^HimnMti^ — : — -Patlov Lamp* rteAMi UUawil* BaArooM F U t i f i =• U d y ViMiOTatan. * e . -


Hway K. Held & Cc^ b n i i g ^ j M J e r i ^ i t e r ^ ^ FEED

MndbandBi Matenal

1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St. WAisMlNGTON. D. C.

man has, my dear, in which she does something else." '

That "something else" has to be dealt with in nearly every life.

"" ^hat istSeone fhingmbre^halT by hook or by crook, each of "us manages to crowd upon the mar gin of our programmes? The

If you wui t to get HCKKI r*!«ii4t* f r o m y o u r KuWiitg, try aopne of my flour:


(MSee: No. 115 N. Union Street, to. I l l N. Lee Street. ALEXANDRIA, VA.

JIIIY Gearance Sale Oar^emi-Annual July Clearance Sale wiM b e ; ^ X


W e w i U h a v e o o " ^ »?*• • ( '^^^Sj?! C E ^ j f big reductions. !>«»*» f « ^ « " Shoe S d ^ ^ K l e some big bargains if J<>S,^ ^ J ^ ^ Owing to Uck of «P«ce we w J y * y g ^ l g T S

1^ wdi pt*** ' "* *v£'i"!!"' E r s ^ ^ only giT«.us a look. W B M ' e • big let ef • • -

ion sale.

C A M P E R & J E N K I N S VLimann to Crigfcr A Camper Co.


sooiHERiriQiiLWinr nam F^m» w tw attni SC^HEDULE

^fapeffaet^ October 24r4Safi.j^

l—rini. "not ,

Tr-^.r:—j:;:r«,.«Mu- HI& MOTHER CAME FIRST 80C!raB0{JND

No. I»—Dsil; local, 8:30 •. m. Deliven eonaacHUn At Orsgge dsily ezMpt Snwla}- to

"lij-itO.toT OardonariUe »nri BJdinKmd. No. iS-^DsiW throagh trau for Chulaaeh

10:08 *. a "iU lAop at Miniwn OB Sa^. No.IJ—Exeapt&uuUj.loeel fron Wai^

lagtnn W »P«°'<»- 8:22 P. a . ^HoTlS^Daily local for VarmUoa, Char-fajttMTtUe atttlw«y«tatM»a«vll -p.-a^ PnB-

latiist play or • novel or crochet stitch? ^ The latest "iam" of philosophy o i ) ^ cnr ireKgion'The

FUbburyV ^ Hecker's -Senator .--^ TaMe Belle Prtiice WiUiani

V newest experiment in civics or education ? Or is it by chance a little space for friendly, old-time iKwpitality. for study nndertaken for the shear joy ot reaming, f^ neigli )oi|[ne8s.4jfbi: h<Mne.;time8 with your ownfatnily ? Is it not possible, indeed, that these thine^ arc the real boancss of life« and tiie fads bat tbeoeeasional "some-thmg dae? ''-Th«i3Coath'B Cmifc

While the mobilization of a cer­tain Illinois Je^iment was ooder way women in tiie pmons of relatives and friends''of the guardsnwia flocked tothegamt^ffl.

ma ?«lor C*f lu Wmwiua.' Me. 41—I>ul7 tlmMigli tiaia. 10;46 n.

mm to let off panBDganftOB "—'— •Bd AkKaadria and to take oa

4 to ffl>atm wltiuli eulieduledJajiaBr NOHraBOUKD.

1 Car Bran and mkBap

^BarrdsFlMr 100 Bosbeb Con lUUBasysthds SO BisyLWM.

Abo a full line of Staple and Fancy Grocenea. iJalHirigt

Maddox & Byrd East Center Sb^eet

He. 18—Exo^ &iDdv,loeal bum. War-

t S w e g U) vhttl each member the n^^ment.

-9r. to Wadbiagtoa, If l » * P a a j Juwigli m i l .JUMtrasr

CBirlda««*>n«.'~^af>eBr'Sr "» Wanentoa to Waahingtoo.

Nn.14—Daily fromHarriaoabary to Waah-9:47 a. m. Pollmaa Parlor CMT.

18 PailTleeali WO ^ . a . O e i i M f

such numbers that necessagy^ was bampered. Thor u^^U, It Is reported, tibe cokMid issaed Vo­ders that only one woman be al-

Just received some exqjjk ieotMA€KEi£L ^

X L. 5USH0NG TheflM»aiifriccrT :

Biker's e y S M lan« i .ya . II • I -faa •mmmm^^mm

One of thipjrqardsmen, not yet knoir i i^of the order. s w g o e c h e A t>w> «>aiwp in 'company w i t h his

^ 4

RaoaoaffPf-1oea) ttaia b»-laa awi^ Waak

i tn ia batia—M^ (Si-THHj thronj^ traia land WaMiBfttoB,fl:Z9B.

N«.3S—Dailj UinMu^ tma, liaafujt e a n f w Waduafffea aad NvvTqric,. 19:19 p. m., atnpa oa Sa«.

• *a amBowtp J* • Ho. 4»—OMIT loaal jot Harriaaabarg aad

ilaiiuediata ocnata, 9:40 a n Ho. S—IJaO* toeal to

-'K»i>.ir-R. H. COAPUAN. V. P. ud Gee. )tm.

Harriagahigij —jjj=

W e do P TAVI/MI- P . - T . . « . . l i p .

r. CAtr. GOT. Pm . WtafBtJBT, 0«a


ity gets down to fimdamentals, and when this i s dene mother

of4t. not bdieve that the


^ ^



^ n g s of L o v e ^ W a i r $^-00 Postpaid

Having determined to devote our whole time to the Real Estate and Insonmee husifiess. we hereby solicit all prupeity for sale and reqsest ^ose having^roperty to list the same with as promptly.

Wo p r u ^ n tn daal fairly wHk all aa4 w i l l v i ^ t l M bai iaan —r baat attaatiaa

V'Ar..^»»«» l o u m a 1 PublU hmg Conip*ny.M*na»«a», Va.


TelegFaph and Tele LlCtUltdi i1VUU5

C. J. MEETZE & CO. om<«:tt.<.c.a«iUiB« M— V*.

I KMM Poiea and PSBng for whidi we pay catsb.

i . LTNCB a CO.,

v^ Maaaisa*. Virpni*

mother, a sister and hia fiancee. The sroard stopped the party and

W a p W e a l k r

ffiA tmumtm kre jsa CM HtbetsscardUikitAeU •fneatjNbu- lUmpip-d^ canilv Mat tssi kcsniei

veaOer ail ii jsri ss nstk

. I*faslf««il ifat i c ^ H asi fOftttf cans

TK. ffcndieiieqaddhntt

sternly askfed WHO llHl wmiwu w c i e . W h e g ' t i ^ b e ansifered:

"Yoa eairtake in cmly <ne. It's . ap tfrypo to chooee."

The yoanfr man hxdced for a momept a t t h e three and then said. 'T lo ther ."

WKiHi w«f i« m t ^ air hnman-

Jl M l j9m iMI f 9 S ^ ^ ' e r a i i ihe kUtit iralker.

w o r s e -chosen

hesbaad than if hia sweetheart. A man

who can appMtiMA Ml BOtlwr may be expected to take good car^ of his wife.—Ex.



wfc jSfcy^ G.

Ov nirisc asd • * • " ? " f j ^ tares ii MfiwtJ W M " * •*

to PQ a hi| price fw NT |ss4 Mfk. U « l i f e JM as otiMii


fOSffliDERS o u

Horse Tome Of Oar dwa F«Bida b

liJttl^ THEIIESB gnnr TO THf BiK

JUA -'

SOclb PrinfpWaiiam Pharmacy

Manawsi, Virtioia


Rev. A'. L. Nat'i \v\\\ preach in the Bnocirt Ouurch on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.

The haagjoiTif residence of Mr. F. B. Price, sr.T j!i~ritfarly com-plwtrtri. J_

The Field Day given at Waver-ley iainis under the auspices of Bull Run Camp, No. 12603, Mod-«rn Woodoien. or Apieiicai xirew a large attendance.

Mr. C. C. Retaf&rd, of Here­ford, near Wellington, is slop-pins: in Haymarket, having re^^ ea - - ^ ^ ^ V , , - - . pktl 01 llie DuOtl place ffom Mr. A. C. Doyle.

Mr. W. W. Butler has rented

Lane, of GatDesville, who took possession the first-of the week.

A nufflher of Haymarket people wen; disappointed thai tlie trav« elipy show troupe failed to give

Miss Hattie Davts, who has been visiting her mother, has re-

I turned to Washington. I Mr. and. Mrs. EL IL Williams and- 4w J 4augfaUr« - have—been

I visiting Mr. and Mrs.JT. B. Beach, I in Fantprier county.' =^—^-^-j Misses Myrtle and B e a t r i c e Abell a r e visiting relatives in

I W a s h i n g t o n .

Mr. W. R. AbeJ visited Mr. Grover^belljdonday^at Graham Park.

Mi«s Julia Cato.of Mount. Staf-ford county, is the guest of her

the week's entertainment, as ad verdsed. ,A misunderstanding of the Haymarket tax caused the change in i an.


Many Haymarket folk attend­ed the Warren ton horse show yesterday.

Miss Nelle Cross, of Fairfax, is visiting Mrs. C. L. Rector. - Miss Margaret—Paroono and Masters William and Robert Par-sons have returned to their home in Washington, after spending Home Limn wlih'LhHir fHudmutfa' er, Mrs. J. S. Paraons.

Mr. S. T. Mathews, of Areola, is spending a few days at Mr. G.-E. Ameirs. 7 >

Mr. and Mrs. Wi-T.-Mayhugh, and~Mrs.~Manuel, of Baltimore, motored from Washington. Son-day, spending the day in 'Baf' market at the home of Mrs; R. L. Shumate. >

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jor­dan, their nephew Richard, and Mrs. J, W. Bell retarned, Son-day, from an aato iS^p to Natu'

sister, Mrs. C, C. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galaski. of

xpen.! Sunday altft'iftK^^alMki'a umJe. Mr. F.-Abell.

Mrs. E. B. Anderson and chil-dren visited Mrs. Nora Davis Tuesday —Mra. Georgg Atcai86n and daughters are visitii;ig Mrs. Atch ison's mother-in-law, Mrs. Atch­ison, of Stafford.

Miss Gertie Tapscott is ill oi typhoid fever. / BBOWN SYSS.


The Civic and School Improve­ment Lea^e will hold its month-ly meeting at the schoolhouse on Friday, September 1, at 8 p. m. The commiCtM ill th&te^ is eom-posed of Misses Elise Dulin and M a m i a M n l U «n<i M r T F Cotyk-

eritie. The progrua followsr fnyET.-rrrrr. Trzrr.-: rRer. i . &. CcK^e Violin SOo ...........Un. (^. 3. Sharp BuBine«i', 7.r Choras AddreM. Mr. McDonald B « i K k ^ - — : - - ~- - "' : • • Sok) . . . . . . . . . - . . - , . - . • -Mr. Robt. Foley Dialotfae"^" ~". "^"^

iTil BridBB, DmvillB, and uUwf points, reporting a ptetaaht trip.


Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S^:ar, of Sherwood Forest, Fredericks-burg. with Mr. and -Mrs. Banatst Hinkle and son. of Ardmore, Okla.; Mr. Rob^ iStfterorAjk^ ansas; Mrs. C. M.. Harrison, Mrs R L. W. Green, Mr. Leitch Se-gar and Miss Anne Hercy, of Fredericksburg, are guests at the home of Misft Hulfish. The par­ty tg en roabs to Lursy, Lexing-ton, Berryvilk, Natunl Bridge, and other points m tfae,5benan^ doah Valley.

Mttsiod I > u e t . . . . U . . . . . . . . G . A. Wood Solo •••••••" -Misa Fannie KalU The Rural Wedcly. edited by

Mesan. J. L. Mayhogh and R. L. ElUa Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . MissJiary CockerUle Recitation...;..,.Miss Xaabiel Thomton SQIQ, . . . . . . . . ...-.. .".Mr. Robt Poky Band•. ."

BARN DESTROYED BY F^sT Duffag thesterpa en W Etesr

day, ligblaingisbmck the bam of Mr. J. T. Spittle, and bun ani cuntenta were totally destroyed. The .loss was partiy covered,by insuifwee.

last week, created no little excite-mee/k:—The viotorioiig oandidata was Miss iGrace H^tzdaw. who won by fi majority of 5,000,000 votes, add i;e(xived a pretty ring. -Mr.C. EiT Wood, of Wasbiag. ton, who is revering tnw y p i m H i r i t i a , IH w^w»Hdin(f anwift

Miss Alma Brady has retomed from a visit of several weeks to friends and .pelatives at Green-wicK.

Mr. Ludea Payne was the gu^t^TEu tnotber. kr. GeMge

" Payne, near Bri8tDw,-8asdaiy: ~ Mr. Joha Gin made a

trip to Fairfax Coortbooset Toea-day. ' ^~~

ntvtwvnt p

Mr. E. S. Hoon has been nade principal of the fniMie sefaoel atfagr ^ " ^ ^ Nokesville. Mr.Rbode8.of Rock ingham county, a nephew of Mr, Frank R6oaai.!um6W!mBCBtgt

time at bis ome here. We are glad to note chat HE*

J. W. Kidwell, wbo-lias been on the sick list for the psst oHmtli, jB stowing aume lHHiwveuteotr~



Mr. Moran, of the Young Men's Christian Association, made a very interesting address. Sun­day morning, at the Presbyte­rian Sunday School bringing out the points,of the lesson, and cit­ing their application in a very understanding manner. Dr. Fris-toe gave an excellent sermop, Sunday evening, in the Baptist Chufchi his subject being the unselfish example drChrist^s life on earth. His -text.wan taken|ning8 from Mark 10:45.

The Baptist Sunday School g a u o \tti ttnnni^l pjpnic, W e d n g g -

Tte field day held last Thurs-day by Stonewall Council, Order Fraternal Americans, was quite a guccess. The day was ideal, a large crowd was present, and ererykhirtg-passed off nicely. As

1, if turned out to be a base-all day instead of a field day. The frst game between Green­

wich and Catharpin was won by Catharpin, 9 t« 8. Ellis started for Greenwich and after two i«-

I relievfed by Reid. who held Catharpin down for the rest of the game. Goode twirled for Catharpin. and held the heavy-Sitti ng GreenwrehTeSm tteWH" the time. A home run drive by

day. on the schoolhouse grounds. The Woman's Missionary Soci.-

etf of the, Presbyterian ChurehJGharles Caton was the ^^ture of will meet at the church, Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, with Miss Rosamone Burke, leader. Sub-ject, India.

MO'TOK TO Mr. and Mrs.

Rev. and Mrs. W Mr. D. W. Buckley and family motored to Warren ton, last week, to attend the meeting 0)f the Potomac Baptist Association. V Mrs. Gibson Kemper has ^ w n a muskmelon weighing 7 pounds 5i ounces, vwhich nnist be. the champion of it kind. —Misses Margaret and Elizabeth

WAKKKNTOW: W. H. Mathers.

L. Naff,/and

Detwiler have raised in their club tomato plot one tomato w;eighing two pounds. These two young Jadieo have been catining aatte**"' sivejy during th^ sumnD ri Mrs. W. B. Doak and her daogbl^ also iiave ^ been canning: e ften-

Mrs. Smith,'whohasbeen.quite iB, is improving; ":" ' '

VISrroRS FROM GERMANY. Bf. Bad MTK Yorkr"of: Ger-

many. are stopping^at Mr. W.A Richards'.

Miss Mary Cboglass^sp^nt-the week<end in Clifton.

Messrs. Hall and Green, of Occoqjimj spent Sunday here. uumliiK uvy by naioimrtiiltu .—-

Misses Sara and Mafy Fergu-Bt»1XfaTri«Cdi%ied fh>m' their Visit and Misaee C%ristiae and ^eaipr Ferguson w BOW eBpoying^m outing. /' '-' :

The aanoal assodation of :the Primitive Baptist Chnicb." e ' ored, dosed here Swutay. Large ddegations were in attendlance.


Tba Presbyterian" ministers. Rev. J. R. Cooke, of Ogocnwiebr and Rev. W. R. McElroy, anevan-geKst, wno have been conduetiny sarvices here for two weeks.

Miss Mae Hboqo, who spent tfae~|»sr mimth in ffashiimUnr

atiechanctomedtolicj JMP^M were given fif ifm* here,

Misa Nellie Gnmt. of WmgHF tonrD. C, is vmiting friends and relatives iii out feiia.

Misses Garrte-and Virgmia Lee attended the LoodeBncMapme^

Capt. J. ^ FuUotott has re--tomed to his home in (^nge, where Mr8.-FttMi

principal, bat bis- aoeeptanee of the count of his service on the border as a member of the state militia. Thp school September 18.

The Sandayfscbool outing' of the Brethren Choreh was held yesterday at Mr. Shepherd's place near NokesviUe. A iai^e number of people attended.

Mrs. Dan McCarthy and her

hioi tMnorrow.

aon went to Waohington Wednss | day. Mrs. McCarthy is hwwf treated by a Weebingtoo i^yn-cian.

Miss Christine Hedrick is im­proving slowly.

Ilaltsclaw-tyd Mary Thompson spent Monday night with Mn. H. W. Wood.

been 4 guest at The Urove, is visiting retatives in Al«tao-dria.

Mr. G. H. Washington spent

attar an all-day serviee onl'tieiP day "folded tiheir tents like the Arabs, ^md as sSently s tde away." "~ ~~ ~"

Sddom has a commonity tite OMxtftUttHy (tf heariag web la-atotiM.'ivft »3uA

'H^game The afternoon game between

Manassas and Catharpin was won by Manassas,-the twiiHug fui Mammug; an< was caught by Ritenour from Greenwich. Pearson deserved to win, but his support failed when most needed. The game was feat­ured by the heavy hitting. Caton and Lyniv both perished at hcune trying to stretch a triple into a h<Mne run.

BULL RUN DEFEATED. Two of the Catharpin team,

with seven subs, motored _ to Mountain View. Saturday, and


You are cordially invited to at­tend the meeting at Bayfield school on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of organ­izing this community for social and moral iiplift and community progresji.

The following program will be-given:

Guitar and violin duet—Mrs. S. R. Lowe and Mr. L . ^ . Merrill.

Paper, **Why W e Need ^t League'' —Miss Annabel M^BHU.

Sblo—Miss Rae Luck. Address- Mr. J. H. Montgomery Solo-Mrs. Myrtle Heck. Address— Superintendent 0. R.

McDonald, -rlwtrumental aalaction. '..^^^^

defeated the Bull Run team, 21 to 3. The game was called in the ftpyht.h i n n i n g wi^h- nn lv onft niit

Oil Catharpin. to^low the boys' tegetliomein time to milk. l%e features were the battery woric of F. Ellison and W. Hoffman for Catharpin and the heavy batting. m m^-wrhnte twtwrwhifth rlM>l»lcw ^

four pitchers out of the box. C\9rw€^T y.lWnnn —ViftA fiitrhfy-inHir

strong with the bat, making a Mrae ro^^ doable, and a single. J ,

On Tu^ay, tlie hottest day of tbe year, Catiiarpin defeated J kymarket, 13.to8. Hayaiaritet bad'five from Groonwiebt oae Uasf^ Manassas, one from Gtfnes-yflie, one fiU} Hij tiiiu'Het, iand a C'pitcber from Pennsj hrania.' B t it was idl the same to oar lwya» as they all look aUke~to theA>, eqjMciaUy Ward and Ijh"^ wbo got four bite each. EUu and U; i'attie gotHE^ee eaSET Pearson pitched exee^tion^ly good ball. —— —,


Dr. C. F. Brower sfid E. N. Puttie motored to Washington, M^d8yr~^ir~{nw~SOiom8 ~de-fefit Washington. . _ '

lliss Marjnrjfi Brower has re» turned from a wedt's visit to tbe Hiiises PriQirl ndu^Hyattaville, Midland.

JIany iWade from Catharpin at* attending the eami aeeting at Benton's woods.

kiss 6^'Hedbor. of ffiviu^

Mr. McElroy. Om deserves apb-eial meatioB.—Tho oabjcet was

Effison visited at tfae Iwai* of Amoriea, the Modem Land of _ ^r jwed PJ>onrJ>eotcg;||t^ »j;ia wedc.

Mwmy agJl'lSL He drew many . . ^ Mr. P. S. cucBpafiwiM aiid laaoas ta GodY ~i^^^ Wednesday-dealings with the ancient iMid of. promise and with America, -the noodem iand of t 'omise, each being a land God has chosen

progress. He urged upon his hearers to

1 hf TirtfaTftk? t" *\\^ TH'I 'd duty 1. spiritual and temporal; else, "as

Misfc NeHie HOUW. of Al visiliuK fiiends in Qreenwieli.

an eagle stirreth;ap her nest," so would God rob as of our supposed security, and through pain and anguish force us to duty and obe-

Tuesday evening at The Hermit- dience. age. —;;—j—Tliia sermun abounded iu many _ Mr.^. DrKidweU. of W ton, visited liere Sunday.

forceful lessons from histpry, ith tnod«»m anM wnffiAnf, mauK



Mr. R. t . Hayes, of Marshall, MissesIBessie and Luhi Written l i ^ been visiting his uncle, Mr!

nf Rnatflw.. wererecentgueataof;R_ R- Hayes. Mr. Hayes plans Mrs. Benjamin Harpine. ^ ,^^g j^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ , ^ ^^

Mr. G. W. Quann, of Mine Run, \ tend the Baptist Theological Sem viiiited friends here Taesday and i imty ai Loulyvlllg. Ky.

tamped the speaker as a man of Wisdom and learning. —M:—

Mrs. J. T. Bean and Mrs. H. A. Shoemaker were taken to a WaaiiinfEton hoepita) on Wednes­day. .^


The public schools of Occoquan

€fltad^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Triplett,

t b ^ tw« WtA. Ud m» Kiode

.Talk on league work-Mr. Gea G. Tyler.

Organization of league. mseting io intcndodj

to be the beginning of a work that will confer bepefits on all in the community, the presence of every one is desired. Especially are those interested in community pK rress orged to be present «>d to be ready to I nd their assist­ance.

BALL GAME TOMORROW The Independent Hill baseball

team will gi e a picnic at tbe Hit!**- Saturday after upon for


REAL ESTATE Under and by viriue of & c«rtaiu d««d oi

tru»t eiectited on tbe ISth day of Jaouarr, 1914, recorded in D. fl. 64, pp. 407-8, W Katie H. Wine and huslJaiMl to serdre certain DOtea therein iully deacribed, in the paymeat of wbicD Mid note« deuolt has been mad*, tbe undeniKQcd trustee therein n^med, htt-ing been so requeated \>y tbe beoeticiaiy named in aaid tmat, will offer for «ale at public suctioD to the higheat bidd«r on

Saturday, September 9,191&_ at Vi.S)'tliK^, ni-> injront of the Peoples N»- . tional Bank, in the Town of Vaaaeaas, Printe William County, Virpini*, all thoae twocer-tain tracts or parcels of lands, cootainisg respectively 42 acres and \2 acr«s, a<ore or less, lying and beiu^ situate in Coles Diatriot, if ' ' • ' " ' ] • •"'' ''**'• *"'< -/JH-i-n «t]T lands of K. Keys, B. W Storke, Wnght and others, contaiaiBg, more or leas.


^ 4 J V C B € S ^ Tbia property baa nice bnildinK npon it

and shonld be inspected before day of sal*. TEEIMS—CASH

L. U. PiTTlE, Anctioneer. 8-11-61



the benefit of the teann—A-ganie between the local team and the Neabsco nine will be a feature of the afieriioon. in additi«fl ftCh-ietic eventS'Will beriTe]4snd re­freshments served. Come oat and show your loydty to the home team by helping to keep it trDm^"goiiig in the bote;''

Mr. Ma3c Weber was the vititiiu of jrhat might have been a seri­ous acodent ~ Saturday wliile ilireshing at Mr. Mike Gaba'i

«i 3 D'alaafci p. nVTa Scat cf th> Haalmt Nokearflle. prince WiiliamCkHta^.Virgiiua, . all that oartain tot or parcel of land,.with all improrements thereon, lying and being nto-ate in Nokeavilla, oo HaoroB atraet waid S V B -iaary aT«mie, and known as the Myen pwp-tttfi and where the said Jno. C. GordoB recently resided, and .being a lot

1 0 0 Fr .X155-FT.

^ He was standing a short distrace from the engine when thewkter glass burst and a portion of it struck the back of his Inmd, cat' ting a deep g s ^ i^nt aid was rendered and the—bleeding stepped . • AT adiio 'aMMBBtouDt' has not beMi meotioneid in JouSNAL lA \that of Miss Webef, who-«rin teach at Ridge; —


Mr. and Mra. ited Sonday at the J. A. Hill. „ A revival duoted this


Mrr aearviee is beii week by BRV.

i^xey in the Hall. Miss Rose linton spent several

days this week at "Locust l . * Wr thy home of hor'uneloy ME

Retzer. - -Superintendent Chas. R. Mc-Donaki met with- the Coles dis-trot school board at Smithfield

Under and' by Virtae of itwrtain deed of trust dated April 9,1918, reconied in D. B. 63, pp. 3Sfl-6, eieoaleff"by .luo. C. Qordoa and wife toaecar* certain ind*btednesa there­in mentionad and endenoed by two notes, in tbe payment, of both of which defaolt liaa been made, the andersigned tmatee therein named, at the iwqaeR of tb« bnelleUriM, is mm punuaiiue uf saiu tiuat, will uBtir fur ll«l» i t public auction to tbe highest bidder on

Tuesday, September 12,1916

This property has a nice dwelKng npc* it and alhontbaildinas. -""^TMMS-SeASE ~ " ^

B. THORNTON DAVIES, Trustee. ~^rT. K u i n , AnctioBs^r 8^11 5t


^REALESlAiL 'OnderlMid bv virtae of • i w ^ e t tnwt

exeooted (17 W. r.jutd Katie H. Wia»an the 1st day of Apdt. 191:2, recorded in deed V iwok « , page iti in the tstnHcV o f i n tf PfiiHW WJUam Cuimty, Virginia, t» a oemin note therein folly described, wftik~ ialereet, in the payment of whiob note and inisrest 4e te i t hasbtHn made," the ,'nndsir ' rijtBtd tnutw theielfl bAmed, in puBuaoe*' ot said trtist a ^ at the reoneet of the bea»-Saaij tfaeion named, will oSei for sale At: pubDe auction to the highest bidder on

\ ^

SaturdlAy, September 9»- 19I<^ of th«P«^4**^ of ManaMii,

all tfcW"

scbotfl 4m Toefldfty nMMnliiz to consider matbns 'velatxi« to that scho^

A hirthday party was given Miss Anna Woolfenden, of £6|;HP< Toeeday evening. Thoee present

lat 12n£o'c la^ National BaA, in . Vriaee Wahan-flfeinlj. Viraiuia, all I oertun tract or parael of lanC known aa Ae' Findi land, lyiiu and being utaate in OoUa* District, afbnaaid cwnty mi. state, adjoin­ing the Jandaot JSl H TTnTi... Thoa. i l e i sk don, L. C. LoWe, JeweU, Heradoa itiid otk«n»

ftwn—this—neigbbqf •w«e • .^ a.^ r B- X " Misses MyrtI* and Dorothy Mer-

yi^ted Mra. U K . l ynor TIU and' iM'tta Uplou, Mrs. Myr-^ tie Heck and Messrat Paul Grotf,

Mc W. 2 . DowDSr who-has ben very ill, is better now.

Mr. R. & Downs Is spending thi> Amfin Mann««—

CANOVA An ice cream social and cake

gneggfng contest wilt be beW SiP

the home of Mr. T. M. RoaselL The ladies are requested to bring a cake, a pie or a box.

Everybody ia invited. Tbe pto-ceeds are for the b«)efit of Weed-bine Baptist Cbtwch.

Mrs. D.C.Clineand her mother. E TT tTo-ira

or HMMIMU mL Gtcka F n t e e -Battle Street, MaaaMOr Va.

Tuesday, August 2 9 . 1 9 1 6 Commencing at 10 O'cloct. A- IL. . Household and kitchen fumi-

N O T I C E T O C O N T R A C T O R S Tries.'are visiliug Russell and Mrs. Posey.

Mr. andMts. Henry Ouram, of Jersey City. N. J.; Mrs. Harry Gereke and her little childnrr. Harry and Rufh, Mr. Charles

_ ^ ^ Edward Ouram, Mrs. William fTTBtTTft" gg •pah in aeTnTInwinB tFtKnrier. Mtd MWWAT>«* Ft«T><4«»rg j tTiT» mmCT ing of larRG cooking : of Gainesville, on order: | all of Philadelphia, are ^Dending] stove. 3 heating stovef, three-i ^ ' ^ "^ *P*< 'fications ran

Charles Linttm and Leslie Merrill. Mr. E. D. Merrill spent Snn sy

with lb. .Wm. Retzer at '^JjxiaA Hill."

Mrs. Myr^ Hedc. Mna Elsie Otaef and Messrs Paul Groff and Walto- Woolfenden enjoyed a Sonday outing at Occoquus, vis­iting the Distriet Workhouse and attending preaching services tkece. f^-—Muss.


UviBg-is^ted. W. W. Butler's Wagon Repair Shop I am pre­pared to do all kindJs of Rehir­ing in the BBST POSSIBU: MANNER AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES.

wiiiliaiiiirm, Muwml 131 Acres,2 RoocU, 10 Poka

TERMS—CASH. Tbe note secured thta tjuat ia aBbiMt ta >'W*ditrte>Vii>g" tiheraoD the snsi of fSSe. with ittl«m«tfaMk Fctarouy 1,1014.

g^THOBMTON OAVag> Twatae. L. B. Pa*m, inetioMer. ft 11 -At

Wan iii^er has g«me iq^ 25 per yeiiit Hf* WuAt our stock before the rise tmcLAre seUing at die dd price. Com* at one* iC you need paper -^ U g Q i B g f a s t

fwte sWJPaiHritoggr mm-

R e c t o r & Cow H A Y M A ^ E T , VA.




Prompt and satisfactory s«r-vice. Hearst fuynUk^J (t» Any u»y reasonable disUnce

Wednesday, ^^' W;,,;'.nilT

Mi as Ray Fairbanks will spend . s '""''

Monday.SeptemberlS—^thd, |some- time at Miss Flanders' burner oil stove, bookcase, wurd-jhtro^ ""• woqwan and W»odb»idge)WMntr?r piaca naar Canowa. lnetxK Kitohon oabinot. iron bed. i llaymmrk; Oeeoqw

.Bids will be reeetvei by the ScJflb Board of Gainesville District No. 4 until noon Friday, August 25, 1916, for the erection and completion of a two-rooia •ehoof baildHi;;. s»id building to ~>» erert«i on North Fork, one mile west

ihtt iM turn pike. ht' seen by

L. Sander*. ( :i'rk. r,«t«^ a.. 'T R. .\ K,,?- , ..ii.rman.



AiJen, -r.. .las a ^nrrt time trith relatives at'p.a. maav September 25—Bacon rv pw and c o l o r e d

Mr. . R. lx)we has Durcna.«;ea i oak bea and other smaller articles i time :n w.-r- -n , •> • ,,.. • t^^fn. - 1 iverlar.d toiH-ing car from the j too numerou.- t. mention. plet. N . , . serves

riand Manassas .Motor Com-1 TERM. . . .• r. f - . - -

top related